Resentment towards a man and its consequences for a woman

Men always try to look cold and tough, but in reality they are very sensitive.
While women vigorously express their emotions, males keep them inside themselves. Offended adult guys often behave like children. Lack of attention, standard reproaches and even an innocent joke can seriously hurt them. I offended a man - what should I do? Do not know? In this article we will try to answer this question. From this article you will learn:

  • What can offend a man
  • What is the cause of male grievances
  • How does an offended man behave?
  • How to behave as a woman who has offended a man

What is resentment

Resentment is the reaction of one person to the words or actions of another. You should not shift all responsibility onto the person you offended. After all, you could very well have avoided this. In such situations there are always two participants. This means that both bear responsibility.

Try to always think about what you are going to say or do. Knowing about the things that can offend your partner, try to avoid them. For example, by constantly calling him a nickname that he doesn’t like (and he has already told you about this), you provoke his negative reaction. At best, he will just be upset.

Those around us can also be offended by our unconscious actions. Let's say you had no idea that your man attaches great importance to religion, and you accidentally hurt his feelings with an unflattering comment. To avoid making such mistakes, talk to your partner more often. The main thing is to do this honestly and openly.

Any relationship is based on interaction. If you know your partner well, you will achieve his understanding and will not do or say things that may offend him. Find out what exactly hurts him and causes an acute reaction. When there is mutual respect and trust in a relationship, no offense is scary. After all, you will prevent them.

What can be hidden under the mask of male resentment?

I offended a man - what should I do? Advice from psychologists convinces us not to panic when our loved one doesn’t get in touch or answer calls. Such behavior does not always signal resentment. Maybe he is overwhelmed with work, had a fight with his boss, colleagues, family, or his car broke down. There are many possible causes. Don't immediately think that it's all about us.

When you can contact him, talk calmly. Ask about his work, friends and family. Find out about his car. Perhaps the reason for his recent behavior is a leak in the gas tank, which he tried to fix on his own.

Don't panic if your loved one stops writing to you as often as before. Don't worry right away that you offended him. What should you do? Calm down and think. Maybe he thinks that now there is no need to correspond as much as at the beginning of the relationship? Or does he not have time for this, and it is much more convenient for him to call once? The main thing is not to make hasty conclusions.

You definitely shouldn’t make a scandal or throw a tantrum without understanding the situation. You will not achieve anything good with the help of manipulations, threats and a raised voice. The first thing you need to do is understand what is happening now in your partner’s life. Is he acting in an unusual way because you offended him? Or, on the contrary, does he urgently need your support, but does not know how to ask for it?

What can offend a man

No two men are the same. Therefore, you should not make the mistake of viewing them within the narrow framework of a certain type or category. Everyone has their own rich inner world. And what may seem insignificant to one may offend another. Of course, there are common points between them too. Just like between women. But can you put yourself 100% into any category?

A man is offended by a woman, what should I do? There are thousands of different actions, words and situations that can deeply hurt him. And only a woman can understand each specific case. As a rule, a man gets offended if you didn’t do something the way he wanted. Perhaps you made an expensive purchase without consulting him? Or is the reason for his silence due to your incessant idle chatter?

What to do when your partner leaves home without explanation? Try to understand how you offended him. Angry screams after each other will definitely lead to a quarrel. Therefore, think about your actions and statements in advance. Remember the last conversation: how exactly could you offend your loved one so much?

You can offend a man not only by your actions and words - your social circle also plays a big role. Situations often occur when a woman’s friends behave too freely or discuss her partner in his presence. And then she pays for it. Therefore, remember well: relationships with your loved one should not concern anyone other than the two of you. What should you do in this case? Make it clear to your friends that it is indecent to discuss intimate moments. And the main thing is not to tell the details of your relationship yourself.

The concept of resentment in different fields of knowledge

Social sciences view the state of resentment in different ways. Pedagogy approaches the issue from the point of view of education as the conscious management of human development. And within this aspect, resentment is called a primitive form of education. We use it because we have no other tools to influence another person. Or simply resentment is an easier and more accessible way.

Social psychology understands resentment as a way of regulating relationships between people. That is, with the help of a state of resentment, people can maintain their boundaries, maintain subordination, maintain authority, power, express their needs, etc.

The most interesting interpretation of the state of resentment, in our opinion, is offered by religion. What is the purpose of man on earth from the point of view of faith? Loving God and lovingly accepting others, yourself and life. That is, the main thing for each of us is to give love to the world. It turns out that the state of resentment is a CONSCIOUS CONSTRAINT OF LOVE FOR ANOTHER PERSON.

This is an interruption of love and making an internal decision: for your certain action, I can deprive you of love. Imagine a faucet with water running out of it. Suddenly it was blocked. What happened to the tap? It's rusty. So, every insult is the screwing on of a small faucet in your soul and its rusting. How many of these faucets do you have there? They are not immediately visible, but they definitely make themselves felt. You start communicating with a person and gradually realize that something is wrong with him. People with a large number of rusty faucets can be easily recognized by drooping shoulders, dull eyes, constant complaints about themselves and others, and frequent condemnation. There is a huge amount of love in every person. And we can give it away. If we don't let love out, it doesn't disappear. It simply begins to circulate inside a person and heat only that person. This is how selfishness, narcissism and vanity develop.

Believers often give the following example: “There are many sick people in the hospital. After all, no one condemns anyone there.” Resentment is the same spiritual disease. The offended person often perceives himself not as “I am nothing,” but as “I am SOMETHING.” The larger the human ego, the more a person tends to sink into a state of resentment. A kind of turbulence zone appears inside, and peace of mind disappears. The mind cannot be called clear and the heart cannot be called peaceful. The state of resentment is often accompanied by a situation of “broken wood”: a person’s actions cause tragic consequences.

Resentment is often associated with illness. The overall energy of a person decreases, and our protective field becomes weak and vulnerable. Popular wisdom says: “Resentment is a poison that we take ourselves in the hope that another will be poisoned.” Resentment brings pain to a person. And pain is a lack of love.

TOP 8 male grievances

I really offended a man - what should I do? First of all, try to figure out what exactly hurt him so much. The reasons for men's grievances depend on their character, age and the conditions in which they grew up. We have selected the 8 most common situations in which representatives of the stronger sex can be offended:

  1. Anyone whose self-esteem is high will never tolerate rudeness and vulgar jokes towards himself. It is extremely important for him to maintain his status. And he perceives any jokes addressed to him as attempts to offend and humiliate him.
  2. Treason. It can not only offend a man, but also destroy his self-confidence, as well as his masculine viability. According to representatives of both sexes, the only thing they fear more than betrayal is the death of a loved one.
  3. Doubts about his loyalty. Women's mistrust is a signal to a partner that he is not at all as good as he thought. Naturally, he will not like it, and he will not agree with it.
  4. When he is discussed with friends, it is very unpleasant and irritates him. And no wonder. Who wants to share personal moments with others, and even justify their behavior in a given situation? Even if the issue is not low self-esteem and forced excuses, such behavior from a partner is still humiliating for a man. After all, in this way it shows that they are not able to sort out the misunderstandings themselves without the advice of outsiders.
  5. Unconstructive criticism without an attempt to prove that you are right, with personalization, with or without reason. She can offend and irritate any partner. Indeed, at such moments he finds himself in the unpleasant position of defending himself, having allowed criticism from others. This speaks of his weakness and helplessness.
  1. Open contempt and dissatisfaction on the part of the woman with his interests. Hobbies reflect the inner world of a person. If a woman cannot accept this, she will not be able to fully accept her partner. In this case, it is not clear why she even lives with him. Therefore, what does an offended man do? That's right, he begins to doubt her and himself. Because of strong feelings for a woman, he may give up his hobbies. But then he will simply cease to be himself. In such situations, women often complain that their husbands spend all their free time on the couch in front of the TV, forgetting that they became like this because of their love for them.
  2. A woman’s attempt to carry out an important task and make a decision without prior discussion with a man can also offend the latter. After all, the partner’s behavior suggests that he is not able to resolve the issue on his own or is such an insignificant person in her life that he should not be consulted.
  3. A woman can not only upset, but also greatly offend her partner if she speaks negatively about his family. The fact is that he is an inseparable part of his family, he has no other. Therefore, he worries that he could not protect her from hurtful words. Besides, the man himself turned out to be bad, since he has such relatives. It's no secret that many couples separate due to discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. You shouldn't make this mistake and criticize your loved one's family, because most likely he will take it personally.

It's all about temperament

How to offend a man? One representative of the stronger sex cannot be offended by anything, another is offended by a common remark, the third withdraws into himself after minor criticism. All guys are different, they have different characters and temperaments, so they give different reactions to the same stimulus. What to expect from offended men?

  1. Cholerics can be tolerated by ladies with a strong character. They are unbearable in family life, emotional and hot-tempered. Cholerics cannot harbor a grudge for long; they prefer to initiate proceedings immediately after an insult.
  2. Melancholic people are constantly offended. This is inherent in their character from birth. They love to be sad and can inflate resentment over the most insignificant reason. However, melancholic people, although they take offense for a long time, are often the first to reconcile.
  3. It is almost impossible to notice resentment in a phlegmatic person. These are people who are accustomed to experiencing emotions inside, which often leads to the development of psychological and physical diseases. It is necessary to constantly communicate with them in order to be aware of their emotional experiences.
  4. Sanguine people endure insults most easily. They practically don't notice them. They quickly move from an offended state to a joyful one; it is enough to please them with a delicious dinner or praise.

What to do if you offended a man? Does the faithful blow his lips with or without reason? It’s worth considering whether this is really your fault. Perhaps your life partner simply has a complex character or he wants to convey something, but does not know how. Frank conversation is an excellent prevention of grievances and conflicts. Have heartfelt conversations more often, and relationships will bring only positive emotions.

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How offended men behave

The characters of men and women are indeed very different. If you offend a man, this will manifest itself in his cold attitude, taciturnity, and being in a bad mood. And if before this the woman said unpleasant things to him or did something that he did not like, then the reason for his behavior is obvious.

If you offend a woman, what will she do? Of course, clearly express your emotions: complain to friends, throw a tantrum, cry. But her partner will behave the opposite way - he will become more concentrated, gloomy, withdrawn, and “withdraw into himself.”

Having thrown out all the negativity, women most often forgive their offenders. But with men you should be patient, as they can remain gloomy for quite a long time.

Sometimes the partner is offended for too long, and the woman begins to panic. It seems to her that he is cheating on her, their love has passed, and so on. At such moments, she can do something stupid and make the situation worse. Then how should you behave if you offend a man? What if he was seriously hurt? First of all, remain calm, even if the quarrel has long been forgotten, and your partner continues to remain silent, frowns, or is generally rude. Many people grumble or withdraw into themselves in such cases. But remember: you should absolutely not start a showdown at a time when your loved one is still offended! It’s better for you to spend this time on yourself: visit the hairdresser, go shopping with friends, etc. Get rid of the thought that your partner wants to leave you. He just needs to be alone with himself after a quarrel to calm down and sort out his thoughts.

When the man is ready for reconciliation, support him with a joyful smile instead of trying to make him feel guilty for the period while you were neglected.

To do this, it is important to be able to abstract from his offended behavior and switch to yourself. This is much better than begging for his attention, throwing tantrums, constantly tugging, asking about how you offended him. Be sensitive to catch the moment when he is ready to come out of his shell. Know how to distinguish his resentment towards you from experiencing other stresses and problems, because of which he may also withdraw into himself, but in fact he will need support and simply will not be able to say about it without showing weakness.

The guy is offended: characteristic behavior

A man's character is fundamentally different from a woman's. Being offended, representatives of the fair sex express their pain with tears, screams, and hysterics. After an emotional shock, the ladies quickly calm down and forgive everything. Men are not offended openly. They carry all the negativity within themselves, spend more time alone and “reward” their beloved with contemptuous silence.

How else does an offended man behave:

  • silent;
  • becomes gloomy and withdrawn;
  • does not call or respond to messages;
  • is rude or ignores any appeal;
  • not talking;
  • leaves home.

If this behavior has been going on for 3-4 days, then there is no need to create new scenes and scandals. Try to leave the man alone and understand what actions or words caused such a reaction. If you can’t remember anything, grab the attention of your chosen one and calmly ask him to explain what exactly hurt his pride. In cases where the woman is truly to blame, she urgently needs to reconsider her behavior and take action to correct the situation. How to behave if you offend a man?

How to apologize if you offended a man

I offended a man - what should I do? Psychologists always advise asking for forgiveness. But few know how to do it correctly. First of all, it is necessary to understand what exactly hurt him so much. Then try to calmly explain to your loved one why you acted this way, and promise him that if it hurts him so much, it won’t happen again.

If you have offended your loved one and he is very upset, you will have to take many steps in order to receive his forgiveness. He will deliberately ignore you, so get his attention first. To do this, give your partner a small gift, dress attractively, or cook a romantic dinner. And when you can talk, try to calmly explain your actions and apologize.

You can even prepare for such a conversation in advance. And the main thing you need to do is stay calm. Even if the man is very emotional. Resist the urge to respond in kind. You will achieve the desired effect only when you calm him down and your conversation becomes constructive. Otherwise, conflict is inevitable. He will make the situation worse, and your partner may even hurt you in return. As a result, the problem will remain unresolved. But if your couple has mutual feelings, you will definitely cope with any troubles.

What to do if you offended the man you love? Should I write first? Look for the answer in this video:

What to do if a man is seriously offended

properly presented apology is the key to the result you need. Let's look at the advice of psychologists on what you can do if you have offended a man and are to blame for it yourself.

  • Give the man time to calm down.

If you have offended your loved one and have absolutely no idea what to do next, then it is better to give him time to calm down, digest what happened, and be alone. He may not want to explain himself, and your desire to find out everything will only make the situation worse. When you feel that he is ready to “get out” of the offense, then you need to provide him with attention and care. Talk and admit that you are sorry, you were wrong. In the end, just ask him for forgiveness. The only thing you shouldn't do is make excuses. Say that you will try to reconsider your views and not repeat mistakes. All this should be said confidently, clearly, but gently.

  • Don't ignore the man.

It is impossible not to notice a man’s offense or his unusual behavior. The fastest and easiest way out of this situation is to discuss it. In this case, you should speak calmly and judiciously, take care of your loved one’s feelings.

  • Show empathy.

You know your man better than anyone. Perhaps you need to feel sorry for him, and he will calm down. Show feminine sensitivity. You cannot remain indifferent when your husband is sad next to you. Take care of him, comfort him, give him affection and apologize. It is easier for girls to admit their mistakes. Even if you are not entirely sure of your own guilt, give in, but just a little. This will be your step towards reconciliation.

What to do if a man is overly touchy

According to psychologists, excessive touchiness is characteristic of men with incorrect self-esteem. If it is too overpriced and close to selfishness, then anything that goes against their opinion can offend them. And with very low male self-esteem, any action of a woman towards her partner is regarded by him as an insult or humiliation. In both cases, he becomes a manipulator: in the first, he forces people to do everything his own way, in the second, he constantly demands praise.

If you offend a partner who does not live with you, he may simply disappear, silently and for a long time. He won't even listen to your explanations. And when living together, he will “puff up” and begin to sit for hours (and maybe even days) in silence.

Then what to do? Is it possible to change a man's behavior? Definitely not. In such cases, all you can do is wait. Therefore, if your man is really dear to you, learn not to create situations that can offend him, study the threshold of his sensitivity, as well as words and actions that can hurt him. So, with the help of female sensitivity and gentleness, through trial and error, you will achieve harmony even with the most touchy man.

What you shouldn’t do in this case is try to change the man. Such attempts will not lead to anything good. Accept the touchy man for who he is. It is impossible to change character, as well as the properties of nature. Over time, you will learn to manage your partner's mood by identifying pain points and avoiding them so as not to offend him.

All of the above applies to those relationships in which there is female love. If it is missing, do not waste your time and energy. In a relationship with a whiner, you will have to change yourself and adapt to him all the time. Why do this and torture yourself in vain if separation is inevitable? It is worth fighting for an ideal union only when it is impossible to imagine your existence without your beloved man.

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How to get rid of a grudge against a man: forgive and let go

Your work with a specific grievance should end with the man's forgiveness . You do this for yourself, and not for him - you get rid of the black, unpleasant, destructive feeling. After talking through the situation and parsing your feelings into components, imagine an image of forgiveness: a luxurious flower blooming inside you, a clear sky from which storm clouds are leaving, a crying child who begins to smile.

You can come up with your own, the brightest one, with which you associate peace. Having honestly done such work, you will achieve it.

Please note that if an offense against a man occurs in similar situations that are often repeated, then you should contact a specialist. Don't be offended, and your life will be much healthier and happier!

— Author — Ekaterina Maksimova, website – Beautiful and Successful Copying of this article is prohibited!

Men of which zodiac signs are the most touchy?

Agatha Christie wrote that smart people do not get offended, but draw conclusions. Sounds reasonable, but do we always follow sound advice? Especially when it comes to grievances. What does astrology say about this?

Rating of touchiness by zodiac sign:

1st place - Taurus

Men of this sign are the easiest to offend. Any statement containing criticism is enough to make Taurus upset and withdraw into himself. This is due to his rich imagination combined with insecurity. From an insignificant detail, Taurus likes to make such a large-scale problem that no apology helps: he has already convinced himself that there is no worse person than him.

2nd place - Cancer

It’s not difficult to upset a Cancer man. And it’s even easier to offend with an apology. What to do in this case? Consider yourself a sapper walking through a mined field. Ask him for forgiveness, but only simply and clearly, without any reservations. Say that you acted stupidly without thinking, and you won’t do it again. If you allow yourself even the slightest hint that he is wrong, it’s scary to even imagine what the reaction will be.

3rd place - Capricorn

Men of this sign are trembling, fragile and love themselves very much. They attach great importance to the assessment of others. Moreover, it must be positive. If you speak critically about Capricorn's preferences, appearance or work, you will deal him a crushing blow. What does an offended Capricorn man do? He gets very upset (maybe even sheds a tear), and then finds a comforter who recognizes his genius.

4th place - Aquarius

They will not do anything in response to the offender, but will simply erase him from their lives. This is the Aquarius method. They don’t swear and don’t hatch plans for revenge - they simply forget about your existence, prohibiting their loved ones from any mention of you. If you ever meet again, Aquarius will act as if he has no idea who you are.

5th place - Pisces

Pisces take offense quickly, but take a long time to move away. Moreover, even the most insignificant thing can become a reason for their resentment. The good news is that these men manage without scandals, experiencing everything inside. But after formally accepting the apology, they will continue to delve into themselves for another month.

6th place - Gemini

We can say that Gemini men are “fuelled” by grievances. They are just waiting for a reason to quarrel. Any little thing that, in their opinion, contains even a little criticism will lead to a deafening scandal. Moreover, Gemini’s reaction will be tens of times greater than the cause of the offense. What should those who find themselves in a similar situation do? There is only one way out - to quickly retreat. Without an opponent, an offended man will calm down much faster.

7th place - Leo

I offended a man, what should I do if his sign is Leo? Everyone knows that Leos strive to be objects of admiration or, at a minimum, respect. It is important for them to know that they are valued. But a man of this sign will also certainly require you to evaluate his actions or work. And here you need to be very careful. The advantage is that Leo quickly cools down from minor insults. However, if the reason turns out to be significant enough, he will not take revenge, but will simply forget about your existence.

8th place - Aries

I seriously offended a man, what should I do? If his sign is Aries, then he is selective in his grievances. But don't look for logic in his behavior. He can ignore serious criticism, but then explode over a trifle. And then prepare for a scandal: screams, roars, stamping of feet. The good news is that such a reaction does not last long, and he quickly forgets all grievances.

9th place - Scorpio

Scorpios are distinguished by common sense. Therefore, those offenders who were lucky enough not to get caught should be very grateful to fate. However, sometimes even Scorpios turn off their brains. And then things will not go well for the one who offended them. Moreover, the consequences do not always occur immediately. Men of this sign are vengeful, but patient. What will they do? Of course, wait for the right moment to respond to the insult. So don't be surprised if the reckoning hits you in a week, a few months, or even a year.

10th place - Sagittarius

Sagittarius men prefer to act rationally, without giving in to emotions. But they also have weaknesses, touching which the offender will doom himself to great trouble. Sagittarius' revenge is precise, ruthless and insatiable.

11th place - Virgo

Representatives of this sign are extremely intelligent people. They do not allow grievances to affect their overall condition. What do offended Virgo men do? Faced with unfair criticism, they will simply blacklist the offender. It will be quite difficult to make peace with them later, but it is possible.

12th place - Libra

Libras also get offended sometimes. But they don’t keep negativity to themselves for a long time, but immediately dump it on the one who happened to be nearby at that moment. Having shared their grief with others, they come into complete order.


Resentments are burning coals that we gather in our palms and wait for the right moment to throw them at the offender.

You are holding in your hands a book that invites you on a journey in search of the origins of the extraordinary, magical and so familiar feeling of RESULT.

“I hid. In the house. Leave everyone. How could you do this to me?”... The soul of an offended person is filled with similar words and unjustified expectations.

I wonder if being offended is harmful to a person? Or, on the contrary, is it useful? Together we will explore this issue and understand the role that resentment plays in our lives. Let's get acquainted with the types of touchy people described in science, the types of insults and ways to be offended. Let's find out how the state of resentment affects a person's health and relationships with other people. Let's figure out why resentment arises in family life and what its most important function is in the relationship between mother and child, man and woman, individual and society. And most importantly: the book will help you understand how the state of resentment affects spiritual development.

No matter how many years people live, they are offended for so many years. Maybe there is still some secondary benefit in this state? No high-tech inventions could prevent a person from offending others and being offended himself. So, perhaps there is some benefit in being offended?

The answer to this question should be sought in another plane - in the sphere of our spiritual self.

This book will help you understand controversial issues, take a fresh look at grievances, and build your own special ecological space for perceiving grievances without compromising your psychological health.

Prevention of male grievances

The presence of mutual grievances is one of the signs of a dysfunctional relationship. What needs to be done to avoid the recurrence of unpleasant situations? Of course, analyze their causes as quickly as possible and take the necessary measures.

Of course, conflicts are inevitable in any relationship. However, many of them are preventable. The most important thing is to take into account the characteristics of each individual person. After all, what one leaves unattended may greatly offend another. Therefore, you should build relationships and find an approach to your upset husband individually. To do this, you need to spend more time together, communicate and try to understand who matters what.

It is also very important to regularly strengthen your alliance. For example, a woman may sympathize or offer her help to a man who is having troubles at work. In this way, mutual understanding will increase and trust between partners will be strengthened. And don't forget about mutual respect. After all, trust, understanding and respect are the basis of a long and happy relationship.

As mentioned above, the reaction of women and men to insult is different. Regardless of what the offended man does, you must understand that you should not ask him obvious questions (for example, “who are you offended by”) that will not resolve the conflict. You will achieve greater effect if you try to understand what exactly caused his reaction. Support him or write him a sweet message. And if you can’t establish contact, don’t be offended in return. This way you can ruin your relationship. Your main task is to understand your mistake and quickly correct it.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

Competent interaction with the state of resentment is one of the conditions for your personal effectiveness

It is difficult to be successful and happy if you are not able to gently and safely live through difficult periods and situations in life.

Advancement in the topic of grievances should begin with a simple question. When you hear the word “grievance,” how many people do you think are affected by this process? What number comes to your mind first?

Remember your first intuitive answer. At the end of the book you will encounter this question again.

For a clearer understanding of what resentment is, do a simple exercise. Take a pen, a piece of paper and write the word “RESULT” on it in large letters. Imagine that this is an abbreviation (like USSR, Air Force, GOST, etc.). Unscramble each letter with words.

Participants in the “Grievances and Human Spiritual Health” seminars most often give the following answers:


– anger, grief, reflection, loneliness, communication, stopping, etc. Usually words that are associated with movement are heard here. We explain this by the fact that in a state of resentment a person is indeed often in motion: internal (self-flagellation) or external (judgment of others).


– illness, pain, heartlessness, misfortune, scourge, fear, gratitude, etc. For the most part, words starting with this letter describe painful states of the soul and body. Rarely do you come across such pleasant words as gratitude. One of the most important goals of this book is to teach a person to perceive grievances as an experience on the path to development and understanding of the need to be grateful.


– sincerity, torture, ignoring, intrigue, hysteria, healing, spark, etc. Please note: with each subsequent deciphered letter, the flow of feelings and emotions increases. The state of resentment is indeed inextricably linked with emotion - external or internal. A person is always filled with energy. Whether it is destructive or creative - this remains to be sorted out.


– pressure, insolence, goodwill, movement, gift, wildness, etc. The letter “D” is often associated among participants with various aspects of interaction.


– absurdity, ambivalence, ambition, greed, etc. Seminar participants, as a rule, associate words with the last letter that can cause offense. Look what word you wrote.

The state of resentment is the conscious restraint of love for another person.

With the help of associations and choice of words, we have compiled an understanding of the offense that is relevant to us. And thus we adjusted the vector of our consciousness, and most importantly, our unconscious, to perceive the topic of resentment and new views on it.

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