LOGO Presentation for the SBO lesson “Rules for vision protection.” - presentation

Reminder on how to preserve your eyesight

In order for the clarity of vision to be preserved until old age, you need to take note of a set of basic rules. You need to adhere to them daily.

Let's look at some basic tips on how to preserve your eyesight :

  • get a good night's sleep. A healthy person requires seven to nine hours of sleep for a good night's rest. The most beneficial sleep lasts from 22-23 pm to 6-7 am. Due to insufficient sleep, disturbances in the functioning of the optic nerve may appear, and because of this, the quality of vision will decrease;
  • It is not recommended to watch TV in a dark room. You should at least install a night light;
  • When reading literature in the evening, there must be several sources of artificial light. Using one light bulb in a dark room puts excessive strain on the eyes;
  • take breaks from working at the computer or while reading for a long time;
  • Reading while driving in a car or public transport is prohibited. If you really want to read, you can use an audiobook;
  • do not squint your eyes - with such a movement the muscles are under strong tension;
  • walk more in nature. This helps relieve fatigue not only in the eye muscles, but throughout the body;
  • do special exercises for the eyes;
  • quit smoking and minimize alcohol consumption;
  • eat foods with large amounts of carotene, vitamin C and E;
  • undergo periodic examinations with an ophthalmologist.

The above recommendations are basic, but they are not enough for a clear understanding of how to preserve vision . Let's look at this issue in more detail.

After distance learning, schoolchildren's vision decreases: is it possible to restore eye sharpness?

After forced self-isolation, schoolchildren's vision deteriorated.

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

The school year has begun and many parents have noticed that it was not possible to arrive without losses. As soon as the students sat down at their desks, it became obvious that the vision of many of them had deteriorated significantly. And quarantine played almost the main role in this regard. How the period of self-isolation and distance learning affected the development of children’s vision, we asked Igor Aznauryan, pediatric ophthalmic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor, founder of the association of children’s eye clinics “Yasny Vzor” :

“The fact that the period of self-isolation did not pass without a trace for the health of children’s eyes is an obvious fact. The number of eye pathologies increased after this period. This is due, first of all, to the fact that children’s eyes also “grow” and go through a stage of development. Any stay outside the physiological conditions for them can lead to visual impairment. And the quarantine period was one of those. And in this case, we can identify several leading factors that caused the deterioration of the health of children's eyes.

1. Locked within four walls, unable to see the horizon.

Our eyes were created by nature in order to look into the distance. For them, this is the most physiological state - calm study of distant objects. Looking at and viewing an object at close range is a labor-intensive task for the eyes. And in this case they spend some effort. The children's visual system has not yet been formed, and if it is regularly overloaded, this will certainly affect its normal development. So being constantly in an apartment cannot be called physiological for the formation of a child’s vision.

The lack of sunlight had a negative impact on the gases.

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

2. We lived without the sun, with artificial light.

Another important fact is that ultraviolet rays also affect the normal development of the eyes. If children spend most of their time outdoors during daylight hours, this contributes to the normal formation of the visual system and prevents vision deterioration due to myopia. For example, those children who spend 12 hours a week on the street experience myopia 10 times less often than those who spend only 3 hours a week.

3. Excessive passion for gadgets.

Let us immediately note that there are no studies that would prove the influence of gadgets on children’s vision. In order to carry them out, the purity of the experiment must be observed. That is, find a group of children who would not use phones and computers at all. These people live in areas with minimal civilization. These are, for example, Africa and Central Asia. But here it is necessary to take into account their genetics and lifestyle in general - all this affects the development of children's vision. So this is in theory, but in practice such an experiment will have little evidence.

On the other hand, it is obvious that gadgets cause overstrain of the visual system. Any phone, tablet or computer is a constant source of light. For example, reading text from a sheet of paper is much more physiological for vision. In this case, the light first falls on the book, then is reflected and hits the eyes. Whereas reading from a screen is more tiring for them.

The fact that few people use gadgets correctly also causes a lot of stress. Mostly, children play or read from the screen lying down, without observing the recommended distance of 35-40 cm from the screen.

Gadgets cause overstrain of the visual system.

Photo: Yulia PYKHALOVA


The longer you use a gadget, the more your head hurts

Long-term games on a computer or phone provoke so-called asthenopic complaints, which are associated with a violation of accommodation (the ability of the eye to focus at different distances). Focusing on nearby objects for long periods of time can cause headaches, eye strain, and decreased vision. Accommodation is disrupted much faster with regular and long-term use of VR glasses (virtual reality glasses). In this case, the same myopia may develop at an accelerated rate.


What visual pathologies have worsened?

Of course, as Igor Aznauryan says, this is myopia. And the modern lifestyle in every possible way contributes to the development of this disease. But in this case, it should be noted that all children are different and the visual system of each child has its own characteristics. At the time of quarantine, some already had myopia, some, on the contrary, had farsightedness, and some of the children suffered from astigmatism. Depending on the existing features, certain visual impairments appeared after self-isolation.

Can they be corrected? In some cases, yes, it is possible to restore eye function with conservative treatment. But it happens that the process has already started and you can only pause it. In this case, treatment will be aimed at slowing down the developing disease and conducting preventive courses to avoid further deterioration of vision.

It is necessary to limit the time children use gadgets with small screens.

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV


How to save and restore your child's eyes

Taking gadgets away from a teenager is a utopian measure. They have already become a part of our lives. But it’s worth following certain rules when performing short-distance exercises. Recommendations from Professor Igor Aznauryan:

1. Follow the regime for using gadgets. Every 20-30 minutes you need to switch your vision to studying distant objects. Let him be distracted and look out the window into the distance. The duration of such a break should be at least 5 minutes.

2. Use virtual reality glasses for no more than 15 minutes a day. Do not give this gadget to children at high risk of developing myopia or with existing myopia.

3. Reduce the time spent on gadgets with small screens. If it is possible to transfer visual load from the smartphone screen to the computer screen, be sure to do so.

4. Give preference to paper media. If possible, have all the material that your child needs to learn from the screen in printed form.

Give preference to paper media.

Photo: Maria LENZ

5. Use special glasses for working on a computer. Their lenses have a special filter that dampens the blue spectrum of the screen. This allows you to reduce visual strain. In the case when a child is prescribed any kind of spectacle correction, when choosing modern high-quality lenses for glasses, parents can be absolutely calm, because these filters are already included in them.

6. Walk more often! Look at the clouds, trees, leaves. This will be the best exercise for the eyes and the prevention of possible diseases. And don’t forget about adequate physical activity. Any sport - cycling, light jogging, swimming - has a good effect not only on general well-being, but also on vision.


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The importance of light for the eyes and the choice of sunglasses

Light starvation occurs in those people who spend little time outdoors. And the sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the clarity of vision and increase the level of its acuity. In bright sunlight, the pupil constricts to protect vision. When a person wears UV protection glasses, the pupil remains dilated and allows ultraviolet light to pass into the retina. UV protection glasses must be of high quality and have UF filters. Their purchase must be made exclusively in optical stores. For some patients, ophthalmologists recommend wearing such glasses during the day if ophthalmological ailments, a high level of photosensitivity, etc. are detected.

Limit visual stress

If there are no vision problems, the child should take a break from classes every 40 minutes, and if myopia is present, every half hour. During a 10-15 minute rest, you should not watch TV, read, play a computer or engage in other activities associated with eye strain. It's better to play outdoor games.

The duration of home lessons for primary school children should not exceed 1 hour, for middle school children – 2 hours. If a child attends additional classes, it is worth remembering that they should not last more than 1.5 hours on school days and 3 hours on weekends. At the same time, electives should not begin earlier than 8.00 and end later than 20.00.

To strengthen the immune system, it is advisable for the child to be in the fresh air every day, playing outdoor games or playing sports, but traumatic sports should be avoided. Head contusions of varying severity can cause myopia or worsen it if it already exists.

Source: depositphotos.com

How to preserve vision until old age: reading rules

When reading literature, the body should be in an upright position, and the book should be located at a distance of thirty to forty centimeters. Two sources of artificial lighting are required, one of them being the top one and shining from the left. Electronic books are especially popular; reading them in the dark is not recommended. When reading for a long time, you need to take short breaks and look into the distance, do eye exercises, after which you can return to reading.

What should a child's workplace be like?

Make your child's workplace comfortable. Supervise your student while he is doing his homework. Teach him not to slouch, carefully adjust the height of the table and chair to the child’s height. One of the most important points is the lighting of the room. To improve the flow of natural light into the room, clean the windows in the nursery regularly. Make sure artificial lighting is bright enough. When preparing homework, turn on the overhead light and desk lamp. For right-handed people it should be placed on the left, for left-handed people it should be on the right. The shade of a table lamp should not be transparent, and the power of the light bulb should be 75-100 watts. Teach your child to keep textbooks at a distance of at least 40 cm from his eyes. This habit will help you avoid problems with myopia in the future. A child’s work on a computer should be given special attention.

How to preserve and improve vision: nutritional habits

To maintain visual acuity, you need to saturate your body with essential vitamins, microelements and other nutrients.

List of products that help improve vision:

  • It’s not for nothing that blueberries take first place on the list of healthy foods. It has a beneficial effect on the cellular restoration of the retina, improves visual acuity, and reduces eye fatigue;
  • Potassium has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. It is found in large quantities in dried fruits, bananas and citrus fruits;
  • lutein serves to protect the retina. Found in corn, carrots, persimmons, avocados, etc.;
  • carotene is consumed with carrots, apricots, cherries, herbs, asparagus, spinach and eggplants;
  • vitamin A is found in egg yolk and butter;
  • sulfur is found in onions and garlic and helps improve vision clarity;
  • taurine has a beneficial effect on fiber. It is found in black and green teas.

In order to preserve your eyesight, you need to eat fish, nuts, cereals, vegetable oils and dairy products.


Strengthen your child's immunity. A strong body is less susceptible to various diseases. The baby should be in the fresh air every day. A variety of sports sections will be indispensable in this regard. In the summer it can be football, basketball, volleyball, running and cycling, in the winter - skiing and skating. Regardless of your personal eating habits, remember that your child should eat a varied and balanced diet. His diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein (fish, eggs, lean meat), calcium (dairy products, nuts, legumes) and foods with a high concentration of vitamins A, C, E (carrots, pumpkin, apricots, citrus fruits). (specify which products).

How to preserve vision after 40: when to see a doctor

Serious illnesses do not manifest themselves clearly at first, and many people ignore them, attributing the symptoms to fatigue after a day of work. If the slightest deterioration in vision occurs, you should visit a medical specialist in the field of ophthalmology.

The main symptoms indicating the appearance of vision problems:

  • the appearance of fog and blurriness in the eyes;
  • splitting of objects;
  • visual distortion;
  • the appearance of “floaters” and opacities;
  • the appearance of rainbow circles and halos around lamps;
  • painful sensations in the eyes;
  • redness, swelling, dryness;
  • tearfulness;
  • high eye fatigue;
  • discomfort from bright light sources;
  • migraines, discomfort when wearing glasses;
  • eye injury.

Even in the absence of the above symptoms, in order to maintain vision after 40 years, you need to visit an ophthalmologist from time to time for examination. Adults should visit an ophthalmologist once every 12 months, children - once every 3-12 months, then this examination is carried out every 24 months, and after 7 years - every year.

Healthy sleep

A child needs more time for proper rest than an adult.
Make sure your baby sleeps 10-12 hours a day. This way, the eyes will have time to rest and there will be no overstrain of the visual analyzer. Do not forget also that the child needs to alternate between different types of activities. Make his schedule so that studying alternates with walks, games or sports. This will not only strengthen the baby’s vision, but will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. Photo: flickr.com Tags:

  • Children
  • Vision

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Do eye exercises

In between classes, it is advisable not only to relax, but to perform a few simple eye exercises. Gymnastics will help prevent the appearance of myopia, and in myopic children, prevent its further development. Five-minute exercises improve blood circulation, relaxing the extraocular muscles and relieving eye fatigue. Gymnastics is as follows:

  • close your eyes for 2-3 seconds, then open them for the same time. Repeat 5-7 times;
  • turn your eyes alternately left and right. The head should remain motionless;
  • Place your finger at a distance of 30-35 cm from your eyes. Look at its tip. Lower your hand. Repeat 3-5 times;
  • closing your eyes, massage your eyelids. At the top - from the nose to the outer edge of the eye, at the bottom - vice versa.

It is important that the exercises are performed with pleasure and without stress. Then daily exercise will be an excellent prevention of vision problems in schoolchildren.

Source: depositphotos.com

Computer – helper and enemy

An appeal to ophthalmologists made it possible to conduct a kind of statistical study: professional users of personal computers were treated with myopia syndrome and general visual impairment much more often than moderate users. Just 8 hours of work at a PC - the usual daily norm of a clerk-operator - already reduces the eye's ability to focus light, concentrate and restore damaged blood vessels. Very often, night sleep, the main means of recovery, cannot cope with increasing loads.

This disorder is “computer syndrome”. Let's figure out how to preserve and restore vision if you have it.

Reminder for reducing complications from PC

  1. Additional moistening of the eyes with artificial tears will lead to the formation of a powerful protective “screen” at the retina;
  2. 3-4 hours a day is the optimal period of work on a personal computer;
  3. It is advisable to maintain the position of the monitor parallel to the tilt of the head, while the edge of the monitor from above should be below the level of the bridge of the nose;

An excellent remedy is glasses with lenses without dioptric approximation.

Vision care room - a “gym” for the eyes

Within the Kronos Optics salons, there are several “gyms” - vision care rooms, where each device is designed to train certain visual functions.

Who should visit the Vision Care Office? Spoiler: most children!

Classes in the Vision Protection Room are indicated primarily for children, since all children are at risk for the progression of myopia (poor vision at long distances). It is important to understand that in childhood the rapid development of many eye diseases can be stopped. Part of the program to restore and improve vision is hardware treatment - regular eye training, which, together with correct vision correction with glasses, gives positive results. These trainings (as in good sports schools, by the way) are compiled according to individual programs.

Very often, training is also indicated for those children who do not wear glasses, because all modern schoolchildren, without exception, receive colossal visual stress. The widespread use of smartphones and tablet computers leads to a steadily increasing number of cases of acquired myopia every year.

Can adults visit hardware treatment rooms? Is it too late?

Adults also need training designed to maintain visual acuity, because modern people, as a rule, spend more than six hours a day at the computer and various gadgets.

How can I find out if I need to visit the Vision Care Office?

You can sign up for an eye test at any Kronos Optics salon convenient for you: Make an appointment with a doctor

The addresses of Kronos Optics salons where vision care offices operate can be found here. You can have your eyesight checked at any of the 76 salons.

What is treated at the Vision Care Office?

In the Vision Protection Rooms, hardware treatment of various refractive disorders is carried out: myopia (myopia), hypermetropia (farsightedness), amblyopia (lazy eye syndrome - when there are no organic reasons for the eye not to see, but vision is still reduced), violation accommodation (false myopia), strabismus.

What devices are used for eye training?

The most advanced technology is used for treatment. For example, the Sinoptofor

, used for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of strabismus, has replaced outdated analogues and has already proven its effectiveness.

If the existence in the world of gadgets cannot be avoided, then to prevent myopia you can use training on the Visotronic ophthalmic simulator-relaxer.

. Such classes are indicated both for existing vision problems and for their prevention. “Visotronic” refers to those devices whose activities are suitable for both children and adults.

First of all, the Visotronic device is intended to train the eye muscles that provide accommodation, that is, the ability to see at different distances. Exercises on Visotronics are comfortable and absolutely safe. All device parameters are adjusted directly to you or your child. The process is monitored using a convenient display.

Magnetic therapy device

helps with inflammatory eye diseases, with hemorrhage in the eyes, is used for “lazy eye” syndrome and in combination with other devices to stop the progression of myopia.

There is also a laser therapy machine

- used for farsightedness and lazy eye syndrome.

Apparatus "Rucheek"

designed to train the eye muscles and the ability to see at different distances.

Semi-game techniques using computer programs are also widely used - “Pleoptics”, “Contour”, “Eye” and others. The form of the game helps to easily learn recommendations that help adapt the visual system to modern living conditions.

How long does treatment at the Vision Care Office last?

The minimum course of treatment in the Vision Protection Room is 10 procedures. 1 lesson lasts 30-40 minutes. The course is best repeated twice a year.

How much do classes in the Vision Care Room cost?

The price of one procedure using the Sinoptofor device is 199 rubles. On Vizotronika - 499 rubles. The cost of other procedures is from 120 to 200 rubles.

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