Psychosomatics of diseases using the example of poor vision

Psychosomatics of vision loss. Introductory session

So, the cleansing session took place, which I was really looking forward to. I myself have carried out cleansing more than once, only this happened through the VY. And the request was to cleanse the channels and meridians, the energy structure. Accordingly, I saw only the work of energy in my structure. This session is built on a completely different principle.

I found myself in a space where the Soul sometimes leads me. It’s very comfortable for her there, it’s her favorite place. It is not on the physical plane, I have never been in such mountains, with such transparent air, as pure as a tear. There are ledges of high mountains with snow caps around. The sun is bright, but it feels comfortably cool. There is a large bird on a nearby ledge; it also appears in my sessions. This is not VYa and not the Guardian. I feel her as a messenger from the Mentors. She's watching to make sure I'm okay (protection)

I feel calm and comfortable here. VYa appears as a man in white loose robes. I used to take him for a teacher who takes lessons with me in this space.

We begin cleaning the eyes... there is a cloudy, veil, viscous state inside. “Oblivion” sounds... And I am thrown into one of my past incarnations.

I'm above the city. Lots of gilded roofs and domes. Some very ancient time, and most likely not our civilization. I am standing (man) in a huge hall. There are a lot of people around, everyone is dressed very nicely. Before me is a council of elected representatives of the people. They are discussing my actions. In this city, everything belongs to everyone, all the wealth. The vaults are never closed. But I wanted it only for myself, and went in like a thief for jewelry. And as a result, my eyes are burned out. I see how one of the advisers stands in the center, points his hands towards me, rays come out of his palms into my eyes... and my vision disappears. Yes, only vision disappears, but physically the eyes look the same as before.


When a person sees normally with both eyes, both pictures are synchronously superimposed on one another. With strabismus, a person sees two different pictures, from different viewing angles. And his subconscious is forced to choose one. This is how a one-sided view of things is formed.

Multiple strabismus in a child means that he sees contradictory messages from his parents. For example, when a mother wants one thing from a child, and a father wants another, and when the parents are of equal importance to the child, i.e. he cannot prioritize between mom and dad, a situation occurs when the child does not know who to listen to, his eyes literally diverge. The fear of looking into the present is right here.

Convergent strabismus. In contrast to multilateral strabismus, the cause of convergent strabismus is the child receiving conflicting messages from those raising them of the same sex (for example, mother and grandmother) and the child also cannot set priorities, and therefore, at the physical level, the above psychological irritation can be expressed in the convergence of the eyes into one point.

Strabismus in adults means that a person looks with one eye into real reality, and with the other either into an “illusory reality” or into some “other world”. In this case, I put an esoteric meaning into the concept of “another world”.

Psychosomatics of vision loss. Lessons

The lesson is that everything belongs to everyone. Greed, stinginess, envy, the desire to possess alone, to appropriate for oneself. All this led to loss of vision. And poor eyesight means learning to experience the world, its beauty, receiving abundance through feelings, through the openness of your heart. And the most important thing is not only to know this, but also to learn to give and share with others. Generous and selfless) I am aware of all this, I accept the experience.

After cleansing, the eyes are filled with the life-giving energy of the VY. We continue to examine the head. On the back of the head I see three hoses dangling like snakes. Moreover, when approaching them, they begin to open their mouths. My bird flew in for protection. Anxious.

Who are they, where are they from?

There were three activations and connections to the energies of Kundalini Reiki, Yggdrasil Reiki and Rashiba. I myself tried to disconnect from egregors - this is what happened as a result. The session was cleansed to the end. Recovery and healing have begun.

I saw the cone like a crystalline flower opening, golden-white in color. Like a middle-aged man, revealing himself through his talents.

And then there is a blockage in the right ear. Like a dam on a river. I feel a reluctance to release the river into a common lake. I don’t want to mix something of my own with the common one. A separation and limitation appears.

Lesson - everything that is given to you in life is given through you to everyone, and through everyone comes to you. Circulation in the Universe.

The barriers are raised very slowly so that the flow does not rush in very suddenly. I see how mountain rivers flow into the sea.

Looking through the spine from the outside, I see a canal from the 7th cervical vertebra, branches of the canals between the shoulder blades, just below the navel, and another canal from the coccyx. At the other end is a loose, toad-like mass. Sucks energy from the channel.

There was a period in my life when a lot of negative energy was seething inside me. And this created a field that helped this Essence penetrate, connect. We ask the Entity to leave with his household. When she began to take everything that was hers, I felt and saw many more small channels in the thin bodies that were being pulled out of me.

From the side of the shoulder blades, the channels went far. I didn’t feel the Essence on the other end. It was some kind of organization, some kind of large cosmic body. I feel like the channel to her is empty, but it once worked. She asked me to show how it works. I feel static in the movement of energy. And once upon a time energy went back and forth.

A picture of a tent camp arrived, men were walking around, fires were burning. Maybe it's the army. Egregor associated with her. (I served 15 years in the army. And the most interesting thing about the space force). But it was more than just an army, I felt that I had once served in a completely unearthly space force.)

When looking at the reproductive organs, I felt loneliness, resentment and claims against me from them. (At 45, the uterus was removed).

-ask VYA why was this necessary? What kind of experience did you have?

— there was a 10-year period filled with negative thoughts, grievances, and non-acceptance of situations. I took a lesson on disclosing feelings, trust, accepting people as they are. And the most important thing is to learn to Give Thanks. At that time I did not yet understand that every person in my life is a Teacher. He interacts with me for a reason. That in every situation there is something of mine, and I just need to understand it, realize what it is for, accept it as an experience. Do not divide into good and bad. For the Soul there is no division - for it everything is experience. My negative thoughts started the process of neoplasms. And by that time the uterus was already filled with them.

-Is everything completed?


Thanks for this lesson. We heal.

We have called upon the Guardian. I always feel it, but I’ve never seen it before. I'm grateful for this moment. I felt confident and calm from him. He answered my questions.

— does the Guardian have any advice?

Shows an open flower, and I stand inside it like Thumbelina. All roads are open to me - no matter where you look. There are no obstacles to take off. Go, fly, taste, learn... there are no barriers.

The channel with the Higher aspects is clear, wide, and begins from the heart. The crystal is large and occupies the entire chest. Streams flow from it in all directions.

And at the end of the session, gratitude simply poured from my heart!


People with a vision pathology such as myopia (good near vision and poor distance vision) are usually very focused on themselves, their family, close friends, they find it difficult to make plans for the future, they are afraid to make forecasts for the month or year.

According to experts, myopia can occur in both children and adults as a form of self-defense from the problems that surround them. Thus, the human nervous system tries to compensate for psychological instability.

This theory has scientific confirmation, which is based on facts and evidence. Therefore, most ophthalmologists take this factor into account and prescribe treatment to patients based on the psychological nature of the pathology.

How to treat psychological manifestations of myopia

Only a qualified specialist can fix the problem. You should know that the progressive form of the disease must be treated with classical methods.

The main treatment should be:

  • spectacle therapy;
  • installation of drugs;
  • gymnastics;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • surgical method.

Eliminating psychological problems consists of the following steps:

  • visiting a psychologist;
  • reading literature recommended by a specialist;
  • learn to look positively at the world around you;
  • try to eliminate problems that provoke psychological discomfort;
  • start playing sports, dancing;
  • establish a daily routine.

The most important thing in psychological treatment is the elimination of the fear that a person experiences subconsciously. Effective results can only be achieved with the combined efforts of a psychologist and an ophthalmologist

Of no small importance is the patient’s desire to get rid of vision problems.

Effective results can only be achieved with the combined efforts of a psychologist and an ophthalmologist

Of no small importance is the patient’s desire to get rid of vision problems.

Useful information: Myopia (myopia): what is it and how to cure it?

Psychosomatics of vision loss. After the session

After the session I felt like I was in a parallel universe for two days. Something is happening next to me, people are talking, I see and hear it all, but I live in my own space. For two nights I had dreams that were telling and memorable, with my qualities being worked out on a different level. I have recently realized that life is like a layer cake. And every disease, every study has several levels. And until you realize all the levels, until you reach the foundation, the root cause, all this will exist in your life to one degree or another.

Listening to the session, where I realized the reason for the loss of vision... I was again “thrown” into the past. Tears flowed from my eyes physically, because I felt such pain, female, maternal. From the loss of children, from enduring physical pain, from suffering and hardship from betrayal over many lifetimes. Tears flowed, but I just knew what they were about. Another level was being cleared.

What I understood from the session, or better yet, that the session once again confirmed my understanding of what is happening in my life: no one is to blame for what happened to me. How I lived the years of this incarnation is only “my merit.” With my thoughts and emotions I shape my present and future, my health, and events.

I have no barriers to changing myself. There are different possibilities for this. And yet, I have reached a new level where I must take full responsibility for further development. (VYa constantly talks about this in the session - make the decision yourself). And I thank everyone who was with me in this session, I thank the presenter, I thank the creator of this method! Thank you!

METAISSKRA sessions are great not only for identifying the individual psychosomatics of diseases, understanding lessons and relieving symptoms, but also for working with many described ailments, fears, panic attacks, blocks, grievances and much more through meditative practices.

If you do not meditate, you can also solve many problems through sessions with a psychologist, but this method may take longer and works more with the psyche than with the body and energy.

How to treat myopia?

Of course, only an experienced ophthalmologist will provide qualified assistance. Treatment should be comprehensive and include:

  • spectacle therapy;
  • installation of drugs;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • surgical method.

The second step must be taken by the person himself - to eliminate the psychological problem. There are several ways to take a step towards eradicating the psychological “complex”:

  • attend a session with a psychologist;
  • read the list of literature recommended by the specialist;
  • change the perspective of perception of the world around you: from negative to positive;
  • try to immediately eliminate problems that provoke an uncomfortable psychological state;
  • take up sports or dancing (any hobby);
  • adjust your daily routine and diet.

The most important step in psychological treatment is to eliminate the fear that gnaws at a person from the inside. A person’s sincere desire to cope with an ophthalmological problem is of great importance.

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