What discharge is considered normal?
All women normally have a small amount of vaginal discharge. They do not cause any discomfort, do not smell and are not accompanied by itching or other unpleasant symptoms. They have a white or slightly yellowish tint and a uniform consistency.
The substance appears as a result of the work of glands on the cervix and vagina. It provides protection to the genital tract from drying out and the penetration of pathogenic organisms. The constant secretion of mucus cleanses the fallopian tubes and vaginal cavity. She doesn't smell much, which is considered normal for all women. The intensity of the odor changes slightly throughout the menstrual cycle. If a woman begins to smell fishy, a diagnosis of the body is required.
On certain days of the cycle, the volume of discharge increases. There is more fluid a few days before ovulation, and on the day the egg is released, a discharge similar to egg white appears. They do not smell and do not cause discomfort. In the second half of the cycle, they acquire a yellowish tint - this indicates a sufficient amount of progesterone in the blood.
Hygiene against fishy odor in women
The most important factor in the appearance of an unpleasant odor is still non-compliance with basic rules of intimate hygiene.
Washing the genitals should become a mandatory procedure for every day. In this case, it is necessary to use special hygiene products: gels and liquid soaps for the intimate area with lactic acid. They will help cope with pathogenic flora and will not disturb the environment in the vagina.
But it is not advisable to use panty liners - they help keep underwear clean, but still do not allow air to pass through and also retain moisture, which is why gardnerellas reproduce well. Therefore, ko6e4ka.ru recommends changing your underwear regularly.
Causes of fishy odor
An increase in the smell of vaginal discharge in women and its similarity to fish can appear for various reasons. These include poor personal hygiene, periods of natural hormonal imbalances, and diseases of the genital area.
Thrush, or candidiasis, is one of the most common gynecological diseases.
Its causative agent is Candida fungus. The pathology is accompanied by the appearance of white cheesy discharge, itching and burning of the external genitalia. In severe cases, the symptoms of candidiasis worsen a woman’s quality of life and cause her to wake up at night from itching. Discharge from thrush has a sour smell; when the fungus is widespread in women, the intimate area smells like rotten fish. Candidiasis often has a chronic form and is aggravated by the presence of the following factors:
- recent infectious or viral diseases;
- decreased immunity;
- hypothermia;
- unprotected sexual intercourse;
- lack of personal hygiene;
- use of low-quality underwear;
- pregnancy.
Women's discharge smells like rotten fish when the disease is widespread. A woman's sweat may also smell unpleasant during this time. All symptoms disappear on their own after the thrush is eliminated.
If the entire body or lower back is hypothermic, an inflammatory process in the uterus and ovaries may develop. At first, the pathology can occur secretly, but as it worsens, pain appears from the vagina in the lower abdomen, the vagina smells like fish, and the nature of the discharge changes.
The intensity of symptoms is determined by the severity of inflammation.
Acute pathology is manifested by increased body temperature and severe pain. In other cases, pain in women is present only during sexual intercourse, when changing body position and physical activity. Minor intermenstrual uterine bleeding is possible. The smell of fish is quite weak, usually this indicates a violation of the vaginal microflora. The smell becomes much stronger when inflammation occurs simultaneously with infections.
Infectious lesions of the genital tract
The external genitalia, vagina and cervix are most susceptible to infection by pathogenic microorganisms. In the absence of treatment and prolonged proliferation of bacteria, the uterus itself is affected, and then the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The more widespread the infectious process is, the stronger the woman smells of fish.
Patients with sexually transmitted infections complain of itching and burning in the vagina. The discharge becomes yellow, greenish or brown, and its daily volume increases. They have a heterogeneous structure and a strong unpleasant odor. When the infection affects the whole body, the smell of fish is felt from the sweat of the woman’s body.
Causes of infections in which the discharge smells unpleasant:
- lack of personal hygiene;
- refusal to use barrier methods of contraception with a new partner;
- visiting public baths, saunas, swimming pools;
- weakening of the immune system.
Primary infection can be manifested by increased body temperature, weakness, and pain in the lower abdomen. If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic, and the genitals almost always smell like fish.
Intimate hygiene
A woman should wash her external genitalia daily with soap. For this, baby soap or a special intimate hygiene product is best suited. The procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a day. During menstruation, washing may be more frequent.
You should wash your genitals after every intimacy, otherwise the woman will smell like fish after just a few hours.
If hygiene rules are not followed, the vaginal microflora is disrupted. This is manifested by an increase in the volume of discharge; the girl begins to smell fishy there. Over time, this condition provokes the development of sexually transmitted infections, as a result of which the woman will smell even stronger.
The smell of fish may appear if you rarely change your underwear or use pads and tampons for more than the recommended time. Regular use of panty liners unnecessarily provokes the development of thrush and other infectious diseases - wearing them increases the amount of vaginal discharge, which smells unpleasant, and the greenhouse effect creates an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria.
Vaginal dysbiosis
In the absence of pathologies of the uterus and ovaries, a regular monthly cycle, daily hygiene of the genital organs and adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, dysbiosis can be avoided. The main sign of its appearance is that the girl’s vagina smells like rotten fish, and the nature of the discharge changes. The course of this disease can lead to other pathologies of the genital area.
The vaginal microflora can recover on its own in the absence of concomitant diseases and a high level of immunity.
How to get rid of an unpleasant odor?
Once the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is confirmed, your doctor will tell you how to treat this disease. How successful the treatment will be depends on the medications prescribed. Therefore, the doctor determines how to treat this disease in women individually.
If smelly discharge appears due to vaginal dysbiosis, treatment is carried out in two stages. Initially, measures are taken to improve the physiological conditions of the vagina and activate protective forces - both local and general. It is also important to eliminate hormonal imbalance and, of course, normalize the microflora. Treatment is aimed at restoring the acidic environment in the vagina and stopping the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
As a rule, the doctor prescribes tablets and suppositories for vaginosis ( Trichopol , Tinidazole , Ornidazole , Clindamycin , Neo-Penotran , Metrogyl , Flagyl , Clindacin , etc.). Gels and creams Metrogyl , Rozamet , Dalatsin , Rozex .
vitamin C is also prescribed , which helps stimulate the immune system.
At the first stage of treatment, the use of vaginal instillations of 2% lactic or boric acid is also practiced to help create an acidic environment.
The second stage of treatment involves the gradual restoration of vaginal microflora. For this purpose, biological products are administered intravaginally - Apilak , Bifidumbacterin , Acylact , Lactobacterin, etc. Bifikol , Bifidumbacterin , Acylact , Laktozhinal , Vagilak .
If bacterial vaginosis develops during pregnancy, it is advisable to use tablets and suppositories in the second and third trimesters and only in short courses. The treatment should be monitored by a gynecologist.
Types of discharge that smells like fish
If this symptom appears, you should consult a doctor in any case. This will eliminate the presence of pathology or identify it at an early stage. You can independently assume the reason that a woman smells like fish by the nature of her vaginal discharge.
White discharge, or leucorrhoea, is considered normal in women. They are not accompanied by signs of disease - unpleasant odor, itching, burning, or changes in their consistency. A woman may begin to smell fishy in the absence of other symptoms - this indicates the initial stage of development of the pathology and requires diagnosis. If the odor is eliminated immediately after regular personal hygiene is restored, we can say that the patient is healthy.
An increase in the volume of white discharge occurs with bacterial vaginosis and gardnerellosis. In these cases, they smell like rotten fish and cause pain in the lower abdomen, which is especially noticeable during sexual intercourse.
Discharge that resembles cottage cheese in consistency is a sign of thrush. They smell sour and resemble the aroma of kefir. When a woman’s genital organs are extensively affected by candidiasis, itching in the vagina is accompanied by the smell of fish.
When the discharge changes to a greenish or yellowish tint in women, a genital tract infection is diagnosed. Usually this is a sign of a fairly widespread disease, since initially the volume of substance secreted from the vagina only increases slightly, does not change color and does not smell fishy. Most often, green-yellow shades are a consequence of the proliferation of trichomonas, streptococci, gonococci and staphylococci.
Blood mixed
When blood appears from the vagina, the discharge becomes red or brown. This can appear with endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and endocrine disorders. If there is extensive inflammation, the woman begins to smell like fish. In any case, if such a symptom appears outside of menstruation, you should immediately visit a gynecologist.
Diseases that cause this odor
When vaginal secretions acquire a foul smell of herring, this is an alarming signal for the female body. This symptom is often accompanied by signs of inflammation, which indicates the presence of serious problems with the health of the reproductive system. But not in all cases, the unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge is considered a consequence of the inflammatory process, since in some cases this phenomenon is the result of a disruption of metabolic processes or an increase in the performance of the glandular epithelium.
Vaginal secretions can change their aroma or consistency under the influence of the following negative factors:
- Gardnerellosis - this pathology develops after the penetration of a bacterial infection of the same name into a woman’s genitals; a characteristic symptom of this disease is the appearance of discharge with the smell of rotten meat or fish.
- Vaginal dysbiosis - manifests itself as a result of an imbalance between healthy and pathogenic microflora of the vagina. This disease is formed as a result of a decrease in the protective function of the mucous membrane of the woman’s genital organs, as well as when a favorable microclimate arises for the reproduction and development of a bacterial infection.
- Colpitis is a disease associated with inflammation of the vaginal walls and organs of the external intimate area. This problem may be caused by the penetration of harmful coccal microorganisms or pathogens of sexually transmitted pathologies.
- Thrush is a disease that manifests itself in a woman as a consequence of infection of the genital area with fungi. In this case, the vaginal secretion becomes white and has a cheesy consistency. The appearance of a fishy odor from the vagina is not typical for this disease.
- Chronic inflammatory pathologies of the appendages or uterus can also occur with the presence of bloody discharge that smells like rotten meat.
The cause of a fetid fishy odor in a woman is often caused by various diseases of the reproductive system. In order to more accurately establish the nature of this phenomenon, representatives of the fairer sex should visit a qualified gynecologist and undergo all laboratory tests prescribed by him.
An unpleasant smell of fish from an intimate place can appear in a woman for another reason. Predisposing factors in such a situation are:
- promiscuity;
- improper or too frequent vaginal douching;
- failure to comply with hygiene standards;
- sexually transmitted diseases transmitted to the weaker sex through unprotected sexual contact.
Attention! Before starting appropriate treatment for such a symptom, it is imperative to establish what its cause is. A change in the smell of vaginal secretions is only a separate sign caused by some serious illness that requires urgent and specific therapy.
Periods of natural hormonal imbalances
Certain physiological processes cause vaginal discharge with a fishy odor. This is likely during periods of natural hormonal changes - pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation, menopause.
During pregnancy, a woman's immunity level decreases, the vaginal microflora changes, and the level of many sex hormones increases.
This is necessary for the proper growth and development of the fetus. Against the background of this condition, the risk of exacerbation of infectious diseases increases, as a result of which the woman begins to smell like fish. Sometimes the smell is a consequence of nervous tension, a sharp jump in hormone levels. This is accompanied by a change in the smell of sweat. To prevent exacerbations of diseases, pregnant women should strictly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist and regularly undergo the necessary tests during this period at the antenatal clinic. To treat infections and fungi that make a woman’s vagina smell like fish, gentle agents are used that do not harm the fetus.
Postpartum period
Several months after childbirth, a woman’s body recovers. Healing of damaged tissues, involution of the uterus, normalization of the functioning of the appendages and hormonal levels in general occur. This is accompanied by frequent changes in the nature of vaginal discharge. They should not smell unpleasant.
If a woman in the early postpartum period complains that she smells fishy, this may indicate the development of complications.
First of all, you should check the condition of the uterus, vagina, and sutures (if any). It smells like fish in case of inflammatory and infectious diseases, which, due to the weakening of the body after childbirth, develop at double speed. Therefore, women should visit a gynecologist a week and then a month after giving birth. Specialist help is also required if there are disturbing symptoms.
When menopause occurs, the menstrual cycle stops as a result of a decline in sexual function. During this transition period, exacerbations of chronic gynecological diseases or the emergence of new ones are possible. A woman may experience a rotten fish odor from her vagina. This is not considered normal and requires treatment. Women during menopause should visit a gynecologist every 3-4 months due to the high risk of developing diseases.
After menstruation
After the complete cessation of bleeding at the beginning of the cycle, a minimum daily volume of leucorrhoea is noted. Given the still low level of estrogen production, this is considered the norm. If, after the bleeding ends, the girl smells of rotten fish and sweat, then this is a sign of illness. One of the most common causes is vaginal dysbiosis, caused by infrequent changes of pads and tampons during menstruation.
How does bacterial vaginosis manifest?
Very often, with bacterial vaginosis, women complain only of very strong discharge with an unpleasant odor. Women describe bad vaginal odor as a fishy, “rotten” odor or herring odor. When the infectious process just begins, and if the causes are related to gardinella, white or grayish liquid discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant odor appears.
If the process continues for many months, the leucorrhoea becomes viscous and greenish in color. If pathogenic flora joins the infectious process, vaginitis .
Vaginal dysbiosis often develops in pregnant women , who note a sharp, strong odor of discharge. Sometimes they become foamy. It is important to know why this condition is dangerous for the expectant mother: the fact is that when it manifests itself in the early stages, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases. However, at any time it is important to find out how to treat this condition. Indeed, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, vaginosis can provoke infection of the fetus, as well as the membranes. Purulent-septic diseases can appear in a woman after childbirth .
Therefore, the expectant mother should immediately after diagnosis take care not only of how to get rid of vaginal odor, but also how to remove, that is, cure gardnerellosis.
Bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but most doctors are confident that this disease can still be transmitted through sexual contact.
The incubation period of gardnerellosis lasts from 5 to 10 days. At the same time, it is generally accepted that changes in microflora are facilitated by a number of factors associated with sexual life - frequent changes of partner, unprotected sexual contacts.
It is important to realize that gardnerellosis is a disease that should never be taken lightly. After all, after the addition of other infections, a woman’s condition may worsen even more.
If the intimate area smells like fish, it is possible that with gardnerellosis a woman is simultaneously infected with sexually transmitted infections, for example, gonorrhea , chlamydia , trichomoniasis , mycoplasmosis . After all, the symptoms of these diseases are similar to the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. A patient with an STD may also notice that the genitals stink and unpleasant discharge appears. Therefore, before starting treatment for fishy smell from the groin in women, it is necessary to undergo an examination and pass all tests. The causes of unpleasant urine odor in women may also be associated with genital infections. It is necessary to be examined for their presence if the urine smells like fish in women or has any other unpleasant odor.
Gardnerella not only multiplies in the vagina, but also reaches the uterus and fallopian tubes. Modern doctors cannot yet clearly say whether this provokes serious inflammatory processes. However, gardnerellosis definitely contributes to the introduction of other infections into the body, which subsequently cause unpleasant diseases - inflammatory processes of the appendages, uterus, etc.
Smell after eating fish
Some products can change the odor of a woman's sweat, body, and vaginal secretions. These include onions, garlic, and smoked meats. The change in odor is minor and rarely noticeable to others; it goes away within 1-2 days.
The reason that a woman’s discharge and sweat smells like fish after eating it is the low functionality of the liver and kidneys. This is especially likely if there is an odor after eating boiled, baked or fried fish. In these cases, it is recommended to check the operation of these bodies.
One of the most informative signs that is caused by a failure of kidney function is that a woman’s urine smells like rotten fish after eating fish.
Fishy smell during menstruation, menopause
The appearance of a specific aroma during such periods is more related to the uniqueness of a woman’s body. Or it may say that a pathological process is present. In such cases, it is better to immediately contact a specialist who, through a series of examinations, will be able to determine the cause of the unpleasant odor and prescribe the necessary treatment.
The real reason can only be found out by taking a test.
Odor in older and older adults
After menopause, a woman's smell changes due to hormonal changes.
This is caused by low production of vaginal lubrication, the emergence of a new balance of local microflora, and the natural processes of aging. However, if a woman starts to smell fishy, this is not considered normal. Sometimes this is a sign of gynecological oncology, but in most cases it is a symptom of inflammatory or infectious diseases.
What changes the smell of discharge
Without taking into account a specific disease, factors that contribute to an imbalance of vaginal flora are identified:
- decreased general immunity or local hypothermia;
- mechanical injuries that appear after medical procedures or rough sex;
- disorder in intimate life, frequent change of partners;
- neglect of personal hygiene or improper execution of the procedure (washing from back to front, using aggressive products with dyes);
- use of tight or synthetic underwear.
Particular attention to the reasons described above should be paid to girls who are not sexually active, but feel that their intimate area smells like fish.
After intimacy
In the first hours after sexual intercourse, vaginal discharge smells different, and a fishy smell may appear. With its low intensity, this is not considered a deviation - it is caused by a temporary change in the microflora after sperm enters the vagina, lubrication of the condom and lubrication of the woman herself. Discharge that smells like rotten fish is a sign of illness and requires treatment. Their appearance immediately after sex indicates an imbalance in the microflora caused by the man’s bacteria.
Treatment of fish odor in the intimate area
To eliminate the problem, complex therapy is always prescribed. This includes drugs that will fight pathogenic microflora. Antibiotics are often used for this. Drugs are prescribed to strengthen the overall immune system.
Lactobacilli will also be used to colonize and maintain the desired environment in the vagina. This is the longest stage on the road to recovery. To monitor the effectiveness of treatment, special tests are periodically performed at intervals of several weeks.
For better results, it is always recommended to carry out therapeutic activities on both partners. It is not advisable to have unprotected sex.
Along with drug treatment, you can additionally use folk remedies. They mainly use decoctions of herbs such as nettle - its decoctions are taken orally as a drink. Chamomile is used as a means for washing intimate places and works as an antiseptic. Viburnum - also taken orally. Pine buds are used in the form of baths.
Diagnostic methods
To identify the reason why a woman smells unpleasantly of fish and sweat, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination. The gynecologist prescribes the following:
- Examination on a gynecological chair.
- Ultrasound of the pelvis.
- Smear to determine microflora.
- A smear to check for infections.
- PCR – for more accurate detection of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Analysis of sex hormone levels.
For most women, these types of diagnostics are sufficient to make a diagnosis. If it is difficult to determine the type of disease, an MRI of the pelvis, blood tests for tumor markers, laparoscopy of the uterus and appendages with a biopsy of the affected areas may be required.
How is gardnerellosis treated during pregnancy?
During pregnancy, it is very easy to contract bacterial vaginosis as the immune system is weakened. And this condition is quite dangerous. There is a possibility of premature birth and the birth of a premature baby with very low weight.
Therefore, if vaginal discharge of a suspicious color and specific odor appears, you should immediately consult a doctor without hesitation.
As therapy, local drugs will be mainly prescribed - suppositories or creams, immunostimulating agents to increase the protective barrier. Probiotics can be used to restore local flora.
Antibiotics are prescribed in rare cases. At the time of treatment, exclude sexual contact.
The type of treatment for discharge that smells fishy depends on the cause of the fishy odor. Treatment options for women depending on the identified diseases:
Pathology | Treatment regimen |
Candidiasis and STIs | Oral antifungal or antimicrobial medications. The use of vaginal suppositories that destroy fungi and infections. Introduction of suppositories into the vagina, normalizing the local microflora. Oral probiotics. |
Inflammatory processes | Use of antibiotics for infections in the genital tract. Taking anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. Insertion of suppositories into the vagina to normalize local blood circulation and relieve inflammation. |
Microflora disturbance | Taking probiotics. Introduction of suppositories to restore the balance of microflora. |
Hormonal imbalances | The use of drugs in the form of tablets or vaginal suppositories to normalize the endocrine function of the ovaries. |
It is recommended to use vaginal suppositories at night, as this will enhance their effect. If this is not possible, you should lie down for at least 30 minutes after their administration.
Pharmacological treatment
A strong smell from the intimate area can significantly affect a woman’s quality of life, negatively affect her health, self-confidence, planning pregnancy and bearing a child, and complicate intimate relationships. A consultation with a gynecologist, laboratory tests and prescribed treatment helps to find out the causes of this condition and learn how to get rid of the smell and how to deal with this problem in general. Therefore, the smell is a reason to consult a doctor. In each specific case, effective drugs of systemic action or local treatment are prescribed: antibiotics, antifungal drugs, creams, aerosols, gels, suppositories (capsules), ointments. In addition to prescription drugs, there are medications that are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. One of these products is Lomexin cream (fenticonazole) - a modern drug that has complex antifungal and antibacterial effects. For thrush and genital tract infections, the cream is administered intravaginally (into the vagina) using an applicator. The course of treatment lasts 7 days.
Folk remedies
It is difficult to cure infectious and inflammatory diseases in which a woman smells like fish using folk remedies. Alternative medicine recipes help eliminate the symptoms of the disease and speed up the healing process. They are used as an additional treatment method.
Ways to eliminate discharge in women that smells like fish:
- douching with a solution of soda, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, yarrow - once a day for 10 days;
- washing with soda or herbal decoctions - 3-5 times a day;
- gynecological baths with chamomile, calendula – 1-2 times a day for 10 days;
- internal intake of infusions of chamomile, oak bark, linden - until complete recovery.
Using folk recipes for external use for a longer period of time can lead to an imbalance of local microflora. At the same time, the woman will continue to smell like fish. Making strong herbal decoctions is not recommended due to the risk of drying out the mucous membrane of the genital organs.
Feedback from women and expert opinion
Alla, 32 years old: “For six months I was bothered by discharge with a fishy, rotten smell. In recent days they could appear at any moment. I was bothered by unbearable itching and terrible burning, especially when urinating. The gynecologist discovered bacterial vaginosis and prescribed vaginal suppositories. The course lasted about two weeks and it was all over.” Victoria Sergeevna, gynecologist: “In my practice, I often encounter complaints about a fishy odor from the external genital organs. Definitely, this is the first sign of illness. There is no need to self-medicate. You should take a smear and determine the cause. It is important to notify your sexual partner about the trouble that has occurred, and undergo therapy together, since men are also susceptible to similar ailments. Treatment with modern medications is quick and without leaving a trace. And if preventive measures are followed, relapses do not occur.”
The appearance of a fishy odor in a woman can be prevented. To do this, you need to follow some rules:
- using barrier methods of contraception with new partners;
- visiting only proven baths, saunas and other similar public places;
- regular visits to the gynecologist;
- daily personal hygiene of the external genitalia using soap;
- selection of comfortable and high-quality underwear;
- frequent changes of pads and tampons during menstruation;
- avoiding the constant use of panty liners unnecessarily.
These rules will prevent many female diseases and prevent the appearance of discharge that smells unpleasant. It must be remembered that you need to visit a doctor even in the absence of complaints, especially during the postpartum and menopausal periods.
A woman may smell like fish during infectious or inflammatory diseases, or with irregular personal hygiene. If pathologies are detected, immediate treatment is necessary, otherwise the disease will begin to progress and the smell will become stronger. Its occurrence can be prevented by using barrier methods of contraception, regular personal hygiene and visiting a gynecologist twice a year.
Why does a woman’s vagina smell like rotten fish: prevention
The doctor will prescribe treatment, but you can do prevention yourself. Knowing the causes of unpleasant odor, we can assume that good immunity and the absence of hormonal imbalances are the only way to protect yourself. But this is not entirely true; there are other recommendations from gynecologists.
The first, of course, is regular inspection. You need to visit a gynecologist at least once a year, preferably twice. Hormonal contraception sometimes causes problems, so it is better to use condoms.
They are also not ideal and, if used too often, lead to troubles, but not so serious. If you decide to make love without protection, then you can only do this with a reliable and trusted partner.
In the modern world, there are a huge number of intimate hygiene products and often women clearly overdo it. The best is the enemy of the good, don't forget about it. Hormone tests should also be taken at least once a year.
A visit to an endocrinologist is mandatory even in the absence of obvious problems. Get tested and go for a consultation, it won’t hurt. Take care of your diet, exclude fried, fatty and salty foods. Spend more time outdoors, avoid sources of stress and you will be happy! And there will be no fishy stench.