Restoring vision: can astigmatism be cured?

Author of the article: Melekhina Maria Aleksandrovna, Ophthalmologist, Laser Ophthalmic Surgery Eye astigmatism is a disease in which the sphericity of the refractive power of the eye is disrupted. In other words, incorrect focusing occurs, and the person sees a distorted and highly blurred image. There are several methods for treating this disease; correct diagnosis will allow you to identify the problem, restore and preserve vision. We will look at what astigmatism is, what its symptoms are, and how it is treated.

Eye astigmatism: causes, treatment methods

Unlike nearsightedness or farsightedness, in the presence of astigmatism it is impossible to determine the distance to the object that will provide a clear picture. Even if the distance is suitable for the refraction of light in one meridian, it will not coincide in another meridian.

Children are most often affected by astigmatism. Some people are already born with this pathology. But they can ignore the presence of the disease and treat astigmatism in adulthood, when the pathology does not make it possible to live a normal life.

There are several types of astigmatism: corneal, lenticular, hyperopic, mixed. Each of them has its own characteristics and shapes. All astigmatism has 4 types:

  • physiological;
  • congenital;
  • pathological astigmatism;
  • acquired.

The doctor examines the patient, determines the type and selects procedures to get rid of the pathology. You can undergo treatment at any age, but the earlier you start, the fewer consequences there will be for the body.

What happens to the eyes with astigmatism

The cornea and lens of the eye normally have a certain shape. They are curved equally in all directions, allowing the eye to focus light and transmit it to the retina. But with the development of astigmatism, a certain curvature appears, due to which incorrect refraction occurs.

The retina of the eye stops receiving information; focus appears either in front of the retina or behind it. This results in a blurry image. What happens to the eyes with astigmatism? The work of the organ becomes unnatural, increased tension is created, and fatigue occurs. The quality of vision deteriorates significantly over time, causing headaches. Other health problems also appear, so eye disease must be treated.

What is astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a refractive error in which deformation of the structures responsible for refraction and focusing of light rays occurs. The most significant role in the refractive system of the eye is played by the cornea and lens. So, for example, if a person looks at an object located nearby, the muscles that fix the lens become tense, which is why the refractive power increases. If a person, on the contrary, looks into the distance, the muscles relax and the lens becomes denser. At the same time, its refractive power is reduced. In normal condition, the surfaces of both the cornea and the lens are smooth and even. It is due to this that the light rays that pass through specific points of these structures are focused on the retina itself. With astigmatism, the surface of either the cornea or the lens changes. In this regard, light rays passing through them will no longer be able to be located in the center of the retina. They will focus in front of her or behind her.

It is for this reason that a person suffering from ocular astigmatism loses the ability to focus vision on a specific point, and surrounding objects appear blurry to him.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures consist of a list of recommendations that must be followed. If the work involves reading a lot of information, as well as spending a long time at the computer, then work should be alternated with rest; the ideal option is to spend some time in the fresh air.

The light on the workplace should fall from the left side. You should not use too bright lamps; a regular 60 W light bulb will suffice. If doing work involves straining the organs of vision, then not only the workplace should be illuminated, but also the room around it.

Experts do not recommend reading horizontally. If your eyesight is strained, you need to take breaks every half hour. Sports, swimming, cycling, and hardening are very useful for the general condition of the body, as well as vision. The diet should largely consist of vegetables and fruits with a high content of keratin. The main thing in food is variety, in which all the necessary vitamins and microelements enter the body.

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Symptoms of the disease and causes

Mostly, the first signs of astigmatism appear in preschool age. But children often simply cannot explain to their parents that they are experiencing some discomfort. Therefore, it is imperative to visit a doctor and conduct diagnostics to determine visual impairment. If a child begins to complain about eye fatigue, painful sensations, or says that he sees poorly, you should listen. Symptoms of the disease:

  • children confuse numbers and letters that are similar in spelling;
  • visual function is significantly reduced;
  • double vision occurs;
  • increased eye fatigue;
  • persistent headache;
  • vision becomes defocus;
  • one of the symptoms is the sensation of a foreign object in the eye;
  • burning;
  • the eye becomes red and painful;
  • you have to squint to see the object;
  • Difficulty concentrating and maintaining focus;
  • the child’s performance at school declines;
  • Difficulties arise when visually determining the distance to an object.

These are the main symptoms that accompany astigmatism. It is not difficult to notice them; if they occur, you should contact a specialist. If you don't know which doctor to contact, we will tell you. This is an ophthalmologist, he specializes in the treatment of eye diseases.

Reasons for the development of astigmatism

There are many reasons for the development of poor vision. Astigmatism is a common type of eye disease. Doctors still cannot come to a consensus on what is its main cause, but they identify the following factors:

  • there is a corneal injury that provoked a change in its shape;
  • presence of scars on the cornea;
  • conjunctivitis and other eye diseases;
  • corneal burns;
  • inflammatory processes affecting the eyes;
  • some types of corneal diseases, for example keratoconus;
  • previous eye surgery;
  • eyelid lesions (blepharitis and similar ailments);
  • determination of congenital pathologies.

These are the main causes of astigmatism. Typically, both eyes are affected. In any case, you need to contact an ophthalmologist who can correct astigmatism. Our center will provide you with professional assistance.

The danger of the disease and its consequences

With eye astigmatism, a number of changes occur in the body, so it is important to deal with astigmatism in a timely manner. Here are the main consequences:

  • the perception of the world is disrupted, it is difficult to perceive colors and shapes;
  • strabismus develops;
  • visual acuity is significantly reduced;
  • amblyopia begins to develop;
  • regular headaches lead to increased fatigue;
  • the child’s performance at school declines, the adult finds it difficult to work;
  • The level of stress increases, against the background of which other health problems develop.

Therefore, it is worth contacting a specialist in a timely manner. Treatment of astigmatism in our clinic will allow you to quickly eliminate the problem, restore your vision and enjoy the world around you.

Hardware treatment of astigmatism in children

Astigmatism is most often inherited.
As a result, a distorted image appears on the child’s retina from birth. The human brain is designed in such a way that in the event of a “problematic” image, it turns off one eye or both at the same time from the vision process. An irreversible process develops - amblyopia. Treatment of astigmatism in childhood is aimed at increasing visual acuity so that the “lazy” eye starts working. Hardware treatment of astigmatism is carried out comprehensively, including various methods of physical, optical and functional influence. Various computerized devices and the unique Amblyokor apparatus are used. When treating children with astigmatism using modern high-tech methods, results are achieved in 95% of cases. In most cases, children completely get rid of their dependence on glasses.

It is very important to identify astigmatism in childhood and begin timely and adequate treatment.

Why is astigmatism dangerous?

Many people who notice the first signs of astigmatism are not in too much of a hurry to see a doctor. And in vain. Left untreated, it can lead to frequent headaches and sore eyes. Childhood astigmatism is especially dangerous. Without quality treatment, a child may develop strabismus and a sharp decline in vision. Many parents are trying to find out how to treat astigmatism in children at home. There are some tips for treating this condition at home. But they will only be beneficial if they are carried out in combination with high-quality medical treatment.

Bottom line

Astigmatism develops due to deformation of the shape of the lens or corneal layer. The curvature of the cornea or lens can only be eliminated surgically. However, at the very beginning of the disease, it is possible to successfully prevent the development of astigmatism and maintain the quality of vision at an acceptable level. This is facilitated by gymnastic exercises for the eyes, the use of contact optics, taking vitamin complexes and eye drops.

A correct lifestyle, timely rest and moderation in the use of gadgets also contribute to the preservation of vision. Insufficient lighting contributes to overstrain of the eye muscles and eye fatigue, causing headaches and discomfort. Taking good care of your health and vision will protect you from many ophthalmological problems.

Sources used:

  • Eye injuries / R.A. Gundorova, A.A. Malaev, A.M. Yuzhakov. - M.: Medicine, 1986.
  • Essays on the history of ophthalmology in St. Petersburg / L.I. Balashevich, V.G. Shiryaev. - M.: St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, 2000.
  • Complex diagnosis of fundus pathology / Gabriel Coscas, Florence Coscas, Alain Zurdan. - M.: Practical Medicine, 2007.
  • Wikipedia article

Methods for diagnosing astigmatism

The development of astigmatism is a common problem recently. Moreover, among the patients one can observe not only children, but also adults who have used conservative methods for correcting the quality of vision for a long time. However, sooner or later, most people come to the conclusion that they need to restore the cornea and retina with the help of correction. But initially, methods for diagnosing astigmatism are used.

It is worth contacting a doctor who will conduct an examination, find out the symptoms and help improve the quality of vision. It is quite difficult to independently determine the symptoms, especially if the child has a congenital vision disorder. He doesn't fully understand what the world should look like. But an ophthalmologist, using diagnostics, will be able to determine the presence of the disease by signs of changes in the structure of the eye. The following research opportunities are used:

  • optical coherence tomography of the eye;
  • ultrasound scanning;
  • examination using a Goldmann lens;
  • EEG;
  • computer perimetry;
  • use of cylindrical lenses.

After identifying the problem, the doctor chooses the type of correction. Regardless of whether the cornea or retinal elements need to be corrected, our center prescribes comprehensive vision correction.

Limitations with astigmatism

What should you not do if you have a refractive error? People with this diagnosis should not engage in activities related to computers, precision instruments and small parts. If the sphericity of the cornea of ​​both eyes is impaired, the following recommendations should also be followed:

  • stop driving at night;
  • Avoid watching TV or reading books for long periods of time;
  • do not read in poor lighting;
  • Avoid watching movies in 3D.

If there is a progressive refractive error, then driving a car and serving in the army is prohibited.

Is severe astigmatism treatable or not? The pathology is treated regardless of the degree, but the method of therapy may differ.

Why does the disease develop?

Normally, light hitting the eye is refracted by a transparent spherical shell - the cornea. The refracted rays are collected at one focus on the retina. With astigmatism, different parts of the cornea refract sunlight differently. The rays are focused at different points in front of, on, or behind the retina. A single focus does not form; visible objects acquire blurry outlines.

Most often, the development of astigmatism in a particular person is genetic. If a child has both parents with this condition, the likelihood of developing astigmatism and requiring treatment in the future is very high.

In addition to hereditary predisposition to pathology, they lead to:

  • trauma, foreign bodies of the cornea;
  • complex operations on the eyeball and postoperative complications;
  • keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and their improper treatment;
  • glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure leading to changes in the shape of the cornea);
  • some congenital pathologies of the cornea (keratoconus, keratoglobus).

Is astigmatism treatable or not? This is a serious disease that can be treated, but it must be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough medical examination and an accurate diagnosis. The most effective method of treating the disease, especially of a high degree, is surgery.

Treatment of astigmatism: effective methods

More and more people are suffering from astigmatism, but it is quite easy to get rid of this disease. However, there are cases when the patient does not seek help for a long time and the situation worsens. The appearance of the disease should not be scary, because there are effective methods for restoring the cornea and lenses.

Eye correction with surgery: recovery for astigmatism

This is the best solution for eye damage. If symptoms of astigmatism occur, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist and undergo surgery. It does not take much time, helps restore eye function, eliminates corneal defects and completely eliminates astigmatism.

Laser removal of astigmatism, astigmatomy, and refractive lens replacement are used. The duration of the procedures is short, anesthesia is used. The patient will not feel anything during the session.

Treatment of astigmatism with effective methods

If there is a reason why retinal surgery cannot be performed, optical correction is applied. It is important to understand what eye astigmatism is. It is characterized by disruption of organ activity. This can be corrected simply by using glasses or special lenses.

For varying degrees of deviation, the specialist selects cylindrical lenses. With astigmatism, they can be positive or negative. This is the simplest solution to the problem in case of vision problems.

But there are disadvantages: a patient with astigmatism does not want to wear glasses, especially a child. You need to carefully monitor your hygiene; dirt accumulates on your glasses, which can only increase astigmatism. The lens looks better, but requires more care. In both cases, operation creates inconvenience.

Nevertheless, optical restoration of the eye structure is effective and is in great demand. Call us and find out how to eliminate astigmatism and what the cost of the procedure is.

Is it possible to cure astigmatism using traditional methods?

Astigmatism is caused by many factors. Some patients think that traditional medicine should be used for various types of astigmatism. This is partly true, but it is impossible to cure astigmatism with folk remedies.

Herbs are allowed. They will affect the cause, but not the effect. It is easy to relieve inflammation and eliminate infections that contribute to astigmatism. Traditional medicine has “tied hands” against the disease itself. But with the doctor's permission, you can use some recipes for general strengthening.

Contact lenses

Special toric (i.e., having a spherocylindrical shape) lenses are widely used for vision correction. Such lenses have a number of advantages, due to which they are prescribed much more often than simple glasses.

Firstly, contact lenses create all the conditions for seeing with both eyes (i.e. for binocular vision). Secondly, they almost completely remove all visual distortions, so people can see objects in their real form. The only disadvantage is the possible inflammation of the eyes, which occurs when constantly wearing toric lenses.

Disease prevention

Of course, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. But people forget or simply neglect all methods of disease prevention until it affects them personally.

Prevention of astigmatism is very simple, it does not take much time and effort, but will preserve your health for many years.

So, to avoid a disease such as astigmatism, it is enough to simply alternate work with a lot of strain on the eyes with rest.

Workplace lighting should be selected very carefully. It is better to place the lamp in front or to the left of the person. The lighting in the room should be one hundred percent, because when the gaze moves from a lighter area of ​​the room to a darker one, the eyes get tired faster.

These simple tips will help preserve your vision for many years.

Indications for surgery

If a patient presents with symptoms to an ophthalmologist, and the presence of astigmatism is confirmed, the best solution to correct the problems would be eye surgery. Indications for surgery are:

  • The patient's age reached 9 years. It is possible to carry out correction at an earlier age, but not every doctor will undertake this, and it will be difficult for the child.
  • Intolerance to glasses and lenses or inability to choose a model.
  • Headaches occur regularly, the patient constantly faces symptoms.
  • Minor damage to the cornea, then the operation will be quick.
  • The damage to the cornea is severe, and other than this method there are no options for correcting astigmatism.
  • There is damage to the lens.
  • Serious problems begin with the eye; in this case, surgery must be performed as quickly as possible.

Among the indications, it is worth highlighting the reluctance to wear glasses or contacts; children are susceptible to such an accessory. You can safely carry out the operation if there are no contraindications that could harm your health.

Contraindications for correction

More and more people are suffering from astigmatism lately, but not everyone can undergo surgery. Treatment of astigmatism may be impossible; this happens if a person has contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation stage;
  • pathologies on the retina;
  • some abnormalities in eye function (cataracts, glaucoma);
  • problems with the cornea (dangerous pathological changes);
  • the occurrence of acute infectious diseases;
  • the presence of tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus, these are serious contraindications;
  • development of tumors.

There are also a number of restrictions: you cannot visit the bathhouse for 1 month, or use different cosmetics. The eyes need to be given rest and protected as much as possible. These are the main contraindications and restrictions; the ophthalmologist can supplement them.

What to do if astigmatism cannot be treated with surgery

It is not always possible to perform the operation. Is it possible to cure astigmatism if the most effective method does not work? Quite. For astigmatism, conservative treatment is used, depending on what symptoms accompany astigmatism, glasses or lenses are selected. In any case, you need to seek help from a specialist; it happens that surgery is not necessary.

Spectacle and contact vision correction for astigmatism

For vision correction, special cylindrical spectacle lenses are used. These glasses have a special structure. In different areas of the lens, rays are refracted differently. As a result, cylindrical glass helps focus all light rays at one point. In case of complex astigmatism (myopic or hypermetropic), spherical glasses are installed in addition to cylindrical glasses, transferring a single focus to the retina. Externally, glasses for patients with astigmatism do not differ from the usual glasses used for myopia and farsightedness, but they are heavier. Patients need to purchase glasses for astigmatism only in specialized optical shops.

To correct astigmatism, soft contact lenses with a shifted center of gravity – toric – can be used. Such lenses are placed on the eyes in a certain position and refract the rays, collecting them at one point.

Modern lenses are made of breathable material – silicone hydrogel. Being located on the cornea, they do not injure it and do not cause progression of pathology. Complications in the form of keratitis are possible if the rules of care and terms of wearing are not followed.

Treatment of the disease at home

So, how to treat astigmatism in adults at home? There are several simple recipes.

  1. Tincture of blueberry leaves. To prepare, you need to pour three teaspoons of blueberry leaves into a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour and strain. During the day, the tincture should be drunk, divided into equal doses. Take before meals. In addition, fresh blueberries and blueberry jam are very beneficial for vision.
  2. Splashing water. A very simple way that will improve blood circulation in the eyes. It is necessary to splash ice water on your eyes several times in a row.
  3. Cherries. It is very useful to eat cherries for the treatment of astigmatism, the main thing is not to overdo it. In addition, you can make small compresses of cherries on your eyes.
  4. Treatment with vegetables. To treat astigmatism, it is useful to eat fresh green vegetables (cucumbers, spinach, dill, celery, parsley). In addition, carrots, garlic and beets are very beneficial for vision. For astigmatism, fresh vegetable juice will help greatly. But it is important to remember that 500 ml of juice per day is enough for children to treat. Otherwise, an allergy may occur.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Exercises to treat the disease are aimed at strengthening the muscular system of the eyeball and improving blood circulation in the capillaries. To prevent the progression of astigmatism, the following exercises are performed:

  1. Rotate the eyeball first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  2. Focus your gaze on an object located at arm's length, then move your gaze to an object located at a distance of 5 meters from the eye.
  3. Close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes.
  4. Give a light massage to your closed eyes.
  5. Tilt your head to the right, left, massage the collar area.

Exercises must be performed daily, at least twice a day for 10 minutes.

Treatment of astigmatism in our clinic: advantages and features

Clinic JSC "Medicine" offers services for the treatment of astigmatism. Specialists will conduct a comprehensive examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. In our medical center you will receive a full range of services to restore vision and get rid of astigmatism. Features and advantages of treatment in our center are as follows:

  1. There are professional specialists with great wholesale and skills. To choose the most optimal treatment method, our doctors can consult with foreign colleagues.
  2. Modern high-tech equipment is used, which allows you to carefully perform the operation and restore vision and the structure of the lens.
  3. The medical center is located in Moscow, near the Mayakovskaya metro station. It is convenient to get to the clinic.
  4. Our specialists are available at any time, even on weekends or holidays.
  5. The doctor fully accompanies the patient at all stages, from the moment of treatment until complete recovery.
  6. Comfortable rooms with all amenities and necessary equipment. You will feel at home, and the staff will take care of your health.

By choosing our center, you choose quality and professionalism. Call us and find out all the details, you can make an appointment at a time that suits you. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis and select an effective method to eliminate eye problems. Restore your vision and enjoy the colors of the world.

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