Simple techniques to improve sperm quality

Methods to improve sperm quality

Spermogram is an analysis of seminal fluid, which shows the degree of fertility of a man, that is, the possibility of becoming a father.
The quality of sperm is affected not only by diseases of the genital organs, but also by factors such as food, lifestyle, stress, and bad habits. In case of serious pathologies, the andrologist will help you choose effective medications; in other situations, everything depends on the man himself.

It’s worth understanding in more detail how to improve your sperm count and become healthy.

Spermogram with sperm morphology according to Kruger

Price 2500 rub.

Address: Moscow, Begovaya st., 7, Begovaya metro station

Make an appointment by phone: +7 495 199-7554


Causes of morphological disorders

Poor sperm morphology occurs under the influence of one or more provoking factors:

  • bad habits - regular smoking and drinking alcohol,
  • exhausting physical and mental stress,
  • poor diet or poor nutrition,
  • varicocele,
  • physical inactivity,
  • acute and chronic STIs,
  • strong feelings and prolonged stress.

In order to prevent further deterioration of the morphology of the spermogram, it is important to visit a urologist-andrologist in a timely manner and undergo comprehensive diagnostics and treatment. These measures will help restore the normal qualitative and quantitative composition of the ejaculate and improve fertility.

Recommendations for improving spermogram

In many cases, to restore fertility, a man only needs to change his lifestyle. Don't know how to improve the quality of your spermogram ? Just follow these tips:

  • Stressful situations can reduce sperm quality, so you should try to keep them to a minimum. Slow down the pace of work and take time to rest and relax.
  • Quitting drugs, alcohol, nicotine. To improve the analysis, it is enough to minimize the intake of these substances into the body.
  • Normalization of weight. Excess body weight negatively affects sperm motility and count. It is necessary to switch to proper nutrition, giving up sweet, fried and fatty foods, drink at least 1.5 liters of mineral water daily, and increase physical activity. Remember, excessive physical activity can lead to undesirable consequences.

All types of ejaculate analysis:

MAR test is the main method for determining the immune factor of infertility. EMIS—assessment of sperm functional pathology. Sperm biochemistry - allows you to adjust nutrition to improve sperm. DNA fragmentation - evaluation of DNA helices.

Phone for registration: +7 495 199-7554

For prices for other ejaculate tests, see the Prices section.

  • To improve your sperm count, you will need to reconsider your wardrobe: underwear should be loose and made of natural cotton.
  • Regular sexual intercourse not only improves the quality of sperm, but also increases the possibility of conception.
  • If you have a sedentary job, you need to take regular short breaks to prevent compression and overheating of the testicles.
  • When planning a pregnancy, it is better for a man to avoid visiting saunas and baths, because high temperatures negatively affect spermatogenesis.

Products to improve sperm quality

According to the results of numerous studies, nutrition can influence the composition of seminal fluid. That is why, to normalize sperm count, experts recommend consuming the following products:

  1. Garlic. Contains large amounts of selenium, vitamin B6 and allicin. The product helps increase libido and appetite, protects sperm, strengthens the immune system, and improves blood circulation.
  2. Bananas. The product contains vitamins B1, C, A, magnesium, proteins. These substances can increase sperm synthesis. It also contains bromelain, which is responsible for sexuality and masculinity.
  3. Avocado. Contains a large amount of vitamin E and folic acid, which affect sperm motility, regulate the functions of sex hormones, and increase sexual appetite.
  4. Tomatoes. The vegetable is rich in lycopene, which can increase sperm production and sperm motility. Thanks to regular use, it allows a man to normalize his sperm count. Lycopene is also found in watermelon and red grapefruit.
  5. Pumpkin seeds, nuts. The product is rich in zinc, which maintains testosterone levels and activates sperm production. The seeds also contain omega-3 acids, which normalize erectile function.
  6. Oysters. Nutritionists recommend consuming only 15 mg of the product daily to restore sperm quality.
  7. Pomegranate. This fruit will be useful for men who have low sex drive and erectile dysfunction.


Every man can improve his sperm count. Simple recommendations will change your life for the better and restore men's health. The main thing is to contact a specialized medical center and conduct a correct diagnosis.

What does a spermogram show?

Every man interested in his health should periodically examine the seminal fluid, not only when infertility occurs, since it is the spermogram that shows what exactly is wrong with a man’s ejaculate. Based on comparison with the norm of spermogram analysis, the specialist determines the diagnosis, treatment tactics or measures for the prevention of male diseases.

Before analyzing pathological abnormalities, you need to know what a good spermogram looks like and what results are within the normal range:

  • the volume must be more than 2 ml;
  • the number of sperm per 1 milliliter is more than 20 million;
  • acidity level in the range from 7.2 to 7.8;
  • color milky, white, gray;
  • the presence of lipoid bodies in the spermogram;
  • the percentage of motile spermatozoa moving directly is more than 25%, from 25% are sedentary with a straight direction, less than half should be sedentary chaotic spermatozoa, and less than 10% are immobile.
  • there should be more than half alive;
  • pathological cells no more than 20%;
  • lecithin grains in the spermogram;
  • There should be no agglutination.

If the concentration of pathological forms in the spermogram is exceeded, it is necessary to find out the cause of their deformation. The etiology is extensive - sexually transmitted diseases, bad habits, diseases of the genitourinary system, and so on. This condition may be permanent or temporary. The most common option is pathology of the head in the spermogram.

The appearance of blood in the spermogram may indicate inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, von Willebrand disease, amyloidosis, urethral stenosis, thrombocytopenia, leukemia, hypertension and other diseases. The doctor will determine further diagnostic tactics.

The gluing of spermatozoa is described in the spermogram as aggregation. The causes of this process are inflammatory diseases of the urinary system and genital organs.

What does a spermogram look like under a microscope?

Make an appointment with a doctor

Menshchikov Konstantin Anatolievich

Urologist, andrologist, genital surgeon

Opening hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

9.00-20.00 no reception 9.00-20.00 no reception no reception 9.00-20.00 no reception

Experience 20 years

Dmitry Vadimovich Tikotsky

Urologist, andrologist

+ Make an appointment with a doctor

How to take a spermogram correctly

Sperm is collected by withdrawal or, more commonly, masturbation at home or in a medical facility that accepts tests.

There are several extremely important rules for how men take a spermogram:

  • be sure to follow the rules for preparing for the test;
  • use a medical condom for collection (can be bought at a pharmacy or obtained from a laboratory);
  • the delivery time of the ejaculate from the moment of its receipt is one hour, no more;
  • transportation of seminal fluid should be at a temperature close to physiological - it is more convenient to keep it in the armpit or use a thermostat;

If the rules for taking a spermogram are not followed, the result will be incorrect, and then you will have to pay, prepare and donate seminal fluid again.

Make an appointment with a doctor

Dmitry Vadimovich Tikotsky

Urologist, andrologist

Opening hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

no reception 9.00-20.00 no reception 9.00-20.00 9.00-20.00 no reception no reception

Experience 15 years

Kalmykov Anatoly


+ Make an appointment with a doctor

Preparing for a spermogram

Before collecting seminal fluid, you need to understand what preparation for a spermogram is for a man and why it is so important. If the preparation recommendations are not followed, the quality of the ejaculate will change significantly for the worse, and the analysis will remain uninformative.

In the laboratory, the patient will be explained in detail how to prepare for a spermogram. To do this you need to exclude for 3-4 days:

  • alcohol;
  • stress;
  • smoking;
  • overheating in baths and saunas;
  • taking a number of medications;
  • drugs;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • exhausting physical activity.

All of these factors reduce the quantity and quality of sperm in the spermogram - preparation for the analysis must be observed without fail.

Immediately before donation, you need to urinate and take a shower.

Spermogram morphology

The Kruger criteria were created to describe the morphology of the spermogram; the analysis norm looks like this:

  • sperm volume exceeds 2 ml;
  • sperm count is at least 20 million;
  • of these, a quarter are actively moving;
  • Among the motile cells, half or more move purposefully in one direction.

Morphology is considered poor if the number of defective sperm is exceeded. That is, many injuries to the tail and neck, and pathologies of the head have been described. The spermogram, or rather its morphological indicators, depends on many factors. And if you exclude negative factors from everyday life, you can see from the dynamics of the analyzes how the morphology and other indicators of the spermogram will improve:

  • addictions – taking drugs and alcohol-containing drinks, smoking;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • psychological stress;
  • sedentary, motionless lifestyle;
  • sexually transmitted infections and other inflammatory diseases of the urethra and prostate;
  • untreated varicocele;
  • wearing compression garments.

Where to take a spermogram

In order to find out where a spermogram is done, you can call the nearest clinical diagnostic laboratories.

But, as you know, the quality of analysis performed by different laboratories may differ. Therefore, it is better to consult with your doctor and ask where it is better to take a spermogram test and which clinic the specialist trusts more, based on his experience.

When deciding on choosing a laboratory, you also need to take into account how long it takes to take a spermogram and to which city the ejaculate is taken.

If it is difficult to decide on the choice of laboratory, you can compare the prices for a spermogram in different clinics and find out where it can be done cheaper.

Reviews from those who were able to improve sperm morphology

If certain conditions are met and after treatment, the spermogram indicators in the sperm morphology parameter will improve. This does not always happen and not with everyone, however, you should always hope for the best. Reviews from men who have already become fathers indicate that the situation may become more positive.

Peter, Moscow: “When my spermogram showed poor morphological indicators, the andrologist said that this was not a death sentence. In most cases, this can be corrected, and if its cause is not a malignant tumor, then improvements can be expected (if all instructions are followed, of course) literally within six months. If the cause is still a tumor, then the treatment will take a little longer, but there is still a chance of success. I had chronic prostatitis - after I cured it, my morphological indicators “soared” up.”

Ivan, Kaliningrad: “Sperm morphology, according to the findings of the spermogram that I took when my wife and I were planning a child, showed a result below 7%. The andrologist said that there is no chance of natural conception, so it’s worth thinking about IVF. We contacted the Center, the doctor prescribed comprehensive conservative treatment (hormones, vitamins, physiotherapy), plus advised me to change my lifestyle (in my situation, the biggest problem was smoking). After just six months, the results changed for the better, and we didn’t need IVF.”

Vladimir, Moscow: “I heard from friends that when sperm morphology is poor, doctors usually prescribe Spermaktin and similar “chemistry.” When I myself encountered such a problem, I consulted with an andrologist, who recommended first taking a course of regular vitamins, and, of course, not giving up eating large doses of nuts, honey and seafood. The result was excellent - after 4 months of treatment, a pregnancy test was needed.”

Assessment of spermogram quality and its parameters

The volume of ejaculate is an important characteristic. Seminal fluid is necessary to protect sperm from destruction (it alkalizes the vaginal environment), and for successful fertilization, active sperm must have time to penetrate the uterine cavity. Normally, the volume of ejaculate should be 3-5 ml. If the indicator is less than 2 ml (oligospermia), then this may indicate hypofunction of the testicles and gonads and cause male infertility.

Ejaculate liquefaction time - this parameter is studied by determining the viscosity of sperm. Normally, the ejaculate liquefies in 10-40 minutes; if the process is delayed, this may indicate prostate pathology.

Sperm acidity may indicate initial problems with reproductive and sexual function. Normal pH level is 7.2-8.0.

Sperm count - this parameter has a direct impact on the quality of the spermogram. Normally it should contain approximately 20-120 million/ml.

Sperm motility is no less important than their concentration. Sex gametes are divided into 4 categories: A - fast linear movement, B - slow linear movement, C - circular movement, D - complete immobility. Normally, sperm of all categories are present in the ejaculate; with a high quality spermogram, A + B should be more than 50%, or A more than 25%.

Spermagglutination (gluing together of sperm) is a sign of a disorder of the immune system that affects sperm fertility.

Sperm aggregation - gluing due to the components of the ejaculate, does not affect fertility.

Antisperm antibodies are antibodies produced against sperm. They immobilize them and prevent fertilization. These antibodies can be formed in both male and female bodies.

All spermogram parameters change over time, so the quality of the spermogram can be influenced in various ways. In addition, to increase the objectivity of the data obtained, it is recommended to take the analysis twice with an interval of 2 weeks.

Prevention of male infertility

Prevention begins with regular examinations. This increases the chances of detecting incipient pathologies and timely eliminating them.

Parents of boys should remember that the child must be examined by a surgeon during childhood. This will avoid the occurrence of deviations in the form of cryptorchidism and phimosis.

You should also monitor your sex life more carefully. If you suspect a sexually transmitted infection, we recommend that you immediately undergo examination at a clinic.

In our clinic, you can take a spermogram and receive a detailed consultation with a urologist with an explanation of the morphology, and, if necessary, undergo timely treatment.

Interpretation of MAR analysis results

MAR analysis helps determine the presence of antisperm bodies in the ejaculate. They are a special type of protein. They are produced by the body itself. Their production is caused by bacterial and viral diseases, injuries to the genital organs, as well as malfunctions of the immune system when it begins to perceive sperm as foreign bacteria.

Antisperm antibodies include IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies. The presence of such antibodies disrupts spermatogenesis. They can connect with the sperm and prevent it from performing its function. These antibodies lead to a significant slowdown in sperm movement. The physical parameters of the ejaculate change towards worsening in the presence of these antibodies.

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