Blue lenses for brown eyes, rules for selecting light lenses

Difficulty of selection

Owners of such eyes often buy TsKL in an effort to change. The dark colored part of the optic membrane is difficult to change using contact optics.

TsKL will look dull in combination with brown eyes. To cover up the natural color, you need to choose high-quality products. The amount of dense pigment should be sufficient to give the shell a new shade.

The richer the pigmentation of the iris, the denser the lens dye located in its central layer should be.

Types of products

In terms of the degree of coloration, there are three main types of decorative lenses for brown eyes:

  1. Dense colored lenses with rich pigmentation that allow you to completely change the color of the iris.
  2. Products with a slight coloring effect that cannot change the brown color of the eyes, but can give a different shade to the iris. Such lenses are called tint lenses.
  3. Effect lenses. They can not only change the color of the eyes, but also give the look a special originality thanks to the applied patterns. The designs can be very diverse: soccer balls, flowers, patterns, figures, etc. Also, such lenses can give the look a glowing effect or contain several iridescent shades.

Types of lenses

In addition, there are several types of lenses depending on the characteristics of their use:

  • lenses for daytime use only. Such products are removed during sleep;
  • lenses that can be used without interruption for 3 days;
  • products that can be worn continuously for up to 7 days;
  • lenses that you can wear for a month without taking them off.

Blue lenses for brown eyes

The rich pigment can be changed to a pleasant light one. Blue contact products look beautiful.

To change Brian's very dark eyes, buy toric, gas-permeable contact lenses. If they are not very dark, buy CL with bright tint.

Such contact products are suitable for those with fair skin. The sea wave emphasizes the best qualities of blondes, making the look more expressive and brighter. There are two types of blue CLs. These are intense, which change the natural pigmentation of the iris, and tint, which enhance the native shade.

Lenses from the Adria Color 3 tone, Elegan and Glamorous series will help you change it and maintain naturalness. These products have a large palette of colors. Oxygen permeability is high, moisture content is also high.

Colored lenses for blue, green, gray eyes

Colored products can be selected to replace any iris color. This is easiest for those with light tones. What colored lenses are suitable for blue eyes: almost any product is suitable for faded and light shades - sea wave, turquoise, sapphire will emphasize the depth of the natural shade and make it more saturated.

To completely replace the color of blue, green or gray colors, films with a multi-layer paint coating are used. Brown lenses will completely hide your natural color.

Recommendations for selection

You need to choose in specialized stores. First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of contact lenses, then focus on the price category.

Shade palettes may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. It is recommended to visit several optical salons before making your final choice. Read the rules of use, buy several storage containers if you buy several sets.


Suitable for those with a warm tea tone, whose iris is not too bright. Honey is bought by blondes and people with fair skin.


Gold colored contact products are suitable for users with very dark irises and warm tea tones.


The coloring of contact lenses is rich, bright and fascinating. Along the edge there is a black rim that covers the rich brown color of the iris. In bright light the natural color is visible.


Suitable for faces with green spots. High-quality products will completely cover the natural color.

Yellow looks very natural. It won't be too bright as when used for blue eyes.


This coloring is suitable for romantic and courageous individuals. Increased attention from the opposite sex cannot be avoided.

Models with a dark rim will look advantageous. They will add brightness.


This optics is neutral. It goes perfectly with any type of appearance. In combination with brown eyes, the CL can be light gray, dark gray or blue-gray.

Optical products of the highest quality are offered by Ophthalmix (Pearl Gray) and Air Optix Colors (Sterling Gray). They cover even dark pigment.


CL series Hydrocor brightens the eyes. This model is new to the ophthalmological market. It brightens the eyes, giving the most natural pigmentation to the iris, regardless of the brightness and depth of color, since a sufficient amount of pigment is applied to them.

CL tint. Different models in this series have different lightening strengths. Suitable for faces with very dark irises.

Swamp or light green

If your eyes are brown with hints of green pigment or are chameleon-like, these types of CLs will work. A person’s eyes will look natural, without raising questions among others. Not bright.

Excellent coverage of Ophthalmix Butterfly CL pigment. They are inexpensive.


Suitable for users with warm brown eyes. They perfectly cover the dark iris interspersed with green.


Green overlapping brown eyes can be of different shades. They add femininity, beauty and mystery. Users who use them will certainly not be left without attention.

The following shades will suit brown-eyed guys and girls:

  • sapphire;
  • aventurine;
  • chrysolite;
  • beryl;
  • emerald;
  • amethyst;
  • jasper.


These contact products completely cover the natural color. Black ones are more often used for carnivals, parties or Halloween.

In them, the user turns into a vampire for one evening or portrays a cat woman using special “cat lenses.”

Leaders in the production of colored lenses

One of the main tips when purchasing lenses is not to buy them from unverified manufacturers. You should not skimp on things that concern such a sensitive organ as the eye. At best, you can get an allergy, and at worst, you can lose your sight. A guarantee that the lenses are of high quality is the fact that they are sold in trusted optics and have the necessary certificates. The leaders in the production of colored lenses are the following manufacturers:

  • Alcon;
  • Johnson & Johnson;
  • Bausch&Lomb;
  • CIBA Vision;
  • Carl Zeiss;
  • Bescon;
  • OK Vision.

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There are other young lens companies that are not yet household names, but have already won the trust of new users.

Reviews of brown eyes

Evangelia: I have long wanted to change the natural color to green. I took the purchase seriously and bought a solution and a storage container. Looking in the mirror, I discovered that the CLs had completely covered up my brown color.

Elena: After changing to a bluish-green tint, it felt unusual for some time. I attract a lot of attention, and I like it. I will soon order gray and emerald lenses.

Maxim: I always thought that only girls use such lenses to attract attention, until I tried to change the natural color. The main thing is to choose the right one so that the eyes are natural and not too bright.

What they look like before your eyes

Carnival CLs look very impressive. They give the appearance originality and make the image unique.

Any blue-colored products, even tinted ones, are suitable for gray eyes. They will make your look brighter and more expressive.

Photo BeforePhoto After

For green eyes, bright blue optics should be selected with caution. After all, an iris of this color belongs to dark shades, and therefore you can cover up your native color with products with a strong pigment

For brown eyes, as well as for green ones, you need to buy bright and rich CLs. They will completely transform dark-eyed people.

But tinted lenses will not be able to completely cover the color, but they will add originality to the appearance.

Blue or blue CLs will make your look bright and memorable. Whatever products you choose, the main thing is that they bring joy during use. By choosing the right and high-quality products, you can change your appearance at your own discretion. Beautiful and healthy eyes to you!

How to care and store

If these are not daily lenses, then every evening they should be removed before removing makeup with clean and dry hands with neatly trimmed nails. After this, they need to be washed with a special solution for storing lenses and placed in a special container with a clean solution, each in its own compartment, without getting confused. This must be done every day without exception, otherwise you can get an infection in the eye. You need to have plastic tweezers with silicone tips in a separate container to remove the lenses in the morning. If you use your fingernails, you may tear or scratch the lenses.

More thorough cleaning should be carried out at least once a month or as recommended by the manufacturer. It is produced using enzyme solutions or tablets.

Those who use daily lenses don't need anything other than tweezers. Every morning they take a new pair out of a new disposable container of clean solution and throw them away in the evening.


Blue lenses are popular because they have many advantages:

  • Can be worn even by people who do not have vision problems. They will add zest to your style.
  • A new eye color will allow you to dye your hair a different color. Together with suitable optics, this will create a feminine and romantic image.
  • Some types can be worn for months, thereby saving money. Nowadays, even long-term wear optics are made from thin materials that are practically not felt in the eye and do not cause discomfort.

There is no need to worry that such products may harm your eyes. The paint used in their production is applied to the outer surface, so they are harmless to the cornea of ​​the eyes.

Blue lenses on brown eyes - photo

Blue lenses come in many shades, so you can choose them for any eye color - both light brown and dark brown. For dark eyes, you need to choose a product of a more saturated color.

How to choose the right one

To purchase suitable blue lenses, you need to take into account the eye color that nature has endowed. The main requirement for optics for brown eyes is brightness and color saturation.

If you put decorative blue eyeliners of a light or transparent shade on brown eyes, they will have virtually no effect, since on dark eyes they will simply lose color. That's why it's so important to choose the right tint for your contact lenses.

Not only color is important, but also many other characteristics. The optics should be made of a very soft and ultra-thin material that will give the eyes a radiant tint.

Types of blue contact lenses

In order for the eyes to look natural, it is necessary to select a decorative product in such a way that its diameter matches the diameter of the iris of the eye, or partially overlaps it.

You should not save money when choosing blue contact lenses. Cheap models may give results that differ from your expectations - the color will not be suitable, or the eyes will look unnatural.

  1. You need to buy color optics only in specialized stores. It is highly undesirable to order them on the Internet - they may send you something that will be very different from what is shown on the pages of the online store. Lenses are an individual optical device and it is recommended to purchase them after trying them on.
  2. It should be remembered that such products cannot be worn for longer than a certain period of time. It could be just one day, or a month, or a year. Before purchasing them, you should definitely consult with an ophthalmologist.
  3. When purchasing, you need to not only make sure that the optics meet the characteristics you need. You need to put them on, look at objects located near and far, and blink. It happens that discomfort when wearing is not felt immediately, but after some time. If there is no discomfort from the presence of the patch on the eye, your vision becomes sharp, and the shade matches your expectations, you can safely pay for the purchase.
  4. When choosing colored lenses, you need to choose the right shade. Blue lenses can have many tones. Popular colors include aquamarine, sapphire or sea green. For some, a pearly bluish or bright blue sky shade is more suitable, which can add femininity and softness to the image.

Photo - how blue lenses look on brown eyes

The shade should be selected depending on the natural eye color. The darker the eyes, the brighter shades of blue you should give preference to. In addition, when choosing, you should think about the dramatic changes in your image that will have to be made so that the new eye color is in harmony with all the other elements in your appearance.

Blue eye color can say a lot about a person's character to the people around him. People with blue eyes are bold and confident people who love to experiment, constantly search for themselves and are not afraid to challenge life's ups and downs. Changes in appearance that will occur when eye color changes should be taken into account when choosing a new style in clothing, hairstyle and everything else.

Other points to consider when choosing blue contact lenses:

  • You cannot completely change your eye color. An unpainted area is left in place of the pupil. And since the pupil tends to change depending on external conditions, the gap in this place will be noticeable.
  • The lenses change eye color and look natural at a certain distance. Up close, you can still notice the difference between the natural eye color and the color of the optics.
  • While the eyeball is moving, the colored patch is not able to move at the same speed, so it is not advisable to rotate your eyes quickly if you want them to look natural.
  • It is better to go to the store to choose optics in not bright clothes and not to apply bright makeup, since choosing the right shade will be much more difficult.
  • You should not take the first blue lenses you come across, even if they seem to fit perfectly. It is better to experiment with manufacturers and shades of blue. Perhaps one option will be much preferable to another.
  • Along with the product, you need to buy special containers, and each one should have its own marking so as not to confuse which eye pad is intended for which eye.
  • While wearing decorative optics, it is highly undesirable to rub your eyes. This can cause the pads to shift, which will not only cause discomfort, but will also ruin the natural appearance of the eyes.
  • When air humidity is low, it is recommended to instill special drops into the eyes. To choose the right one, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

Like any other lenses, colored lenses should be removed before going to bed. Otherwise, the next day your eyes may appear red and painful due to irritation of the mucous membrane.


When choosing blue contact lenses, the manufacturer matters. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the natural shade of brown eyes, but also the color of hair and skin, as well as the desired result.

For example, if you want dramatic changes in eye color, it is best to choose manufacturers such as FreshLook ColorBlends, Bausch and Lomb or Acuvue 2 Colors Opaques. If you want to add a shine and shine effect, the best option would be FreshLook Radiance.

FreshLook products are distinguished by their special production technology. They have three properties that allow your eyes to look natural, give them depth and make your eyes attractive. The production uses a special technology that allows you to imitate the natural pattern of the iris. You can wear them for no more than a month.

Blue contact lenses – FreshLook

Acuvue 2 Colors Opaques lenses are suitable for those people who are allergic to the dyes used in colored lenses, since they color the inside rather than the outside.

They have three color layers that can accurately imitate the natural appearance of the iris. Products from Acuvue have gained wide popularity in the world due to their thinness, due to which they are not felt on the eyes.

Most models from this manufacturer are intended for one-day wear.

Lenses from the manufacturer Acuvue 2

Bausch and Lomb is not so categorical in the production of decorative optics. They apply coloring compounds using different methods, so lenses of the same color may look different on different eyes. When dyeing, it is not a color pigment that is used, but many layers of color film of different thicknesses, due to which the color shade is formed.

Bausch and Lomb - contact lens manufacturer

Choosing blue contact lenses for brown eyes is not such a difficult task. If the ophthalmologist approves such a decision, you can safely head to the nearest optical store and select the right product. A competent approach to the shade and following the specified recommendations will allow you to change your appearance, add zest to your appearance and amaze the people around you with incredible changes in your image.


There are a huge number of decorative lenses on the market. And the price range is wide. The cost of the product depends on several factors:

  • manufacturer. The more famous it is, the higher the price;
  • duration of wearing. The shorter the period of use of the product, the higher the price;
  • material. Hydrogel, silicone hydrogel and water-gradient lenses are now produced. The price of the latter is an order of magnitude higher, which is due to their quality and increased breathability;
  • color. Blue contact lenses are not the most expensive. A pair of one-day items can be purchased for 250 rubles. Long-term wear costs a little more.

Make brown ones green

Basic modification methods (other than using lenses) that will help turn brown into green:

  1. Laser correction. Changing the iris with a laser is a quick operation that does not cause discomfort or pain. During this procedure, a laser beam is applied to this area, which eliminates melanin cells. The iris gradually brightens.
  2. Radical surgery. After gaining access to the iris, a lens implant is inserted into a puncture made in the lateral part of the cornea. Removing it or replacing it with an implant of a different color will not be difficult.

Other methods will not allow you to radically change the shade: with their help you can create an emphasis on other details that will distract from the shade. This is the use of bright shadows or mascara, changing the lighting.

Color correctors for green eyes

Suitable lenses are listed below:


This color makes the eyes expressive and the gaze deep. Violet optical correctors are suitable for green eyes. The natural color of the iris does not show through. Find out whether colored lenses harm your eyesight in this article.

Purple lenses on brown eyes


Films that completely cover the natural color are suitable for green eyes. You need to make sure that the image completely covers the natural iris, otherwise a brown edging will remain. This also includes yellow lenses.


Turquoise tint correctors are enough to change the iris, since these shades are similar.


Contact ones are scleral, that is, they completely cover the entire iris and extend to the entire space of the eye. These products are used for decorative purposes. Suitable for dark brown eyes.

Blue and green

This deep blue color is also suitable for greens: it easily covers the natural shade.

Tinted greens will help emphasize the look, enhance the natural shade, make it deeper.

cat's eye

Cat's eye is a product of different colors with an oblong black pupil. For those with green eyes, correctors with natural shades are suitable.

It must be remembered that black and other decorative films are very drying, so it is not recommended to wear them for more than 6 hours. The best manufacturers of colored lenses are presented here.


There are a huge number of decorative lenses on the market. And the price range is wide. The cost of the product depends on several factors:

  • manufacturer. The more famous it is, the higher the price;
  • duration of wearing. The shorter the period of use of the product, the higher the price;
  • material. Hydrogel, silicone hydrogel and water-gradient lenses are now produced. The price of the latter is an order of magnitude higher, which is due to their quality and increased breathability;
  • color. Blue contact lenses are not the most expensive. A pair of one-day items can be purchased for 250 rubles. Long-term wear costs a little more.

On average, the price of blue lenses varies from 300 to 5,000 rubles. Doctors do not recommend buying a product that is too cheap, since material of dubious quality may be used for their manufacture. It is better to pay attention to optics, the price of which is 1000 rubles or more.

Watch a video on how to choose colored contact lenses for brown eyes:

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