Green tea lovers often develop... stones in their kidneys

Herbal tea for dissolving kidney stones

The undoubted advantage of collections in filter bags is the convenience and efficiency of their use.
The healing powers of herbs, when combined in certain proportions, have a wide range of effects on the body as a whole. So monoherbs, with their long-term targeted action on any organ or system, restore their functioning, then the selected collection includes work in several directions at once, exerting a global effect, as if mobilizing all forces to suppress viruses, preventing the development of microbes and promoting the removal of toxins and products disintegration of harmful bacteria from the body.

Beneficial influence

Herbal tea promotes the dissolution of kidney stones and their natural elimination.

It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, prevents the formation of urinary stones, and increases blood circulation in the kidneys.

The effect of the composition is due to the unique ratio of parts, which together provide the necessary energy chord that neutralizes the imbalance in the body that provokes nephrolithiasis.

The restoration of normal metabolic characteristics is accompanied by the elimination of stones.

Archive number No. 49 (1156) dated December 6, 2021 - Zdoroviechko


“My student son took antibiotics after surgery, and a urine test showed the presence of salts. Is he at risk from stone formation?” Maria.

Answered by urologist, candidate of medical sciences Vadim Kozlov.

“There is no convincing evidence that taking any medications causes the formation of stones,” explains Vadim Vladislavovich.
— Antibiotics that are used for a short course (no more than ten days) do not significantly affect the formation of stones, although some drugs, for example, gentamicin, can worsen kidney function. The lack of vitamins (hypovitaminosis) or their excess affects more. Therefore, all medications, including vitamin complexes, must be taken under the supervision of a doctor. [td]

— How to eat properly for a person who has salts in his urine?

- They have nothing to do with table salt, as some people believe. On the contrary, for urolithiasis, table salt is not contraindicated, because it is an antagonist of other salts that are found in meat products (smoked meats, sausages), and rich broth. For lovers of such foods, we recommend eating more vegetables and drinking plenty of fluids to remove oxalates. They are the most common and are the ones that usually form stones. If there is a tendency to form oxalates (this can be seen from a urine test, which shows a certain amount of salts), you need to change your diet.

- How exactly?

— Avoid products containing oxalic acid: smoked and dried fish, processed cheese, rich broths, baked goods with margarine, as well as sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, celery. Nowadays, many people are fond of green tea, but it has a high oxalate content, and stones are often formed in lovers of this drink. Black tea does not have this effect. It is important to know that dietary recommendations depend on the type of stones. That is why foods, herbs, and mineral waters are selected taking into account the salt composition of the stones.

— Is it good to drink herbal infusions?

- Yes. Many people brew and drink diuretic herbs or infusions as a preventive measure. This allows you to remove salts and prevent inflammation. Herbal remedies suppress microbes, relieve swelling, dissolve salts and help the kidneys work better. I often recommend corn silk to patients, which is easy to brew. In the morning, pour boiling water over a heaping tablespoon, and when the broth has cooled, strain and drink throughout the day. Corn silks are effective and safe: you can drink an infusion of them for a long time. This remedy also has a good effect on the liver and gall bladder, because it has a mild choleretic effect. Also useful for prevention are herbs such as knotweed, half-palm, and bearberry. You can brew and drink teas from the leaves of strawberries, mulberries, and blackberries, but they are more difficult to buy, unless you prepare them yourself.

— What fruits are good to eat?

- Any are suitable - apples, pears, plums, apricots. Unlike vegetables: With certain types of stones, you need to avoid some of them. For example, parsley and mushrooms are not recommended for phosphates; asparagus, cauliflower, and celery are not recommended for urates.

— What water is best to drink for prevention?

— Distilled, because it takes the salts onto itself. By the way, at urological resorts the water is neutral - without any particular smell or taste. But the question arises: why in practice do doctors recommend mineral water rather than distilled water? Distilled water just doesn't taste good. At home, many people prepare their own melt water, which can be considered an analogue of distilled water. This is also an acceptable option for the prevention of urological diseases.

Sometimes patients limit themselves to fluids, trying to fight, for example, swelling in the legs. But this is wrong, because it increases the concentration of salts in the urine. Kidneys are more often affected in hot regions (Central Asia), where people drink little fluid and lose a lot of it due to the heat.

To prevent urolithiasis

It is important to drink enough fluids.

Eat a varied diet, supplementing boiled or stewed meat and fish with plenty of vegetables.

If you have hypovitaminosis, then, on the recommendation of your doctor, take vitamins C, D3, magnesium and other microelements.

Dishes using margarine and cooking oil, rich broths, as well as beer, wine and spirits are not recommended. Chocolate is allowed in limited quantities.


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Horsetail prevents the formation of urinary stones, has the ability to dissolve already formed stones, has a diuretic effect, enhances the body's immune properties, and prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the urinary system.

Birch leaf is used for urolithiasis complicated by nephritis; it has a diuretic effect, removes sodium and chlorine salts in the urine, and is indicated for uric acid diathesis.

Knotweed reduces the degree of crystallization of mineral salts and dissolves kidney stones.

Corn silk is used as a diuretic for kidney stones, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and edema of various natures.

Bearberry has a diuretic and antiseptic effect for urolithiasis.

Lingonberry has a diuretic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effect and is used for urolithiasis.

Strawberries act as a diuretic, dissolve and remove kidney stones, prevent the appearance of new ones, and regulate mineral and general metabolism.

Orthosiphon is used for acute and chronic kidney diseases, kidney stones.

Rosehip is useful in the presence of bloody urine and provides the multivitamin composition of the tea.

Juniper improves filtration in the renal glomeruli and inhibits the reverse resorption of chlorides and sodium in the proximal tubules, disinfects the urinary tract, and relieves pain.

Mint dissolves rocky mineral formations in the urinary tract and relieves pain.

Thyme is an antiseptic, analgesic and sedative; it is widely used for inflammatory processes of the urinary organs.

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, and regenerating properties.

Dill is used for kidney stones.

Stevia has unique therapeutic, preventive and health-improving properties, improves kidney function.

Diet for high uric acid levels

Nephrolithiasis, or kidney stones, is a common urological disease that causes the formation of kidney stones. The causes of nephrolithiasis are not fully understood. The main importance in the development of the disease is given to changes in the colloid-mineral balance of urine, its pH, concentration, and composition. The formation of uric acid stones (urates) in the urinary tract occurs when an increased level of uric acid in the blood is combined with a constant acidic reaction of urine in the urinary tract. The basis of the disease is, first of all, a violation of purine metabolism. Due to this disorder, an excess of the end product of purine metabolism, uric acid, occurs in the body. The intake of purines from food actively contributes to the development of the disease. This is why it is very important to follow your doctor’s dietary recommendations. When treating, first of all, the doctor recommends eliminating from the diet all foods rich in puric and uric acids - mainly meat and fish. The diet for urate urolithiasis is close to the diet for gout, but in a milder version. If there is a disturbance in the metabolism of not only uric acid, but also oxalic acid, the formation of mixed type stones occurs - urate-oxalate. In this case, it is also necessary to exclude foods high in oxalic acid from the diet and limit foods containing ascorbic acid. It should be remembered that only a specialist can advise the most optimal diet, as well as drug treatment, since it is necessary to take into account the type and chemical composition of kidney stones.

Dietary recommendations for urate kidney stones A diet excluding strong meat broths, smoked foods and limiting meat, cheese, honey, and alcoholic beverages is recommended. The following products are allowed:

  • Boiled lean meat, fish, poultry, no more than 3 times a week. After boiling, meat and fish can be used to prepare various dishes (stew, bake).
  • Dairy products: milk, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese.
  • Eggs: no more than one egg per day in any treatment.
  • Fats: butter, cow, ghee and vegetable oils.
  • Cereals in the form of any dishes, in moderation.
  • Bread and flour products: wheat and rye, from second-grade flour, you can include bran.
  • Vegetables in sufficient quantity in any processing.
  • Vegetarian soups (borscht, cabbage soup, vegetable, potato, dairy, fruit soups, with the addition of cereals, okroshka, beetroot soup).
  • Cold appetizers: salads from fresh and pickled vegetables, fruits, vinaigrette, vegetable caviar, squash, eggplant.
  • Fruits, sweet dishes, fruits and berries in any processing, dried fruits, milk jelly and creams, marmalade, jam.
  • Sauces: vegetable, sour cream, milk.
  • Spices: citric acid, vanillin, cinnamon.
  • Drinks: tea, weak coffee with milk, fruit drinks, juices, rosehip and wheat bran decoctions, dried fruit compotes.

Dietary recommendations for urate-oxalate kidney stones It is necessary to avoid foods that cause increased excretion of oxalates in the urine (cocoa, chocolate, spinach, legumes), limit the consumption of fats, sugar, potatoes, tomatoes. Alkaline waters of the resorts Truskavets and Zheleznovodsk are shown. The following products are allowed:

  • Meat, poultry, fish in moderation, preferably boiled, including boiled sausages (milk, diet), sausages, eggs in any processing, salads from boiled meat and fish.
  • Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream (except for situations with increased calcium levels in the urine, high urine pH, and exacerbation of pyelonephritis).
  • Fats: butter and vegetable oils, unsalted lard.
  • Cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet; pasta; soups made from them.
  • Bread: wheat, rye, flour products, especially coarse flour with the inclusion of wheat bran.
  • Vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, cabbage, peas, eggplants, turnips, pumpkin, lentils, apricots, bananas.
  • Soups, sauces.
  • Cold vegetable appetizers, squash and eggplant caviar.
  • Compotes, jelly, mousses.
  • Tea, weak coffee with milk, decoctions of dried fruits, rose hips, wheat bran, fruit drinks, kvass.

In addition to changing your diet, you need to increase the amount of fluid consumed to 2.5-3 liters per day and take B vitamins and magnesium. Even single large intakes of purine-rich meat and fish foods and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.

Where and how to buy?

You can buy herbal tea to dissolve kidney stones in our online store of medicinal herbs in Moscow “House of Herbs”

  • place an order in the online store of medicinal herbs “House of Herbs” and we will deliver it to you at any address in Moscow or send it by mail throughout Russia;
  • call or order a call back, and our sales consultant will create an order for you and send it in any of the desired ways;
  • Detailed address information here “Delivery and payment”

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.

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