How to confess your love to a girl in your own words: examples of beautiful and warm words that are also suitable for SMS

Examples of confessions

The presented options for love revelations are suitable for both the first and subsequent confessions in established and developing relationships.

Beautiful words to my beloved

You gave me peace

My girl! Today I want to confess my love to you. I am grateful that you revealed my inner world; I myself did not suspect that I was capable of such deep feelings. You painted my life in bright colors and showed its true meaning. You are immensely dear to me, I love you!

You are my life

My darling! I want to tell you my cherished words that I love you, and I don’t need another life where your charming eyes, charming smile, velvety voice, cheerful and kind disposition are not there. Every night I thank God for giving me the opportunity to be with you. I promise to take care of you all my life, my treasure.

How much I love you

Look outside the window, dear, how beautifully a new day begins: the sun is rising, the birds are chirping, the wind is gently moving the leaves on the trees. The world is beautiful, and all because you are in it. Darling, every day you, like the sun, illuminate my life and make me the happiest on this planet! I very love you!

Deep feelings

My dear, I realized that I had finally found the treasure - what I had been looking for all my life. You are a wonderful creature, I like everything about you: intelligence, beauty, kind heart, tenderness. My soul melted after meeting you, I am happy and want to share my feelings with you. I love you and I hope it's mutual.

I miss

Honey, I really miss being away from you. The moments spent with you are the most wonderful and romantic for me. You are an incredible girl, I admire your beauty, charm, intelligence, willingness to help and support. I have already said many compliments to you, but the most important thing is that I am grateful to God for the opportunity to be with you. I love you very much and look forward to meeting you!

Nice words

Feelings cannot be described in words

Darling, I sincerely want to choose the best phrases to express the depth of my feelings for you. But words cannot describe how much I love you! I am ready for anything for you, for any feats and madness, if only it makes you a little happier. I would like to throw at your feet all the jewels and treasures of the world - just be supportive. You are a wonderful, sincere person and deserve all the best!

I need you

Honey, describing my feelings for you could take an entire book. Every day I love you more and more! You mean a lot to me! You are magnificent: beautiful, smart, passionate, daring! I am grateful to you for the feelings, affection, tenderness and other pleasures that you give me every day. I am crazy in love with you!


Lately I haven’t been myself, but all because I met a person who changed my life! I'm talking about you, beautiful stranger - we only talked in the company of friends, but I dream of meeting in person. You struck me to the very heart, and I realized that I wanted to confess my feelings and be with you. I will be happy if you accept my invitation for a first date and share the evening hours with me.

I miss you

Darling, at this hour I really miss you. A sad and lonely mood has taken possession of me, and only warm memories of you warm me and give me hope. I dream of being next to you, hugging you, holding you close and not letting you go. Let this frank confession indicate to you my deep feelings. I love you!

I feel so good with you

Darling, I hasten to explain my feelings to you. I am incredibly glad that such a girl loved me with all her soul and gives me affection, tenderness, and care every day. When I first saw you, I was breathless with admiration. I love you and enjoy every minute spent with you.

Touching confessions to tears

I treasure you

My dear, many years have passed since we met, but to this day I am in love with you, like a boy. Before my eyes is still the same daring and sweet girl, who struck me to the very heart. I value you and our relationship very much, as before, I am ready to run to the ends of the world for a date. I am amazed at you: a wise, delightful, charming, gentle woman with a huge loving heart! Let the fire of our feelings burn forever. I love you!

Letter of Forgiveness

My beloved girl (name), after our quarrel my soul cried bitterly, and I decided to write you a letter about my feelings. Outwardly I am calm, but inside there is a hurricane of emotions raging. You are infinitely dear to me, and not a single problem in the world is worth removing the smile from your beloved face. You are the best thing that happened to me in my life, I’m afraid of losing you, my miracle. I love you and I apologize for my mistakes and insults. Let's make peace soon, and let all the disagreements be left behind, and let your eyes sparkle again with joy and happiness!

You are all for me

This evening I want to explain my feelings to you. During our communication, you became very dear to me. I can’t imagine how I existed without you, how empty and boring my life was. You are everything to me: you are my world, my Universe. Without you, my existence is meaningless. I love you - and this statement is very serious for me. I hope for reciprocity, I promise to cherish and preserve our relationship!

It's so good that I met you

Honey, I get scared when I think about the fact that I could miss my lucky ticket and not meet you. You give me the best moments of my life, you support me and set me up for victories. I am grateful to you for the tenderness, affection, and care that you generously bestow on me. Let these modest lines indicate to you the depth of my feelings. I love you!

I'm sorry

Darling, please accept my apologies. Understand that you are the most valuable treasure in the world, which I treasure madly. Let these lines melt your kind heart, and you will return to me again. We will forget all quarrels and insults, I want your eyes to glow with happiness, I dream of hearing ringing laughter, feeling your tenderness. You are an amazing girl and I thank God every day for meeting you! I love you!

Original and funny

Why I love you

I love you, my dear! You may ask why. And I will answer you. You are magnificent: smart, beautiful, seductive, charismatic, kind and affectionate. You decorate this world and make it better. But I don’t adore you for this, because they don’t love you for something. Even if you become the most insidious villain in the world, I will be there and share your fate. Love is a gift that you and I have been given. And I promise to take care of it and not lose it!

Cool girl

Honey, I once met an unfamiliar girl and thought how lucky the guy who could win her heart would be. This beautiful stranger was you, and I still can’t believe that I drew a lucky ticket. I adore you: your naive childish look, fiery laughter, big kind heart. And I want to believe that you don’t regret our fateful meeting! I love you madly!

You are a mystery to me

Honey, for me you are a magnificent painting of an abstract artist. I admire you, I am amazed at the bizarre patterns and curves, and I can only guess what this work hides within itself. You are an unsolved mystery for me, the secrets of which I strive to comprehend with all my heart. You attract and captivate me with your unknownness! I love and admire you!

What happened with me

I think I'm sick. I lost interest in parties, they suddenly became too noisy, and the beer lost its taste. And the name of the disease is love. But I’m glad for it, so I’m not undergoing treatment, let it be chronic. Honey, you showed me the world from the other side, I understood the value and beauty of simple things. I feel good only next to you, I enjoy every moment spent together. I love you!

You are special

Darling, I have always considered myself a free bird, incapable of nesting. I soared in the skies and thought that this was my purpose. But I was wrong. You burst into my life like a hurricane and led me astray, completely changing all the guidelines. I gave in to the impulse and now I understand how much I have gained. You showed me real happiness, sincere feelings. With you I feel like an eagle, I felt the taste of life, my importance in this world. And I am grateful to you. You are the most important event in my life and the greatest achievement. I love you!

Short love SMS messages

The best

Darling, you are magnificent: beautiful, smart, charming, kind, sexy! I am incredibly happy with you and I hope you are too. I love you!

Briefly about the main thing

Honey, you are the whole world to me, Universe. For your sake, I am ready for any feats and madness! Love you very much!

You amazed me

Honey, I want to confess my deep feelings to you! You struck me in the very heart, I am delighted and captivated by you! I love you!


Darling, today I would like to take you on a date. Let this romantic dinner be the beginning of our serious and deep relationship. I love you!


Darling, you inspire me to deeds and victories! You are the best thing that happened to me in my life. I am crazy in love with you!

Explanations of feelings from a girl to a girl

I'm a prisoner

Darling, you are a bright light that illuminated my life and showed the way in the darkness. I, like a moth, strive for you, without fear of getting burned. You are a bright, beautiful, sunny, fiery girl. I love you and I’m ready to tell the whole world about it.

You are my music

Honey, you are the music of my soul, which suits me perfectly. When I'm sad or hard, a gentle melody calms me down. When it's fun, I hear fiery disco. The notes of your heart drive me crazy, and I am ready to endlessly enjoy my favorite music. Adore you!

My muse

Darling, you are my inspiration! Thanks to you, I bathe every day in an ocean of tenderness, care and affection. You are an incredible girl: kind, beautiful, sympathetic, smart. I can always rely on you in everything. You are a faithful and devoted person. I am crazy in love with you!

An offer of marriage

Together forever

Darling! On this beautiful evening, let me explain my feelings. After meeting you my life changed. You brought meaning and happiness to her. I am grateful to God that I can enjoy your love, affection and care every day. You are the most dear person to me. And it will always be like this! I will be incredibly happy to see you as my wife! Marry me!

A strong family

Honey, our feelings are strong, strong and time-tested. You are a wonderful girl, I could not even dream of such happiness. Every day you surround me with care, love, affection. I love you and I am sure that you will become a wonderful wife and mother! Dear, marry me, we will create a strong and loving family.

Be my wife

My dear, this evening is dedicated to you. I want to say thank you for making me happy! I enjoy every day I spend with you. The world is beautiful because you are in it! I love you and want to propose marriage. I dream that you will be my wife, it will make me happy forever!

How to write to a girl that she likes her - 10 examples

Another way to confess your feelings to a girl is to write about them. This is an excellent solution, if for some reason it doesn’t work outright. However, you should not use this option unless absolutely necessary - it is better to confess to the girl in person. If, nevertheless, the choice fell on confession in a letter, you need to try to get a meeting with your chosen one as soon as possible.

If you decide to write to a girl, you should remember the first rule: you can, of course, hint at sympathy, but it’s better to do it directly. Unfortunately, without seeing the interlocutor, it is very difficult to interpret ambiguous phrases, and the girl may simply not understand the hint or think that it is a joke.

The second rule: if it was decided to write a confession, it must be done sincerely. You can read examples for inspiration, but you shouldn’t blindly copy other people’s thoughts, and especially poems with declarations of love. This is easy to check. And then, instead of the “wow effect”, the chosen one will simply be disappointed.

Examples of non-standard phrases that you can write to a girl

  1. I thought nothing could surprise me, but you do it easily.
  2. I dreamed about you today.
  3. You make me become a better person.
  4. Has anyone ever told you that you smell amazing?
  5. I am very happy with you.
  6. My love for you makes my heart beat faster.
  7. It seems that only now have I learned what happiness is.
  8. I don’t understand why, but every day I’m drawn to you more and more.
  9. I really like you, so I decided to write to you. Maybe we can meet tomorrow evening?
  10. I just saw you and realized that I was lost.

It is important to send not faceless messages, but to build on the image and character of the girl. It’s especially good if you manage to write about the shortcomings of your beloved, which for a guy are cute features - in this way, you will be able to hint that the girl is special. For example: “You are terribly frivolous, and I like it.”

You can write a confession in order to diversify relationships and give them a new impetus for development. If there is no relationship yet, then in a message you can invite a lady on a date, and then confess your sympathy to her.

Why you shouldn't confess your feelings over the Internet

  1. A girl can read the message and leave the network without replying.
  2. Representatives of the opposite sex often write similar confessions to beautiful ladies. Your message may be one of many and go unnoticed.
  3. It is quite difficult to write without causing misunderstandings. It will be difficult for the chosen one to understand the mood of her interlocutor, since it is not easy to convey the depth of her feelings via the Internet.
  4. If you don’t want to admit your feelings, but only hint at them, messages are not the best help.

Preparing for recognition

Explaining your feelings to a girl is a serious and decisive step for a man. Before saying the phrase “I love you!”, it is important to correctly assess your own intentions. Girls are impressionable, so recognition will indicate the seriousness of the relationship and, perhaps, will evoke thoughts about a future wedding.

It is necessary to understand whether the concept of love is being replaced by attraction. If a man is serious and determined, the next step will be to think through the text of the confession, which touches the soul. The main requirement is sincerity.

An important point is the choice of place and method of explaining feelings. You can coincide this event with a holiday: February 14, New Year, birthday, and so on.

They create a welcoming atmosphere by decorating the room or choosing a suitable place: restaurant, cafe, cinema and others. You can choose unusual and unexpected options: the roof of a high-rise building, a walk through the city at night, a picnic in nature, during a plane flight or a limousine ride.

It is important to confess your love to a dear person not only during the candy-bouquet period, but also in future relationships, even after many years of married life. It is pleasant for a wife to hear explanations of feelings over breakfast brought to bed, at a romantic dinner, as well as pleasant words and compliments uttered for no reason just in a whisper in her ear.

Preparing for Rejection

An important point when deciding to confess to a loved one is the awareness of a possible refusal. The likelihood increases with short-term relationships or their absence before an explanation of feelings.

If there is no reciprocity, you should not blame the person or give up; it is better to behave with dignity and thank you for the truth. In addition, it is no secret that a woman needs to be wooed. Perhaps after some time it will be possible to win the favor of your beloved, and the situation will change radically.

At the same time, it is recommended to avoid intrusive methods; it is better to accept the status of a friend, always ready to help. If the girl does not show sympathy or interest in any communication, you will have to step aside - then this is not your destiny.


The choice of method of declaration of love depends on the character of the man or on the prevailing circumstances. Priority is given to a personal explanation of feelings, but if a person is very shy or during separation, it is quite possible to resort to other options.

Eyes to eyes

This personal method is advantageous because it makes it possible to express feelings as much as possible and observe the reaction. However, the speech must be prepared in advance, especially if improvisation is difficult. It is recommended not to skimp on compliments, but it is better to avoid outright flattery.

It is important to pronounce one-on-one recognition confidently, clearly, without vague phrases or excessive embarrassment.

In your ear

An interesting way to tell a girl about your feelings in an original and romantic way. The advantage of this option is the effect of surprise. You can express your feelings in public, surrounded by friends or strangers, in a theater or cinema during a romantic scene, sitting on a park bench, and so on.

It is believed that a person intuitively trusts a whisper, but at the same time the words are pronounced clearly and clearly distinguishable.

By phone

The method is suitable for people at a distance. It is also advisable to use it when there is embarrassment or difficulty speaking. In this case, you can always use a cheat sheet.

However, it will be possible to assess the girl’s reaction only by the intonation of her voice.

Through social networks

You can send your beloved’s revelation via personal message on VK (VKontakte), Odnoklassniki and other social networks. Recognition is supplemented with a postcard, song, poetry. You can post it on your wall for public access if you want to tell the whole world about your feelings.

A love letter

In the era of information technology, it acts in a creative way. In this case, it is not necessary to write long letters; a short note placed in your beloved’s pocket or purse will be enough.

Suitable for people who are not ready to talk about feelings out loud. The message, which is written in prose or poetry, is sent by e-mail or regular mail, or you can throw it in the mailbox yourself.

In this way, you can write an anonymous letter where information about the sender is hidden, or make it encrypted so that the girl reveals the mystery of who her secret admirer is. Often such messages are used at school on Valentine's Day for teenagers aged 13-16, when they organize mail that distributes confessions to classes. So a guy can send a veiled revelation to a classmate and keep his name a secret.

Should you confess your love to a girl?

It all starts with simple communication, which flows into regular meetings, romantic dates, bringing people closer together and shared memories. Then the next stage in the relationship develops, requiring awareness of your feelings, desires and plans for future life. If a man sees himself next to his chosen one, he should think carefully about how to beautifully confess his love to a girl for the first time.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

Declaration of love is a responsible and important stage in a relationship with a woman. If this is the first experience, failures and ruined plans can leave a serious negative imprint on a man’s perception of women and relationships with them throughout his life. Therefore, this moment needs to be carefully thought through in order to realize it in life according to your desires.

The main obstacle that prevents a man from confessing his feelings to his chosen one is the banal fear of being rejected. Often these fears are embedded in the psyche and subconscious of a man since childhood, and any psychological trauma inflicted forces him to remain silent about his feelings and emotions in the future. In a relationship with a woman, patience, isolation and silence are my best comrades.

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