How to start living and not existing - practical advice

Author of the material:

Igor Lyadsky

Geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

No one will tell you exactly how to live correctly, because this question affects moral, ethical and even religious principles, which everyone has their own. But 15 simple tips will help you reconsider your outlook on life and determine whether everything in it is as you would like. If there is a feeling of “wrongness”, a wrongly chosen path, or unhappiness stuck inside, these simple recommendations will help you take life back into your hands.

About things

We spend too much on unnecessary things and short-term pleasures. It’s not the big, well-thought-out investments that ruin us, but the little things that we don’t even remember today.

You need to save not in order to spend more, but in order to work less.

Everything a person owns should fit in one or two suitcases: a well-thought-out wardrobe, a travel bag, an album of favorite photographs, two or three personal items. Everything else that can be seen in the house (bed linen, dishes, TV, furniture) should not be taken as personal items.

On the way out, pellets. How to properly sort out your wardrobe and throw out all the trash Read more

Many things are superfluous, but we understand this the moment we are deprived of them. We used them only because we had them, not because we needed them. After all, we buy a lot of things only because others have it.

Every thing that belongs to us should remind us that, apart from it, we need nothing else and that it is its usefulness that makes it so valuable; Without it we would not be able to function normally.



We all dream of living long, happily and at the same time being healthy and active. Don't even deny it! So today I want to share my rules for longevity. They are simple, but believe me, effective.

Rule 1. Daily routine

Get up strictly at 6.15, even on weekends. The whole day is devoted to work. I try to go to bed before 11 pm so that I can be asleep by 11 pm. Ideally, you should go to bed at 10 p.m., but this is a fantasy. In this way, I maintain the level of melatonin, the sleep and longevity hormone, which is one of the main markers of longevity. The activity of hormone production begins around 8 o'clock in the evening, and its peak concentration, when it is produced in large quantities, occurs after midnight, until 2-3 o'clock in the morning. Therefore, it is very important to sleep in a dark room during these hours, since in the light the level of the hormone decreases. This daily routine helps maintain the biological rhythms of our body.

Rule 2. Physical activity

2 hours every day. In the morning – an hour of Nordic walking with poles in the park. I walk 3-4, and sometimes 5 kilometers - it charges me with energy for the whole day. In the afternoon there is an hour of fitness. I don’t do any strength training, I work out all the muscles in a relaxed manner. Sufficient physical activity in the gym is good, but it is best to exercise outdoors, in the open air, in nature. Swimming in open reservoirs with natural water is very beneficial: it improves vascular regulation and immunity. I myself swim in the Moscow River, in the Serebryany Bor area, from early spring to late autumn. I am quite critical of the pool - after all, the water there is treated, with chlorine. But if you decide to swim in the pool, rinse thoroughly in the shower with a good gel afterward, so as not to dry out your skin and provoke allergic and other skin reactions.

Rule 3. Healthy eating

I try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. For breakfast I eat various cereals in water, slightly undercooked to preserve all the nutrients, and a salad of avocado, tomatoes, lettuce and red fish. Avocado is an anti-aging food, it contains a natural monosaccharide that increases energy and efficiency, and, in addition, it is the most delicious of geroprotectors. In the morning I always drink freshly brewed natural coffee, which has already been proven to lengthen telomeres (the ends of chromosomes). And if you want something sweet, then I eat honey, oatmeal cookies with raisins or dried fruits. There is no pure white refined sugar in the house. You won't see a sugar bowl on our table. I try to avoid “fast” carbohydrates; if I eat fruit, it is only in the first half of the day. I also eat nuts, walnuts or almonds for breakfast, in small portions, but regularly, they contain a lot of antioxidants that are good for blood vessels.

For lunch I really like soups - vegetable, fish or with seafood. For the second course - fish or white meat chicken or turkey. I eat red meat more than once a week. For dinner - also fish or poultry with vegetables. Eating 200g of fish every week and no more than 100g of red meat can help you live longer by inhibiting the signaling pathways responsible for aging.

In the evening - no carbohydrates, otherwise everything will be deposited in fatty tissue. I observe all four Orthodox fasts. At night I drink weak tea with milk, this is a Siberian tradition from my parents’ house.

I think the Eastern approach is wrong - not to eat, for example, after 18 hours, because at night the body will experience severe hypoglycemia, that is, a decrease in blood sugar levels, which will lead to sharp jumps in insulin in the blood. To prevent this from happening, I recommend that all my patients drink a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt at night, which also helps maintain normal microflora in the intestines.

Rule 4. Mental activity

Neurons in the brain look like tree branches because they communicate with each other through synapses. With age, these connections are severed, and the brain, to put it mildly, begins to work with much less intensity.

The brain is trained in two ways:

internally (through solving logical problems, setting new goals, learning new poems, songs, movements and skills);

externally - through aerobic exercise, increasing the flow of blood and oxygen.

Learning foreign languages ​​is very useful, especially in, let’s say, adulthood. Such activities train and develop the brain, strengthen memory. I am improving my English, reading in this language, memorizing new words. Another great workout for the brain is playing chess. Several times a week I always fight at the chessboard with my son or with my colleagues.

Rule 5. Refusal of bad habits and fast food

This goes without saying if we want to extend the active years of our lives. Fast food contains a lot of trans fats, which negatively affect the heart and put a huge burden on the liver, increase cholesterol and can cause early atherosclerosis.

Fast food contains the cheapest and most dangerous trans fats in the form of margarine. Their excess can cause intestinal cancer, and its increased caloric content leads to a set of extra pounds, which also provokes cancer, early aging and the development of age-associated diseases.

Research shows that obese people's telomeres shorten an order of magnitude faster, which means they are at risk for premature aging. Think about it - do you really need this hamburger and Coca-Cola, stuffed with an uncontrolled dose of sugar and fat, many times higher than the daily allowance for a person? As for alcohol, all these comforting myths about the benefits of a glass of red wine due to the resveratrol it contains also seem very attractive to me, but few people limit themselves to this glass. And the older you get, the more you need to restrain yourself in this matter.

Rule 6. Food for the soul

If with age you need to reduce the calorie content and volume of foods consumed so as not to accumulate fat on your sides and stay young longer, then with spiritual food the situation is different. It is very important to maintain your psycho-emotional background at positive frequencies. For me, this means reading the works of Russian classics and watching films based on these works. If we are talking about TV, then this is the “Culture” channel. Sometimes we argue at home about what we see and read, and this gives a lot of positive results. And if a person is positive, he gets sick less and lives longer.

Rule 7: Consistency

It is impossible to live a long and active life without consistency in applying the rules. And then a person decides: “That’s it, I’m starting a new life on Monday,” and then it goes out. Everything will be fine provided that we are actively and constantly engaged in this, but difficulties - where would we be without them? – we perceive it simply as a stage that we need to go through in order to feel real joy. If a person paints his future in dark colors - I’ll retire, I’ll become of no use to anyone, illnesses will come, everyone will leave me - these gloomy forecasts can come true in life. And when a person thinks creatively, with the feeling that his whole life is ahead of him, changes for the better will not slow down. You need to look into the future, see in the future the results of your efforts, yourself, healthy and full of strength, then this gives a good incentive. Don’t quit what you started halfway – you won’t recognize yourself!

Original article:

Exercise 2: Start Small

Everything starts small. You can, of course, take your will into your fist once and say: “that’s it, I’m tired of living like this, I’m starting a new life tomorrow . But for how long? Try, being untrained, to lift a 100 kg barbell. Even if you take it, you will spend several weeks restoring your health. It’s the same with achieving goals: the slower you go, the further you will go.

Start not with what you can’t, but with what you can, but don’t do. If this becomes your habit, then your life will change. And then you will understand that in fact you are able to achieve something that was not possible before.

The essence of the exercise is this: write down point by point what first steps you can take on the path to vision. Again, these are just a guideline to give you somewhere to start. In life, you need to constantly think: what you are doing is bringing you closer to your goal or further away . Remember: the best strategies fail because of tactics. Therefore, as they say: think globally, act locally. Just evaluate your current actions for appropriateness. And in order not to forget this, you need a good memory and concentration. You see how everything intersects. But write down the first steps at least as a guide.

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