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Published: 10/07/2020
Reading time: 10 min
- Composition, smell and color of urine: yellow is the norm
- What affects the smell of urine?
- Causes of unpleasant odor of urine in men Physiological
- Pathological Dehydration
- Kidney diseases
- Poor nutrition, diets, fasting
- Esophageal stenosis
- Poisoning
- Diabetes
- Hyperthyroidism
- Liver diseases and associated metabolic disorders
- Bacterial infections
- Stress
- External reasons
- Ammoniacal
- Diagnostic methods
- Drugs
Composition, smell and color of urine: yellow is the norm
Not everyone knows why men's urine smells. Its color, transparency and smell are the most important diagnostic criteria. Unlike the chemical composition, a person can evaluate them independently, and in case of any deviations, he will need to get tested and consult a doctor.
Many people think that the norm is a pale yellow color of urine. Actually this is not true. Color largely depends on concentration. The higher it is, the more saturated the shade will be. Norma is a whole palette, from light straw to bright yellow.
Deviations are, for example, a dark brown color or tint of beer, which may indicate the presence of hepatitis and other liver diseases. If the tint is reddish, this indicates that there is blood in the urine, for example, in case of kidney disease. A grayish-white color, especially in combination with unpleasant odors, indicates purulent processes, but mainly in the genitourinary system. During similar processes in the intestines, it acquires a greenish or even blue tint.
Cloudy urine indicates the presence of fats and mucus in it (this is not always associated with pathologies, sometimes it can only indicate insufficiently careful adherence to hygiene rules). Finally, cloudiness is possible in the presence of salts.
In a healthy person, urine has virtually no odor. Even if it exists, it is not sharp and specific. The exception is the specific smell of urine after eating foods such as garlic, horseradish, or even regular coffee.
Without knowing why urine smells in men, you need to remember that an unpleasant specific aroma is noted after heavy consumption of coffee, horseradish, and garlic. Asparagus can impart an unpleasant odor and even a light greenish tint.
Sometimes urine smells stronger in the morning than in the afternoon or evening. There is no pathology here. This is due to the fact that in the previous period more testosterone, the male sex hormone, was released.
When to sound the alarm
If you notice an unpleasant smell of urine in the morning or at other times of the day, you need to try to find out what could cause this problem. For example, after a stormy feast, the liquid almost always smells unpleasant. By consistently eliminating all the physiological causes described above, you can try to understand whether the situation indicates a disease.
If a man feels pain in the lower back, perineum, penis, testicles and the smell of urine changes, most likely we are talking about diseases of the genitourinary system. An unpleasant smell of urine, combined with sudden weight loss and causeless weakness, may indicate diabetes.
The presence of pain, nausea, weakness in combination with a different smell of urine is a reason to visit a doctor. First of all, you can contact a therapist, who, in turn, can refer you to a more specialized specialist.
What affects the smell of urine?
In order to determine in absentia why urine smells in men, you need to know what affects its smell. It's no secret that urine is almost the main material for studying the entire body for the presence of physico-chemical abnormalities and disorders. In a normal person, urine should be pale yellow or amber in color, free of any impurities.
For reference! Urine itself has no odor, but when you urinate and get out, it oxidizes with the air, acquiring an ammonia odor.
A change in odor may be due to the influence of several factors:
- food;
- taking medications;
- taking a complex of vitamins and minerals;
- dehydration;
- vitamin deficiency or nutritional deficiency;
- quality of work of filtration internal organs;
- drinking regime;
- presence of diseases.
If urine smells unpleasant in men for quite a long time, you need to consult a doctor, as well as carry out a comprehensive diagnosis in order to identify the causes. As practice has shown, urine usually stinks in people whose internal organ functions are impaired, and the excretory system is an alarming signal to see a doctor.
Unpleasant “mouse” odor as a symptom of phenylketonuria
Not everyone knows why men’s urine began to smell. Often this smell is characterized in different ways - as “mousy”, musty, moldy, etc. Its appearance indicates phenylketonuria. This is a genetically determined disease. It is explained by a violation of the metabolism of amino acids, more precisely, one of them – phenylalanine. And this is due to insufficient production of certain liver enzymes.
Currently, this disease is diagnosed at a very early age. It is believed that following a diet in which phenylalanine does not enter the body through food will help avoid problems. This is important because the disease can lead to severe complications for the central nervous system.
The diet involves excluding meat and fish from the diet. Some doctors believe that it should be followed until puberty, others insist that it should be followed throughout life, since otherwise the disease may progress. In recent years, drug treatments have been developed. But in a man at risk, the appearance of such an odor should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
Causes of unpleasant odor of urine in men
When proteins break down in the human body, urea is formed, which makes up a significant part of the urinary sediment. This substance is odorless, but upon contact with bacteria it acquires a specific aroma.
A high concentration of protein metabolism products causes a pungent urine odor in men. This happens when you don't drink enough water.
Due to a lack of fluid, the concentration of salts, end products of metabolic processes, and toxins increases.
Medicines, dietary supplements, and synthetic vitamins change the smell. At the end of the course of drugs, the aroma becomes the same. But sometimes an unusual smell of urine is a signal of a serious malfunction in the body. Therefore, it cannot be ignored.
Active sports, physical work, and drinking insufficient amounts of fluid lead to an increase in the concentration of urine and the appearance of a pungent odor. There is no need to be afraid of this - you need to replenish the body’s water supply in time, then the stench will disappear.
Food generously seasoned with spices also causes an unusual aroma in urine. Men especially often notice it after eating dishes with cumin and curry. Urine smells like onions and garlic among lovers of these vegetables. Asparagus gives urine an unpleasant odor. Do not be alarmed if the characteristic aroma appears after drinking strong tea, coffee, or alcohol.
If your urine has a stronger aroma in the morning, there is no need to worry either. At night, hormones are produced that give male urine a stronger odor than during the day.
Many diseases cause unusual aroma in urine. The change in smell becomes noticeable against the background:
- diabetes mellitus, other metabolic problems;
- infectious and inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder, urethra;
- prostatitis;
- malignant neoplasms;
- disorders of the kidneys and liver.
The appearance of a strong stench combined with a deterioration in health is a reason for an urgent visit to a therapist. With timely examination and treatment, deterioration of the condition can be avoided.
Physiological reasons for changes in urine odor
An unpleasant and pungent smell of urine does not always “speak” of any disease. Often this problem is associated with peculiarities in the functioning of organs and systems, as well as with the intake of certain substances from the outside through food or medications.
For loaders, builders and representatives of other professions whose work involves high physical activity, the urine often smells of ammonia and turns dark yellow. This is due to a lack of water in the body - dehydration. The problem can be solved quite simply.
You need to monitor your drinking regime and drink at least 2.5 liters of water, especially in the hot season.
If a man loves spices and herbs, eats spicy foods and asparagus, the smell may also change. This is due to certain substances, such as sulfines, which are found in certain foods and can increase the odor of urine. Switch to a different diet and watch the changes. If there is no unpleasant odor, then the reason was dietary.
Often the smell of urine changes due to medications. The most powerful “provocateurs” are:
- antibacterial agents;
- vitamin complexes containing pyrodixine;
- some painkillers.
If the urine smells unpleasant, but a man is treating a disease, this may be the reason. After completing therapy, the problem will stop.
It is important to consider that male urine itself has a stronger odor than that of a woman or child. This is due to a special hormonal background, and accordingly to the composition of the physiological fluid. Representatives of the stronger sex may contain sperm in their urine, and slightly fewer leukocytes.
What does unpleasant odor of urine indicate in men?
The appearance of a stench from urine indicates a violation. Depending on the pathological process, urine acquires a characteristic aroma.
Most often, men notice that their urine smells strongly of ammonia. Provoke the stench of urinary tract infections. Ammonia aroma is one of the initial signs of pyelonephritis, urethritis, and cystitis.
The reason for the smell is the presence in the excreted liquid of a large number of bacteria and their metabolic products. In addition to the stench, men feel discomfort in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, and are bothered by pain when emptying the bladder.
The strong aroma of urine with a sour tint is caused by an imbalance in the microbial balance in the intestines. It is often one of the initial symptoms of gastritis.
Machine oil
The reason that urine has a distinct smell of machine oil is phenylketonuria. This is a genetic abnormality in which the amino acid phenylalanine is not metabolized. To prevent serious consequences, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner. Therefore, blood is taken for analysis from newborns with suspected hereditary disease on the 2nd day of life.
A strange sweet urine smell occurs in men with high blood glucose levels. In patients with diabetes, excess sugar is excreted by the kidneys, which is why urine acquires a sweet aroma.
A sweetish smell with a hint of maple syrup from urine comes from a violation of the metabolism of amino acids (leucine, valine, isoleucine). This severe hereditary pathology manifests itself already in the first days of life. If treatment is not started immediately, problems with the central nervous system arise and the child may die. Timely therapy and diet can help cope with the manifestations of pathology.
The urine of men suffering from a rare pathology – trimethylaminuria – smells like fish. This disease is inherited. In trimethylaminuria, liver enzymes are unable to break down trimethylamine. The patient's body, his urine and other biological fluids stink of herring. Dietary nutrition helps to get rid of the problem.
Urine smells like rotten eggs and contains too much sulfur, the chemical that makes urine smelly. The stench appears as a result of eating large portions of fresh cabbage and asparagus.
The smell of rotten eggs may appear if the kidneys and ureters are affected by the inflammatory process. Sometimes a specific stench occurs with rectal cancer.
Smell of acetone
An unpleasant odor from urine in men resembling acetone is a dangerous sign. It often occurs with diabetes mellitus. A similar symptom also appears in the later stages of stomach cancer.
But there are also less serious cases when an acetone spirit emanates from urine. This happens during heavy physical activity and drinking large amounts of alcohol. A long-term diet with a predominance of meat dishes in the menu causes a stench.
Cat smell
A person who does not have a cat at home may notice that his urine and sweat smell bad. B-methylcrotonylglycinuria causes a strong cat odor. This disease is associated with a violation of the breakdown of the amino acid leucine.
Diseases and smell of urine
Some diseases and pathologies in the body can affect the composition of physiological fluids, thereby changing their density, color and smell. Deviations in the organoleptic parameters of urine most often indicate pathologies in the genitourinary system. Let's consider the most likely situations.
Various jades
With hypothermia, injury, or penetration of bacteria from neighboring organs and tissues, an inflammatory process may begin in the kidneys. This is the first organ in which urine begins to form, so pathologies are reflected in its smell.
The following signs indicate kidney inflammation:
- increased body temperature;
- pain in the lumbar region;
- fever.
Urine with kidney disease takes on the smell of ammonia.
This disease is rare, but does occur in men and is an inflammation of the bladder. Pathology occurs for various reasons and is accompanied by some clear signs:
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- burning and pain when urinating;
- discharge from the penis.
The smell of urine in this case will be sharp, fetid, and unpleasant. Treatment should begin as early as possible, avoiding the development of complications that will be difficult to cope with.
Urolithiasis disease
For various reasons, various stones can form in the bladder, kidneys and pelvis - oxalates, urates, and so on. Accumulating in the lumens and cavities of organs, they impede the outflow of urine, damage the mucous membrane, resulting in favorable conditions for the development of bacteria. Also, with urolithiasis, the composition of urine changes, so the smell of ammonia appears.
The pathology may not manifest itself in any way for a long time. But, if the stones are moved by a current of urine, severe pain occurs in the lower abdomen, perineum and penis. The nature of the pain is sharp, paroxysmal, and prolonged.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma) is more often detected in men over 40 years of age. The disease is characterized by a violation of the outflow of urine, which leads to a change in its smell.
Other symptoms are:
- pain when trying to relieve minor need;
- pain in the perineum and lower abdomen (may radiate to the sacrum or scrotum);
- problems with erection.
BPH can be treated well with surgery. The sooner a man consults a doctor, the less damage to the body will be. Without medical care, there is a risk of developing acute urinary retention, kidney failure and other problems.
Prostatitis is an inflammation in the tissues of the prostate gland that occurs during hypothermia, injury, or infection with STIs. It is characterized by a complex dysfunction of the genitourinary system, which is manifested by the following deviations:
- pain in the perineum;
- sluggish stream of urine, pain when urinating;
- erectile dysfunction.
Acute prostatitis may be accompanied by high body temperature, fever, nausea, and constipation. The smell of urine in this disease is very unpleasant and difficult to describe.
Associated symptoms
Along with the unpleasant acetone aroma, acetonuria is accompanied by other symptoms.
In particular, accompanying symptoms can be expressed in:
- decreased or complete absence of appetite, and talk not only about food, but also about drinks;
- nausea, vomiting;
- change in skin color;
- dry mouth;
- pain in the stomach area, etc.
When to see a doctor
If the stench from urine does not disappear within 2-3 days, you need to get tested and consult a doctor. He will determine whether the pungent odor is caused by physiological or pathological reasons and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.
You should not delay visiting the clinic if, in addition to a special smell, a man notices that the color of the urine has changed from light yellow to brown or whitish.
The change in the nature of urine excreted also cannot be ignored. The appearance of flakes, sediment, and foam in it is observed in diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system.
In addition to the stench, changes in the color and transparency of urine, a man may be bothered by other symptoms:
- pain in the lower back, groin area;
- frequent urge, pain during urination, incomplete emptying of the bladder;
- heat;
- discomfort during sex;
- digestive problems;
- strange taste in the mouth;
- feeling of thirst, dry mouth;
- swelling.
The appearance of even one of the listed symptoms against the background of an unnatural smell of urine should force a man to immediately consult a doctor. This will help to identify a serious illness in time.
Associated symptoms
A change in the smell of urine is not always associated with the development of diseases. It is necessary to sound the alarm if the following accompanying symptoms occur:
- discomfort in the lumbar region;
- itching and burning in the genitals;
- pain during urination;
- the appearance of blood clots and other foreign elements in urine;
- increase in temperature;
- discomfort during sexual intimacy, going to the toilet;
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- dry mouth, metallic taste;
- frequent urge to go to the toilet or, on the contrary, delayed urine output.
If the color or smell of urine changes or even one of the listed symptoms occurs, you should contact a medical facility immediately. This clinical picture indicates the formation of infectious and inflammatory processes. The sooner adequate treatment is started, the more favorable the prognosis.
Initially, you need to see a therapist. He will prescribe several tests after the initial examination - of course, you will also need to give urine. From this biomaterial you can learn a lot about the state of human health, draw conclusions about the condition of the kidneys and urinary tract, and even about the composition of the blood.
Laboratory specialists take into account everything - transparency, foaminess, density, any other visual characteristics, the presence of sediments and impurities, as well as the specific composition and biochemical features.
How to remove a nasty smell?
Getting rid of the smell of urine can only be achieved if the causes are carefully studied and adequate treatment is prescribed. Among folk remedies, we can recommend any diuretic preparations, drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, rose hips, horsetail, and knotweed. That is, those herbs and plants that have cleansing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, the key point in treatment is to adhere to a proper balanced diet, avoiding alcohol, salty, fatty, hot, pickled and spicy foods.
Since the presence of the smell of acetone implies a deeper cause, and specifically a whole range of congenital diseases and acquired pathologies, treatment and medications are prescribed by a doctor after laboratory tests and diagnosis.
The measures taken can range from a special diet to the administration of necessary medications, and surgical intervention is not excluded.
If any of the above symptoms indicate an increase in the level of ketone bodies in the blood, you should immediately begin a strict diet.
And this is the first recommendation that will come from the doctor if the patient needs consultation. According to the diet, fried foods are excluded from the diet; meat and vegetables should be consumed in stewed form.
The following meats are allowed: beef, rabbit and poultry. There are no restrictions on vegetable and fish soups. Including fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet is beneficial. Completely prohibited: fatty broths, hot and spicy dishes, citrus fruits, canned food, bananas and sweets.
Folk recipes
You can eliminate the smell of acetone from urine in other ways, for example, folk remedies.
To do this, you need to drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Decoctions of chamomile and oak bark are also used.
It is necessary to monitor your diet, as some foods poison the human body.
If necessary, an enema is done before bedtime. To do this, you need to fill the pear with regular warm water or a decoction of herbs.
That is, dehydration of the body. This happens when a person drinks too little liquid or, for example, in case of poisoning, accompanied by prolonged vomiting and diarrhea. As the concentration of urea increases, the smell of ammonia increases.
In such cases, you need to give the patient a rehydration solution - pharmaceutical (Regidron) or prepared independently (1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of warm water). The solution should be given frequently, but in small portions.
Since the main reason that urine has an unpleasant odor in the spectrum of serious pathologies is diabetes mellitus, or rather the development of ketocidosis against the background of this disease, then in the absence of adequate medical measures this condition will develop into a ketocidotic coma.
You can notice the development of this complication in advance: thirst, frequent nighttime trips to the toilet, inflammation of the gums, poorly healing wounds - all these are primary symptoms that should not be ignored.
Ketocidosis can also develop in a patient with diabetes if he injected expired insulin, contracted an infection, missed an insulin dose, suffered injury or stress, or underwent surgery.
In any case, improper treatment of the root cause of the smell of acetone in the urine in women, men and children will lead to serious consequences, often fatal.
The smell of cat urine: what does it mean?
Sometimes a person emits a distinct odor, but not everyone knows why men’s sweat smells like urine (cat urine, at that). And not only sweat, but also urine. If in women this most often indicates problems in the endocrine system, then in men it may be:
- chronic liver and kidney diseases;
- obesity;
- pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
- tuberculosis (fortunately, this is less common).
The most common option is kidney disease, since it has the greatest impact on the functioning of the body. In this case, the smell is explained by the fact that protein breakdown products are excreted not only with urine, but also with sweat through the sebaceous glands. Doctors in such cases diagnose uricidosis, but this is not an independent disease; it is a consequence of pyelonephritis or chronic nephritis. In such cases, it will not be possible to drown out the smell of urea with deodorants; you need to treat the underlying disease, then the smell will disappear.
Prevention and recommendations
To avoid the problems described in the article, you should lead, if not the right, then a measured lifestyle. Avoid overeating, do not indulge in alcohol, engage in physical activity, drink at least 2 liters of water per day, diversify your diet with fruits and vegetables. There is no need to overwork and get carried away with night work.
- https://FB.ru/article/469068/pochemu-pahnet-mocha-u-mujchin-vozmojnyie-prichinyi-i-lechenie
- https://ntm-cnc.ru/pro-mocheispuskanie/silno-pahnet-mocha-u-muzhchin-prichiny.html
- https://tden.ru/health/zapah-mochi-u-muzhchin-prichiny
- https://tden.ru/health/mocha-pahnet-acetonom
- https://diabet24.guru/diagnostika/zapax-acetona/mocha-u-muzhchin.html
- https://gb4miass74.ru/mochepolovaya-sistema/rezkij-zapah-mochi-u-muzhchin.html
- https://DiabetSahar.ru/diagnostika/zapah-atsetona-v-moche-u-vzroslogo-cheloveka.html