How to get rid of veins under the eyes

Why do bruises appear under the eyes?

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes? The fact is that the skin around them is drier and thinner than on other parts of the body. Increased sensitivity and susceptibility to the influence of negative factors (both external and internal) can be explained by significant loads that are associated with the work of the facial muscles and the structural features of the skin:

  • there is no granular layer;
  • skin contains fewer rows of cells;
  • subcutaneous fat tissue is weak;
  • a small number of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • very thin layer of epidermis;
  • blood vessels are located close to the surface;
  • low content of collagen and elastin, which perform a supporting function.

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The combination of these features with the influence of negative factors predisposes to rapid skin aging, dryness, poor circulation, and decreased elasticity. Stagnation in small vessels further impedes blood flow and contributes to blood thickening. This leads to skin pigmentation. Translucent vessels with darker venous blood give an unhealthy appearance.

Conditions associated with changes in skin color around the eyes

The indicator function of a change in skin color is to think in time about why this happened. The cause of such changes can be recognized by other indicators that may appear in parallel with a change in the color of the skin around the eyes.

The following must be remembered:

  1. Swelling is one of the most characteristic symptoms accompanying the appearance of dark circles. In this case, you should pay attention to the localization of tissues containing excess fluid. If the face swells, this, first of all, means there are problems with the kidneys. However, there are parasites that cause the face to swell. We are talking about trichinosis. This disease was once called puffiness. However, parasitic edema is not always accompanied by a change in skin color. If it is mainly the legs that swell, then a change in the color of the skin around the eyes should be associated with heart disease.
  2. Fever, weakness, runny nose, pain in the forehead, aches throughout the body indicate the onset of an infectious disease. In this case, the color of the skin around the eyes returns to normal after the person recovers.
  3. If darkening of the skin on the face is accompanied by fever, burning in the perineum, frequent urination with pain, pain during bowel movements, then men urgently need to see a doctor and have their prostate treated.
  4. Hoarseness of voice, constant but not severe cough, weakness and nervousness may be signs of nicotine intoxication. At the same time, the color of the skin around the eyes can be very different. This is due to the fact that heavy smokers not only plunge their body into a state of chronic intoxication, but also contribute to the emergence of various chronic diseases - from bronchitis and asthma to heart failure and ischemia.

Causes of dark circles

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes of men? Bruises are often the result of exposure to one or more negative factors on the body:

  • stress and depression;
  • chronic and acute diseases;
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • avitaminosis;
  • dietary restrictions, vegetarianism;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • lack of proper sleep;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • stagnant processes in the body;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • taking certain medications;
  • allergic reaction;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • age-related changes;
  • structural features of the skin;
  • injuries, mechanical impact;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • occupational hazard (prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures).

Red circles under the eyes

Who is guilty

If the circles under the eyes are red or red-violet, the cause is microhemorrhages of the vessels under the eyes.

The walls of blood vessels expand and weaken the capillaries surrounding them. As a result, microscopic hemorrhages occur. Hemoglobin leaks out of blood cells and oxidizes, darkening and changing color from red to red-violet.

Additionally, red circles may be due to genetics. The blood in the vessels is red, and with thin, pale skin, the vessels simply shine through it brightly. These circles intensify with age, when the skin becomes even thinner.

What to do

  • components that strengthen blood vessels (for example, horse chestnut, grapes, butcher's broom);
  • retinol - it thickens the skin.

Diagnostic features

It is necessary to visit a therapist and an ophthalmologist. Afterwards, clinical and laboratory tests are prescribed. If the results of the examination do not reveal any violations, then a repeat visual examination is carried out.

Additional diagnostic techniques may be required:

  • biopsy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • radiography.

If there are no problems with sleep and sufficient rest, signs of fatigue should disappear. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the entire body. Circles and wrinkles under the eyes often indicate serious vision problems or liver-related pathologies.

To find out why you have dark circles or dark circles, you should re-read the entire first subsection of this article and rule out all factors. Listed in it. After this, the road lies in the direction of a general practitioner, a clinical laboratory and the next scheduled examination for all pathologies that can lead to this symptom.

Lack of useful microelements

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Why do dark circles appear under the eyes? This may be a consequence of a lack of vitamins and other nutrients in the body. For example, a lack of zinc in the body leads to a deterioration in metabolic processes and the functioning of the immune system. As a result, bags under the eyes may appear that do not go away even after proper rest. Vitamin K takes an active part in the processes of blood clotting, therefore it is very important for ensuring a healthy complexion and normal blood circulation. Typically, dark circles under the eyes in men disappear as soon as the required concentration of vitamins and microelements is achieved.

Accelerated aging of the skin provokes a lack of vitamin A in the body. A lack of vitamin C, which prevents damage to the vascular wall, negatively affects the condition of blood vessels. It also helps produce collagen, which provides firmness and elasticity to the skin. Vitamin E actively fights free radicals, and this helps maintain a healthy skin structure. If there is a lack of any of the vitamins or microelements, circles under the eyes may appear, which are not easy to get rid of.

Why do the veins on the face expand?

The elasticity and strength of the vascular wall decreases due to the action of a genetic factor. If veins under the eyes become visible, then you should ask whether relatives in the ascending line suffered from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, or atherosclerosis. Sensitivity to negative factors that cause changes in metabolism and weakening of the tone of the veins is inherited. Causes of dilated veins on the face:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • physical exercise;
  • heredity.

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Vascular pathologies occur with endocrine disorders and a busy lifestyle. During pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations negatively affect the condition of epithelial tissue. With age, the skin loses turgor and becomes thinner, so the veins protrude more. Excess ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect: it can cause inflammation of the skin and rupture of capillaries.

Treatment with folk remedies

Important! Before using the folk remedies described below, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

MeansMethod of treatment
PotatoA potato mask will help you quickly get rid of dark circles. Grated potatoes are mixed with a drop of olive oil and applied to problem areas for 20 minutes. You can simply peel the potatoes, cut them into circles and apply them to the dark areas. It is recommended to carry out this procedure every day until the problem is eliminated, and then a couple of times a week for prevention. Boiled potatoes are suitable for preparing the mask.
Cottage cheeseYou need to use only natural cottage cheese without additives for the mask. Grind the cottage cheese and apply to problem areas for 15-10 minutes. Then wipe your eyelids with a cotton pad soaked in tea.
Mixed nutsMix pre-chopped walnuts, the same amount of butter and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to problem areas for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.
CucumberGrate the cucumber, mix with chopped parsley and a spoonful of sour cream. Apply compresses every day for 15 minutes.
White breadMake a paste from the pulp of white bread and apply to dark areas for 15 minutes.
Cornflower flowersPour a tablespoon of cornflower flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Keep wet swabs soaked in the broth on the eyelids for 20 minutes.
Green teaBrew strong green tea and wipe your eyelids with a cotton pad soaked in it.
SagePour a tablespoon of sage into half a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Divide the sage into two parts, each of which is wrapped in a piece of gauze. Dip one part into ice water, the other into hot water. Make contrast compresses before going to bed, alternately applying hot gauze with herbs, then cold.
ParsleyPour a tablespoon of chopped parsley into a glass of hot water, leave for 15 minutes, then strain. Make a compress with parsley every day for a month. The procedure time is 10 minutes. A mask with a teaspoon of parsley and a tablespoon of sour cream has a good effect; it should be applied daily for twenty minutes.
Chamomile flowersPour 10 grams of chamomile flowers into half a glass of boiling water, apply gauze and cotton swabs to your eyes every day before bed.
Birch leavesFor swollen eyes, lotions made from birch leaves are effective. A tablespoon of birch leaves is poured into a glass of cold water, left overnight and filtered before use.
WeldingBrew black tea with boiling water and leave for half an hour. Apply a cotton swab dipped in tea leaves to the dark circles.
silver spoonApply a silver spoon to the dark areas for 10-15 minutes.
Ice piecesInstead of washing your face, wipe the area around your eyes with regular ice cubes.

Preventive measures

Preventing varicose veins in the eyes will not take much of your time and effort; simple methods will help not only prevent unwanted consequences, but also maintain the general condition of the skin and help relieve eye strain. Carry out contrasting washes, which can be supported with natural remedies from natural ingredients: masks, compresses, decoctions.

Compresses and masks with the addition of sage are a recognized remedy.

  • sage – 1 tsp;
  • hot water – 1 tbsp.;
  • cotton pads.

Pour water over the sage and let it steep for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting broth.

Soak cotton pads in the solution and place on the problem area, leaving for a couple of minutes.

A parsley compress is no less effective for varicose veins under the eyes than the above recipe.

  • parsley - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the parsley in a blender or chop with a knife. Mix the greens with sour cream, stirring thoroughly.

Apply a mixture of parsley and sour cream under your eyes for about half an hour. After time, rinse off the mask with warm water and apply moisturizer under your eyes.

Boil potatoes in their skins. Don't add salt. Cool it to room temperature.

Cut the potatoes into two halves and apply to the area under the eyes, leave for 15-20 minutes.

If you are afraid of folk remedies, you can try cosmetic ones: special creams and gels, for example, “Venotonik-gel”, which normalizes the functioning of blood vessels. The action of such remedies for varicose veins under the eyes is aimed at reducing the appearance of veins. The result depends on how advanced the disease is.

There are many ways to treat and prevent varicose veins in the eyes; you just have to choose the best option for yourself.

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A proven method of treating varicose veins at home in 14 days!

Recipe 3

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

Sometimes you seem to be getting enough sleep, but your eyes still seem tired, right? The reason for this may be varicose veins of the eyes, which we are talking about today on the project.

Because of the blue veins under the eyes, the face appears tired. In most cases, of course, such a defect appears precisely due to insufficient sleep and lack of proper rest.

Anemia as a cause of dark circles under the eyes

Another cause of dark circles under the eyes in men is anemia. Iron deficiency is a secondary condition and accompanies many different diseases, so if you have low hemoglobin levels and a decrease in the number of red blood cells, you need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. Anemia is accompanied by chronic fatigue, drowsiness, and irritability. In men with iron deficiency, hidden bleeding can be diagnosed due to peptic ulcers, intestinal erosion, hemorrhoids, parasitic diseases, malignant or benign neoplasms.

Treatment for dark circles under the eyes. Causes of bruises under the eyes

  • Features of the body. Some people develop dark circles under their eyes throughout their lives, starting in childhood. They can be barely noticeable, or they can be clearly expressed. It all has to do with anatomy. If a person has fragile blood vessels under the eyes, or they are too close to the surface of the skin, then a problem is inevitable. Women with delicate and thin skin are most often affected.
  • Injuries. Bruises under the eyes are formed due to injuries to the nasal septum, a hole, a fracture, a bruise.
  • Respiratory tract diseases. People with sinusitis may experience the formation of bruises under the eyes. When the maxillary sinuses are blocked, oxygen does not flow well into nearby vessels, which is what causes the problem.
  • Lifestyle. If a person engages in heavy physical work or long-term mental work, sleeps little, eats poorly, drinks alcohol, is overtired, has poor or disturbed sleep, dehydration, vitamin deficiency - there is a 100% chance that dark circles will appear under the eyes.
  • Age factor. With age, a person's blood vessels become more fragile. As a rule, the active formation of bruises under the eyes begins after the age of 40.
  • Kidney problems. Any disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system cause severe swelling of the face, as well as the formation of dark circles under the eyes. With renal failure, you can observe the appearance of bright bruises on the lower eyelids. The conduction of fluid throughout the body is provided by peripheral vessels. When the systems for removing fluid from the body are disrupted, that same fluid accumulates and dilates the blood vessels, causing the face to swell and dark circles to appear.
  • Alcohol and large fluid intake. When drinking alcohol in large quantities, the blood vessels dilate significantly, forming puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. The same thing happens with excessive fluid intake (water, tea, coffee, sweet drinks).
  • Hormonal imbalances. The hormone that is responsible for the proper functioning of the kidneys is called vasopressin. If its quantity in the body becomes insufficient, the vessels become very fragile and burst. This leads to the formation of not only dark circles, but also small red spots under the eyes.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Any disturbances in the functioning of the heart are used. When the heart is not functioning properly, venous stagnation of blood is formed, which affects the appearance of bruises.
  • Eye diseases. Panophthalmitis, conjunctivitis, cataracts, blepharitis and other diseases increase blood flow, and the capillaries cannot withstand this and burst.


Many people are interested in the question of how to deal with black circles under the eyes, without the use of medications. In such a situation, various methods that our ancestors used in ancient times can help. The following table will give examples of what helps with dark circles under the eyes.

Ways to quickly eliminate black circles under the eyes Each method works individually and requires regular use. Before you start using the recipes listed, it is worth understanding what causes black circles under the eyes, which only an experienced doctor can do.

Cosmetology salons offer women a fairly wide selection of ways to effectively treat dark circles under the eyes.

Professional massage

This is the most traditional method in the complex treatment of skin defects. It improves lymphatic drainage, relieves swelling, and improves blood circulation. To achieve a positive result, massage must be done regularly on the face and neck.

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Microcurrent therapy

This procedure is very useful. Thanks to it, it improves venous blood flow, reduces hyperpigmentation, and provides lymphatic drainage.

The therapy is based on the use of low-level currents, which stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and a number of amino acids in the skin, which preserve the beauty and youth of the skin.

The procedure is painless and effective - the result appears immediately.

Laser therapy

Modern laser therapy is a fairly effective, but harsh method of removing wrinkles and age spots on the face. The laser beam burns skin cells, in response to which the body begins to produce new ones, while the skin smoothes and brightens.

The therapy is recommended for use in adulthood to eliminate dark circles and other skin blemishes.


Method of targeted administration to the skin of the face. Medications are injected under the skin around the eyes to enhance regenerative and metabolic processes in cells.

As a rule, drugs are used that include embryonic extracts, plant extracts, vitamins, caffeine, lysine, etc. The results of the procedure do not last the longest time - up to 6 months.


Lipofilling is an innovative and rather radical method based on introducing the patient’s own adipose tissue under the patient’s skin (usually taken from the thighs).

After this procedure, the skin thickens, dark areas become less noticeable, and a lifting effect is noted. The result of lipofilling lasts longer – up to two years, then it needs to be repeated.

Hyaluronic acid injections

One of the fastest effective methods is injections of hyaluronic acid. This is the filling of “voids” around deep-set eyes with hyaluronic acid fillers. The result of the procedure is the smoothing of the skin and the elimination of “darkening”.

Consequence of somatic diseases

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Why do men have dark circles under their eyes? Most often, such a cosmetic defect appears in those who suffer from various diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, biliary and other body systems. One of the main reasons for changes in skin tone under the eyes is hypoxia. This condition can be a consequence of smoking, prolonged exposure to a stuffy room or under the scorching sun; it is observed with increased blood pressure, intoxication of the body, or heart failure.

Why are there dark circles under the eyes? Endocrine diseases can be accompanied by hyperpigmentation of the skin and the appearance of bags under the eyes. The cause may be adrenal insufficiency or increased production of thyroid hormones. These conditions are accompanied by increasing fatigue, irritability, apathy, decreased concentration, gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea), weight loss and loss of appetite, decreased blood pressure, fainting and dizziness.

The causes of blue skin under the eyes can be dermatological diseases: eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis. This cosmetic defect often appears in people who are prone to allergies. Pigmentation of the skin under the eyes in this case is a side effect of taking antihistamines. In the case of dermatological diseases, this is a consequence of the use of hormonal ointments that negatively affect liver function.

Dark circles often appear under the eyes in patients suffering from diabetes. Elevated blood glucose levels impair circulation, which can lead to sudden bruising. In the early stages, the disease can be suspected by the following symptoms: frequent urination, constant thirst, feeling hungry, sudden changes in weight, dry mouth, blurred vision, constant fatigue, poor healing of wounds, cuts, and bruising.

Why do men have dark circles under their eyes? If you have a severe cold with a high fever, deep blue-gray bruises may appear under your eyes. Skin pigmentation is caused by inflammation of the eyes (for example, conjunctivitis), tearing, runny nose or sinusitis. In this case, the skin usually acquires a healthy shade immediately after recovery.

Bruises under the eyes in men: causes and treatment with folk remedies

Many men ignore the appearance of bruises under the eyes, although they are often symptoms of serious diseases. But facial care can prevent the progression of various diseases.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes in men

A black eye is a grouping of blood vessels that are located too close to the top layer of skin. Due to poor circulation in them, the fluid stagnates and impairs circulation, which leads to discoloration and pigmentation of the lower part of the eyelids.

Dark circles are also an indicator of poor health, which can be caused by various reasons. Bruises appear in the following cases:

  • lack of sleep,
  • stressful situations,
  • disruption of internal organs.

Reasons include:

  • chronic fatigue,
  • lack of healthy sleep,
  • alcohol or nicotine abuse,
  • excessive mental or physical stress,
  • visual strain as a result of working at a computer monitor,
  • unstable pressure (circles with a purple or gray tint),
  • sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity,
  • urolithiasis and liver diseases,
  • eating junk food and dieting,
  • avitaminosis,
  • decreased hemoglobin concentration (anemia),
  • digestive disorders, gastrointestinal tract (circles acquire yellow tints),
  • prostate diseases, problems with urination and the genitourinary system (pink tint around the eyes),
  • labored breathing,
  • problems with the cardiovascular system (brown circles),
  • genetic predisposition (light or thin skin).

Purple pigmentation is most common. Its appearance can be associated with both minor problems and the likelihood of developing hypertension. Circles can also be a consequence of bad habits and workload. A man cannot determine the cause on his own, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

If you notice a pink tint under your eyes, it is advisable to undergo an examination for the presence of urological diseases, including prostatitis. In severe cases, an inflammatory process may develop, infectious agents entering the tissues and disrupting the normal microflora of the body.

Yellowness under the eyes indicates excess bile or a disruption of the bile duct. A brown tint is also a sign of pathological changes: the risk of heart attack and blockage of blood vessels increases.

With age, the frequency of the appearance of circles increases. The older a man is, the thinner the fat layer is, so the vessels become noticeable.

What diseases cause dark circles under the eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes are often caused by various diseases, ranging from the common cold to serious health problems. Such diseases include:

  1. Heart failure, tachycardia, coronary heart disease, hypertension, defects, as well as rhythm and conduction disorders, insufficiency of blood supply. The diseases are accompanied by shortness of breath, brown circles under the eyes and pain in the chest area.
  2. Problems with the respiratory system caused by excessive nicotine consumption (tuberculosis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, chronic diseases).
  3. Prostatitis, prostate cancer, lack of erection or weakened erection.
  4. Conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley and other inflammatory processes of the eyes.
  5. Hypoxia due to lack of oxygen in the blood and impaired blood supply to the brain.
  6. Pathologies of the endocrine glands.
  7. Pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and other problems with the kidneys and liver.
  8. Skin inflammatory diseases (eczema, furunculosis, hidradenitis).
  9. Intoxication.
  10. Allergic reactions.
  11. Anemia (bruising as a result of decreased iron levels in the blood and pigmentation of the lower eyelid area).

Differential diagnosis

In order to reduce the diagnosis to a possible disease, it is necessary to use the method of differential diagnosis and determine which of the diseases are not suitable for certain symptoms or signs.

Dark circles under the eyes should be distinguished from the following problems:

  1. Bruises from an impact, which are very different on a visual level. In addition, they are painful and often form hematomas - accumulations of blood in damaged tissues with rupture of blood vessels. In this case, a cavity appears filled with liquid or clotted blood.
  2. Puffiness and swelling of the eyes. This problem is associated with the accumulation of fluid around the eyes or in the periorbital area. The risk of occurrence increases with age due to metabolic disorders and the body’s inability to remove fluid. Swelling appears immediately after waking up (due to the horizontal position of the body).
  3. Hernial protrusions. They cause not only painful sensations, but also noticeable cosmetic defects. The quality of life of patients is significantly impaired and surgical intervention is required.

Methods for treating dark circles under the eyes in men at home

Any disease, including the appearance of bruises under the eyes, requires a medical examination. It will help eliminate serious diseases that can harm the body.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine recipes will help make your facial skin beautiful and smooth. The most effective of them to get rid of dark circles under the eyes:

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. brewing black tea, 2 tsp. liquid honey and 1 tsp. water. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. Apply this mask every day for 30 minutes for a month. Rinse off with water at room temperature.
  2. Mix equal volumes of grated cucumber and lemon juice. To achieve good results, apply regularly to the skin under the eyes.
  3. Mix oatmeal and magnesia powder. Apply to skin for 15 minutes.
  4. For quick results, you need to use a mask daily from crushed aloe leaves, previously frozen in the refrigerator.


Diseases of men and circles around the eyes

Bags under the eyes in men are formed due to the special structure of this part of the face. The eye is surrounded by fatty tissue that protects the organ from injury. This tissue accumulates fluid very well, and in men to a greater extent than in the opposite sex. This is due to the fact that in the periorbital zone the capillary network is very dense, which is necessary for sufficient blood supply and water exchange. In men, microcirculation of blood is more intense than in women, with weaker small vessels. Therefore, men's skin has a darker shade, and the likelihood of bags forming under the eyes is greater. Moreover, swelling is often observed even in young men.

There are different reasons why bags appear in men, including:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • age-related changes;
  • poor nutrition;
  • constant stress;
  • long exposure to the sun.

Any of these factors provokes the appearance of swelling in the eye area even in completely healthy men, but sometimes bags can indicate a malfunction in the body.

Such as:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • allergy;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • pathologies of the heart and vascular system;
  • nasopharyngeal injuries.

All of the above bad habits and problems in the functioning of internal organs affect vital processes, which leads to swelling of the eyelids. Let us examine in more detail the mechanisms of the main provoking factors.

Healthy rest plays an important role in maintaining youthful and healthy skin. Men often cannot afford eight hours of sleep, and strict work schedules and constant stress add to the problems.

The habit of staying up late at a computer monitor or in a bar will definitely affect your appearance in the morning. Sleeping in this mode occurs at the wrong time, the body does not have enough time to rest, the skin does not recover, loses its elasticity, and as a result, circles form under the eyes.

Another consequence of the love of parties is fluid retention. The main reason for this process is excess salt, which is found in huge quantities in beer, chips, fish and fast food.

Lovers of these products often wake up with swollen eyelids because the salt prevents water from escaping. Its excess creates swelling.

The level of the hormone testosterone in a man’s body is unstable, sometimes it changes very sharply. Aldosterone is also important, with the help of which salt balance is controlled. Men produce this hormone in greater quantities than women, which increases the risk of edema.

Another “hormonal” cause of swelling is hypothyroidism - insufficiency of thyroid function. The disease is characterized by swelling in different parts of the body.

Other signs of the disease are:

  • weight gain;
  • fatigue;
  • digestive problems;
  • deterioration of hair and nails;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased mental and physical activity;
  • slow heart rate;
  • memory impairment.

The pathology can be determined after visiting an endocrinologist and undergoing tests for thyroid hormones.

When an allergic reaction occurs, the body triggers the production of histamines, which causes swelling under the eyes.

Attention: significant swelling of the lower eyelids is considered a sign of a life-threatening condition - Quincke's edema!

If bags under the eyes are the result of an allergic reaction, in addition to swelling, the following symptoms are observed:

  • itching;
  • redness of the sclera;
  • runny nose;
  • burning sensation in the eyes;
  • lacrimation.

If such manifestations occur, you should visit a doctor who will select an antihistamine.

Traumatic edema is very common for men. They are the result of a fight or a fall. The nose is the most vulnerable part of the face and is often subject to deformation. Dark swelling under the eyes in this case is the consequence of ruptures of blood vessels and capillaries. Note that deformation of the nasal septum can be congenital.

The most common types of injuries include soft tissue contusions. Such injuries are not life-threatening, but cause cosmetic defects in the form of bags and bruises under the eyes.

Nasal bone fractures are a more severe injury that requires medical attention. If the blow is strong enough, so-called “spectacles” appear on the face - bluish swelling around both eyes.

Obesity bags are the result of skin stretching and accumulation of fat cells. The area under the eyes is their most common “storage”, and the epidermis, which has lost its elasticity, loses its ability to hold the overgrown fiber inside the eye socket.

Losing weight too quickly can also negatively affect your appearance. The skin does not have time to contract, and blue-black bags form under the eyes. To prevent this from happening, you need to reduce body weight gradually.

Pathologies of the kidneys and heart are characterized by fluid stagnation and swelling, including swelling of the face.

The kidneys may not be able to cope with the function of removing water from the body due to poor nutrition or inflammation in the organs. Swelling with such disorders usually appears in the morning and gradually disappears in the evening.

In addition to edema, symptoms of kidney disease are as follows:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • urinary disorders;
  • weakness;
  • temperature increase;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • change in the shade of urine, the appearance of sediment in it.

Heart disease is characterized by swelling of the legs, which gradually rises up to the face.

Attention: if bluish bags first appear under your eyes, you may be developing a dangerous condition - heart failure!

Heart disease can be suspected when edema is combined with:

  • pain behind the sternum;
  • shortness of breath;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • accelerated heartbeat.

To exclude pathological changes in internal organs, you need to undergo an examination. Only after this can you begin to fight for an attractive appearance.

Men very often seek help when eyelid swelling becomes too obvious. Meanwhile, getting rid of swelling that has just begun to form is much easier.

Based on the extent of the problem, a specialist may recommend cosmetic procedures to eliminate swelling, or surgery.

Surgery is a radical method, which is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and only if other methods have failed. The plastic surgeon (usually under local anesthesia) makes an incision in the lower eyelid and removes excess tissue. The entire operation lasts about 20 minutes and is practically harmless. There is no severe bleeding or pain, and hospitalization is not required.

Surgery alone will not get rid of eyelid bags forever. To avoid their reappearance, you will need to follow medical recommendations. First of all, this concerns the normalization of eating habits and daily routine.

If a man is diagnosed with any pathologies, it will not be possible to get rid of edema until the underlying disease is cured.

Disease therapy

If you find persistent signs of fatigue on your face, when there is no reason for their appearance, you need to consult a specialist. You should start your visit to the clinic by visiting your local physician, who will analyze the problem and prescribe the necessary tests and studies. If necessary, the patient will be referred to an appointment with a specialist: urologist, immunologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc. Depending on the specifics of the disease, adequate conservative treatment will be prescribed.

Thus, for edema caused by kidney disease, diuretics are often prescribed, which stabilize the outflow of water from the body.

Attention: diuretics are not suitable for all renal pathologies. Taking them on your own can lead to the development of serious complications!

Allergic bags on the eyelids will disappear in a few days, subject to proper treatment and avoidance of contact with the provoking factor. The doctor will conduct tests and select an antihistamine to take. Most often prescribed: Suprastin, Telfast, Claritin, etc. If there is the slightest suspicion of Quincke's edema, immediately call an ambulance.

Infectious inflammatory processes are eliminated with the help of antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment for cardiac and endocrine pathologies is selected strictly individually; self-administration of medications in this case is unacceptable.

Those men who have not been diagnosed with diseases should visit a cosmetology salon, where specialists will help restore an attractive appearance.


Cosmetologists offer a large selection of procedures that will help quickly and permanently remove bags on the eyelids.

Cosmetology for bags under the eyes

Popular salon procedures today are:

  • electrical stimulation improves metabolic processes and blood circulation under the influence of weak currents. As a result, skin nutrition is restored, swelling quickly subsides;
  • mesotherapy is a subcutaneous injection of special substances, most of which are aimed at stimulating the natural processes of skin regeneration;
  • Lymphatic drainage helps remove excess moisture from the body. The procedure even helps get rid of bags caused by medical problems.

As therapeutic and preventive measures in the salon, the patient may be offered moisturizing and nourishing masks for the periorbital area. Facial massage, peeling and other procedures. All of them are performed using specialized products, the selection of which is carried out by a cosmetologist for each specific case.

For home use, ointments and creams for bags under the eyes for men are effective. Almost all serious manufacturers have a product for the care of men's eyelid skin in their cosmetic lines.

Here are some examples of popular names:

  • MKMen;
  • PFC cosmetics;
  • Eye Contour Gel;
  • Collistar – Eye Contour Lifting, etc.

All of the products listed have a light gel structure and are very easy to use, this is especially true for men who do not like to spend a lot of time on their appearance. Easy recipes of folk remedies will also help to cope with the problem.

Men, compared to women, are not as attentive to their appearance and health, so they often ignore such a symptom as bruises under the eyes.

Bruises under the eyes in men: causes and treatment, what kind of disease, how to get rid of it?

The skin around the eyes is one of the most sensitive areas of the human body, which reacts to the slightest changes in the body.
An unhealthy lifestyle, stress and illness instantly affect the area around the eyes, so you should not neglect bruises under the eyes. Men often do not notice such changes on their faces, and if they notice, they do not attach any importance to it, making a huge mistake. Experts say that dark circles under the eyes are a signal of a developing illness in a man’s body.

Lifestyle influence

If you notice bruises under the eyes in men, before you assume some kind of disease and consult a doctor for treatment, you should pay attention to the person’s lifestyle. The appearance of dark circles is provoked by factors such as:

  1. 1. Night sleep. The first thing you should pay attention to is the duration of night sleep and the time it starts. In addition to the appearance of dark spots under the eyes, the consequences of disruption of normal sleep include absent-mindedness, impaired memory function, lethargy and an increased risk of stroke.
  2. 2. TV and computer monitor. In the modern world, televisions, computers and other gadgets with a screen have become the scourge of all people. Spending long periods of time looking at a screen causes tired eyes, which can lead to dark circles under the eyes.
  3. 3. Low mobility. People spend little time walking outside, active recreation and physical exercise. This behavior causes circulatory problems, fluid retention and decreased muscle tone, which leads to the appearance of bags around the eyes.
  4. 4. Diet. Sudden weight loss, especially associated with such radical methods as fasting, reduces the concentration of nutrients in the blood, which inevitably leads to black circles.
  5. 5. Bad habits. Smoking leads to chronic hypoxia due to a sharp narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels and the presence of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood. The skin around the eyes is devoid of a thin granular layer, and therefore it instantly acquires a dark blue tint. Alcohol causes facial swelling, which makes the situation worse.
  6. 6. Poor quality cosmetics. Bad cosmetics can have a detrimental effect on the skin, causing it to prematurely age and accumulating harmful substances such as nickel, arsenic and lead.
  7. 7. Other reasons. Equally important are factors such as: hormonal disorders, excessive caffeine consumption, fast food, hypothermia and the influence of UV radiation.

Men are most susceptible to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes due to greater physical and psychological stress. Hard work, sports training, overexertion and bad habits cause bruises around the eyes.

Symptom of diseases

Black circles around the eyes serve as an indicator of the development of a pathological process in the body. They are a symptom of disorders such as hypoxia, endocrine disruption, and skin problems.

Experts consider oxygen starvation to be the main disease. Depending on the stage of the disease, hypoxia is divided into respiratory, tissue, hemic and stagnant.

Respiratory hypoxia

With such hypoxia, dark circles occur due to insufficient air intake during inhalation. This happens under the influence of several factors:

  • Stuffy or small room. Any change in the gas composition of the air affects a person. So, if the room is too small, the concentration of carbon dioxide increases. In addition, the gas composition disrupts the presence of impurities in the air and the gas content of the room.
  • Height. In the mountains, the air is thinner, which significantly reduces the partial pressure of oxygen. A similar phenomenon is observed in submarines or coal mines.
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Nasal polyps, chronic rhinitis, injury to the nasal septum - all this interferes with the supply of sufficient oxygen to the lungs and leads to the appearance of blue under the eyes.
  • Lung diseases. Emphysema, bronchial asthma and other lung diseases can provoke respiratory failure. It is compensated by increased breathing, which causes shortness of breath.
  • Heart. Acute myocardial infarction and myocarditis are accompanied by left ventricular failure and pulmonary edema, which does not allow oxygen to flow normally from the lungs into the blood. Bluish swelling of the face causes status asthmaticus and thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.

Swelling of the larynx or a foreign body that a person does not immediately notice can make breathing difficult. If the patient feels that breathing is difficult and the skin around the eyes has darkened, you should contact a specialist for advice.

Hemic hypoxia

Hemic anemia occurs when the blood loses its ability to carry oxygen throughout the body. This cause of dark circles under the eyes is much more difficult to recognize, because it appears due to such complex processes as:

  • Hemolysis. When red blood cells are destroyed, the blood loses its ability to bind oxygen and deliver it to the cells. This leads to swelling and darkening of the skin around the eyes.
  • Blood loss and dehydration. Massive blood loss caused by injury or pathological processes in the body (hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, uterine fibroids) leads to a sharp decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. Dehydration significantly increases blood viscosity, impairing oxygen exchange in cells.
  • Poisoning. In some forms of poisoning, the transfer of oxygen molecules to tissues is impaired. Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin, forming carboxyhemoglobin, as a result of which oxygen does not enter the body's cells, which leads to swelling of the face. Sulfonamide poisoning causes dark gray bags under the eyes with a blue tint.

Many chemicals, drugs, and gases can disrupt the composition of the blood, which subsequently leads to the inability of the blood to bind incoming oxygen. Therefore, such disorders should not be ruled out when bruises under the eyes are detected.

Stagnant hypoxia

If a person receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, the blood binds it well, and bruises under the eyes are still present, this indicates the presence of stagnant hypoxia. It occurs when blood circulation is impaired, when oxygenated blood is unable to reach the cell. This hypoxia occurs when:

  • Heart defect. Congenital or acquired heart disease often causes heart failure, which impairs the flow of blood to the tissue. This leads to impaired trophism and the development of deep gray swelling around the eyes.
  • Ischemia. It can disrupt blood circulation and nutrition of skin tissue.
  • Diabetes mellitus. This disease can cause blood stagnation, which causes swelling of the face and the appearance of bags under the eyes.

Hypoxia of this kind is difficult to detect in the first stages of its development, but with timely attention to the swelling of the face and the gray tint of the skin around the eyes, it can be diagnosed. The appearance of bruises can be affected by tissue hypoxia, which occurs as a result of dysfunction of enzymes that utilize oxygen from cells.

Malfunctions of the endocrine system

The endocrine system can affect the elasticity of the skin and its color. The culprit of endocrine pathologies is often the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Disorders in the adrenal glands lead to increased pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes.

At the same time, not only the area around the eyes darkens, but also some other parts of the body. These are mainly the parts of the body that are most exposed to sunlight and skin folds. In addition to dark circles, there is general weakness, fatigue and low blood pressure.

There are two types of thyroid disorders:

  • Hypothyroidism. This disease occurs when the thyroid gland is not functioning properly. A gray-brown tint of the skin in the eye area occurs due to impaired tissue nutrition and drying of the skin.
  • Hyperthyroidism. When this pathology occurs, the circles around the eyes acquire a darker shade.

Hormonal imbalances are a serious deviation from the healthy state of the body, so a person should not neglect such an important symptom as bruises under the eyes. Also, circles under the eyes indicate skin diseases. For example, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and eczema.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you notice bruises in the eye area that do not go away for a long time, you should consult a therapist or neurologist. To diagnose the cause of dark circles under the eyes, doctors rely on the patient’s medical history, past illnesses, and current vital signs.

After a thorough examination, the specialist prescribes a number of recommendations that should be followed:

  • The first rule for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes is healthy sleep. Doctors recommend going to bed no later than 1 am so that you can sleep at least 7 hours a night.
  • Increase fluid intake to nine glasses per day.
  • Avoid eating salty foods in the evening.
  • Include meat products and foods containing carbohydrates and B vitamins in your diet.
  • Minimize constipation and fiber intake.
  • If a person is a vegetarian, iron supplements should be included in dietary supplements or individual tablets.
  • Take walks in the fresh air to increase the supply of oxygen to the lungs.
  • Give up bad habits such as smoking or alcoholism.
  • Avoid direct contact with ultraviolet rays on your facial skin. Sunscreen and sunglasses should be used. Especially if a person takes hormonal drugs.
  • Reduce your time in front of a monitor or TV to two to three hours a day, and the distance to the screen should not be too short. Every half hour you need to do eye exercises.
  • Use a good light source when reading or otherwise working with text.
  • Choose quality cosmetics.
  • Reduce the use of makeup and eliminate it at night.
  • Before going to bed, lightly massage the area around the eyes using special rollers or your fingers. You can also use cosmetic creams.
  • Regularly smear the skin around the eyes with nourishing cream, and during frosts use a protective agent.
  • Use baths with a nutritious herbal decoction that relieve a person of dark circles, swelling and bags under the eyes. In the absence of medicinal herbs, it is recommended to apply cotton pads soaked in tea leaves.
  • Masks using green tea, fresh cucumber or hyaluronic acid are effective.

In addition, there are more radical methods to get rid of blackness under the eyes:

  • Surgical intervention. This method involves fat tissue transplantation and correction of a person’s eyelids. But this procedure is absolutely ineffective if the cause of bruising is hypoxia.
  • Injection of Botox or hyaluronic acid into the soft tissue of the eye area.
  • Treatment with a lymphatic drainage device. This massage reduces sagging skin, increasing the tone of soft tissues.
  • Mesotherapy corrects the contours of the face, restraining flabby tissue under the eyes, increasing their tone.

You can also use a very simple method, which is very effective.

Retouching dark circles under the eyes with foundation is the most common method.

But you should understand that this method not only does not cure, but also harms the condition of your skin in the preorbital area.

Traditional methods

If you turn to folk remedies, you can find many effective ways to cure bruises that have formed under a person’s eyes. The following recipes will help remove bruises at home:

  1. 1. Before a person goes to bed, he needs to take ten grams of sage and pour one hundred milliliters of boiling water over them, leaving it covered for 10 minutes. Then strain the resulting infusion, and divide the remaining pulp into two parts and wrap in gauze. One part should be filled with boiling water, and the second with cold water. Then apply alternately to the eyelids and bruises under the eyes for ten minutes. Repeat the steps every day for one month.
  2. 2. Pour ten grams of parsley with one hundred milliliters of boiling water and leave for fifteen minutes under the lid. Strain the resulting infusion and use the pulp as a compress. Apply the compress to the swollen area for one month.
  3. 3. Dry several chamomiles, then wrap them in gauze and put them in boiling water for eight minutes. Then take out the gauze and apply it to your eyes until it cools down.
  4. 4. You can also make special masks that differ in their effectiveness. You should chop five grams of parsley and mix it with ten grams of sour cream. Then apply the resulting mixture to the dark circles under the eyes. After half an hour, wash your face with cool water and apply a nourishing cream to your face.

Despite the fact that there are many medicinal and even surgical ways to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, a person must first of all understand that circles under the eyes are most likely caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

But if changing your lifestyle does not lead to a positive result, you should consult a specialist for a detailed diagnosis of the body, because circles under the eyes are a symptom of many diseases.

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The site administration advises you not to self-medicate, and in any controversial situations, consult a doctor.


Wrong lifestyle

Often, dark circles under the eyes are caused by fatigue. With a lack of sleep and rest, cortisol levels increase in the body, which breaks down collagen in order to replenish energy. This causes the blood vessels to swell and the circles to become pronounced because the skin under the eyes is thinner than other areas. Under such circumstances, you can notice other manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome: decreased memory and performance, absent-mindedness.

Chronic oxygen deprivation, which can cause dark circles under the eyes, is experienced by smokers. The skin changes color due to the accumulation of nicotine in the body and frequent inhalation of tobacco smoke. The problem can be caused by lack of mobility, sudden weight loss, vegetarianism or fasting. The lack of nutrients will immediately affect the condition of the skin and internal organs. This can also worsen chronic diseases.

Dehydration leads to thinning of the skin. If you don't drink enough water, the dark circles under your eyes may become more pronounced. The flow of blood to the veins, as a result of which the vessels are visible through thin skin, can cause constant eye strain, for example, when working at a computer. Stress and depression have a negative impact on the body as a whole. Dark circles can be a reaction to stress or exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Dark circles under the eyes in men: causes and treatment

Black circles under the eyes greatly spoil the appearance of not only women, but also men. This phenomenon may be the result of a fun party, overwork, or prolonged work at the computer.

But do not forget that bluish shadows under the eyes can be a sign of various diseases. The causes and treatment of bruises under the eyes in men should be determined by a specialist.

If cyanosis occurs for too long, do not delay the examination.

Reasons for appearance

There is a certain type of man in whom bluish circles under the lower eyelid have been visible since childhood. This phenomenon is typical for southerners who have dark skin color and seem to have deep-set eyes.

However, this phenomenon is also typical for some white-skinned men, whose blood vessels are very close to the skin.

The skin around the eyes is noticeably darker in older men, which is explained by the aging of the whole body.

Black circles under the lower eyelid in representatives of the stronger sex can also be caused by a number of external factors:

  • Constant visual fatigue, especially if a man spends a lot of time looking at a computer monitor.
  • Severe stress and depression.
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight on the mucous membrane.
  • Constantly scratching your eyes with your hands.
  • Allergies.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Abuse of alcohol and tobacco products.

Removing black circles in these cases is not difficult; it is enough to simply eliminate the effect of negative factors.

To remove dark circles under the eyes, sometimes it’s enough just to get enough sleep or adjust your diet.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

If you notice dark circles under your eyes, you should see a therapist. If after the examination the doctor does not find any diseases, then the person is simply recommended to change his lifestyle. The doctor’s recommendations will help eliminate circles under the lower eyelid:

  1. Healthy sleep is considered an excellent remedy for dark circles under the eyes. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day, preferably with the window open. A few hours before bedtime, you should stop watching TV or working on the computer.
  2. It is recommended to drink plenty of water. By maintaining optimal water balance, you can keep your skin beautiful for many years. An adult man needs to drink at least 2 liters of water.
  3. During the day you need to walk for at least 2 hours. If you don’t have time for walking, you can make it a rule to walk to and from work several stops. It is useful to engage in swimming and team sports.
  4. The diet should contain a lot of products rich in B vitamins. Men's menus should include fresh vegetables, meat and dairy products every day. All these products will make you feel a surge of energy.
  5. You should give up bad habits, smoking and drinking alcohol.
  6. You need to eat a lot of citrus fruits, parsley, sauerkraut and regularly drink rosehip infusion. All these foods are rich in vitamin C, which helps thin the blood and facilitates the flow of oxygen to important organs.
  7. You can perform a light massage around the eyes several times a day. Massage the area around the eyes with your fingertips. Such procedures improve blood circulation.
  8. Rub the area around the eyes with ice cubes several times a day. Thanks to this procedure, the skin becomes elastic and acquires a healthy color.

If the above recommendations do not give any effect, you need to go to the hospital and examine important organs and systems.

Homeopathy to help

Homeopathic medicines will also help get rid of the problem. These products are absolutely safe and can be used for a long time. Arnica and Apilak ointments help well. These drugs improve blood circulation, eliminate swelling and make facial skin healthy. Apply the ointment in a thin layer, twice a day.

Folk tips and recipes

Traditional medicine offers several recipes that help quickly get rid of dark circles around the eyes. You should not use herbal decoctions if you are allergic to plant materials:

  • Brew herbs, St. John's wort, chamomile and sage are suitable. Pour the broth into ice cube trays and freeze. These cubes are used to wipe the area around the eyes several times a day.
  • Fresh parsley is crushed to a puree, wrapped in pieces of bandage, folded in half and applied to the eyes for 20 minutes.
  • The potatoes are peeled and grated on a fine grater. Apply the paste to the eyelids for 15 minutes. A similar procedure should be carried out once a week for one and a half months.
  • Brew tea in bags, squeeze them a little and apply to the eyelids.
  • Brew two teaspoons of cornflower in a glass of hot water. Then they filter. Half of the broth is poured into ice cube trays, and the other half is used warm. Cotton pads are moistened in a warm broth and applied to the eyes, after which the skin is wiped with ice cubes.
  • The fastest way to get rid of unattractive circles under the eyes is to use slices of fresh cucumbers. To do this, slices of the vegetable are applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes.
  • Take a tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese and add ½ teaspoon of strong tea leaves. Mix well and apply the resulting mass to the eyelids for 10 minutes.

You can make a mask based on walnuts. Grate the kernels of one nut on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of butter and two drops of lemon juice.

For treatment with traditional methods to be effective, recipes should be alternated.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnostic procedure does not require special skills to identify pathological darkening of the skin around the eyes, as this is easily determined by visual examination.

Treatment of pathologies associated with changes in skin color around the eyes cannot be aimed only at eliminating the cosmetic defect in the form of dark circles. As it turned out, everything can be much more serious, so a thorough medical examination will determine the true causes of darkening of the skin under the lower eyelid.

If laboratory tests do not reveal any abnormalities in health (diseases of the circulatory system, the presence of stones in the kidneys and biliary tract, etc.), then your lifestyle should be reconsidered. Most likely, the problem lies in its incorrect organization. Otherwise, it is necessary to treat diseases that cause swelling and darkening of the skin under the lower eyelid.

Therapeutic cosmetology offers several methods for eliminating these types of skin imperfections:

  • lipofilling is one of the radical methods that involves filling the infraorbital socket with your own adipose tissue (sampling is done from the surface of the thighs) or restylane. The effect of the procedure is unstable, so it must be repeated from time to time;
  • lymphatic drainage – microcurrent hardware therapy, which can be carried out in the comfort of your home (if you have a device);
  • mesotherapy is a rather painful and expensive procedure that is not particularly effective;
  • Laser technology is an effective way to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Carrying out a variety of anti-aging procedures using a laser, including getting rid of dark circles under the eyes, is considered the most effective way to combat age-related changes in facial skin. That is why such procedures are indicated at a more mature age.

It is necessary to visit a therapist and an ophthalmologist. Afterwards, clinical and laboratory tests are prescribed. If the results of the examination do not reveal any violations, then a repeat visual examination is carried out.

Additional diagnostic techniques may be required:

  • biopsy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • radiography.

If there are no problems with sleep and sufficient rest, signs of fatigue should disappear. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the entire body. Circles and wrinkles under the eyes often indicate serious vision problems or liver-related pathologies.

To find out why you have dark circles or dark circles, you should re-read the entire first subsection of this article and rule out all factors. Listed in it. After this, the road lies in the direction of a general practitioner, a clinical laboratory and the next scheduled examination for all pathologies that can lead to this symptom.

Bruises under the eyes: causes and treatment in men, how to get rid of bags at home

Bruises under the eyes spoil the appearance not only of women, but also of men. This phenomenon may be the result of severe fatigue or prolonged work at the computer.

In the worst case, this sign indicates the presence of any pathologies in the body. Therefore, the causes and treatment of bruises under the eyes should be determined by a doctor.

What folk tips and pharmaceutical remedies will help get rid of the problem? What cosmetic procedures would be appropriate and what should be done as a preventive measure?




Why does the color of the lower eyelid change?

The color of the lower eyelid acquires a dark (bluish) tint for a variety of reasons. This could be insufficient sleep, bad habits, poor diet, or excessive visual stress.

Chronic fatigue

Physical or mental overload causes not only poor health, but also deterioration in appearance (skin becomes dull and dark circles appear under the eyes). Therefore, proper rest will help solve this problem.

Insufficient sleep

Lack of sleep is one of the first causes of dark circles under the eyes (especially if they appeared recently, for example, after frequent insomnia). To normalize sleep and improve the quality of life, you should consult a doctor (general practitioner, neurologist or psychotherapist) and select appropriate medications to improve sleep or restore the nervous system.

Excessive visual load

Constant work at the computer or with small parts causes overstrain of the eye muscles, which deteriorates vision and appearance. Therefore, the eyes need to be given the necessary rest, periodically taking breaks from work.

Bad habits

Smoking and alcohol abuse provoke various diseases and negatively affect a man’s appearance.

The fact is that the nicotine contained in cigarettes and the alkaloids in alcoholic beverages cause circulatory problems: first there is a narrowing, then a spasm and a sharp dilation of the blood vessels, which causes them to burst and dark circles appear under the eyes. And, since the skin in these places is thinner and more sensitive, changes are immediately visible.

An unbalanced diet is also one of the common causes of dark circles. The daily diet must contain the necessary vitamins (A, B, C, E, etc.) and minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, etc.). If they are absent from food, health and appearance gradually deteriorate. This is primarily observed among lovers of fast food and sweet carbonated drinks.


If bruises under the eyes are constantly present and are accompanied by swelling, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the following problems in the body may be the cause:

  • Kidney and liver diseases. In this case, there may be swelling in the lower eyelids, difficulty urinating, yellowing of the skin, etc.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Various infections (including the presence of parasites in the body).
  • Anemia (anemia). Due to a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, the skin in the lower eyelid area acquires a blue-violet tint.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Skin diseases (including allergic reactions to medications, food products, household chemicals, etc.).
  • Inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis).
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • Bronchitis and tuberculosis.
  • Prostate diseases.

What to do to get rid of the problem

There are different ways to get rid of dark circles under the eyes:

  • using folk remedies;
  • pharmaceutical drugs;
  • through homeopathy;
  • using cosmetic procedures;
  • cosmetics, etc.

People's Councils

In the fight against dark circles, traditional medicine recommends the following remedies:

  • Pour a glass of boiling water over chamomile flowers, sage and St. John's wort (1 tablespoon each), cool slightly, pour into ice trays and freeze. Use ice cubes to wipe the area around the eyes (especially near the lower eyelids). For greater effectiveness, the procedure should be repeated several times a day.
  • Peel and grate the potatoes on a fine grater (1 piece), apply the resulting pulp to the lower eyelids and hold for 15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out once a week for a total course of 1.5 months.
  • Brew black or green tea bags, squeeze them a little and apply to problem areas.
  • Cut a fresh cucumber into slices and apply to your eyelids for 15 minutes. It is recommended to perform the procedure daily for 1-2 months.

Pharmacy products

You can also get rid of a cosmetic defect using well-known pharmaceutical drugs. They are used if the problem is caused by insomnia or excessive visual stress. Here are the most effective and inexpensive means:

  • Licorice syrup - apply to problem areas, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Frequency of use: daily for a week.
  • Aevit (contains vitamins A and E) - pierce the capsule with a needle and apply the product to the problem area of ​​the face, wait 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. The procedure can be repeated daily (until dark circles are eliminated).
  • Bodyaga - 1 tbsp. l. Add bodyagi powder to water and stir until it becomes a paste. Apply the resulting mass to problem areas and rinse after 5 minutes. You can also buy ointment with bodyaga.

Note! If, after applying bodyagi, itching and severe burning of the skin occurs, it is better to wash off the product immediately (as an allergic reaction is possible).


Homeotic preparations will also help solve this problem. They are absolutely safe and suitable for long-term use. The most effective ointments are Apilak and Arnica.

These drugs help improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and make facial skin healthier. They are recommended to be applied in a thin layer to the lower eyelid area.

Frequency of use: 2 times a day (until dark circles are eliminated).


How to remove dark circles under the eyes

To get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you need to accurately determine the cause of their occurrence. Why do men have dark circles under their eyes? Such a cosmetic defect can be caused by both an unhealthy lifestyle and serious diseases that require lifelong therapy. For some people, this is a consequence of unfavorable heredity or an individual trait. In this case, no creams or ointments will be able to remove dark circles under the eyes.

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Bags under the eyes are not an independent defect, but a symptom of some kind of disorder. Therefore, the underlying disease needs to be treated. You should also normalize your sleep schedule, get more rest, get rid of stress, drink enough water, stop smoking and eat a balanced diet. This will significantly improve your overall health. If you need a quick effect, you can massage with ice cubes. Cooling has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Blue circles under the eyes

There are quite a few reasons why such a defect may occur.

In addition, veins under the eyes may appear after sudden weight loss due to the thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer. However, in most cases, such problems arise in women who do not devote enough time to proper rest and sleep, are constantly under stress, smoke too much, or spend 8-10 hours a day in front of the computer.

Before removing veins under the eyes, you should also remember that their occurrence may indicate problems with the gallbladder or gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, before choosing methods to combat this defect in appearance, it is worth consulting with an experienced phlebologist.

Often, identifying the cause provides an answer to the question of how to remove veins under the eyes. After all, it is enough to eliminate the factors that influence the appearance of blue veins so that they “hide” and stop bothering you.

Of course, in the life of every woman there are situations when she should look perfect, but there is sorely not enough time to put herself in order.

You need to apply foundation in two layers, waiting until the first one is properly absorbed. After this, the area around the eyes must be thoroughly powdered, and the defect in appearance, which causes a lot of distress to modern women, can be forgotten for several hours.

However, it should be borne in mind that the validity of such drugs is designed for no more than 5-6 hours, and their regular use can lead to the development of an allergic reaction.

Therefore, it is best to give preference to venotics based on natural ingredients, which, although they will cost much more, will help protect the delicate skin of the lower eyelids from premature aging and irritation.

For those over 30 – a club for women over 30.

Women are more likely to notice veins under their eyes than men. One of the reasons is hormonal imbalance that occurs during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during menopause. Hormonal imbalances are also characteristic of the menstrual cycle. As a result, the walls of the blood vessels are weakened, and the blood stagnates.

Among the factors that contribute to the expansion of the veins of the lower eyelid are severe coughing and sneezing with chronic allergies. Tension of the facial muscles occurs, creating additional pressure on the walls of the capillaries. Alcohol, hot water and other thermal procedures also have a negative effect. Not necessarily each of the reasons described above causes the appearance of blue mesh, but together they weaken the walls of blood vessels.

Who is guilty

If the circles under the eyes are blue or blue-violet, the reason is impaired microcirculation and accumulation of blood under the eyes.

When circulation is impaired, little oxygen enters the blood and it darkens and changes color. Lack of sleep, stress and allergies impair microcirculation.

Blue and purple circles are more noticeable in the morning. After lying horizontally for a long time, fluid accumulates under the eyes and the veins dilate to hold more blood.

These circles intensify with age. We lose collagen, subcutaneous fat, the skin becomes thinner and blood vessels become more visible.

What to do

Look for eye creams with:

  • good moisturizers (for example, hyaluronic acid) - they fill and smooth the skin, pushing it upward from blood accumulation;
  • components that stimulate microcirculation (for example, caffeine) - they temporarily constrict blood vessels and improve blood circulation;
  • retinol - it thickens the skin and masks shadows under the eyes;
  • stainless steel applicators (roller and iron-on) - cool metal contracts blood vessels, making circles less noticeable.

Let's look at what effective methods exist that will help remove veins under the eyes at home.

Ice cubes. The simplest, but quite effective way to reduce swelling and blueness is to wipe the area under the eyes with ice cubes in the morning. But not ordinary ones, but with healing infusions. For example, chop the parsley, pour boiling water for 10 minutes (1 tablespoon of parsley per 1 cup of boiling water), strain the broth, pour into molds, freeze the cubes in the freezer, and wipe in the morning. The effect will be noticeable within a couple of days. The same cubes can be made with infusions of green tea, chamomile, calendula, mint, etc.

Cold compresses. Another quick way to remove veins under the eyes is to apply a cold compress. You will need an infusion of green tea and 2 cotton pads. Cotton pads should be dipped in tea leaves, squeezed a little, and applied to problem areas. After 10 minutes, remove, dry the skin, apply a special cream for the eye area.

Masks. Various recipes for masks with a rejuvenating effect can not only rid the skin of puffy eyes and dark circles, but also problematic blue discoloration. But it is important to know that in order to achieve the desired effect, applying masks should occur regularly, and not just once. Regular potatoes are a great way to cope with the appearance of veins under the eyes.

To do this, you will need to grate it, then strain the potato juice from the resulting pulp, which then needs to be applied with cotton pads to the desired areas under the eyes and held for about 20 minutes, then wash your face with water. The same effect is achieved by cottage cheese, again grated with parsley. It is best to perform such compresses in the morning. In the evening, you can make compresses from brewed black tea.

Contrasting washes. For the procedure to have a more effective result, it is necessary to set aside time for regular contrast washes. It will be quite problematic to do them during working hours, but in the morning at home - just right! First you should wash your face with hot water, and then with cold water.

Compresses. Ice compresses and washing the skin of the face, in particular under the eyes, are especially popular. The effectiveness of the procedure increases if instead of plain water you use juices of cucumbers, apples or chamomile decoctions. Also, in addition to all the procedures described, an excellent effect can be achieved if the complex includes a light massage of the area under the eyes to improve blood circulation.

Cosmetics. Sometimes there are moments in a woman's life when it is necessary to put herself in order as soon as possible. And in these situations, completely different methods of dealing with veins under the eyes will help. To get rid of veins under the eyes instantly, you can use a foundation (for example, a concealer), which it is advisable to choose a lighter shade than the skin itself.

It should be applied in two layers, when the first is well absorbed and dry. Next, you will need to apply BB cream (read about it in our review), and then powder to consolidate the effect; naturally, you need to select them in the same shade. As a result, healthy and radiant eyes are ensured for at least several hours.


Preventing the occurrence of bruises under the eyes includes organizing good nutrition and drinking regime. Throughout the day, it is recommended to drink herbal teas and plain water, as well as eat fresh vegetables and other healthy foods.

In addition, one should not forget about healthy, full sleep, because lack of sleep often affects the face in the form of bruises. It is necessary to promptly respond to the signals that the body gives, eat right and be in the fresh air as often as possible.

Cream for circles and bags under the eyes

Why do men have dark circles under their eyes? If other factors are excluded, then dark circles under the eyes may be genetically determined or associated with structural features of the skin. In this case, you won’t be able to completely get rid of the darkened circles, but you can lighten them a little and make them less noticeable. Special creams are used for this. You need to start actively caring for your skin as it ages, since all problems only get worse with age.

A high-quality cream that will moisturize the skin, relieve puffiness and tone - Gel Contour des Yeux from Clarins. The composition includes extracts of rose hips, butcher's broom, serrated palm, and apricot oil. Shiseido Anti-Dark Circles Eye-Cream improves blood circulation and resolves small hematomas. This product protects against harmful environmental influences and promotes active skin regeneration. The cream should be applied to the skin regularly. It is better to use in courses.


What procedures will get rid of noticeable blood vessels on the face?

Modern techniques used in aesthetic medicine can significantly reduce or completely eliminate a cosmetic defect. Various types of laser procedures are used to remove telangiectasias and inflamed veins. One session takes from 10 to 20 minutes, a total of 3-5 procedures may be required.

Possible side effects of laser treatment for veins under the eyes include swelling, soreness, dryness and flaking of the skin. Hyperpigmentation spots and scarring may remain. In addition, laser therapy does not prevent the appearance of dilated blood vessels in other areas of the skin. In order not to suffer from veins on the face and under the eyes, you need to eat right at any age, take care of your skin, protect yourself from injuries, and do not overuse tanning.

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