Effective methods of eyelid lift: non-surgical and surgical

Cause of age-related changes in the eyelids and skin around the eyes

This is not stretched skin at all; the main culprits for sagging and drooping eyelids are the orbicularis oculi muscle, the fronto-occipital and temporal muscles. Therefore, in order to restore a youthful look, you need to put your muscles in order, and exercises for the eyelids and skin around the eyes will help us with this.

Often, age-related changes in the eyelids begin due to muscle hypertonicity, when a spasm occurs on the orbicularis oculi muscle, due to which it decreases from above towards its inner corner, and from below - towards the outer edge. Because of this, the skin that was previously stretched over the muscle becomes redundant and begins to sag.

Due to the habit of sleeping on the side, creases are formed that run from the outer corner of the eye to the nose. Changing your sleeping position can correct this problem.

Causes of wrinkles, drooping eyelids, and sunken eyes

Due to the tension of the temporal muscle during squinting and laughing, crow's feet are formed. Also, the reason for their appearance is the drying out of the temporal region of the bone structure with age, due to which the muscle narrows, shortens, adapting to the changes in the bone, and the skin folds into folds.

Due to poor lymphatic drainage in the body and deformation of bone and muscle structures, excess fluid begins to accumulate between the skin of the eyelids and the muscles. This is manifested by swelling of the upper eyelid, its overhang, and bags under the eyes.

Drooping of the upper eyelid is also associated with deformation of the orbicularis oculi, frontal and temporal muscles, since these muscles are interconnected. Deformed muscles in the forehead point downwards, causing the skin to sag over the eyes.

A spasmed temporalis muscle causes the skin to sag at the outer corner of the eye, and the skin under the inner part of the eyebrow begins to sag due to hypertonicity of the corrugator muscle.


You can correct eyelids, remove folds, and relieve swelling using injection blepharoplasty. For this purpose, drugs containing components that are produced in smaller quantities with age are used. Injection products contain amino acids, phytoestrogens, and vitamin complexes.

When the eyelid hangs over the eye, the injection of hyaluronic acid is considered effective. The substance collects water molecules, moisturizing the skin. The main effect is that hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which are important for the natural process of eyelid rejuvenation. The following drugs are used for the session: MesoWharton P199, Glytone, Stylage.

There is another type of injection, which is indicated for excessive eyelid volume and swelling. It involves the introduction of enzymes and multivitamins that stimulate membrane permeability. The effect is to remove excess fat tissue. The following drugs are used: MPH-complex, Lipostabil.


Mesotherapy is aimed at tightening by introducing hyaluronic acid, amino acids, peptides, vitamins, and plant extracts. It belongs to alternative medicine. The effect is achieved due to the impact of beneficial substances directly on the problem area. The technique eliminates the cause, and not just the external manifestations.

For each problem, a specific composition for injection is selected. When sagging eyelids, it is effective to use moisturizing and anti-aging components. Injections are performed in a course. Among the drugs, we can highlight a universal remedy for drooping eyelids - Mesoeye C71 from ABG LAB.

Mesotherapy for women has contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • inflammation in the intended injection area.

Botulinum therapy

Drooping of the lower and upper eyelids can be compensated by immobilizing the orbicularis and frontalis muscles. Therefore, botulinum therapy, that is, the administration of botulinum toxin drugs, is considered an effective option.

When the substance enters, muscle function is blocked and the release of acetylcholine, a neuromuscular transmitter, is suspended. This suggests that the functioning of the facial muscles temporarily stops, and the skin smoothes out.

The procedure does not have a negative effect on the nerves.

The effectiveness of botulinum therapy manifests itself in stages:

  1. The molecules interact with the nerves responsible for motor activity.
  2. The substances penetrate the nerves, relaxing the muscles and stopping the synthesis of acetylcholine.
  3. Additional processes appear at the nerve endings.
  4. Muscle contractions return to normal, proteins are renewed.

The muscles are immobilized immediately after the drug is administered, but wrinkles are not smoothed out immediately. The skin and muscles need about 1 week to rebuild and lift the eyelid.

Why do eyes get smaller and droop inward?

Often, due to spasm and narrowing of the orbicularis oculi muscle, with age the eyelids become smaller in size and seem to sink in, their shape changes.

Let us note that such changes are associated, among other things, with psychological aging, when a person loses interest in life, stops looking at everything with wide open eyes, and his eyelids narrow. Poor eyesight is also a cause.

When the eyes sink, a protrusion appears under the eyelid in the shape of a “step” - this phenomenon is called “deepening of the tear trough.” It is formed at the junction of the orbicularis eyelid muscle with other facial muscles. In this place, blood circulation deteriorates, and a pronounced darkening appears.

Invasive methods

You can quickly tighten your eyelids using invasive procedures. But all of them are associated with certain risks, since they are quite aggressive interventions in the body. If the integrity of the skin is damaged, the possibility of infection appears and the immune system is weakened. And the influence of the human factor is very strong. Therefore, you should trust only experienced specialists.


Surgical eyelid lifting has been practiced since the middle of the last century. Today this rather complex operation has several varieties:

  1. Upper eyelid lift. It is performed through an arcuate incision in a natural skin fold. Over time it becomes invisible. Allows you to remove excess skin, fat, and open your eyes.
  2. Lower eyelid lift. Necessary for bags and skin folds under the eyes or for removing fatty hernias. The incision is made under the eyelash line, which camouflages it.
  3. Circular blepharoplasty. Allows you to rejuvenate the entire periorbital area. But it is a rather traumatic procedure that requires long-term (at least a month) rehabilitation.
  4. Transconjunctival. A seamless technique that leaves no traces at all. But it has limited capabilities and will not get rid of large skin folds.
  5. Laser. In fact, it is a laser resurfacing of the eyelids, in which old cells from the surface of the skin are evaporated using ultra-precise equipment with a powerful light beam.
  6. Plastic surgery of the middle zone. One of the ways to perform it is endoscopically, through a small incision in the lower eyelid. At the same time, its correction is also carried out.
  7. Sangapuri – plastic surgery for Asian eyes. Allows you to bring the incision closer to the European one and form a skin fold on the upper eyelid, as a result of which it tightens and the gaze becomes open.

All these methods require a preliminary examination of the patient to identify contraindications, the list of which is quite large. Active rehabilitation lasts from several days to a month. The result lasts from 3 to 8 years.

Injection plastic

A significant lift of the upper eyelid without surgery using only beauty injections is impossible! They can only be a means of minor correction when there is no significant excess skin and it is in satisfactory condition.

For this purpose, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are most often administered. High-quality biorevitalization gives good results. It allows you to restore lost volumes of soft tissue and deeply moisturizes the skin.

If you have age-related ptosis, it is strictly forbidden to inject Botox in the periorbital area! This will only make the problem worse.

Thread lift

Thread lifting is not considered an operation - during it the skin is minimally damaged and local anesthesia can be used. But at the same time, it gives results quite comparable to blepharoplasty. The periorbital zone is strengthened with the help of biodegradable mesothreads installed through thin cannulas.

The technique has a number of advantages:

  • short rehabilitation;
  • almost instant effect;
  • minimal risks of complications;
  • long-term preservation of results.

The price of the procedure is determined by the cost and number of threads, the qualifications of the specialist and the amount of work and starts from several thousand rubles. This is approximately the same as a course of injection therapy. But the technique allows you to tighten even severely sagging skin and maintain it in good condition for several more years.

How to tighten eyelids and enlarge eyes at home

Since with age, most of the muscles on the face are in hypertonicity, the deformed lateral nasal muscle, the muscle that lifts the upper lip and the wing of the nose, increase the manifestations of the tear trough and bruises under the eyes due to the fact that the area of ​​the lateral part of the nose becomes shorter, approaching century.

Due to poor blood circulation, the amount of fatty tissue in this area increases, a bulge forms, and the eye appears more sunken.

The block of the circular muscle and other muscles adjacent to it impedes blood circulation in the eye area and the outflow of lymph. The tissues receive poor nutrients and waste from stagnant lymph poisons them, the color and structure of the skin changes, it becomes thin with a blue tint.

Types of non-surgical lifting

There are many effective methods of eyelid lifting that are performed non-surgically - they are rightfully considered a worthy alternative to rejuvenation for those who simply do not like a scalpel.

The advantages of such eyelid skin lifting are that the body is not subjected to stress from anesthesia, there are no traces of surgical intervention on the face and there is absolutely no need for a recovery period that would disrupt the usual way of life.

Potential clients just have to find out what kind of eyelid lift the salon offers and opt for the lifting method that is most suitable for eliminating specific cosmetic defects in the eye area.


Laser lifting is a procedure using erbium and carbon dioxide lasers.

During the session, the rays penetrate different layers of the dermis, affecting it by heating it to the desired level, forming microdamages on the skin. It is this process that is the trigger and stimulator for the skin’s production of its own collagen and elastin, its regeneration at the cellular level.

The skin becomes elastic and tightened after several sessions, which are recommended to be carried out at intervals of several weeks (2-4).

An innovative variation of this method is fractional thermolysis, during which a laser, divided into hundreds of microbeams, acts more gently and gently on the dermis with the same effect.

After laser tightening, slight swelling and redness in the eye area is considered normal, which quickly disappears. A repeat course will be required no earlier than after 2 years.

Below you can see how laser eye skin rejuvenation works:


Collagen lifting is absolutely safe - it is suitable for any skin type. This cosmetic procedure is aimed at saturating the thin and stretched dermis with collagen, resulting in an increase in its elasticity and strength.

The method is based on collagen masks, additionally containing hyaluronic acid and a complex of vitamins necessary for the skin of the eyelids, which are a sheet that has undergone lyophilization (soft drying) and has retained all the beneficial properties of the components. When wet, all components of the lifting mask are released and penetrate into the layers of the epidermis.

After the first manipulation, the following result is already noticeable:

  • the skin of the eyelids becomes more elastic and tightened;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • skin color changes, it looks fresh and healthy, dark circles disappear;
  • swelling decreases.

A review of this method can be seen in the video:

A long and lasting effect is ensured by a course of collagen lifting - the first month includes weekly masks, then once a month as a maintenance procedure.


The most effective and popular hardware methods for eyelid lifting include RF lifting. The principle of its action is based on the ability of radio wave radiation to destroy fat cells and stimulate metabolic processes in the thickness of the epidermis.

This procedure is completely painless and non-traumatic, but requires highly qualified and experienced specialists, since all manipulations are carried out in close proximity to the eyeball and are aimed at affecting very thin and delicate skin.

All clients note the high effectiveness of this method:

  • skin condition improves greatly;
  • the upper eyelids are noticeably tightened and become neat;
  • hernias (bags) in the lower eyelid area disappear;
  • the look becomes more open and expressive.

You can find out how hardware eyelid lifting is performed from the video:

The session lasts about half an hour, after which the skin of the periorbital area remains red for some time, which soon disappears. The full course consists of 5-7 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 10-14 days. The lasting effect lasts for 3 years.

Other non-surgical methods

Non-surgical eyelid lifting techniques include:

  • Microcurrent therapy. Treatment of problem areas is carried out by exposure to low-frequency current pulses. As a result of the course of procedures, tissue metabolism improves, collagen production is stimulated and the framework for the thin dermis is strengthened, and a general strengthening effect is obtained. These manipulations are good as prevention, as they have a weaker, non-long-term final result.
  • Ultrasonic lifting. Most often, ultrasound is applied to the lower eyelid area in order to reduce swelling and destroy the fat layer. Requires course procedures to achieve visible results.
  • Mesotherapy. The lifting effect is achieved by introducing fillers based on hyaluronic acid of the lowest density under the skin, which restore elasticity to the skin and trigger the restoration of collagen fibers.

It is also possible to achieve the eyelid lifting effect with the help of professional cosmetics, which contain a complex of substances necessary for lifting - acids (hyaluronic, alpha-lipoic), microelements, vitamin complexes, peptides, extracts and extracts of medicinal plants.

Exercises to tighten the eyelids and skin around the eyes

As we have already understood, the main cause of eye aging is deformation of their muscles, as well. For this reason, lymph stagnation occurs and blood supply in this area deteriorates.

To restore your eyes to their former youth, you need to work with the orbicularis oculi muscle, as well as the forehead and temporal region. Gymnastics for eyelids and eye rejuvenation by Inna Nefedovskaya will help us with this.

Take advantage of the author's rejuvenation techniques: face-building, face fitness, massage techniques to relieve muscle hyperspasms and tightening techniques in the online course “Correction of the upper and lower eyelids and Wrinkle-free forehead”!

Here are some techniques and exercises from the course:

Rejuvenate your eyes with exercises for the forehead, temples, eyebrows

Let's start working with the forehead area, where massage and exercises are extremely effective for lifting the eyelids and correcting sunken, sunken eyes.

Warm-up: Place one palm on your forehead, the other on the back of your head. Wait until the palm on top of your forehead naturally becomes moist and begins to slide towards your hair. Thus, we very slowly move our hand from the eyebrows to the hair, naturally tightening the tissue.

After this, you need to hold your palm with the tissues raised against the scalp for 10 seconds. Do it three times.

How long will the results last?

Surgical eyelid lifting, as well as non-surgical blepharoplasty, are quite expensive and not the most pleasant procedures. On numerous forums, the question is often asked how long the effect of the procedure lasts. Since blepharoplasty is an operation that removes excess eyelid skin, its effect can be considered lifelong.

However, it does not in any way affect the natural aging processes of the skin and over time its results become less noticeable. Experts do not recommend eyelid lifts more often than once every 10-12 years. Most surgical rejuvenation methods involve the formation of scars (both external and internal). Only a specialist can give permission for a second operation.

The duration of the effect of non-surgical correction depends on the type of procedure:

  • injection – from 1 year to 2.5 years;
  • laser – from 3 to 7 years;
  • ultrasound – 7 years;
  • thermolifting – 4 years.

You can prolong the effect of the procedures with the help of high-quality skin care in the periorbital area.

Exercise for forehead, temples, eyebrows

1. Raise your eyebrows as much as possible and open your eyes wide. We press the skin on the forehead with our hands, preventing wrinkles from forming.

2. Keep your eyes wide open, feeling the tension in the corners of your eyes on the count of 4.

3. Then, without lowering the raised eyebrows, we lower our eyelids, as if closing our eyes. We also keep counting slowly until 4.

4. Do 5 to 10 repetitions. The effect can be immediate or for 3-4 days.

You should feel tension in your eyelids, and if you touch the outer corners of your eyes, you will feel through the thin skin how your tissues tremble with tension. Do not overdo it!

After strength exercises, it is important to do a relaxing and smoothing massage. You will see several massage techniques in this video by Inna Nefedovskaya.


This method involves the surgeon making skin incisions in the folds of the eyelids using a surgical scalpel to remove accumulated fat deposits and tighten the epidermis. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and has an impressive list of contraindications, including blurred vision and increased intraocular pressure. Its advantages are considered to be high efficiency, but the disadvantages include complexity, length of the rehabilitation period, the possibility of complications and side effects.

Do you want to look 10 years younger?

Spend just 10 minutes a day on your face and your skin will tighten! We invite you to Inna Nefedovskaya’s school of face and body rejuvenation for the popular course “Correction of the upper and lower eyelids and wrinkle-free forehead.” Order the program using the link:

Wrinkles and folds or other age-related changes have different causes and will differ in type for each woman. It is impossible to choose just one effective exercise for everyone.

In the course you will learn effective exercises and techniques for rejuvenating the face and body, and receive recommendations for their implementation to avoid mistakes and get guaranteed results!

Make your skin smooth and elastic!

Read other articles on the topic “Exercises for wrinkles on the forehead and for raising eyebrows”

“3 exercises to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead”

“Exercises to restore a youthful face”

Basic prohibitions for hardware lifting

  • pregnancy and lactation;

  • skin diseases at the acute stage;
  • the presence of metal implants (for example, braces on teeth);
  • thrombophlebitis, acute viral diseases, lupus, scleroderma, hypertension, diabetes mellitus;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • benign or malignant tumors.
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