What is the prostate in a man and where is it located (about symptoms and treatment with photos)

Where is the prostate located?

By determining the functions of the prostate, you can easily understand where the prostate gland is located.
In men, finding the location of the prostate is quite simple. The location of the prostate gland is under the bladder, this determines its motor function. Since the prostate is an unpaired gland, it surrounds the urethra, making it slightly shorter. The place where the prostate gland is located has a beneficial effect on the health of the pelvic organs, because it is thanks to the narrow urethra, as well as the small amount of lubricant released during the operation of the gland, that infection rarely enters the body. The photo shows exactly where the prostate is located in men. As you can see, the location of the prostate closely borders the bladder and urethra. The amount of secretion needed to liquefy sperm depends on the prostate gland. Where the prostate is located in men, or rather its back wall, makes it possible to reach it in a short way - through the anus. Typically, a prostate massage is performed in this way in order to normalize blood flow to the gland, identify inflammation, and also to treat diseases. Where the prostate is located in men and how to get to it correctly is shown in the photo.

In order to perform such a massage, it is necessary for the patient to relax the sphincter and relax himself - this will allow him to insert a finger into the anus. The location of the prostate is five centimeters from the sphincter, which makes it easy to reach. To understand exactly where to look and how to determine that it is the same prostate gland, you should bend your finger slightly in the direction of the bladder. You should feel a small lump. When it is detected, you should move with massaging movements from the edge of the right side to the left. Then gradually move towards the center. When performing a massage correctly, the entire surface of the gland should be massaged.

Today, most men know about the prostate gland (prostate), as well as the need for proper care for it. But not every man knows where exactly the prostate gland is located and how to find the prostate at home. This trend is primarily due to a lack of information. This is especially necessary to know if symptoms of prostatitis are identified and it is necessary to begin treating the prostate at home.

Each man's prostate has individual dimensions that change throughout his life. In most cases, the size of the prostate in mature men is between 40 and 50 mm. And at the same time, the back part of the prostate gland is tightly adjacent to the man’s rectum, which makes it possible to examine it rectally.

Prostate location

The prostate is an exclusively male organ; women do not have it. The gland is located at the bottom of the bladder, with its upper part practically in contact with it. The base of the organ approaches the perineum.


The prostate gland surrounds the proximal urethra. The body of the gland contains the seminal vesicles, their excretory ducts and tubules for ejaculation open in the upper part of the urethra.

How to find a prostate for massage

There are several ways to help find the prostate, but palpation is considered the simplest. It is advisable to strictly follow the advice and follow the algorithm of actions so that a simple inspection does not result in bodily injury. Before starting the manipulations, in order to find out in more detail where the prostate gland is located in men, we recommend studying the diagram in the photo and consulting with a doctor.

A few simple tips:

  • the bladder should be filled during a massage or during an examination, so it is as close as possible to the wall of the rectum;
  • before starting the procedures, you should empty your bowels naturally or do a cleansing enema;
  • before starting the examination, you should take a shower and carry out standard hygiene procedures;
  • The optimal position for diagnosis or massage is when a man lies on his side, with his legs bent at the knees and pressed to his stomach.

The skin in the anus area should be dry and clean; immediately before starting treatment procedures, it should be treated with a damp towel or sanitary napkins.

To find the prostate by touch for massage or diagnostics, the following recommendations will help:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Wear surgical gloves.
  3. Relax your sphincter and try to relax as much as possible yourself.
  4. Insert your finger 4–5 cm into the anus and feel the organ.

Before inserting a finger into the anus, apply a specialized lubricant to your hands. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store. It is not recommended to carry out an inspection without such means.

Types of prostate massage

The main criterion for dividing massage into types is the method of influencing the prostate .

The following types are distinguished:

  • Transurethral . It is also called “on bougie”. A special bougie is inserted through the urethra, which reaches the prostate and mechanically affects it through the walls of the urethra.
  • Transrectal . The most famous of all types. The gloved index finger is inserted 5 cm into the rectum and movements are made using a special technique.
  • Outdoor . This is a non-invasive technique. The mechanical effect on the prostate tissue is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall.

Photo 1: Transurethral massage is a very complex and dangerous technique; it can only be performed by a specially trained doctor. Transrectal and external methods can be used at home if the technique is followed. Source: flickr (S Link).

Location and anatomy

It is impossible to see the prostate with the eye, since the organ is located inside the man’s body (photos and videos that clearly demonstrate where it is located are presented on numerous websites). The prostate gland has 2 lobes and an isthmus that tightly covers the outlet of the bladder and the beginning of the urethra. At the back, the organ is adjacent to the rectum. This location makes it possible to carry out a number of diagnostic measures. Location and anatomy Functions Manifestations of prostatitis Course of BPH Malignant neoplasms Influence of sexual life and other factors

On the Internet you can find photos with a schematic structure of the prostate. Histology, that is, the cellular structure of the organ, is as follows:

  1. Glandular tissue. They look like separate lobules (acini), which carry out the secretory function.
  2. Muscular. Penetrates the space between the acini. The histology of muscle tissue is no different from the structure of other smooth muscles of internal organs. The function of the muscles is to push prostate secretions through the ducts.

The prostate gland is small in size. During ultrasound examination, the dimensions are as follows:

  1. Normal anteroposterior size (thickness): 16-23 mm.
  2. Norm for upper-lower size (length): 24-41 mm.
  3. Standard diameter (width): 27-43 mm.

Once the size of the prostate is calculated, the doctor can find out its volume. This figure depends on the age of the man, but up to 30 cm3 is the norm. The structure of the gland according to ultrasound is homogeneous and does not contain volumetric inclusions. In addition to the body, the prostate gland has ducts that open into the urethra. After ejaculation, the ejaculate is thrown out through it.

Preparation for prostate secretion analysis

First of all, a man needs to limit intimacy. The optimal period of abstinence before taking prostate secretions is 3-4 days. This is necessary to make it easier for the doctor to extract the juice during the examination. It is necessary to abstain from both sexual intercourse and masturbation.

Other important preparation nuances:

  • avoiding alcohol 2-3 days before the procedure;
  • exclusion of heavy, spicy, fatty and fried foods the day before the analysis;
  • restriction of saunas and steam baths a week before taking the secretion;
  • refusal of a hot bath the day before the procedure.

In the morning before the analysis, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the genitals and anal area.

Performing an ultrasound of the prostate with photos

One of the most accurate methods for examining the prostate gland is ultrasound. This technique allows you to determine the degree of structural changes, helps to identify the cause of the disorder and the most effective treatment. Mandatory ultrasound is recommended for patients with the following problems:

  • deterioration of potency;
  • urinary disturbance;
  • pain in the perineal area;
  • deviation from the norm of spermogram indicators;
  • feeling of a full bladder even after going to the toilet;
  • problems conceiving a child.

It is also recommended to regularly conduct ultrasound examinations according to age. Men over 45 years of age are required to have an ultrasound scan at least 2 times a year. This will help prevent the development of certain diseases, and if they are detected, begin treatment on time.

The procedure requires simple preparation. Due to the fact that it is performed transrectally, on the day of the ultrasound, you need to do a cleansing enema. You need to rinse the intestines until you get clean water without feces. The most optimal time to perform cleansing is 2 hours before the test. On the previous day before the procedure, a light dinner is recommended no later than 18.00. It's better not to have breakfast in the morning. 60-90 minutes before the examination you need to eat and drink about a liter of water. You should not urinate before an ultrasound. If an ultrasound examination has already been carried out, you need to take the previous results with you.

This is important in order to study changes in the organ over time and identify pathology in a timely manner.

The procedure is performed by inserting a sensor into the anus. Transrectal manipulation is more informative than transabdominal. The reliability of this diagnostic method is 98%. Also, the positive features of the technique include the ability to examine nearby organs.

When to get examined

Today, prostate disease factors have lowered the age of men who should undergo regular examinations by a urologist. Previously, it was believed that representatives of the stronger sex only after 50 years of age fell into the risk group for diseases of the reproductive system and required an annual examination. Now for men after 40 years of age, this procedure is mandatory, and in order to prevent prostatitis, examinations can begin much earlier. This especially applies to those who have poor heredity, as well as to representatives of the Negroid race.

Every man should think about how to find the prostate at the first manifestation of discomfort during urination, sexual intercourse or sexual arousal. Since the prostate, when enlarged, necessarily puts pressure on the surrounding organs, and the bladder is located next to it, its work completely depends on the functioning of the gland.

Symptoms of prostatitis are:

  • Pain in the back and tailbone area.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • Burning and pain when urinating.
  • Thin or intermittent stream of urine.
  • Its slow exit.
  • Blood in urine.
  • Weak or absent erection.
  • Pain during ejaculation.

An additional factor of concern is the low level of hemoglobin in a man’s blood, which indicates an iron deficiency.

What functions does the prostate perform?

There are a lot of tasks assigned to the body in question. The main ones are:

  1. Liquefaction of seminal fluid. The activity and mobility of sperm and their viability depend on this.
  2. Production of secretion substances. This function ensures the functioning of the genital organ.
  3. Release of sperm. Due to the fact that the muscles in the prostate contract, the urethra is able to fill and sperm to be ejected.

The prostate gland is responsible for the stability of sexual function, for the fertility of sperm, prevents seminal fluid from entering the bladder, and is involved in the process of urination.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the organ affects both the urinary and reproductive systems. There are several functions of the prostate gland:

  • Barrier function. The gland acts as a kind of obstacle that separates ejaculation from urination. The prostate muscles direct sperm in the right direction, preventing it from entering the bladder. This phenomenon explains the fact that the prostate gland is sometimes called the sphincter. When it comes to urination, it is the prostate that keeps the flow of urine from leaving prematurely. In addition, the organ protects the body from various sexually transmitted infections. It serves as a barrier to harmful microorganisms.
  • Secretory function. Thanks to the prostate gland, the body produces: juice, which is responsible for the quality of seminal fluid. Special substances appear that supply the prostate with blood and ensure a stable erection, and the synthesis of sex hormones occurs.
  • Motor function. This ability of the organ is carried out by the release of secretion by smooth muscle fibers during ovulation. The function promotes sperm activity and motility.

Every task of the prostate gland is important for the functioning of the male reproductive organs. In addition, a person’s emotional background, peace and balance depend on the functionality of the organ.

The most common prostate pathologies

There are three most common prostate diseases:

  • ADENOMA – benign hyperplasia of glandular tissue. It is characterized by a gradual increase in the size of the organ, which also leads to impaired urination. At the first stage of adenoma, the volume of the organ can increase to 50 ml, and its length up to 4 cm. At the last stage, the volume already reaches 120 ml, and the length and width exceed 7 cm.
  • CANCER. The disease is more often found in men after 70 years of age. In the early stages it is often asymptomatic. More information here.
  • PROSTATITIS. This term refers to inflammation of the prostate. With prostatitis, the gland also increases slightly in size, but after treatment its size returns to normal. Pathology may be a consequence of pathogenic microorganisms entering the gland, including sexually transmitted ones. Often inflammation first develops after hypothermia or injury. A sedentary lifestyle and obesity also contribute to its occurrence.

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Prostatitis can occur at any age. Among the urologist's patients with this disease, many are men from 20 to 30 years old.

Lack of timely treatment of the disease or incorrectly selected therapy not only leads to the appearance of erectile dysfunction, but can also cause infertility, as well as complete impotence.

Symptoms of prostatitis that you need to pay attention to are:

  • The appearance of pain and discomfort during ejaculation and urination.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and tailbone area.
  • Increased urge to empty the bladder.
  • Weakness of the urine stream, the presence of pus or blood in it.
  • Deterioration of erection or its complete absence.

In acute prostatitis, the main symptoms include chills, fever, lethargy, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

More about prostatitis.

The root causes of enlargement of the glandular organ:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • age-related disorders in the body;
  • violation of blood clotting and metabolic processes in the body of men;
  • unhealthy diet and lifestyle;
  • the presence of inflammatory and oncological diseases.

An enlarged prostate can cause stagnation of urine in the bladder, which can result in the formation of stones, inflammation and cysts.

How to determine that the prostate has changed its size?

At the slightest suspicion of hypertrophy, consult a specialist for advice.

Symptoms of this disorder in men who have a prostate gland:

  • increased frequency of urination, both daytime and nighttime;
  • inadequate toilet (the feeling of bladder fullness remains);
  • spontaneous release of urine;
  • low urine output compared to the previous period;
  • a feeling of soreness in the bladder and lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of blood droplets in the urine.

Preventive measures to prevent the development of the disease

Now you know where the prostate is located, what it is, what the main symptoms of inflammatory and other diseases are. All that remains is to prevent the development of unwanted diseases.

To do this, please read the following recommendations:

  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition;
  • Sexual life should be regular and not too intense;
  • avoidance of promiscuity;
  • compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • timely prevention of the development of inflammatory diseases;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • timely visit to a doctor to determine the development of the disease at an early stage;
  • compliance with the requirements of the attending physician;
  • daily physical activity and walks in the fresh air.

If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a urologist, who will refer you for diagnostics to establish the correct diagnosis. Self-medication in this case is not recommended for any man.

It is often said that the prostate is a man’s second heart. After all, it affects not only your well-being, but also your sex life. One of the main organs influencing sexual activity is the prostate gland. The presence of an erection, ejaculation and sperm activity depend on it

But many have no idea what kind of gland it is, what its functions are, where the prostate is located and why it is so important to keep it healthy

How to do external prostate massage: methods, advantages and disadvantages

One of the effective ways to improve sexual function and prevent prostate diseases is external prostate massage.

It is prescribed as an additional treatment method. Moreover, it can be performed both in an institution under the supervision of a doctor and at home.

What is its essence and how to carry it out correctly?

Indications and limitations for external massage

Massaging the genitals can increase potency and prevent the development of many diseases.

It is best carried out as a preventive measure, but most often prostate massage complements the complex of therapeutic therapy.

What is noteworthy is that this prostate massage occurs without penetration, so the man does not experience psychological discomfort.

External prostate massage is prescribed for:

  • prostatitis in chronic form;
  • non-infectious prostatitis;
  • pathological process, which is accompanied by stagnation;
  • pelvic pain syndrome.

There are also relative indications in the form of inflammation of the prostate gland, which is not accompanied by any symptoms. In such situations, massage is carried out only by an experienced specialist with multiple tests after the session.

Doctors often advise massage when infertility occurs. Such actions are aimed at awakening the prostate gland.

During manipulation, secretion is observed, which indicates favorable functioning of the genital organ.

But external prostate massage may not always be beneficial; it has several limitations such as:

  • the presence of prostatitis in the acute phase;
  • infectious processes in the pelvic cavity;
  • malignant tumors;
  • the occurrence of cystic formations;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • purulent foci in glandular tissue;
  • acute or chronic urinary retention;
  • diseases of the rectum.

These contraindications should be taken into account; if these measures are not followed, the patient may develop serious complications.

Executing the procedure

External prostate massage has several types, the technique of its implementation will depend on this.

How to massage the prostate gland from the outside?

Normal way

Warming up the whole body begins with classical manipulations. First you need to massage the femoral and lumbar area. The main method is rubbing and kneading.

During the procedure, all movements must be performed with four fingers. They should encircle the circumference along the vascular system. The thumbs act as support.

The duration of such manipulations should not exceed seven minutes.

After the doctor has kneaded the entire area, it is necessary to begin rubbing movements. The main goal is to improve blood flow in the pelvic area.

Manipulations must be continued using a connective tissue type. In this case, the specialist acts on the sacral region, lower vertebrae and iliac bones. All movements are made with only three or four fingers.

The procedure should start from the thigh and gradually move to the abdominal area.

Prostate massage does not release a secret: causes and consequences
  • Prostate massager: types, benefits and contraindications
  • How is a prostate massage done at a doctor's clinic?
  • The effectiveness of the Radan device in the treatment of prostatitis
  • Do-it-yourself prostate massage at home
  • Segmental method

    This massage method is based on the theory of dividing the human body into segments. Each of them is responsible for the functionality of a specific organ.

    If a man has problems with the prostate gland, then much attention is paid to the pelvic area. First, the lumbar triangle is massaged, and then smoothly all actions move to the buttocks.

    The techniques used are the same as for conventional massage.

    Vibration method

    This type of procedure involves the use of special devices, they are called vibrating massagers.

    First, the body is prepared by stroking and rubbing. After which the device is applied to the lower vertebrae in the lumbar region.

    The duration of the procedure ranges from five to eight minutes. This type of massage can also be used at home.


    Hydromassage can be used independently at home. This method involves the effect of an aqueous solution on the prostate and internal organs.

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    To carry out these manipulations, you need to prepare a medicinal solution. To do this you will need chamomile, potassium permanganate or Furacilin. The first component has an anti-inflammatory property, the second is an analgesic, and the third is antibacterial.

    The resulting solution is injected into the rectum using a syringe and held for thirty minutes, while the bladder should be full. This process will create pressure on both sides.

    Massaging the scrotum and testicles

    This type of massage is best performed immediately before sexual intercourse, as it allows you to enhance a man’s senses and achieve a more intense orgasm.

    The first step is to massage the testicles. This area should be stroked for two to three minutes. Then, using your index finger, you need to lightly grab the base of the scrotum and pull it down a little. You need to repeat these steps about ten times.

    Then you need to lift the genital organ and lightly tap on the scrotum. The duration of these actions is one to two minutes. This massage will allow a man to relax and improve blood flow directly to the prostate area.

    Some recommendations

    By massaging the genitals and pelvic area, a man gets rid of many problems from prostatitis to impotence.

    If it is difficult for the patient to perform any manipulations himself, then you can resort to the help of your partner. It will be doubly pleasant.

    But there are several recommendations that should be followed when performing a massage:

    1. If the patient experiences some discomfort, this is considered normal. After one or two procedures, this phenomenon will pass.
    2. In case of unbearable pain, dizziness and nausea, manipulations should be stopped immediately.
    3. The duration of treatment therapy usually ranges from ten to fifteen sessions. You can repeat the course after two to three months.
    4. Before the procedure, you should not eat and the intestinal canal should be cleaned. The bladder, on the contrary, should be full. At the end of the massage you need to empty it. There may be bacterial agents in the urine.

    When performing massage actions, the patient can forget about relapses of prostatitis for a long time. All painful sensations disappear and the problem of frequent urination is solved.

    If a man is embarrassed by doctors or cannot do a massage on his own, he can solve the problem with the help of special devices. Nowadays, pharmaceutical companies offer a large selection of devices. But which one to buy, it is better to consult a specialist.

    The main goal of external massage is to improve blood flow in the pelvic area and maintain the health of the genital organ.

    Carrying out these manipulations allows you to reduce drug therapy and quickly recover. When performed correctly, the patient receives the desired effect.

    Source cistit.lechenie-potencya.ru

    Every man knows about the importance of the work of the prostate in the body, but only a specialist or a person savvy with knowledge about his own health can tell about all the features of the organ and its exact location. The prostate is an unpaired organ of the endocrine system that plays an important role in urinary and sexual functions. Where to find a man's prostate? How to do this correctly? Let's figure it out.

    Be careful!

    Before reading further, I will ask you 1 question. Are you still looking for a working method to improve potency?

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    It’s very simple, after drinking a potency product just a few times, you won’t be able to do ANYTHING in bed without the help of this product. This is no coincidence, because the pharmacy mafia makes a lot of money from repeat sales. You are simply hooked on a needle.


    The functioning of the prostate gland can be disrupted by inflammatory infectious and non-infectious diseases, the formation of tumors (benign and malignant) and the accumulation of foreign bodies - stones in the prostate.

    Important! Inflammation of the prostate gland is the main symptom of prostatitis. Prostatitis can be provoked by sexually transmitted diseases or urinary tract infections, as well as complications of infectious diseases of other organs (sore throat, sinusitis, etc.). Prostatitis can be acute and chronic

    The acute form of prostatitis is characterized by pronounced symptoms: increased body temperature, the appearance of a large number of abscesses and ulcers on the prostate gland, significant blocking of the lumen of the urinary canal

    Prostatitis can be acute and chronic. The acute form of prostatitis is characterized by pronounced symptoms: increased body temperature, the appearance of a large number of abscesses and ulcers on the prostate gland, significant blocking of the lumen of the urinary canal.

    Chronic prostatitis most often develops as a consequence of improper treatment of acute prostatitis.

    It is characterized by a sluggish course of inflammatory processes, mild but constant pain. If left untreated, prostatitis leads to a decrease in the size of the gland.

    A benign prostate tumor is called an adenoma. The main symptom of this disease is a narrowing of the lumen of the urethra.

    A man experiences frequent urge to go to the toilet, while complete emptying of the bladder is difficult to achieve, and in the later stages of adenoma it becomes impossible. Adenoma is considered an age-related disease - most men over 50 years old experience symptoms of this disease.

    A malignant tumor of the prostate gland (prostate cancer) differs from an adenoma in deeper tissue damage, as well as the inevitability of the development of metastases - the spread of mutated cells to other organs with a gradual loss of their functionality. Metastasis of prostate cancer is deadly.

    Detailed video about prostate diseases, their diagnosis and treatment:

    Symptoms of proliferation of gland tissue

    The difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma lies in the main symptom. With a benign tumor, urinary disorders always come to the fore.

    The difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma lies in the main symptom. With a benign tumor, urinary disorders always come to the fore.

    They are usually divided into 2 groups:

    1. Irritative signs.
      Patients complain of an increased urge to urinate, the need for regular nighttime bladder emptying, and urinary incontinence.
    2. Obstructive signs.
      They are a consequence of narrowing of the urethra due to the growth of the gland. Manifested by the need to strain when urinating, a weak stream of urine, and dripping of it in drops

    As the disease develops, the kidneys, ureters and pelvis are involved in the pathological process. This leads to increased blood pressure, lower back pain, constant thirst, itchy skin, weakness, and a general deterioration in well-being. Patients develop pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Men also complain of suppressed sexual function. Infectious complications of prostate adenoma are also detected. In some cases, stones form in the bladder. Signs of varicose veins (if any) may also worsen.

    Medicinal method (medical castration).

    For this type of treatment, drugs are used that are analogues of the natural luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH). When using LHRH analogues, the production of testosterone by the testicles stops. Therefore, pain, urinary disorders and other symptoms associated with prostate cancer are relieved.

    As a rule, the drug is administered once a month on an outpatient basis; self-administration of the drug is possible. Today, there are 3- and 6-month forms of LHRH analogues.

    In addition to LHRH analogues, another class of drugs is used for hormone therapy - antiandrogens, which block the binding of testosterone to its receptors, and accordingly block the action of testosterone.

    The use of these drugs is justified in young men who want to maintain sexual function;

    Which treatment method is more effective?

    The effectiveness of the surgical and drug methods is the same, however, the advantage of drug hormone therapy is the possibility of intermittent treatment and its cancellation, which is not possible after removal of the testicles.

    Hormone therapy for prostate cancer can be used alone or in combination with other treatments, and can also be used to treat relapse of the disease.

    Normal levels of prostate secretion

    A urologist interprets the results. In the process, a comparison is made with normal indicators of the analysis of prostate secretions:

    • Color – whitish or white-yellow, opalescent (luminous).
    • Structure – moderately cloudy, liquid.
    • Volume – 0.5-2 ml (maximum 4 ml).
    • The norm of leukocytes in prostate secretion is no more than 5-10 pcs. in the field of view.
    • pH level (medium reaction) – from 6.6 to 6.8 (neutral).
    • Lecithin grains - cover the entire field of view (over 10 million units per 1 ml of juice).
    • Absence of: sperm, red blood cells, pathogenic and opportunistic flora, amyloid bodies, Bötcher crystals.

    Instrumental examination

    In addition to complaints, clinical pictures and digital examination, there are several methods of instrumental examination that clarify the condition of the male prostate and how severe the deviation from the norm has occurred. Instrumental examination methods include:

    • TRUS of the prostate gland. This transrectal ultrasound examination is like a regular ultrasound, but is done with a special sensor through the anus. In order to protect both the patient and the diagnostician, a special disposable condom is placed on the sensor for the duration of the entire study. This method allows you to determine the size of the prostate and how deeply its alveolar structure is affected, as well as to suspect cancer.
    • Intravenous urography and retrograde cystography can indirectly suspect problems with the prostate gland due to changes in the shape of the bladder. Contrast (usually urografin or trazograph) is injected into a vein or through the urethra, which “illuminates” the lumen for the X-ray machine. No incision is made during the procedure. When contrast is administered through a vein, such a study reflects the entire path of its movement: kidney - ureter - bladder.
    • MRI of the pelvic organs can help in the diagnosis of adenoma, prostate cancer, abscess and detect diffuse changes in all organs located in the pelvis.

    The main thing is to remember that only the person himself is responsible for his health, and not the doctor of the clinic or diagnosticians. It is not for nothing that they say that saving a drowning person is the work of the drowning person himself. The longer a man puts off going to the doctor, the longer, more difficult and more unpleasant the treatment process will be!


    Diagnostic research methods

    The urologist performs rectal palpation of the prostate during the initial appointment, that is, after the patient contacts with specific complaints. To confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis, the doctor must refer the patient for tests and instrumental diagnostic methods.

    Laboratory testing includes:

    • Examination of a smear of prostate secretions. The secretion is collected on a glass slide during rectal stimulation of the prostate. In the laboratory it is checked for the number of leukocytes and the nature of the microflora.
    • General and bacterial urine analysis.
    • Blood test to determine the inflammatory response.
    • A swab from the urethra. It identifies pathogens of urogenital infections.
    • Blood test for PSA. A change in the amount of prostate-specific antigen indicates malignant processes or hyperplasia of the gland.
    • Spermogram. It is more often prescribed to young men if prostate problems are accompanied by decreased erectile function or infertility. You can view the transcript of the spermogram here.

    The most commonly used instrumental diagnostic methods are:

    • TRUSY. This is an ultrasound of the prostate, which is performed using a special sensor through the rectum. The examination shows the structure of the organ, changes in the seminal vesicles, the state of the vascular system, the presence of inflammation, stones or tumors.
    • MRI or CT. They are used if TRUS does not provide a complete picture of the condition of the prostate. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography allow you to see the organ from all sides and examine it layer by layer.
    • URETHROSCOPY. Examination of the urethra from the inside. It is prescribed if there is a suspicion of the presence of infectious foci or areas of narrowing in the canal.
    • BIOPSY. It involves taking a piece of prostate tissue for histological examination. A biopsy is necessary if there is a suspicion of a cancerous process in the gland.

    The doctor makes a diagnosis based on all examinations, after which appropriate treatment is selected.

    Causes of prostatitis

    There are a number of factors that contribute to inflammation of the prostate gland. The most important are:

    • recurrent;
    • bladder catheterization;
    • surgeries in the urogenital area;
    • unprotected anal sex.

    Under these and other circumstances, bacteria can easily enter the urinary tract and cause inflammation of the prostate gland. If bacteria enter the prostate, it can lead to bacterial prostatitis.

    Abacterial prostatitis can have more diverse causes. Let's take a closer look at the causes of both types of prostatitis.

    Bacterial prostatitis

    Most bacterial prostatitis is caused by intestinal bacteria such as Escherichia coli or enterococci. If they enter the urinary tract through the opening of the penis, they first cause an infection of the urethra or bladder, then the pathogens enter the prostate gland, causing inflammation of the prostate.

    Men who get prostatitis in the hospital often have Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They enter the urinary tract after catheterization of the bladder.

    In rare cases, prostate inflammation occurs as a result of sexually transmitted diseases. In this case, the causative agents are mainly chlamydia.

    Abacterial prostatitis

    In abacterial prostatitis (a form of chronic pelvic pain syndrome), any bacteria can be the culprit. However, after tests, leukocytes (white blood cells that protect the body) are found in the prostate and sperm. This indicates that the body is fighting inflammation.

    What causes this inflammation is not fully understood and studied by specialists. This is likely the result of the combined effects of various factors. The following factors may play a role:

    • impaired immune response;
    • central nervous system disorders that affect the nerves and muscles of the genitourinary system and prevent a person from emptying their bladder as usual;
    • mental disorders such as stress, anxiety or depression.

    Some experts suggest that hidden infections may be the cause of chronic pelvic pain syndrome. However, this assumption is controversial.

    Indications for external prostate massage

    Note! Indications for the use of this type can be divided into general - these are those symptoms for which any of the methods of prostate massage are prescribed; and special manifestations in which external massage is prescribed.

    General indications include:

    • Chronic inflammation of the prostate gland;
    • Severe tissue swelling;
    • Abacterial forms of prostatitis;
    • Frequent pain.

    Special indications for external massage are as follows:

    • Dilatation of hemorrhoidal veins with the threat of bleeding;
    • Inflammatory diseases of the rectum and urethra;
    • Strictures of the rectum and urethra;
    • Intolerance to invasive procedures.

    The benefits of external massage

    The main advantage of this species is its non-invasiveness . This eliminates mechanical impact on the tissues of the urethra and rectum, which can be painful for a man. In addition, many patients are afraid of undergoing a transrectal procedure for various reasons.

    Another undeniable advantage of the external method of exposure is that it can be done independently at home . In addition, the procedure does not take much time and does not require special preparation . Another plus is that the non-invasive technique has the fewest contraindications and almost no side effects .

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