If a person sleeps a lot, what does this mean, and is it harmful to sleep a lot?

Negative effects of prolonged sleep

1. Heart problems
When you sleep for a long time, your heart begins to suffer. The fact is that during sleep, blood vessels dilate and blood flow slows down, which means that the likelihood of blood thickening and the formation of clots, which can become blood clots, increases. Thus, prolonged sleep is one of the factors that can lead a person to a stroke or heart attack. Moreover, scientists at the University of Massachusetts conducted a study that confirmed that prolonged sleep leads to early mortality. Moreover, the more a person sleeps, the sooner he risks dying. In this regard, the ideal sleep time is considered to be 7 hours a day.

2. Obesity

Prolonged sleep also affects the state of appearance, in particular, the gain of fat mass. If you sleep for long periods of time, including during the day, you have less time for activity during the day. And less activity is accompanied by less burning of calories, which, remaining in the body, lead to weight gain. Typically, excess body weight develops both in people who sleep 4 hours a day, and in people who are drawn to sleep 10 hours a day. That is why it is worth monitoring the duration of night rest and limiting it to 7-8 hours.

3. Diabetes mellitus

The duration of sleep affects the production of hormones. First of all, testosterone production in the body decreases at night, which becomes a prerequisite for the development of diabetes. Moreover, under the influence of prolonged sleep, the body's tolerance to glucose is impaired, and this is a known factor in the development of type II diabetes. Finally, people who sleep a lot are less active when they are awake, and physical activity is essential to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. However, diabetes is caused not only by prolonged sleep, but also by a sedentary lifestyle, as well as obesity.

4. Depressive state

Normal sleep leads to the fact that the awakened person feels healthy, rested, alert and cheerful. However, if you sleep more than 9 hours, you wake up sleep-deprived and gloomy. Doctors call this condition “sleep intoxication.” But that's not all. Prolonged sleep leads to a decrease in physical activity throughout the day, and lack of activity, in turn, leads to a decrease in the production of dopamine and serotonin, they are also called “hormones of joy and happiness.” It is not surprising that when the production of these hormones important for mood decreases, a person becomes apathetic, depressed, prone to stress and depression.

5. Damage to the brain

Too much sleep invariably affects brain activity and provokes lethargy. A person in this state does not think well, he has memory problems, and he cannot concentrate on any one thing for a long time. If such a problem persists for a long time, it can lead to structural changes in the brain and cause impairment of basic cognitive functions. Prolonged sleep is especially harmful for the elderly. Scientists from the University of Rotterdam conducted a study that confirmed that people over 55 years of age who tend to sleep 10 hours a day are 3 times more likely to experience memory impairment, senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

6. Frequent headaches

It only seems at first glance that the more a person rests, the less often he has a headache. Sleeping too much can lead to frequent headaches and even migraines. Scientists believe that this is due to a disruption in the functioning of neurotransmitters in the brain and, above all, to the low production of serotonin and dopamine. By the way, the appearance of headaches in a person who wakes up by noon may be associated with a lack of blood sugar and dehydration.

7. Back pain

Often a person who has slept for more than 10 hours declares that his back already hurts from sleep. This is a well-known phenomenon that can be explained by a decrease in physical activity, which has a bad effect on the condition of the bones and muscular system. It is especially difficult for people suffering from osteochondrosis and other back diseases to endure prolonged sleep. In addition, prolonged lack of movement associated with sleep increases the likelihood of inflammatory processes in the body, which can also result in back pain.

Continuous Sleep Study

Why can't you sleep a lot? This question has been studied by doctors and scientists. Over a thousand people were involved in Western research centers, who were divided into 3 groups:

  • the first group consisted of those who had short night sleep (up to 6 hours);
  • in the second they collected people who slept a normal number of hours (about 8);
  • in the third group were those who slept for a long time - 9 or more hours.

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As a result, it was found that prolonged sleep often indicates the development of dangerous diseases and disorders, including:

  • Diabetes. Patients who suffer from chronic sleep deprivation are several times more likely than others to develop diabetes mellitus. And among people who complained of too much sleep, the incidence of diabetes was three times higher than in the first group. Interestingly, these results mostly apply to men.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. If a person begins to sleep a lot, then he probably has heart problems. It has been noticed that those people who sleep a lot during the day, snore and cannot get enough sleep are much more likely to have strokes or ischemic attacks. Women with prolonged sleepiness are more than 1.5 times more likely to suffer from heart disease.
  • Depression. Many people think that long sleep has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. But in the course of the study, scientists found that about 15% of those who sleep for a long time have long been in a state of prolonged depression.

In addition to the above health problems, a person can expect a decrease in activity. Metabolism slows down, which accompanies obesity. Due to being in a horizontal position for a long time, the patient’s blood circulation in the brain worsens. And this already leads to frequent attacks of headaches, weakness, and apathy. In general, constant sleepiness negatively affects family relationships, productivity at work and leads to a deterioration in the quality of life.

Why do people tend to sleep a lot?

Healthy sleep for an adult lasts an average of 8 hours. Deviations up or down are an individual feature. The indicators depend on the amount of time it takes the body to recover.

If a mature or elderly person requires more than 8–9 hours of sleep, doctors call this condition hypersomnia. It manifests itself in a long duration of night rest and constant daytime sleepiness. A painful condition can lead a person to fall asleep at the most inopportune moments. Let's find out why this happens and whether it's harmful to sleep for a long time.

Sleep regulation is carried out by a complex system that has an inhibitory or activating effect on areas of the central nervous system. The cerebral cortex, subcortical, limbic and reticular structures take part in this. A failure in this process causes hypersomnia.

The causes of hypersomnia are often:

  • prolonged lack of sleep;
  • physical and psychological stress;
  • recent stress;
  • treatment with specific medications, including antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antihypertensives, medications for diabetes, etc.;
  • traumatic brain injury causing post-traumatic hypersomnia;
  • brain cancer;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • narcolepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • somatic diseases;
  • acute lack of vitamins and microelements, especially vitamin D, iron, iodine.

Sometimes the cause cannot be found, since increased sleep duration is not associated with any disease. This condition is called idiopathic hypersomnia.


  • It is reliably known that some outstanding personalities slept a lot. The German thinker Goethe, creator of Faust, could not get out of bed for days on end.
  • The philosopher Schopenhauer slept 10–20 hours.
  • Albert Einstein also loved to sleep, spending 10–12 hours a day sleeping. The brilliant physicist went to bed at different times and got up only when he was woken up.

Symptoms of hypersomnia

The main symptom of hypersomnia is a long duration of sleep at night (about 12–14 hours), which is accompanied by constant drowsiness and lethargy throughout the next day.

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People suffering from it have difficulty waking up, it is difficult for them to even tear themselves away from the pillow, and they do not have enough energy to get out of bed when the alarm clock goes off. And after the end of sleep, such patients remain in a lethargic state for a long time. They look as if they are still sleeping. People call this condition “sleep intoxication.”

Various forms of this disease cause constant or intermittent daytime sleepiness. This condition negatively affects a person’s performance and attentiveness. Hypersomnia disrupts the rhythm of life and sometimes forces the patient to take rest breaks during the day. Some people feel relief after a nap, but more often the sleepiness persists afterward.

One of the forms of hypersomnia - narcoleptic - forces the patient to fall asleep in the most inappropriate places for this. During an attack, the desire to sleep is so indefinable that the person falls asleep without realizing it.

To diagnose hypersomnia, special tests, clinical studies, and polysomnography are prescribed. Only a somnologist or neurologist can select treatment.

In severe cases of hypersomnia and narcolepsy that interfere with normal life and work activity, disability may be established.


  • In some patients, an attack of narcolepsy affects only the cerebral cortex, without reaching other areas of the brain, so the body does not enter the relaxed state characteristic of sleep. A person suddenly falls asleep while continuing to sit, stand or walk.
  • Sometimes the opposite situation is observed: a person is fully aware of everything that is happening around, but the body suddenly stops listening to him, the muscles turn off. He can fall right in the middle of the street and lie motionless for several minutes, unable to even move.
  • Fortunately, doctors in the United States are already testing a new drug that will help people suffering from narcolepsy get rid of such attacks.

Why sleeping for a long time is harmful

Everyone knows that lack of sleep is harmful. This is fraught with overwork, a slowdown in metabolism, and the development of certain diseases. But it turns out that if you sleep too much, the consequences are no better. Not only a lack of sleep is harmful, but also its excess. Doctors say you need to sleep exactly as much as your body needs, for most people this is 8 hours.

It was also found that people who spend too much time sleeping lose their socioeconomic status. They stop doing important things in their lives, and some areas inevitably fall into disrepair.

What is the reason that people sleep too much? In medicine, there is a special disorder called hypersomnia, which is characterized by the fact that a person remains in a sleepy state all day, sometimes even sleeping during the day, but this does not improve the situation. As a rule, those who have hypersomnia also complain that their memory is deteriorating and they have no strength to do anything. The causes of hypersomnia are very different.

In some cases, extreme sleepiness is caused by medications or drinking too much alcohol. But the increase in sleep duration in these cases does not last long. When the drug is discontinued or alcohol is removed from the body, sleep returns to normal.

Constantly oversleeping leads to unpleasant health consequences. In particular, the risk of developing diabetes increases. Studies have shown that the likelihood of diabetes directly depends on how much sleep a person gets. For those who sleep more than 9 hours, the risk doubles. But for those who sleep less than 5 hours, the likelihood of diabetes also doubles.

It also turned out that if a person sleeps 9-10 hours, then the likelihood of gaining excess weight increases significantly. The optimal amount of sleep for a figure is considered to be 7-8 hours. Among other things, sleeping too long causes headaches.

For most people, 7-9 hours is enough to get enough sleep. If a person is sick or under stress, then he needs a little more time so that the body can fully restore its strength. The duration of sleep also depends very much on both age and the level of normal activity of a person.


How to normalize sleep

First of all, you need to understand why a person sleeps too much. When you are sick or stressed, you will need more sleep to rest. During this time, the body will fully restore its strength, and the duration of sleep will normalize.

But if this condition becomes permanent and you often want to sleep, then you should think about it. First you need to eliminate the causes of long sleep:

  • reduce the likelihood of stressful situations;
  • avoid heavy physical and emotional stress;
  • normalize the daily routine;
  • take care of sufficient intake of vitamins and microelements into the body.

But if such measures do not help and you experience severe drowsiness during the day even after a full night’s rest, you should consult a doctor. This may be a symptom of a dangerous disease, especially if accompanied by weakness and poor health.

Often such pathologies are hereditary. Most often, they appear in adolescence and require constant monitoring by specialists.

In some cases, increased

drowsiness is a side effect of medications. The doctor should warn you about this, because in this state it is dangerous to drive a car and it is difficult to do work that requires concentration.

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Hypersomnia often occurs in people who abuse alcohol or drugs. In this case, it is necessary to limit the use of such means. It is not always possible to do this on your own, so you should seek help from a narcologist.

The desire to sleep is not a disease, but a normal condition. But persistent sleepiness means serious health problems.

What happens to your body if you don't sleep enough in the long term?

Let's say you have an exam or an urgent project and you just need to reduce your sleep to a minimum in order to get everything done. This is acceptable in short periods, just try not to drive and warn everyone in advance that you are very tired and may react a little inadequately, emotionally. After passing an exam or finishing a project, you will rest, get some sleep, and get back into shape again.

But if your job means that your standard sleep time of 7-8 hours has decreased to 4-5, you need to seriously think about changing either your approach to work or the work itself, since the consequences of a constant lack of sleep are much more sad. than simple nervousness or dark circles under the eyes. The longer you maintain this unhealthy regimen, the higher the price your body will pay for it.

The risk of stroke increases. Research published in the journal SLEEP in 2012 found that sleep deprivation (less than 6 hours of sleep) for older adults increases the risk of stroke by 4 times.

The risk of becoming obese increases. Simply overeating due to lack of sleep for a day or two is nothing compared to what can happen to you if constant lack of sleep becomes your default routine. As mentioned in the previous section, lack of sleep provokes an increase in appetite and, of course, leads to constant night snacking. All this together transforms into extra pounds.

The likelihood of developing certain types of cancer increases. Of course, it won't appear simply because you don't sleep enough. But poor sleep can trigger the appearance of precancerous lesions. Thus, as a result of a study conducted among 1240 participants (a colonoscopy was performed), those who slept less than 6 hours a day increased by 50% the risk of developing a colorectal adenoma, which over time can turn into a malignant formation.

The likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus increases. A 2013 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that getting too little (and too much!) sleep is associated with an increased risk of many chronic diseases, including diabetes. This is due to the fact that lack of sleep, on the one hand, leads to the risk of obesity, and on the other hand, insulin sensitivity decreases.

The risk of heart disease increases. Harvard Health Publications reports that chronic sleep deprivation is associated with high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart failure and heart attack. Research conducted in 2011 at Warwick Medical School found that if you sleep less than 6 hours a night and sleep disturbances, you get a “bonus” in the form of a 48% increased chance of dying from heart disease and a 15% increased chance of dying from heart disease. stroke. Staying late or into the morning for a long period is a ticking time bomb!

The number of sperm decreases. This point applies to those who still want to experience the happiness of fatherhood, but are putting it off for now because they are busy accumulating an inheritance. In 2013, a study was conducted in Denmark among 953 young men, during which it was found that men with sleep disorders had a sperm concentration in semen that was 29% lower than those who slept the standard 7-8 hours a day.

The risk of premature death increases. The study, which assessed 1,741 men and women over 10 to 14 years, found that men who slept less than 6 hours a night increased their chances of dying prematurely.

All this was data obtained during research. But, as we know, in our contradictory world, research data can be completely opposite. Today we can read that new magic pills will save us from all diseases, and tomorrow an article may appear stating that other studies have shown completely opposite results.

What happens to the body after one day of lack of sleep

You start to overeat. So, if you have had little or poor sleep at least one night, you will feel hungrier than after a standard sleep. Studies have shown that lack of sleep provokes appetite, as well as the choice of higher-calorie, high-carbohydrate, and not entirely healthy foods.

Attention deteriorates. Due to drowsiness, your attentiveness and reaction deteriorate, and this, in turn, can lead to emergency situations on the road or at work (if you work with your hands or are a doctor or driver, which is even worse)

If you sleep 6 hours or less, your risk of road accidents increases threefold.

Appearance deteriorates. Bruises under the eyes after a bad sleep are not the best decoration. Sleep is not only good for your brain, but also for your appearance. A small study in the journal SLEEP published last year found that people who sleep less seem less attractive. And research conducted in Sweden also showed a link between rapid skin aging and lack of adequate sleep.

The risk of catching colds increases. Adequate sleep is one of the building blocks of the immune system. A study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University found that sleeping less than 7 hours a day increases your risk of getting sick by three times. Moreover, Mayo Clinic experts explain that during sleep, the body produces special proteins - cytokines. Some of them help support sound sleep, and some need to be increased to protect the body when you have an infection or inflammation, or when you are stressed. As a result of lack of sleep, the production of these protective cytokines decreases and you get sick longer.

You risk getting microdamage to the brain. A recent small study conducted with fifteen men and published in the same journal SLEEP showed that even after one night of sleep deprivation, the brain loses some of its tissue. This can be detected by measuring the levels of two molecules in the blood, which when elevated usually signal that the brain has been damaged.

Of course, this is just a small study conducted on fifteen men - not that big of a sample. But how can you be sure that this will not affect you?

You become more emotional. And not for the better. According to a 2007 study from Harvard and Berkeley medical schools, if you don't get enough sleep, the emotional areas of the brain become more than 60% reactive, meaning you become more emotional, irritable and explosive. The fact is that without enough sleep, our brain switches to more primitive forms of activity and is not able to properly manage emotions.

You may have problems with memory and concentration. In addition to problems with attention, there are problems with memory and concentration. It becomes difficult for you to concentrate on completing assigned tasks, and your memory also deteriorates, since sleep is involved in the process of memory consolidation. So, if you don't sleep enough, memorizing new material will become more and more difficult for you (depending on how bad your situation is).

Sleeping during the day is good for you, but not for everyone

For some categories of people, napping during the day may not be beneficial. The first reason for contraindications is age. As you age (after 40), problems with blood pressure and heart often appear. A sudden awakening leads to a jump in blood pressure, which means that sleeping during the day will not be beneficial, but vice versa.

In addition, other pathological conditions may develop, the external sign of which is constant drowsiness. Of course, the cause must be sought with the help of doctors. Perhaps this is a problem with the endocrine system. Therefore, you need to be attentive to yourself and not take risks.

For those who suffer from insomnia, it is better not to sleep during the day. Otherwise, night wakefulness is guaranteed!

The next contraindication is depression. Even a short nap at an “inopportune time” can aggravate the condition.

To avoid jet lag, daytime sleep should last no more than 1.5 hours.

Respondents often report feeling unwell and groggy after a nap. However, this is usually due to the wrong time and duration of the “siesta”.

Why do people sleep longer than usual?

After conducting a series of studies, scientists from the American National Sleep Foundation concluded that excessive sleep is a sign of various problems with the body. So, if a person sleeps more than 9 hours every day, it is likely that he has:

  • chronic fatigue due to excessive physical activity;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • protracted infectious process;
  • hunger or gluttony;
  • diseases of a neurological nature;
  • chronic stress or depression;
  • sleep apnea.

Additionally, sleeping too much can be a side effect of taking certain medications. Scientists have also noticed a relationship between long sleep and bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse). That is, those who sleep for a long time may encounter the listed diseases or worsen existing bad habits.

Why does a woman always want to sleep during the day:

It is very difficult to cope with daytime sleepiness. Sometimes a person gets used to sleeping during the day, but then due to being busy during the day, he cannot do this.

Here it comes to funny things: a woman can fall asleep at a table in a cafe or dining room.

Elderly people and young children need naps during the day. For women in the prime of their lives, sleepiness is very bothersome, and sometimes the problem can lead to depression.

  1. A woman's memory and performance decrease.
  2. She is constantly tired.

Cold and hot shower:

  1. A good method to come to your senses: cold water. Drowsiness sets in - go into the bathroom, open the shower.
  2. First, a little warm water, then cold. After 3 minutes there will be no trace of drowsiness left.


  1. A quick walk outside will help. At first you will be very weak, then the energy will not keep you waiting. Don't be lazy.
  2. By the way, this is an effective recipe. Anyone who exercises and eats properly does not suffer from drowsiness.

Food and water:

Watch what you eat. Remove everything harmful, fried, heavy. More vitamins

Fight constipation. Drink clean water; if there is a lack of it, weakness and lethargy occurs, and therefore drowsiness. The blood thickens, nutrients do not reach the cells well, including oxygen. A simple way to determine if you're drinking enough water is to look at your urine. If it is light yellow, everything is fine

If your color is dark, drink more. Drowsiness is caused by rich foods: meat, dumplings, pancakes, cake, pies. The blood drains from the head and rushes to the stomach - you will want to sleep. Don't fill your stomachs to capacity, don't overeat. Learn to go out with the feeling of “I’m not full.” After 20 minutes you will be full. Eliminate coffee from your menu; oddly enough, it promotes drowsiness. Do not drink alcoholic drinks, after which you will suffer for a long time either from insomnia or, conversely, from drowsiness. At lunchtime you can lie down to rest for about 20 minutes. Sleeping as long as you like is bad, it will be even worse. When working at night, daytime sleepiness is natural.

Essential oils:

  1. Some essential oils will help disperse daytime sleep: jasmine, rosemary.
  2. Just smell an open bottle of oil.

Night rest:

Get a good night's sleep and get enough sleep.

  1. Read a book before you fall asleep. Scientists claim that this helps you fall asleep.
  2. If you suffer from drowsiness, do not watch TV in the evening. It is harmful to the brain.

There are women who are owls, for them this is the norm.

In winter, most often you want to sleep. It’s dark outside, there’s not enough sunshine, we walk around lethargic and sleepy.

Hidden gymnastics:

If you feel sleepy at work, do hidden exercises.

  1. This is alternate tension and relaxation of muscles: buttocks, thighs, arms, abdomen.
  2. Outsiders will not notice this, but you will get rid of drowsiness.
  3. Ventilate the room, let clean air into the room, or try to go outside.
  4. Rinse your face and hands with cold water.
  5. Give a massage to the withers. Rub your neck vigorously, and soon a surge of strength will be noticeable.
  6. Rub your hands vigorously until your palms glow. You will notice that the drowsiness goes away immediately.

Why a woman constantly wants to sleep can take a very long time to answer. I have named all the most common reasons.

The summary of all that has been said:

  • Illnesses need to be treated if they are causing drowsiness.
  • Get a normal night's sleep.
  • Don't eat junk food, more vegetables and fruits.
  • Sports should be in your life, at least 10 minutes of gymnastics.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Lose weight if necessary.
  • Rest when you are very tired.

I wish you health for many years, without daytime sleepiness and normal night sleep.

Sincerely, Tatyana Nikolaevna, author.

I'm always waiting on my website.

See how to get rid of drowsiness:

How to get rid of constant drowsiness and the habit of sleeping a lot?

In rare cases, a person himself can determine the reason why he constantly wants to sleep, so people who begin to notice drowsiness that was unusual for them before should not put off visiting a doctor. An examination by a therapist and a neurologist will help determine whether drowsiness is a symptom of a more serious disease or pathological process in the brain, and if pathology is detected, eliminate it at an early stage.

In cases where excessive sleepiness is caused by psychological or external reasons, the following recommendations can help get rid of the habit of sleeping a lot:

  1. Set a sleep schedule and stick to it strictly

    – go to bed and get out of bed at a strictly defined time, not giving in to the temptation to “lie down for another 5 minutes,” and also give up the habit of sleeping during the day
  2. Eat right and consume as many vitamins as possible to provide your body with all the elements necessary for normal functioning.
  3. Dedicate time to active recreation - sports, walks in the fresh air, travel, etc., since it is precisely this type of recreation that allows a person to strengthen his body and at the same time “unload” the nervous system
  4. Plan your every day in advance and in detail and strictly adhere to the plan - this simple measure will help you take control of your life and avoid a situation in which you will be tempted to “lie down and take a nap for a couple of hours, since there is nothing to do anyway.”
  5. Find an interesting activity for which you would like to wake up and get out of bed early.

If these recommendations do not help or a person simply cannot find the strength to adhere to them, he needs the help of a psychotherapist. In some cases, when the cause of excessive sleep is severe stress or deep depression, a person will not be able to get rid of the habit of sleeping a lot on his own, since he simply has neither the motivation nor the internal resources to do so. In such situations, only a specialist can help solve the problem, and often he will use not only non-medicinal, but also medicinal treatment methods.

Why does a person sleep a lot?

If a person sleeps a lot: what does this mean? The reasons may vary.


Why do old people and grandmothers always sleep?

Physiologists believe that the norm for an elderly person is to sleep for 7-9 hours. More than 10 hours of rest can be considered as a deviation from the norm, indicating the development of any diseases.

But there is one more important point. Old age is a natural condition that inevitably affects the body and the processes occurring in it. As you age, your sleep patterns also change.

This is how young people fall asleep quickly, stay in the deep sleep phase longer and do not wake up in response to external stimuli (noises, conversations, changes in temperature, etc.).

And older people take twice as long to fall asleep, are sensitive to extraneous sounds and often wake up.

Those. actual sleep time is the same for both young and old. But older people have difficulty organizing vacations.

In old age, people's receptor sensitivity decreases and their appetite disappears. Inadequate nutrition leads to loss of strength and drowsiness.

Changes in hormonal levels also negatively affect the condition, causing weakness, irritability and a general decrease in body tone.

Increased fatigue also occurs due to a failure of metabolic processes. So, due to weakness of the lungs, deterioration in the mobility of the diaphragm and thoracic region, oxygen starvation occurs.

And even if the general condition of an elderly person can be regarded as good or normal, age-related changes still occur in the body.


If we do not consider the possibility of the presence of pathologies, prolonged sleep may be a consequence of:

  1. Physical or mental exhaustion. Hard work, constant stress, being on your feet for a long time or on the road, serious intellectual stress, poor nutrition and other factors that depress the body affect the duration of sleep. After all, the body, in case of exhaustion, needs more time to recover.
  2. Failure to adhere to sleep patterns. For some, napping during the day is optimal, while others feel good only if they go to bed early. “Larks” prefer to get up at dawn, and “night owls” with a similar schedule will feel overwhelmed.
  3. Seasonal phenomena.
    Do not underestimate the influence of external factors, climate, weather and seasonal phenomena. It has long been proven that the human body reacts sensitively to any “whims” of nature.
  4. Depression. A depressive state is associated with tension and exhaustion of the nervous system. But, unlike mild stress, depression causes serious damage to the body and requires a long recovery. Here you can add apathy, indifference to life and other moments that make you want to renounce reality through sleep.

Lack of vitamins. With vitamin deficiency, the body has nowhere to draw resources for recovery. Therefore, sleep does not bring the desired vigor, activity and emotional uplift.

Long-term lack of sleep. Students are a good example. During the period of preparation for the session, they practically do not sleep and exhaust their individual resources. After this, several nights of full sleep are not enough and the body constantly requires rest.

Clinical manifestations

The main sign that a person constantly wants to sleep, even if he slept a lot at night, is an increased duration of sleep during the day - from 10 hours or more. In addition, the patient himself notes that during the day he often wants to lie down and experiences drowsiness.

In addition to the extended duration of night's rest, people note difficulty waking up and frequently postponing it. As a result, they often snooze the alarm clock and feel depressed or sick. Such a “lack” of sleep makes them inhibited and poorly responsive to external stimuli. In this situation, they look like drunk people.

Hypersomnia is characterized by difficulty waking up

In addition to increased drowsiness, a person may experience various somatic problems: headaches, attacks of dizziness, weakness in the arms, etc.

Depending on the reasons why a person sleeps a lot, there are different types of drowsiness - they can be either constant or periodic. As a result, all this leads to a decrease in his intellectual and physical performance, and also negatively affects relationships with other people. The patient constantly wants to lie down to rest, even after a long sleep, which aggravates the problems. And daytime sleep brings only minor relief.

When a patient asks the question why do I sleep a lot, he also often notes attacks of rapid falling asleep in everyday situations: while riding the bus, while studying, while standing in line, etc. In many cases, the person himself does not notice that he is temporarily disconnected from reality.

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