Psychology of relationships between men and women or how women can understand men?

Greetings, dear readers of the blog! At a certain period of life, mutual love for many becomes the main goal, the meaning of their life. To achieve this goal, the approach must be as competent and responsible as possible.


The psychology of a man is the psychology of a winner and breadwinner. The psychology of a man is sometimes much more complex than most women are used to thinking. A wise woman who understands male psychology is able to raise her Napoleon, give birth to children from him and live a happy life.

Psychology is involved in solving not only scientific problems, but also helps specific teams, families, and individuals develop in real life. But there is a problem that has existed and, most likely, will exist until gender differences disappear - mutual understanding between men and women.

It is no secret that when conducting a dialogue, he and she often cannot come to a common decision. And the point here is not only that “women are from Venus and men are from Mars,” but about structural differences in the brain.

Evolutionary differences between the sexes

Initially, nature laid down, over millions of years, different purposes for women and men, and it is pointless to fight what evolution has given us. It is necessary to understand and accept the differences between men and women. Here are a few sharp corners, knowing which a woman can understand a man’s psychology and competently and painlessly solve any problem in a relationship:

1. Reaction to stress. When faced with a problem, a man thinks about it, becomes silent, focused, and inattentive to others. A woman, having found herself in trouble, will certainly rush to talk about it, to talk, as she is overwhelmed with emotions.

2. Motivation. A man must be sure that he is the best earner and the well-being of the family depends on his success; the main driving force is “I am first.” A woman is devoid of such strong ambitions; the approval of a friend or partner is enough for her to move on.

3. The word is one, but the meaning is different. We do not have telepathic abilities, so the true meaning of spoken words is often perceived completely incorrectly by us.

4. Family expectations. It is important for a man to maintain the status of a successful person by satisfying his sexual desire. For a woman, family is a guarantee that children will grow up and pass on the genome to future generations.

5. Love. If you conduct a simple experiment between spouses and ask them the question: “How do you understand that your husband/wife loves you,” you will get different answers (if people are honest). A man will focus on sex, a woman will focus on caring for the family. There is no injustice or contradiction here. We have evolved this way and social laws affect us only indirectly.

6. Expression of feelings. A man is concrete by nature. If he chooses a gift, he focuses on the price, then, in proud silence, he hands over the diamond and is surprised if he could not impress with its size. A woman can be touched by a teddy bear if the gift is associated with kisses, gentle words and caresses.

Peculiarities of the male psyche

Nature has given us the biological inclinations and feelings we need to live and survive in extreme conditions. What did she reward and what did she deprive the representatives of the stronger sex with?

A man is stronger, faster, more energetic than a woman, but his energy is depleted faster, and he runs out of steam earlier and gets tired faster. He gets accused of being lazy, but he really doesn't feel at his best after work or at the end of the day.

Men are endowed with a greater ability for spatial orientation. They orient themselves better in unfamiliar areas and can easily determine the cardinal directions. This property explains their advantages in certain professions. Men have great ability to work with numbers. Computer science is based on mathematics. This again relates to spatial thinking. These professions are also dominated by men.

A man's brain is slightly larger than a woman's, but this does not in any way affect the level of his talent.

But physiologists argue that the specialization of the parts of a man’s brain is somewhat different than that of women. And it’s not surprising that he perceives the world around him differently, reacts to it in his own way. Indeed, he hears what a woman is unable to hear, sees what his girlfriend does not want and cannot see. He doesn't pay attention to the details that are so important to a woman. And this gives rise to many problems in mutual understanding and communication between men and women. Knowledge of the functioning of the male brain allows us to understand why a man acts one way or another in each specific situation and will help overcome many psychological problems.

Features of male psychology

The psychology of a man contains animal instincts. And don’t be afraid of such a “crude” comparison. Thanks to society, we are able to restrain natural instincts, and even then this is very conditional (no one has canceled reproduction, the struggle for food and dominance).

Women sometimes think that men are primitive, their desires are simple, their actions are transparent, but this is not so. We will proceed from the average option, since both women and men may or may not have intelligence.

What do women need to know about the special psyche of men? Boys need to be first, and it doesn’t matter whether he is the best builder of sand cakes or the fastest fastener of shoes, wins the Mathematical Olympiad or spits the furthest in the yard. The main thing is to become a leader. The leadership component runs like a red thread through the entire life of a “right” man.

A man lives by the principle: if he is not the first at work, he will stake the territory of the house. A competent friend in life will find something to praise for: for the best brewed tea, for the fact that he irons his trousers more thoroughly than anyone else, or magically puts the children to bed. It is important for a man to know that he is succeeding in some area, that he has succeeded as a person, then he is satisfied with himself.

There is no need to run after a mammoth now, but striving to get a good salary is everyone’s dream. He needs a car as powerful as a beast; he always catches huge fish. Dear ladies, remember, for a man to become successful, you need to cherish and help him be or seem better.

There is no sadder sight than a weak-willed henpecked man. We won’t go into the broken childhood of such a child, but the wife had a chance to help the person feel like an individual, and not bury him deeper. In such a family there is no happiness for anyone, neither the aggressive woman, nor the passive man, nor the children who fall into the millstones of such upbringing.

A man is stubborn by nature, it is useless to argue with him. A wise woman, knowing that she is right, will not enter into a discussion; she will take a conciliatory position, but with calm and methodical actions she will get the result she needs.

The reaction of men is always harsher, the arguments are well-reasoned, and the behavior is spontaneous. For women who are not accustomed to specific concepts and actions, the behavior seems “unromantic.”
A woman “loves with her ears” is not a metaphor, but a biological component. The organ of hearing in women is located near the reproductive center, so love for her is words, kisses, and a man is programmed for sex without foreplay.


When a woman loves, she takes pleasure in taking care of a man, feeding him delicious food, and taking care of his clothes. When her beloved is happy, she is in a good mood. But sometimes a woman goes too far, starting to treat a man like a child, especially in public. “Pusya”, “cat” is not the best way to address an adult man, because anyone imagines himself as a tiger and is ready to bite off the hand that feeds him. But this is a man’s nature - he is the breadwinner and the owner.

It is important for a man that a woman sees him as strong and listens to him. He expects that what is said will be done right away, although for women “now” can drag on for a long time; one must not only “think”, but also tune in to completing the task. The man doesn’t need to “tune in”, he’s precise: they said it, they did it. Therefore, when a woman does not do something right away, it causes confusion, although the problem is easy to solve. I need to tell my husband, partner, friend that it is impossible to do “now”, but when I cook, clean up, return from the store, I will definitely do it.

When a man is about to talk to a woman about business, two different views on life are included. A man offers a solution to a problem and wants to hear either an alternative option or approval, but not emotional feelings about this. Therefore, if a man wants to talk about a problem, the woman must be given the instruction: “Let’s talk about business,” and then she will be able to control her emotions while dealing with a specific task.

Talk about nothing

Talking about anything is incomprehensible to a man. A woman can talk for a long time about a friend’s new dress, about a colleague’s vacation in Bali, about the Petrov’s renovation. She dreams out loud and this makes her feel better, while the man perceives all the information with bewilderment. “Does he want a new dress? I would say so,” he thinks.

A man does not understand the meaning of a woman’s emotional word mixer; he needs simple answers to questions. The trouble with women is that they speak in hints and believe that all men are telepaths and should guess what they want to say. This is nonsense. Women, if you want to be understood, learn to clearly express your thoughts and voice them.

A simple example.


— Inga and Vadim submitted an application to the registry office.


- Great, let's go for a walk at the wedding.

For him, this is ordinary information, nothing more. For her, there is a hidden subtext: “When will we?” Not receiving the expected reaction, the girl is offended, cries and wonders if he really didn’t understand what she wanted to say. As trivial as it is, he didn’t understand, he only heard what you said. If you want to be understood, learn to formulate your thoughts clearly.


When a man asks for help, he says specifically: “Please give me the hammer.” The woman will not only bring the tool, but will also give a bunch of tips on how to nail a nail correctly. And so it is in everything. It is clear that she acts with the best intentions, but the advice encroaches on a man’s self-sufficiency, belittling his ability to make decisions on his own.

Be wiser, help only when you are asked, or leave the right to choose. “I would do it that way, but you know better how to do it.” The man received clear instructions and the right to choose at the same time! Be smart and you will be able to avoid misunderstandings and quarrels. It seems that this approach is difficult and it is not always possible to resolve differences peacefully. But this is at first glance! Start practicing and see how easy things will become.

A man and a woman live on different wavelengths, but there is a point that is common to all: no one likes to be ignored or refuse a request. It is worth learning from the Japanese, where it is not customary to say “no”. The word instantly negatively affects the dialogue and turns people aggressively against each other. It’s better to think for a moment and replace the denial with neutral words: I’ll think about it, let’s return to the question later, it’s difficult for me to do this...

A man painfully experiences a situation when he was wrong and the woman took the lead. “I told you so,” completely kills. Psychologically, it turns out that a woman worries less about failures; she can wave her hand, shrug her shoulders, cry too much and forget. The stronger sex will worry for a long time, silently, severely punishing themselves, and if at the same time a woman constantly reminds of the mistake, then every time she will hammer a nail into the relationship. Dear ladies, do not forget: a man has the right to make mistakes just like you!

It is difficult to build relationships with complete strangers, but knowing the basic differences in psychology, a woman, due to her flexibility of character and mind, is able to create a strong family, where roles are arranged in accordance with gender differences.

How to keep the man you love

It is difficult to understand the psychological problem that provoked betrayal on your own. To do this, you need consultation and advice from a male psychologist, because... only a representative of the stronger sex knows exactly how to understand a man. There are several ways to save a marriage, here’s what the guys themselves think about it:

  • stop criticizing your husband and nagging about trifles;
  • tasty food;
  • do not prohibit meeting with friends;
  • do not annoy with jealousy and checks;
  • to prove in every way that he is strong, brave, necessary and important.

Important to remember! Separation from the body as punishment and refusal of intimate relationships due to a “head disease” can become an impulse to go “to the left.”

A woman who has comprehended male psychology can safely be called wise. Knowing how the male psyche works, you can maintain strong family relationships and prevent love from fading away. By skillfully using such knowledge, ladies can turn their years of marriage into wealth, not ashes.

Lyrical digression towards women

A woman, despite all the arguments of feminists, is not equal to a man. And the fight for rights looks a little strange, no one is eager for the right to wave a pick, but to lead and command is welcome. Therefore, let’s not deceive ourselves, a woman is physically weaker, her brain weighs less, the tasks and methods of realization of men and women are very different.

Dear ladies, stop competing with men, rather support them in competing with each other. They are brave and decisive, but without female recognition and help they will not reach the top of Olympus. If you don’t see a man in your husband, your partner’s friend, and constantly humiliate and reproach him, then he will either become a silent, squashy, or an aggressive antisocial element. Is this what you are trying to achieve?

If not, then leave behind reproaches, swearing, insults and learn to enjoy what a man “got while hunting,” because he is trying for the sake of you and the children. Your task is to learn to use this and praise him for his courage, intelligence, ingenuity and perseverance. A man needs victories, and a woman needs their results. Everything is simple and logical.

On the political sidelines they say: “Every people deserves its own government.” To paraphrase, let's say: “Every woman deserves her man.” If you want to see a real gentleman nearby, loving, respectful, meet the standards yourself.

Don’t turn into a soft-bodied whore who is bullied by relatives, colleagues and friends, but don’t become a desperate bitch by reading Sherry Argov’s “I Want to Be a Bitch.” Finding a middle ground is difficult, but possible. It’s not for nothing that women have evolved for so long, grown their limbic system, and passed it on as a bonus to men!

Dear women, take care of the psychological comfort and health of your man, and then he, your beloved man, will treat you well, take care of you and, of course, will love you.

Psychology of men: instructions for management or understanding

For centuries, men were considered the stronger sex; they ruled the world and continue to rule to this day. We, men and women, are at different poles, so different from each other, but we cannot or do not want to admit this fact.

To prevent communication with men from turning into a struggle every minute, a woman should have an idea (at least in general terms) of the psychology of men. For relationships to be successful, for emotional life to be vibrant, mutual understanding and the ability to communicate are necessary, as well as women’s awareness of the peculiarities of the psyche and male psychology.

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