Bruise on the eyelid and under the eye for no reason

Shade of hematoma

Diseases can be distinguished by the color of the hematoma as follows:

  • if the hematoma has a red tint, we can talk about allergies or problems in the genitourinary system. Also, a red hematoma on the eyelid may mean that a person has rosacea (a disease that affects the skin);
  • a yellow tint indicates diseases related to the blood or liver. The yellower the bruise, the more severe the disease. If the bruise has a brown tint, then most likely the disease is progressing quickly;
  • The purple color of the hematoma indicates insufficient oxygen supply to the body. Usually formed due to lung disease or anemia;
  • The black color of the hematoma indicates an excess of melanin. Also, black color can indicate constant fatigue of the body.

What to do

If a bruise appears above the eye for no reason (or under it), self-medication is not recommended. The doctor selects treatment methods individually in each case. If the cause is a disease, then first of all drug treatment will be required. Traditional recipes can serve as a supplement, especially when the problem is not related to illness.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will help improve skin color in the eyelid area; masks and compresses are used for this. Tea leaves in bags work well for a compress. They are brewed with boiling water, allowed to cool slightly, squeezed lightly and applied to closed eyelids below the eyebrow. After 15 minutes, the bags are removed.

A paste of aloe leaves is suitable for a compress; it is wrapped in gauze napkins and applied to bruises. This compress can be kept for 2 hours. If the bruise is small, then you can attach a fresh aloe leaf to it with a band-aid.

To prepare the mask, a paste of grated raw potatoes and cucumber, taken in equal proportions, is suitable. The mixture is applied to a gauze pad and applied to the eyelids for half an hour. At least 4 such procedures will help get rid of the bruise.


Badyaga helps get rid of bruises; this product is irritating to the skin. Under its action, the flow of blood to the affected area increases, metabolism is normalized and the hematoma quickly passes.

Heparin ointment and Troxevasin are effective. These medications increase blood circulation in the skin, improve their nutrition and restore the walls of blood vessels. The doctor prescribes the dosage and course of drug therapy individually for each patient; if necessary, vitamins for the eyes are also prescribed.

Important information: Does Levomekol ointment help with bruises and contusions?

First aid

After receiving an injury, it is necessary to provide the victim with first aid:

  • If there are open wounds, it is advisable to apply a sterile bandage to the problem area. In case of deep tissue injury, it is recommended to carry out the same manipulations with the healthy eye. This will prevent them from moving in sync.
  • If you receive a contusion, apply a cold compress to the problem area. To do this, use ordinary water, ice, and metal objects.
  • In case of deep injury to the eyelid, it is not recommended to independently engage in antiseptic treatment of the skin. To do this, it is best to consult a doctor who can correctly assess the extent of tissue damage.
  • If a serious injury to the eyelid occurs involving the eyeball in the pathological process, measures are taken to stop the bleeding. You should not try to remove foreign objects yourself, as this can lead to even more serious consequences. It is best to cover the area of ​​injury with a sterile cloth and seek medical attention.
  • If you receive a chemical burn, you should rinse your eye thoroughly with running water to remove particles of aggressive substances. After this, a sterile bandage is applied to the problem area.


With minor injuries to the surface of the eyelid, deep damage usually does not occur, which poses a potential danger to humans. But in many cases they are quite painful, accompanied by swelling and other cosmetic defects.

In the absence of adequate treatment or with deeper injury, the following complications may develop:

  • Infection of surrounding tissues. The penetration of a bacterial infection into the human body can lead to the development of serious diseases - purulent sinusitis, conjunctivitis.
  • When muscle structures are involved in the pathological process, adhesions occur. This leads to the fact that a person cannot close his eyes normally. To correct such a defect, surgery is required.
  • When infection enters the wound, there is a possibility of scarring. This is not only aesthetically unattractive, but can also disrupt the process of closing the eyes.
  • If organ structures are damaged, complete or partial loss of vision is possible.

Black eyes in children and teenagers

Such a symptom can be caused by past infectious and allergic attacks on a fragile body, as well as a failure in sleep patterns. But the most common cause of dark circles, both in newborns and adolescents, is iron deficiency in the body.

It is not difficult to replenish it; it is enough to update the child’s daily diet. Eat buckwheat and wheat porridge, as well as legumes: soy, lentils, peas. In addition, do not forget to contact your pediatrician to analyze your baby's samples.

Oddly enough, the appearance of blue discoloration in the lower eyelids in children is a fairly common problem, with which parents often turn to pediatricians. Children's skin in this area of ​​the face is very thin, therefore it is a real indicator of the state of the child's internal health.

Blood vessels under the eyes become visible in children for various reasons. Moreover, as in adults, such blueness can signal the manifestation of some disease. The genetic factor has already been mentioned in this article.

But other reasons require closer attention. In newborns, darkening of the periocular area may be a consequence of insufficient oxygen supply to the body (hypoxia). A mother's lack of such an important microelement as iron during pregnancy often leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia in the child.

This pathology also negatively affects the condition of children's skin in the lower eyelid area. The presence of helminths (worms) in a child’s body is often expressed by the appearance of such an aesthetic defect.

But still, most often the main reason for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes in children, especially of school age, is overwork. Modern children today are so busy at school that they simply do not have time for proper rest.

A busy school program, a large number of homework, additional visits to various clubs and sections - this is a real test for a child’s body. And free time does not add optimism.

If previously children mostly walked and played in the fresh air, today most of them sit at home and spend the evening hours in front of the computer or TV. Because of such a stressful lifestyle, the skin under the eyes becomes thinner, and blood flow to this area increases, under the pressure of which the blood vessels increase in size. As a result, dark circles appear.

Thus, darkening of the skin in the lower eyelid area can occur at any age. But before we begin to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to find out the true reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes.

To get rid of this external defect, it is enough for someone to fully rest, get enough sleep, or quit bad habits. And some require therapy for the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary or endocrine systems.

Causes of bruises

The following are the most common causes of bruising:

  • With loss of tissue elasticity. This is due to the age-related characteristics of the skin. The older a person is, the less elastic and elastic the skin is.
  • Hormonal imbalances. One of the most common causes of bruising on the upper eyelid. Of course, it is usually women who suffer most for this reason. They appear when there is a lack of estrogen. Bruises often occur during menopause or when taking hormone-containing medications.
  • Vitamins. A lack of vitamin C leads to thinning of the walls of blood vessels. A lack of vitamins K and P also prevents the cardiovascular system from functioning normally. Therefore, a lack of these vitamins leads to the formation of hematomas.
  • Vasculitis. This disease is characterized by severe fragility of blood vessels due to their rejection by the body. When they are refracted, a hematoma is formed, which can also appear on the eyelids.
  • Oncological diseases. Leukemia may be one of the causes of hematomas under the eyes. With leukemia, blood cells practically stop forming. This is why, in the absence of platelets responsible for clotting, bruises appear.
  • Medications. Some drugs can cause hematomas: analgesic drugs, antidepressants, blood thinners (the effect is the same as in the absence of the required number of platelets in the blood), drugs containing iron.
  • Physical injuries.
  • Chronic fatigue.

There are some reasons that are less common, but you should also be aware of them:

  • Hereditary characteristics.
  • Traces of insect bites (vessels could be damaged by bites).
  • Dental diseases.
  • Various types of allergic reactions.
  • Sickle cell anemia.
  • Rapid weight loss. When you lose weight, the fat layer on your eyelids also disappears, which is why bruises form.
  • Diseases affecting the pancreas.
  • Finding parasites in the body. Infestations often cause intoxication and sleep disturbances, which is why bruises form.
  • Impaired metabolism.

Black eyes in men

If a woman can correct such a defect in a matter of minutes, then the stronger sex has no choice but to deal with the root cause. The problem appears for the same reasons as for girls, this is obvious, but ways to get rid of it are not always available.

Long hours at the computer, continuous driving throughout the day, as well as hard physical labor are harmful to the body, but the breadwinner of the family cannot stop working. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the body from the inside. Useful complexes of drugs should help with this:

  • vitamins K, C, A and E;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium.


The symptoms that arise from an injury to the eyelid depend on the characteristics of its occurrence. If it is a bruise, the victim complains of severe pain and discomfort. Swelling develops, hematomas and bruises appear. When the top layer of the eyeball is damaged, bruises are visible on its surface.

When the eyelid is bruised, the reaction of the pupils to light often changes; they unnaturally increase in diameter. When exposed to light rays, the victim feels pain in the eyes, lacrimation is observed, and visual acuity decreases.

Very often, when the eyelid is injured, damage to the cornea occurs. In this case, the victim complains of the following symptoms:

  • loss of clarity of vision;
  • pain and discomfort when exposed to any light sources;
  • “feeling of sand” in the eyes;
  • swelling and redness of the eyelids.

Useful video

Symptoms of diseases and ailments that occur on the face. If they are detected, you should check your health status and exclude provoking factors and illnesses.

Poor vision significantly worsens the quality of life and makes it impossible to see the world as it is.

Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" published an article on non-surgical restoration of vision up to 90%, this became possible thanks to.


You can begin home treatment for such injuries (even minor scratches) only after consulting an ophthalmologist. It is necessary for a specialist to examine the victim and determine the extent of tissue damage. Very often, when the lower eyelid is injured, the tear ducts rupture, which does not appear outwardly. This requires mandatory medical intervention.

Typically, treatment of such injuries is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • If you receive a bruise on the first day, it is recommended to apply cold to the problem area. Only after this can you apply warm compresses, which will speed up healing by increasing blood flow.
  • When diagnosing erosion, antiseptic treatment of damaged areas is recommended. If deep layers of tissue are injured, it is advisable to entrust this process to an ophthalmologist.
  • Cut and lacerated wounds require suturing followed by antiseptic treatment of the damaged area.
  • For serious injuries, the use of drugs such as calcium dobesilate, Ascorutin, Etamzilate is indicated. These medications reduce the risk of complications and speed up the onset of recovery.
  • If the tear ducts are damaged, surgical intervention is performed to restore their patency.
  • If the cornea of ​​the eye is affected, the use of special drops that produce a restorative effect is indicated. The most popular drugs from this group are Korneregel, Vitasik, Solcoseryl, Hyphen.
  • With the development of severe pain, drops are used - Lidocaine, Alcaine.
  • In case of superficial injury to the eyelid, it is permissible to use folk remedies. You can use infusions of medicinal herbs - calendula, chamomile. Pour 235 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of plant material and wait until the liquid cools. After this, the infusion is filtered and applied as a compress.

Treatment of injuries localized on the surface of the eyelids requires a professional approach. Only by following all the doctor’s recommendations will it be possible to achieve a positive result and avoid the development of complications.


When a new disease or exacerbation of an old disease is detected, the doctor draws up a treatment plan. It contains procedures, medications and a list of additional examinations on schedule. But if the diagnosis does not reveal specific disturbances in the body’s functioning, you can begin to correct the situation locally.

Available treatment methods include folk remedies that are available in every pharmacy today:

  • cornflower - a cold decoction is applied, moistening cotton pads with it, three times a day on the eyes;
  • natural tea - the bags are allowed to cool and used as a compress;
  • cucumber - makes the skin lighter and fresher, removes age spots;
  • parsley - crushed and applied for 10-15 minutes;
  • potatoes - fresh slices will resume the rapid movement of blood and disperse stagnation;
  • fermented milk products - restore color, restore elasticity, and in combination with honey can cope with circles under the eyes in several sessions.

Ice works very well on bruises, as it tones the skin and tones the blood vessels. To enhance the effect, you can use cubes not of pure water, but of a decoction of beneficial herbs, such as mint or chamomile.

If there is no time for procedures, a competent selection of foundation creams will help remove a visual defect in a few minutes. The secret is to learn how to combine the colors of the spectrum to create a blue-masking shade, rather than just applying a thick, unnatural layer of foundation.

Undoubtedly, the modern beauty industry has taken care of this problem, and thoroughly. All kinds of patches, masks, creams and nourishing gels are at your service. At the moment, products with collagen and hyaluronic acid are especially popular, which simultaneously enrich the skin with beneficial components and restore it, stimulating regeneration.

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