Colored contact lenses for eyes - pros and cons

Features of colored correction lenses

Features of colored lenses with diopters are as follows:

  1. They have a multilayer structure.
  2. The central zone (pupil area) is not colored.
  3. Compared to regular lenses, colored lenses are less wet, so they cannot be worn for long hours (it is recommended to remove them at night).
  4. Diopters of colored lenses - from -20 to +20.
  5. There are special types of lenses painted in natural color. They are indicated for patients with iris disorders where the natural pigment is unevenly distributed or missing in any area.

There are several types of colored correction lenses.

  • With indicator paint. It is only with a stretch that they can be called colored, since they do not radically change the color of their eyes. There are only light blue and light green indicator lenses, which are easier to put on and take off.
  • Tinted. They are suitable for light-eyed people and increase the intensity and saturation of the natural color of the iris by only 20%, which is why the look appears deeper.
  • Colored. These lenses can either correct eye color or completely change it. They are suitable for any eye color, can be plain or contain 2-3 pigmented layers. Luminous lenses also fall into this category.
  • Rainbow ones. Unlike the previous group, the pigment in iridescent lenses is distributed unevenly, but chaotically in the form of diverse rays.
  • Fully painted. These lenses are suitable for people with high light sensitivity. They are distinguished by uniform coloring of the entire surface, including the central part.

A separate group consists of carnival lenses, which are rarely used and mainly for photo shoots and masquerades. Due to low demand, they are almost impossible to find on sale.

The most popular colored lenses:


The main advantage of colored contact lenses is the ability to change or adjust eye color, thereby obtaining the desired shade. It is thanks to this property that they have gained such popularity.

Other advantages include:

  • comfortable wearing;
  • safety;
  • large selection of colors and shades;
  • the ability to choose a manufacturer and, accordingly, prices;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • easy to care for, put on and take off;
  • the ability to hide iris defects.

Versions that colored lenses are dangerous, irritate the mucous membranes and contribute to vision impairment have no scientific basis.


Nevertheless, you cannot do without disadvantages.

  • Due to their multi-layered nature and thickness, colored corrective lenses are less permeable to oxygen, so they need to be removed at night.
  • Regardless of the hydrogel used to create the lenses, the oxygen permeability characteristic is only low or average.
  • They can limit your field of view, so it is better not to wear them while driving.

Obviously, the number of disadvantages is less than the advantages, so properly selected lenses are completely safe.

Are colored lenses harmful to the eyes?

If we talk about whether colored lenses are harmful just because they have pigment, the answer is negative. They are as safe and comfortable to wear as regular contact corrective lenses.

Damage to the eyes can be caused in some cases:

  • with the wrong choice of lenses;
  • due to improper use and maintenance.

If the lenses are selected with the help of an ophthalmologist, and the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations, there is no harm to the eyes.


These are modern, high-quality optics with a decorative effect, which are popular among fans of bold and bright images. Accessories of this type allow you to easily and quickly, slightly or radically change, providing the opportunity to attract attention and emphasize your unique style with an unusual and expressive look.

In the production of colored contact lenses, ultra-thin, soft and environmentally friendly material based on “breathable” hydrogel is used. Thanks to its ability to transmit oxygen, the eyes feel maximum comfort throughout the day. Modern dyeing technologies also make contact lenses safe, in which the colored dye is embedded inside the soft base, which eliminates its contact with the mucous membrane of the eyelid and the eyeball. These fashion accessories are also easy to use and care for. They are as easy to put on as conventional contact vision correction products with a transparent base, but thanks to the huge variety of colors and patterns, they provide more opportunities to change the image.

Advantages of colored lenses:

  • Safety for ophthalmic health;
  • Restoration of visual acuity;
  • Basic hygiene rules;
  • Daily use;
  • Changes eye color depending on the model used.

Tips for choosing lenses

To select daily contact lenses that will fit you perfectly, provide comfort and maximum visual acuity, you must first undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist. Selecting lenses on your own will not bring any results, and, in addition, can further damage your vision.

What is computer perimetry and why is it needed? Read here.

The choice of colored lenses is always individual. After all, each person has a unique eye color, and when applying another shade, you can get a third one, which can surprise you with its unexpectedness and unnaturalness. To avoid this, when choosing daily colored lenses, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • In the instructions for use, you need to find out what type of eyes the lenses are suitable for. They may be suitable only for dark or light eyes, or they can be universal.
  • To change dark eye color to light, you need to use colored lenses with a dense pattern.
  • It is necessary to change the light shade of your eyes using tinted contact lenses.
  • To visually enlarge the eyes, you can purchase contact lenses with a dark contour, shaded from the colored to the transparent area.
  • For constant wear, it is advisable to purchase colored lenses in calm shades that will not be too noticeable. On the contrary, for more special occasions you can purchase colored lenses in unusual, brighter shades.
  • To make the look seem natural, the pattern imitating the iris must be clear.

To check in advance whether the chosen contact lens color is suitable for you, you can use a special program or service. This way, you can determine whether they match your eye color or match your skin and hair color. The selection of lenses can be carried out on models presented by the program, or you can upload your own photo.

Products must be certified. By purchasing contact lenses in these places, you can be sure of the high quality of the product and the guaranteed preservation of the health of your eyes. It is advisable to buy daily colored lenses from the world's leading manufacturers, which have proven themselves well in the market.

Types of lenses to change eye color

All colored lenses that change eye color are divided into several main types. The classification depends on their purpose, as well as on the color (sometimes image) applied to them. Among the variety of choices, there are:

  • crazy. These are carnival models of the most extravagant colors. This includes samples of colors that are unnatural for the iris (yellow, red, and the like), as well as those options that change the shape of the pupil or models with any pattern (“cat’s eye”, smiley, pentagram and other popular images);
  • doll lenses. These include lenses for eye color, which do not radically change it, but emphasize the natural shade or complement it with an interesting ornament. Often such models visually increase the diameter of the iris, which is why they got their name. The look with them becomes truly doll-like;
  • corrective lenses that change eye color. These models can be either doll or carnival in color. But unlike previous species, they can also affect vision. These are colored lenses with diopters.

You should choose any of these types of products based solely on your own needs. Optical lenses must correspond to your diagnosis made by a specialist (astigmatism, myopia, presbyopia). Options with diopters are strictly prohibited from being worn by people with completely healthy eyes. Conversely, if you suffer from poor vision, then you should not try simple color models without diopters.

The nuances of wearing colored lenses that change eye color

In addition to their color, lenses that change eye color differ from their classic transparent counterparts in the way they are worn. In general, any type of this product should not be worn for too long. Your eyes won't thank you for this. But with colored models everything is even more complicated.

The texture of the lens exactly imitates the texture of the iris. The principles of changing eye color are based on this: a thin round film is completely painted in the desired color, with the exception of a circle in the center directly opposite the pupil. Thus, lenses for eye color are superimposed on the natural shade and, as a result, change it.

Just keep in mind that coloring substances added to products increase their density. This significantly reduces the lens's ability to transmit oxygen. Therefore, doctors do not recommend wearing such products for more than 6–8 hours. Moreover, such temporary standards are typical exclusively for tint models. Carnival copies, which, by the way, are mainly produced in China and do not shine with quality, are not recommended to be left on the eyes for more than 3 hours.

As for scleral lenses, their wearing period is completely limited to 1 hour. Let us recall that scleral models are those that cover not only the iris, but the entire eyeball. These are extremely eccentric lenses that change eye color. The photo with such an accessory turns out excellent, but in life it’s better to forget about them.

And further. If you constantly drive a car or any vehicle, then you should avoid dark-colored lenses. The quality of light and color transmission in such models can deteriorate significantly; do not risk your life for aesthetic reasons.

What you need to know before buying

Well, we have already talked about the fact that lenses should meet your individual needs. Decide which of the main types is most suitable for you, there should be no problems with this. But here’s the question: should you buy models designed for long-term use or one-day ones? Any specialist will advise you on one-day ones. Firstly, they are thinner and will not cause discomfort to your eyes. Secondly, there is no need to care for such models, because you simply throw them away after use.

With long-term options, things are more complicated. They are denser in texture, but they can be used for quite a long time, which means this option is more profitable. Just do not forget that the mucous membranes of the eyes are very sensitive to any kind of pathogens and infections. Therefore, you will have to immediately take care of a suitable container for transporting them, and also provide yourself with a universal solution for washing them for future use. Lenses that change eye color are just as easy to care for as regular ones. You will have to protect them from drying out, exposure to solid particles and direct sunlight.

The last thing you need to decide on is the color of the lenses. Here, first of all, you need to take into account your own eye color. Of course, no one will allow you to try on such a product, so you will have to use your imagination and imagine how this or that shade will “fall” on your iris. The most difficult question to answer is what color lenses are suitable for brown eyes. Therefore, we will return to it a little later.

Where to buy lenses that change eye color? The answer to this question is extremely simple - in optical shops. True, not all such departments have color models. And you won’t find them in machines like “acuvue” either, although this manufacturer produces a separate line of such products, and of good quality (“acuvue-colors”). And you can also order various models from the official websites of various manufacturers. Just don’t trust Chinese online stores; lenses bought there can easily change color, but can also simply deprive you of your vision.

Features of operation and care

There is an opinion that the dye found in colored lenses can cause harm to the eyes. But this is not true. Modern models use dyes that are located inside the lens itself, under the protective shell. Therefore, it does not come into contact with the surface of the eyes and eyelids.

It is not so important whether your carnival lenses are colored, white or black, whether they are purchased on the Aliexpress website or ordered on the Adria website, the main thing is comfort. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in them, and they accurately convey your originality

And do not forget to consult an ophthalmologist before purchasing to avoid various troubles. The doctor selects such parameters as the radius of curvature, the number of diopters, diameter and recommended type of lenses.

Modern manufacturers

In modern times, on the contact vision correction market you can find daily colored lenses designed for both eyes with refractive errors and normal eyes. However, there are still fewer options on the market for daily colored lenses than for regular clear lenses. Among the manufacturers that have most proven themselves in this market segment are the following:

  • CIBA Vision. This is an American manufacturer of contact vision correction products. The product range of this company includes Ciba Vision FreshLook One Day tint lenses. The high water content (69%) will keep the cornea constantly hydrated. These lenses can make your eyes green, blue, gray or hazel. However, they are only intended for light eyes.
  • Bescon. It is a Korean manufacturer of fairly high-quality contact lenses. The company has produced one-day color lenses Tutti One-Day, which provide the most natural eye color. They have a three-tone color. Available for sale in four colors: grey, blue, green, brown. Visually enlarge the eyes.
  • OFTAlmix. This Russian company has released a budget version of one-day colored lenses called Butterfly One Day. Along with a fairly low cost, the products are of good quality. With the help of these colored lenses you can radically change your natural eye color beyond recognition. The lenses are available in five shades: sky blue, pearl grey, green, cornflower blue, nutmeg.

Alcon Ciba Vision
Daily colored lenses are quite expensive. Their price can be influenced by many factors. First of all, the cost of lenses is affected by the moisture content of the material. As a rule, the higher it is, the more expensive the cost. A high percentage of water content in contact lenses increases wearing comfort, as it promotes increased hydration of the cornea and oxygen transmission.

Is it possible to change eye color without lenses?

Lenses that change eye color are a temporary remedy, and not always convenient. But it’s quite difficult to cope with such a task without them. However, the question remains open. Is it possible to change eye color without lenses? Yes, you can. Moreover, there are several options. We will talk about them further.

How to change eye color without lenses?

There are many ways. Some of them are based on the play of light and shadow and are a temporary change in the shade of the iris, but not a fundamental change. These methods include makeup and clothing. The appropriate framing can make your eyes play and shimmer with all the tones and halftones of your natural eye color. So, swamp green eyes can be turned into emerald with the help of pearl eyeliner in brown and burgundy tones.

Lighting plays a significant role in how a particular color is perceived. This path is suitable for photography and video shooting, when it is necessary to give the eyes a certain shade for a short period of time, while being in a static or semi-static position (do not change the position of the head in relation to the light source).

The easiest way, one might say passive, is to wait. Surely everyone has noticed that the eyes become lighter and lighter over the years. Not only the shade changes, but over time, hitherto hidden features of the iris texture appear, and its unique relief appears for each person. Perhaps that is why the question arose: “Is it possible to change eye color without lenses?” I just wondered if it was possible to participate in this natural process.

The most modern method is surgical intervention. The procedure is relatively new and there is not enough information about it yet. What is known for certain is that its consequences are irreversible, and not everyone can afford it. The average cost among the few clinics where it is performed is from $5,000! The process of changing eye color is carried out using a laser - unnecessary pigments are removed from the iris and thus their density and quantity, and therefore the overall color, are regulated.

Esotericists and mystics answer the question “How to change eye color without lenses?” the answer will be unequivocal - wish it more strongly. It has been scientifically proven that self-hypnosis can indeed interfere not only with physiology, but with the chemical composition of the body. So you can try, through persistent meditation courses, to convince your body that your eyes should be a certain color. Relax and allow thoughts like “My eyes are (desired color) color” to take over your subconscious. Believe it yourself and sooner or later your body will meet you halfway.

Lenses changing eye color photo

Who among us doesn’t want to be beautiful, attractive, and different from those around us? Lenses for changing eye color are a good way to experiment with your own appearance and find new facets of your own self.

Blue today, green tomorrow. Why not? This is a great option for those who want to constantly look new. Don’t be afraid to change, because our whole world is inexorably changing day after day!

Beautiful, expressive, bright eyes always attract attention to a person.

Alas, not each of us has been endowed by nature with such a look that can delight others. For this reason, many young people seek to change the color of their eyes or make them brighter. Today this has become possible thanks to colored contact lenses. Modern ones can enhance and radically change the natural color of the eyes, as well as give them uniqueness in the form of an original and bright pattern on the iris.

Lenses for changing eye color are a very popular accessory these days. They can be used by anyone who wants to temporarily change the color of their eyes. And this desire does not depend on whether a person needs vision correction or not.

Initially, they had an even, monochromatic color, not similar to the natural color of the eyes.

Modern colored and tinted lenses are as close as possible to the natural color of the iris of the human eye. Today there are several types of such lenses:

  • Actually, colored contact lenses are called contact lenses designed to radically change the natural color of light or dark eyes. These lenses are the most common. They are coated with a dye that does not allow light to pass through. The pupil area in them remains absolutely transparent.
  • Tinted lenses have only a slight tint (20%) and cannot radically change eye color.
    They are designed to partially change the natural color of the eyes or give them a brighter shade. Tinted lenses are acceptable only for people with light eyes, but they are not capable of influencing dark eyes.

Tinted lenses

  • Decorative lenses are designed for those who want to stand out from the crowd.
    With their help, fancy patterns and color effects are created on the iris of the eye. A person wearing decorative lenses will never go unnoticed.
  • Carnival lenses are a type of decorative lenses.
    But unlike the previous ones, they create a very catchy, sometimes unexpected and even shocking pattern on the iris of the eye (a vampire’s eye, a smiley face, a dollar sign, a cat’s eye, a thorn, a soccer ball, a flame, etc.) Carnival lenses are mainly used by young people themed parties and carnivals. It is not recommended to wear them in everyday life, so as not to shock others.
  • Cosmetic lenses are commonly called contact lenses used to hide eye defects.
    They are used by patients with eye defects such as:
  1. aniridia
    (absence of the iris);
  2. anisocoria
    (pupils of different sizes);
  3. aphakia
    (absence of lens);
  4. heterochromia
    (eyes of different colors);
  5. coloboma
    (absence of part of the iris);
  6. cataract
    (partial clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye), etc.

Lenses that hide pupil defects

Cosmetic colored lenses are available in two varieties:

  • translucent tinted;
  • opaque.

Translucent tinted lenses allow you to see your natural eye color. The effect of these lenses depends on the color of the iris and the color of the lenses themselves.

Opaque colored lenses are designed to radically change eye color.

These lenses replace the iris as the surface of reflection, and the color of the reflected light is determined by the dyes used.
The desired color or design is applied to an opaque surface. These lenses can be used to change the color of both light and dark eyes.

Many users are concerned about the safety of the dye used on colored contact lenses. I would like to reassure potential wearers of colored lenses: the dye in most modern lenses is inside them and does not come into contact with the surface of the eyes and eyelids.

Colored lenses allow you to correct (hypermetropia) over a wide range of optical powers (in most cases from +6 diopters to -6 diopters). In specialized laboratories you can order colored lenses designed to correct more complex types of ametropia or refractive error:

  • toric colored lenses (to correct astigmatism);
  • multifocal colored or tint lenses ().

There are also lenses designed for reusable use.

The first ones are very convenient for those who prefer to change the color of their eyes from time to time, for some special occasions. Also, daily colored lenses allow you to experiment with colors, changing them daily. But there are no extended-wear colored lenses (that is, those that can be worn for several days or weeks without taking them off). The fact is that conventional contact lenses for continuous wear are made of silicone hydrogel, which is capable of transmitting oxygen to the cornea of ​​the eye. In colored lenses, the oxygen transmission rate is very low (20-25 units), which is the norm exclusively for daytime wear.

Some colored lenses contain a UV filter to protect your eyes from UV rays.

The key rule for choosing colored lenses: always go with the natural color of your eyes.

In the description of the lenses you can read information about what type of eyes they are intended for: dark or light. There are also universal lenses: they are suitable for eyes of any color.

If you have light eyes, then you are better off using tinted lenses. If you have dark eyes and want to make the color lighter, buy lenses with a dense pattern.

First, see if the lenses of a particular color suit you.

To do this, it is recommended to use special programs and services that allow you to upload your photo and “try on” several lens options.
It is important that colored lenses not only cover the color of the eyes, but also match the color of the skin and hair.

Carnival lenses: what are they and what are they for?

Carnival contact lenses are also often called decorative. They are made from silicone hydrogel materials. Simple corrective models are still produced without the addition of silicone. Such products are less dense, do not feel at all like something foreign and do not cause irritation.

Carnival lenses

But silicone hydrogel materials have their advantages:

  • Less percentage of water in the composition. Therefore, they are less susceptible to drying out.
  • Does not cause a feeling of dryness during prolonged use. They can be worn even in rooms with low humidity.
  • Easy to use. It is due to the presence of silicone in the composition that carnival models are denser. This may cause some discomfort at the very beginning of their use. But you get used to it quite quickly. In addition, due to their density, they are more convenient to handle. They are much easier to put on and take off than regular hydrogel ones.
  • Much less deposits (protein and lipid) accumulate on the surface of such lenses. Due to this, their service life is extended.

Color Lens Options

Important Tips

It is necessary to take into account that carnival lenses, due to their specificity, always have more restrictions on wearing than ordinary corrective or cosmetic soft optics. In order to make wearing them pleasant and safe for you, in addition to the basic rules for using these lenses, you should also follow the following instructions:

  • Always choose only products from trusted companies. Remember that paint from cheap, low-quality lenses can get on the mucous membrane of the eye and cause irritation and even conjunctivitis.
  • Never wear such lenses when you are sick with general diseases, including influenza and ARVI. In this case, viruses that have entered the lens through the mucous membrane may remain on the optics, and the next time it is put on, re-infection will be possible.
  • Keep in mind that your view with carnival lenses is severely limited. This means that they are not suitable for driving and other similar activities where peripheral vision plays an important role.
  • Never use carnival lenses after they have expired. Remember: a scheduled replacement regime for such products also exists, and its violation can lead to the development of various eye diseases.
  • Make sure there is always fresh liquid in the lens storage container. Change it regularly. Remember, pathogenic microbes can also accumulate there.
  • Do not wear such lenses for more than 2-3 hours. They have very low oxygen permeability, which, if worn for a long time, can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane, the appearance of conjunctivitis and other unpleasant consequences.

How to wear these lenses correctly

The procedure for wearing carnival lenses is not much different from the general rules for using hydrogel products for vision correction. To comply with it, take the following steps:

  1. Prepare a place for working with lenses, lay out tweezers for optics, liquid for washing lenses, and containers with the products themselves on a clean surface. Make sure that there is also a convenient mirror on the table.
  2. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before starting work. Do not apply makeup before inserting lenses (if you wear them).
  3. Carefully open the container with lenses, use tweezers or your fingertips to remove the product, place it on the pad of your index finger. Make sure it is turned inside out correctly to put it on.
  4. Before putting on the lens, check its integrity. If the product is torn or dirty, never wear it.
  5. Gently stretch the eyelid with two fingers and place the lens directly on the pupil. Then close your eyelid and blink so that the product can take the desired position.
  6. If you put the lens on incorrectly and it gets wrinkled or falls out of your hand, rinse it with the solution and repeat the procedure.
  7. Apply the second product to the other eye in the same way.

The average wearing time for such lenses is 3-4 hours. People with hypersensitivity are recommended to use them for no more than 2 hours. However, for carnival lenses this is usually enough. At the end of this period, carefully remove the lenses and place them in a container with liquid.

If necessary, apply eye drops with a special moisturizer.

What to look for when choosing?

The range of various manufacturers and types of colored lenses with diopters is very wide, so it is impossible to choose contact optics on your own. First of all, you need to talk to an ophthalmologist and undergo an examination to determine the dioptres and radius of curvature, as well as other parameters that cannot be determined on your own.

After receiving medical advice, you can go to the optician

When choosing lenses, you need to pay attention to several characteristics:

  • type of lenses based on the desired effect (tinted, colored, iridescent);
  • original eye color (for example, dark brown eyes are unlikely to be camouflaged with light blue lenses);
  • manufacturer: it is better to give preference to a well-known brand;
  • cost: good and high-quality optics cannot be cheap;
  • service life: there are both one-day lenses and those that will last several months;
  • level of oxygen permeability and moisture content;
  • wearing mode.

Be sure to read the instructions, find out for which eyes the lenses are suitable, what are the operating features and other nuances.

Expert opinion Slonimsky Mikhail Germanovich Ophthalmologist of the highest qualification category. Has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating eye diseases in adults and children. More than 20 years of experience.

To begin with, it is better to choose tint lenses whose service life does not exceed 1 week or month. The fact is that when the lighting changes, the pupil expands or contracts, so sometimes the colored part of the lens falls into its field of view. In this case, it seems to the person that his vision has deteriorated. Therefore, you first need to take a pair “to try”, after which you can choose more durable and expensive lenses.

How to choose lenses that change eye color

Lenses that change eye color come in two types: tinted and radical.
The first type of product enhances the natural eye color, while the second type completely changes it. A little earlier, colored lenses for brown eyes of the second type were unavailable, but now their choice is limited only by imagination. At the same time, you can find scleral and traditional lenses of this type on sale.

  • The difference between scleral and traditional lenses is that the former completely or partially cover the eyeball with their color.
  • Scleral lenses, which partially cover the eyeball, are worn to enlarge the eyes. Their feature is the increased size of the iris in relation to the iris of the eyes.
  • Scleral lenses can have either a colored or untinted pupil.
  • Traditional remedies have an iris size identical to the iris of the eyes.

Despite this feature, colored and tinted lenses can be with or without diopters. Scleral products, which completely cover the entire eyeball with color, are not medicinal and can be worn for 3-4 hours.

Colored or tinted lenses for brown eyes can be intended for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual wear. However, their wearing regime is the same and is no more than 6-8 hours a day with mandatory removal at night.

Specifics of wearing mode

Contact lenses are made from materials that have different oxygen permeability. Since each material has its own indicator of oxygen permeability, for each type of lens there is a certain wearing mode and safe service life.

Daily contact lenses should be put on in the morning and removed in the evening. After use, they must be disposed of. They cannot be reused.

The duration of use of contact lenses must be observed. When using lenses for more than the prescribed period, unpleasant complications may develop, such as:

  • Corneal hypoxia. This complication occurs due to insufficient oxygen reaching the cornea. It can lead to corneal damage and significant vision loss.
  • Infectious eye diseases. If the terms of wearing lenses are systematically violated, as well as if hygiene rules are not followed when putting on and removing lenses, inflammation of the eye structures can develop (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis).

One of the most common diseases is conjunctivitis; read how to deal with it in this article.

Useful video

You can find out the latest information about decorative contact optics from the videos:

With the help of colored contact lenses, people change their appearance, add new notes to their own image, and follow fashion trends. Disposable products from global manufacturers do not require specific care. After a maximum of 8 hours it is removed. If discomfort occurs, consult a doctor.

More and more young people are now using contact lenses not only to correct their vision, but also to look better. Colored contact lenses allow you to slightly emphasize the natural color of the iris or completely change the color of your eyes. There are several types of lenses that change eye color. Some of them correct vision, help fight diseases, and at the same time change the color of the iris. Others perform only a decorative function: they just create a shade.

Wearing Features

The total service life of one pair of lenses varies from 1 day to 6 months. This is indicated in the instructions, which you need to read and understand what you should expect when purchasing this or that contact optics.

Since colored contact lenses are much thicker than clear contact lenses, they prevent oxygen from entering and nourishing the eye while they are worn. Because of this, the duration of daily wear of lenses is limited. The permissible wearing period is indicated on the packaging, but is usually 6-8 hours. They must be removed at night.

REFERENCE! The wearing time of carnival lenses is reduced to 4-5 hours.

Another feature of using contact optics is the ability to wear two lenses on one eye at once: color and corrective. Theoretically, this is acceptable, but the choice should be made on the thinnest hydrogel lenses, since a double lens will irritate the eye even more and “take away” the necessary oxygen.


The range of colored contact lenses is huge.

It is divided into such groups.

  • Tinted optical products with and without diopters. They are designed to highlight the natural shade of the eyes and make it expressive. These lenses cannot change the dark color. The pattern of the iris is visible through them. Sometimes in the first days of wearing you may notice some disturbance in color perception, which, however, quickly passes.
  • Colored contact lenses with and without diopters radically change any eye color. The previous pattern of the iris is no longer visible through them. To ensure that visual function is not impaired, the lenses have a transparent optical zone. Sometimes in the evening a person notices a deterioration in vision because the pupil increases in size and begins to cover the colored area.
  • Carnival lenses are popular among young people. They have an original design in the form of a cat's eye, a vampire, a witch. They are usually worn to different parties: at official events they will be, to put it mildly, inappropriate.
  • Club lenses shimmer in ultraviolet light and draw special attention to the eyes.
  • Beauty lenses give the eye a very bright shine. The lens texture is based on the natural pattern of the iris.

What you need to know about such lenses

Carnival lenses are a type of soft optics that can radically change the color of the eyes, and sometimes the shape of the pupil. Products, like standard corrective analogues of planned replacement, are produced from hydrogel. Expensive and high-quality carnival lenses are painted using modern safe paints, which do not come into contact with the mucous membrane while wearing the product, therefore, they are completely safe for the eyes.

  • Ningaloo Gold - this type does not completely change the color or pattern of the iris, but it does provide golden tinting, which allows you to achieve an unusual bright shimmer of the iris.
  • OKVision FUSION Fancy – the most “fun” carnival lenses, decorated with smiley faces, dollar pupils and other funny pictures.
  • Adria Crazy is a Korean line that has the widest variety of shapes and patterns. They are most often used to transform into vampires, werewolves and other “evil spirits”.
  • Ningaloo Sparkling is an actual continuation of the Ningaloo Gold line, having a greater variety of shades and patterns. The only line designed for vision correction.

They have such lenses and their own selection technology for the client. They are chosen depending on the radius of the pupil and the curvature of the cornea, otherwise the products will simply sit awkwardly. As for the diopters, everything is a little simpler here than in the tint or standard colored versions. Carnival lenses, unlike tinted and painted models, are not intended for vision correction, which is why they also do not have a diopter scale.

For those who have a high degree of myopia or farsightedness, it is possible to produce similar specimens to order. However, manufacturers themselves rarely take such a step. After all, such lenses are still not suitable for everyday wear.

How to choose colored lenses for brown eyes

It should be said that it is wrong to confuse such concepts as “colored” and “tinted” lenses. Unlike colored lenses, tint products are thin and have only one tone coating. Colored ones can be two or three tones.

The difference between two- and three-tone colored lenses lies in the thickness and complexity of the pattern. It is believed that blue lenses for brown eyes are better to choose the latter type. At the same time, this rule does not apply to those who want to choose brown lenses for green eyes.

The peculiarity of three-tone lenses lies in the complexity of the transition of shades - from light to dark, from the center to the borders of the iris. The boundaries of the iris on the lenses are highlighted with a dark rim and its color itself changes depending on the lighting.

Blue lenses for brown eyes are not the only option for experimentation. Manufacturers have long been able to pamper brown-eyed people with lenses in cornflower blue, emerald, amber, and gray shades.

Main types of Crazy lenses

Colored carnival lenses can be divided into several categories. For example, Adria offers its customers the following varieties:

  • Enlarging eyes. These can be Crazy with various patterns or products in natural shades, as you can see in the photo.
  • Creating a mysterious look. For this purpose, carnival models of unusual colors are used, but not flashy or catchy. Such shades that are very rarely or almost never found in real life. These can be slightly purple, honey or light orange, bright green, etc. There are also pure black or pure white.
  • Glowing in the dark. Luminescent carnival lenses are great for various youth parties. In everyday life, they are unlikely to be useful to you, since with their help you can not so much surprise others as frighten them.
  • With thematic patterns. Such patterns can be simple colored curls, lines or geometric shapes. There are also models that imitate a cat's eye, patterns of the iris of birds, snakes and other animals. Examples can be seen in the photo.

You can purchase Adria carnival lenses on their official website or on the Aliexpress website. You can also find product reviews on their website.

Color effect lenses

Lens color for blue eyes

Those with azure-blue eyes are incredibly lucky when it comes to choosing lenses. Since this natural color is quite light, it can be given almost any shade. Moreover, if you chose not carnival, but tinted lenses, which only partially change the color of your eyes. It is better to choose a lens color for blue eyes that is not too dark, with a smooth transition and intensification from the pupil to the edge of the iris.

Dark (black, brown, dark green and all unnatural) shades will definitely not look natural against such a light background. Moreover, if you consider that in the light the pupil narrows and the iris will be visible in the unpainted part of the product. But before you is the whole palette of blue and turquoise shades. Violet, violet color lenses for blue eyes are a real find. And by the way, this shade suits those with celestial eyes more than anyone else.

How to properly care

Most carnival lenses are hydrogel in type, which means they require care appropriate for this type of optics. It must provide:

  • storing products in a special solution in small containers or blisters;
  • cleaning the lens after each fitting or wearing using a special product;
  • washing products with a special product before installation;
  • the use of moisturizing drops compatible with this optics before wearing such lenses to increase the comfort of use;
  • use with these products only those cosmetics that do not destroy the structure of the lens and do not stain the material.

Remember that failure to comply with these rules, as well as improper care procedures, will most likely lead to damage to your soft carnival optics.

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