Effective eye gymnastics for strabismus

The wing is one of those small makeup details that can make a huge impact. Whether you want a classic cat eye or a more modern neon look, a little color on the lash line will help elevate your look and make it memorable.

But with that said, the wing is quite difficult to do (unless you have a steady surgeon's hand), especially when you naturally have a hooded eye shape. If you falter once or blink at the wrong moment, you will have to do all the work again or even swear to never do eye makeup again.

Secrets from makeup artist Katie Jane Hughes

Do not be afraid! With a few simple adjustments and simple steps, you can be an eyeliner pro in no time. Celebrity makeup artist Katie Jane Hughes shares her simple eyeliner secrets. She uses her iconic batwing technique. By the way, this method is ideal for eye shapes with a hood or drooping eyelid.

Katie Jane Hughes is a celebrity and editorial makeup artist whose clients include Ashley Graham, Kerry Washington, Anna Kendrick, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and many more.

So, discover the secrets that Katie Jane Hughes demonstrates in the tutorial below. This will help you create the perfect eyeliner.

Conjunctivitis in children. Blennorea

Children often suffer from conjunctivitis, especially in crowded places, for example, in kindergartens. Infection occurs from one sick child to another.

Among childhood conjunctivitis, gonorrhea, called blenorrhea, is of particular importance. Newborn babies become infected with blenorrhea when passing through the birth canal of a mother with gonorrhea.

Infection of an adult also occurs when contaminated genital contents are transferred to the eyes with unwashed hands.

In newborns, gonorrheal conjunctivitis appears 2-3 days after birth, and both eyes are affected simultaneously. The symptoms are the same as for all conjunctivitis, however, there is copious discharge of serous fluid mixed with blood.

After 2-3 days from the onset of the disease, severe swelling of the conjunctiva is observed, which takes on the appearance of a cushion, and the discharge becomes purulent. If treatment is not started, conjunctivitis can become complicated and spread to the cornea and inside the eye with the development of endophthalmitis.

Blenorrhea in adults proceeds in the same way as in newborns, only one eye is affected, and the infection spreads to the second organ only if untreated.

So, we looked at the main inflammatory diseases of the eye. Let's consider the features of eye inflammation in children. Newborn babies most often suffer from dacryocyst. Older children often become infected with conjunctivitis from other patients. Finally, the most common category of inflammatory processes in the eyes of children is irritation, which can be of several types:

  • bath inflammation;
  • pool inflammation;
  • dusty inflammation;
  • light inflammation.

Thus, inflammation develops under the influence of a provoking factor. Therefore, during treatment, the influence of the cause should be excluded and the irritated eye should be soothed as quickly as possible. First, do not wash your eyes with saliva or breast milk. Children are not recommended to use antibiotic ointments. It is best to use Ovomistin eye drops, which are a solution

. The use of sodium sulfacyl is also justified. In addition to medications, wash your eyes several times a day with a decoction

or tea. Remember to treat both eyes, even if one is affected, as this is necessary to prevent inflammation of the healthy organ from developing.

If a child or adult has suffered an eye burn (from sun rays, welding, etc.), then it is necessary to instill dicaine or adrenaline into the eyes, and also apply cotton wool moistened with baking soda or tannin. Wear a dark blindfold over your eyes.

Additional Tips

Before you use a waterproof product that is almost impossible to remove, first sketch out the shape with an eyeliner pencil. When you draw the arrow, make it a little thinner than you actually want, and then go over that section again. It is much easier to gradually add eyeliner to the desired thickness than to later remove the product that has been applied.

Keep your eyes open: When applying eyeliner to the lash line, our first instinct is usually to close our eyes and start drawing. But in fact, you can get into better shape if you keep your eyes open. With your eyes closed, it's hard to tell exactly how far you've stretched the arrow. By keeping your eyes open, you have a better idea of ​​the image you are creating.

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According to statistics, concomitant strabismus manifests itself in 60-70% of cases during the first two years of life.

The following factors contribute to this:

  • hereditary factor (in 60% of cases KS is transmitted from parents);
  • refractive errors (especially farsightedness);
  • blurred vision in one eye;
  • insufficient fusion (if the child covers one eye with a bandage for a long time with hidden strabismus);
  • sensory or motor system disorders;
  • premature birth and asphyxia;
  • disorders in the part of the brain responsible for visual perception (brain injuries, encephalitis).

Concomitant strabismus is the least studied, so the causes of its occurrence have not yet been precisely established.

Useful video

The main causes of strabismus:

List of diseases

The corner of the eye can hurt due to many diseases that develop in the human body:

  1. Canaliculitis.
  2. Demodecosis.
  3. Ocular herpes.
  4. Angular and allergic conjunctivitis.
  5. Migraine.
  6. Sinusitis.
  7. Overwork.


The pathology that develops in the human body is an inflammatory process that causes pain in the corner of the eye.

The cause of the disease is an infection that gets inside. Moreover, microorganisms parasitize not only in the eye, but also in the nasal cavity. In addition to pain, swelling of the lower eyelid appears, which turns red over time.

After some time, lacrimation and the appearance of purulent discharge are observed. Eyes are one of the most important human organs. Therefore, if the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment. As therapy, drops are used to relieve swelling and eliminate inflammation.

See also

Symptoms and treatment of nasal polyps in a child, what they look like



When the disease occurs, the hair follicles of the eyelashes are damaged. The presence of a parasite is indicated by the appearance of ulcers. Capillaries also expand on the eyelids. Since the eyelashes are located close to the corner of the eyes, pain is felt directly in this area.

The causative agent of the disease is the Demodex subcutaneous mite.

Ocular herpes

Similar to the development of demodicosis is ocular herpes. The corner of the eye begins to hurt unbearably. As the disease progresses, the pain is accompanied by swelling of the eyelid. The eyes turn red, the person is unable to tolerate bright flashes of light.

Angular and allergic conjunctivitis

Angular conjunctivitis is a disease that develops after the Morax-Axenfeld bacterium enters the body. Harmful microorganisms affect the skin of the eyelids and areas around the eye. At the same time, the corners begin to hurt, become red and become covered with small cracks. During blinking, the painful sensations intensify.

The corner of the eye closer to the nose may also hurt due to allergic conjunctivitis. The cause of the disease is a common allergic reaction of the body to an irritant from the environment.

Clinical picture: lacrimation and nasal congestion. Antihistamines are used for treatment.


If the tone of intracranial vessels is disturbed, this leads to migraine. Among the immediate irritants are bright light, noise and intense smell. The person becomes nervous and irritable. If the attack lasts several days, the inner corner of the eye begins to hurt.


The inflammatory process, which develops in the nasal sinus, may be accompanied by painful sensations in the eye area.

Depending on the location of the inflammation, pain is felt in the right or left eye. A runny nose may be accompanied by a fever. In this case, nasal congestion may not be observed.


When diagnosing divergent strabismus, the following training will help:

  • Look carefully at the very tip of your nose. Then slowly return your gaze to the typical position. It is advisable to look closely at your nose for 10 seconds, but take 5 seconds to rest.
  • Stand up straight, but stretch your arms out in front of you. Your fingers should be in a fist, but leave your index finger straight. Look at him, try to focus your eyes well. Then you will need to smoothly move your hand to your nose, touching its tip with your finger. Concentrate on your finger all the time.
  • You can draw an infinity sign with your eyes. This is an excellent workout for the eye muscles, but it is advisable to add variety to it. Change the angle of the figure eight, its size, and draw at different speeds. All this will help increase the effectiveness of the exercise.


One more workout deserves special attention. But to carry it out you will need help. Another person should move the object on which you will concentrate your attention.

  1. Sit as comfortably as possible, relax.
  2. Close one eye. Start, for example, from the left.
  3. Place the object at approximately the same level as your right eye.
  4. Concentrate all your attention on the subject.
  5. Then your partner should begin to smoothly move the object to the left. This is done until the object completely disappears from sight.

This type of effective training delivers great results, so don't be deterred by its apparent difficulty. Just arrange with someone to do the exercise at least once throughout the day. There should be 2-4 repetitions in one approach. It is advisable to train both eyes, one at a time.

Ridiculous and plausible: common myths about eyes and vision

Is it really possible to remain cross-eyed if you deliberately roll your eyes together? Do carrots improve vision? Does yawning help with dry eyes? We will reveal the truth about these and other most common myths regarding our vision.

Myth 1. Carrots improve vision

Wrong. Carrots are, of course, good for your health. However, according to Markus Bloom, an ophthalmologist from the Helios Clinic in Erfurt, increased consumption of this root vegetable does not in any way affect visual acuity, does not prevent myopia or eliminate it.

The myth supposedly originates from the fact that vitamin A, which is also present in carrots, is used by the retina for regeneration. However, in order to have any effect on vision, a person needs to eat about 6 kg of carrots every day.

Myth 2. Watching TV closely is bad for your eyes.

True in part. It is possible to damage your eyesight only if you watch TV for a long time, practically burying your nose in the screen. In this case, tension occurs in the intraocular muscles, and the eyes themselves have to “switch” to close-up mode. According to the ophthalmologist, this is precisely what is tiring for them and can subsequently lead to visual impairment.

Myth 3. Reading in the dark damages your eyesight.

Yes and no. With a lack of light in children, the eye may begin to grow in length, which in the future can lead to myopia. For adults, reading in low light may strain the eyes, but does not harm normal vision.

Myth 4. Yawning helps against dry eyes.

True in part. According to Professor Blum, there is a rather indirect connection. When yawning, the facial muscles are activated, and this improves the outflow of tear fluid through the tear duct. However, there is no scientific evidence that this results in better eye hydration.

Myth 5. Glasses impair vision.

Not true. Glasses are not exercise equipment or medicine, but they are not capable of weakening vision. It’s just that a person with myopia, putting on glasses, sees the world in a new “resolution”, gets used to it, and when he takes them off, experiences a shock, thinking that his once “good” vision has sharply deteriorated.

Myth 6. If you close your eyes to your nose and get scared, you can remain cross-eyed

Not true. When a healthy person deliberately squints his eyes, the muscles that control normal eye movement turn the eyeball to the side. But even if at this moment he experiences fear, the brain will give a signal, and the muscles will in any case return the eyes to their normal position.

Myth 7. A contact lens can fall behind the eye.

Not true. From an anatomical point of view, this is simply impossible. In the worst case, it may move to the edge of the eyelid, but will never get inside the eye socket.

Myth 8. A laser pointer can make you blind.

Is it true. A laser beam can burn and permanently destroy the retina of the eye; doctors are not always able to restore visual function after such an injury.

Myth 9. Eyes also eat

Right. Of course, the eyes are not part of the digestive tract and cannot digest food. However, they play an important role in food intake. Therefore, well-known sayings like “Eat with your eyes” or “The belly is full, but the eyes are hungry” justify their meaning. The reason for this is the hunger hormone ghrelin.

Studies have shown that this hormone begins to be intensively released during optical stimulation. Therefore, just a picture of a delicious dish is enough to make you feel the desire to eat - even if you are not completely hungry.

Myth 10. All newborns have blue eyes

Partly true. At least for residents of Central Europe, where the majority are people with a fairly low melanin content. Infants have little of this pigment, and accordingly, their eye color is blue or gray. According to Marcus Bloom, however, during the first year of a child's life, the percentage of melanin in the body increases, and then the iris may become darker.

Features of gymnastics

First of all, it is necessary to identify the most significant features of therapeutic exercises for the eyes for strabismus. These are the techniques that will be effective if the pathology does not manifest itself all the time, but only when the muscles are relaxed or strongly tense.

  • A good solution is to make the task more difficult for yourself and watch objects in motion. It is when focusing your gaze on a moving object that excellent training of the eye muscles occurs. For example, you can watch the swinging pendulum of a clock, children playing and running, people walking and cars driving;
  • Here is an effective exercise for correcting strabismus, when the left eye slants inward. You will need to make an effort to get your eye to look in the other direction. Place an object in front of you. Close your right eye, look at your object, and turn your head to the right;
  • Drawing a figure eight or an infinity sign with your eyes is considered very useful. The exercise begins with the sore eye, but the healthy one should be covered with your palm. Then rest is given to the sore eye, and the healthy eye awaits the load. The best option is to repeat the exercise 10 times in one approach. Then you can start “drawing” with both eyes at the same time;
  • Another exercise is aimed at developing synchronicity when focusing your gaze. You can move your hand further, holding a pencil or pen in it. First, the affected eye is carefully focused on the object, and then the healthy eye. At the next stage of training, you can move your hand with the object, bring it closer and further away, but at the same time constantly concentrate your gaze on it.

Exercise really does pay off. This way, the eye muscles are trained, fatigue and swelling are relieved, and redness is eliminated.

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