Excellent recipes for treating prostatitis with aspen bark

We all know the benefits of aspen bark for men. Therefore, if you have inflammation of the prostate gland, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for expensive medications. Natural remedies will come to the rescue! For example, there are numerous positive reviews from the treatment of prostate adenoma with aspen bark. This method has a minimum of contraindications and is particularly beneficial!

In order not to be unfounded, in this article we will analyze all the healing and beneficial properties of aspen bark for men!

Treatment of prostate adenoma with aspen bark

Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor that occurs as a result of the proliferation of glandular tissue of the prostate gland. Aspen bark for prostatitis and adenoma is used in the form of tinctures and medicinal decoctions. It is used as an adjunct to slow tumor growth and relieve unpleasant symptoms, as well as as primary therapy.

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Let's sum it up

Treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis with aspen bark is quite possible if you know the recipe and follow the recommendations. However, it should be borne in mind that BPH is not always treated with conservative means; sometimes surgery is required. To avoid health problems, you should regularly visit a urologist and monitor your health. You should also not use traditional medicine recipes in self-treatment: they do a good job of enhancing the effect of medications prescribed by a doctor, but may be powerless when self-medicated.

Recipes for tinctures and decoctions of aspen bark for prostate adenoma

The most common recipes for men include:

  • Decoction - 1 tablespoon of bark is poured with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is boiled over low heat for three minutes. Then leave for an hour and filter. It is better to drink the drink before meals three times a day, 1/3 cup.
  • Tincture - 100 g of the plant is crushed and poured into a bottle of good vodka. The resulting product is kept for 1.5–2 months in a cool, dark place. Once ready, take 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Advice! A mixture of crushed aspen bark and olive oil is suitable as an ointment for the groin area.

Harvesting aspen bark yourself

In the vastness of the Russian Federation you can find various types of aspen, which may differ in bark color and other properties. Only one type of plant has a medicinal effect - common aspen.

The key to success in folk remedies therapy is the natural origin of the raw materials from which the patient will prepare decoctions and tinctures. Therefore, experts recommend harvesting aspen bark for the treatment of prostatitis with your own hands, if possible.

Aspen bark, useful for prostatitis, is collected from mid-April to the end of May. At this time, the movement of juice inside the plant is most active. The bark is removed from young trees that have a trunk diameter of no more than 10 cm. The bark can be cut both from the trunk and from the branches of aspen.

It is very important to remove the bark correctly; it is not recommended to plan the plant, as in this case wood particles will inevitably get into the raw material. As a result, the tincture will be less concentrated and effective. Also, you should not cut off a large amount of bark from the tree, so as not to harm it.

After collection, the bark can be dried. If you have time, it is better to do this in a dry, ventilated room, for example, in the attic. In this case, the sun's rays should not fall on the raw materials.

As a matter of urgency, in case of exacerbation of prostatitis, aspen bark can be dried in the oven. But it is very important that the temperature inside does not exceed 50 degrees, otherwise all the beneficial properties of the bark will disappear.

Finished aspen bark can be stored for at least 2 years. To prevent raw materials from spoiling, it is best to place them in a wooden container and a cloth bag and store them in a dry place. With high humidity, the bark can quickly deteriorate and become moldy. Such raw materials are unsuitable for treatment.

If there is no desire or opportunity to collect aspen bark yourself to treat prostatitis, you can buy it at the pharmacy. A package weighing 50 grams will cost the patient 50-70 rubles. When purchasing, you must make sure that the product is certified and packaged in the original box.

You should not buy raw materials secondhand, as there is a risk of running into a fake. An unscrupulous producer may be too lazy to collect bark during the season, or look for the necessary plant. As a result, the buyer may be given a completely different bark, which does not have healing properties.

Treatment of prostatitis in men with aspen bark

The healing effect of aspen bark against prostatitis in the stronger sex has been widely known for a long time, and it is suitable for various types of disease:

  • chronic;
  • stagnant;
  • infectious.

The plant improves immunity, eliminates infection, relieves inflammation and swelling of the prostate, normalizes urination, and improves metabolic processes in the diseased organ. Moreover, it can be used both as a preventive measure and as a means of strengthening the body.

Contraindications and risks for patients

No matter how wonderful the remedy is, it is not free from some shortcomings. The substances contained in aspen bark are not suitable for all people. Contraindications to the treatment of prostatitis with this remedy are:

  • frequent constipation;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic pathologies of the stomach, pancreas and intestines.

It is advisable to make sure there are no allergic reactions. To do this, apply 2-3 drops of the prepared infusion using a pipette. If burning, redness, and itching begin, treatment of prostatitis with aspen bark will have to be abandoned.

The healing properties of aspen bark for prostatitis

The folk remedy has a wide spectrum of action for male diseases:

  • relieves pain;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates urinary retention;
  • destroys pathogenic bacteria;
  • eliminates congestion;
  • strengthens local immunity.

Important! All this is confirmed by various reviews from the use of aspen bark for prostatitis, left by numerous patients!

Features of application

Treatment of prostatitis with a decoction of aspen bark requires compliance with some recommendations from specialists. The first and most important principle is “do no harm”; the maximum dose of the decoction prepared according to the recipe described above is no more than one or two cups throughout the day.

The daily dose should be divided into several doses. This will ensure long-term maintenance of the therapeutic concentration of the active substance in the patient’s blood. The second feature is the constant monitoring of the situation by the attending physician. Only a specialist can correctly adjust the dose and frequency of taking even a traditional medicine.

Correct adherence to the treatment regimen can ensure the restoration of normal functioning of the prostate gland, and exceeding the recommended dose can, on the contrary, lead to the development of a more severe process.

How to take aspen bark for prostatitis

For prostatitis, the following use of aspen bark is recommended:

  • In the form of a decoction, a handful of dried and crushed bark is poured into a glass of cold water and brought to a boil. When the mixture boils, reduce the gas and keep on fire for another 15 minutes. After straining, drink three times a day.

Important! The decoction has a bitter and astringent taste, so you can add honey to it to taste. Can be used not only for drinking, but also for healing baths, as well as microenemas.

  • In the form of an infusion - to prepare it, the product is not boiled, but simply pour boiling water over the bark and leave for several hours in a thermos. It is taken half a glass 2 times a day. If desired, this infusion can be added to tea.
  • As an infusion with milk, pour a handful of dry product into a glass of hot milk and infuse for half an hour. This infusion is drunk once a day.

Advice! To improve blood supply to the prostate, it is recommended to try a product prepared with milk!

Reviews from men: effectiveness

Some men who have tried aspen bark report in their reviews that this remedy effectively fights not only prostatitis, but also prostate adenoma at the initial stage of development. They call the main and main advantage the ability to relieve pain and discomfort, which especially complicate life.

Vitaly, 64 years old:

“By his already advanced age, he had collected many diagnoses, including an adenoma that arose against the background of chronic prostatitis. If the other ailments did not cause particularly unpleasant sensations, then the last one constantly reminded of itself. At first there was treatment from doctors and drinking expensive and fashionable medicines. There was no effect, and the doctor began to insist on removal. Before deciding on radical measures, I began to look for alternative methods. I read about aspen. I collected the bark myself in the spring. Dried it and made a vodka tincture. I take it according to the instructions, and after a month I realized that the pain has become less. I have refused surgery for now, I am taking my medicine and I hope that I will completely get rid of the disease without surgery.”

Gregory, 49 years old:

“Prostatitis appeared unexpectedly and became an extremely unpleasant surprise for me. At first I didn’t even suspect that I had caught this infection, until recently I thought that it was just some kind of malfunction in the body, and everything would work itself out. But no... I went to the doctor, but before spending huge sums on expensive medicines (I previously calculated about 12,800 rubles), I discussed the possibility of folk remedies, to which he reacted quite calmly. The urologist recommended using aspen bark (I drank a glass for 2 weeks, as prescribed), as well as Prostodin drops (I took it for a month). The pain is completely gone. I hope that in this way I will get rid of not only the symptoms, but also the pain itself in the near future.”

Recipes for tinctures and decoctions of aspen bark for prostatitis

We would like to share with you a recipe for a tincture of aspen bark with vodka for prostatitis, which is also widely used in the treatment of prostate inflammation:

  • chop or grind 200 g of bark in a blender;
  • pour it with 0.5 liters of vodka;
  • put in a cool and dark room for 2 weeks;
  • take the resulting tincture 3 times a day, 20 drops diluted in water;
  • continue the course of treatment for 3 months.

Advice! A tincture with the addition of cinquefoil and galangal gives an excellent effect.

You can find natural, inexpensive folk remedies for male ailments in the FitoContinent online store. We choose for our customers the best and most environmentally friendly raw materials, from which we can prepare many healing products to improve health!

Buy aspen (bark) on our website


Igor Ivanovich Dudorov, 54 years old, Podolsk

I suffered from prostatitis for several years.
I didn’t sleep well at night, I kept running around. The pain often bothered me, and my potency was really bad, I began to forget the last time my wife and I had normal sex. Of course, I tried almost all the pills that are available for prostatitis. But the result was not very pleasing. Then my wife persuaded me to see a herbalist. He listened to my complaints and ordered me to drink an infusion of aspen bark, and suggested that I could buy it inexpensively at FitoContinent. We immediately ordered half a kilo of the drug, and my wife began to brew me a fresh drink in a thermos every morning. I strain it and drink it 20 minutes before meals three times a day. About half a glass. I take courses for 2 weeks, then rest for 2 weeks. And after the first course I felt a significant improvement in my health. The frequent urge to go to the bathroom has stopped bothering me, and I sleep much better at night. And after the second course, things improved with potency! I haven’t felt so healthy and strong for a long time.

Recipes for tinctures for prostatitis


In order to prepare a decoction of aspen bark, it is enough to do a few simple manipulations. First of all, after preparing the material, it needs to be dried well and deprived of moisture as much as possible.

Helps in the treatment of prostatitis in both acute and chronic forms

Dry shavings should be crushed in a coffee grinder, in this way you can ensure the release of the greatest amount of useful substances. The proportion is as follows: one hundred grams of bark per liter of boiling water. After mixing the components, they need to be kept for another fifteen minutes on low heat, then allowed to cool to room temperature.

After an hour and a half, the broth should be strained through a sieve or several layers of gauze, then it should be taken one mug every day, about thirty minutes before meals. The duration of such treatment can be quite different, but the effect will be noticeable within a couple of days.


Preparing the tincture requires more time and patience. It is better to use it either for frequent acute prostatitis or for a recurrent chronic process. To do this you will need about half a liter of ethyl alcohol, about two hundred grams of bark and a glass container.

After pouring alcohol into the crushed wood and thoroughly mixing the mixture in a glass jar, the future medicine should be infused for two to three weeks. After this, you should take twenty drops of tincture diluted in water three times a day thirty minutes before meals. Therapy for chronic prostatitis lasts approximately three to four months.

There are many different recipes for preparing aspen bark.

Aspen bark: are there any contraindications?

There are few of them, but nevertheless, contraindications should be mentioned. It is impossible to treat adenoma with aspen bark if there is a history of gastrointestinal pathologies, constipation and individual intolerance to the components of medications based on the described raw materials.

If side effects appear during treatment in the form of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, defecation disorders, skin rash, it is necessary to stop therapy. Better yet, before taking a tincture, decoction or kvass for the first time, consult with your doctor to determine the compatibility of herbal remedies with prescribed medications.


The use of folk remedies in some cases can also cause negative effects. Aspen has the following contraindications:

  • in case of individual intolerance or allergic reaction;
  • for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially stomach colic and constipation;
  • with dysbacteriosis.

In addition, it is worth remembering that ethyl alcohol is incompatible with drug treatment, so the use of alcohol infusions may also be contraindicated.

When is treatment required?

Traditional medicine is not able to fully combat severe forms of diseases, including advanced prostate adenoma. This also applies to aspen bark. Recipes based on it are used at the initial stage, when the tumor is just beginning to develop and is accompanied by an inflammatory process.

It is better to cut the bark from young trees, as it will be much easier.

In early stages, men do not yet feel pronounced symptoms. Only difficulties with emptying the bladder and frequent urge to go to the toilet may be observed. It is important to eliminate the pathology at the initial stage in order to prevent the tumor from degenerating into a malignant focus.

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