Growth on the eyelid (upper or lower) - what to do: causes and treatment

Forms of neoplasms


An eye stye is a common problem that appears as a dense lump on the eye. The disease brings a person discomfort caused by pain, itching and burning; in addition, it is not recommended to get it wet. The main reason for the formation of stye is a foreign body or infection of the eyeball through dirty hands. Even before the formation of a lump, the pathology manifests itself as severe itching and redness in the lower eyelid of the eyes, because of this the eye is constantly injured and a lump is formed.


This phenomenon is very similar in symptoms to barley, but the treatment tactics for two almost identical diseases are different.

The disease is formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands, manifested by severe inflammation, swelling of the eyelid and the formation of a dense lump. In advanced cases, severe swelling can compress the eyeball, which significantly reduces the level of quality of vision, which cannot be restored, so you should not delay until such a problem appears.

We recommend reading: Chalazion of the lower eyelid

Unlike stye, which goes away on its own, chalazion requires surgery.


The main cause of the development of papillomas on the eyelid is HPV. Infection can occur through blood (during childbirth, during sexual intercourse, through an insufficiently processed medical instrument). Activation of the virus occurs during severe psycho-emotional shock, during ARVI. You cannot touch or scratch the papillomas with your hands; only surgical treatment is provided by removing them with liquid nitrogen.


A wart is a round formation that does not differ from the natural color of human skin. With severe growth, it often causes unpleasant feelings in the form of itching, pain and burning. It is worth understanding that the disease is transmitted through a handshake. They develop as a result of a sharp drop in immunity, under severe stress and as a result of chronic fatigue.


Wen are white, benign growths that do not pose a danger to humans. The main reasons for the development of wen in the eyes are obesity, diabetes mellitus, regardless of the type of course, hereditary predisposition, as well as hormonal changes (during pregnancy, menopause or puberty).


This is the uncontrolled deposition of cholesterol plaques on the eyelids of the benign form. They are yellow in color and do not cause discomfort or inflammation. Older people are more at risk. Such growths are removed with carbon dioxide.

We recommend reading: Xanthelasma


Cystic formations on the eyelids can be either congenital or acquired. Most often they occur on the eyelids in adults; in case of improper or insufficient treatment, relapse often occurs.


This benign tumor is dark in color, has a round or oval shape, and practically does not rise above the surface of the skin. In case of a sharp change in color, shape, or with the development of an inflammatory process, the nevus is removed surgically; otherwise, removal is not required.

We recommend reading: Nevus on the eye

Malignant growths

Cancers in the eye area can be of different types: sarcoma, melanoma and basal cell neoplasm. In the first stages of its development, cancer appears as a small dark spot or growth. In this case, the growth begins to grow quickly, changing in color and shape, and often bleeds. May form on the mucous membrane of the eyelids.

Plexiform neuroma

It forms a benign growth on the eye, looks like a small nodule, most often forms on the upper eyelid of the eye, and over time leads to its thickening and subsequently causes difficulty blinking. If necessary, it can be removed by laser or mechanically.

Types and causes of appearance

The growth of warts is provoked by the human papillomavirus

A wart on the eyelid is a benign neoplasm. It should not be perceived only as a cosmetic defect, since such growths indicate the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body. Warts can appear on any part of the body, including the eyelid. They can be of the following types:

  • Flat. They resemble a dome in shape and can be localized en masse in one zone. Such warts quite often appear on the eyelid.
  • Ordinary. They have a neutral or light brown tint. The shape resembles a small swelling.
  • Thread-like. Externally they resemble cauliflower and have a thin stalk. Can grow to large sizes.

Almost any warts are formed due to the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body. The following reasons can activate this virus:

  • Frequent stress.
  • Excessive and intense exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • A decrease in the body's protective functions caused by various reasons. For example, with colds or as a result of bad habits.
  • The presence of infectious processes in the body.
  • Chronic fatigue and overwork.
  • Old age, over 60 years old.
  • Frequent hypothermia.
  • Abrupt climate change.

The human papillomavirus itself enters the body through close contact with the carrier itself or through household items. Before the appearance of warts, in most cases there are no symptoms of infection, and the person does not even suspect that he is a carrier of the virus. Once in the body, the pathogenic microorganism waits for suitable conditions for activation.


To diagnose tumors in the area of ​​the eyeball, ophthalmoscopy is prescribed (this is a detailed examination of the fundus of the eye). To accurately identify the problem, the following diagnostic procedures are performed:

  • ultrasound examination of the fundus;
  • MRI;
  • CT scan;
  • collection of biomaterial to identify cancer cells (biopsy).

The above research methods make it possible to accurately determine the type of disease and begin timely treatment.

How to get rid of tumors?

Removal of growths in the eye area should be carried out with extreme care. Therefore, you should know how to remove a wart on the face.

This is due to sensitive skin, and there is also a high probability of the chemical getting into the eye, which can lead to temporary or complete loss of vision.

Not all commonly used anti-wart products are suitable for this type of removal. Consult your doctor!

Especially if you want to remove a wart at home!

Effective preparations based on celandine , such as SuperClandestine, can aggravate the situation.

It is also worth remembering that warts are treated comprehensively, using drugs to enhance immunity and antibacterial agents.

It is necessary to purchase vitamins or vitamin complexes (A, C, E).

Pharmacy drugs

It is worth purchasing tea tree essential oil ; it has antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal effects. This ether will gently, without injuring the skin, remove growths and protect against further appearance.

It should be applied several times a day. At night, you can make a compress with oil , securing it with a bandage or plaster.

  1. Castor oil also removes papillomas well, nourishing the skin. The product should be applied at night, the treatment period is until it completely disappears.
  2. Panavir gel does not cause irritation or allergic reactions. has a good effect on the isami wart virus, the course of treatment is about 10 days. It is recommended to apply the gel three times a day.
  3. Viferon (ointment) has an antiviral effect and contains natural ingredients. The wart is lubricated up to 5 times a day for no more than 30 days.
  4. Imiquimod (cream) is gentle in its composition and will not cause discomfort to the eyes. The affected areas should be lubricated at night, taking breaks (usually 3 times a week). The course of treatment depends on the persistence of the warts.

tablets will be effective , acting from the inside and without causing any inconvenience to the eyelids:

  1. Isoprinosine , take 3 times a day, the dosage will be prescribed by your doctor (from half a tablet to 2 pieces). Take no more than 14 days. After a break of 14–30 days, you can repeat the course.
  2. Arbidol , take 4 tablets a day for 7 days.
  3. Immunal , an effective drug for restoring immunity, is taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

Aloe juice has proven itself to be excellent ; apply carefully several times a day until the skin heals.

Raw potatoes are effective and safe for the eyes. Rub the affected area 5 times a day.

Sour apple juice

More folk remedies for warts on the face can be found in another article, but remember that strong methods can burn your eye.

Medical therapy when visiting the clinic

The doctor will most likely prescribe a radical solution to the problem:

  • laser removal;
  • ultrasound;
  • cryotherapy (freezing);
  • cauterization with salicylic acid.

In a hospital setting, it is safer to remove a wart on the face - there is no possibility of causing any infection, the doctor knows his job - he will not damage the skin of the eyelids.

The use of methods such as laser or ultrasound therapy is the most effective and safe for the eyes, however, a relapse may occur and the procedure will need to be repeated.

Freezing a growth on the eye occurs in most cases without consequences.

After freezing, you will need a week of gauze protection for the eye; most often, the neoplasms disappear for a long time.

Cauterizations are also carried out without consequences for appearance.

You can find out which is better: removing warts with laser or nitrogen here.

After removing the growths, the specialist will prescribe antiviral and immunorestorative drugs and will monitor the development of the disease for some time.

Read other features of the treatment of warts on the eyelids and face here.


Effective methods of therapy to eliminate tumors are:

  • Cryodestruction is a new method of treating various forms of growths, which almost 100% eliminates relapses. It is inexpensive and safe, and also does not take much time for rehabilitation. Everything is quite easy; in the case of benign neoplasms, they are simply frozen with liquid nitrogen, as a result they dry out and fall off on their own.
  • Surgery using a scalpel involves cutting the skin in the area of ​​the growth. This method is used today as a last resort when other more modern methods of treatment are not suitable for the patient. Local anesthesia is used for removal. After surgery, some recovery time is required;
  • The use of laser technology is the fastest and at the same time safest method of removing tumors in the eyes, which eliminates the risk of infection of the affected tissues. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes, the patient needs about 1 week to recover.

Treatment and removal of papillomas

Initially, it is worth considering conservative treatment methods, which include traditional recipes. Today there are many traditional medicine methods that allow you to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time. The most common of them are rubbing with celandine and using an infusion of walnut leaves.

Celandine is an effective and inexpensive remedy for removing papilloma at home. It is very easy to use, you just need to rub the growth 2-3 times with plant juice every day. You can use alcohol tincture. It is prepared on the basis of alcohol (vodka) and finely chopped aloe, which is filled with liquid and placed in the refrigerator for a week. It is better to use glass containers for storage. After a week, you can use a product to rub the formation every 3 hours.

Note! You should not remove papillomas yourself if their color is black or red and causes painful manifestations. With such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor to exclude a malignant process.

Walnut leaves are used as a complex remedy against HPV. If you simultaneously use medicinal methods and an infusion of leaves, you can achieve excellent results. The ingredient is finely chopped to obtain an amount of 50 grams and poured with boiling water, left for half an hour. Afterwards they are used as compresses every 3 hours for 4 weeks.

Modern methods for removing papillomas are easy to use and help get rid of the pathology in a few minutes or days. It is advisable to use surgical intervention at a stage when traditional methods of treatment are not effective, or the growth has reached a significant size, or there are formations around the eye that interfere with leading a normal lifestyle. Experts advise immediately seeking surgical help, since this method of removing the virus helps prevent the recurrence of the tumor; there is no risk of relapses.

The most popular methods for removing papillomas are laser treatment and coagulation. Surgical interventions and electrocoagulation are considered obsolete, because they have a long recovery period and leave visible cosmetic defects after therapy.

The choice of the best and most effective treatment and removal of the growth should be left to a specialist. Only he will be able to understand from the examination and test results what type of therapy will be optimal and effective.


There is no prevention of neoplasms in the eyes. This is impossible due to many reasons that affect the formation of growths. It is impossible to exclude the possibility of grains of dust and dirt penetrating into the eye, which can cause a benign neoplasm.

In the case of a cancerous tumor, as a preventative measure you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports and preferably in the fresh air, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and be in a good mood, forget about sadness and grievances.

Growths on the eyelid in children

The appearance of growths in front of children’s eyes is not a rare occurrence, since children, especially young children, do not always adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and scratch their eyes with dirty hands.

Most often, growths appear on the edges of the eyelids, near the eyelashes. When scratched or damaged, there is a risk of infection.

It is unacceptable to get rid of tumors in childhood on your own, especially with the help of folk remedies. In this case, a visit to a pediatric ophthalmologist is required.

Comparative table of methods for removing papilloma on the eyelid

Removal methodAdvantagesFlaws
Medication– moderately effective; - safe; – can be used at home as prescribed by a doctor – applies only to small, recent formations.
Chemical- simple; - cheap; – painless – very dangerous, possible burns and scars
Cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen)– average efficiency; - simple; – painless – requires strict control over the depth of impact; – possible burns and risk of re-formation; – anesthesia is required in case of a large papilloma and several procedures
Radio wave- high efficiency; – painless; – contactless; – the possibility of cytological analysis of distant formations; – not traumatic; - average price – there are contraindications for use.
Electrocoagulation– highly efficient; – possibility of postoperative histological analysis of the removed growth – risk of scar formation and relapses
Surgical– possibility of complete removal– risk of bleeding; – formation of scars
Laser– highly efficient; – operational; – painless; – non-contact (fast healing) – there are contraindications for use
Folk remedies– used at home; – used as an addition to the main treatment – little effective; – Unsafe; – Use only under the supervision of a specialist.

All presented methods have advantages and disadvantages. Removing papilloma in such a delicate place as the eyelid requires a careful approach. Therefore, to resolve this issue, you need the advice of an experienced, qualified specialist.

Treatment methods for warts on the lower eyelid

It is imperative to treat warts on the lower eyelid. For this purpose, doctors have many effective methods in their arsenal. The best results are obtained by combination therapy, which combines medication and instrumental methods for removing growths. Traditional medicine can also provide considerable assistance in treatment, but it should be used only after consultation with a specialist.

Removing warts on the lower eyelid

It is impossible to completely eradicate the papilloma virus in the blood. However, complete removal of warts on the lower eyelid is possible using instrumental techniques. Currently, you can choose one of several, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the location of the tumor and the cost of the procedure:

  • Laser removal . This procedure uses a special laser beam that evaporates the cellular fluid from the tumor. Thus, it dries up and dies. This is a virtually painless and safe manipulation that allows you to remove warts on the lower eyelid without traces or complications. The price of the procedure is 850-2200 rubles in Russia and 320-700 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  • Radio wave removal . In this case, a special device is used that acts on the growth with radio waves. This procedure allows you to remove the tumor without pain, bleeding and unpleasant consequences in the form of prolonged wound healing or inflammation. Warts on the lower eyelid are eliminated without a trace or recurrence. The cost of radio wave removal is 2000-3000 rubles in Russia and 530-1400 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  • Electrocoagulation . The impact on the growth is carried out through electric current. The wart is literally burned off. This is a rather risky procedure and is rarely used when localizing tumors near the eyes, where the skin is especially delicate and sensitive. The price of electrocoagulation is 900-1400 rubles in Russia and 300-500 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  • Cryoremoval . In this case, liquid nitrogen is used, which acts as a refrigerant that freezes the growth. When exposed to low temperatures, the wart dies and disappears over time. This method of treatment is also imperfect, since the depth of penetration of liquid nitrogen is difficult to control. When exposed to thin skin of the lower eyelid, you may not calculate the amount of substance and cause too deep damage. Therefore, the specialist performing this operation must be highly qualified. The cost of cryoremoval of a wart on the lower eyelid is 600-1200 rubles in Russia and 220-470 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  • Surgical excision . Before removing a wart on the lower eyelid in this way, you should weigh the pros and cons. Typically, surgical removal is used if the growth is large and there is suspicion of the onset of a malignant process. In this case, the wart is excised and the tissue is sent for histology. After such an operation, scars may form. The price of surgical removal is 600-1000 rubles in Russia and 240-400 hryvnia in Ukraine. See also the results of surgical removal of papilloma

Medications for the treatment of warts on the lower eyelid

In the photo are preparations for warts on the lower eyelid

In order for the treatment of warts on the lower eyelid with instrumental methods to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to supplement it with drug therapy. The latter includes antiviral and immunomodulatory areas.

Drug treatment can help prevent recurrences of warts on the lower eyelid in the future. Immunomodulators effectively influence the human immune system, make it work more actively and fight pathogens. Special ointments, tablets, and injections may be prescribed. The choice of a suitable remedy depends on the general health of the patient and his individual characteristics. Usually, before starting such treatment, the doctor prescribes an immunogram - a special test that allows you to determine the state of a person’s immune system. The following immunomodulators have proven themselves well: Viferon (about 300 rubles), Isoprinosine (from 600 rubles) and their analogue Genferon (about 300 rubles).

Antiviral drugs are also prescribed after examining the patient. At the same time, an assessment of the viral load on the body is carried out. If it is high, then a course of treatment is prescribed with special agents that can suppress the virus, reduce its concentration in the blood and prevent the reappearance of warts on the lower eyelid. Typically, the following drugs are prescribed for HPV: Panavir (about 300 rubles), Aldara (from 4,500 rubles) and the analogue Novirin (from 350 rubles).

As for various aggressive cauterizing agents used for the chemical destruction of warts, it is not recommended to use them on the face. They can cause severe damage to the skin and mucous membranes and even to the eyeball. Give preference to more gentle methods of removing warts on the lower eyelid.

  • Read more about medications to treat warts on the eyelid

Folk remedies for warts on the lower eyelid

There are many ways to treat tumors in traditional medicine. However, they should not be overused, since they can only serve as an addition to the main therapy - medicinal and instrumental.

After consulting with your doctor, you can resort to the following methods:

  • Lubricating with vinegar . This recipe can be used only if the wart is not in close proximity to the mucous membrane and eye. A drop of vinegar should be applied to the tumor several times a day. After some time, the growth will begin to decrease in size and dry out.
  • Sprinkling with chalk . Crushed dry chalk should be applied to the wart on the lower eyelid for a few minutes every day for 10-14 days. Do not wet the treatment area.
  • Potato compress . It is necessary to grind the raw root vegetable on a grater and apply the pulp to the affected area for several minutes daily. You can cover the area with a dry cloth.
  • Garlic compress . It should be done only on areas that are located at a distance from the eye. Place the paste on the wart on the lower eyelid and cover with a soft cloth or gauze. Within a few days of this procedure, the tumor will begin to die.

It is also useful to use various immunomodulating and restorative decoctions and infusions. The following plants help well: rose hips, raspberries, black currants, horsetail, echinacea, eucalyptus, mint, lemon balm. They can be brewed one at a time or as part of a brew.

  • Read more about the treatment of warts on the eyelid with folk remedies

Prevention of occurrence

Prevention is always better than cure. To contain the infection, attention must be paid to the state of the immune system. Doctors recommend taking medications to activate the immune system. This is especially true in the autumn-spring periods. In order not to deal with the consequences of the virus in the form of warts, you need to keep personal hygiene items clean and monitor their individual use. A healthy and balanced diet, timely treatment of colds, and a healthy lifestyle will strengthen the immune system to resist the papilloma virus. But if infection has already occurred and a wart has appeared, treatment cannot be postponed until later. It is possible to defeat the disease, as well as to get rid of its external manifestations.

Causes of chalazion

The appearance of chalaziya on the eyelid is influenced by many different factors. In a child, the disease most often occurs as a result of infection with dirty hands. The risk group also includes older people with reduced immunity, in whom by the age of 50-60 years the risk of chalazia degenerating into a cancerous tumor increases.

Therefore, such patients need to undergo a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist once a year. Patients may also experience multiple chalazions on the eye.

A person should have an idea of ​​what causes an abscess to appear before his eyes.

  1. Failure to maintain personal hygiene, resulting in infection due to contact of mucous membranes with dirty hands.
  2. Chalazions can cause cancer.
  3. Presence of diabetes mellitus.
  4. Intestinal dysbiosis.
  5. Regular use of contact lenses.
  6. Chalazia is associated with frequent colds and immunodeficiency.
  7. If you are predisposed to dermatitis.
  8. With vitamin deficiency.
  9. If concomitant stye on the eyelid of an adult has been poorly treated.
  10. If there is chronic inflammation in the lower or upper eyelid.
  11. Chaljasia on the eye can occur due to constant stress and unfavorable environmental conditions.

The impact of VSD attacks on patients’ vision, causes of disorders, methods of treatment and prevention

Panic disorder is a mental illness characterized by recurrent panic attacks. The DSM-5 defines panic attacks as “sudden attacks of intense fear or discomfort that reach a peak within a few minutes.” People with this disorder live in fear of another panic attack. The patient may experience physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, and hyperhidrosis. In the outdated classification, panic disorder was called vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).

Although the symptoms of the disorder are overwhelming and frightening, they can be controlled and resolved with treatment. Prescribing the correct treatment is the key to quickly getting rid of VSD.

Diagnosis of eyelid growths

All patients with symptoms of eyelid neoplasm should undergo a complete examination:

  • Ophthalmoscopy with magnification, biomicroscopy;
  • Visometry with determination of visual acuity;
  • Computer perimetry;
  • Tonography;
  • Laser tomography using a retinotomograph.

Additionally, if necessary, MRI, CT, radiography, and laboratory examination are prescribed. An important study is a biopsy of the eyelid growth and a histological examination of a tissue sample.

If there are concomitant diseases, you may need to consult a therapist, oncologist, endocrinologist, or dermatologist.

Other causes of the disease

If any formation appears on the upper eyelid, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist.
If millet grass is suspected, therapy is prescribed according to the doctor’s decision. This is due to the fact that the growth is similar to an internal pimple, which is unpleasant due to its aesthetic appearance. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to eat properly, use face masks, and perform peelings. Self-removal of the fistula is contraindicated. The manipulation is carried out in a cosmetology office.

With xanthelasma, a flat yellow or white formation appears with a slight protrusion above the dermis. The area of ​​appearance is the lower or upper eyelid. The causes of the disease include poor lipid metabolism. If a woman has a lump inside her upper eyelid, the doctor may suspect a hormonal imbalance or disrupted functioning of the endocrine system. The growth does not disappear on its own. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause of xanthelasma development.

If the hair follicle, sebaceous duct and surrounding tissues become inflamed, the doctor diagnoses furunculosis. The main cause of the disease is bacteria. More often, a boil is diagnosed under the eyebrow. At the first stage of the disease, a small lump appears, which as it develops turns into a purulent pimple. The primary stage is accompanied by pain, swelling, high fever, and migraine. At the next stage, the boil ruptures and pus comes out. A pimple may leave a scar. However, the risk of infection remains.

Another reason for the appearance of a lump that looks like a wart is papilloma. This growth is characterized by a rough surface, lack of discomfort and the presence of pain. If the papilloma occurs on the edge of the eyelid, the patient may feel discomfort while blinking. Moreover, such formation is considered a cosmetic defect.

This is due to the etiology of the disease. The main provocateur of the appearance of papilloma is a virus. Therapy is carried out after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Why do warts appear on the lower eyelid?

Even a small tumor on the eyelids indicates a viral infection of the body. Various strains of papillomavirus cause the formation of warts on the lower eyelid. This is a very common pathogen that infects about 60-90% of the world's population.

There are different types of pathogens, some can provoke the development of cancer tumors. Such viruses are called oncogenic. In the case of warts on the lower eyelid, as a rule, we are talking about non-oncogenic strains. However, this does not mean that these growths should not be diagnosed and treated.

You can become infected with HPV in various ways, but most often through household contact. The virus is easily transmitted from one person to another through contact, especially in high humidity environments. If there is damage to the skin (scratches, abrasions, cuts), this significantly increases the risk of contracting the virus. Self-infection is also possible when a person with dirty hands introduces the pathogen into the eyelid area.

Penetrating the skin, the papillomavirus begins to actively infect the DNA of epidermal cells. It forces them to divide chaotically and intensively, causing tissue proliferation. This is how warts appear on the lower eyelid.

However, infection with this virus does not always mean that a person will soon become the owner of warts. Sometimes it takes months or years after infection before the patient develops growths. However, all this time he is a carrier of the virus and can spread it among healthy people.

If a person has a strong immune system, it will suppress the papillomavirus, preventing it from spreading and infecting skin cells. But as soon as a malfunction of the body’s defenses occurs, the pathogen is activated and can manifest itself in the form of warts on the lower eyelid.

Factors that provoke immune system failures are:

  • Prolonged hypothermia;
  • Changes in climatic conditions;
  • Fluctuations in hormonal levels;
  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • Past infectious disease;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics;
  • Nervous exhaustion, stress, overexertion;
  • Poor diet, poor sleep;
  • Bad habits - smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • Immunodeficiency states.

It should be remembered that once infected with papillomavirus, which causes warts on the lower eyelid, it is no longer possible to get rid of it. In addition, if one strain of the pathogen is present in the blood, then a person may well pick up other types of this virus.

Treatment of papillomas on the eyes

Treatment of papillomavirus should be comprehensive - it is necessary to eliminate not only the effect, but also the causes. This means we need to suppress the virus and boost weak immunity. This is done in several steps:

  • Removing papilloma from the eye. Several techniques are used for this.
  • Taking antiviral drugs that suppress viral activity.
  • Raising immunity with the help of immunomodulators and folk remedies.

How to remove papilloma under the eye

  • Laser removal. This procedure allows you to get rid of papilloma using a narrowly directed light beam by pointing it at the tumor. Under its influence, a kind of “evaporation” of the changed cells occurs, after which, as a rule, no scar remains. The advantages of the technique are the accuracy of determining the depth of exposure and the short duration of the procedure - only a few minutes. After removal, the resulting wound does not bleed and quickly regenerates.
  • Cryodestruction. Papillomas can be removed by freezing with liquid nitrogen. This may require several procedures. After exposure, a crust forms on the surface of the skin, which must not be peeled off under any circumstances - it should fall off on its own. The doctor must monitor the healing process. After cryodestruction there are usually no scars left.
  • Surgical method. Papilloma under the eye can be removed conservatively - with a surgical scalpel. To do this, local anesthesia is given, after which the doctor cuts out the tumor. Then the wound is treated and a sterile bandage is applied to it. The bandage will need to be changed every day, while being observed by a surgeon in the first days. This method is rarely used.
  • Electroagulation. To remove old deep papillomas from the area around the eyes, you can apply an electric current of a certain strength and frequency. To do this, they use a device called an “electrocoagulator,” which allows you to adjust the characteristics of the current that heats a special nozzle. This procedure allows you to remove not only growths on the stem, but also wide ones that affect the deep layers of the epidermis. After removal, a crust forms on the surface of the skin, which after a while disappears on its own. The presence of scars depends on the type and size of papilloma. The duration of electrocoagulation can take up to 20 minutes.

Recovery period

The main task after papilloma removal is to properly care for the injured area at home. To do this you need to follow simple rules:

  • maintaining hygiene;
  • minimal exposure to the sun or wearing sunglasses;
  • refusal to visit the sauna or bathhouse;
  • daily wound treatment and dressing change (if necessary);
  • taking prescribed medications.

Under no circumstances should you open the scabs or rub your eyes yourself to avoid infection.

Removal of papillomas using medication

How to get rid of papillomas around the eyes using pharmaceutical products at home? You can use the following drugs for this:

  1. Oxaline ointment is good as an antiviral drug, eliminating the cause of the growth - HPV.
  2. “Super celandine” drops are made from celandine juice extract. The effect on papilloma is similar to cauterization.
  3. Viferon ointment has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect at the local level.

You can use this or that product to remove growths only with the approval of a specialist. Trying to remove papilloma on your own, without undergoing tests, risks causing complications in the form of tumor growth or infection in the wound.

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