How to propose a nice girl to meet write

Sometimes even a self-confident man has to be timid and confused about what to do. There is a feeling that excitement has settled inside forever, all previous victories and achievements seem trivial. At such moments, a man experiences confusion and defenselessness. One condition can turn a brave representative of the stronger sex into a shy schoolboy - falling in love. It doesn’t matter whether the feelings came for the first time or are a mature choice. Let's consider how beautiful, original and romantic you can ask a girl to date so that she doesn't refuse.

By correspondence on VKontakte (VK)

“You have become so close to me that I cannot imagine life without you. It’s not easy for me to write these words, but I understand that I cannot hide the truth. I like you. Let's start dating and not break up."

“I should have told you about my feelings a long time ago, but I couldn’t decide. I love you and want you to be my girlfriend. What do you think about it?"

“For the first time in my life I feel so confused and scared. Our friendship has long grown into something more. I really like you. We shall be together?"

“When you are next to me, I feel like the happiest person in the world. No person in the entire world means as much to me as you do. I don't want to be separated from you. Will you be my lover?

“You are the first person who makes my heart beat faster. It seems to me that this is true love. I want to always be by your side. Will you be my chosen one?

“When I look at you, everything else loses all meaning. I can't get thoughts of you out of my head. Let's be a couple?"

“You are special and I have never met anyone like you. Will you be my girlfriend?

"I feel good when you are near. I want you to always be with me."

“I know you very little, but my feelings for you are growing every day. I think I'm starting to fall in love with you. Will you be my girlfriend?

How to proceed

There are not many options for the development of the event, but you need to be prepared for each of them. To suggest how you can propose to meet, think through the options and leave escape routes in each one in order to get out of the situation gracefully when receiving any reaction from the girl.

If she agreed

This is the most expected answer from a girl - consent. It is desirable that this happens quickly, without waiting. However, you should not count on an instant answer: there is a possibility that the young man confused the girl with such a proposal. In addition, for certain personality types, consent to any changes in status or position is given more difficult and takes longer. However, agreement means that the chosen method of proposing to start dating, and the place and time of the meeting with the girl are determined correctly.

Further steps depend on the goal for which the active actions began. Gradual development, learning to understand, hear each other and the desire for common results is an idealized option. The young man most likely understands why he began to actively show attention to this particular girl, so there is no point in talking about it - everyone has their own intentions.

If you politely refused

Girls who choose a polite form of refusal strive to maintain a neutral relationship. The chosen one has respect for the young man and does not want to offend or offend. There is a possibility that, despite all the positive qualities that are consciously visible in the young man, the girl does not have feelings for him as a man. This cannot be corrected, since such signals come from the biological characteristics of a person.

Hearing a refusal is offensive, but there is a big plus - with a high probability the girl does not intend to talk about what happened. The moment of failure will turn out to be a secret between two people, which will not create problems in further attempts to build a couple or communicate with the company. However, it was a shame to hear this and something that needs to be gotten over as quickly as possible. To do this, talk through the reasons why this happened. The girl is unlikely to refuse such a service. Based on the results of the conversation, conclusions can be drawn about possible changes in subsequent attempts and behavior.

If I made fun of

Not the most pleasant moment in a relationship between two people. The young man opened his feelings, and in return received a rough laugh. However, it’s worth considering whether something like this is worth getting upset about. Indeed, based on this behavior, two important conclusions can be drawn:


How to care for a girl: a detailed guide

  1. The girl does not know how to behave, build healthy relationships, communicate and negotiate. After all, the proposal certainly did not sound like an insult to dignity. This means that an aggressive reaction is a norm of behavior that is acceptable for a woman.
  2. An aggressive reaction indicates psychological problems and lack of self-esteem. Perhaps such behavior is a sign that she denies her attractiveness and the ability to maintain relationships with the opposite sex.

Based on this, one should be glad that the young man lost such a partner and feel sorry for the girl. Under no circumstances should you pay attention to insults, or even lower yourself to her reciprocal words, actions and reactions. After all, by showing such behavior, she demonstrates her bad manners.

If you ignored

Ignoring is the worst of all possible reactions. After all, it is impossible to understand what silence means on your own; you can only make a few assumptions. However, in this case you cannot do the following:

  • press, forcing you to answer - most likely, silence speaks of confusion, not knowing what to do next, what to answer. Pressure will only worsen the stupor;
  • trying to turn the action back - when a man first offers to meet, and then immediately says that he was joking, talks about the lack of will and determination. And if you imagine that precisely at this moment, when the young man withdraws his words, the girl is mentally ready to agree, it becomes even more offensive. So don't rush, wait. If the silence lasts a week, then the young man is clearly refused, but if it lasts a minute, then it is impossible to understand the decision.

The best option would be to continue communication as if nothing had happened. Then there is a high probability that the girl herself will return to the conversation and explain both the silence and the long thought. There is even a chance that she will agree, so do not rush to get upset.

By phone - SMS (at a distance)

“You are far away, but even despite this, I think about you all the time. I understand that this is not easy, because there are many obstacles on our way. But I suggest trying to overcome them and always be together.”

“I miss you now. I think about you every minute and miss you terribly. I don't want to be apart from you anymore. Let’s try to overcome this separation together and never be apart again?”

“All my thoughts and dreams are only about you. More than anything in the world, I want to be next to you right now.”

“The world around us loses all its colors when you are not around. There are only thoughts about you in my head; I never want to be separated from you again. Shall we meet?

“This place, without you, is cold and lonely. Your calls and messages give me strength. I don't want to lose you and I want to always be by your side. Let's meet?

“Even though there are cities and kilometers between us, I cannot forget you. We shall be together? We can bear this separation together.”

"Miss you. I hope you miss me too. Let's not let distance keep us apart."

“Every day lived without you loses all meaning. I want to always be by your side.”

“Being away from you is not easy. But I look forward to our meeting so that we will never be separated again.”

“Our separation won't be so long if we stick together. I really want you to always be with me.”

How to ask a girl to date without ruining the friendship forever

Many young people wonder: how to ask a girl to date, what to do if you really like a representative of the opposite sex? How to approach and where to start a conversation, where to invite and how to surprise? All these questions cause trouble, because one wrong step can destroy friendship or sympathy forever. Let's try to figure out how to start dating your beloved and not make a mistake on the first dates, how to express your feelings and understand whether they are really mutual.

In real life at the first meeting

"Hello! I'm very glad to finally see you. To be honest, I'm impressed. We'd better get to know each other better. I think we have a lot in common."

“You have no idea how worried I am. I'm incredibly glad to see you. It seems to me that I have been waiting for this meeting all my life.”

“I can’t believe this is our first meeting. Let's get to know each other better. Tell me something about yourself."

“I’m incredibly glad that we finally met. You have beautiful eyes."

“It’s so good that we met. I hope this is not the last meeting, but the beginning of something more.”

“We don’t know each other very well, but it already seems to me that we are kindred spirits.”

“Great day today! Maybe we can go for a walk and talk at the same time. What's your favorite movie?

“I’m a little worried, but I want to say that you look great!”

“Hi, so glad to see you! You're even cuter in real life than in the photo."

“I was looking forward to this meeting. And I must say, my expectations were justified.”

“I was afraid that you and I would never see each other again. Let's go somewhere. I dream of getting to know you better.”

“I am indescribably happy about this meeting. It seems to me that we have known each other for many years. Perhaps our acquaintance was determined by fate.”

If you are friends

When a guy and a girl have known each other for more than one year, discuss their exes and are close friends, it’s somehow awkward to start talking about the relationship. What if young people don’t notice love under friendship? Then you need to decide. Use a couple of effective methods and carefully, beautifully invite the girl to meet like this:

  • Choose a moment when your friend is not in a relationship. Write a beautiful letter, admit that friendship has long turned into sympathy. Ask if she would be willing to move to the next level of communication. Enclose a happy photo in the envelope, capturing the most memorable moment of your friendship.
  • Invite a girl on a friendly date, try not to show your excitement.

Arrange a meeting where your friend has dreamed of visiting for a long time, but did not have enough money or time. Make the date as fun and interesting as possible. And in conclusion, say that you have long dreamed of dating, but did not dare to admit your feelings.

Surely you have a common company. Ask friends for help. Plan a surprise together. Come up with the perfect date with an original ending where you can confess your feelings. The answer will be a timid “YES”.

Original phrases for dating

"Good afternoon! I don't usually meet people like this, but you simply left me no choice. Would you like to meet?

“Stranger, I saw you and disappeared. Will you let me be a part of your life?”

“You have a beautiful smile! I hope I get to see her every day."

“I’m sorry for violating your personal space, but you are incredibly beautiful! I just couldn't resist. Will it be possible to meet you?”

“It’s good that there is such noise here. You will not hear what I tell you because I am very embarrassed by your beauty.”

“I kept trying to come up with a reason to meet you... but it didn’t work out. Let's just get to know each other?

“How would you react to my desire to meet you?”

“I can’t believe such a beautiful lady is standing here all alone. I just have to fix this."

“I have a feeling that you and I have already met somewhere. Let’s meet again just to be sure.”

“It seems to me that you are waiting here for me. And I was looking for you. What an unexpected and pleasant coincidence, don’t you think?”

“Beauty, are you in a hurry? I'd like to take up some of your time."

“It seems to me that I saw you in a dream. This is definitely fate. I have prophetic dreams. Let's get acquainted".

“You are so beautiful that I don’t remember why I wanted to approach you. But let’s get to know each other and I’ll try to remember.”

“My eyes don’t listen to me. They can't stop looking at such a dazzling girl."

“I always dreamed of meeting such a charming and incredible person. I hope you do too."

"Good afternoon! I hope I won't interfere. I'd like to spend some time with you. For example, go to a cafe or cinema. How do you like it?"

“It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Let's make it even more beautiful and spend time together. How about going to a cafe?”

"Good afternoon! Why is such a charming lady sad? Let me cheer you up."

“Hi, I’m very glad to meet such a beautiful girl. I would like to get to know you better. How do you like it?"

“I don’t want to use banal phrases, but I am impressed by your beauty. Let's get to know each other better?

Preparing for an offer

Asking a girl to date is a serious step, so it needs to be carefully thought through. To ensure that preparing for an offer does not cause difficulties, take note of a few recommendations:

  • Think again whether you made the right choice. For some young people, it is not a problem to propose dating girls they have seen for the first time. They are pushed to such an act by emotions at the moment of the first meeting, mistakenly taken for something more. To make sure you don't make this mistake, make sure you have genuine feelings for her.
  • Scout the situation. If you are afraid of a possible refusal, unobtrusively clarify what the girl’s attitude towards you is. Once you learn that she has very warm feelings, exhale and get ready to propose.
  • Think about choosing the most suitable method. Of course, it’s difficult to come up with something new, since even with unusual methods you won’t surprise anyone. But you can choose the traditional option.
  • Take care of the event plan. Once you choose the right option, sketch out a plan, you can even do it in writing.
  • Start implementing your plan. If you are convinced that you have made the right choice, you have found out that the girl is experiencing reciprocal feelings, you have thought through a plan of action, immediately begin to carry out your plans. Do not delay the implementation of the above points, otherwise someone else, faster and braver, will have time to ask your love to meet.

How to say it beautifully in your own words?

“I have never seen such a stunning and unusual girl like you in my life. You are truly special."

“All the other girls pale in comparison to you.”

“You look great today, as always.”

“You are so charming that I just can’t take my eyes off you.”

“I can’t find the right words to describe your beauty.”

“When I look at you, I lose a little sense of reality. You are very beautiful".

“I'm so glad I met you. My life completely changed after meeting you.”

"You mean a lot to me. I can’t express in words how dear you are to me.”

“I can’t imagine myself without you. You became a part of my life and changed it for the better.”

“You give me strength to overcome difficulties and move on.”

“How lucky I am that I met you. You are the best woman in the world."

“I can’t describe in words how much I miss and miss you. Separation from you is simply unbearable.”

“The best place on planet Earth is where my beloved is.”

“My life will be empty and meaningless if you are not in it.”

"You can't even imagine how much you mean to me."

“You are my soulmate. Without you I feel empty and alone."

“I dream of spending the rest of my life with my beloved.”

“Meeting my beloved was the best event in my life.”

“Even on the worst days, I don’t lose heart, thanks to my beloved.”

“You have the most dazzling smile in the world. She gives me warmth and joy."

“Thanks to you, I learned what true love is and became happy.”

“There is no such beautiful and smart girl in the whole world as you.”

Basic methods

Guys often wonder how to propose an original date to a girl so that she will say yes. There is no clear answer to this question. It is always possible that the girl will refuse, but you will significantly increase the chances by approaching the proposal correctly. There are several ways you can do this.

Social networks and SMS

A simple way to express your sympathy is to do it by correspondence on the Internet. Nowadays there are a lot of social networks, where the girl you love probably has a page. You can propose a relationship in a private message if you are 12, 13 or 14 years old. When a young man is already 18 or 19, it would be more correct to meet and express sympathy in person.

Sometimes a message on the Internet works quite well, so think about it in advance. Here's how to invite a girl to meet on the VK social network: choose beautiful and sincere phrases with which you could express your sympathy to your beloved. You can simply tell her how you feel.

READ Alone with your feelings: ways to stop falling in love with everyone

Another good way to suggest dating a girl is to make a collage of photos together, select original videos or music compositions. There are other methods of how you can invite a girl to meet on the VKontakte social network. It’s a good idea to do something original - enter your beloved’s name in the “marital status” column, that is, indicate on a social network that you are dating, and she will receive a notification about this. But be careful, as this method sometimes leads to complete fiasco.

For schoolchildren

The feelings of school-age children cannot be considered frivolous. At the age of 12–13, teenagers form their first ideas about love relationships, romance and what the connection between a guy and a girl should be like. Children at this age often have complexes about their appearance or for some other reason and are often afraid of rejection. By the way, these traits are sometimes characteristic even of 17-year-old boys. They are also interested in how to propose a date to a pretty classmate.

Not everyone knows how to invite a girl to be friends and show that you like her. You can write a beautiful confession in verse or send a funny SMS with pleasant words. It would be a good idea to send her a gift on a social network or offer to walk her home or invite her and her friends to join your company.

It is important to protect your beloved in all conflicts. If someone offends her, do not ignore it. Then your beloved will understand that you really like her, so there will be no need to talk about feelings again. A correct and serious attitude will show feelings better than the most beautiful words about love.


If you don’t know how to romantically ask your girlfriend to date, use your imagination. Think about what will be especially pleasant for her:

  1. A good way to express sympathy is to write a beautiful confession in verse.
  2. You can write about your feelings on the asphalt under the windows, go on an interesting trip together and declare your love there.
  3. Give a nice gift, such as a plush toy. Another good option is to invite your beloved on a date to a cafe and tell her there that you like him.

Do you want to know how romantic a girl is? Talk about it with her friends or explore the page on the social network. This will tell you the right approach.


It is important to invite your beloved to meet so that she does not refuse and remembers this happy moment for a long time. Show your imagination and experiment:

  1. You can make a beautiful thing with your own hands or create a photo album, including not only a photo of your beloved, but also recording her character traits that please you. At the end, write about your feelings and propose a relationship.
  2. Organize a flash mob. Invite friends or strangers to help you. Call your loved one and ask her to go out to the balcony. People with balloons in their hands will be waiting for her there. You need to write letters on the balls that will make the inscription “Be mine” or “I love you.”
  3. Another interesting option is to ask your friends to send messages to your lover asking her to agree to date you.
  4. You can do a quest. Offer the girl a game during which she will visit public places and find notes there with tips on where to go next. She will eventually find you. Present her with a bouquet of flowers and invite her to meet.

You can consult with friends. They will tell you how to please your beloved. Together you will choose an unusual and original option.


Not everyone will use this method, because in a telephone conversation you will not look your chosen one in the eyes. But when choosing this method, try to express your thoughts clearly. Give the girl the opportunity to respond to you. Even when you don't like her words, don't interrupt.

READ How to make a guy fall in love with you and ask you to date

When sending an SMS to a girl, hint that something unusual is waiting for her, and when you meet in person, confess your tender feelings. Find a place where no one will disturb you to make a good impression on your lover.

How to tell a girl beautifully in poetry?

To be honest, it’s better to compose your own unique poems and not look for them on the Internet. Because if a girl remembers them, she can enter them in a Google or Yandex search (depending on where she is looking) and the search will return the site where you copied them from. And so it is! If this doesn’t particularly bother you, then please see: Poems

What does a sentence mean?

How to understand that you are really dating a girl? If this is so, then there is a special relationship between you, arising from mutual sympathy or love. For middle school students, this means walking together, going to a cafe, cinema or disco. High school students usually move on to more intimate communication.

READ What to do if you fall in love with a woman: psychological reasons, scientific data and advice

The guy in the relationship takes responsibility:

  • he must protect his beloved and take her side in various conflicts with others;
  • if someone insulted his girlfriend, the task of his loved one is to stand up for her and punish the offender;
  • It is customary to accompany your beloved to study or training, to help carry heavy things.

Guys are not allowed to flirt with other girls. If you are dating someone then this is not acceptable.

Flowers to help!

This will be a great offer! Beautiful flowers + Beautiful words = Great result! She won't be able to refuse you!!! Believe me!

Do not miss . . .

Tell her - Beautiful compliments!

Don't forget about - Nice words to the girl!

Find out - How to make a girl fall in love with you?

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