Red eyes after sleep, what are the causes of this phenomenon and how can it be cured?

Causes of red eyes after sleep

Hyperemia after sleep may indicate harmless conditions or diseases. The sclera contains blood vessels, which, under the influence of various factors, expand and burst due to oversaturation with blood.

The main reason for this condition is overwork. With prolonged stress, small capillaries expand. They become filled with blood and may burst or remain in this state. If fatigue is severe, even after sleep they remain dilated.

The second reason is crying before going to bed. Intracranial pressure increases, the eyes are not only red, but also swollen. There are no other signs. Therefore, you should not be surprised that hyperemia appeared in the morning. Sleep disturbance is another harmless cause of red eyes after. Adequate sleep should be at least 8 hours a day.

If sleep is constantly interrupted, the eyes do not fully rest, the blood vessels dilate, so every morning a person sees reddened whites in the mirror.

Other harmless reasons:

  • Incorrect use of contact optics. Lenses should be cleaned daily, refilled with new disinfectant solution, and not worn at night unless they are intended for this purpose. If hygiene rules are not followed, the eyes will not only turn red, but irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane will appear.
  • Weather. Bright light, snow, strong wind and dry air lead to the appearance of this symptom. The symptom may not go away for several days.
  • Getting mascara, eye shadow or other cosmetics into your eyes.
  • Cosmetics on the eyes. Before going to bed, you should always remove makeup from your eyes. It causes irritation, and, as a result, the eyes are red after sleep.

The cause of hyperemia may be a pathological condition. It can have serious consequences and requires urgent therapeutic measures.

Pathological causes include:

  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • uveitis;
  • chronic dry eye syndrome;
  • abuse of eye drops;
  • Sjögren's syndrome.

Dream interpretation eyes are red

You will be quite nervous about this.

I dreamed that you couldn’t open your eyes - to strong, reliable love.

Three eyes on one face dream of making a profit.

But if the three-eyed man laughed, fate will laugh at you, using your greed as a weapon.

Eyes, English dream book

If you dream of blue eyes, in reality you will doubt someone’s honesty. And you will do it completely in vain.

If you dreamed of unusually bright blue eyes, you, on the contrary, will believe a person who will flatteringly lie to you.

Green eyes in a dream warn of deception.

The animal's yellow eyes portend injury.

The dream in which you saw glowing eyes in the dark has the same meaning.

Why do you dream about eyes, French dream book

If in a dream you see eyes in the sky and nothing else around them, this means help from above in difficult times.

Your eyes of different colors dream of sudden wealth.

A dream in which you happened to gouge out your eyes also promises unexpected profits.

If you dreamed of worms in your eyes, be prepared for betrayal.

An eyeball seen separately from the face symbolizes an eye disease.

Why do you dream about the eye - modern dream book

Blue eyes portend pure, naive feelings that even an adult, experienced person in love relationships can experience.

Green eyes in a dream are a sign of witchcraft, hex, and damage.

If you dreamed of a worm in your eye, your conscience will torment you.

If you dream of red eyes, the sleeper needs peace for a while, otherwise he will become seriously ill.

Painting your eyes, lining your eyeliner, applying thick eye shadow - all this betrays your intention to deceive someone in reality, to show off your eyes. You shouldn’t do this, if only because all this props will very soon be revealed, and reality will appear in its natural form, and you will be ashamed of the deception.

A bloody eye and blood protruding from the eyes signify significant financial losses, which may be followed by a deterioration in well-being and a general crisis.

Seeing the eyes of a dead person in a dream means you will receive wealth through blind chance, but not through a lottery or other gambling game.

Dream book of S. Karatov
Why do you dream about Eyes according to the dream book:

Eyes - if you dreamed about eyes, then this portends you failure either in business or in your personal life.

See also: why do you dream about a face, why do you dream about glasses, why do you dream about a blind person.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about Eyes, how to understand the dream:

Eyes - If you dreamed about eyes, then be vigilant, competitors are ready to take advantage of even the slightest mistake.

If a lover dreams of eyes, then they mean the appearance of a more successful opponent. Brown eyes are a sign of deception. Blue eyes - then you should overcome your indecision.

Why dream of seeing gray eyes - then flattery awaits you. Tear-stained eyes mean you will be insulted.

Seeing that you have rubbed your eye is a sign of trouble. Seeing a one-eyed person means great grief awaits you. Seeing a blind person means illness.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about Eyes:

Eyes - if you dreamed of piercing and wary eyes, this is a sign of failure and deception.

You will have to wait a long time, and most likely you will not get it.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about Eyes in a night dream?

Eyes - If you dreamed of someone’s eyes, this portends you good luck, success in business and joy. If the eyes in a dream are unhealthy, blind, slanted, etc. - this means deception, resentment, illness and other troubles.

If you dreamed of bloodshot eyes, this is a sign of anxiety and terrible events. Reddened eyes mean bad luck with friends. Protruding eyes in a dream are a warning against the machinations of your enemies who are watching your every move.

Why dream of seeing languid, droopy eyes - this is about a charming rival. A blindfold - an epiphany awaits you, a change of opinion about something. An eyesore - a sign of deception.

If you dreamed of barley, this means wealth. Black eyes, then beware of false friendship. Green eyes - ardent love. If you saw colorless eyes in a dream, you will experience a decline in business or a demotion at work.

If you dreamed of omitted ones, then love is ripening in the soul and will soon make itself felt. Closed eyes - you will receive good news. Seeing eyes blinking stupidly portends loss through one’s own fault.

If you dreamed of large and very beautiful eyes, this is a sign of happiness and wealth. If you dream of a person without eyes, you will lose your loved one.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about Eyes - dream analysis:

Why do you dream about Eyes according to the dream book:

Eyes - Dreaming of an eye is a warning against the machinations of enemies who are relentlessly watching your every step. They just sleep and see to ruin everything for you.

If a lover dreams of eyes, this promises him an insinuating rival. Brown eyes are a sign of treachery. If you dream of blue eyes, this promises you failure.

If you dreamed of gray eyes, this is a warning against excessive gullibility. Losing an eye in a dream means disturbing events. A one-eyed person is unlucky.

Dream Interpretation of Empress Catherine the Great

Eyes in the dream book:

Eyes - Seeing an eye in a dream is an unfavorable sign. It warns you that your enemies are looking for the slightest opportunity to harm you. This dream also tells every lover that he will have a rival. Seeing eyes without a face in a dream means significant changes towards a better, unexpected business proposal. Seeing eyes slanted means good luck in money.

Seeing very beautiful eyes in a dream means fidelity. Seeing an empty eye socket in a dream means the loss of a parent. To see an eye with blood - a dream warns you against a never-sleeping blood enemy. Seeing an eye with a tear in a dream or crying yourself means repentance for what you have done.

Blue eyes in a dream predict innocence and powerlessness. Brown eyes mean deception and treachery; gray ones warn that flattery can harm you.

Seeing very large, wide-open eyes in a dream foretells receiving an inheritance. Seeing eyes out of place is a bad sign and foretells blindness to the one who sees this dream.

If you see that you have sore eyes, then you will commit an offense that you will soon repent of. This dream can also foretell the death of parents, children and friends.

A dream in which you lost one eye portends trouble. Seeing yourself with one eye or no eyes at all means illness and death of children.

Having many eyes in a dream foretells happiness and success in any undertaking. If you dreamed of a man with one eye, then you are facing major losses. To see eyes watching you in a dream is a sign of offense before the law. Seeing quickly moving eyes in a dream means well-being. If you see that you cannot see well, then expect some kind of loss or lack of money.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about Eyes? Interpretation of sleep:

Eyes - If you dream of brown eyes, then this dream is a sign of treachery, cunning, possible betrayal of an imaginary friend or attacks by rivals and enemies. If blue eyes are looking at you in a dream, then this promises you some kind of failure, the cause of which may be your excessive timidity and inability to defend your opinion. Gray eyes in a dream are a warning against a flattering person who, with his eloquent but deceitful speeches, can cause you great harm if you believe him and do not want to protect yourself from him.

If you dreamed of green eyes, then in real life you may have an inventive rival who will cause all sorts of troubles and suspicions and can ruin your relationship with your loved one.

To see that your eyes are inflamed or you are losing an eye, then in reality expect alarming events that can throw you out of balance. A dream in which a one-eyed person appears to you is also unfavorable. It promises misfortune and quarrels, domestic squabbles and omissions between lovers.

If you dream of an eye in a jar filled with liquid, then this foreshadows illness or jealousy, which will disturb your peace of mind or instill anxiety in your heart, from which you will not soon get rid of.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Why do you dream about Eyes according to the dream book:

An eye or eyes seen in a dream foretells failure in business or in your personal life.

When to see a doctor

It is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist if redness lasts longer than 3 days. For harmless reasons, hyperemia disappears within 24–48 hours, in other cases it indicates a pathological condition.

You should immediately contact an ophthalmology center if the following signs appear:

  • feeling of a foreign object in the eye;
  • deterioration of visual acuity;
  • the appearance of yellow crusts after waking up;
  • discharge of pus during the day;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • cephalalgia and dizziness;
  • increased sensitivity to light.

These signs indicate dangerous diseases that require immediate treatment. These include glaucoma, hyphema, hypopyon and infectious keratitis. These pathologies not only significantly worsen a person’s life, they lead to complete blindness if timely measures are not taken.

Eyes interpretation of the dream book

Moreover, it is advisable not just to lie on the couch, but to relax actively by playing sports.

But the white eyes that appear in a dream are a symbol that the dreamer’s doubts that he has chosen the wrong path are justified. It’s worth thinking about how to make adjustments to your life. Seeing yourself with white eyes in a dream means doubting the correctness of your behavior from a moral point of view.

To betray a loved one, a person dreams of having different eyes. If a stranger's eyes have different colors in a dream, then the dreamer needs to be very attentive to people from his close circle, so as not to unexpectedly get stabbed in the back.

Other eyes

Why do you dream about eyes that don’t belong to anyone, as if watching the dreamer from the side - someone is seriously thinking about the dreamer. If at the same time you experience anxiety, fear or a feeling of control and surveillance, then the dream foreshadows changes in life.

Simply seeing a person’s eyes in a dream, without distinguishing their color, means that in life you will encounter an ill-wisher who will closely monitor all the actions of the dreamer and, having noticed the latter’s mistake, will certainly try to take advantage of it. For lovers, such a dream can be a warning that a third person may appear in the relationship between the two.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, the eyes of a child with an innocent look foreshadow the emergence of tender feelings for someone. Seeing the surprised eyes of a baby means that in reality you will encounter something that will greatly amaze the dreamer.

Most often, cat eyes seen in a dream indicate that a person will soon be able to see good in a situation that now seems negative to him. In addition, dreaming about a cat's eyes can be a harbinger of family scandals. To avoid them, the dreamer is advised to show maximum tact and restraint.

Did you dream about the kind, loyal eyes of a dog? The dream foretells support in official matters. If the dog’s eyes are angry and aggressive, then the dream foretells that the person who was on the dreamer’s side will go over to the camp of his enemies.

Did you dream about the open eyes of a dead man? The dream signals that the dreamer is surrounded by many ill-wishers.

Paint your eyes in a dream

Why dream of painting your eyes? If a young girl had such a dream, then it foreshadows the appearance in the dreamer’s life of a persistent but unpleasant admirer. Did you dream about your eyes being too brightly made up? This is a sign that the dreamer is incorrectly assessing the situation, a reminder that any issue should be considered from different angles.

Did you have to line your eyes in a dream? This means that in reality the dreamer very carefully protects her inner world, tries to appear different from what she really is in front of others. If, on the contrary, you happened to remove eye makeup in a dream, then this is a signal that the person is tired of pretending, he wants to be himself.

But here is how the dream book interprets painting another person’s eyes: such a dream speaks of the dreamer’s desire to deceive someone, to mislead someone.

Eye problems

Eyes without pupils are a message from the subconscious. In the near future, you need to listen to your own intuition. Slanting eyes are a symbol of dullness and limited thinking. The owner of the dream is recommended to change his point of view on some important issue. If in a dream something interferes with looking, for example, something gets into the eyes, then in real life something important eludes the sleeping person or someone prevents him from learning the truth.

If in a dream the sleeping person has only one eye, then the absence of the right eye indicates a lack of logic in actions and conclusions, and the absence of the left eye indicates a lack of imagination and intuition.

Myopia in a dream is a nuisance (if the owner of the dream in reality has normal vision).

Loss of vision in a dream (blindness) is a sign of loss of the ability to think clearly. Currently, the owner of such a dream cannot soberly assess situations, and the inner sense and intuition also do not work.

An extra eye in a dream speaks of the revelation of the dreamer’s inner vision and additional capabilities, the breadth and depth of his worldview, the wisdom of decision-making and good intuition.

Damage to the eye in a dream means deception, betrayal or betrayal on the part of some person, while the left eye most likely means a woman, and the right eye most likely means a man.

The dream book interprets a bruise under the eye discovered in a dream differently. If there are no negative emotions, then the dream promises profit. If the dreamer experiences a feeling of resentment for receiving a black eye, then the dream predicts that he may find himself at the center of a shameful story.

As the dream book warns, blood from the eyes in a dream is a sign that trouble may happen to someone close to you. In addition, such a dream can predict great difficulties at work; the dreamer may be entrusted with a task that will be very difficult for him to cope with.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a sore eye symbolizes the onset of an alarming period in life. Did you dream about swollen eyes? You need to be very careful and in no case deviate from the letter of the law, even in small things, since the dream warns that ill-wishers want to frame the dreamer for their own benefit.

If a person dreams that he is about to undergo eye surgery, it means that in reality one can expect that the dreamer will soon receive some information that will make him reconsider his views.

A dream of a speck in the eye is a warning that the dreamer is not noticing something important that has already become obvious to others. If, according to the plot of the dream, a speck of dust gets into the eye, it means that in reality the dreamer often wastes time on all sorts of trifles, not paying attention to really important things.

Have you ever seen an eyesore in a dream? In reality you need to be on guard, someone will want to deceive the dreamer on an issue that is important to him. Moreover, if the thorn was on the right eye, then the man will act as a deceiver, and if a pathology of the left eye was observed, one should expect deception from a woman.

Different interpretations are given to a dream in which one had to see pus in the eyes. If you dreamed that pus was flowing from your eyes, it means that the dreamer may become a waking witness to an unsightly act of a loved one. But if you dreamed of an abscess (barley) on your eyelid, then this dream is interpreted favorably, it portends good profit, financial success.


If symptoms appear for a short time, there is no need to worry if it has not recurred and the symptom is indicated by harmless causes. If the symptom bothers you for a long time, you should seek professional help from an ophthalmologist.

The ophthalmologist will conduct a thorough examination of the fundus of the eye, find the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. Diagnostics is as follows:

  • external inspection;
  • performing ophthalmoscopy;
  • microbiological examination (if the cause is infection).

If necessary, the patient's blood and intraocular pressure are measured. The patient may be referred to other doctors, such as a dentist, neurologist or surgeon. You will also need to donate blood and eye secretions.

How to fight diseases

There are many ways to combat these diseases. These include both effective drug treatment and traditional medicine methods. First, let's see what folk remedies can cure eye diseases:

  • Compresses made from tea bags are a very effective and simple remedy for red eyes. They do not require large financial expenses, but, of course, they will not help with serious eye diseases
  • Applying ice based on herbal decoctions. Remember, I wrote an article about such cubes for beauty, it turns out they also help against red eyes
  • Compresses with oak bark and chamomile. These plants help stop inflammatory processes very well and can cure simple diseases
  • Cucumbers and raw potatoes. Cut them crosswise and apply them to your eyes for a few minutes, and you will immediately feel that your eyes are refreshed and look better
  • Green apple. Peel the apple, grate it, make a compress and place it on your eyes.
  • "Cold and hot shower". Soak a cotton pad in hot and cold water and apply to your eyes one at a time

Now let's move on to a more serious topic - drug treatment.

The most effective medications:

  • Vasoconstrictors. They contain active components that eliminate conjunctivitis, eliminate swelling and pain. This includes such products as “Vizin”, “Naphthyzin”, “Visomitin”
  • Drops against visual overload - help relieve fatigue, but do not have any special healing properties. These are drugs such as Systane, Licontin, Inoxa, Oftagel
  • Antiviral drugs are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Here you can name such drugs as “Ophthalmoferon”, “Aktipol”
  • Antibacterial agents - prescribed only by a doctor, intended to combat infectious pathologies. The most popular: “Levomycetin”, “Tobrex”, “Floxal”, “Albucid”
  • Vitamins for the eyes, moisturize and fortify, are perfect for preventing diseases. These are products such as “Taufon”, “Natural tear”

These drugs act quickly, by instilling them, after 15-20 minutes, if the situation is uncomplicated, the redness will go away.



Eye drops can help relieve the symptoms of redness. The use of medications is permitted after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Some drugs are sold without prescriptions, but independently determining the dosage and frequency of use does not lead to improvement in the condition. In many cases, uncontrolled use of ophthalmic agents worsens the condition and leads to secondary diseases.

For treatment, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed. The type of drug depends on the identified cause of redness, so you should undergo a diagnosis.

Anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed to eliminate swelling and hyperemia. They are prescribed for allergies, eye injuries, autoimmune diseases and infectious pathologies. These include the following:

  • Benoxy;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Tobradex;
  • Garazon;
  • Maxitrol.

Antibacterial agents are prescribed for bacterial infections. These are Floxal, Sulfacyl, Cipropharm, Oftalmodek.

Vasoconstrictor drops help restore microcirculation of the eyeball. They constrict blood vessels, causing hyperemia to subside. Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect include Visin, Octilia, Okumetil, Montevisin.

Traditional methods

Home methods will help restore your eyes to their previous light shade. Folk remedies cannot be used independently if an examination by an ophthalmologist reveals a disease of the visual analyzer. Their use will require the approval of an ophthalmologist.

Positively proven folk remedies:

  • Mix oak, linden and chamomile herbs in equal quantities. Pour a glass of water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Place the broth in a cool, dark place, cool and strain. Pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Rub your eyes with ice cubes in the morning. Wrap them in a scarf and apply to the eyelids. You can replace the ice cubes with a chilled teaspoon.
  • Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties. Do not throw away used sachets; apply them to your eyes in the morning for 10 minutes as compresses. Tea perfectly eliminates redness. Can be instilled into the eyes to achieve a quick effect.
  • Raw potatoes, apples or carrots will also help get rid of hyperemia. Grate, wrap in gauze and apply to eyes for 2–5 minutes.
  • You can treat your eyes with cucumber. Cut the vegetable into circles and apply to your eyelids. After 10 minutes, remove. Cucumber removes inflammation and redness. Makes the look cheerful and fresh.

Traditional methods for children are not recommended. They have delicate skin, and visual perception may be impaired due to the wrong product.

The use of folk remedies should not be uncontrolled. You are allowed to use any home remedies to reduce redness no more than 2-3 times a day.

What to do, how to remove redness?

Therapy may turn out to be incorrect and even dangerous if you do not first find out the causes of red eyes in the morning. Of course, discomfort that does not lead to loss of vision can be relieved by simple exercises, gymnastics, and wearing special glasses to reduce eye strain. If the reason is a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, then it is worth including foods (fruits, beef liver, carrots, blueberries) with a beneficial effect on vision in the diet.

If you are concerned about dryness or irritation of the mucous membrane, then you need to normalize your water balance and drink more clean water per day. If you are prone to allergies, you should wet clean the room more often and avoid contact with potential allergens.

Redness of the whites of the eyes in children from fatigue or overexertion is eliminated by rinsing, for example, with chamomile infusion. If the reason is the entry of a foreign body, then you should carefully pull both eyelids, try to pull them out and rinse the eye with a syringe, creating the effect of a low-pressure jet.

Dust often irritates the eyes, so it is important to ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning. For schoolchildren, it is recommended to create good lighting in the room. The light from the lamp should fall in the place where the children spend their time doing their lessons.


Performing simple exercises will help reduce the load on the optic nerve and prevent reddening of the whites:

  • move the pupil down, left, up, right;
  • make circular movements, draw figure eights with your eyes;
  • blink to calm blood vessels, moisturize the cornea, and produce tears;
  • close your eyes, then sharply open your eyes, up to 10 times;
  • raise the pupil all the way up, hold for a few seconds;
  • take a pencil, extend your right hand forward, look at the tip of the lead, then slowly move your hand to the right, tracking the object with your eyes;
  • stretch your earlobes, which is effective when spending a long time at the computer;
  • give rest, cover every 0.5 hours in case of overexertion.

Reference! When working sedentarily at a computer monitor, it is recommended to carry out relaxing exercises for the eyes regularly.


There are different groups of drops that are prescribed by ophthalmologists based on the diagnosis:

  • antibacterial agents (Levomycetin, Sulfacyl) with a beneficial effect on capillaries and blood vessels;
  • antiviral drops (Poludan, Aktipol, Oftalmoferon) for redness caused by the pathogen;
  • for redness and swelling - Tobrex, Alomid, Octilia, Visin;
  • when wearing lenses - Systane Ultra, Innoxa.

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The most effective drops:

  1. Artificial tears to eliminate redness and dryness.
  2. Belladonna (homeopathic medicine) to relieve inflammation, photophobia.
  3. Arsenicum album for redness and burning, for example, with blepharitis.
  4. Nux Vomica, Clematis to eliminate the effects of hemorrhage.
  5. Apis - for swelling of the eyelids, pain.
  6. Alomide - to relieve redness and inflammation of the eyes caused by allergies.
  7. Visomitin - for eye fatigue, irritation, computer syndrome.

If redness is caused by allergies or tobacco smoke, it is recommended to use drops containing phenylephrine. For dry, overstrained eyes, drops with hyaluronic acid (Okutiarz) will help.

Reference! Broken blood vessels and hemorrhages are treated with vasoconstrictor drops. But they cannot be used for a long time due to rapid addiction.

Traditional methods

To treat red eyes at home, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Cold milk. Moisten a cotton-gauze bandage and apply to the eyelids to relieve itching and redness.
  2. Salt with an anti-inflammatory effect if the redness is caused by bacteria.
  3. Green tea is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. Quickly relieves redness if you apply the bag to the eyelid or drip a few drops into the lower part of the conjunctival sac.
  4. Cucumber. Apply a couple of cold slices to your closed eyelids.
  5. Aloe with a calming effect.
  6. Chamomile. 1 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water (1 cup) of dried flowers, leave, strain. Rinse your eyes with warm broth or drop 2-3 drops in the morning and evening.

Homeopathic treatment

An alternative to eye drops and medications for red eyes in the morning can be homeopathic remedies. They are made only from natural ingredients, and their action is aimed at activating the body’s natural defenses.

Here are a few homeopathic remedies to keep in your medicine cabinet to treat or prevent red eyes in the morning:

  1. Aconite (Aconitum) is used for mechanical damage or after hypothermia. Relieves the symptom of “sand in the eyes”, as well as painful fatigue. This remedy is also applicable for acute conjunctivitis.
  2. Belladonna the drug copes well with inflammatory processes, used when it is impossible to tolerate daylight, for conjunctivitis.
  3. Arsenicum album - used for chronic blepharitis, burning of the eyelids and redness of the eyes. In this case, a person experiences headaches and a painful reaction of the visual organs to light.


Many diseases and hyperemia can be prevented by following simple rules. These include:

  • proper hygiene;
  • removing makeup before bed;
  • complete rest;
  • breaks during prolonged visual stress (reading books, watching TV, playing on gadgets);
  • purchasing special glasses for long-term work on a PC;
  • room humidification;
  • wearing protective glasses in windy and dry weather;
  • use of moisturizing drops.

It is recommended to use vitamin complexes and dietary supplements to restore the body's defenses. Eating fruits and vegetables helps you get enough nutrients to protect your visual organs.

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