Effective eye drops for styes in children

An effective and affordable remedy for stye on the eye is ointment. It eliminates the inflammatory process, swelling and redness of the eyelid, and pain. If the composition includes an antibiotic, the medicine acts on the purulent formation in the shortest possible time.

The most popular ointments for barley on the eye are the drugs Floxal, Sintomycin, Levomekol, Tetracycline. When using them, it is important to know the possible side effects, application rules, and the possibility of use in pediatric practice. When choosing a remedy, you also need to take into account the form of the disease - internal or external.


This is an imported eye ointment with an antibiotic for barley based on ofloxacin.

It is applied 2-3 times a day by placing it behind the lower eyelid. When used, allergic manifestations, burning sensation, redness, itching and dryness of the conjunctiva may occur. Rarely, patients experience dizziness.

For greater effectiveness, ophthalmologists prescribe a complex of Floxal ointment and eye drops. During the day, the patient instills drops, and at night uses the drug in the form of an ointment.

The product is very safe and is used in children's practice. It is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women or those with hypersensitivity to the antibiotic.

Therapy with this remedy is carried out for up to 2 weeks until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Instructions for use

You should not self-medicate. Before you start washing with Miramistin, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor determines the dose of the drug. Treatment regimen for purulent inflammation:

  • adults: 2-3 drops 3 times a day;
  • children 1-2 drops 1 time per day.

During treatment, 2 eyes are treated. After administration of the drug, for better distribution, massage the eye with a finger. The product is used for wiping or washing with a cotton swab dipped in medicinal liquid. In this case, it is necessary to carry out procedures carefully, as there is a risk of infection. If contact lenses are used, they should be put on 15 minutes after rinsing.


If it is unknown what pathogen causes stye on the eye, then immediately after the appearance of symptoms, the eyes can be smeared with the drug Colbiocin. It is made in Italy and has a unique composition: it contains 3 antibacterial components at once.

When sick, it is applied 3-4 times a day. In this case, allergic reactions, a temporary burning sensation, and redness of the conjunctiva are possible.

Restrictions on the use of the product are acute disorders of the liver and kidneys, children (up to 8 years), pregnancy, and lactation.

Which drops are best to choose?

An ophthalmologist will help you choose the right drops against stye. Do not follow the advice of your friends: what has helped others may not work for you, and even worse, if it does harm. This is especially true for children; do not experiment; a small body is more difficult to tolerate all diseases.

If going to the doctor is absolutely not possible, it is better to consult a pharmacist at the pharmacy. He will tell you which drops are more effective in helping with stye on the eye and how to instill them. After purchasing the drug, look at the expiration dates, read the instructions, and strictly follow its instructions. Do not exceed the dosage or frequency of instillation; it will not be possible to speed up treatment in this way.

If you notice that the drug does not help, your condition is worsening, or you have been sick for more than a week, immediately consult a specialist, you don’t joke with your health.

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Tetracycline ointment

The drug contains an antibiotic and has a rapid effect in case of illness.

Tetracycline ointment for stye on the eye in children is used from 8 years of age. It is not permissible to use it at a young age, during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or if there is a severe allergy to the components of the medication.

The product is available in tubes of 3.5 g. Unlike other drugs, the tube has a thin and long spout, which allows you to carefully and strictly dose the drug.

The ointment is applied twice a day; no special dressings or tampons are required.

Drops for styes on the eyes of children

Inflammation of the eyelid is much more common in children than in adults. In babies, the inner layer of the eyelid is looser, which increases the likelihood of developing stye. Children often rub their eyes, which contributes to the entry of pathogenic flora and increased inflammation. There are many drops for treating the disease, but most cannot be used in children, due to potent active ingredients or lack of research on use in children. The safest for babies are:

  1. Tobrex;
  2. Albucid;
  3. Okomistin 0.01%.

Read more Instructions for using polio drops

Instructions for using drops are indicated above. These drugs extremely rarely give side effects, but before using them, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you how to treat barley in a child.


For internal and external infections, the drug is prescribed in the form of an eye ointment containing an antibiotic - macrolide. It affects pathogens resistant to tetracycline, streptomycin, penicillin, and chloramphenicol.

Erythromycin for stye on the eye in the internal form is placed behind the eyelid. If the formation with purulent contents is located outside, then the ointment is applied directly to the inflamed area, and a sterile cotton swab is attached on top. If you are prone to allergies, hives, itching, and rash may appear.


This disease occurs more often in children and the elderly due to reduced immunity. A child often develops a stye on the eye due to the habit of rubbing his eyes with dirty hands. Other reasons include:

  • the presence of chronic infection in the body;
  • lack of vitamins, unbalanced diet, exhaustion;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • diabetes mellitus, in which metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • the presence of worms;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, against the background of which vitamin deficiency and decreased immunity occur;
  • ingress of dirt (through dirty hands, a dirty face towel, poor hygiene when using individual contact lenses).

If stye occurs on the eye, it is important to avoid contact lenses during treatment. After recovery, it is worth buying new ones, since pathogenic pathogens will remain on the old ones

Women need to replace their mascara, pencil or eyeliner - harmful bacteria can also remain in cosmetics.

Liniment Vishnevsky

Vishnevsky ointment is used only for the external form of barley, affecting the boil and getting rid of the abscess. The drug has an antimicrobial effect and does not contain antibacterial components.

When used in a timely manner, it relieves pain, swelling, stops the inflammatory process and accelerates healing.

It is very important to apply the ointment to the stye correctly. To do this, apply a small amount of medicine to a sterile napkin or bandage, folded several times, and apply it to the affected area. Number of uses per day – up to 3 times.

Allergic reactions are possible during use. The limitation for use is individual sensitivity to the components of the product - xeroform and tar. The disadvantage of liniment is the specific smell of natural active ingredients.

Basic principles of treatment

Usually barley, just like a single boil, abrasions, minor wounds and scratches are treated only locally. And if you can stick a patch on the skin, seal the wound with BF-6 glue, lubricate it with iodine or a solution of brilliant green, then these “tricks” do not work on the edge of the eyelid. To treat styes and meibomitis, there are eye drops and eye ointments. What are the advantages of ointment over drops, and drops over ointments? Is it possible to combine the treatment of barley with both topical agents?

The drops have the advantage that they are absorbed very quickly, cause virtually no discomfort except for a few seconds or minutes until they are absorbed, and the drops do not interfere with vision. But the disadvantages are a continuation of the advantages, and therefore many eye drops that have a bactericidal and disinfectant effect must be dripped very, very often, every 2-3 hours, in order to create the necessary concentration of the active substance. Therefore, the drops can be used during the day by people leading an active lifestyle, as well as at work. The drops are used according to the “drop and forget” principle for several hours.

As for eye ointments, they take a little longer to apply and last longer. To apply eye ointment correctly, you need to apply a thin strip of it to the conjunctiva, placing it behind the lower eyelid. After a few minutes, thanks to spontaneous blinking and movement of the eyeball, any ointment will be evenly distributed over the surface of the sclera, cornea and conjunctiva. After this, it will begin to be absorbed, and it is absorbed more slowly than liquid drops. The absorption rate of eye ointment largely depends on the quality of the ointment base.

Some ointments are absorbed within a few hours and are therefore great to apply at night. In addition, any oil-based ointment can slightly interfere with the penetration of light into the lens, and color all objects with blurry, greasy halos, as if you are looking at the world through glasses grabbed by greasy fingers. This, of course, is inconvenient, and this is the price to pay for slow absorption and the creation of a long-term bactericidal concentration in the tissues of the eye.

In any case, whether you choose ointments or eye drops for stye, you need to pay attention to the concentration, especially when it comes to treating a child. Children's eye drops and ointments are used occasionally, but have a different concentration and frequency of use from adults. It is also extremely important to accurately determine the diagnosis: whether the patient has meibomitis, that is, an internal process, or whether the patient has stye, that is, an external process.

With meibomitis, in any case, you will have to apply the medicine to the mucous membrane, that is, to the surface of the conjunctiva, and in the presence of uncomplicated, simple barley, in some cases you can even do without drops, simply applying antibacterial ointment to the outer surface of the eyelid, in the area of ​​inflammatory infiltration. Some ointments cannot be applied to the mucous membrane, and this should be well remembered before starting treatment.

In this review, we will look at the most effective and safe eye drops that can be used for stye. First, the INN, or international nonproprietary name, will be given, and then a list of several trade names for this substance produced by different companies. A price range that is relevant for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation for the summer of 2020 will also be given. The list of these drugs is not an invitation to purchase or advertising, but is dictated by their presence in international and national recommendations for the treatment of purulent diseases in ophthalmology. The decisive opinion on the prescription of certain eye drops for the treatment of barley depends on the recommendations of the attending physician, taking into account indications and contraindications.


The drug is available in the form of an eye ointment. For barley it is used as an additional remedy. It enhances the effect of antibacterial drugs, reduces pain, redness and swelling of the eyelid, and acts as an antiallergic agent.

Hydrocortisone should not be used for fungal and viral diseases. In case of complex treatment, the drug is applied at intervals of 15-20 minutes after the main medication. The drug is also an alternative for allergy sufferers who may experience an individual reaction to the antibiotic.

Hydrocortisone is the best ointment for barley

Hydrocortisone will heal inflammation of the eye mucosa that has just begun in 1 to 2 days. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of the medicine can easily cope not only with barley. Ophthalmology knows many diseases when inflammation of the eye leads to impaired visual function. In such cases, hydrocortisone is successfully used as part of complex treatment. Therefore, we can say that hydrocortisone is the best ointment.

Another valuable property of hydrocortisone is the effective elimination of allergic reactions expressed by burning, itching, and a feeling of fullness. This medicine is a hormone that at the cellular level inhibits the development of inflammation and the spread of microorganisms. The cream almost never enters the patient’s bloodstream, so it does not cause hormonal disturbances. Hydrocortisone is good to combine with antibacterial and antifungal creams (if the antibacterial drug is an antibiotic).

Hydrocortisone should not be used simultaneously with antihistamines or antipsychotics. If, along with the treatment of an abscess on the eye, the patient receives procedures using mercury or silver, hydrocortisone reduces the effectiveness of these procedures.

Restrictions on the use of hydrocortisone by ophthalmologists:

  • patient's ocular candidiasis;
  • viral diseases;
  • chlamydial lesions;
  • acquired pathologies of the cornea;
  • the period immediately after vaccinations;
  • individual intolerance;
  • tuberculosis processes in the eye area;
  • children under 1 year old.

The patient's diabetes mellitus and hypertension limit the use of hydrocortisone. After applying hydrocortisone to the eyelid, driving a car is not recommended because vision becomes blurred. Apply the gel to the eyelid yourself, when there are no contraindications, for 1 – 2 days. If the stye continues to develop, it is necessary to be treated under the supervision of a specialist.

Hydrocortisone ointment is inexpensive. Hydrocortisone is also good because it helps against allergic reactions.

Some people who get a stye are treated with Acyclovir cream. But this is an antiviral agent, and the disease described is of a bacterial nature. Therefore, the effectiveness of the drug for this disease is low.


Levomekol ointment is prescribed for external styes on the eye. The drug contains several components. They act on microorganisms and bacteria that provoke the appearance of a boil, relieve inflammation, and reduce suppuration.

Patients may experience itching and burning at the site where the bandage is applied. Like Sintomycin, Levomekol cannot be used for impaired hematopoietic functions or exacerbations of skin diseases.

The product is applied only externally, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane, 2-3 times a day. After this, a cotton-gauze bandage is attached. The course of treatment is determined individually until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The best ointments for external and internal barley

There are many effective ointments that help quickly cure gordeolum. They are easy to find in any pharmacy. They are inexpensive. It is not recommended to prescribe medications for the treatment of hordeolum on your own; you should consult a doctor. Before prescribing a medicine, an analysis is required to determine the microorganism that caused the disease, and then an ointment is prescribed, which is based on an antibiotic that kills this particular pathogenic microflora. Otherwise, treatment may be useless.


The most popular eye ointment used to get rid of stye. The active ingredient is the antibiotic tetracycline, which can destroy most harmful bacteria while simultaneously stimulating the immune system. The ointment has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect due to the active component. Has a long lasting effect. Liniment based on tetracycline is used for external and internal use.

The drug must be placed behind the eyelid or applied to the external stye 3-5 times a day until the inflammation is completely eliminated. Tetracycline ointment for barley is used to cleanse the wound from the remains of dead particles when the abscess opens. Do not use the medicine if you are allergic to tetracycline.


The antimicrobial liniment is based on the antibiotic of the same name. The ointment has long been used in ophthalmic practice due to the fact that it effectively copes with a large number of infectious pathogens. Erythromycin ointment will help get rid of internal barley and external hordeolum. It is placed behind the eyelid or applied to the external stye 3-5 times a day.


A powerful antibacterial drug with anti-inflammatory effect. The main substance is chloramphenicol, which can disrupt the production of proteins by pathogenic microorganisms, killing them. Use Sintomycin twice a day. The duration of treatment with the drug is determined by the doctor in each case individually.

Do not use the ointment if you have: psoriasis, suppressed hematopoietic function, eczema. It is contraindicated for children under one year of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. As side effects, patients note the appearance of rashes, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.


Corticosteroid liniment, which contains the active component hydrocortisone (steroid). The ointment has an antihistamine, exudative effect, and effectively eliminates inflammation. Liniment is placed behind the eyelid or applied directly to the sore three times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Hydrocortisone ointment is not used in the presence of tuberculosis, eye trachoma, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. After its use, itching, redness, blurred vision, and increased fatigue are sometimes noted.

Vishnevsky (balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky)

An effective and popular plant-based remedy perfectly eliminates inflammation, promotes rapid ripening of barley and its breakthrough. The composition contains an antiseptic component - xeroform, which destroys microbes, castor oil, which moisturizes and has an anti-inflammatory effect, and birch tar, which improves tissue nutrition. Vishnevsky's liniment is considered an excellent antiseptic, helps fight infection, but is not an ophthalmic drug. The drug is used only externally; with prolonged use, it can cause allergic reactions, severely irritating the skin.


To get rid of hordeolum, use oxolinic ointment with a 0.25% concentration of the active substance, which is tetraxoline, which has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. The medicine is placed in a thin strip under the eyelid or applied to the outer stye up to five times a day. Oxolinic ointment can cause rash, itching, burning, and hives.


The active components of the drug are tar, ichthyol, resin, sulfur, which have an analgesic and antiseptic effect. Ichthyol ointment normalizes the tone of eye tissues and improves metabolism in them. In ophthalmic practice, a drug with a maximum concentration of the active substance of 10% is used.

Read in a separate article: Levomekol for barley on the eye: how to use correctly

Use the medicine only externally, as its contact with the mucous membrane of the eye can cause a burn. Ichthyol, which is part of it, has a warming effect. Apply liniment in a thin strip to the barley, without rubbing, three times a day.


Antiviral ointment for eyes, which is based on the active substance - acyclovir. Additional components are: nipazole, nipagin, lipocomp. Acyclovir is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug, so only a doctor should prescribe it. Used for recurrent or advanced forms of barley. Apply under the eyelid 3-5 times a day. Treatment continues for at least a week, depending on the severity of the infectious process.


The active component of the medicine is chloramphenicol or chloramphenicol (antibiotic). It penetrates the cell membrane and blocks protein synthesis in bacteria, stopping their reproduction. When treating barley, one percent Levomycetin ointment is placed behind the eyelid or applied externally 3-5 times a day.


The bactericidal liniment Floxal, which is based on the antibiotic ofloxacin, destroys most gram-negative microorganisms. Helps with many ophthalmological processes in the eye structures.

For barley, Floxal is applied 2-3 times a day under or on the eyelid. The remedy against barley is not prescribed if you are intolerant to the components of the medicine and during pregnancy. It is possible to use Floxal drops and ointment at the same time.


A bactericidal and antihistamine drug based on corticosteroids. Apply it exclusively to the outer side of the eyelid once a day. Do not use for more than 6 days due to the risk of developing allergies.

Advantan is approved for use even by newborns.


This combined antibacterial medicine has a detrimental effect on staphylococcal infections and E. coli. The active ingredient is chloramphenicol. Liniment is used as a compress on the eyes.


The drug Korneregel for barley is used 3-4 times a day as an adjuvant to heal erosions and damaged corneas.

When used, there are complaints of temporary blurred vision, increased lacrimation, foreign body sensation, pain, swelling and redness of the conjunctiva. Very rarely, itchy skin rashes appear.

The product prolongs the residence time of antibacterial and other drugs on the mucous membrane of the eye. This property is very often used in ophthalmic practice. To do this, first instill the main medicine, and then after 15-20 minutes use Korneregel.

Side effects

When using the drug Miramistin, side effects may occur that are accompanied by symptoms:

  • allergic reaction;
  • tingling in the eye;
  • pain and cutting in the eye area;
  • increased tear production.

In case of individual intolerance, wash the eyes with saline solution, and in case of tearing and swelling, you need to drink Tavegil or Suprastin. If side effects are observed in a child, it is important to rinse the eyes and seek qualified medical help.

To check the body whether the drug is causing an allergy, apply a few drops to the wrist, then rub into the skin. If after 15 minutes redness, itching, or burning appears, use another remedy.

Features of the drug

Miramistin is approved for consumption with other antibiotics, this enhances the antimicrobial and antifungal effects. After using the drug, refrain from driving a vehicle for 30 minutes.

Miramistin must be stored correctly. The temperature should not exceed +25 0C, it must be protected from sunlight. The product is used within 3 years from the date of manufacture, expired medication is disposed of.


The medicine is prescribed only for the external form of the disease together with an antibiotic. It relieves inflammation, inhibits pathogens, relieves pain, and affects the abscess. When applied, a slight burning sensation and allergic skin reactions are possible.

The drug is used like Levomekol and Sintomycin. The first method is to apply a cotton swab to the stye, and apply a cotton-gauze bandage on top. The second method is to apply a small amount of the product to a swab and apply it to the affected surface.


To understand that your child has barley, you need to pay attention to the development of inflammation and the size of the affected area. The fact is that barley is similar to another disease, already chronic - chalazion. In this case, suppuration may be more extensive.

Among its causes are a defect in the development of the sebaceous gland, problems of the endocrine system, oily skin, wearing contact lenses, excessive use of decorative cosmetics, hypothermia, as well as complications after barley.

IMPORTANT. Chalazion is a chronic disease that can occur after a stye.

How to determine that a child is developing stye?

  • 1st day of inflammation. The eyelid becomes red and swollen, and it is painful for the child to blink. In addition to the eyelid, the eyeball may turn red. There can be several inflammations at the same time.
  • 2-3rd day. At the site of redness, a yellowish abscess appears. The child feels a burning sensation and itching. The temperature of the whole body rises slightly, the lymph nodes may become inflamed.
  • 4th day. With a successful course of the disease, the abscess opens. The pus comes out, the wound becomes crusty and heals.

If the inflammation does not go away within the specified period and the pus does not flow out, you need to contact an ophthalmologist for qualified help. Under no circumstances should you try to open the abscess yourself to avoid reinfection. This is especially important if the inflammation is directed towards the inside of the eyelid. If pus gets on the cornea, the infection will spread into the eye.

Useful video

How to treat barley in a child:

How to apply ointment

If the source of infection is internal, eye ointment for stye is placed behind the lower eyelid.

For this purpose, only ophthalmic forms are used - with low concentration and sterility. In single-component treatment, the drug is used 2-3 times a day, in some cases more often. If stye is treated additionally with eye drops, the ointment is used only at night.

When the boil is located outside - on the eyelid, the medicine is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the abscess. It is also possible to apply it with a cotton swab to the affected area, and cover it with a bandage or bandage on top.

When applying the ointment, you must remove contact lenses, wash off makeup, and wash your hands thoroughly.

Antiseptic medicines

Eye drops of this group are used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. They are also used for corneal damage and foreign object penetration. Let's look at two examples of antiseptic drops:

  • Vitabact. This is an antimicrobial agent from the biguanide group. Vitabact has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Used for bacterial infections of the anterior chamber of the eye. Picloxidine is the active substance of the drops. Treatment lasts for ten days. Vitabact is instilled into the conjunctival sac six times a day. In rare cases, the drug causes an allergic reaction in the form of hyperemia (redness) of the conjunctiva. The drug is used with great caution during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Okomistin. The active component of the drops is miramistin. Both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are sensitive to it. It is prohibited to use in the treatment of children, pregnant and nursing mothers. Sometimes allergic reactions may develop.

So, eye drops are an effective dosage form that is used in the treatment of stye. Antimicrobial agents quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease and act directly on the very cause of the inflammatory process - pathogenic microorganisms. The selection of eye drops should be done by a doctor, taking into account the course of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient. Synthetic drugs have side effects and contraindications that must be taken into account.


Olga: In the summer the air conditioner is constantly running, so the constant runny nose, stye and colds do not surprise me. At the first signs of stye - swelling and redness of the eyelid, soreness and increased skin density, I use Floxal ointment. Minimum side effects, affordable price and the fastest possible effect. Within 3-4 days, signs of the disease disappear.

Oleg: An abscess appeared on my upper eyelid. The pharmacy advised me to apply Levomekol ointment. It helped very quickly, the price of the drug is affordable. The main thing is that it should be put in the refrigerator in the future.

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