10 ways to spend time at home with benefit and pleasure

What to do in spring? If the desire to fill every day with something special is your thing, then be sure to take a look at our calendar of creativity and comfort, where changing dates brings new exciting tasks. And today we will offer 10 more ideas for those who prefer to spend time at home - and do it fun, creatively, for the benefit of the soul and business. Join us and share your options in the comments!

The first method: creative and handicraft

Of course, we couldn’t start with something else.:) Moreover, time flies unnoticed while pursuing your favorite hobby, and the process itself brings great pleasure, relaxes and lifts your spirits. 8 ways to improve your health through crafts >

Do you want to try something new and unusual? Take the test to find out which exotic art form you should definitely try - and be sure to try it! Another day to be creative: 14 workshops to try something new >

How to find something to do in your free time

How to force yourself to work when you don’t feel like it at all

There are countless activities in the world. Everyone can choose something suitable and exciting for themselves, an activity that will help them relax and have fun.

At home

What to do with yourself at home, having some free time, everyone decides for themselves, based on their abilities. You can explore new creative ideas or do things you already know:

  • Master painting. It is not necessary to immediately buy canvases, an easel, a palette and brushes. You can start small - with a pencil sketch. More than 30% of beginning artists give up because they lack imagination. If it’s difficult to come up with an object to draw, you can use other people’s paintings you like and try to repeat them. Successful specimens can add variety to the interior.
  • Propagate indoor plants. They can enrich the air in the room with oxygen, decorate the home, and please the eye. Studying plant varieties, rules for caring for them, and lists of useful fertilizers requires time and detailed attention. The result can be a source of pride and pleasure.


  • Try yourself in poetry or prose. Writing your own book in your free time is, at first glance, an impossible undertaking. Once you start writing down vivid stories from life, diluting them with your own dreams and conjectures, your first light book is ready, which you can later even try to publish to the masses and get additional income for it.

At work

Sometimes it is useful to think about what you can do at work when you have nothing to do. If the working day is organized in such a way that you can cope with responsibilities in a short time, and there is a lot of time left until the end of the day, you can come up with something to do to avoid getting bored and go out smoking with colleagues less often:

  • clean up your documents, your desk, wipe your computer, water your flowers - all this will help you keep your workplace looking attractive and have an ideal list of tasks;
  • read literature that improves the level of qualifications, thanks to which it will be possible to increase professionalism and earn a more prestigious position;
  • Do exercises for your eyes, back, hands and neck.


Fifth method: cinematographic

Everything here is even simpler than with music: watch a good movie! Or TV series. Or spring films from our selection. Or make movies and cartoons yourself, with the whole family. We even have a master class on shooting an animated film. How to make a cartoon yourself at home >

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Sixth method: educational

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  • see photo and video lessons on interesting topics here >
  • sign up for upcoming webinars at the Academy of the Masters Fair to participate online. Schedule >
  • work at your own pace: purchase recordings of past classes or watch lessons from a selection of free webinars >

What is the difference between a hobby and leisure time?

How to find yourself and your purpose in life: what does it mean and where to start

A hobby is something that one wants to occupy oneself with in one’s free time at home, something that a person strives for, and is used to having fun with. He knows everything about his hobby; there are no nuances that would not interest him.

Leisure is a one-time activity, a random choice made in order to have fun. Some informal meeting, a trip on an excursion, or a walk in the park can be chosen as leisure activities. Sometimes leisure time occupies a person, captivates him and turns into a hobby.

Eighth method: cultural and entertainment

Visit a museum without leaving home? Yes Easy! Now many institutions around the world have a collection of open video materials, or, simply put, virtual excursions. Thus, just recently a five-hour film-walk through the Hermitage was released: inspiring footage takes the viewer to the luxurious halls of the Winter Palace and introduces impressive works of art. View >

Working out at home - working on the Internet

For those who prefer to lead a less active lifestyle, the ideal option would be to do what you love at home. This is actually a very interesting option. It is perfect for women on maternity leave. This is work on the Internet. Quite a popular activity that will not only improve your financial situation, but also teach you a lot. The most popular way is copywriting and rewriting. An interesting activity that is ideal for women. The idea is that for a certain monetary reward, a woman writes interesting and unique articles. You can choose the topic yourself. A great opportunity to share life experience, professional information, and useful tips. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will only be a plus. You can translate texts to order. Those who want to constantly learn something new may choose topics in which there is not enough knowledge. This way you can work and study at the same time. Moreover, this is a very good option for a hobby.

Of course, everyone is looking for something they like. After all, this is the only way to truly enjoy the work. The main thing is that it is unobtrusive. It is also important to pay attention to your hobby without unnecessary stress. A woman should feel comfortable and free. And the main thing is to know that the hobby is beneficial. After all, it is very important for women to be useful and important to the whole world.

Ninth method: cleansing

In the literal sense of the word, because order in the house means order in the thoughts and soul.:) Of course, if you prefer to reign over chaos, then so be it. But in any case, it’s worth checking whether it’s time to get rid of unnecessary and simply harmful things that have accumulated in the house. And sorting and arranging creative materials is truly a meditative activity!

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Why is boredom dangerous?

The danger of boredom is that the emptiness is usually filled with simple ideas. There may be a feeling of one’s own uselessness, a false lack of friends, self-esteem will gradually decrease, and as a result the person will be completely consumed by laziness. If you can’t figure out how to entertain yourself on your own when you’re bored at home, you can always call your friends and discuss the past day over a cup of tea.

Attention! Bad thoughts creep into an empty head. Where there is no strength for thought and idea, the work of the old woman Shapoklyak will always live.

The most common result of frequent boredom is complete absorption in laziness. It is extremely difficult to get out of this state. Apathy, pathological fatigue, drowsiness develop, which causes the heart to work worse, blood pressure decreases, tinnitus appears every time you get up from the couch, all this is accompanied by constant dizziness.

The most difficult and at the same time simple thing for everyone is not to succumb to boredom and not allow laziness to take over the body, instead, come up with a useful hobby and really get sick of it. This will be an excellent salvation from early aging, sclerosis and various age-related diseases of the nervous system. A person creates his own life, organizes work and leisure. The main thing in this matter is not to be lazy and get the most out of life.

Home beauty salon

You can treat yourself to a real spa day. You can start with a warm, relaxing bath with aromatic herbs and salt. Self-massage your body with a scrub, then apply a mask to your face, neck and décolleté. Hair can also be pampered with a nourishing treatment.

After a bath and all cosmetic procedures, you can drink tea with herbs or freshly squeezed juice. Snack on fruit or light snacks.

How to choose a hobby for a woman

You can start by working on your body. This is always the best option.

This hobby will increase your confidence and self-esteem. We have already written that sport helps to cope with stress.

You can exercise with different muscle groups, starting with the facial muscles. In just a few months you can radically improve the condition of your face without plastic surgery.

You can successfully work with the condition of the neck, chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks - all this can be improved at home.

What is needed for this?

The simplest exercise equipment: parallel bars, horizontal bars and dumbbells. And for running you need sneakers and sportswear.

Don't know what hobby a girl should take up? Start with sports!

The main enemies here are lack of motivation and discipline.

Sport gives energy and resourceful state. This is a real investment of time in your development, this is overcoming yourself (here is an article about whether you need to leave your comfort zone).

Do what you've been meaning to do for a long time

Read an interesting book, watch a historical film, sort through jewelry—whenever else you have the opportunity to do this. But the list of postponed tasks can sometimes be endless. Choose from it one by one what you really need to do right now or really want to do.

Some activities go well together, like watching a TV series and wearing a face mask. But more often it’s better not to be spread thin on several things at the same time. Otherwise, when cleaning the memory on the computer, important documents may be permanently deleted, or during embroidering the petal will turn out to be a different color.

What to do at home?

Remember what brings you pleasure. Do you like to cook for the week ahead and watch a TV series at the same time? Have a spa Sunday and spend half the day in the bathtub? Catch a small list to diversify your holiday:

Draw a small inspirational sketch and hang it above your desk

You probably loved to draw as a child, right? Find a simple design that you like and repeat it. It's okay if all you have for drawing tools is a piece of paper and a ballpoint pen. Draw for your own pleasure without thinking that you may not succeed.

Even our chief editor, who can’t draw at all, was able to repeat this sketch!

Do the salon procedure you've been wanting to try for a long time

Bikini sugaring is a difficult procedure for a beginner, but you will definitely be able to epilate your legs with wax or sugar paste. We have prepared simple tips for home hair removal so that everything goes painlessly, and the process and result are truly smooth.

Try a new look

Time to draw red sparkly arrows and get out the leopard suit! You're at home, no one will judge you for looking like an aerobics presenter from the 80s!

Do you want to learn how to do bright smokey eyes or try a new evening makeup? We have an article on how to make an unusual make-up and draw perfect arrows, and you have time and a cosmetic bag to fill your hand.

Knit a scarf or sew a quilt

Who said this is only for grandmothers? Knitting, sewing and embroidery are a good way to organize your thoughts. And a scarf and blanket will never be superfluous.

Are you comfortable with sewing and want to try something unusual? How about lace lingerie? You will spend only a day sewing it, and in the evening you will try on a new set that is made to your individual measurements!

Take up home gardening

You can pay special attention to those plants that you already have, or choose new indoor flowers and a place for them. It might be interesting to learn something about plants. After all, some bring not only pleasure, but also greatly influence well-being.

Some provoke headaches, others – an allergy attack, and others, on the contrary, increase immunity. Just now, the time has come to take care of your green corner for the benefit of it and yourself.

How to use time

The ability to use time correctly is a prerequisite for any success

We are accustomed to believing that time is inexorable and constantly moving forward. However, an aphorism from 1500 years ago says that there is no time, only we move. This statement may seem unusual, even strange. Indeed, how can one say that there is no time? After all, each of us has either a watch on our wrist that shows the time, or a smartphone, which, for greater accuracy, is completely synchronized over the network. There are a lot of dials around, and the radio and TV, not to mention the computer, will not let us forget about time. Well, in the end, you can look at the sun, its rise, movement across the sky, sunset. How can you say that there is no time?

But in fact, the idea that time flows around us may still be absurd. A hundred years ago, Albert Einstein's theory of relativity destroyed the idea of ​​time as a universal constant. The great scientist believed that there was no way to define events so that they could be designated as occurring simultaneously.

You can also remember the words from the song: there is only a moment, between the past and the future - a moment is nothing. In other words, the present does not exist, it does not exist. The future constantly flows into the past. In the present, in this moment, in this nothingness, is time, or rather the illusion of the existence of time.

That is, time is just a clock. That is, time is tangible for a person. Only we move - biological organisms, for which time certainly exists. And it not only exists, but also acts as the main measure of life. For a person, every year lived, every five years of existence, leaves traces in the body (even every hour makes itself felt). We can finally say that time is the measure of every living organism. It measures the stages of its development from birth to maturity, from maturity to old age, right up to its disappearance. Moreover, the life expectancy of a person relative to the age of the Universe is less than an atom compared to a large star. Therefore, according to human feelings, time exists, and we are all given very little of it.

What does it mean to live life fully? This means making full use of the time given to us, that is, learning to save it so that it is enough for a wide variety of important activities:

  • for training and work
  • for self-education
  • for recreation and sports
  • for relationships, friendships, starting a family and raising children
  • for leisure and entertainment

How much time do you really use wisely?

With an average life expectancy of 72 years, a person spends 22 years sleeping, 10 working and 6 eating. Adding up these three numbers, you will see that they are just over half of 72. What happened to the rest - 34 years? It depends on the person himself what he will spend it on. This is precisely what the life of every normal person is assessed by. You might be surprised how much time you have at your disposal! But at the same time, one person can do a lot in life, and another can do almost nothing. For example, Norbert Wiener, the founder of cybernetics, devoted all his free hours to his idea. And then, when his genius was praised in society, he denied and said that if someone else devoted all his evenings, Saturdays and Sundays to work like he did, he could achieve the same thing. If someone for 50 years (from 22 to 72) spends only two hours a day kicking, in a year (365 days) this will be 730 hours, in 50 years - 36 thousand 500 hours, that is, more than 4 years. Incredible, isn't it? If we want to develop our abilities, the makings of our own personality, we need to learn how to use our time as usefully and productively as possible. Are you making full use of your time? It is not enough to say: “I think so.” This must be determined objectively. Try to keep a schedule of your time spent for some period. By writing down absolutely everything you spend your time on every day, you can adjust your own lifestyle and learn how to properly manage your time.

Time is a negative quantity

During the course of his life, a person notices that the astronomical year supposedly has different lengths. At 25 years old it seems like a year, at 7-8 years of age it seems like it lasts two years. And after 55 years, on the contrary, it seems to be shrinking the further you go, the more.

In childhood, it seems to everyone that there is still a lot of time ahead, but with age, the amount of time decreases and decreases. It is important to remember this from a young age and direct your efforts to obtaining an education, advanced training, taking care of your health, improving mental and mental abilities, studying professional literature and foreign languages ​​- all this (not in one year, of course) can be done, if you are a good manager of your time. At the same time, properly planned time leaves the opportunity to work, relax, and have fun. In addition, you must remember that when you get married and have children, you will have less time for yourself. And then, perhaps, more than once you will regret that you neglected the opportunities that you had in your youth, because the foundations for the comprehensive development of the individual must be laid from childhood. Without wasting time in your younger years, you can accomplish a lot. If you are a schoolchild or student, use the holidays to improve your knowledge of foreign languages, and during the school year read books, magazines, and newspapers in the language you are studying. The acquired knowledge and experience will make your future life easier. And you will not have to regret the time lost in your youth. It is clear that at the same time you should not shy away from entertainment and the joys of life in the company of your peers. You just need to realize the value of time and learn how to distribute it correctly.

Free time is great wealth

Free time is a problem that interests everyone who strives to develop their personality and live meaningfully. This is our great wealth. For some, free time is moments of sweet idleness and laziness, for others it is useful work, time for self-education and social activities, for entertainment and hobbies. At the same time, it is worth distinguishing between non-working time and free time. Free time is, so to speak, a slice of a loaf of non-working time. And the latter consists of those hours and minutes when we are not at work, that is, of all time except the working day. This primarily includes the time when we sleep, eat, do housework, go to and from work, that is, the chores associated with ensuring our existence. The rest is the time that is so temptingly called free. This is exactly what we would like to have as much as possible, and this is due to the fact that just the mentioned troubles will cut off how much of it from that very whole loaf.

You can spend your free time on:

  • self-education (reading newspapers, magazines, books, training)
  • social activities (work in public organizations, participation in meetings, etc.)
  • active recreation (dancing, walking, vacation, playing musical instruments, sports, photography, drawing, etc.)
  • passive recreation (cinema, theater, concerts, radio, television, restaurants, guests)

The distribution of free time, or rather, its use, depends primarily on the qualifications and education of a person.

How to use your free time

Each person has his own idea of ​​the most appropriate use of free time, as well as individual possibilities. They depend on his type of occupation, education, material conditions, whether a person works in a city or a village, etc.

But we must remember that a person who spends time in idleness loses part of his life every day. The younger a person is, the more of his life time is lost, since in youth time flows much more slowly, in other words, in the same time a young person will do more than an older person. And this is provided that young people have much more free time than older people. If a person does not spend time either on work or on entertainment, then it is fruitless, in vain. It is not surprising that such people are always bored. What advice should I give them? First of all, it is necessary that they, especially young people, understand that time is of extreme value. There are a thousand ways to spend your free minutes.

First, we need to monitor whether our time is being wasted. Secondly, once we understand the value of time and know through time tracking how much free time we have at our disposal, we must think carefully about how best to use it.

Anyone who is not at least occasionally interested in how much time in a week or month he spent on work (or study), on entertainment, on daily needs (washing, dressing, eating, etc.) will never have any idea whether he uses his time, or, conversely, loses it.

If your only entertainment is TV or a computer game, then that’s sad. After all, it is better to devote time to something that can both bring benefits and bring joy. What exactly this is - everyone determines for himself. Life is not endless, it is limited in time. And you will never make up for what you lost today. But who said that from this very moment you won’t start living differently?

So, free time is by no means sweet idleness. It contributes to the restoration of our strength, our comprehensive, harmonious development, and we must use it as our great wealth, which will only be possible when we live a full, varied life, properly armed with humor and good mood. Free time should not be wasted on everyday trifles and running around the shops or household chores. This requires thoughtful, clear organization. Just remember that in addition to family and work or study, you need to take care of your health, physical fitness, appearance, do not forget about your attitude towards people and communication with them, the ability to live in a team, overcome difficulties, remember about education and self-education, personal hobbies , physical education and sports, cultural entertainment, travel, etc.

Think about how you spend your free time. Anyone who has decided to engage in self-improvement will probably, with these words, pick up a pencil and paper, a calendar and a watch. Perhaps he will be tempted, and for some period he will control his non-working time, including his free time. And if he is honest with himself, he will definitely find certain reserves of free time that he can use in a new way.

How to manage time. Conclusions:

  • Think about what is more important: to have more and more things to do that take up your free time, or to move on to a life full of impressions, to feel its richness and beauty
  • You need to organize your life in such a way that you have enough time for work and self-improvement, interests, entertainment, and a sense of life’s joys
  • Time is of extreme value. Take care of it, make sure you don’t waste it. Periodically balance your working and non-working time

PS For a better understanding of what time is and how best to manage it, we recommend a selection of quotes about time with meaning.

Conduct a wardrobe audit

To avoid a situation where, with a full wardrobe, there is nothing to wear, it is sometimes worth doing a real audit. In the daily bustle, there is often no time for cleaning, much less for sorting things out according to the degree of need at the moment. Why not do this when you have a free minute, because it will greatly simplify the search for the right clothes in the future.

What can be done:

  • sort summer and winter things into different shelves;
  • throw away everything old, damaged, small;
  • some good things can be put aside for charity or sold;
  • shoes also require cleaning;
  • prepare winter clothes for cleaning;
  • disassemble accessories.

What a perfect hobby it is.

The ideal hobby is one that combines both pleasure and development.

To do this, it is important to understand what you need to develop at the moment. (You can choose a hobby not for life, but for a certain period).

You can work in several areas at the same time. For example, you can develop:


  • body,
  • appearance,
  • inner world (psychology and self-development).

Business skills (that relate to your purpose and fulfillment):

  • any activity that you like and at the same time brings additional income.
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