If you read from a smartphone in the dark, you can temporarily lose your sight

How to ruin your eyesight? Simple, but much more difficult to restore later.
Among the factors that can have a bad effect on it are bad habits, diet, reading while walking and a number of diseases.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any medications have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! Here you can make an appointment with a doctor.

Bad advice No. 1. The office should be as cramped as possible and the air should be dry

The more employees and office equipment per square meter, the sooner discomfort in the eyes will make itself felt, says Tatyana Kharitonchik.
After all, it’s not only computer monitors that harm your eyesight. Active assistants in this matter are coolers, ventilating system units and air conditioners (it doesn’t matter so much whether they work for heating or cooling): firstly, they greatly dry out the air, and secondly, they provide active migration of dust and pathogenic microorganisms (especially if one of your colleagues has a cold). Oxygen starvation, lack of moisture and bacterial attack on the organs of vision are ensured

“Eye tissues love the natural environment with a natural microbial composition, and if you want them to stop “breathing,” forget about the fact that there are windows in the office, stop ventilation,” says Tatyana Kharitonchik.

The first to “give up” in a dry, stuffy room are the outer membranes of the eyes - the cornea and conjunctiva, which due to excessive dryness become susceptible to infections. The negative impact increases sharply if the air flow from the air conditioner and cooler is directed directly at you. Many who have practiced this have already been to an ophthalmological hospital with such a pathology as chalazion - inflammation, blockage of the gland that produces fatty lubricant of the eye.

Bad advice No. 3. Light your workplace with energy-saving and fluorescent lamps

Halogen lamps are considered by many to be a relic of the past due to their limited lifespan. Modern trends only make things worse for the eyes, says the ophthalmologist: the even and soft glow from the “Ilyich bulb”, which occurs due to the incandescence of the spiral, is most comfortable for the visual organs. And energy-saving fluorescent lamps, with all the technical and economic advantages, have a microflicker effect, which causes the eye muscles to further strain. Manufacturers, of course, are trying, improving their models, trying to “remove” this harmful feature, but for now, according to the doctor, their statements are more of a commercial and advertising nature. By the way, the microflicker effect exists on a computer screen, a smartphone, and a tablet, especially with a low resolution.

When you look attentively and motionlessly at a flickering luminous image, your blinking slows down. The mucous membrane is poorly moistened with tears, a feeling of sand, itching, discomfort and burning appears. Pain when moving the eyes, headache, and dizziness may occur. Forget about taking breaks every hour - and dry eye syndrome along with myopia will not take long to occur.

Gymnastics for the eyes

How else can you put off going to the ophthalmologist?

Do gymnastics! Here are some examples:

1. Look at the ceiling, then look at the floor. After that, right and left. Repeat the steps 8 - 12 times without changing the position of your head, this will help restore normal blood circulation.

2. Extend your index finger in front of your eyes. Look at him. Then, for 3 seconds, look at the finger with your right eye, then with your left. Repeat this exercise 6 - 8 times.

3. Try focusing on a distant object so that it is clearly visible to you, and then defocus it so that the object becomes blurry. Repeat 3 - 5 times.

There are also special programs for training your visual system, for example Anti-EyeStrain, Eyes Keeper. They are specifically designed to prevent further decline in the quality of vision.

These simple exercises will also help you improve your health.

Here at this link you can do eye exercises without looking up from your computer in between tasks.

Do glasses harm your eyesight?

The main argument against wearing glasses is psychological. After a person takes them off, he feels discomfort. The picture around becomes less clear, and there is a desire to return everything back to make it better. It seems like there is an addiction. But this does not mean that vision deteriorates. Scientists from the American Academy of Ophthalmology have found an explanation for this phenomenon: the brain quickly gets used to receiving accurate signals, so it takes time for the system to break down and everything to return to normal. This does not mean that vision has deteriorated; on the contrary, over time the picture will be restored.

Lenses are needed to correct any visual abnormality. These include hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (nearsightedness), and presbyopia (age-related farsightedness). And if you wear glasses all your life, and with age you discover that your vision has deteriorated - this is absolutely normal. There is a concept of “age-related farsightedness,” which is observed in people aged 40-50 years. The aging process affects the lens of the eye, causing it to lose elasticity and make it more difficult to focus quickly. In this situation, it is harmful to do without lenses; you need to go to the doctor. Visibility will improve if you use diopters with a plus sign. With myopia, another problem arises: the eye cannot see clearly in the distance, which also requires correction, since constant tension can lead to headaches and discomfort.

How to quickly ruin your eyesight?

Some people are very impatient and want results right away. And for such impatient people there will be ways to quickly ruin their eyesight in 5 minutes. You need to try the McCollough effect for yourself. A colorless grid will appear in front of you, which will appear colored. And the visible color will be formed depending on the orientation of the lines - if you look at black lines on a purple or green space, on a white background these lines will already be green or purple.

To get the desired effect, you need to look alternately at the green and purple stripes for 15 minutes for 30 seconds. In a white image, vertical lines will appear green and horizontal lines will appear purple. The white background will be replaced by a “chessboard” look with multi-colored fields.

The effect is also obtained when looking with one eye, and this is direct evidence of binocular interaction.

It is worth warning that this exercise is very harmful to the eyes. In just a matter of minutes, you can lose your former visual acuity and stop seeing for a long time as before. If you want to cancel the effect, then immediately start looking at the purple image, and then at the green image.

For most people, 15 minutes after the test, the brain returns to normal vision. There are often cases when vision deteriorated for a much longer period, and even doctors had to intervene.

How to preserve vision or preventive measures

Important! Such disastrous consequences do not mean that you should abandon the “machine” completely. It is enough to follow a few rules so that your vision does not deteriorate:

  1. Set the monitor mode to the lowest resolution, but with a frequency of at least 80 Hz.
  2. Adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen so that the image is as clear as possible.
  3. The distance from the eyes to the monitor should be at least 50 cm, and preferably 70 cm. The optimal tilt of the monitor is 15 degrees.
  4. Place your monitor so that ambient lighting reduces glare. That is, it is impossible, for example, for the sun to shine on your back while working at the computer.
  5. When reading text on a screen (watching a movie, pictures, etc.), try not to look too hard at the image.
  6. Blink more often.
  7. Take a 5-minute eye rest every hour. Get up, walk, look into the distance, out the window.
  8. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: Look 20 feet (6 meters) away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
  9. Add foods that have a positive effect on vision to your diet: carrots, blueberries, celery, nuts.
  10. Use special glasses or contact lenses designed for computer use.
  11. Ventilate the room (office or apartment) more often.
  12. Visit your ophthalmologist for a preventive eye exam at least once every six months.
  13. Do special exercises for your eyes not only while working at the computer, but also at any free time (in the morning or before bed).

Bad advice

A person is given a lot from birth, and if you treat it with care, you can live a long time and not have any health problems. But for some reason many people are not happy with this situation. People go to great lengths to harm themselves. It has long been known that a person’s worst enemy is himself. Based on this, you can easily solve the problem of how to ruin your eyesight. There are proven methods for this.

Bad habits

What bad habits are has long been known. The most common ones include the following:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • poor nutrition.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, coupled with poor environmental conditions, has a strong negative impact on the organs of vision. The basis of any alcoholic drink is ethyl alcohol. When even a small amount of this component is ingested, the pressure inside the skull increases. In this case, capillaries rupture in the blood supply system of the eye and small hemorrhages form.

Long-term and regular abuse of alcoholic beverages leads to the formation of a pronounced vascular network on the whites of the eyes. In this case, a person may feel pain and itching in the eyes. The blood supply to the eye muscles is disrupted, and visual acuity decreases. In addition, alcohol destroys the nerve cells of the fundus, and their atrophy reduces the conductivity of the optic nerve.

As a result of prolonged alcohol abuse, you can not only damage your vision, but also lose it completely.

Nicotine is a powerful drug that causes many diseases, including cancer. During smoking, a strong spasm of blood vessels occurs, while the tissues of the organs of vision suffer from a lack of oxygen, which is carried by normal blood flow. There is a whole list of eye diseases that are caused by smoking:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • damage to the optic nerve;
  • nicotine amblyopia;
  • cataract;
  • uveitis

The tarry substances contained in tobacco smoke are the strongest allergens. Constant irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes from tobacco smoke will sooner or later lead to conjunctivitis. Vascular spasm in the visual organs often ends in blockage, which disrupts or stops the blood supply to the retina, and this is a direct path to blindness.

In tobacco amblyopia, the macula, located in the central part of the retina, is damaged. One of the important functions of the central zone is the recognition of the smallest elements of the visual field. As a result of prolonged exposure to nicotine, visual acuity is noticeably reduced.

The effects of tobacco are especially dangerous for older people, since the body’s recovery system from exposure to negative factors no longer works.

Clouding of the lens, or cataracts, occurs four times more often in people who smoke than in those who do not smoke. Uveitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that can result in complete blindness. It is very harmful to the organs of vision to be in the same room with smokers. Passive smoking, in some cases, can be more dangerous than smoking yourself.
An unhealthy diet, and especially a passion for fast food, will certainly cause visual impairment. Fast food in the form of hamburgers and cheeseburgers is completely devoid of vitamins that are so necessary for the eyes.

To quickly damage your eyesight, you should completely give up vegetables and fruits, drink alcohol and smoke at least a pack of cigarettes a day.

Visual load

The organs of vision, like any other elements of the body, have their own load resource. Under no circumstances should they be overloaded, and if this happens, a period of relaxation is necessary. Visual strain most often occurs when looking at closely located objects, which causes tension in the eye muscles. An important factor in eye strain is the distance at which the object in question is located. Long-term and repeated studies have shown that the optimal distance for the eye muscles is 33 cm. It is at this distance that it is recommended to read and write.
In educational institutions, especially in the lower grades, children are taught to read and write at the correct distance, but at home, when there is no constant supervision over the child, he can easily damage his eyesight.

A separate point is working at the computer. Moreover, this is not only writing texts, but also browsing websites, computer games and correspondence on social networks. Computer vision syndrome is developing - already an officially registered vision pathology by world ophthalmologists.

There are a large number of works that are called precision. Those who are engaged in this type of activity use auxiliary optical devices and work according to a certain schedule, alternating work and rest. By overloading your eyes and not giving them proper rest, you can damage your vision so much that you will need the intervention of an ophthalmologist.

Wearing glasses and contacts

Glasses and contact lenses are designed to correct vision defects, but in some cases they can ruin it, although this opinion is disputed by a number of scientists.
In order for glasses to provide effective assistance for visual pathologies, they must be carefully selected. Moreover, the ophthalmologist checks each eye separately, since it rarely happens that the diopters of both eyes coincide. If the glasses are chosen incorrectly, the brain forms a fuzzy picture, while the eye muscles are in constant tension. There is no clear evidence in ophthalmological practice that poorly fitted glasses or contact lenses can worsen visual acuity. But Bates, an American scientist of the last century, proved that when patients got rid of glasses by constantly wearing them, their vision improved slightly.

Lack of preventive examinations

If you never visit an ophthalmologist, you can guarantee that by a certain age your vision will be damaged. The fact is that most eye diseases do not develop instantly and a preventive examination will allow you to identify the pathology at an early stage and take appropriate measures. Often a person does not even suspect that he is developing a dangerous eye disease. Early diagnosis will make it possible to use gentle methods when establishing pathology. Otherwise, serious treatment or surgery may be required.

Bad light

A rather controversial issue is the influence of poor lighting on the occurrence and development of eye pathologies. In principle, reading or any work in low light causes increased stress on the eye muscles, but in fact it trains them and should not cause any negative consequences. On the other hand, increased load does not benefit the visual organs, and special exercise sets have been developed and successfully used to train the eye muscles. Therefore, it is better to use comfortable lighting for reading so as not to overload your eyes too much.

Frequently advertised energy-saving fluorescent lamps will help to spoil your eyesight. Unlike conventional incandescent lamps, they operate in pulse mode. Although their flickering is very fast and cannot be noticed, it does have a negative effect on the eyes.

Lack of sleep

The impact of sleep on visual impairment should not be underestimated. Often, after a short and poor-quality sleep, dryness and accompanying pain are felt in the eyes, and after a sleepless night there is complete discomfort. Regular lack of sleep leads to a persistent change in intraocular pressure. This, in turn, can cause damage to the optic nerve, up to its complete atrophy. Long-term exposure to sleep deprivation often leads to glaucoma.

How to read books correctly so as not to damage your eyesight?

Criteria for eye-safe text:

  • fairly large font;
  • fairly wide line spacing;
  • optimal contrast between paper color and font;
  • high quality printing: the text should not be “blind” and the paper should not be see-through;
  • The style of the text should be as uniform as possible (without the frequent appearance of characters of different heights);
  • the text should be easy to understand (for more complex content - for example, a scientific article, a dissertation - it is recommended to give your eyes a rest when reading it repeatedly).

Text options:

  • Criteria for room illumination when reading
  • Minimum illumination - 100 lux.
  • Overhead light (chandelier) is desirable in a living room and strictly required in a work space (office, reading room, etc.).
  • The recommended power of a table lamp is 60 W. The lamp must have a tight lampshade.

In order to reduce visual strain on your eyes and not put strain on your back, follow these simple rules.

  • Read only in a sitting position, preferably at a table, slightly bending forward.
  • The distance from the eyes to the book should be at least 30 cm.
  • Do not read under any circumstances, in a lying position, or in transport: in these cases it is impossible to maintain a fixed distance from the eyes to the book.

Behavior in daily life

To deteriorate your vision, you do not need to resort to radical measures. Just make a few small changes to your daily lifestyle and you will achieve your goal. Here are a few possible options:

  1. Do you like to drink alcohol and smoke a cigarette sometimes? Do this even more often, and then your body will stop receiving vitamins that are beneficial for vision.
  2. Stop consuming foods containing vitamins A and E in your diet. They are responsible for eye sharpness. Avoid broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, greens, avocados, and liver.
  3. Do not consult a doctor under any circumstances when your eyes begin to water and excess discharge appears. Let them continue to itch, don’t buy any drops, don’t fix the problem. Increased symptoms coupled with inaction will definitely worsen your vision, even to the point of disability. This is your chance to become visually disabled!
  4. Do you like to read books? So now do it on public transport. From the constant flashing of letters, your vision will very quickly give up and stop working as it should.

Bad advice No. 5. When giving your eyes a rest, limit yourself to computer visual gymnastics programs.

According to the doctor, it is impossible to achieve complete relaxation of the visual organs during computer gymnastics, since they do not exclude contact with a luminous and flickering object, and the movements of the eyeballs during such training are limited by the size of the screen.

There are several options for relaxing your eyes. The first is a free wandering gaze into the distance, as happens when looking at the landscapes outside the window. Second, the eyes are tightly closed and the body is as relaxed as possible. The third is to make eyes at your colleagues, wink, and make “shine!” with your eyes. and... laugh. With a sincere smile, the muscles of the face and the muscles around the eyes naturally relax, the body is filled with serotonin, raising the overall tone. But for those who long to wear glasses, such a pastime will not be interesting.

Is it possible to restore vision, and how to do it?

If you feel that your vision has deteriorated, you should immediately contact a specialist who should carry out a diagnosis. Having determined the degree of complexity of the problem, the doctor may prescribe surgery, laser correction, or treatment with drugs.

And, of course, as treatment and prevention, you should regularly perform eye exercises, monitor your diet and sufficient intake of vitamin A. Among the popular and effective methods for restoring vision, one can note the method of Norbekov, Zhdanov, Bates and other specialists.

To summarize, it should be concluded that preserving vision is a feasible task for everyone. However, it can also be spoiled quite easily. Therefore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all the tips for maintaining healthy vision so that you never experience the feeling of blurred vision, tearing and other unpleasant symptoms of visual impairment.

Note! All information provided in the article is for informational purposes only and does not encourage you to worsen your vision! For any violations, consult a doctor.

Why do my eyes get so tired?

Manifestations of computer vision syndrome

At first they do not cause much discomfort, but over time they can seriously complicate life and damage vision. Symptoms include redness and fatigue of the eyes, watery eyes, pain in the eye sockets and forehead, dryness and pain in the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, headache, blurred vision and progression of myopia.

The eyes have a lot to rebel about; they experience enormous stress during the day. In order for us to read text, look at pictures, and study graphs with concentration, our eyes need to refocus about 15–20 thousand times! At the same time, the gaze constantly moves from the keyboard to the screen, from the screen to the papers. Unlike a reflected paper image, a screen image is self-luminous. Many pixel dots light up and go out, keeping our eyepieces in constant tension. When reading from a screen, a person blinks much less often than necessary
, the eyeball is less well wetted by tear fluid - the eyes seem to dry out. In other words, you can ruin your eyesight while using a computer much faster than for any other external reason.

Glare and reflections on the monitor make the situation worse.

. To make out the text on the screen, you have to squint, strain your eyesight, and turn your head and body. As a result, not only your eyes get tired quickly, but also your back and neck. Glare is created by the sun's rays falling on the monitor, office lamps, glass frames and mirrors on the desktop.

  • position the computer so that the light from the window falls from the side, preferably from the left - this will eliminate glare on the screen
  • the top of the monitor should be at eye level, the distance between the screen and the user should be 60-70 cm
  • adjust the height of the desktop (the optimal option is 68-80 cm), choose a comfortable chair
  • Check the brightness and contrast settings of the monitor (it is advisable that the brightness of the images on the screen matches the intensity of the office lighting). Look at the white sheet of paper and then at the monitor. If the screen glows like a lamp, it is better to reduce the brightness level, if the image, on the contrary, seems gray, increase it
  • Watch how you sit at the computer: do you keep your back straight or hunched over?

An ophthalmologist assessed the impact of smartphones on children's vision

We found out why our children see worse and worse and how to deal with it from the candidate of medical sciences, ophthalmologist Dmitry Valtsov.

— Dmitry Nikolaevich, the sharp deterioration in vision in children and adolescents coincided with the advent of smartphones and gadgets, which means they are still the problem?

— No, in fact, the problem is not the appearance of gadgets as such, it’s a general change in the lifestyle of modern children and teenagers. An ophthalmologist once said that to improve the vision of urban children, you need to take away computers from school, and send them to herd geese in the countryside. It is clear that this is impossible, but in many ways it would be a panacea for the growth of eye diseases.

In reality, the likelihood of eye pathologies is influenced by two main factors: genetic predisposition and the child’s lifestyle. Most often, modern children are diagnosed with myopia (myopia), the likelihood of its development is also influenced by prolonged eye strain at close range. That is, vision deteriorates not only from spending many hours on gadgets, but also from reading regular books and doing homework in notebooks.

In addition, children’s eyes get no less tired from modeling, drawing, embroidery, board games and other things. That is, if, say, a child embroiders crosses for hours on end, the strain on his eyes will be approximately the same as that caused by a smartphone.

— But why then, precisely with the advent of gadgets, did the statistics on eye diseases begin to deteriorate sharply? Previously, children also read and sculpted...

“Modern children’s lifestyle has radically changed compared to their peers from previous generations. Remember how the childhood of Soviet kids, and even children from the 90s, was spent - we all spent a lot of time on the streets. Reading and other activities that require increased strain on the eyes were replaced by walks and outdoor games, which are generally very beneficial for vision. In addition, previously children spent much less time in lessons and did not attend as many additional classes.

Now school statistics show that the heavier a child’s academic load, the worse his vision. The results of medical examinations showed that after graduating from regular schools, vision problems are observed in an average of 25% of students. Moreover, among graduates of educational institutions that select for capable or gifted children, every second person has eye pathologies, that is, twice as many. It is unlikely that gifted children spend more time on gadgets; rather, they simply study and read more.

— It turns out that in order to save vision, it is not enough to simply limit the child from watching TV and take away his phone?

— As practice shows, no. Recent studies have shown that vision deterioration is influenced not only by heredity and high eye strain, but also by other factors. Thus, deterioration of vision in children and adolescents is directly related to problems of the spine, poor posture, because this affects the blood supply to the brain and, accordingly, affects the normal functioning of the eyes. In addition, it has been proven that the development of myopia is also provoked by a lack of daylight. It is especially acute in children who spend little time outdoors. The fact is that natural light affects the proper growth of the eyeball and prevents its rapid growth.

Of course, the lack of oxygen also affects the eyesight of children, again from the lack of walks and from the general deterioration of the environmental situation in large cities. In addition, modern children are eating worse and worse; this is not only due to fast food, but also in general to a sharp decline in quality products on the shelves of our stores. This causes a deficiency of vitamins and minerals that cannot be fully compensated simply by taking various supplements.

— If we return to gadgets, can we say that some of them are more harmful to vision?

— Of course, the safest is TV, and regardless of the screen diagonal, there are no real grounds for restricting its viewing even for children with myopia, you just need to watch it with glasses.

Other gadgets, including smartphones and tablets, need to be used correctly; children usually hold them too close. In fact, you need to hold gadgets at a half-bent arm’s distance, this also applies to a regular book. Also, do not forget about the screen brightness level; indoors, this indicator should be set at one third of the maximum.

As for time restrictions on the use of smartphones and tablets, they are contraindicated for children who have already been diagnosed with myopia. In some cases, children with farsightedness are even recommended to use gadgets to correct their vision. For children with normal vision, strict restrictions are not necessary, regardless of age, but again provided that the child generally leads a normal lifestyle, fully walks and plays sports. Parents must understand that simply taking away the gadget is not a panacea; they need to replace the time they use it with a full-fledged walk.

What to apply to your eyes?

Every now and then an advertisement for eye drops for computer-tired eyes flashes on TV - just a pinch and the discomfort goes away, and you don’t have to bother yourself with any gymnastics. However, some of these drugs do more harm than good - due to their vasoconstrictive effect they only worsen dry eye syndrome.

At the same time, there are many effective moisturizing eye drops
An ophthalmologist will tell you which one to choose. If necessary, he will recommend vitamins for the eyes
in capsules or in the form of drops.

For those who spend all day in front of a monitor, it is a good idea to purchase special glasses for working at a computer. The lenses in them have a special coating that eliminates glare and “cuts off” the blue spectrum - the culprit of visual fatigue and, as a result, deterioration of vision.


How to ruin your eyesight or tips on what not to do

There are many ways to ruin your eyesight, especially in modern society, it’s not at all difficult to do. Of course, it is best not to experiment with the eyes, even if glasses suit you, because, as is known, disorders in the optical system are of a chronic nature, prone to complications and fraught with disability.

And all such, in some cases, the question of how to quickly spoil vision is still relevant. Well, there are several valuable recommendations on this topic. By strictly adhering to these rules, the acuity of vision will gradually deteriorate every day, and very soon the quality of life will decrease, causing a lot of everyday and production problems.

"Valuable" recommendations

First, you need to provide yourself with dim lighting. This should become the norm, especially when working at the computer, reading, and also when performing any other work that requires increased visual acuity. By the way, it is also advisable to watch TV in insufficient artificial lighting, and it is advisable not to blink at all and to strain your eyes as much as possible.

Secondly, it is enough to spend 7–8 hours a day in front of a computer monitor. You can do more, then reduced vision acuity will be ensured within a couple of weeks. This fact will be confirmed by an ophthalmologist if you personally come to him for a consultation. By the way, the lighting when working should be dim, and the screen brightness should be maximum - this is the right path towards reduced visual acuity. And then very soon you will be able to proudly tell your friends and acquaintances: “I ruined my eyesight while using the computer!”

Thirdly: as you know, when blinking, the cornea of ​​the eye is additionally moistened. If this unconditioned reflex is forcibly suppressed, dry eye syndrome will occur, and vision acuity will gradually begin to decrease, and a number of serious diagnoses in the field of ophthalmology may develop.

Important! If you wear prescription glasses on your healthy eyes and try to see objects through corrective lenses, your vision will deteriorate. The same applies to contact lenses that are used for other purposes or after their expiration date. So this is another way how you can ruin your eyesight in the shortest possible time.

There are many reasons why vision deteriorates. It’s not difficult to find a way, but will the changes be reversible?

Features of everyday life

The answer to the question whether glasses can ruin your eyesight is clearly affirmative. However, it is not at all necessary to use such radical measures. You can simply change your usual lifestyle a little, and the desired effect of poor vision will be achieved.

So, what should you do, what should you recommend?

  • remember the tragic consequences of bad habits for the body. As you know, smoking and alcoholism negatively affect the state of the optical system, so a solution has been found, especially for your own pleasure;
  • review your daily diet, in particular, completely abandon vitamins A and E, which provide the required visual acuity. From now on, carrots, greens, liver, broccoli, pumpkin, avocados, tomatoes and others are forbidden;
  • do not respond to alarm signals from the body that affect the optical system. Let your eyes continue to itch, do not worry about increased lacrimation and the appearance of vascular networks on the eyeballs. The more intense the symptoms, the greater the likelihood of losing visual acuity;
  • do not visit an ophthalmologist, especially do not undergo routine diagnostics to determine real visual acuity and hidden diseases. In an advanced stage, many diagnoses are simply not treated, but isn’t that what a typical patient strives for? Everything is in his hands;
  • Be sure to read while on the move, for example, on public transport, while walking. In this way, focus is disrupted, and visual acuity gradually decreases, requiring additional correction with the help of special optical devices. By the way, glasses are also expensive.

So every patient has the power to worsen his own vision, the main thing is to set a goal, lead an incorrect lifestyle, and not forget about bad habits. All that remains is to decide for yourself whether such global health problems are necessary in life, especially since conservative treatment is lengthy and very expensive? If you want to save your eyes, you should not adhere to these rules, remembering that some serious diseases of the optical system can lead to permanent blindness. Therefore, it is better to remember how to protect your eyesight.


How to ruin your eyesight

Almost every day, modern people experience heavy visual stress. Gradually, this way of life leads to vision problems. You can give examples of how vision can deteriorate.

  1. Reading a large number of books increases the negative effect on vision of reading books, magazines, newspapers in moving vehicles. When moving, a shaking is created, causing the lines to jump. The eyes get tired quickly. Reading at dusk also contributes to decreased vision. The eyes are constantly strained, especially if a person started reading in normal lighting.
  2. Sitting for a long time at a computer monitor or in front of the TV. Placing the monitor close and typing on a keyboard in a dark room contributes to decreased vision.
  3. Bad light. When visual activity takes place in a poorly lit room, the eyes become strained and experience greater strain. In addition, incorrectly incident light from a table lamp is poorly displayed. If the light comes from the right for a right-handed person or the left for a left-handed person, the writing hand casts a shadow on the paper. This also leads to eye fatigue.
  4. General fatigue of the body and lack of sleep. Bright illumination, nightclubs - all this contributes to a decrease in visual acuity.
  5. Getting the rays of the midday sun into your eyes. Cheap sunglasses, for example, bought in an underground passage, do not protect against direct sunlight.
  6. Smoking and alcohol. Another way you can ruin your eyesight. Substances found in cigarettes and alcoholic beverages impair eye nutrition.
  7. Poor nutrition. Food that does not contain essential vitamins and microelements leads to vision deterioration. Vitamin A, B vitamins, and vitamin C play a very important role in healthy vision.

When is darkness harmful?

Conditions in which low light or darkness harms vision:

  • Using a phone or computer, or watching TV with a strong screen light:
  • prolonged eye strain in poor lighting, including reading, sewing, assembling small parts;
  • sharp and frequent changes from darkness to bright light.

The fact that vision deteriorates from reading in the dark is an absolute myth, which has been refuted by medical scientists.

Insufficient lighting affects the eyes, increasing the load on this organ. Lack of light and close proximity of a book or monitor creates additional strain on vision. But the eyes are characterized by the property of adapting to low or strong lighting. When there is a lack of light, the pupil dilates and transmits more light to the retina. In this regard, a person is able to distinguish objects in the dark when he gets used to the lighting.

Should you worry about your vision if you wear contact lenses or glasses?

Constant “communication” with a smartphone also has a negative impact on the vision of people who use contact lenses or wear glasses. If, say, due to work, a person is forced to constantly “sit” on a smartphone or at a computer, he is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will help you choose optics taking into account the state of eye health and professional activity of the person.

There are several recommendations for those who cannot imagine traveling on the subway or in a minibus without reading. First of all, such people should think about purchasing an e-book with E-ink

Such books are not backlit, their pages are visually similar to regular paper ones, the font size can be adjusted as desired - thanks to this, the negative impact on vision is minimal. E-ink
e-books is their long battery life - since energy is spent only on turning pages, the device can go without recharging for a whole month.
become more expensive lately , and an
will cost the buyer about 10 thousand rubles.

Working on a personal computer has long become a necessary element of life, tightly integrated into both work and leisure activities.

For some, their main job is connected to a computer, and in this case they can no longer help but spend hours and days on it.

Can vision deteriorate under such conditions? It is not so easy to answer this question unequivocally, because the health of our eyes depends on a huge number of factors.

Best tips for poor vision

Let's move on to practical advice. Here is a list of the most effective methods that it is better not to repeat for an ordinary person, but for those who want to ruin their eyesight in 5 minutes to wear glasses, on the contrary, they can do the following:

  1. Sit 15-20 cm from the TV screen and look at it with intense eyes, without blinking. The effect will improve if the room is dim.
  2. Read literature more often in moving vehicles, and the smaller the font, the faster you will achieve the desired effect.
  3. The computer is the best friend of a person trying to worsen his vision. Sit in front of it for a long time in poor lighting and as close to the screen as possible.
  4. You can also read literature in the room, just remember to dim the lights and choose the smallest font possible.
  5. Do your family or friends have glasses? Put them on and walk around like this for several hours, or better yet, read a book or watch TV in them.

Follow these tips and you will definitely achieve your goal and quickly ruin your eyesight.

Contact lenses

People who wear contact lenses remove them at night and place them in a special solution. If you sleep in lenses all the time, this will negatively affect the mucous membranes and vision. Lenses prevent cells from being properly supplied with oxygen. You should not wear such products for a long time. Doctors recommend replacing them with glasses. In this case, the eyes have the opportunity to rest. If you do not follow the rules for using lenses, oxygen deficiency may occur. In the morning, the patient feels discomfort, burning, and dryness. Throughout the day, the eyes may hurt, and visual acuity decreases.

It is worth considering that contact lenses can damage the cornea while you sleep. The use of medications may be necessary. Against the background of damage, infection may develop. The risk of erosive lesions increases. If left untreated, this can lead to the development of a cataract. To wear glasses, you must have a doctor's prescription.

Is it possible to restore vision?

To normalize visual function with moderate impairments, long-term complex treatment is often required, including:

  1. Complete cessation of bad habits.
  2. Proper alternation of periods of activity and rest.
  3. Minimizing visual stress.
  4. Using properly fitted glasses or lenses.
  5. Use of medications and mineral-vitamin complexes prescribed by a doctor.
  6. Regular examinations by an ophthalmologist.

Adequate nutrition plays an important role, helping to maintain and strengthen the visual organ at different ages. It is recommended to give preference to fresh fruits, vegetables and berries, eggs, fish, herbs, cereal porridges and soups. Foods that provide great eye benefits include fresh carrots, blueberries, pumpkin, parsley, citrus fruits, almonds and peanuts.

Ophthalmic gymnastics, which must be performed daily, helps improve microcirculation in the tissues of the eyeball and increase the tone of its muscles. You should select exercises together with your doctor. In this case, possible contraindications to training must be clarified.

Vision is an invaluable gift given to man by nature for a full perception of the world around him. Ophthalmologists unanimously say that in many cases the development of eye disorders is associated with the peculiarities of the modern lifestyle, and it is much easier to spoil vision than to restore it. In particularly difficult situations, it is not possible to return it, and we can only talk about preserving what is left.

Prolonged absence from an ophthalmologist examination

To prevent the development of eye diseases, a person should visit an ophthalmologist 1-2 times a year, especially in the presence of systematic and chronic diseases. Many symptoms may indicate the presence of a serious disease, such as glaucoma. Only a doctor can diagnose this disease. Damaged vision in this case is guaranteed.

Ignoring a visit to an ophthalmologist can cause the development of irreversible pathological processes. Glaucoma is accompanied by increased intraocular pressure. It can only be measured with a special tonometer. If it is not normalized in time, then complete loss of vision will occur.

Ignoring any signs of illness, allergies, injury, or foreign body penetration can lead to negative consequences, so it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. For the purpose of prevention, children should be examined 2 times a year, and adults - 1 time.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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