Eyelid twitching (nervous tic, myokymia)


Most often, eye twitching develops on only one side. It is rare to find a double-sided form. It is formed in permanent or temporary form.

We recommend reading: Nervous tic

More often the condition forms independently, but can occur in combination with other clinical symptoms:

  • weakness, fatigue, drowsiness and other signs of malaise;
  • facial pain, which may be accompanied by the formation of areas of numbness;
  • inflammatory conditions of the eyes, accompanied by redness, inflammation, swelling, secretion of tear fluid, spasm of the eyelids;
  • psychical deviations;
  • facial redness, swollen veins;
  • other neurological disorders, for example, hand tremors, paresthesia of the limbs.

Muscle twitching is invisible to other people. They are felt only by the patient himself. Often the condition bothers a person. But there are also nervous tics that manifest themselves excessively and over a long period of time.

Recommended reading: Eye twitching

If they do not go away within a few days, it may be a symptom of a pathological condition. In this case, you can contact doctors of a narrow specialty.

Myokymia of the century

Myokymia of the eyelid is the process of muscle twitching in the upper or lower eyelid.

The condition occurs for many reasons.

Pathology is treated by a psychiatrist, neurologist, cardiologist, and therapist. The condition can develop due to physiological and pathological factors.

  • 1 Symptoms
  • 2 Reasons
  • 3 Treatment

The main causes of eyelid twitching

This disease is polyetiological, because its causes are varied. Often, for the development of eyelid twitching, the combined action of several provoking factors is necessary:

  • Stressful situations, especially sudden and severe ones;
  • Staying in prolonged mental stress (state of chronic stress);
  • General fatigue, combined with lack of sleep;
  • Excessive strain on the eyes with concomitant pathology (when a person does not use prescribed glasses or their help is no longer enough);
  • Obaglaza.ru highlights the provoking effect of tonic drinks with caffeine, as well as alcohol, on the occurrence of eyelid twitching;
  • A diet with insufficient content of a microelement such as magnesium (its deficiency causes violent muscle spasms, so myokymia that occurs for this reason is accompanied by cramps - painful contractions of the lower leg muscles);
  • Long work at the computer;
  • Using contact lenses in violation of the necessary rules;
  • Dryness of the eye membrane (observed in older people and in menopausal women);
  • The effect of certain medications (pharmacological drugs for depression, antihistamines);
  • Allergy (contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle in this case is caused by the influence of histamine, released into the tear fluid from intense friction of itchy eyelids).

When a tic causes the eyelids to close, or other parts of the face are involved in the process, this is a reason to seek advice from a neurologist, because serious disorders in the neurological sphere are possible.

Treatment options

Despite the many causes and different pathogenesis, it is quite possible to cure eyelid twitching. The website ObaGlaza.Ru offers several effective methods:

  1. In the first place is proper rest and sleep. A person needs at least 6 hours of sleep at night every day. Tricks of sleeping for the whole week on weekends will not give a positive result.
  2. Preparations with a calming effect on the nervous system (teas with mint, lemon balm, motherwort, pharmacological agents);
  3. Reducing the consumption of stimulating drinks with caffeine (coffee, strong tea). As an alternative, you can use herbal teas, green tea (contains bound caffeine - theine, which has a milder effect). Adding milk to coffee reduces its tonic effect.
  4. Quitting alcohol;
  5. A complete diet enriched with magnesium and B vitamins (oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, whole grain bread, bananas, dried fruits);
  6. Timely consultation with an ophthalmologist, who will determine the correct cause of eyelid twitching and prescribe the necessary measures (the right glasses for computer or reading, medications for dry eyes or allergies).
  7. In the case of a particularly severe and therapeutically resistant tic, obaglaza ru envisages the use of injections of a drug based on botulinum toxin (Botox) into the muscle that is in a pathological condition.

Choosing a clinic for treatment

Eyelid twitching, which is caused by eye pathology, requires the participation of a qualified ophthalmologist in the treatment process. A visit to a reliable eye clinic will provide the opportunity to conduct additional tests, both laboratory and instrumental.

Often there is a need to consult a neurologist and correct treatment measures on his part.

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Source: https://obaglaza.ru/simptomy/76-podergivanie-veka.html


Nervous tics can be caused by the following conditions and diseases:

  • psycho-emotional disorders, stress, depression, neuroses, psychoses;
  • constant fatigue of the body during prolonged study or work;
  • physical stress;
  • a state of pregnancy in which many body functions change and hormonal levels are rearranged;
  • overload of the visual organs, which occurs when constantly in a cramped room, prolonged use of a computer, phone, TV, tablet;
  • high blood pressure, which may occur periodically or constantly;
  • inflammatory conditions of nervous tissue, for example, the trigeminal and facial nerves, which can be a consequence of an infectious or viral process, mechanical damage, pinching;
  • consumption of large amounts of alcohol, nicotine, drugs;
  • excessive dryness of the mucous membrane, which often leads to dry eye syndrome, which forms microtraumas and cracks on the surface of the cornea;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins, microelements, and minerals necessary for the normal formation of all organs and tissues;
  • excessive excitability of the central nervous system, which is accompanied by constant transmission of nerve impulses, for example, in epilepsy;
  • inflammatory eye diseases, which can be blepharitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis of various nature (viral, bacterial, allergic, mechanical origin);
  • insufficient amount of sleep, necessary for one day (8 hours a day is considered the minimum acceptable norm).

The doctor cannot prescribe drugs that only stop the symptom. He needs to identify the root cause, which should then be eliminated. This is the only way to reduce the risk of relapse.


There are many types of treatment. They depend on the reason that caused myokymia of the eyelid:

  • local antibacterial drugs in the form of ointments and drops, if the condition is complicated by the spread of infection to adjacent tissues, systemic drugs are prescribed (Vigamox, Tobrex, Suprax, Amoxiclav);
  • antiviral drugs for systemic and local use, since the pathogen is always concentrated in the blood (Arbidol, Acyclovir, Ingavirin);
  • antihistamines that are prescribed locally and systemically (Cetrin, Erius, Suprastin, Allergodil);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for topical use based on diclofenac;
  • steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for local use based on dexamethasone, hydrocortisone and other hormonal substances;
  • the use of multivitamins that additionally contain microelements and minerals (Aevit, Alphabet);
  • systemic medications that lower blood pressure;
  • moisturizing eye drops that can be used in a prolonged course as needed (Slezin, Defislez);
  • nootropic drugs that stimulate the function of the central nervous system, promoting enhanced oxygen delivery;
  • drugs that inhibit increased excitability of the central nervous system;
  • light or strong sedatives to calm the patient's nervous system, depending on the severity of the condition.

In addition to the use of medications, the following rules must be observed:

  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • completely give up bad habits;
  • take a walk in the fresh air every day so that your gaze dissipates, stops being tense, and a large amount of oxygen enters the body;
  • eye gymnastics, which helps eliminate tension in the extraocular muscles;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures that eliminate the excitability of nerve tissues and promote increased blood flow;
  • eating food that contains a large amount of vitamins, microelements and minerals necessary for the normal development of the whole organism.

The use of preventive measures will not eliminate the risk of developing eyelid myokymia, but will significantly reduce it.

Myokymia of the eyelids is a fairly common occurrence in people. This is due to the fact that they are periodically exposed to negative environmental factors, which lead to stress and anxiety. These are the underlying factors that make up the symptom. But there are also pathological diseases in which myokymia is formed on a permanent basis. In this case, you should not self-medicate; you need to consult a competent doctor.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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Myokymia of the eyelid - what a “twitching” eye will tell you about

Myokymia is a condition that is accompanied by twitching of the eye. The orbicularis oculi muscles contract involuntarily and this can be repeated several times in a row.

This symptom is hardly noticeable to other people. However, it can cause anxiety and reduce a person's quality of life. In most cases it goes away on its own.

May act as a manifestation of another systemic disorder.


At the first symptoms of the disorder, it is important to remember what situations and predisposing factors could contribute to the development of myokymia. This could be nervous exhaustion, overwork, or a stressful situation. It is important to inform your doctor about possible accompanying symptoms: dizziness, headache.

The specialist prescribes a detailed examination to identify the exact root cause of the violation:

  • electroneuromyography;
  • EEG - electroencephalography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • computed tomography.

Benign facial myokymia of the eyelid must be differentiated from other similar conditions: large tumors in the brain, diseases of the nervous system, blepharospasms.

After receiving the results of a comprehensive examination, the doctor can select a suitable treatment regimen.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

It is recommended to consult a doctor if, due to myokymia, the eyelids close and other muscles on the face and body begin to twitch. With such complaints, you can contact a neurologist.

If the disorder persists for a long time and recurs periodically, it is recommended to refrain from self-medication and immediately seek qualified medical help.

In case of swelling, blurred vision, or redness of the eyes, a concomitant consultation with an ophthalmologist is required.

A simple way to stop nervous eye tics can be found in the thematic video:

Preventive actions

To prevent the development of myokymia, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • observe the work and rest schedule;
  • avoid psycho-emotional stress;
  • cure dry eye syndrome: use eye drops with a moisturizing effect, which include hyaluronic acid;
  • eliminate the source of the allergy;
  • do not overstrain your eyes when working at the computer for a long time;
  • do eye exercises regularly;
  • review the diet, add sources of easily digestible protein, as well as fats, fiber, and vitamins;
  • identify and eliminate diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, which may be the root cause of eye twitching;
  • observe the regime of work, rest, sleep;
  • promptly and efficiently treat diseases of the organs of vision.

If myokymia bothers you regularly, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Self-medication may be ineffective and may aggravate the underlying process causing the symptom.

About eyelid twitching in the video:

We also recommend reading on our website about the dangers of ocular migraine, see the link.

Source: https://ozrenieglaz.ru/diagnostika/miokimiya-veka

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