Chinese patch for prostatitis: instructions for use, opinion of urologists, patient reviews

Positive feedback from specialists

The ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster has different reviews from doctors.
There are doctors who are skeptical about this method of treating prostatitis, while others, on the contrary, consider this remedy unique. So, those doctors who recommend such a patch are confident that it really helps to remove all the symptoms of prostatitis: pain in the lower back, groin. Urological patches ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster, although some urologists have positive reviews, no one has been able to prove the effectiveness of this drug 100%. After all, as it later turns out, this drug is prescribed not as the main and only method of treatment, but in complex therapy with other medications. And here it is already difficult to understand whether this patch really had the desired effect, or whether other medications had an effect on the body. Although some doctors still note that if previously the number of people turning to them for help was about 5 people a day, then after the prescription of this Chinese remedy, the number of patients has decreased significantly. Maybe it really does give the long-awaited result, but with only one problem: if a person buys an original product. If he stumbles upon a fake remedy, then there can be no talk of any healing effect. Urological patches ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster have positive reviews from some urologists due to the fact that experts note the excellent composition of the drug. It does not contain any chemical elements. Only natural ingredients - herbs and spices - are found in it, and they, as everyone knows, only have a beneficial effect on the body. Doctors also advise using this remedy not only as a treatment, but also for prevention. Because, according to doctors, this Chinese product can improve blood flow in the pelvis.

Prostatitis patch “ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster” Bang De Li

Effect of the drug: - stimulates blood circulation; - blocks the growth of the prostate gland; - treats severe inflammatory processes of the prostate gland. Indications for use: - frequent urination; - pain when urinating; - aches and pain in the lower back; - pain in the scrotum; - pain in the perineum; - renal failure; - jade; - sexual dysfunctions.

Ingredients: two-toothed gemstone, girchevnik vaginalis, Asian plantain, tincture safflower, cinnamon, corydalis dubica, Bornean camphor.

Directions for use: - rinse the navel area with warm water and wipe dry; — open the package along the notch and remove the paper sticker on one side; - stick the adhesive side on a clean surface of the skin on the navel area; — duration of use 2-3 days; - remove the patch and rinse the surface of the skin. The procedure is repeated after 24 hours.

Contraindications: you should not eat spicy or salty foods while using the patches, and you should not drink any kind of alcoholic beverages. should not be applied to open wounds, cuts or scrapes and should not be used if you have an allergic reaction to individual components of ZB Prostatic Navel Plasters.

Storage: store in a dry place, protected from light.

Attention: this product cannot replace medications.

The prostatitis patch “ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster” from the famous Hong Kong company Bang De Li is a patch for the treatment and prevention of prostate diseases, nephritis, kidney failure, and impotence.

Urological plaster "ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster" - made in China, made according to the prescription of ancient doctors and registered in 1899. The recipe includes seven herbal components.

The patch is manufactured using the latest modern technologies and complies with the international GMP quality standard.

Passed clinical trials and is classified as a health product.

Non-toxic, safe, does not contain chemical impurities, has no side effects.

There are several areas on the human body to which all internal organs are projected: the feet, palms, ears, tongue and navel.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the navel is considered a kind of center connecting the meridians of the whole body. And the area of ​​the body below the navel is called the “cinema field,” the root of the 12 channels, the root of life.

There is a special method of treatment through the navel, in which drugs are applied to this area; medicinal components penetrate into the blood, their concentration in the abdominal cavity increases, and then they are distributed throughout the body, providing a preventive and therapeutic effect.

Course of application: 2 packs.

To achieve the best result, depending on the problems, 2-3 courses (4-6 packs) are recommended.

Manufacturer: Shaanxi Zhongbang Pharma-Tech Co., Ltd.

Main varieties

Universal Bangdelipai Zhongbangzhenggutie

Before buying an unknown drug, you need to carefully study all the reviews about it. Practice shows that at the initial stage of prostatitis it is best to use the Bangdelipai Zhongbangzhenggutie patch, which has numerous advantages and an affordable price.

Over the past few years, sales of this Chinese product have increased significantly, as it is distinguished by the following principle of action:

  • Effective fight against severe inflammatory processes.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvis.
  • Preventing the growth of the prostate gland.

The patch contains a standard list of active ingredients. Each substance has a healing effect on the body, due to which pain in the lower back and scrotum goes away, and sexual dysfunction is eliminated. This Chinese patch can only be applied to the previously washed navel area.

ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster

The patch is in great demand among qualified urologists, since the therapeutic effect of this remedy is aimed at combating the cause of the disease, and not its consequences. Numerous patient reviews indicate that the active substances of ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster help increase potency. In addition, some components of the patch help cleanse the blood of toxins and waste. Manufacturers claim that this remedy allows you to overcome the following ailments:

  • Nephritis.
  • Severe inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Adenoma.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract.

High Performance Tiger

This product is one of the most popular. The effectiveness is due to the unique composition: resin, musk, dried ginger roots, cloves, Asian centella. Chinese Tiger patch improves blood circulation, relieves swelling and pain in the perineal area.

You can buy this product today at a good discount. Repeated use improves blood circulation and eliminates urinary problems.

Doctor's review

Irina Alyautdina Doctor of the highest category, Falkenstein

“The use of this product can change the health of any man for the better in a short time. Prostatitis disappears regardless of the stage of development of the disease or what age the patient is. From the first days of use, pain is eliminated, urination is normalized, erectile function and sexual desire are restored. Prostatic Navel is indicated for everyone without exception; its use is not accompanied by unpleasant side effects and is completely natural and environmentally friendly. The fact that this remedy is quite effective is proven by clinical and laboratory tests. The necessary compliance is recorded in the certificates of the appropriate type.”

Recommendations for using the product

In order to avoid harm to the body, despite the naturalness of the drug, it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance to the constituent components. Side effects include allergic reactions.

You should strictly follow the instructions in the instructions. During treatment, it is forbidden to eat salty, spicy, fatty and smoked foods. You should not drink alcoholic drinks, even low-alcohol ones.

If an allergic reaction occurs, you must stop gluing it. The product must not be applied to damaged epidermis. When purchasing a urological patch, a careful examination is required for signs of a real, certified medicinal product. This will help avoid counterfeiting.

Composition of the urological plaster

The product consists of a rich, natural composition of natural substances. Plant extracts help treat the patient’s body, eliminating disturbing symptoms. Below is a description of all the components of Prostatic Navel plasters.

  • Asian plantain. Its effectiveness is noted in the treatment of pathological processes with urine leakage; it helps with hemorrhoids and urolithiasis. It is impossible not to note its restorative properties in case of impaired blood flow. The plant in question helps reduce bad cholesterol and inhibits the development of atherosclerotic pathologies, including blood vessels in the male genital organ.
  • Double-toothed strawflower. In Chinese medicine, strawflower (two-toothed) is used as a diuretic. It is used to restore sexual potency in men during age-related weakness, prostatitis, prolonging full activity. Extracts of this plant are added to medicinal mixtures to treat impotence caused by venereal pathologies and chronic alcoholism. The rhizome of the plant is used to combat inflammation of the bladder and urethra.
  • Bornean camphor. The plant is recognized as a powerful remedy that relieves pain in the genitourinary system, including the kidneys and bladder. Local application helps stimulate microcirculation and has a strong effect on inflammatory processes. In eastern medicine, Bornean camphor is used in the treatment of blood vessels (to dilate), eliminate thrombosis and its subsequent formation.
  • Girchevnik (Chinese). This plant is used for general strengthening, pain relief, and has an antispasmodic and absorbable effect. Based on the rhizome of the plant, a medicinal extract is made that has anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects. Extracts of the plant are used to eliminate prostatitis, inflammatory processes in the bladder, impotence, difficult bowel movements associated with constipation, and hemorrhoids. Chinese Girchevnik is often used in gynecology to treat female diseases.
  • Cinnamon. In the East, this spice is given special importance. Cinnamon has a powerful, tonic effect, it has antiseptic effects, eliminates painful symptoms, and relieves inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. Cinnamon is a miracle cure for constipation; this spice is used for preventive purposes in cancer patients. The smell of cinnamon has been used to increase sexual desire.
  • Amur velvet. The medicinal plant in question is rich in tannins, valuable essential oils, vitamins, and flavonoids. Amur velvet has miraculous powers for healing the human body; it eliminates pain, restores the composition of plasma, kills bacteria, and relieves any kind of inflammation. It has diuretic and tonic effectiveness.
  • Safflower (dye). Eastern herbalists have a special relationship with dyeing safflower. This plant is used for medicinal purposes for pathologies of the kidneys and prostate gland. Thanks to the powerful conductive effect, medicinal components penetrate into the depths of the skin. Safflower seeds have an astringent property, with a diuretic effect, and the plant also has an antiseptic effect.
  • Chastukha. Active diuretic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent in herbal medicine. It is used to treat infectious pathologies in the genitourinary system. The plant is used for both preventive and medicinal purposes for urethritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis.
  • The corydalis is deceptive (adventurous). Basically, the tubers have the most healing power in this plant. An infusion is made from them, which is used to eliminate pain symptoms, and is used as a diuretic, hemostatic, tonic and restorative. Effective for relieving pain in the perineum, scrotum, and groin area.
  • Purslane. Traditional medicine uses the plant in question for various pathological processes of the genitourinary system. A decoction of purslane is taken as a diuretic, which cleanses and removes harmful substances, including those accumulated in the urinary system.
  • Medicinal verbena. This plant contains an active substance (verbeniamine), which has astringent, anti-inflammatory, and absorbable effects. Verbena is used to treat disorders of varying severity in the urinary system; excellent treatment results have been noted for stone diseases.

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Health from nature delivered to your home

  • Prostatitis... Prostate adenoma... Pain, problems with potency...
  • Urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis...
  • Enuresis in children and adults...
  • Fibroids, fibroids, painful heavy menstruation...

How to avoid this? How to get rid of these problems if they arise?

A unique and absolutely necessary product in the program for solving these problems is the ZB Prostatic Navel Plaster Urological Plaster. Certified according to international ISO and GMP standards. The patch was made according to the recipe of ancient Chinese doctors and was registered in 1899. The recipe includes seven phytocomponents.

The action of the urological patch is based on a transdermal effect (trans - through, dermis - skin) and is one of the safest and most effective methods of correction for various pathological processes, since the active substance of the patch quickly and effectively enters the microcapillary vascular bed and almost instantly enters the blood and begins to act.

Components of the active substance of the urological patch:

Bornean camphor: Camphor has established itself as a highly effective, safe and reliable remedy for the local treatment of various diseases, quickly relieving pain and restoring the function of affected organs and tissues. When applied topically, it clearly exhibits irritating and anti-inflammatory effects and improves microcirculation. In patch forms it functions as a conductor, facilitating the rapid introduction of active substances into tissues. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on inflammation of the kidneys, urethra, bladder, and prostate gland.

Cinnamon: Due to its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon is recommended for the treatment of external and internal infections. Doctors have long paid attention to the healing properties of cinnamon and recommend it as an antiseptic. Gynecologists recommend that women take it to relieve pain during menstrual cycles.

Safflower: Safflower flowers have had pharmacological effects in animals in laboratory experiments, including dilating coronary arteries, constricting blood vessels in the kidneys, protecting against the effects of traumatic brain injury with ischemia (lack of blood flow), and lowering cholesterol. Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors use safflower to reduce spleen and treat the liver. A rare special form of this flower from Tibet has the best potency among this species.

Safflower is also effective for endometriosis. In addition, safflower oil serves as an active conductor of other components into the deeper layers of the skin.

Girchovnik vaginalis: Used for stagnation of blood and Qi, dysmenorrhea, absence of menstruation, painful menstruation, difficult childbirth, abdominal pain after childbirth.

Strawflower two-toothed: Roots and leaves contain triterpene saponins, alkaloids, ecdysteroids, inocosterone, glycosides.

In Chinese medicine, the roots are used as a means of restoring strength, and also as a diuretic, hemostatic, anti-cold, for snake bites, rheumatism, bronchial asthma in combination with other medicinal plants.

In Vietnam, medicinal forms from the plant are prescribed for arthritis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, urolithiasis, hematuria, amenorrhea, inflammation of the salivary glands, and laryngitis.

Corydalis dubica: Tubers of Corydalis dubica are considered a hemostatic, tonic, diuretic, tonic and analgesic. A decoction of tubers is recommended for headaches, gastralgia, pain in the groin area, painful menstruation, and uterine bleeding. In traditional medicine in Southeast Asian countries, tubers are used as an analgesic, hemostatic, and to treat stomach ulcers and dysmenorrhea.

Asian plantain: Asian plantain juice inhibits the growth of a number of pathogenic bacteria. Seed preparations are used for edema, anuria, dysuria with difficult and painful urination, the presence of sand and stones in the urinary tract, bronchial asthma, and bronchitis. In Chinese medicine, the seeds are used as an antidiabetic agent. Indications for use:

Due to its composition, the urological patch is a highly effective and necessary component of health programs for the following problems:

Used in women for:

  • painful periods, mastopathy
  • endometriosis
  • benign neoplasms in the female genital area (fibroids, fibroids, cysts, polyps)
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary area (endometritis, parametritis, inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis, hydrosalpinx, salpingoophoritis)), etc.

Used in men for:

  • frequent urination;
  • pain when urinating;
  • aches and pain in the lower back;
  • pain in the scrotum;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • jade;
  • renal failure;
  • impotence and decreased potency;
  • deterioration in the quality of sexual life;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • male infertility associated with a decrease in the number and motility of sperm.

Used in children for:

  • enuresis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis);
  • painful periods in teenage girls.

Contraindications: allergy to any component of the active ingredient of the patch.

Minimum course: a minimum of 5 patches is recommended. To achieve the best result, 2-3 courses are recommended.

Directions for use: apply to clean, dry skin in the umbilical fossa area for three days. Do not wet the area where the patch is applied. If there is hair in the area of ​​application, shave. After removing the patch, thoroughly rinse the skin of the area and remove any remaining adhesive. After a day, apply the next patch.

What it is?

The patch is a transdermal therapeutic system, the active zone of which contains extracts from many medicinal herbs used by Chinese folk pharmacists for thousands of years.

When used, the components are absorbed through the skin and enter the local and then the general bloodstream and enter the pelvic organs. There they begin to act on target organs, primarily the glands of the male reproductive system.

This method of drug delivery is most effective for this disease. This system ensures a smooth and uniform flow of drugs into the body, which helps maintain their stable concentration.

Clinical studies have shown that this remedy can help with most chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in men.

Types of medicinal herbs in patches

These include:

  • Golden flower two-toothed (stimulates potency and has a diuretic effect)
  • Verbena officinalis
  • Asian plantain (has a healing and restorative effect)
  • Bornean camphor (helps cleanse the blood of toxins, relieves inflammation)
  • Safflower dye (has a diuretic, antiseptic effect)
  • Corydalis dubious (exhibits a diuretic, analgesic, tonic and strengthening effect)
  • Purslane (contains the most important vitamins A, group B, C, tocopherol, isoflavonoids, PP, glucose, sucrose)
  • Verbena officinalis (anti-inflammatory, reparative, analgesic effect)
  • Amur velvet (stimulates rapid tissue repair)
  • Chastukha


  • Convenient to use.
  • Absolutely non-toxic.
  • Contains only natural ingredients without synthesized compounds.
  • Possibility of long-term use for three days.
  • Has a rapid analgesic effect (against pain).
  • Helps relieve swelling.
  • Prevents pathological enlargement of prostate tissue.
  • Facilitates the process of urination.
  • Increases blood flow in the pelvic organs, which contributes to the rapid decline of the pathological process.
  • Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Erection improves.
  • Increases sexual desire.
  • Activates the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rapid onset of therapeutic effect.

How to use a patch for prostatitis and adenoma

Before use, be sure to read the instructions. The product should be applied specifically to the navel. Manufacturers emphasize this. According to Chinese medicine, the prostate canal is located in the lower area of ​​the navel.

The algorithm of actions should be like this:

  • All hair around the navel is shaved and this area is carefully processed;
  • The package is carefully cut at the marking site so as not to touch the patch;
  • The protective film is removed from the sticker;
  • The sticky part of the patch is glued to the skin. This must be done the first time, since when re-glued, the product will no longer stick;
  • The sticker is worn for 2-3 days, then removed;
  • The next use is possible only after a daily break;
  • The cumulative effect of treatment lasts about 24 days;
  • For maximum results, it is advisable to take several courses.

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If you follow these simple requirements, the positive effect will occur within 3 weeks. Sometimes a repeat course is no longer required.

General idea of ​​medicinal patches

Therapeutic patches are sometimes called “dry drips.” But, unlike the injection method of administering drugs, they allow the beneficial substance to enter the body through the skin. They are made by applying extracts of medicinal plants, essential oils and other natural substances to a special fabric.

Range of applications

This remedy can be used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Chinese healing patches demonstrate effective use for the following problems:

  • inflammations of various types;
  • toothache;
  • fatigue;
  • joint pain;
  • skin problems;
  • headache;
  • vascular spasms;
  • post-traumatic pain.

As the course of therapy progresses, blood pressure normalizes and destroyed biological connections are regenerated at the cellular level. Using the patch reduces the risk of developing cancer pathologies. It stimulates the elimination of toxins and helps restore the body in case of heavy metal poisoning, and ensures rapid healing of wounds.

Operating principle

Transdermal therapy is another name for the healing process that involves this Chinese method. Its main feature is the rapid penetration of the healing composition into the body through the skin. Unlike oral administration of a medicine, it does not pass through the gastrointestinal tract, but is directly absorbed into the blood, lymph, and specifically into the affected organ.

They produce specialized patches that effectively treat a specific problem. For example, one may contain components that relieve headaches, and the other may contain substances that relieve spasms. You just need to stick the healing plate on the muscle, joint or projection on the body of the organ that is bothering you. Chinese sages considered such projections to be biological active points located in different parts of the body - in the navel area, on the ears, feet, palms.

Thanks to the fabric base, when interacting with the dermis, the sticker does not clog pores, but allows the skin to “breathe” freely. This minimizes the risk of developing an allergic reaction, so the treatment strip can be worn on the body for 48-72 hours.

Rules for using the product

The patch must be applied to the area slightly below the navel. To prevent the sticky fabric from coming off, the skin must first be washed and dried, and then degreased. The product is taken out of the package, the protective film is removed, and the patch is simply glued to the skin. The patch should remain on the skin for three days, then it is removed, a 24-hour break is maintained, and another patch is applied to the same place again.

Removal of the transdermal system may leave streaks of adhesive on the skin. To remove them, apply a towel soaked in hot water to the skin. After holding the towel for several minutes, it becomes noticeable that the glue quickly dissolves and is easily removed from the skin.

One course of treatment is 6 patches. Each sticky strip of fabric is worn on the skin for three days and then removed. Exactly 24 hours should pass between applying a new patch and removing the previous one.

It is important to note that the patch cannot be wetted, so you should avoid showering while wearing the product. You can come up with additional protection, for example, by sticking cling film to the area around the patch to protect the product from getting wet

To achieve a sustainable therapeutic effect, it is recommended to undergo 2-3 courses of treatment. One package of patches is designed for one course.

Mode of application

Convenience and ease of treatment with a urological patch play an important role for the patient. Its use does not require special training or dynamic supervision of a therapist. It is invisible under clothing and does not hinder movement, thanks to which the patient can live a full life.

The method of using this tool is as follows:

  • it is necessary to shave and wash the peri-umbilical area with soap, and then wipe it dry;
  • Next, you need to stick the patch on the prepared area;
  • The duration of action of one plate is twenty-four hours, after which you need to remove the product, re-wash the application site and stick a new patch.

The duration of such therapy ranges from two weeks to one month. The break between courses is one week, after which (if necessary) 3-4 similar courses can be repeated.

This method can significantly reduce the manifestations of prostatitis without the use of additional drugs. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to follow a diet that excludes fatty, fried or spicy foods, alcohol and tobacco.

Ingredients in the patch

Contains only natural extracts of medicinal plants. Main ingredients:

  • a plant of the Achyranthes family (two-toothed straw flower), used by ancient Chinese emperors to restore and maintain potency, with the goal of giving birth to as many heirs as possible. And the practices of Korean medicine confirm the effectiveness of use in inflammatory processes of the bladder and urethra;
  • Asian plantain - applicable for a wide range of diseases affecting the cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary and nervous systems. The maximum result was observed when using urolithiasis, oncological formations and for the treatment of the prostate;
  • wild saffron - widely known as a laxative, choleretic and diuretic, and also helps reduce cholesterol, improves overall hormonal levels and normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • Thai borneol - used by herbalists in the skies to relieve symptoms of inflammation. Has antibacterial and antiviral activity. Widely used for vascular diseases, improves blood circulation and oxygen saturation. The most pronounced effect is demonstrated when applied topically;
  • water awl - known for its healing properties. Effective for urolithiasis, good for chronic prostatitis. It is characterized by a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Thus, the patch is characterized by anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antibacterial, anesthetic and anti-cancer properties, due to natural medicinal herbs and components.

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Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

Feedback from a researcher at the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, on the composition of the Chinese urological patch for prostatitis:

“It was very interesting to research the composition. Having put all the necessary reactions and analyzed the results, I was delighted. The composition fully corresponded to what was stated on the packaging. In addition, there were no additional substances in the composition, which manufacturers often keep silent about. For example, talc, which is so typical for many medications sold in pharmacies. As a result of the fact that it is not profitable for pharmaceutical companies to disseminate information, few people know that talc is a carcinogen! Less than 70% is excreted from the body, and the remaining molecules remain, inducing the development of malignant tumors. I recommend using a patch of natural composition for the prevention and treatment of diseases!”


  • Dying safflower - in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthening them. Normalizes the functions of the penis, improves immunity. Used for the prevention of cancer.
  • Double-Toothed Gem: Increases blood clotting. Its extract is used as a herbal antibiotic. Its use is indicated in the presence of kidney stones.
  • Corydalis: has analgesic and antipyretic properties, fights impotence. Has a calming effect on the central nervous system, tuning for faster and more effective treatment;
  • Asian plantain: normalizes metabolic processes, acts as a disinfectant. It has shown especially high effectiveness in advanced stages of diseases.
  • Cinnamon: endowed with stimulating, anti-inflammatory, decongestant properties.
  • Vaginal girchevnik: stops inflammatory reactions in the pelvis, restores potency. Eliminates spasmodic phenomena.
  • Borneol: has a precise effect on infected areas, preventing their enlargement. Positively affects the functioning of the prostate gland.

Composition of the drug

The Chinese patch is a new word in the effective treatment of prostatitis and other pathologies of the male genitourinary system, allowing you to “restore order” to your intimate life. It is created on the basis of active components obtained by extracting from medicinal herbs and composed according to an ancient recipe used by ancient Chinese healers to restore potency and libido. The main active ingredients of the drug are:

  • Chinese girchevnik, which has a pronounced analgesic, antispasmodic and decongestant effect;
  • Strawflower two-toothed - quickly relieves inflammation of the urethra, normalizing urination and eliminating pain;
  • Bornean camphor, which improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which reduces inflammation;
  • Safflower, which has a diuretic effect and acts as a conductor, facilitating the rapid penetration of other active phytocomponents into the circulatory system;
  • Asian plantain, preventing the development of atherosclerotic changes in the vessels of the penis;
  • Cinnamon, which acts as a powerful antiseptic;
  • Chastukha, which quickly relieves inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • Verbena, which is a well-known natural analgesic;
  • Corydalis vulgaris, which has a general strengthening and tonic effect necessary for the rapid restoration of health;
  • Amur velvet is a natural antibiotic that quickly relieves infectious inflammation.

All of the above phytocomponents in combination give an amazing effect. They activate blood circulation in the pelvis, which, in turn, helps eliminate congestion, reduces cholesterol in the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, and relieves swelling of the prostate.


Truly unique composition

The patch from China consists only of natural products. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the sticker affects the body, strengthening the immune system.

Components of Chinese plaster:

  • Corydalis dubious (diuretic). Eliminates pain, increases potency;
  • Dying safflower (antiseptic, choleretic, diuretic). It is used for pathologies of the genitourinary system, removes toxins and waste from the blood. Eliminates stagnant processes, helps the healing substances of the patch penetrate through the deep layers of tissue;
  • Asian plantain (antiseptic). Increases blood circulation, promotes the secretion of gastric secretions, destroys bacteria, normalizes the urinary tract4
  • Strawflower two-toothed (natural antibiotic, diuretic). Prevents kidney stone formation, restores potency, is included in many drugs for prostatitis and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Chinese girchovnik. Relieves pain, calms the nervous system, eliminates blood clots. It has antitumor, anti-inflammatory effects, treats hemorrhoidal fissures, and is included in anti-impotence medications;
  • Bornean camphor (erection enhancer). Preventive remedy for prostate adenoma. Quickly relieves pain, restores damaged tissue, including the bladder;
  • Cinnamon (antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, analgesic). Promotes normal digestion and blood circulation, relieves swelling in the prostate gland. Prevents inflammation from developing, helps with premature ejaculation, restores erection;
  • Purslane. Normalizes urination, has a large number of useful microelements;
  • Verbena (anti-inflammatory, analgesic). Promotes wound healing, improves metabolism;
  • Amur velvet (choleretic). Eliminates harmful bacteria from the body;
  • Chastukha. Does not allow urine to stagnate in the kidneys.

All components of the patch are absolutely natural and safe for health. The product should be stored in a closet or medicine cabinet, but under no circumstances in the refrigerator.

Basic properties

Results from the use of the urological patch:

  • the pain will go away;
  • stabilization of bladder functions;
  • relief of inflammatory processes;
  • removal of pathogenic bacteria from the body naturally;
  • stabilization of blood circulation in the pelvic area;
  • elimination of erectile dysfunction;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • removal of kidney stones;
  • prevention of oncological tumors;
  • saturating the body's cells with energy, which tones it and increases performance;
  • The body's defense reactions increase.
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