Do dietary supplements help improve vision? Which ones are better to choose?

The value of vision and the importance of support

The entire world around us is known through vision. A person receives 90% of information through the eyes. This is a unique gift of nature, which few people treat with care. Most people on the planet have problems with their vision. They suffer from dust, bright sunlight, radiation from screens, harsh winds, smog and smoke. Constant overexertion leads to the development of diseases.

The eyes, like all organs, need good nutrition. This will help maintain visual acuity, lens clarity, stable intraocular pressure and other characteristics. If you have to strain your eyes for a long time while working or playing computer games, then you need to thank them with healthy vitamins.

To maintain vision, you need lutein, vitamins C, group B and other substances. They are found in fresh vegetables, herbs, and fruits. But even after reviewing your menu, it is difficult to fill in the missing healthy elements with food alone.

Greenhouse growing technologies and long-term storage reduce the vitamin content of vegetables and fruits. To ensure your daily intake of nutrients, you need to eat several kilograms of fruit every day. Not every digestive system can withstand this. Dietary supplements come to the rescue. The small capsule is of plant origin and has great benefits.

No. 1: lutein

This is a beneficial substance for the eyes. It is initially present in the body, being the main pigment. Lutein density determines the quality of vision. It filters some of the sun's rays (the second name for the substance is “natural sunglasses”), allows you to see small details, and protects against free radicals. With age, the amount of this beneficial substance decreases. It is useful for older people to take dietary supplements with lutein, since it may not be absorbed from food.

Useful properties of lutein:

  1. protects against the development of cataracts;
  2. strengthens the retina and lens;
  3. reduces inflammation in the organ of vision;
  4. improves visual acuity;
  5. prevents the destruction of the macula.

It is necessary to use preparations with lutein for myopia, constant eye fatigue, diabetes mellitus, eye surgery, and age after 60 years.

As a preventative measure, lutein should be taken in courses for people who wear contact lenses, students, and high school students. For people whose profession involves constantly viewing information on a computer monitor or other gadgets (especially on small screens). Taking lutein will significantly reduce the strain on your eyes, which will help you avoid major vision problems in the future.

Lutein with Lutemax 2020 from Doctor's Best, 20 mg., 180 capsules

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A good quality product with lutein can be purchased from the well-known manufacturer of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, Doctor's Best. The drug is available in capsules. They are red in color, small in size, and easy to swallow. The manufacturer added meso-ceaxanthin and zeaxanthin to lutein. These are the same useful substances, they all accumulate in the retina.

The drug is taken as directed by a doctor or one capsule daily, regardless of meals. Lutein, together with other beneficial substances, will support visual function, absorb negative blue radiation, and help neutralize the negative effects of free radicals.

Solgar Lutein, 20 mg, 60 capsules

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Lutein capsules are produced by Solgar. Since 1947, it has been producing high-quality vitamin supplements and biological products with beneficial elements. The dark bottle contains 60 capsules. They should be taken one at a time daily or as directed by your doctor. It is better to combine the use of dietary supplements with meals.

Lutein from Solgar will help protect your eyes from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, irradiation from computer screens, and adverse environmental influences. With constant use, the retina becomes stronger, vision improves, and it becomes possible to see better at dusk. The development of cataracts and glaucoma is prevented.

What are lutein and zeaxanthin

Both components are pigments from the carotenoid group. They give fruits and vegetables their green, red, and orange colors. It is logical that these foods are recommended to replenish the body’s need for carotenoids.

But coloring the skin of fruits or vegetables is not the only function of lutein and zeaxanthin. This has been written about in detail in scientific literature and articles. Carotenoids act as a light filter, absorbing ultraviolet radiation, neutralizing its harmful effects. A part of the human eye called the macula has a similar property. This is a yellow spot that collects and focuses beams of light, and visual acuity directly depends on the quality of this process.

Carotenoids are important not only for the eyes, but also for the entire body. There are many carotenoids in the blood; the health of the cardiovascular system depends on the amount of pigment entering the body.

The substances are practically no different. Zeaxanthin is an isomer of lutein. For some, it is absorbed better. But in general the components are interchangeable. You can try different versions of dietary supplements with both substances to see which will have the best effect on vision and the whole body.

#2: goji berries

Goji berries are highly popular among natural healing practitioners. They contain a huge amount of vitamins in high concentration. This allows you to have a beneficial effect on all processes in the body. At the same time, the berries have a complex effect, so the positive results from their use are long-lasting and sustainable.

Goji berries help in the treatment of eye diseases, prevent vision impairment, and serve as a preventative against age-related disorders.

The antioxidant effect of taking medications based on unique berries allows you to protect the capillaries and retina of the eyes from damage and deformation. The active substances in the composition prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis and the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of retinal vessels. With regular use, blood sugar levels decrease and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus decreases. This disease often causes damage to the retina.

Anti-inflammatory and soothing properties help reduce eye strain and help relieve fatigue. Improving blood circulation helps in the prevention of ophthalmic pathologies.

Doctor's Best, Best Goji Berry Extract, 600 mg, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

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The well-known manufacturer of dietary supplements Doctor's Best has released a drug with Goji berry extract. They are produced in capsule form, approved for vegetarians. There are 120 pieces in a white jar. You need to take them on the advice of a doctor or 4 times a day, one at a time.

The extract of unique berries tones all systems, increases immunity, improves the functioning of internal organs, and has a positive effect on the eyes. The intake of a large number of vitamins helps restore visual acuity, improve the nutrition of the eyes, and the supply of oxygen to them. As a result, fatigue, irritation, headaches, and increased lacrimation disappear.

Navitas Organics, Organic, Goji Berry Powder, 8 oz. (227 g)

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Goji berry powder is produced under the Navitas Organics brand, a manufacturer of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes. It is sold in a waterproof bag as it does not tolerate moisture. The powder has a pleasant sweet taste and is approved for use by vegetarians. Does not contain milk or gluten, so it is not capable of causing unwanted allergic reactions.

When consumed, it can be mixed with drinks. The dosage is determined by the doctor, it depends on the purpose of use. Regular addition of Goji berry powder to your diet will enrich the body with essential vitamins and help maintain blood vessels in good shape.

The best eye vitamins for children

Eye pathologies are becoming much younger, and more and more children and adolescents are experiencing visual impairments. It is very difficult to completely overcome the problem, because various factors play significant roles here: ecology, high loads, nutrition, quality of rest. By themselves, eye vitamins for children are an insufficient treatment measure, but they can already preserve the quality of vision and slow down the development of pathologies.

Alphabet “Our Baby”

The unique composition of the drug allows it to be used by children under 3 years of age. It is produced in the form of sachets, which just need to be dissolved in water. The resulting drink is easy for a child of any age to drink. An important advantage of the product is hypoallergenicity. The composition does not contain preservatives, fragrance agents, dyes, etc. The ideal balance of components helps the child’s proper development and protects against many eye diseases (and not only).


  • improves sleep;
  • removes nervous excitability;
  • helps strengthen immune function;
  • completely safe composition.


  • some children do not like the taste of the drink.

“We decided to take vitamins for prevention; after all, it is difficult for a child’s body to cope with external irritants. We chose this complex because of its comprehensive effect on health and positive reviews.”

Price: 430 rubles.

Model name

Lutein Complex “Children’s”

Doctors recommend a complex for children to cover the deficiency of vitamins and microelements beneficial for the eyes. The drug is based on lutein (its derivative zeaxanthin), blueberry extract, taurine, lycopene, vitamins A, C, E, zinc and more. Experts confirm that the drug strengthens the eye vessels, has an antioxidant effect and has a positive effect on metabolic processes. It helps normalize hemodynamics inside the eye tissues, reduces the risk of inflammatory reactions and disease progression.


  • has proven itself to be positive in the treatment of myopia, dystrophic disorders and inflammation;
  • created taking into account the needs of a growing body for vitamins and microelements;
  • a rich composition that has a positive effect on other systems in the body.


  • quite a lot of contraindications.

“I have a bad girl in terms of nutrition, so I can’t force her to take regular pills. This is the only drug that my daughter likes; it tastes sweet and has a fruity aftertaste. With this dietary supplement we managed to stop the decline in vision.”

Price: 290 rubles.

Model name

No. 3: blueberry extract

The beneficial substances of blueberries actively affect the retina, can accumulate in the tissues of the eye, and stimulate blood circulation in the smallest vessels. These possibilities put blueberries in first place among berries in terms of their effect on the organs of vision.

The content of active substances anthocyanins in the berries allows you to stop pathological processes in the eyes. Against the background of diabetes and constant high blood pressure, changes occur in the retina. Anthocyanins can stop these complications of the disease and gradually restore vision.

In some chronic diseases, the production of tear fluid decreases or its chemical composition deteriorates. Against this background, the eyeball is poorly washed, the surface is deprived of natural protection, and is exposed to the negative effects of radiation, dust, and dirt. The use of blueberry-based dietary supplements helps prevent the development of dry eye syndrome, restore the composition of tear fluid,

Positive effects of blueberries on the visual organs:

  • improves blood circulation in the retina;
  • strengthens the retina;
  • maintains the necessary level of oxygen and nutrients in the cells of the organs of vision;
  • stimulates the production of rhodopsin, which is responsible for clarity of vision;
  • reduces the oxidation of lipids and cell membrane molecules.

Jarrow Formulas, Blueberry Grape Skin Polyphenol Complex, 280 mg, 120 Vegetable Capsules

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Blueberry capsules are produced by Jarrow Formulas. Its products are distinguished by their quality, which is why they are popular among customers. To the blueberry extract grown in Sweden, the manufacturer added an extract from the skins of red grapes. Such a combination of active substances will have a positive effect on the effectiveness of the drug.

The beneficial components of the dietary supplement will reduce the permeability of capillaries and ensure their elasticity. They will strengthen the retina, improve vision, and raise the level of oxygen in the blood and eye tissues. Take one capsule once or twice a day or as recommended by a physician.

Solgar, Blueberry Extract, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

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The well-known manufacturer of vitamin supplements Solgar produces blueberries in capsules. They are plant-based and suitable for vegetarians. The dietary supplement is in a dark glass jar. It is used for all pathologies of the visual organs for the treatment and prevention of the development of abnormalities with age.

The dietary supplement is recommended for people whose work or leisure time involves spending a lot of time near the computer, to relieve tension and fatigue. It will help people who constantly strain their eyes - drivers, welders, accountants, teachers. They can avoid the occurrence of occupational vision loss.

#4: Fish Oil, Omega 3 for Eye Benefits

Many beneficial substances can improve eye condition, including Omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids. They are found in avocados, fatty fish, and natural olive oil. Age-related changes in the organs of vision can be significantly shifted. You need to change your diet, increase your consumption of fish oil in its natural form or in the form of dietary supplements.

Impact of Omega 3 on vision:

  1. reduces the risk of age-related changes in the macula;
  2. prevents the development of vascular changes that provoke the onset of many diseases;
  3. reduces spasm of muscle fibers;
  4. relieves tension;
  5. protects the retina from inflammation and oxidative processes.

It is difficult to provide the body with useful unsaturated acids only from food. When taking dietary supplements with Omega 3, all the necessary substances will be supplied to the eyes. It is important to choose the right dietary supplements. Not all manufacturers have active ingredients that will help the visual organs.

Fish oil will have a positive effect on eye health in combination with vitamins A, D, E. Each will perform its own task:

  • Vitamin A improves blood circulation in small vessels, promotes twilight vision and prevents the occurrence of cataracts;
  • Vitamin E is an active antioxidant that helps fight age-related changes and pathological disorders;
  • Vitamin D is needed for complete and better absorption of fish oil.

ChildLife, Cod Liver Oil, Natural Strawberry Flavor, 237 ml

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A well-known manufacturer of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes offers cod liver oil to improve vision and brain function. The dark bottle, which protects the drug from the negative effects of sunlight, contains 237 ml. Designed for use in children, so strawberry flavoring is added. It will fight off the specific smell and taste of fish oil, which most babies do not like.

The manufacturer tests its products for contaminant content. Guarantees the absence of mercury, heavy metals, and toxins. You can take the dietary supplement from Child Life from 6 months. The dosage and regimen are determined by the doctor.

Solgar, Omega-3 EPA and DHA, Triple Strength, 950 mg, 100 Capsules

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A dietary supplement from Solgar can completely eliminate Omega 3 deficiency in the body. The drug contains three essential beneficial acids, which, when taken together, enhance their mutual influence. The drug is developed for adult consumers over 18 years of age. It is recommended to take one capsule daily with food or as recommended by a doctor.

The dietary supplement was produced from sea fish - herring, sardines, anchovies, mackerel. They were previously cleared of mercury. Vitamin E acts as a preservative.

California Gold Nutrition, Omega-3, Premium Fish Oil, 100 Fish Oil Softgels

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California Gold Nutrition, a well-known manufacturer of biologically active preparations and vitamin complexes, presents unsaturated fatty acids in its preparation. Gelatin capsules are packed in a white plastic jar of 100 pieces.

Omega 3 is produced from small fish with a short food chain - anchovies, sardines, mackerel. This prevents them from accumulating a lot of mercury. The capsule shell is made from tilapia fish. This is a big advantage, since after taking it there will be no belching with a fishy taste.

Useful video

It is necessary to take into account that active food supplements, like vitamin preparations, can significantly affect the body, so you should not exceed the dosages specified by the manufacturer and take dietary supplements in courses with breaks. If you have a history of serious illnesses, you should inform your doctor before purchasing dietary supplements. Caution is also necessary during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You must also remember that not all dietary supplements are suitable for children.

Nutritional supplements for vision are not a panacea for restoring visual functions, and certainly one should not rely on them as the main means for treating eye pathologies. Dietary supplements for vision are good to use in combination with other methods of maintaining eye health, mainly for preventive purposes.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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No. 5: ginkgo biloba

An unusual plant from past centuries was used in the recipes of traditional healers. Its unique capabilities were officially confirmed by classical medicine during research. The presence of strong antioxidants in the composition allows you to have a powerful effect on internal organs and systems. The fight against free radicals allows preparations based on ginkgo biloba to delay biological aging and avoid the development of many diseases.

It is difficult to provide the body with the same strong antioxidants through foods as found in ginkgo biloba supplements. They normalize blood circulation throughout the entire system and ensure good blood flow to the organs of vision. This relieves eye fatigue, improves the quality of tear fluid, and helps fight glaucoma.

The anti-inflammatory effect of ginkgo biloba extract relieves fatigue and reduces irritation of the eyeball during prolonged wearing of contact lenses. A course of taking a dietary supplement based on this unique plant will help to avoid negative effects from prolonged viewing of TV, intense work at the computer, and negative environmental influences.

Doctor's Best, Extra Action Ginkgo, 120 Capsules

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A good dietary supplement is produced under the popular Doctor's Best brand. Ginkgo biloba is produced in vegetable capsules, approved for consumption by vegetarians. There are 120 pieces in a white jar. You need to take them one capsule twice a day or as recommended by your doctor. It is advisable to use the dietary supplement in the first half of the day.

The drug has a positive effect on the condition of the eyes when there is excessive strain on the visual organs. Able to calm irritation from bright light, smoke, smog. With regular use of the dietary supplement, the development of glaucoma and exacerbation of chronic eye pathologies are prevented.

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract from Solgar, 180 capsules

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Another high-quality dietary supplement from the famous company Solgar. The branded packaging contains 180 vegetable capsules, approved for use by vegetarians.

The manufacturer recommends taking one piece twice a day or as recommended by a doctor. During the production of the dietary supplement, traditional and modern processing technologies were used, which made it possible to preserve beneficial substances that are important for health. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract increases blood flow to the organs of vision, this allows you to get rid of diseases and prevent the development of new ones.

TOP 5 mono-additives

The rating presents high-quality drugs, which are sorted by price per serving.

JSC "RealCaps" – Lutein 100%

from 190 ₽

The cost of 1 serving is 6 rubles. 33 kopecks

  • Country of origin: Russia;
  • package volume – 30 capsules;
  • active substance concentration – 5 mg.

The product has an optimal prophylactic dose of carotenoid, completely covering the body’s daily needs. It is characterized by maximum bioavailability.


  • the additive eliminates dryness and pain in the eyes;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • reduces photosensitivity.


  • the presence of synthetic dyes.

Now Foods – Lutein

Now Foods, Lutein, 10 mg, 120 Softgels


973 ₽

Buy at a discount

Packaging cost – from 902 ₽

Price for 1 serving – 7 rubles. 52 kopecks

  • Country: USA;
  • package volume – 120 tablets;
  • active substance concentration – 10 mg.

The preparation contains free lutein obtained from plant extracts of calendula. The dietary supplement is intended to protect the tissues of the eyeball from the action of free radicals and maintain normal visual acuity. Available in the form of soft tablets, which the manufacturer recommends taking with fat-containing foods.


  • the additive eliminates the feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • reduces photosensitivity.


  • not all buyers noticed the result.

LLC NPO "FarmVILAR" – Ostrovidki, Plus with lutein

from 449 ₽

The cost of 1 serving is 8 rubles. 98 kop.

  • Country of origin: Russia;
  • package volume – 50 capsules;
  • active substance concentration – 3 mg.

This beta-carotene source additionally contains blueberry extracts. The supplement is recommended to be taken to prevent age-related changes in the retina and myopia.


  • Dietary supplement eliminates dryness and fatigue of the eyes;
  • maintains visual acuity;
  • prevents macular degeneration.


  • low concentration of the active substance.

Jadran – Lutein Jadran

from 290 ₽

Price for 1 serving – 9 rubles. 66 kopecks

  • Country – Croatia;
  • package volume – 30 capsules;
  • lutein concentration – 5 mg.

The product contains FloraGLO Lutein and dried blueberry extract. It has a complex effect on the retina and promotes the regeneration of visual pigment. For use in adults and children over three years of age.


  • the product helps with increased visual stress;
  • relieves dry eye symptoms.


  • difficult to find in pharmacies.

Doctor's Best – Lutein with OptiLut

Doctor's Best, Lutein with OptiLut, 10 mg, 120 Veggie Caps


977 ₽

Buy at a discount

Package price – from 879 ₽

The cost of 1 serving is 14 rubles. 66 kopecks

  • Country of origin: USA;
  • package volume – 120 capsules;
  • active substance concentration – 10 mg.

The dietary supplement contains a bioavailable form of lutein obtained from calendula extracts. The product is intended for the prevention and treatment of retinal lesions. The capsule is made from plant components.


  • The dietary supplement is suitable for vegans;
  • has a hypoallergenic composition;
  • relieves fatigue and lacrimation.


  • You need to drink 2 capsules a day.

No. 6: beta-carotene for vision

An important element for the eyes is beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A). Long-term deficiency of this substance threatens blindness. Beta-carotene strengthens the cornea, slows down the onset of age-related changes, and adapts the eyes to twilight vision. Its constant use will be a good prevention of the development of cataracts and glaucoma.

Provitamin A retains its beneficial qualities when frozen and slightly heat-treated, and is even better absorbed in this form.

Beta-carotene stimulates the synthesis of rhodopsin, a photosensitive pigment. It protects visual analyzers from harmful radiation. But rhodopsin molecules disintegrate when exposed to contrasting light stimuli. This happens when you look at a bright computer monitor or TV screen for a long time, or when you look at the road with bright headlights.

A lack of beta-carotene leads to negative consequences:

  • development of twilight and night blindness;
  • photophobia;
  • clouding of the cornea;
  • dryness, thickening of the edge of the conjunctiva;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • necrotic decomposition, corneal edema in difficult cases.

All pathological changes occur against the background of increased intracranial pressure. Diseases of the brain and visual organs are closely related.

Solgar, Beta-Carotene, 25,000 IU, 90 Softgels

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A high-quality product from a well-known manufacturer of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, Solgar. Ocean-sourced beta-carotene is produced from algae. The manufacturer adds vegetable oil to the composition, which allows for better absorption of beneficial substances.

You need to take the drug as prescribed by your doctor. There are no cases of overdose with beta-carotene. It is completely absorbed by the body.

With regular use, your health improves and more oxygen and nutrients reach your eyes. This strengthens the cornea, relieves irritation and inflammation.

How to choose the right dietary supplement for vision?

Before purchasing the drug, consult an ophthalmologist. Also, when choosing, you should pay attention to the presence of the following components in additives:

  • Anthocyanins. Such dietary supplements contain 25% blueberry extract.
  • Vitamin A. It strengthens the cornea and allows you to see well in low light conditions.
  • Vitamin C. It helps provide the eye tissues with oxygen, prevents the development of cataracts and glaucoma, and also maintains the tone of the eye muscles.
  • Vitamin B1 is an element that helps maintain normal intraocular pressure.
  • Vitamin B2, which helps strengthen blood vessels. It is especially useful for the prevention of glaucoma and cataracts.
  • Vitamin B12. It ensures the functioning of all nerve fibers in the eye.
  • Vitamin D. Its deficiency leads to the development of myopia.
  • Vitamin E, which protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

Also, the dietary supplement should contain beta-carotene, zinc, selenium, which are good antioxidants and can protect the eyes from free radicals, that is, from aging and cell death. Don’t forget about the main antioxidant that the retina needs, namely lutein.

#7: Zeaxanthin

An important substance for vision, lutein, has a similar analogue, zeaxanthin. It is not produced in the body and comes from foods or dietary supplements. Helps in the treatment of many diseases and the prevention of age-related changes.

Useful qualities of zeaxanthin:

  1. improves visual acuity during the day in the light and in the dark;
  2. tones the eye muscle;
  3. improves metabolic processes in the intercellular space;
  4. strengthens vascular walls;
  5. prevents the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the eyes;
  6. protects the retina from the negative effects of free radicals;
  7. relieves tension and irritation from the eyes.

The accumulation of zeaxanthin in tissues worsens over the years. This leads to a decrease in visual acuity, the development of farsightedness or myopia. Constant work at the computer and other similar devices, concentrated staring and eye strain while driving a car negatively affects the condition of the eyes.

Additional intake of zeaxanthin improves vision, promotes enhanced tissue nutrition, relieves pain, irritation, and lacrimation. Sufficient zeaxanthin content prevents the development of cataracts and reduces the risk of vascular atherosclerosis.

Solaray, Ultra Zeaxanthin, 6 mg, 30 Capsules

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A high-quality dietary supplement can be purchased from the well-known manufacturer of dietary supplements, Solaray. Zeaxanthin is available in capsules along with lutein. Use together ensures better absorption and distribution. Beneficial substances accumulate in the retinal tissue and have a positive effect on vision.

Zeaxanthin intake increases with age as the risk of retinal oxidation increases. The manufacturer recommends taking one capsule of the dietary supplement daily with meals or with a glass of water. Course use of zeaxanthin is necessary when the visual organs work intensely for more than 5 hours daily.

The composition also contains blueberry and spinach extracts.

Indications for taking vitamins with lutein

Anyone can take courses of vitamins with lutein, but those who have certain characteristics of the body’s condition or a special type of activity need them without fail. Indications for taking vitamins are:

  • myopia;
  • violation of the functional characteristics of the retina;
  • overwork of the body and especially the organs of vision;
  • love of reading or working on a computer;
  • diabetes;
  • elderly age;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • eye surgeries.

In some cases, taking vitamins is mandatory

Vitamins with lutein are especially useful for older people, students, and people wearing contact lenses. The risk group includes such categories of people as schoolchildren, specialists in the field of work where most of the working day is spent in front of a computer monitor, people over 40 years old, and those who already have problems with their vision.

Table. What other vitamins are useful for the body?

AThis substance is also called retinol, beta-carotene and is one of the most important components needed for proper eye function. It strengthens the cornea, helps to see in the dark, and is responsible for color perception. If there is not enough vitamin A, a person’s vision will deteriorate and a number of chronic diseases will begin to develop. The eyes begin to turn red, dry quickly, and the eyelids swell.
IN 1Thanks to thiamine, nervous processes in the tissues of the eye occur at optimal speed. This vitamin is also needed for the prevention of keratitis and treatment of optic nerve pathologies. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency are eye fatigue, a feeling of stinging and pain, and problems with binocularity.
AT 2Due to this substance, metabolic processes in the area of ​​the lens and cornea proceed correctly and actively - B2 helps nourish tissues with oxygen and improves regeneration.
AT 3This is nicotinic acid, which can significantly improve blood circulation and prevent cholesterol from depositing inside the vessels.
AT 12The component is needed for the formation of red blood cells. Its deficiency leads to anemia.
WITHA vitamin that is essential for the eyes, as it significantly reduces the risk of developing cataracts and glaucoma, improves muscle tone, is an antioxidant, and slows down the aging process.
EProtects the eyes from ultraviolet rays, accelerates the formation of collagen, and ensures active regenerative processes in the mucous membrane.
DThe vitamin helps cope with inflammation.
RThe component is useful for strengthening blood vessels.

We study vitamins beneficial for the body

#8: Lycopene

Lycopene is needed to maintain physical and mental health. This substance has a variety of beneficial qualities, is able to resist aging of the body, and fight cancer. Lycopene is also important for the organ of vision. Its level must be constantly maintained with the help of food and additional intake of dietary supplements.

Lycopene helps protect the transparent film of the retina from damage from the blue part of the spectrum, which is the most negative for vision. It also helps reduce the manifestations of age-related changes that provoke the development of senile blindness. A stable level of lycopene slows down the oxidation processes of the lens, which lead to cataracts, and prevents the development of glaucoma.

The strong anti-inflammatory effect of lycopene helps relieve irritation of tired eyes and relax the spasm of the eye muscles after prolonged hard work. Symptoms of overexertion may include blurred vision, blurred contours, and double vision. All this suggests that it’s time for the eyes to rest; they lack adequate nutrition, for example, lycopene. If it is difficult to obtain from food, then it must be taken in the form of biological supplements, which are absorbed much faster.

Healthy Origins, Lyc-O-Mato, Lycopene Complex, 15 mg, 180 Softgels

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The manufacturer of vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements Healthy Origins has released lycopene in the form of a complex of useful substances. In addition to lycopene, it contains vitamins A and E. The combined use of useful elements increases the effectiveness of the dietary supplement. For better absorption of fat-soluble nutrients, high-quality olive oil is added to the capsules.

The white plastic jar contains 180 capsules, approved for use by vegetarians. They do not contain soy or gluten, so they will not cause an allergic reaction. You should take the dietary supplement on the advice of a doctor or according to the standard regimen - one capsule twice a day with meals.

#9: Astaxanthin

The healing qualities of astaxanthin were discovered not so long ago. This substance has a strong antioxidant property, which is several tens of times greater than the effectiveness of already known free radical fighters.

Astaxanthin is not synthesized in the human body and is difficult to obtain from food. It is secreted by a certain type of algae in a stressful situation with a lack of water in order to protect itself from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. You can also get a useful substance by eating sea creatures that feed on these algae - krill, salmon, shellfish.

Positive properties of astaxanthin for vision:

  1. eliminates dry mucous membranes;
  2. improves the composition of tear fluid;
  3. restores vision;
  4. prevents the development of blindness of various origins;
  5. protects against UV radiation;
  6. relieves inflammation and irritation;
  7. prevents the occurrence of glaucoma and cataracts;
  8. restores nutrition to the eye;
  9. eliminates spasm of the eye muscle.

Due to its molecular structure, astaxanthin is able to penetrate into places that are difficult for most antioxidants to reach, for example, the brain and retina. There, when accumulated in sufficient concentration, it begins to act actively.

Healthy Origins, Triple Strength Astaxanthin, 12 mg, 60 Softgels

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Astaxanthin is available in softgel form under the Healthy Origins brand. The white plastic jar contains 60 pieces. You need to take one daily or as recommended by your doctor.

Astaxanthin is produced from algae, which are grown using special technologies in Israel, in the Arava desert.

Astaxanthin from Healthy Origins is of high quality and has a NAXA certificate, which confirms the naturalness of the product.

Astaxanthin has a beneficial effect on the eyes, helps cope with fatigue and inflammation. When taken as a course, it prevents pathological changes and alleviates the course of chronic diseases.

Rules for choosing vitamins

A wide range of vitamin preparations makes it difficult to choose. Therefore, when purchasing, you should give preference not to price, but to the quality of the product.

  • It is advisable to choose a drug that contains vitamins valuable for the eyes: A, E, D, B2.
  • For glasses and contact lens wearers, drip medications are better than tablets.
  • For young children, it is best to purchase vitamins in sachets.
  • Vitamins for children are not suitable for adults due to dosage.
  • Read the instructions to make sure there are no allergens in the tablets.
  • Not all vitamin preparations are suitable for pregnant/lactating women; they must be approved by a gynecologist.

For the prevention of ophthalmological pathologies, the Vitalux complex is best suited. If you spend a long time in the sun, you need effective protection from UV radiation, Lutein Complex will help. To improve night and twilight vision, Doppelgerz Active is well suited; Oxial is intended to moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent dry eye syndrome.

In case of inflammatory processes of the corneal layer, Riboflavin is indispensable; in case of disruption of intraocular metabolic processes and mechanical injuries, Taufon will help. SuperOptic will protect from aggressive sunlight, photo flashes, and bright lighting.

The drugs are sold without a prescription. However, before use, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist.

#10: Eyebright

The beneficial properties of eyebright were known back in the 9th century. Traditional healers used this plant to treat many diseases, including maintaining vision. In our century, lotions, decoctions, compresses, infusions and ointments from eyebright are used. It contains many useful substances that help the eyes.

Eyebright is used in such situations;

  • inflammatory process on the eyelids (blepharitis, stye);
  • mechanical eye damage;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctivitis of various origins);
  • inflammation of the lacrimal gland;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • decreased visual acuity.

The use of eyebright is recommended for increased loads on the organs of vision. The risk group includes students, programmers, drivers, teachers, fashion models, jewelers, cutters, pilots, surgeons, and welders.

For prevention, you need to take medications based on this plant after 55 years. This will help prevent the development of glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related changes in the retina. When working in hazardous industries, with chemicals, or exposure to radiation, you need to regularly take dietary supplements with eyebright to neutralize the negative effects.

Now Foods, Eyebright Herb, 410 mg, 100 Capsules

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The popular manufacturer of dietary supplements Now Foods presents eyebright in capsules. 100 capsules are packaged in white plastic jars, approved for use by vegetarians. They do not contain milk, soy or gluten, so they will not cause unwanted allergic reactions.

Vegetable olive oil is added to the capsules for better absorption of nutrients. The standard dosage regimen is 2 capsules daily or as recommended by a doctor. To obtain a positive result, you can additionally use eyebright in another form, for example, as an eye lotion for fatigue.

Complex drugs

Some dietary supplements contain a set of different components that, when taken together, have a positive effect on eye health.

Jarrow Formulas, CarotenALL, Carotenoid Blend Complex, 60 Softgels

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This set of eye-healthy elements contains known strong antioxidants - alpha and beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene. When used together, they mutually enhance each other's influence. This makes the positive effect happen faster and last longer. The dark jar contains 60 soft capsules of a dark shade, with a sweet aroma. Despite their rather large size, they are swallowed well.

You need to take the dietary supplement according to the manufacturer’s recommendation or according to the standard regimen - one capsule 1 or 2 times a day. A course of taking a complex of strong antioxidants will help in the initial stages of eye diseases, will not allow pathologies to enter the chronic stage, and will prevent age-related degenerative changes in the tissues of the visual organs.

A comprehensive intake of important nutrients will be of great benefit to people who have to constantly strain their eyes. When working daily in such conditions, they do not have the opportunity to get quality rest. For the eyes, during regular exercise, it is important to have good nutrition and receive oxygen, the supply of which will ensure increased blood circulation in this area. This can be achieved by consuming a complex of antioxidants from Jarrow Formulas

Natural Factors, Eye Factors with 2 mg Lutein, 90 Capsules

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This complex dietary supplement contains the best herbal components and beneficial substances for eye health. They increase effectiveness when used together.

Composition of one dietary supplement capsule:

  1. eyebright extract. Reduces eye pressure, relieves swelling of eye tissues;
  2. calendula flower powder. Protects the lens from the negative effects of free radicals, maintains visual acuity, and serves as a preventive measure for the development of age-related disorders;
  3. blueberry extract. reduces inflammation, dryness, irritation, increases blood circulation in the vessels of the retina, thins the blood;
  4. carrot powder. Moisturizes the eyes, slows down the development of ophthalmic pathologies in old age, relieves stress and tension from the eyes;
  5. extracts of cranberries, cherries, blueberries (anthocyanidins - plant pigments). maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the onset of many diseases;
  6. rutin and quercetin. Helps absorb vitamin C and improve the condition of blood vessels. Increases the resistance of the visual organs to inflammation and infections;
  7. lutein Prevents retinal detachment, reduces eye strain during prolonged exercise, and is responsible for vigilance.

Solgar, Bilberry Ginkgo Eyebright Complex, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

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Solgar presents a complex that contains active ingredients for eye health. A balanced formula and well-chosen components allow you to achieve good effects with regular course use. Solgar products are famous for such results.

The capsules of the complex dietary supplement contain vitamin A, C, E, zinc, selenium, blueberry extract, ginkgo biloba leaf extract, taurine, alpha and beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin. All these components separately help to maintain vision, and when taken together their effectiveness increases several times.

The dietary supplement should be taken in accordance with the doctor’s instructions or according to the standard regimen - two capsules daily with food. The drug does not contain GMOs, gluten, milk and soy, and therefore does not cause negative allergic reactions.

Complex preparations are well suited for the prevention of visual impairment and relieving stress after a working day. Many components will have a versatile effect on the organ of vision, preventing many pathologies.

Jarrow Formulas, Vision Optimizer, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

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Jarrow Formulas is a comprehensive dietary supplement containing essential components that support vision. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.

The capsules contain:

  1. alpha lipoic acid, vitamin B2, selenium. They have antioxidant qualities that help protect the lens from the negative effects of free radicals;
  2. grape seed extract. Provides strength and elasticity to small blood vessels;
  3. quercetin. A powerful antioxidant that can maintain the structure of the lens;
  4. black currant extract. strong antioxidant, reduces stress, reduces fatigue, provides comfort;
  5. lutein and zeaxanthin. They reduce age-related changes in the lens and prevent the development of chronic ophthalmological pathologies.

Take three capsules daily or as directed by your doctor. With long-term use, positive results will be obtained. Natural dietary supplements have a cumulative effect. It is recommended to take a complex of useful substances for people whose time spent watching a TV, computer or other gadget exceeds 4 hours in a row.

Where can I buy

In pharmacies and various online stores of health products you can buy good eye complexes, but their prices for such drugs are often inflated by 1.5-2 times.

We recommend ordering vitamins with lutein on This well-known online store offers a wide selection of quality products, prices 30-50% lower than pharmacy prices, many customer reviews and fast delivery worldwide.

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