Miramistin solution for topical use 0.01% 150 ml

Cystitis is an inflammation of the walls of the bladder, usually of infectious origin.

Among the main symptoms of the pathology are frequent and painful urination with the release of small portions of biological fluid, as well as a slight increase in body temperature. In the most advanced cases of cystitis, a small amount of blood may come out along with the urine.

Cystitis is a fairly common disease. According to various sources, from 20 to 40% of the planet's population periodically encounter it. Moreover, women, due to the structural features of the genitourinary system, get sick more often.

To treat cystitis, urologists traditionally prescribe antibacterial medications. Miramistin is one of these. This is a medication for local use, which has a wide spectrum of action.

The drug is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, pathogenic fungi, viruses (including HIV, HSV) and pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases. The drug has a detrimental effect on microorganisms that are resistant to chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics.

Taking Miramistin orally

The official instructions for Miramistin do not indicate whether it can be taken orally. However, the drug is used not only for the treatment of cystitis and skin treatment, but also for irrigating the tonsils for sore throat, rinsing the mouth for stomatitis, etc. This means that ingestion of a small amount of the drug is acceptable.

However, you should not drink it purposefully. Once in the stomach, the medicinal liquid will undergo various changes and, in the end, will do nothing more than possible harm.

General overview

The drug Miramistin is very widely used in modern medicine.
It is a product developed by Russian scientists, originally intended for use in the field of space research. In a confined space, microflora develops much faster, so Miramistin was invented for astronauts to disinfect the surfaces of their hands and equipment. The result is a completely unique product with a powerful antiseptic effect, which inhibits the activity and destroys many clinically significant microorganisms. Miramistin reduces the viability of the human immunodeficiency virus hundreds of times and sharply stimulates the activity of anti-tuberculosis drugs. The manufacturer of Miramistin is Russian, which invests a lot of money in the development of its material base and in research, and also cooperates with various scientific domestic and foreign centers.

Method of use

For cystitis, Miramistin is used for douching into the urethra or vagina.

Before doing this, patients should thoroughly wash their hands and genitals with soap. The drug is administered in a lying position using a special nozzle, which is included in the kit. Before each procedure, it must be sterilized.

After completing the treatment, the patient needs to sit or lie down for 15-20 minutes. This time is enough for the medicine to disperse through the urinary tract and begin to act. It is also advisable not to urinate for as long as possible after douching.

The drug is not used externally for cystitis, although some urologists still advise patients to treat the external genitalia with it to reduce the treatment period and for preventive purposes. For this purpose, you can irrigate the genitals with Miramistin in liquid form or apply a thin layer of ointment.

In some cases, doctors use this medication to perform electrophoresis. This will help eliminate inflammation and swelling, speed up the regeneration of affected tissues. Course – 10 sessions.


Douching for cystitis should be done 3 times a day. In this case, in one procedure, a woman needs to inject 2 ml of liquid into the urethra, and 10 ml into the vagina.

If a man suffers from cystitis, the dosage for him can be increased to 3 ml. The procedure must be carried out, as in the previous case, 3 times a day.

The duration of the course of therapy in each case is determined individually, but usually it is 10 days.

Indications for use

The mixture actively affects inflammatory processes caused by various harmful agents. Miramisitn helps reduce suppuration of wounds, thereby stimulating active healing. The drug improves regeneration and causes an immune response at the site of exposure. All this accelerates the recovery period at the cellular level and explains the use of Miramistin for cystitis. The mixture is used successfully in many medical industries.

Practicing surgeons and traumatologists use it topically:

  1. For the treatment of infected wound surfaces of various etiologies and locations.
  2. To prevent re-infection of granulating wounds.
  3. In the treatment of burn injuries of degrees 2 and 3A in the preparatory process before dermatoplasty - in combustiology.

The damaged areas are irrigated, and tampons are loosely inserted into the resulting fistulas. The dressing material, heavily impregnated with the drug, is secured. The method of washing cavities and wounds gives results and is used often, the consumption of the substance is about a liter per day. The procedures are repeated several times every day for a total course length of up to a week.

Obstetricians and gynecologists prescribe Miramisitn to treat and prevent suppuration of wounds after childbirth. It is used to combat postpartum infections, treat wounds of the vagina and perineum. The drug treats inflammation of the external genitalia. Doctors use internal irrigation before delivery, after each in-depth examination, and at the end of delivery. Place a moistened swab inside for two hours. The birth canal is treated in a similar way during a caesarean section. The duration of the procedures is no more than a week. Additionally, electrophoresis with Miramistin is used.

ENT pathology: prescribed for acute and chronic otitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis. When puncturing purulent sinusitis, the sinus is washed copiously with a large volume of the drug. Laryngitis and pharyngitis are irrigated using a spray nozzle or rinsing is recommended.

Rules for working with the nozzle:

  • remove the cap;
  • remove the sprayer from the packaging;
  • connect the nozzle and the bottle;
  • press to bring the device into operation.

In venereology, Miramistin is used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. For this purpose, the drug is effective for about two hours after coitus. The mixture is injected into the urinary canal using a urological applicator. For men no more than three milliliters, for women up to two and intravaginally about ten. Treat the skin of the genital organs.

Dentists use it to treat dentures, for stomatitis, periodontitis, as a means of preventing suppuration after oral surgery.

Duration of treatment

The average duration of treatment with Miramistin varies from 3 to 14 days. The exact duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician.

The manifestation of inflammation cannot be confused with another disease, since there are specific properties that occur only with this disease:

  1. I often want to go to the toilet. There may be a burning or itching sensation when urinating.
  2. Urine has a specific smell. In addition, darkening of the urine and bloody discharge may occur.
  3. The person’s condition noticeably deteriorates, body temperature rises to 37.5 degrees.
  4. Nausea.

To accurately determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests. Protein and microorganisms will be detected in urine. Based on the research conducted, treatment is determined.

If the disease is chronic, then the inflammation is treated comprehensively. The treatment period reaches two weeks. But at this time, you should follow a special diet to make it easier for the body to help. The diet is strict - refusal of particularly sour, greasy, spicy and salty foods. The patient must drink more than two liters of liquid during treatment.

For complex treatment, you can use the medical product Miramistin. It has an antiseptic effect and is used for various ailments. The drug can also be combined with other medications.

Pregnancy and lactation

Miramistin is not absorbed into the blood and milk, so it can be used for the treatment of cystitis by pregnant and breastfeeding women. The dosage in this case is the same as for non-pregnant patients.

And although Miramistin does not have a negative effect on the fetus, before using it, a woman should still consult with her gynecologist. This is especially important to do if the disease is already being treated with any medications.


At the moment, there is not enough experience in using Miramistin for the treatment of cystitis in children, so it is not used in pediatric practice.

Contraindications and side effects

Negative reactions when using the medicinal composition are possible in case of individual sensitivity of the body. Such situations are extremely rare. Allergies can manifest as burning, itching, and redness. If the reaction lasts more than twenty minutes, Miramistin is not used and the attending physician decides what to replace it with. If the burning sensation lasts a few seconds, it is considered normal. The mixture can continue to be used.

The possibility of negative manifestations is negligible, since the medicinal composition is not absorbed into the bloodstream. There are no other contraindications to the use of the substance. And yet, despite all the ease of use and accessibility, it is recommended to be treated with Miramistin after a doctor’s prescription.

Use in childhood

Miramistin is not used to treat children suffering from bladder inflammation. It is prescribed if a child has chronic tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The dosage directly depends on age. Children from 3 to 6 years old are prescribed 15 ml per day (divided into 3-4 injections).

Miramistin is approved for use in children aged 3 years and older. The duration of use is determined individually by the attending physician, and the dosage directly depends on age:

  • from 3 to 6 years – press the sprayer once;
  • from 7 to 14 years – press twice;
  • from 14 years old – press 3-4 times.

The course of treatment is individual, so before using the spray you should consult your doctor.


The use of Miramistin for instillation of the bladder is best left to professionals. Lack of practical skills is fraught with additional damage and increased inflammation.

In women, instillation is carried out in a hospital setting on a gynecological chair. The bladder is emptied using a catheter. Then, through a tube inserted into the urethra with a syringe of the required volume, the solution is slowly poured directly into the cavity of the bladder. To reduce discomfort, the liquid is preheated. The catheter is removed and the urethra is briefly clamped. The doctor recommends keeping the solution for at least 2 hours, the longer the better. A lasting therapeutic effect can be achieved after 7–10 procedures.

For prevention

It is not recommended to drink Miramistin either for the treatment of cystitis or for its prevention. Douching with this drug for preventive purposes should also not be done unnecessarily, as this can lead to dysbacteriosis of the genital organs.

The only exception in this case can be preparation for surgical intervention on the organs of the urinary system. The need for prophylaxis in such situations is reported by a urologist or surgeon.

The drug can also be used to prevent cystitis after unprotected sexual intercourse. In this case, the time interval between intimacy and douching and irrigation of the genitals should not exceed 2 hours.

Pros and cons of the product

Like any medicine, the composition has its strengths and weaknesses. This influences the choice of substance when determining treatment tactics. There are much more positive aspects in this case.

The advantages of Miramistin include:

  • action on all pathogens;
  • ease of use;
  • quick healing effect;
  • no adverse reactions;
  • formation of stable local immunity;
  • use by pregnant and lactating women.

Disadvantages: not recommended for use with other local products.

The maximum duration of treatment is ten days. The decision to prescribe must be made by the doctor.

pharmachologic effect

In accordance with the instructions for use, Miramistin is capable of:

  • Prevent infection of the affected area of ​​the body.
  • Accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Activate the activity of phagocytes, which should protect the body from pathogenic microflora and viruses.
  • Stabilize the functioning of the monocyte-macrophage system.
  • Stop the inflammatory process of wound and perifocal type.

It is strictly forbidden to combine Miramistin with drinking alcohol. Their dose in this case does not matter. Also, it should not be taken together with psychotropic substances and tranquilizers.

Opinions of patients and doctors

Miramistin is available without a doctor's prescription, so at the moment it is a very popular remedy for the treatment of cystitis. The point of view of doctors and reviews of patients who took the drug Miramistin are in most cases positive.

Miramistin is a drug that belongs to the group of cationic antiseptics. It has a wide spectrum of action and is effective against aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. It helps with cystitis in the shortest possible time and, importantly, does not cause side effects. In addition to treating cystitis, Miramistin can be used to treat wounds and scratches, and to prevent sexually transmitted diseases after sexual intercourse. I believe that this medicine should be present in every home medicine cabinet.

N. A. Panfilov

An excellent drug, the effectiveness of which is at the highest level. Convenient shape, nozzle, volume. Miramistin can be purchased at any pharmacy. The medicine is effective for almost any type of cystitis, including those that have a viral etiology. To achieve really good results, the drug must be used in a timely manner. Unfortunately, many people forget about this.

A. S. Guryeva

Miramistin helped me get rid of cystitis in the shortest possible time. Moreover, there were no more relapses after that. Unfortunately, when douching, I felt a burning sensation, but it was not too intense and went away very quickly. So, for the sake of recovery, you can be patient a little.

A. K. Sitnikova

I treated bacterial cystitis with Miramistin. Just 2 days of douching and all symptoms of the disease completely disappeared. I was very pleased that the drug does not need to be taken orally, which relieves additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. With my kidney failure this is very important. Now Miramistin is always available at home.

Anastasia Shiryaeva, 42 years old

Miramistin was prescribed to me by a urologist for cystitis. I injected the drug into the urethra at a dosage of 3 ml, three times a day. To my surprise, the unpleasant symptoms of the disease disappeared after 2 days of douching, and I decided to stop therapy, which I greatly regretted a little later. After about 4 days, the symptoms of cystitis returned with even greater force. Then I decided to call my doctor.

In response to my complaints, he replied that douching should be done until the course is completed. Even if the unpleasant symptoms of the disease have disappeared, this does not mean that there are no more pathogenic microorganisms left in the body. After that, I began treatment with Miramstin again, although this time I completed the course to the end. After this there were no relapses of the disease. To achieve the best effect, I recommend that patients suffering from cystitis continue treatment until the end of the course determined by the urologist.

A. S. Dmitriev

Treatment regimen and dosage

Instillations are performed using cystoscopy. The procedure is carried out under complete sterility. Tools are pre-processed. The patient lies on a gynecological chair, the drug is injected into the bladder with a catheter through the urethra. Required amount of product: for women - two milliliters, men will need three.

The patient does not urinate for a certain time so that the substance remains in the bladder. Then “Miramistin” comes out on its own, washing the damaged surface. Women put tampons soaked in the medicine for a couple of hours to increase the effect. Also, after instillation, the external genitalia are treated by irrigating the substance or applying ointment. This way the therapeutic effect on the genitourinary system is enhanced and prolonged.

This treatment tactic is recommended for diseases that are sexually transmitted. Its use is effective if no more than two hours have passed since coitus.

If the doctor is confident that the patient has the necessary skills, experience and concept of sterility, he may allow instillations to be carried out at home.

“Miramistin” is administered lying on your back with a special tip. Two milliliters of the substance are poured into the urethra. You need to lie down for up to half an hour and empty your bladder after a couple of hours.

The duration of the procedures is no more than ten days. It is not recommended to use the substance for longer. To enhance the therapeutic effect, electrophoresis is done with Miramistin. In this way, the molecules of the mixture are delivered to the tissues more actively. The patient's condition recovers and improves faster.


Miramistin is a popular antiseptic drug that has proven its effectiveness both through research and in practical use.

The use of Miramistin for cystitis receives a lot of positive feedback from both doctors and patients. The versatility of the drug, as well as its ability to increase the effectiveness of antibiotics, makes it possible to get rid of the disease with minimal side effects.

Irina, 34 years old, Moscow

Miramistin is a universal remedy. I used it for cystitis, and my husband used it to treat sore throat. Its main advantage is that the drug begins to act from the first day of use. The truth is quite expensive.

Olga, 27 years old, Kaspiysk

The product copes well with bacteria that cause the disease. I'm used to using it, it's effective, the results are quick. I did not notice any side effects, except for a short-term mild burning sensation.


In conclusion, it is worth saying that Miramistin is one of the best drugs for the treatment of cystitis. When used correctly, you can achieve quick results while avoiding various consequences.

However, it is strictly not recommended to engage in amateur activities. Sometimes cystitis is not a consequence of bacterial, fungal or viral infections, but of helminthic infestations, oncological processes, autoimmune processes, etc. In these cases, Miramistin will be powerless. Self-medication will not be beneficial and the disease will continue to progress, making it more difficult to cure. Before starting therapy, you need to visit a urologist and undergo a medical examination.

Analogues of the drug

There are several drugs on the pharmaceutical market that have a similar effect on pathogenic microflora, but at the same time such drugs are less effective compared to Miramistin. Most often they are prescribed if individual sensitivity is observed.

Analogues of Miramistin are:

  • Chlorhexidine. Transparent liquid with a faint alcoholic odor. The drug actively eliminates gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms and has a pronounced bactericidal property.
  • Dekasan. An antimicrobial and antiviral drug that can penetrate infection cells. In the cell membrane, Decasan causes the process of disintegration of the structure itself, thereby providing a therapeutic effect.
  • Octenisept. Used for external use only, therefore not intended for the treatment of cystitis.

Release forms

Miramistin is available in different forms. Any of them can be used in the treatment of cystitis.

Colorless transparent liquid, packaged in bottles of 50, 100, 150, 200, 500 milliliters.

A solution with a concentration of the active component of 0.1 g is completely ready for consumption. Manufacturers were concerned about ease of use and equipped the packaging with a special urological applicator, a pump with a spray, and a gynecological nozzle.

The ointment is distributed in tubes of 15, 30 g. Each unit of mass contains 0.5% of the active substance.

Suppositories are produced under the patented name Tamistol. Contains 0.015 g of miramistin. The package contains 1 - 2 blisters of 5 suppositories.

Mirastimine for diseases of the genitourinary system

Recently, people are increasingly suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system, which are perfectly treated by the drug Miramistin; for cystitis, it is used in the form of a solution for douching, as well as an ointment.

How does the treatment work?

If you need a solution for treatment, you can choose bottles with a capacity of 50, 100, 150 or 200 ml. They will contain a colorless liquid that actively foams when shaken. The bottles come with a nozzle that allows you to spray the drug.

Its antiviral properties have a therapeutic effect on various types of inflammatory processes that occur in the bladder. Treatment is prescribed only by the attending physician after a complete examination. Thanks to this, it is possible to minimize the risk of various side effects, and at the same time enhance the quality of treatment.

It is worth knowing that cystitis refers to the occurrence and development of inflammation of the bladder. Only its timely detection and treatment makes it possible to prevent the development of complications, and especially the development of a chronic form.

And since this disease most often occurs in women, a unique and practical remedy was developed for them - Miramistin.

Efficacy for cystitis

The inflammatory process of the bladder is called cystitis. It manifests itself as a burning sensation, pain, and frequent urge to defecate. With a prolonged course, there are painful false urges and urinary incontinence. The general condition is disturbed. Patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • hyperthermia;
  • lower back pain;
  • inability to work;
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability.

It takes a long time to wait to determine the sensitivity of antibiotics to the microorganisms that caused the process. Then it will take time for the antibacterial composition to start working. If the symptoms of acute cystitis are pronounced, you need to act quickly. After examination and diagnosis, doctors often prescribe miramistin.

The composition is effective in this situation, as it actively acts on all pathogens. Improves tissue regeneration, relieves inflammation, promotes early healing of damaged surfaces. It stimulates the manifestations of local immunity at the site of application.

After adding antibiotics administered orally or parenterally to the treatment regimen, the effect of the drug is enhanced. “Miramistin” for cystitis, according to patient reviews, significantly alleviates the condition from the first dose.


A spray called Miramistin is a medicinal solution whose concentration is 0.01% (100 mg of active substance per liter of purified water). It is colorless and odorless; foam forms when shaken. The composition contains benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium monohydrate.

The ointment contains:

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Furamag for cystitis

  • miramistin;
  • distilled water;
  • proxanol 268;
  • disodium edetate;
  • macrogol(6000, 1500, 400);
  • propylene glycol.

Miramistin: description of the drug

“Miramistin” belongs to the group of antiseptics. The drug has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It is due to the ability of the drug to select pathogenic cells and influence only them. The composition fixes the lipid parts of the cell membranes of harmful microorganisms. Separates them into pieces, destroys them.

This leads to a change in the structure of bacterial membranes and the supra-membrane layer. Through them, molecules of the mixture easily penetrate into microbes. Finally, Miramistin reduces the activity of the enzymatic system of pathogens. The structure of foreign agents changes radically; breakdown of the internal structure leads to their destruction. The microorganism as a living cell is completely destroyed.

The composition is effective only against pathogenic organisms. This ability is called selective. The mixture has no effect on human cells.

The structure of membranes in humans has a different structure. Lipid radicals are longer. This does not allow Miramistin molecules to interact with them.

The destructive effect of the composition is expressed against almost all pathogens: bacteria, viruses of various types, strains, even those that form spores and are difficult to destroy by other antimicrobial agents. The medicinal substance is used as a primary or auxiliary substance for many diseases. The resistance of pathogens to antibiotics is significantly reduced under the influence of Miramistin.

It is not absorbed through the membranes of mucous surfaces or the skin. The active substance is called benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate. The medicine is released in the form of a solution or ointment. The liquid is colorless and forms foam when shaken. For external use only. Pharmacies sell the drug without a prescription.

The mixture gives good results when used together with antibiotics. In combination with other antimicrobial agents, the described medicine enhances their effect when administered parenterally or orally. The simultaneous use of Miramistin with other topical drugs is not recommended. This interaction causes increased resistance of pathogens to them.

Drug for children

Miramistin is prescribed in childhood if necessary to treat acute pharyngitis and exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. For children under 3 years of age, the drug is recommended in extreme cases and only at the discretion of the treating specialist. Infants up to the first year of life are allowed to take this medicine only under the supervision of a doctor.

If it is necessary to use Miramistin in children as nasal drops, it is important to be careful, as there is a risk of irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. This medicine is extremely rarely used for inhalation. Often in childhood, medication is prescribed for damaged skin as a means for external treatment of the affected areas.

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