Eliminating stuttering in adults

Typically, there are two forms of stuttering: tonic, in which speech is interrupted by a pause or the sound is drawn out. Or clonic stuttering, which is caused by the constant repetition of sounds, syllables or individual words.

What is stuttering - stuttering is not a speech disorder that is caused by the constant repetition of prolongation of sounds, syllables or full words. Also, a person who stutters may often stop speaking or pronounce it very carefully. Because of this, his rhythm decreases. A doctor diagnoses stuttering when the symptoms appear very strongly and for a long time.

Treatment of gambling addiction in a hospital

EconomyStandardVIP chamber

6000 rub./day7000 rub./day8000 rub./day

The hospital price already includes:

  • Full diagnostics in the laboratory
  • Individual therapy plan
  • Medicines required for treatment
  • Choosing a room to stay
  • Balanced 3 meals a day from the chef
  • Group and individual psychological therapy
  • Regular monitoring of patient progress
  • Therapeutic massage, exercise therapy
  • Physiotherapy and yoga therapy
  • Complete and constant cleaning of rooms
  • Buffet open 24 hours a day
  • Gym, table tennis room
  • Free WI-FI, games, movie shows
  • Convenient park area for walking

Relaxation therapy

This technique for stuttering is aimed at weakening control over speech and building confidence and calmness. The main relaxation therapy techniques are:

  • Breathing exercises. Aimed at normalizing breathing during a conversation, developing a sense of calm and confidence. Classes with children are recommended to be carried out in the morning every day for 2-3 months, regardless of the patient’s age. Exercises can strengthen the diaphragm, increase the depth and volume of the lungs, and improve the mobility of the vocal cords.
  • Massage of the collar area and shoulder girdle. It has a beneficial effect on relieving muscle spasms and relaxing the body. The course of treatment should be carried out at least 4 times, 12 sessions each.
  • Baths. They are used to normalize nervous function and stabilize the patient’s psychological and emotional state. The most effective is the use of baths with infusions of mint, thyme, sage, calendula and lavender.

Stages of treatment for stuttering in a hospital

In order to treat stuttering in Moscow, it is necessary to use various methods of therapy for the patient:

  • trainings with a speech therapist that will help correct sluggish speech and develop fluency of speech;
  • breathing exercises that will help you breathe normally while a person speaks;
  • When treating stuttering in the Moscow region, it is necessary to use sedatives.
  • Psychological therapy may be required to treat stuttering in children and adults.

What is stuttering like?

Depending on the nature of the violation, there are:

  • neurotic stuttering, or logoneurosis, which is a functional disorder;
  • organic (neurosis-like) stuttering caused by lesions of the central nervous system.
  • In terms of severity, stuttering can be:
  • mild degree, characterized by slight hesitations in coherent speech that practically do not interfere with communication;
  • moderate degree - quite noticeable hesitations appear in speech (both monologue and dialogic), sometimes preventing the child from finishing a sentence, and difficulties arise in communication;
  • severe - prolonged spasms of the speech muscles, constant hesitation in speech of all types, communication is very difficult or even impossible, later logophobia (fear of speech), embolophrasia (use of “wet” words), convulsive movements of the facial muscles, muscles of the arms, legs may be added .
  • Depending on the nature of the course, stuttering occurs:
  • wavy - in different situations it can intensify or weaken, but does not disappear;
  • constant - with a stable flow;
  • recurrent – ​​occurs periodically during normal speech.
  • clonic - the baby repeats the first sound or syllable in the words: k-k-k-doll, de-de-de-grandfather; the clonic type is more often observed at the very beginning of the disease;
  • tonic - this type is characterized by pauses both at the beginning and in the middle: dog....chka, p...poop; the baby speaks with noticeable tension;
  • mixed, including both clonic and tonic types.

When stuttering, convulsions can occur in the articulatory, respiratory or vocal parts of the speech apparatus. Depending on which department is affected, articulatory, respiratory, vocal or mixed forms of stuttering are distinguished.

Psychotherapy in the treatment of stuttering

Treatment of stuttering with hypnosis and psychological therapy is prescribed based on what results the patient expects to see. Before conducting psychological therapy, it is necessary to study the nature of the disease and the degree of readiness of the person for therapy. For treatment, many techniques are used to help cope with the disease. Psychotherapy is mainly used pathogenetic and it involves changing the patient’s attitude towards the problem and correcting his behavior after a comprehensive study of personality characteristics.


How many hypnosis or NLP sessions are needed to get rid of stuttering? Each person is unique and has unique problems, and therefore one session of hypnosis or NLP is enough for one, while 5 or even 10 sessions will not be enough for another. Typically the course consists of five lessons.

Is it possible to get advice from you by phone? Yes.

Is it possible to solve the problem of stuttering without hypnosis, only with the help of NLP? Yes, you can, but it will take more time for a sustainable result.

Is it possible to solve the problem of stuttering online? Yes, of course you can using NLP methods.

Do you guarantee that I will get rid of stuttering? The psychologist and the client work together as one team for the final result. The psychologist plays the role of an instructor, and the client plays the role of a diligent student. I believe that success requires mutual guarantee.

In what cases does hypnosis and NLP not help with stuttering? When a person does not want and does not believe. There are rare cases when hypnosis and NLP do not work. In such cases, when there are doubts, you just need to try and see, if after a session of hypnosis or NLP there is no improvement in speech, then you need to try other methods. If the method suits a person, there is always an improvement.

Will your methods help with severe stuttering? If there are no organic brain lesions, speech always improves.

At what age do you accept children? I accept children from 8 years old and only with their parents.

You can read more here.

Benefits of inpatient treatment for stuttering

  • 24/7 monitoring. Our doctors monitor the health of patients around the clock.
  • Isolation from familiar surroundings. The patient cannot leave the center during the course of therapy. Only close relatives can visit him by appointment.
  • Proper nutrition. For patients, we offer a varied menu and meals 3 times a day. All dishes are prepared by good chefs.
  • Living with relatives. In our clinic you can live with relatives in the same room.

Hypnosis techniques used

Different practitioners use different hypnosis techniques and also interpret them differently. There are Western, Soviet, Russian schools of hypnosis. Currently, the most commonly used techniques are:

  1. Ericksonian hypnosis. It is carried out in the form of a dialogue with the patient during a superficial immersion in a trance; direct suggestion is usually not used. Looking inside himself, a person himself determines his fears and recognizes their irrationality.
  2. Suggestive psychotherapy focuses on suggestion. The hypnologist immerses the patient in a deeply suggestible state and purposefully resolves internal fears and conflicts.
  3. One-stage technique by K.M. Dubrovsky. Removal of stuttering occurs during one hour-long session. After this, the restored speech is consolidated with the help of a psychotherapist and speech therapist (3 or 4 sessions). This technique is suitable for treating adolescents and adults and is not indicated for pediatric patients.

Great importance is also given to self-hypnosis and autogenic training. A person suffering from logoneurosis, using visualization and pronouncing self-hypnosis formulas, tries to evoke an image of himself speaking without disturbances in various situations - at home, at work, at school, in a store. The natural phase state of trance before night sleep will increase the effectiveness of self-hypnosis if you engage in autogenic training at this time (for example, while already lying in bed).

Such autogenic training helps both to relieve anxiety and stiffness before speaking, and to relax the muscles of the speech apparatus and tension in the diaphragm area. This technique is an effective home method for preventing relapses of stuttering.

You can watch autogenic training and meditation on Nikita Baturin’s YouTube channel.

Family therapy for stuttering

The stuttering treatment center in Moscow offers not only therapy with medications and psychological techniques, but we also offer comprehensive family therapy. This will help a person who stutters not to experience discomfort in the presence of relatives. When he cannot say a phrase normally, this therapy helps relatives learn how to interact correctly with a person who stutters and provide him with support and care.

Who treats stuttering We are a clinic where stuttering is treated in Moscow. In order to cure stuttering, you need to contact a speech therapist, neurologist and psychologist. These specialists help to cope with the disease fully.

Treatment of stuttering in adults using hypnosis

In adult patients suffering from logoneurosis, both forms of its manifestation are observed.

In most cases, with a neurosis-like form of stuttering, an electroencephalogram reveals pathological or borderline brain functioning. That is, there is a focus of organic damage in it.

The neurotic form is typical for adults who suffered a stressful situation, psychological trauma, or were exposed to chronic stress in childhood. Most often, these situations are associated with the family, with a dysfunctional environment, violence, parental drunkenness, etc. Such patients are sensitive to being in public, speaking, and passing exams. In a calm environment, their speech becomes normal.

How to help an adult get rid of a painful speech impediment? Is it too late for treatment? It is precisely this category of people with logoneurosis that hypnotherapy copes with once and for all.

The strategy of regressive hypnosis is used for treatment. She helps the patient return to the past, disconnect from consciousness and delve into his own subconscious. There, in its depths lies the root cause of the disease. The patient himself does not remember about it, but our brain, a super-wonderful computer, stores in its memory this negative event that turned our whole life upside down. Regressive hypnosis brings this moment to the surface and the hypnotherapist helps you look at it from the outside, without worry, without fear. He then reprograms the patient to have a new attitude towards similar situations in the future.

A positive result from hypnotherapy leads to a revision of the patient’s life attitudes. He becomes confident in himself and in his capabilities. Being among people brings joy, not suffering.

Undoubted benefits of hypnosis

Treatment for stuttering using hypnosis is comfortable and effective. Anyone can afford this type of correction. A practicing psychologist will help eliminate incorrect attitudes in thinking, eliminate, if possible, the influence of negative character traits on behavior and social realization. Only with the help of hypnosis can you eliminate irrational stereotypes and replace negative attitudes with positive ones.

It is necessary to understand that logoneurosis should be treated comprehensively. Self-improvement and liberation from nervous stiffness, phobias and fears are the basis that allows a person to become happy, successful and active in all respects. You should not oppress yourself, suffer from internal conflicts and contradictions.

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