Ball on the labia: photo, possible diseases, removal

Lipomas or wen on the labia are more likely to form in women with oily skin. However, this is not the only reason for the occurrence of benign formations in the female genital area.

In the early stages, the appearance of a wen is not accompanied by symptoms and it may disappear on its own. But if the skin covering the lipoma was injured and pain, itching and burning occurred, and the wen began to grow sharply, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist.

Causes of the disease

Lipomas do not threaten human life in any way and their periodic appearance in intimate areas does not cause significant harm. However, such a condition cannot be considered the norm, since disruption of the internal organs of the body cannot be ruled out.

There are two reasons for the occurrence of wen:

  • Failure of the outflow of sebum (the sebaceous secretion stagnates, which is why it does not reach the surface of the skin and provokes the formation of lipoma);
  • The composition of the sebaceous secretion and changes in its consistency (due to the accumulated thick stagnation, the sebaceous secretion is not able to pass through the pores; it remains in the subcutaneous tissue, where it stagnates and transforms into small balls, causing swelling of the dermis and the formation of a dense lump).

Disruption of the sebaceous glands is explained by the presence of endocrine and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as impaired metabolism of fat deposits due to poor nutrition and insufficient hygiene of the genital organs. In these cases, old sebum accumulates on the skin, which prevents the free flow of new sebum.

Pimples in the groin and pubic area: what they look like and why they occur

Formations in the groin and pubic area are a nuisance that can affect both women and men of any age. Sometimes acne in the groin is caused by completely harmless and easily removable factors - insufficiently careful hygiene, incorrectly selected underwear or poor shaving technique.

However, there are also more serious reasons, signaling that something is wrong in the patient’s body. We will dwell on them in more detail.

Infectious and viral diseases as the cause of acne on the pubis and groin

This is the option that our clinic’s specialists suggest first. The most common diseases are:

  • lice pubis: small purulent pimples appear at a certain stage of the disease;
  • syphilis: this disease is characterized by the appearance of one or several pimples on the pubic part of men (often looks like an ulcer and is located on the genital organ itself). In women, in addition to the pubis, they are sometimes observed on the labia. This formation is called chancre. It has a smooth surface with shiny edges, does not cause pain, but is a colorful symptom of the development of a dangerous disease in the body;
  • genital herpes: one of the signs of the disease is small, blistering-like pimples on the pubic area in women and on the genitals and testicles in men;
  • human papillomavirus: its filamentous variety almost always affects the pubis and in a non-inflamed state is a wart, but only until the patient, by directed or random actions, provokes its inflammation and suppuration;
  • mycosis: a fungal disease, one of the external signs of which may be pimples like burn blisters between the legs, in the gluteal fold, on the genitals and in the lower abdomen;
  • molluscum contagiosum: a pathogen transmitted sexually or through household contacts that provokes pubic acne in women and men with cheesy contents.

Other causes of acne in the inguinal-pubic area

In addition to specific diseases, acne in intimate places can break out for the same reasons as on any other parts of the body: due to endocrine disruption or disruption of internal organs, excess weight, improper diet, hypothermia, diabetes. In addition, acne in the groin in women can form during ovulation and PMS, during pregnancy, lactation and premenopause.

It is not worth determining the initial prerequisites on your own, and even more so trying to get rid of acne by squeezing, independently selecting medications and folk remedies - this is fraught with much more serious consequences than just education in a sensitive area. Therefore, anyone who has a similar problem is expected to see highly qualified specialists at our medical center.

Diagnosis of causes and treatment at the Private Practice clinic

The first step in treating acne, including in the inguinal-pubic area, is to establish the causes of its appearance. Based on this, further tactics of working with the patient are determined. Sometimes recommendations related to personal hygiene, caring for problem areas of the skin and following hair removal rules are sufficient.

In more complex cases, we prescribe a comprehensive examination, including examination of stool for intestinal microflora, blood tests for general indicators, biochemistry and hormones, ultrasound of the digestive organs and kidneys, scrapings, cultures and biopsy. If an infectious etiology is suspected, we refer the patient for STD testing. All laboratory and instrumental studies are performed in our clinic, which is equipped with a modern laboratory and equipment.

Based on the results of the research, our dermatovenerologists select effective complex therapy that is guaranteed to cure groin acne in men and women with a minimal risk of relapse.

Pimples on the pubic area should not be taken lightly, because they can serve as a symptom of dangerous sexually transmitted infections. In this case, the success of treatment largely depends on the stage of the disease. See your doctor on time and be healthy!

You can make an appointment at a convenient time. The doors of our clinic are open for you every day from 09:00 to 21:00.

You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling
+7+7 (495) 980-13-16

Types of lipomas

Medicine considers wen according to their classification. According to their composition and method of formation, the following lipomas are distinguished:

  • Diffuse (differed by the absence of a membrane and the state of the connective tissue);
  • Petrified (formed as a result of salt deposition);
  • Ossified (begin their formation due to the proliferation of bone tissue);
  • Fibrous (have a dense connective tissue structure);
  • Capsulated (formed on the upper layer of internal organs);
  • Tree-like (their localization enters the joints).

It is not recommended to leave lumps without treatment, as they tend to grow and harden and can reach more than twice their size. The increase in wen is provoked by subcutaneous fatty tissue; the finally formed lipoma is immersed in the capsule, its shell prevents the independent discharge of sebaceous secretions and thus intensifies the disease.

To get rid of the constant discomfort and unpleasant appearance of the labia, women try to eradicate this problem by squeezing or cutting. Doing this is strictly prohibited, as there is a high risk of infection, which can subsequently lead to inflammation or suppuration of the affected area.

Types of malignant tumors of the vagina

Histologically, most vaginal tumors are represented by squamous cell carcinoma of varying degrees of differentiation. 2–3.5% of all malignant tumors of the vagina are adenocarcinomas and sarcomas. Vaginal melanomas are even less common. Most vaginal neoplasms deterministically undergo a sequential development cycle, which includes dysplasia, preinvasive and invasive forms. A precancerous condition of vaginal cancer is dysplasia. It, depending on the severity of pathological changes in the surface layer of stratified squamous epithelium, can be mild, moderate and severe. There is no specific macroscopic picture of dysplasia and preinvasive cancer. They may look like leukoplakia or erythroplakia, develop against the background of a visually unchanged vaginal mucosa or in condylomas.

Preinvasive cancer is most often localized in the upper third of the vagina. The tumor is characterized by multicentric growth. Considering the fact that preinvasive cancer is detected on average 10–12 years earlier than invasive cancer, gynecologists at the Yusupov Hospital carry out early diagnosis of the disease at the initial stage of the pathological process. Consistent cytological examination, colposcopy and biopsy provide a reliable diagnosis. To determine the boundaries of the lesion, use Lugol's solution or 3% acetic acid solution.

The histological structure of invasive cancer is represented by three main forms:

  • Squamous cell keratinizing;
  • Non-keratinizing;
  • Poorly differentiated.

In patients with vaginal cancer, squamous cell neoplasms predominate. Keratinizing and non-keratinizing forms of cancer are observed with equal frequency. Poorly differentiated cancer occurs in 10.8% of patients, and vaginal adenocarcinoma – in 2.3%. The exophytic form of growth occurs 2 times more often than the endophytic one.

Vaginal tumors predominantly spread through the lymphogenous route. Neoplasms located in the upper third of the vagina metastasize to the iliac and obturator lymph nodes. Tumors of the lower part of the vagina spread to the inguinal-femoral lymph nodes, and cancer of the middle third of the vagina metastasizes in all directions.

Vaginal adenocarcinomas are more common in young women aged 17–21 years. Their histological structure is very diverse. The following types of vaginal adenocarcinoma are distinguished:

  • Mesonephroid (clear cell);
  • Endometrioid;
  • Adenoid cystic tumor;
  • Dimorphic glandular squamous cell carcinoma.

Vaginal melanomas are most often located in the lower third of the vagina. The tumor is characterized by an aggressive course, early hematogenous metastasis, rapid relapses after treatment and resistance to chemotherapy.

Confinement danger

A lipoma near or in the vagina, due to its benign nature in the absence of symptoms and complications, often represents a cosmetic defect. Doctors recommend removing such a wen, especially if it rapidly increases in size and if there are difficulties in intimate life.

An inflamed wen increases the risk of infection of the skin and mucous membrane and predicts the start of the inflammatory process. A hard and large lump on the labia can put pressure on the urethra and impair urination.

Trouble can also arise due to a small white wen located on the clitoris. It is easy to injure, especially if there are a lot of lipomas in the intimate area.


If some kind of lump appears in the vagina after childbirth, the cause of the formation of a lump is hormonal changes, inflammation of organs, and oncology. The causative agents of infections are pathogenic microorganisms and harmful bacteria.

Benign diseases:

  • bartholinitis;
  • cyst;
  • adhesions;
  • fibroma;
  • lipoma

With bartholinitis, a lump appears due to inflammation of the Bartholin gland. The cause is microbes that clog the ducts. Accompanied by pain and swelling.

Cysts are the result of birth injuries. The pathology has no visible symptoms and is detected only during a gynecological examination. Pain during urination and discomfort during sexual intercourse are most often associated with the development of the inflammatory process.

If doctors leave gauze in the vagina after childbirth, the microflora changes and becomes a breeding ground for infection. A foreign body is often the cause of the development of diseases and pathologies.

A lump appears when a vaginal adhesion has formed and an infection has entered the area. The disease is accompanied by abdominal pain, constipation, and low blood pressure. Adhesion after childbirth appears due to cesarean section, uterine rupture, or episiotomy. A woman may feel like there is a ball sticking out of her vagina after childbirth; in fact, the gland is inflamed.

Benign tumors, such as fibroma, lipoma, fibroma, develop asymptomatically. Small formations cause discomfort when urinating and periodic pain in the uterine area.

Carcinoma or benign tumor is one of the dangerous ones. With genital cancer, it seems as if something has come out of the vagina. In addition to the bump, symptoms such as bleeding, change in color of discharge, and regular pain appear.

Therapeutic treatment

To treat any type of wen, experts recommend using medicinal absorbable ointments, for example, Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment. Also no less popular and effective is a drug such as Vitaon balm.

These antiseptics have antimicrobial properties that relieve inflammation and soften unfavorable accumulations. This method of treatment is effective at the onset of the disease, however, its use is not excluded in cases where the lipoma has formed in a protective capsule.

The result of treatment can be assessed after a week. If the tumor does not decrease, you will have to contact your gynecologist again. The doctor will conduct the necessary examination and, based on its results, prescribe a new treatment.


To thoroughly examine your problem, the gynecologist uses additional examination methods in addition to examination and history taking. He will prescribe the following tests to the woman:

  • UAC and OAM;
  • Biochemical blood test, including tumor markers and antibodies to infections;
  • Smear for flora and oncocytology;
  • Analysis of vaginal discharge.

The doctor will also perform a colposcopy and, if necessary, offer a biopsy followed by histology.
When the test results are ready, the doctor will make a diagnosis. If the clinical picture requires treatment, then it will be prescribed. Finally, a woman can relax if the tumor at the entrance to the vagina turns out to be benign. Share:

Traditional methods

Thanks to the availability of traditional medicine recipes, you can remove wen at home. Today there are many effective folk remedies that are prescribed by doctors themselves. Their use is possible only simultaneously with the prescribed therapeutic treatment.

It is recommended during the treatment of the disease to frequently wash the genitals with chamomile infusion. This procedure will relieve inflammation, soothe irritated skin and stabilize the sebaceous glands. Taking chamomile baths will also increase the chances of a speedy recovery; It is enough to take them 3 times a week.

The lotions require the preparation of a concentrated infusion: brew chamomile flowers in hot boiled water, cover with a tight lid and let stand for 2-3 hours. When the infusion has cooled, moisten the bandage and place it on the wen for 15-20 minutes.

You can also make lotions from chopped baked onions and burdock root infusion. Sea buckthorn oil, aloe and Kalanchoe are no less effective. It is necessary to lubricate the wen with sea buckthorn oil 2 times during the day, covering the lubricated area with a clean, dry bandage or a cloth that does not irritate the skin.

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