How to start dating a girl: first steps to a happy relationship


Until you become a level 80 pickup artist, you can only start dating a girl you know. We have already looked in detail at ways to meet girls on VK and on the street, so now we will briefly go over the points to refresh our memory of the material.

  1. Pay attention to your appearance and smell. Remember the rule of the three “Ps”: hairstyle, outfit and perfume must be impeccable.
  2. It is best to start dating with a neutral conversation. On the Internet - about the girl’s interests, in person - about the situation in which you find yourself together.
  3. Try to avoid templates and dubious compliments. Leave the phrase “your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law” for the gopniks.
  4. Watch your speech: speak politely, speak and write correctly, get rid of filler words.
  5. Don't try to hide your excitement - you won't succeed anyway. Be so excited that she'll think she's driving you crazy, not that you're an insecure nerd.
  6. If a girl refuses, do not persuade or beg. You are not a beggar.

If you have known your chosen one for a long time, it will be easier for you. She already has some idea about you, and it will be easier for her to open up to you. You may want to date a classmate or fellow student, or even rekindle your relationship with your ex. I will talk about this in detail in the article “How to find a girl.”

How to communicate with a girl at school: action plan?

But first, a few words about whether it’s worth dating a classmate.
Almost everyone has heard tearful stories from their parents about such a romantic, but such an unsuccessful first love at school. School time is truly the most romantic time, but it is not pleasant for everyone. After all, your first love is so often unrequited. Especially if you do nothing. In fact, there are many examples where people meet at school and then live a long and happy life together.

It’s not that I recommend this fate for you, but you should take full advantage of this romantic time, if only just so as not to be considered a loser among your peers.

Of course, in your mature years you can more than surpass them, for example, become a cool businessman. But you want and need to realize yourself now, so why not. Otherwise, later you will think about the question of how to start dating a former classmate, although she will no longer be the first freshness.

So here's my plan:

  • First of all, you need to soberly assess your chances. And if you need to change something, then understand whether it is within your power. For example, you are a “nerd”, and she is a “cool”, liberated girl. Then she will almost certainly tell you: “Come back when you become popular!” That is, you will at least have to open up and show others and her your strengths.
  • Know your "enemy". Study how she lives and how she “breathes.” To draw up a sensible plan for winning her heart, you need to know what worries her, what she is interested in, and study her character in detail.
  • It's good if you get a chance to stand up for her. You don’t need to hire hooligans for this (by the way, there are plenty of them today). You can start by at least telling her the correct answer in class. Or if you are late for class together, then shield her in front of the teacher. Well, someday you’ll also have to fight for your girlfriend, life is such a thing. Girls, by the way, love this very much. Therefore, if your mother invites you to enroll in a dance school, state that you want to take up boxing, or the less traumatic one - aikido.
  • If you want to start communicating with a girl at school and bring this matter to a relationship, then start flirting with your friend. By the way, during their school years, girls still do not know how to properly perceive compliments, and therefore not everyone will adequately appreciate lines from Shakespeare or pompous epithets of your own composition. Flirt with a girl, use playful touches, jokes, banter, hints.
  • If you want to know how to ask a classmate to date at age 15, then you definitely need to join her company. After all, spending time together significantly increases your chances of achieving her favor. Moreover, this way you will keep your potential competitors in sight and spend more time with her outside of school.
  • In order for her to notice and appreciate you, do not act like a child. As you know, girls mature earlier during their school years - both physically and emotionally. That's why they date older guys, even if they aren't the best. At a minimum, eliminate stupid actions from your behavior and childish jokes from your speech. And in general, try to behave like a responsible and reasonable young man who you can rely on.
  • If you want to make a girl at school fall in love with you, then don’t forget to give her gifts - girls, in general, love all sorts of beautiful trinkets, and this is also a sign of attention. Of course, modern young people have become more demanding when it comes to gifts. Therefore, in order not to go broke, I advise you to give you noticeable gifts only on holidays, so that you have time to save some money.
  • To ask a girl to date, you need to invite her on a date. You can have fun, for example, on attractions, at the cinema, in a cafe or simply by taking a walk in the park. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and, if possible, romantic. Of course, the first time it may just be a “friendly” meeting. But if she doesn’t mind spending time with you again, then all the cards are in your hands. And don’t be shy, girls rarely take the first step themselves.

Hi, friend! Especially for you, I have prepared a course “Schoolboy. Basics of Pickup" for only 490 rubles! Follow the link and order —> On the first date, the topics can be very different, but you should approach the main one gradually.
Don't hit them right in the head with your proposal. And only after your communication has become more relaxed and pleasant can you remember your feelings. Do not forget to monitor her reaction.

So, if she actively supports the conversation, often smiles at you, and sometimes even takes the initiative, this means that she is at least interested in you. It remains only to understand how much. That is, you can act boldly, otherwise you will never know. But if she behaves distantly and even coldly, then this is a bad sign. And even make her fall in love with you. You yourself understand that at this level of communication, it is too early to start talking about relationships.

Let's go on the offensive

Euphoria after a successful acquaintance usually does not last long, since it is not clear what to do next. You talk to a girl, discuss cats and world politics, but this is not exactly what you wanted. More precisely, not at all.

Don't panic as long as everything goes according to plan. Gradual rapprochement is the most effective tactic in your case. Let the girl take a closer look at you, get used to it, and gain trust. But don’t get stuck at this stage for long, otherwise you risk never getting out of the friend zone.

If you met on the Internet, take the conversation offline, otherwise, with endless correspondence, you won’t notice how you’re congratulating her on the New Year for the second time.

Useful tips

We found out that the most important thing in relationships with girls is politeness and attentiveness. Women want to see men as protectors and helpers, not as hooligans and slobs. Therefore, politeness is the first thing you need to learn. You should always be polite: even if you are woken up in the middle of the night, be polite.

If you learn to be polite, girls will definitely appreciate it. But it may happen that the girl you like does not reciprocate your feelings. In this case, there is no need to break wood and destroy everything around: the freedom of choice of another person is sacred, just like your personal one. You can try to take the fortress by storm. But it’s better to just find another object for romantic dreams than to break spears and tear your shirt off your chest.

On a note! Don't be afraid to get rejected, there's nothing wrong with that.

Many boys in adolescence are terribly afraid of being rejected; their pride cannot bear it. But even in an old song they sang the following words: “If a bride leaves for someone else, it is not yet known who is lucky.” Think about it in your spare time. If something disappears from your life, then a holy place is never empty. A worthy replacement will be found, and life will sparkle with bright colors again.

On a note! Don't try to start a relationship with a lie, you'll regret it later.

Some guys begin to embellish reality or their own qualities, trying to impress a girl. But lies are always revealed, and then it will be impossible to regain trust. Therefore, no matter how much you want to show off something unusual in front of the lady of your heart, don’t do it. Sincerity in words and feelings is more important than any false effect. You won’t like it either if a girl starts lying about herself and embellishing her qualities.

Summarize. To please girls you need:

  • look neat;
  • devote enough time to personal hygiene;
  • take care of your body, play sports;
  • have a common interest with the girl you like (joint hobby);
  • never lie or embellish your achievements;
  • be sincere and polite;
  • be yourself as you are;
  • don't be intrusive;
  • do not criticize your chosen one.

Where to start getting to know each other? If you study at the same school, then the issue can be easily resolved: doing homework together. You can invite a girl to your birthday or go together to celebrate Maslenitsa. And then you just need to find out what your chosen one is interested in, and just share this hobby with her. In fact, there is nothing difficult about dating if you know the correct algorithm and don’t give up.

Remember that girls definitely need to be allowed to talk, so they really like attentive listeners. And if you give compliments at the right time or simply praise the narrator, you can win her favor forever.

Listen and praise - this formula for communicating with girls never fails men.

Under no circumstances should you interrupt the narrator or yawn during the conversation: trust will be lost forever.

Remember that communicating on social networks can help you become closer to each other. Review your page and remove unnecessary information. In the modern age, you can start dating directly on a social network, this makes things much easier.

Few would argue that first love is the most exciting and important event in a person’s youth. Most often it occurs during school years. With the onset of adolescence, at about 11–12 years old, boys begin to take an active interest in their peers.

Falling in love at 11-13 years old is the first serious feeling for every person. Teenagers spend almost all their free time either at school or in classes in sections and hobby groups. Most boys begin to become interested in their classmates, so they are often faced with the question of how to make a 12-year-old girl fall in love with you?

First date

When inviting a girl to a meeting, it is advisable to avoid this very word – “date”, otherwise the beauty may become tense. Invite her to take a walk together, ride a bike, or drink coffee.

where to go

Choose a place where you can communicate calmly and easily. Recently, interactive games, various quests, and intellectual quizzes have become very popular - you can take a girl there.

Assess your capabilities soberly. You don’t need to take a girl to an expensive, pretentious restaurant and spend half your salary there to impress. But the shawarma shop “At Arsen’s” won’t do either. The space should be cozy, simple and stylish.

Under no circumstances invite a girl to your home for a first date. She will decide that you considered her easily accessible and your intentions are frivolous.

How to dress

Appearance plays an important role on a first date. You don't need to dress up too much, otherwise you risk looking comical. A shirt and jeans are a good option. Naturally, all clothes must be washed and thoroughly ironed. This also applies to underwear.

Don't forget to put yourself in order, too. Eau de toilette, fashionable haircut, everything. You must like yourself and exude confidence.

What to talk about

There is no need to strain yourself to come up with topics for conversation; let the dialogue arise on its own. Show sincere interest in the girl, and focus less on impressing her. If you are afraid of awkward silence, invite the girl to a place where conversations can be diluted with joint activities.

You can go to a master class on cooking some delicious food, play ping-pong or billiards - a place where you need to do more than talk.

Too personal and intimate topics are taboo on the first date. Financial issues too. Don’t ask a girl how much she earns or if her car was bought on credit - this is tactless.

If you have common hobbies and interests, it will be much easier for you to connect. Start discussing them, and the conversation will start on its own.

Here is a useful video on this topic.

What to do after

Be sure to walk your chosen one home after the date! Even if you have to go to the other end of the city. If the girl refuses, call her a taxi and check how she got there. Such unburdensome care captivates.

Don't forget to thank the beauty for the evening and hope to see you soon. You can do this at the end of the date or afterward by writing her a message.

How to prepare for dating?

In order to prepare to meet the girl you like from school, you should find out as much information as possible about her:

  • what grade she is in;
  • with whom and where does he spend his free time during breaks and after school;
  • what sections does he attend?

Important! It is also necessary to pay attention to the schedule of her lessons. Then it will be easier to understand how busy she is, so as not to approach her at the wrong time.

The key point in preparation is information about the girl’s hobbies and how she spends her time on weekends. This will help:

  • determine the most convenient time for meeting;
  • choose several interesting topics for the first conversation.

You can find out such information not only through friends, but also on the girl’s social network page. If there is too little information and photos, it makes sense to look through the pages of her friends: perhaps there will be common photos there.

How to set your intentions

This is the most important and responsible point. To prevent your meetings with a girl from turning into endless friendly get-togethers, let her know that you expect more. Let's figure out how.

Nonverbal cues

It is best to demonstrate your sympathy using nonverbals: gaze, voice, gestures, light touches. If you are lost, watch how the heroes of romance films do it and learn from them. You can even practice in front of a mirror.

Monitor the girl's reaction to your signals, learn to see feedback. Try to take her hand, put your arm around her waist. If she doesn't pull away immediately, it means she enjoys your touch.

First kiss

When can you kiss a girl? There is no universal rule for everyone, look at the circumstances. If she has given the go-ahead for touching and hugging, then you can try your luck on the first date. If your attempt is unsuccessful, it’s okay. Your lady may not be ready for such a sharp rapprochement, try it next time.

But in the case of the third or fourth refusal, you should be wary, especially when you have already spent money on general leisure. Feel free to ask what caused the refusal. If the answer is unclear, tell the girl: “It’s a pity. So you didn’t like me” and leave. Rest assured, she will find a way to convince you if you are wrong. And if you’re right, well, at least you’ll save your nerves and money.

Material investments

This is a rather slippery topic. No guy wants to be used. It can be difficult to determine where this fine line lies between adequate and unjustified investments. Let's figure it out.

It just so happens in our society that in cafes, restaurants, and cinemas, a man pays for a girl. A lady will be happy to pay for herself on dates in the only case - when she likes you much more than you like her. But this is not our case; we still proceed from the assumption that initially the sympathy and initiative were yours.

If you really like a girl, you should pay for her leisure time on the first dates. At the same time, it must be within your means - do not try to show off.

Now about the gifts. While you are not yet a couple, they should be purely symbolic and not expensive. A bouquet of flowers, a teddy bear, some useful little thing. Remember - your goal is not to buy the favor of your passion, but to show sympathy and attention.

If after three or four dates the girl has not made a single step towards you, close up shop. A step can be considered an initiative to communicate, a kiss, closer physical contact.

A question of relationships

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In fact, first love can come much earlier than in adolescence. But this question arises acutely only among teenagers. Perhaps because the matter is aggravated by hormonal changes in the body. From the fifth grade, boys begin to take an active interest in girls, and they, in turn, show interest in them. This is a completely natural and natural process inherent in man by nature itself.

However, not everything goes smoothly, and sometimes the issue of relationships becomes too dramatic. The boy is afraid to ask his parents for advice, and not everyone has older brothers. In such a state, you can do a lot of stupid things, aggravating the situation even more. If you have no one to consult with, you need to read the relevant literature on the psychology of relationships. If texts on psychology seem very difficult and incomprehensible, you need to read articles with the appropriate title.

What to do to attract a girl's attention? To do this, it is not necessary to perform a heroic act and chop off dragon heads. You need to be an interesting and well-read person. Girls like it when guys know more than they do: it inspires respect. If you can’t become a well-read person, then you need to use your muscles: many girls like athletic guys with pumped up biceps.

On a note! To be noticed, you need to become noticeable: stand out from the crowd.

Just don’t stand out with the smell of sweat and dirty clothes: girls really don’t like sluts. Train yourself to take care of your appearance, take a shower regularly and put on a fresh shirt. Boys do not have to follow fashion and wear perfume: it is enough to always be fresh and neatly dressed. Friendliness is also a prerequisite for attracting a girl’s attention. Learn to smile beautifully and radiate vibes of happiness. The fact is that a gloomy person pushes others away from him; you don’t want to communicate with him.

Age 12

How to please a girl at 12 years old? It is enough to be attentive and polite. At this age, boys often bully, be rude and make fun of girls. They think that in this way they will attract attention to themselves. But that's not true. Girls do not like ill-mannered and rude boys; they are attracted to noble and polite gentlemen.

At this age, girls like to read fairy tales in which princesses are waiting for their princes. They strive to make these romantic dreams come true, so they look for well-mannered and cultured boys. If they are, of course, good girls from a decent family. Therefore, if you need to attract the attention of just such a girl, then you should make her dream of meeting a noble prince come true - to become him.

On a note! To quickly get a girl to like you at the age of 12, you need to become interested in what interests her. Common interests bind young hearts.

If a girl plays sports, then she should immediately enroll in a sports section and set records. Female athletes pay attention only to those who know how to achieve sports results. If a girl is into music, then you should find out what kind of music she likes. By showing interest in this direction, you can get closer to the object of your attention and quickly make friends.

Age 13

How to please a girl at 13? To do this, you should not appear older than your age. This is the big mistake of the young gentlemen. Girls at the age of 13 want to see cheerful and exciting boyfriends next to them, who are attentive and polite. A sense of humor in this situation will also come in handy, as will positive energy.

Girls at this age like leaders, but not all boys have this quality. If you can’t become a leader in the class, you need to try to become one in a sports section or other activity.

However, you can win a girl’s heart by showing attention to her. Carrying her bag to the entrance, helping her do her algebra homework, getting her the book she needs—there are plenty of ways to show her attention. The main thing is that her wish comes true. It is very important.

Age 14

Previously, young people were married at this age, but now they are considered children. Although many have already received a passport. The person feels completely grown up, but for some reason they trust him little. This is very unbalancing. But you need to realize that looking grown up is not enough. You need to have life experience, which you cannot have at 14 years old. Therefore, pretending to be a grown man is stupid, but remaining a child is also funny.

How can you attract the attention of a young lady, how can you please a girl at 14 years old at school? You need to try to stand out with your intellect; if you can’t stand out with your intellect, then by achieving achievements in the sports section. At this age, boys already participate in martial arts competitions, which is always attractive to girls. To feel protection and support in the face of a man is the natural desire of every girl.

On a note! In a relationship with a girl, politeness is paramount.

If classmates or guys from the yard begin to provoke “obscene” behavior towards a girl, you should not listen to this advice. Such an attitude will quickly alienate a decent girl, and it will be impossible to return her goodwill.

What to do in case of failure

Unfortunately, no one is immune from failure. The girl may not like you even after all your efforts. She may be in love with someone else, or you just aren't her type, it doesn't matter. You have only one choice - to fall behind.

The sooner you do this, the better impression you will leave. And if you stay nearby, like a faithful page, and shower the beauty with gifts in an attempt to take this fortress by siege, you will soon become completely disgusted with her.

Just before you retreat, ask yourself whether you really clearly expressed your intentions and did everything from the previous points. This is necessary in order not to be tormented by doubts like “what if she didn’t understand?”

How to behave when meeting someone?

Advice! Self-confidence is more than half the battle. A girl should not feel constrained or embarrassed, even if there is an abundance of it.

The guy should approach with a confident step, speak moderately loudly, and not mumble. A straight posture with straightened shoulders will add brightness and self-confidence to the image. No girl will miss such a character.

You should behave as sincerely as possible, there should be no falsehood. You also need to refrain from presenting yourself for too long - girls don’t like narcissists either.

Useful materials for those who still do not have a girlfriend

I want to recommend to you the four best relationship courses for guys. Although, they are also suitable for mature men. All the materials are very cool, I recommend that you don’t pass by.

How to build a relationship with a girl

Description. The peculiarity of this course is that there are no “schemes”, deception or lies. Roman Vinilov teaches every guy to be himself, not to pretend, not to play a role. And look for a worthy girl, build a relationship with her that will truly bring joy.

It is no coincidence that Roman Vinilov’s school is called “After Sex”. The teacher teaches guys who are looking for girls not only for sex and lust, but for something more, for stable, strong relationships, and in the long term - for starting a family.

The teacher focuses on the fact that the age of his students is “from 16 to …” - there is no upper limit. Often guys come who are lucky with sex, but who are unable to build strong relationships, guys who want to get their ex-girlfriend back, men whose wife left them and need to start all over again.

Author: Roman Vinilov.

Cost: 3,500 rub.

Pass the course

Intensive for men from Egor Sheremetev

Description. In this intensive course, Egor Sheremetyev summarized his 10 years of experience in the field of consulting guys on relationships and sex with girls. The first parts of the program are devoted to dating and building contacts. Much attention is paid to working on fears, self-doubt, complexes, etc.

What follows are the rules for building strong relationships and, of course, sex with your chosen one. Egor explains the popular mistakes of guys who take their first steps in sex and in relationships that have already become something more serious than periodic dates and walks. By repeating these mistakes over and over again, guys ruin their love and remain unhappy.

Egor will also tell you about the features of male physiology, which beginners often do not take into account. Some attention will be paid to the physiology of girls - you will know how to correctly understand your body and the body of your partner.

Author: Egor Sheremetyev.

Cost: only 2,990 rubles.

Find out more and sign up

Escalation of touching

Description. In my opinion, absolutely every guy should take this course. It's about how to properly touch a girl. Usually guys, overwhelmed by feelings, either behave very timidly, or, on the contrary, try to show that they are “macho”. It's off-putting.

Egor Sheremetyev will tell you how to tell a girl about your feelings using simple touches. How to touch when you have just met (and when you can even start doing this), when your relationship is already stronger, when you want intimacy with a girl, and in various other cases.

Study very carefully. You can drive a girl crazy with your fingertips, believe me.

Author: Egor Sheremetyev.

Cost: 5,750 rubles.

Find out more and sign up

From text to sex

Description. After the publication of this course, an article was written about the author in MAXIM magazine and they called him “Honored Seducer of Russia.” Not intentionally.

“From text to sex” is a course on proper correspondence with girls. The author gives examples of unusually successful and very unsuccessful messages. Since communication through social networks and instant messengers is now becoming increasingly popular, text is becoming the main tool of communication.

When you know how to correspond with a girl, you will not need to worry about how to keep in touch with your lover in between dates, you will not be tormented by the question “What to talk about with a girl,” you will feel confident and relaxed. Reviews from guys who have already completed the course fully confirm this.

Author: Egor Sheremetyev.

Cost: 3,750 rub. The course is currently on sale at a discount, don't miss it.

Find out more and sign up

How to make a girl like you

You can get a girl aged 12-17 to like you by becoming a leader in a team. It is worth attracting attention to yourself, constantly radiating positive energy.

The main thing is to stand out from the general gray mass. Many schoolchildren look gray and faded. You need to shine among the rest. Attractive appearance, erudition, additional hobbies - these things attract ladies.

10-11 years

At such a young age, politeness will help you win the heart of your beloved. Teenagers often bully beautiful girls. The guy must become a protector, a stone wall.

To please a girl in 5th grade, all you have to do is walk her home. Regular communication will help build trust. You need to find out the phone number or email address of a friend in order to talk with her more.

12-13 years old

It is impossible to know at a young age all the ways to interest an attractive girl at 13 years old. Teenagers try to appear like adults and wear masks of seriousness. Such insincerity repels girls.

Young ladies want to have fun and have fun. They love to talk about boys. At this age, they like rebels, real leaders.

However, you should not change your character. If you don't have leadership qualities, you shouldn't try to jump over your head. Such behavior will lead to unpredictable consequences.

14-15 years old

Adolescence is a difficult period for parents and children. The child dreams of independence, making independent decisions. There are more and more thoughts about the opposite sex. Guys notice that ladies are attractive and interesting. The first “obscene” thoughts arise.

High school students will talk about how to quickly get a girl to like you at 14 years old. But their advice is not always effective.

At this age, you need to learn to give compliments and communicate politely. Such tactics will attract a young interlocutor.

16-17 years old

Graduation from school is a great time to start a long-term relationship. The guy realizes his strengths and weaknesses and begins to understand how he can attract the attention of a smart girl at 16 years old. Nothing is impossible for him.

The main thing is to learn to communicate and pay attention. Women love with their ears. Compliments and flattery will help win the heart of a beauty. A courteous attitude towards a lady is a good way to attract attention to yourself.

Important rules and subtleties

Girls in adolescence are very vulnerable, so when initially communicating with them, you should follow several rules so that the girl does not get offended. If you touch your feelings with resentment, winning her favor will be much more difficult in the future.

How to make acquaintances

To get to know a girl, you need to start a conversation with her with general topics. You can talk about teachers and school, you can discuss some high-profile incident at school or changes in the schedule. Ask about hobbies, give a compliment, offer to take a walk or go somewhere.

READ How to respond to a compliment: advice to women, mistakes of men

Here are a few phrases to start dating, using them you can understand how to please a girl 12-13 years old and older:

  1. Hello! Is it you I saw in the park with the Labrador? Cool dog.
  2. Hello! Where are you going with the tube? Into art? Let me help, it's probably heavy.
  3. I heard you yesterday at the concert. I think it’s a rarity: such a beautiful girl who also plays the piano. Just kidding, I know it's a piano.
  4. Where are you flying to? Has the zombie apocalypse begun? You're just like Milla Jovovich.
  5. Hello! You have such a light gait, you probably play sports? Where do you train?
  6. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time. (And sing a song).

It may be difficult for a boy to approach a girl for the first time. Embarrassment and fear of ridicule usually make it difficult to express your feelings.

You definitely have to believe that everything will be fine. All men once approached their loved ones for the first time. Even Justin Bieber was not born to conquer women's hearts. Therefore, you need to be determined and try to meet the girl alone, without unnecessary witnesses. Approach her, look into her eyes, take a breath and say the first phrase in a firm, calm voice.

What topics to talk about

You need to talk with the girl about topics that are interesting to her and in which the boy is well versed. Of course, you shouldn’t bring up the conversation about outfits and cosmetics. You shouldn’t lie and pretend to be an expert in an unfamiliar matter. If a guy doesn’t know anything about a girl’s hobby, he needs to honestly admit it and ask her to tell her more about him. List of topics that a girl might be interested in:

  1. Animals.
  2. Art.
  3. Music.
  4. Movies.
  5. Sport.
  6. Non-standard.

The phrases suggested above will tell you how to structure a conversation in order to please a girl 10 years old and older.

If a girl has a pet, you can ask her about keeping and raising it and tell her about yours, or tell her about her desire to get a dog (cat, fish, hamster).

Does the girl attend art school? You can give her an album with reproductions of her favorite artists, invite her to a museum, or tell her about your passion for graffiti.

A new friend studies at a music school. And the boy can accompany her. Or write words to a melody. Or he is just a good listener and knows all modern musical trends. What does she think of English turnips?

Movies. Well, of course. You can go to the cinema. Or watch your favorite comedy on the Internet.

It’s always fun to discuss sports if both of you are involved in it. Even different sports will not interfere with such a conversation. The menu, warm-up methods, loads, results, mistakes, differences in training are discussed.

Non-standard. Sometimes girls get involved in activities that are considered traditionally masculine or boring. Maybe she's a biker and loves speed. Or fishing with his father. Or loves integral equations. In this case, you need to show attention and find common ground. For example, you can offer bike tuning - after all, the guy works part-time in a car repair shop. Or vice versa, ask for help improving algebra at school.

This is roughly how you should structure a conversation with a girl.

What not to do

Youth is uncompromising. She lacks worldly wisdom, patience, and the ability to put herself in the place of another. That is why the first feeling requires careful treatment, because a carelessly spoken word can lead to a breakup.

Here are some things to avoid:

  1. Constantly pursue.
  2. Teasing, pushing, pulling hair.
  3. Criticize.
  4. Attract attention with risky antics.

You shouldn’t be intrusive or chase a girl. Trying to show sympathy with rude antics. If communication has been established, no matter how the relationship with the girl develops, the boy should not criticize her appearance, home life, manner of dressing and quality of clothing. Of course, these tips are more relevant for those who want to please their deskmate at the age of 12, but perhaps they will also be useful for high school students.

Sometimes shyness prevents a boy from admitting his feelings, and he follows the object of his love for weeks. This behavior will not lead to anything good. The girl either begins to get irritated, not understanding what the guy wants from her, or begins to consider him a weakling and a loser.

Attracting the attention of your loved one by pushing or tugging is even worse. Constant bullying will create hostility and make it more difficult to form a relationship. A boy's critical statements towards his girlfriend can also ruin a relationship that has not yet begun, and risky antics (jumping out of a window from the third floor, for example) can lead to injury.

Features of young sympathies

Likes and dislikes in adolescence are characterized by a lack of experience and inability to solve problems that do not cause trouble in adulthood. The problem of how to get a girl to like you at school can cause a lot of difficulties.

READ How to make a girl fall in love with you by correspondence: basic rules and nuances

Trying to imitate your company can also be a disservice. If a young man’s friends are used to teasing girls, then the boy will not be able to behave correctly with her, which will prevent him from winning the sympathy of the girl he likes.

It’s good if at such a moment there is a wise and tactful adult mentor nearby whom the young man can trust. Advice from an older friend can help solve the problem. If such a person is not nearby, all that remains is to go looking for an answer on the Internet.

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