What is consciousness, subconscious and superconscious?

Recently, psychologists have been saying that everything a person does is dictated by his good intentions. Experts from the online magazine psytheater.com associate this with human superconsciousness, the concept and development of which will be discussed in the article.

Usually people divide actions into good and bad. The former bring benefit to everyone who encountered them (the person and others at whom they were directed), while the latter, on the contrary, cause harm. The person who committed the act can also say that he did something bad or wrong, and then feel remorse or guilt. However, the sages say that nothing was done by chance, everything has a motive for accomplishment. If a person did something wrong or bad, this act had predisposing factors that were primarily transformed and aimed at a good cause.

A discussion of the topic of superconsciousness, which every person possesses, will tell us how bad deeds, even the most terrible and wrong, are good.

What is superconsciousness?

What is superconsciousness? To define the concept, you need to understand what consciousness is. The term consists of two definitions: “with” and “knowledge”. "Co" means "joint" and "knowledge" implies information. Thus, a person receives information together with someone or from someone. To realize means to comprehend the information that a person received from the outside world.

However, consciousness is only a part of human mental activity. Here the subconscious and superconscious are also distinguished.

The subconscious is remarkable in that it is the baggage of the experiences that a person has gone through. Here is everything that a person has encountered, that he has ever studied, that he has ever experienced, what unconscious conclusions he has made, habits that were formed with or without his will, as well as everything that a person has not noticed or perceived consciously, but he experienced it, saw it or experienced it.

The entire memory of human life is stored in the subconscious. Its main function is to develop automatic actions, decisions and emotional reactions to free the mind from mental stress. In other words, if a person repeatedly encounters angry dogs, then after the first meetings he develops a model of behavior that he then begins to use, and it soon becomes his habit if it gives a more or less desired result.

When achieving goals, many people are faced with the fact that they cannot do anything. Often goals remain unfulfilled dreams that a person dreams about and cannot understand why he does not achieve them. The reason for this is his subconscious, which already has a certain set of automatic actions that a person must perform without thinking in order to relieve the consciousness of new information that needs to be thought about.

Let's take an obvious example: a person wants to quit smoking. On the first day, he may make every effort not to touch cigarettes. But then force majeure occurs at work: some work problems of an unforeseen nature capture the entire mind of the person who begins to think about them. Consciousness is busy thinking about problems and solving them, while it does not control those subconscious messages that dictate to a person how to calm himself down and stabilize himself in a situation of stress. And here the person does not notice how he lights up again. He cannot stop his habit, which is already fixed in the subconscious, while he is under stress and his consciousness is busy thinking about the problem.

But when all work issues are resolved, a person will again be able to devote his consciousness to controlling the messages of the subconscious, until he is again overwhelmed by some problems or new information.

The good thing about the subconscious is that it retains all the experience and acquired skills, knowledge, and conclusions. Under its influence, a person acts automatically, without thinking, which allows him to quickly respond to familiar and previously familiar external stimuli. Consciousness is freed, there is no mental stress, a person acts automatically, even if this does not give him the opportunity to achieve his goals, he at least remains calm.

The subconscious allows a person to remain calm, because it always leads him to those places where he is used to being, and to perform those actions that give a predictable result. This can be a disadvantage, since habitual actions do not allow a person to achieve goals (this is something that a person does not yet have, since his usual actions do not lead him to this). The subconscious is conservative - it stores everything that is understandable and familiar to a person, completely rejecting everything new. But to achieve goals, a person must perform unusual and new actions.

Another form of the psyche is superconsciousness. It refers to creativity, the untapped potential of a person. The superconscious can be called a generator of new ideas, which include unusual information, emotional experiences, and the desire to satisfy one’s needs.

The superconscious is as unconscious as the subconscious. His task is to find new solutions, ideas, and ways out of difficult situations. This is the so-called insight, intuition, illumination, etc., which involves a person’s awareness of some new idea that he did not previously know or did not adhere to.

Superconsciousness can be called the source of human evolution, which begins to become better, more universal, more perfect. Superconsciousness involves a person going beyond the boundaries of his usual environment. If, for example, a person does not know what is behind the doors of his apartment, then the subconscious can be called life within the apartment, where everything is calm and familiar, and the superconscious is going beyond the apartment, when a person begins to encounter new information, become aware of it, make it part of your experience.

Superconsciousness is creative intuition, when a person in a difficult or even ordinary situation finds a way out that he has never used. This is a new vision of the world, this is the desire to perform unusual actions for oneself, this is creation, creation.

The disadvantage of superconsciousness is that it contributes to the destruction of the usual, including traditions, values, old views of the world, etc. This is what society does not like, which obeys the same principles and laws of life, and now must accept new ideas. This can be compared to how people habitually believed in the plane of the planet Earth and could not believe that it was round.

Superconsciousness is a hypothesis. A person gives out a certain idea as a final result, but cannot trace the path of its origin and correction. Psychologists cannot fully study it due to the unconsciousness of the processes of formation of new ideas that a person gives out.

It is known that superconsciousness is based on the emotional sphere of a person. Emotions are human reactions that tell only one thing, whether his basic needs are satisfied or not. If the needs are satisfied, then the person experiences joy or happiness. Usually in such a situation the superconscious does not work. However, it becomes active under the influence of negative emotions, when a person is dissatisfied with the results he received. He begins to naturally look for ways to satisfy his desires in order to give himself the desired peace and happiness. This is where the superconscious turns on, which is aimed at finding new ways to solve a situation in which a person does not yet see a profitable way out.

What is consciousness, subconscious and superconscious?

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Model of the human psyche

There are three main parts in the human psyche: consciousness, superconsciousness, and subconsciousness. In this case, consciousness refers to the conscious mental, and superconsciousness and subconsciousness - to the unconscious mental (Simonov P.V. About two types of unconscious mental: sub- and superconscious, 1985, [6]).

The performance of these functions is associated with functional asymmetry of the brain. As you know, the two hemispheres of the human brain perform different functions. The left hemisphere is responsible for consciousness, logic, mainly for conscious mental activity. The right hemisphere is responsible for superconsciousness, intuition, and mainly for unconscious mental activity.

Logic and intuition are ways of perceiving information from the outside world. This is what they have in common. The difference is this. Logic is the ability to perceive information from the outside world by analyzing the details of the surrounding world.

Intuition is the ability to perceive information from the outside world as a whole, without analyzing the details of the surrounding world.

In more detail, logic is understood as a conscious mental, practical mind, concrete thinking, the ability to perceive information in addition to the censorship of the superconscious, which allows you to quickly and easily recognize quantitative characteristics and details of the surrounding world, conduct a differentiated analysis of the situation, show sophistication, inventiveness and resourcefulness (connection with extraversion). In addition, logic allows a person to realize intuitively perceived images and describe them in a language understandable to other people. Logic determines a person’s survival in the physical environment, so it can conditionally be called mind, consciousness. Logic, intelligence, practical skills can become psychological automatism and can be partially repressed into the subconscious and then they become unconscious mental.

Based on psychological automatism, a person is able to perceive the details of the surrounding world and carry out a differentiated analysis of the situation at very high speed, almost instantly recognize the sign he needs and take appropriate actions. Therefore, this property is mistakenly attributed to intuition, since outwardly it looks like intuition. In fact, intuition is a function of the superconscious, and psychological automatism is a function of the subconscious.

In more detail, intuition is understood as part of the unconscious psyche. It manifests itself as superconsciousness, imaginative thinking, an unconscious connection with the natural principle of nature, a common spirit, shared knowledge, and also as the ability to recognize the situation as a whole without analyzing details, the ability to recognize the quality of the surrounding world without differentiated analysis, through oneself (connection with introversion) .

Intuition determines a person’s survival in a spiritual environment, so it can conditionally be called spirit. Intuition (intuitively perceived images) can be partially realized by a person through his logic and then it becomes a conscious mental one. With such awareness, a person perceives high-quality information from the outside world, the natural beginning of nature. Intuition is associated with feeling, emotion (one's own). Based on intuition, a person develops feelings and emotions associated with the superconscious.

Intuition is sometimes confused with sensitivity to stimuli and impulsiveness. Sensitivity is not emotionality. Sensitivity to stimuli and impulsivity occurs when there is a violation of the coordination of oscillatory processes in the hemispheres (destabilization of the psyche), and emotionality (feelings, emotions, intuition, superconsciousness) is a property of the right hemisphere and increases with its dominance.

The subconscious refers to the unconscious mental and is a function of both hemispheres. The subconscious unloads consciousness and is a repository of unnecessary and unbearable information. The subconscious contains what was previously conscious and turned into psychological automatism - skills, reflexes, as well as what became unbearable for the psyche and was repressed into the subconscious. Mental traumas, repressed into the subconscious, are hidden feelings, fears that a person does not experience in his immediate sensations, but in an extreme situation they control human behavior (together with instincts, reflexes). The dominance of one of the hemispheres and the degree of coherence (consistency) of oscillatory processes in the hemispheres determine the degree of personal harmony.

It should be noted that the coherence (consistency) of oscillatory processes in the hemispheres corresponds to the stability of communication between the hemispheres or the stability of mental processes. The dominance of the right hemisphere corresponds to the predominant development of intuition, and the left hemisphere - logic.

Model of human interaction with the outside world

For a harmonious combination of a person with the surrounding world (for external harmony), consistency of intuition and logic (internal harmony) is required.

Internal harmony determines the shape of the human psyche, and external harmony determines the content of the psyche. Therefore, the form of the psyche in people is different, since they have different ancestors, but the content of the psyche in all people is the same, common, since all people are under the influence of the same laws of nature (the truth is one).

Harmony is understood as the coherence of two human principles - intuition and logic (or spirit and mind). Internal harmony of a personality means the presence of a stable functional connection between the two hemispheres of the brain, in which a person, with his logic (function of the left hemisphere), can realize his intuition, images (function of the right hemisphere).

Harmony with the external environment means the coordinated flow of oscillatory processes in the external environment, coming from the natural beginning of nature and inside a person. In the presence of internal and external harmony, a person is able to perceive realistic information from the external environment and develop adequate behavior.

When harmony (internal or external) is disturbed, a person’s realistic perception of the environment and the adequacy of behavior are disrupted. From a physical point of view, personal harmony corresponds to the coordinated flow of oscillatory processes in the two hemispheres of the brain.

Harmony increases with stability and coincidence of the vibration frequency and stability of the phase difference of these two oscillatory processes. The dominance of one of the hemispheres - the difference in the amplitudes of oscillatory processes in the two hemispheres - affects the degree of personal harmony in an ambiguous way: with average mental stability it has no effect, with low mental stability it reduces harmony, and with high mental stability it increases it. In other words, the degree of personal harmony corresponds to the degree of coherence of oscillatory processes in the two hemispheres of the brain and the external source of harmonization.

From a psychological point of view, a person’s harmony corresponds to the degree of his psychological protection from life’s shocks and illnesses. Achieving a high degree of harmony allows a person to engage in creative work, harmonize the world around him, make the environment and people around him conflict-free - do good and realize himself as a person.

In Fig. 1.3. a diagram of human interaction with the outside world is presented (taking into account brain asymmetry). Using this diagram, the following processes can be explained: perception of information from the outside world, recognition of the quality of the situation and details of the surrounding world, censorship of the superconscious (protection from information intolerable to the psyche).

A person perceives information from the outside world in the following way. With the help of intuition, a person perceives information about the quality of the situation, and with the help of logic, about the quantitative characteristics of the environment. With the help of the right hemisphere (intuition, superconsciousness), a person perceives images from the external world - the shape of a field modulated by the external environment. Then, with the help of the left hemisphere, a person manifests the images of the right hemisphere in the language of his logic and realizes, that is, receives information.

To perceive information, personal harmony is necessary - internal and external, i.e. – coordinated flow of oscillatory processes between the two hemispheres of the brain, as well as with the external environment. In other words, a stable functional connection is required both between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, logic and intuition, as well as with the outside world.

With the right hemisphere, a person perceives information through himself, intuition, superconsciousness, which allows him to recognize the situation as a whole, recognize the quality, property of the situation and the person. But the perception of information only through intuition slows down or makes it impossible to assess the quantitative characteristics of the external environment and quickly implement an adequate physical control effect on the external environment.

With the left hemisphere, a person perceives information directly through consciousness, logic, by external signs, external manifestations, which allows him to quickly and easily recognize quantitative characteristics and details of the external environment. But perceiving information only through logic does not allow us to recognize the situation as a whole and develop an adequate strategy.

If the stability of the functional connection between the two hemispheres of the brain is disrupted, then the possibility of a harmonious combination of a person with the environment and with other people is reduced. One of the channels for receiving information is partially blocked - logical or intuitive, depending on the dominance of one of the hemispheres.

If, at the same time, a person’s left hemisphere dominates, then the right hemisphere connection weakens. A person loses intuitive perception and the ability to recognize the situation as a whole. He lacks any stable principles and cannot develop an adequate strategy. Its principles change instantly and without inertia depending on changes in external circumstances. His logic becomes free from intuition. The practical mind becomes quick, inventive, resourceful, sophisticated and daring. He partially enters the world of illusions and begins to destroy the environment and other people based on the overly valuable illusory idea that noble goals can only be achieved with the help of speed and sophistication of the mind without spirituality. He becomes "spiritless."

If, in conditions of disruption of the stability of the connection between the hemispheres, a person’s right hemisphere dominates, then the left hemisphere connection weakens. A person loses logical perception and the ability to recognize details of the environment in real time. He generates many new ideas, but they are either unrealistic or no one needs them. Practical intelligence and common sense are suppressed. He partially enters the world of illusions and begins to destroy himself on the basis of the overvalued illusory idea that noble goals can only be achieved with the help of spirituality, an idea without common sense and practical mind. He becomes "crazy."

Thus, with the stability of the connection between the hemispheres, a person with the right hemisphere recognizes the quality of the situation and develops a strategy - noble goals, and with the left hemisphere analyzes the details and develops tactics, the implementation of which leads to the intended goal. When the connection between the hemispheres is disrupted, a person still has noble goals and acts according to his tactics, but these actions do not lead to the intended strategic goals. In this case, people do not realize the reason for what is happening and say: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.”

From the book by A.N. Anuashvili “Fundamentals of Objective Psychology” (read the book in our Library)

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Concept of superconsciousness

The superconscious and subconscious are parts of the unconscious activity of the psyche. Consciousness is the conscious part of it. The unconscious part is of interest because it significantly influences a person’s life.

The subconscious is a repository of experience, information, automatic actions, etc. Thus, a person relieves his brain of constantly thinking about the same information. Once he has known it or made a conclusion, accustomed himself to a certain model of behavior, he no longer has to think about it.

The subconscious mind stores everything that a person has absorbed into himself: fears, positive and negative patterns of behavior, conflicts, contradictory concepts, etc. The subconscious mind does not care how a person feels about his negative conclusions or habits. If he continues to use them, does not change them, does not program himself for new beliefs or behavior patterns, then these negative patterns are beneficial to him.

The subconscious is also good because a person quickly navigates a familiar space. He does not think, but quickly analyzes who and what surrounds him and how to behave in such an environment.

If we consider the concept of the superconscious, then it is not controlled by a person, like the subconscious, and is even less studied by psychologists. The fact is that a person is faced with the final result of the activity of his superconscious - an insight, a hypothesis, a new idea.

Superconsciousness is a situational phenomenon that produces only a certain idea that corrects or slightly introduces something unusual. In a significant way, the superconscious does not work. It is aimed only at identifying a new option, model of behavior or idea that can be used in a situation or abandoned.

Superconsciousness is based on a person’s desire to satisfy his dominant needs. That is why at the beginning of the article it was said that a person always acts with good intentions:

  1. He is driven by his basic needs to achieve balance, peace and happiness.
  2. At the same time, he uses those patterns of behavior that he is usually accustomed to perform in a specific situation and when achieving a certain goal (subconscious).
  3. If a person develops his superconsciousness, then he will be able to recognize other ways to achieve his goals, taking into account the desires and interests of others, whom he will not harm by his actions and will benefit himself.

Development of the superconscious

The most interesting question remains how to develop superconsciousness in yourself. It is quite difficult to answer this if there is no clear understanding of how the process of forming new ideas occurs. However, recommendations can be made for creating enabling situations that can trigger insights:

  • A game. Try to play by simulating the situation that has arisen. Be yourself, another person, your opponent, etc. See the situation from different sides in order to be able to understand something new for yourself.
  • Get rid of beliefs, principles, attitudes, etc. Do not divide the world into good and bad, black and white, right and wrong. Take everything as a whole, without making judgments.

Go beyond the limitations and “fences” of your consciousness. Set a goal you want to achieve and see what you need to do to get directly there.

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Superconsciousness, simply put, is a connection with the Higher Powers (with God and the Forces of Light). Superconsciousness is represented in a person by two main chakras, Atman and Sahasrara. Communication with God is carried out through the central energy information channel, which passes in the center of the flow of the Spirit through the Sahasrara, directly into the center of the Atman (into the Spiritual Being to the divine spark).

The development of the Superconscious makes it possible to achieve higher superconscious states, a way of thinking of the 7th and 8th level of development (these are Missions, Teachers, Initiates, Priests), understanding the Will of God and Serving Him, infallibility, enormous energy Power, Superpowers (levitation, transmutation, synthesis, etc.). etc.) and the highest protection of the Forces of Light (invulnerability to Evil, etc.).

Superconsciousness involves surrendering oneself to the Will of God - this is the choice of life path, goals and methods of achieving them with His consent.

Superconsciousness is a person’s ability to connect with God at the level of faith, feelings, ideas, thoughts, and ideally all external (actions) and internal (decisions, feelings and emotions). Achieving superconsciousness and superconscious states gives a person the highest states of Happiness and Strength, as well as the discovery of superpowers (the abilities of Atman and Sahasrara), as mentioned above.

Full-fledged hyperawareness is possible if three conditions are met:

1. Connection with God - direct communication, love for God, subordination of all one’s manifestations to His Will (at the moment available to a few).

2. Absolute control of oneself - entering any state, inducing any sensations, etc. (also now available to one in several million people).

3. Serving God is the realization of one’s destiny.

But absolutely every person can develop superconsciousness to an initial degree. With constant training of one's superconsciousness, everyone can achieve an ever-growing state of joy and happiness (fire in the chest, gratitude for life, feelings), the ability to draw fruitful bright Ideas from high information spaces, the ability to evoke in others positive feelings of joy during communication and any interaction.

Other people are very fond of people with working superconsciousness, that is, light and shining, with an open heart.

Training the superconscious and developing superconsciousness involves:

  1. Strengthening Faith in God and Love for Him
  2. Sincere desire to understand the Will of God and act in accordance with it
  3. Cultivating love for the world as a creation of the Creator, treating it with great respect and gratitude
  4. Meditation on the aspirations, principles and values ​​of the Atman and Sahasrara
  5. Acceptance of higher justice and the desire to learn from God, as the Mentor of all great Teachers
  6. Cultivating a State of Joy

The most powerful acceleration in the development of the Superconscious is provided by targeted development in some positive System, a bright spiritual school. In classes at the System of acad. Mianiye M.Yu. (Kharkov) these issues are studied with scientific rigor and the use of the most effective development techniques.

For more details on what needs to be done for this, read the articles dedicated to Atman and Sahasrara.

I wish you success and achievement of higher states, dear reader!

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