How not to cum quickly: how to make sex last as long as possible?

For a long time it was embarrassing to talk about such things, and therefore this knowledge was not passed on from mother to daughter. Today, this has become a common action that some have mastered and some have not. They talk about him so much that sometimes I want to ask if all girls know how to give a blowjob correctly. And for some girls the answer will be no.

If someone is interested in how to give a blowjob correctly, you can be sure that there is a lot of advice, but it is not suitable for everyone for the first time. Therefore, if you want to try this technique on your beloved man to give him pleasure, you should know that for the first time, just create a romantic setting or one that your man prefers, in order to ask or simply hint at your desire to give him a blowjob. This way you will take the first step, but the second will require liberation from you, since the man will immediately understand that the girl is doing this for the first time if she feels out of place.

Therefore, think only about what you want, and do not allow any thoughts about the bad ending of these fun. If it happens that you are embarrassed to give a blowjob in front of him, then simply blindfold him, also encouraging him with words that you love to do it sensually and without any eye contact. Only his and your feelings. For those who are not the first to give blowjobs, there are books on the skill.

Use his individual preferences

Surely you know something personal about your man’s sexual preferences. We all have secrets and quirks like these. Some people reach the peak of bliss from rude words from the lips of a loved one during sex; for others, striptease or classical music is enough for this. Use these strengths to help your partner come. But let this not be often, but only in moments of extreme necessity, so as not to fill the asma.

Don't let a man panic and become despondent if he couldn't reach the end in bed. It happens to everyone? We are not machines, and nothing human is alien to us. Nervous tension, fatigue, illness - all this affects the quality of sexual life. Perhaps a vacation or weekend spent together will easily solve the problem. If it recurs regularly, then rush to consult a doctor.

Delayed ejaculation, like premature ejaculation in men, is considered a problem that interferes with sexual life. Since the main goal of intimacy is orgasm, a young man should know how to cum quickly . First you need to understand the main reason for this ailment. Next, we’ll look at all the ways to make a man cum faster .

Who is this section for?

This section is dedicated to the problem of quickly and unintentionally ending up in bed with your beloved.
Many men suffer from the fact that they cannot control themselves in bed, cannot delay the onset of fiasco, and the “shot” asks to come out.

Then all these disappointments come. Disappointment not only from men, but also from their partners.

  • For those who need help when they think the situation is irreparable or simply don’t know how to help themselves.
  • For those who want to get not temporary crutches, but to solve the problem once and for all.
  • For those who want to find solutions that will not deprive us of those old sensations that love games in bed give us.
  • For those who want to achieve healing naturally without side effects on health.
  1. The harmful bacteria usually settles in the seminal vesicles. For example, Staphylococcus epidermidis.
  2. Due to the presence of bacteria, your seminal vesicles are so sensitive that you can go down with a girl before you even have time to enter, or immediately after the first friction.
  3. It is this analysis - bacterial culture - that detects it and antibiotics kill it. The bacterium itself, in addition, can provoke prostatitis. Therefore, a bacterial culture test must be completed.

This now does not mean that other venereal tests are not necessary. Just as needed!

Semen culture will help clarify the situation if previous mandatory tests showed that “you are clean.”

Bringing ejaculation closer

In order to understand how to cum faster , a young man should determine the exact cause of problems with ejaculation. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between isolated failures during sexual contact and a pronounced disorder that is permanent.

You should not take radical actions in case of delayed ejaculation caused by cooling feelings for your partner, severe stressful situations, constant lack of sleep and other irritating factors . To quickly finish in such situations, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that adversely affects this process. How to quickly cum in other cases, the following methods of influence will help:

  1. Sex education. How to cum faster for a guy will help with knowledge about the characteristics of the orgasmic function, methods of stimulation, and factors influencing this process.
  2. Refusal to masturbate followed by ejaculation. In order to come quickly , a young man must demonstrate his sexual activity exclusively in the presence of his partner.
  3. Prostate massage. Anal stimulation helps improve local blood circulation, which helps speed up ejaculation.
  4. Medicines or physical therapy procedures. They are prescribed only by a specialist in cases where a man is diagnosed with certain emotional disorders. After all, they prevent the guy from cumming quickly .
  5. Electrical stimulation of the genital organs. It is necessary for those men who suffer from neurological diseases.
  6. A joint visit to a sex therapist with your partner. This specialist will help identify the true cause of a psychological disorder in a young person by analyzing each individual situation.

how to finish quickly . But this applies, first of all, to pathological disorders in men. In other cases, he can independently solve the problem by eliminating irritating factors.


The best prevention can be considered a healthy lifestyle. Sufficient physical activity, adequate sleep, and proper organization of work and rest are recommended. An important point is a balanced diet, including components important for men (vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, carnitine) and the absence of bad habits. In the presence of diseases, timely treatment is necessary.

One of the popular Latin expressions says: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” This is the key not only to good general well-being, complete health and longevity, but also to a fulfilling sex life. It is better to prevent disorders than to treat them.

Causes of delayed ejaculation

To determine possible ways to cum for a man , it is necessary to determine the exact cause of delayed ejaculation. There are many of them, they can be divided into psychological and physiological prerequisites. Psychological reasons for delayed ejaculation include:

  • lack of sex education in a man’s life or its incorrect interpretation;
  • psychological dependence on self-gratification, too frequent masturbation;
  • the young man has many complexes, is not confident in himself and his abilities;
  • loss of warm feelings for your partner;
  • dissatisfaction with a woman’s appearance;
  • quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings on the part of the partner;
  • emotional stress;
  • stressful situations;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia.

As for physiological factors, these include:

  • diseases of the pelvic organs of a congenital or chronic nature;
  • inflammatory processes in the prostate;
  • surgical intervention performed on the pelvic organs;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system caused by infection;
  • neurological diseases associated with damage to the spinal cord, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, neuropathy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lack of testosterone in the body.

In addition to these reasons, harmful habits such as smoking or uncontrolled drinking of alcohol, poor environmental conditions, long-term use of potent medications, etc. can affect delayed ejaculation.

It is important to know! The most common reason for slower ejaculation in men is a cooling of feelings and loss of sympathy for a regular partner! On this basis, the young man treats intimacy with disdain and reluctance.

When doubts and fears win

If everything is in order with physiology, and sexual intercourse still ends unusually quickly, there may be psychological problems. Most often, they begin in youth, when a man is just beginning his acquaintance with sexual relationships, but they are often diagnosed in experienced seducers.

Psychological factors are very diverse and can sometimes take on unexpected features. It could be:

  • excessive concern, anxiety and fear - what if your partner doesn’t like it;
  • expectation of failure, especially if there have been embarrassments in bed before;
  • alienation, lack of sexual attraction to a partner, desire to fulfill “duty” faster;
  • excessive sexual attraction to a partner, especially at the sight of her naked body (often happens after forced abstinence).

We advise you to study - Symptoms and treatment of infectious prostatitis in men, causes

The behavior of the partner also plays a huge role in the formation of premature ejaculation of the psychogenic type. Literally one word dropped when trying to talk with a man about his excessive passion can plant a seed of doubt in his mind about his masculine viability.

What should a woman do to make a man cum faster?

In addition to the fact that a man must make every effort to solve this problem, a woman also needs to know what needs to be done to make a guy cum . There are many methods that experts advise to use. How to make a guy cum faster , a woman can help using the following recommendations:

  1. Retraction of the foreskin. This manipulation helps to increase the sensitivity of the penis. And this is one of the effective ways to finish quickly.
  2. Stimulation of the frenulum of the penis. It is located at the bottom of the head of the penis. It looks like a small scar along the organ.
  3. Pressure and variety of manipulations during masturbation or oral sex. This will increase the flow of blood to the penis, which can help a guy cum faster .
  4. Visual picture. To increase arousal of a young man, which will lead to faster ejaculation, a woman should wear beautiful underwear and appear before her partner in seductive poses. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to make cum quickly .
  5. Playing with yourself. A woman's touching herself and self-stimulation of the genitals has a stimulating effect on a man.
  6. Prostate manipulation. It is located in the area between the anus and testicles of a young man. Stimulation of this point promotes a rush of blood to the penis, so that it can cum quickly .
  7. Impact on male nipples. Many representatives of the stronger sex are sensitive in the same way as women. Stimulating your nipples with your fingers or tongue will speed up ejaculation.

In addition to the physical manipulations that a woman can use to help a guy cum , the words that she utters also play an important role. Pleasant, affectionate words are what a woman can do to make her partner cum .

When the root of evil is physiology

To begin with, experts advise men on the subject of physical pathologies:

  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system - seminal vesicles, prostate;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • injuries of the lumbosacral spine;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • changes in the anatomical structure of the penis - short frenulum, curvature of the penis.

It is also worth remembering whether the man is taking antidepressants, hormonal and other medications that could potentially change the sensitivity of the erogenous zones and penis, or affect the speed of transmission of nerve impulses.

The disease “I finish quickly” of physical and physiological origin often does not have a pathological nature. It may well happen that a woman is a real ideal of sexuality for a man. In this case, he simply loses his composure and cannot control the degree of his excitement.

Tips for a man to cum faster

In order for a young man to cum faster , he must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Moderate physical activity. Physical activity promotes normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This improves the process of sexual intercourse. It should not be forgotten that excessive stress negatively affects men's health. A tired person does not have enough strength for intimacy.
  2. Proper nutrition. Eating healthy foods helps maintain normal metabolic processes. In addition, there are a number of foods that increase testosterone levels. This hormone improves potency, making a man come quickly .
  3. Complete rest. For a man to function normally, he needs to restore strength through deep sleep. It is at these moments that testosterone is produced, which is responsible for potency and ejaculation. To maintain hormonal levels, you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  4. Positive emotions. Regular stressful situations and emotional stress can lead a young man to delayed ejaculation. To maintain a normal sex life, you need to periodically be saturated with positive emotions. To do this, you should regularly go on vacation, spending it at resorts with family and friends.
  5. Regular visits to the urologist. This specialist should be contacted for preventive purposes. Examinations and examinations will help to promptly identify pathological processes in the pelvic organs. Thanks to timely treatment, a young man will be able to avoid serious problems with men's health in the future.
  6. Choose the most comfortable positions during intimacy. This is one of the ways to cum faster . Choosing a comfortable position will help you focus on the process, and not on what prevents a man from quickly achieving orgasm. Concentration of attention is focused on the partner.
  7. Talk to your partner about the problem. If a young man understands that delayed ejaculation is caused by certain psychological problems, they should be discussed with the woman he loves. She will help correct the situation.
  8. Treat any diseases in a timely manner. Infections, viruses or bacteria that are active in the male body can negatively affect sexual life. A sick man may experience delayed ejaculation.

Pump up your pelvic floor muscles (PFM) with Kegel exercises

Trained pelvic floor muscles (pelvic floor muscles) will help you prevent the moment of early termination of the session.

Everything comes from the prostate. It is when it begins to contract that orgasm occurs. The pelvic floor muscles surround the prostate.

Learn to consciously tense and squeeze them.

How to find these MTD

  • The very muscles that allow you to abruptly stop urinating are the pelvic floor muscles (PFM). You also strain them when you go to the toilet little by little and squeeze out the last drops. They were invented by a doctor named Kegel.
  • The second method is to find them. When your instrument of pleasure is fully erect, make it jump by tensing the muscles in the pelvic area. The very muscles that will tense up are the ones you need.
  • The Kegel exercise is used in bed with your beloved by squeezing the MTD if you come “close”. Therefore, train these muscles in your free time.
  • Know how to tense the pelvic floor muscles in isolation from other parts of the body, separately from muscle groups such as the abs, legs, buttocks.
  • At first it won’t be entirely successful, but gradually you will learn to do it and get rid of worries about how to treat premature ejaculation. We previously wrote about doing Kegel exercises in another guide.

As you approach the hot boiling point during lovemaking, you can do either one set of long MTD muscle tension for 10-15 seconds, or 2-3 sets of short MTD tension for 5 seconds. This is an individual approach, depending on who is more effective.

General recommendations

In addition to the above methods for quick ejaculation, experts advise having sex in the light. This allows a man to enjoy the appearance of his partner, which significantly increases excitement, the duration of foreplay, and touching. This helps a man cum quickly . It is also useful for the appropriate mood to first watch an erotic film with your partner.

Modern pharmacology also offers a large number of natural stimulant drugs. They contain ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. You can also use aromatic oils that contain aphrodisiacs that have a stimulating effect on a young man. They also help you relax and give you the appropriate mood before intimacy.

We should not forget that alternative medicine offers many ways to restore ejaculation. There are a large number of foods and herbs that improve potency, which prevents problems in intimate life. It is useful for young people to eat the following foods: turnips, all types of nuts, seafood, meat, greens.

A man can restore ejaculation on his own. In order to cum quickly, you need to determine the exact cause of this ailment. If pathological processes occur in the organs of the genitourinary system, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Despite the fact that most men suffer from premature ejaculation, the question of how to cum faster is no less relevant among the male half of society. Delayed ejaculation is the same sexual disorder that requires study by a medical specialist, a search for causes and a choice of treatment method.

Delayed ejaculation can be temporary or permanent, and if it causes discomfort to a man, therapy will be a must. In addition to medications and practices, experts offer a number of techniques and tricks that allow a man to speed up the process of orgasm. All that remains is to learn more about them and practice.


Foreplay is another powerful tool that will allow a man's partner to achieve sexual pleasure faster. If a man has just such a goal, then he doesn’t have to worry too much about the duration of sexual intercourse. After all, if he “warms up” his partner well enough, she will quickly reach orgasm even during normal sex.

This is good for the man too, because he will be able to cum with her, and it will be quite pleasant for both partners. In addition, without foreplay, a girl may not achieve orgasm at all, because she will simply have an insufficient level of arousal.

What should you take care of before sex and foreplay? So that the girl is in the right mood. If she feels bad, or is upset about something, or is busy with something important, then it is better not to persuade her to have sex, but to try to help with her situation. When the job is done, she will be more inclined towards intimacy.

You also need to think about the atmosphere that will accompany this process. Here you need to focus only on the desires of the girl herself, because each of them is turned on exclusively by her own things. And only after it becomes clear that the partner is absolutely in the mood for sex, you can start caresses.

It may well be that all this caresses and foreplay will turn into oral sex. And the man will be able to bring the girl to orgasm without the participation of his genital organ. This will be one of the most ideal scenarios for the development of events, because the partner will both enjoy herself and, out of gratitude, will want to do well for her man.

And then the guy can do whatever he wants, because his girlfriend will not be at all against it. At such moments, you don’t even have to try to prolong sexual pleasure, because this can damage the situation. You need to do this while the girl has not yet cooled down and the excitement has not passed. If you delay, you will not be able to achieve the desired level of pleasure from this intimacy.

In general, prolonging sexual intercourse is easier than it seems. Men should not worry too much about the fact that they quickly reach orgasm, because this is quite normal for them. However, any guy always has the opportunity to achieve cum either after his girlfriend or with her. The main thing is not to abuse various drugs, the manufacturers of which promise sex for five hours without a break.

Usually, they do not bring the desired effect and only harm the body. For men it will be much more pleasant to achieve the effect on their own. And girls, seeing their efforts for their sake, will love them more. And, of course, their relationship will become much stronger than it was before, because nothing brings two partners closer together than good and pleasant sex for both of them.

Victoria Fomina


Doctor sexologist of the highest category, psychiatrist, psychotherapist. I have been working as a sexologist for more than 10 years. I help couples resolve problems in their sex life.

On average, men need 2-3 minutes to achieve orgasm. For women, this period is much longer – 7-8 minutes. However, finishing at the same time is quite possible. Many men dream of not cumming for a long time, but this is usually not the problem with sex. It is important to know how to speed up your partner’s orgasm, because not everyone likes long coitus. According to statistics, the optimal duration of intimacy is 15 minutes. Anything longer will be tiring for both partners. Therefore, do not forget about foreplay and stimulation of erogenous zones, do not be afraid to indulge in feelings during sex and constantly caress your partner.

Message from the Editor

A huge number of books have been written about the relationship between the two opposite sexes. We are constantly studying new sources and collecting for you only the most important, interesting and up-to-date information in the field of relationship psychology. Each of us seriously wants to help you avoid the most stupid mistakes that many couples around the world often make. We dream of making your acquaintances as productive as possible, and your relationships strong and happy. We believe that our advice really helps you. And our team will continue to delight you with wonderful articles!

Why do men take so long to cum?

A medical certificate says that sexual intercourse on average can last from 5 to 20-30 minutes; anything that extends over a longer period of time can be considered a deviation from the norm. To find ways to solve a problem, you need to know its etiology, that is, the nature and causes of its occurrence.

A man cannot cum for a long time during sexual intercourse for several reasons:

  1. Physiology – delayed orgasm due to such reasons is more often observed in mature and elderly men. These may be the following factors:
  • congenital and acquired pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • taking certain medications;
  • aortic denectomy or proctocolectomy (surgeries);
  • impaired functioning of nerve endings;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the brain and spinal cord;
  • systemic and chronic diseases;
  • hormonal disorders.

Sex positions for multiple and long-lasting orgasms

What could be better than an orgasm? Only multiple orgasm! It turns out that in order to get it, you don’t have to eat “stimulating” food or walk around in erotic lingerie for half a day. “Superorgasm” can be planned and organized! You just need to choose a suitable position in bed.

For women

Multiple orgasm

Most often it can be obtained by influencing the G-spot, which is located on the front wall of the vagina. You can stimulate her in the “man from behind” position: a particularly suitable position is when the woman kneels on the bed and the man is nearby on the floor. It is also convenient to influence this sensitive area in the “officer’s position”, when the woman’s legs are on the man’s shoulders.

To influence the sensitive anterior wall, the following position can be recommended: a woman lying on her back places her bent legs on the lower back of her partner (you should place a bolster under the sacrum). For you to experience multiple orgasms, a man must use his penis on the G-spot and at the same time on the area under the abdomen, “massaging” the uterus.

Long orgasm

It is achieved by influencing the cervix, since it contains many nerve endings. Why have so many women never experienced such an orgasm? Simply because the man's penis could not reach the cervix. For such an orgasm, the ideal position is “woman on top - man on back.” The secret is to lean back, resting your hands on the man's legs bent at the knees. In this position, the cervix is ​​stimulated best. You should alternate active movements with slow ones, and almost stop them before orgasm, so as not to interfere with vaginal contractions. You can also lie on your back and pull your knees bent towards your stomach. The man should hold your hips and make deep, strong frictions.

For men

Long orgasm

There is an opinion that only a woman can experience a prolonged orgasm, while for a man the pleasure lasts as long as ejaculation - a few seconds. However, ejaculation and orgasm are two different things. That is, having “thrown out the seed,” a man can enjoy orgasmic release for a long time. An orgasm lasting up to two minutes is possible if a man learns to prolong sexual intercourse. The idea is to bring yourself to the brink of orgasm several times, but at the very last moment slow down or stop the friction. Having restrained ejaculation, you can continue frictions - and so on several times. Two or three “delays” prolong sexual intercourse by several minutes, which is important for the partner, and as a result the man experiences a vivid release, since sperm flows out of the testes with greater force and puts more pressure on the nerve endings.

Multiple orgasm

It is known that a man's prostate is very sensitive to stimulation. True, it is best to influence it when a man is close to discharge, since at the very beginning of sexual intercourse he may experience not very pleasant sensations. Studies show that a man can experience multiple orgasms in the “lying on his side” position, since in this position the pelvic muscles are maximally relaxed.

As the man approaches orgasm, the woman should begin to gently massage the prostate (located between the anus and the back of the scrotum) in a circular motion. Stimulation of the prostate after orgasm shortens the so-called refractory period - the respite between sexual acts. Thus, a man practically does not need to “rest” after ejaculation in order to continue sexual intercourse, which means he can experience several orgasms in a row.

SEXOLOGISTS tend to think that if a woman with high sexuality and sensuality does not receive release for a long time, due to stagnation of blood in the ovaries and pelvic organs, ovarian dysfunction, vaginitis, and even uterine fibroids may occur.
Another question is why don’t you have an orgasm? If the psychological situation in the family is normal, then you need to try new positions or contact a sexologist so that you can be taught how to have an orgasm together. If you and your husband do not live on friendly terms and often quarrel, then the cause of anorgasmia may be a lack of psychological comfort and love. In this case, it makes sense to visit a psychologist together with your spouse, and to prevent gynecological diseases, engage in regular masturbation. (Visited 2,904 times, 26 visits today)

How to speed up ejaculation?

Only by identifying and eliminating negative influence factors can you look for optimal ways to quickly cum for a man during sexual intercourse. Experts offer several scenarios for the development of events:

  • Sex education with the aim of eliminating prejudices and incorrect judgments, patterns and complexes. A man will need to learn all types of sexual stimulation, learn the characteristics and triggers of ejaculation.
  • Masturbation without ejaculation , so that a man tunes in to the fact that he will only be able to orgasm through contact with a woman.
  • Prostate massage and anal stimulation , enhancing the sensations of sexual intercourse and the degree of orgasm.
  • Electrical stimulation , if a man has a delayed orgasm due to neurological pathologies.
  • Psychoanalysis and work with a sexologist , if the problem lies in psychogenic factors.

During sexual intercourse, it is necessary to orient the man exclusively towards genital stimulation with subsequent increase. It is these methods that most easily solve the problem of prolonged sexual intercourse and delayed ejaculation without the use of drugs and radical measures.

How can a woman help her partner cum faster?

A woman also needs to think about how to make sexual intercourse such that a man ends it with orgasm faster. Sexologists advise doing the following:

  • pull the foreskin to expose the head;
  • maximum attention to the frenulum of the penis;
  • during oral sex and masturbation you need to do pressure and turning actions;
  • visual sexual stimulation, which involves wearing sexy underwear and posing a woman;
  • touching your erogenous and intimate places, which greatly excites any man;
  • stimulation of the prostate through the anus;
  • nipple stimulation with tongue and fingertips.

Particular attention can be paid to auditory sexual stimulation. It implies a languid voice, exciting words, moans and deep breathing of a woman, which excites a man so much.

Ejaculation stimulants

If none of the above methods help the guy, he should consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe medications to stimulate ejaculation without delay. The following types of drugs are commonly used:

  1. For physiological delayed ejaculation, medications can be used to eliminate the root causes of the disorder. The following drugs may be prescribed:
  • Amantadine;
  • Cyproheptadine;
  • Buspirone;
  • Yohimbine.
  1. In the psychogenic form of the pathology, sedatives may be prescribed to relax and stimulate sexual functions. And to consolidate the results, doctors carry out physical procedures - electrosleep, electroacupuncture, a bath with pine needles, color radiation treatment and acupuncture. Stimulation of sexual functions is achieved using procedures such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, galvanization or laser puncture.

For treatment to be effective, experts advise adjusting your lifestyle and diet, eliminating bad habits and food addictions, and leading an active lifestyle.

When to consult a doctor

Consultation with a doctor is necessary in case of sexual disorders caused by the presence of organic and mental pathology, or advanced psychological problems. In such cases, it is better to seek qualified medical help and not try to cure or fix something on your own. The fight against an “invisible enemy” is fraught with consequences. It is necessary to identify the cause and direct efforts to eliminate the underlying disease. For example, without curing prostatitis, a man can spend a long time and unsuccessfully treating his “rate of fire.” The problem of rapid ejaculation can only be dealt with by a doctor who will understand the causes and prescribe the necessary medication. In some cases, psychotherapy and behavioral therapy may be effective.

You may need consultation and treatment from doctors in the following specialties:

  • sexologist, sexopathologist,
  • urologist,
  • andrologist,
  • dermatovenerologist,
  • endocrinologist,
  • neurologist,
  • surgeon,
  • psychotherapist, psychologist.

Each specialist will deal with his own problem, if one is identified.

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