What is happiness? In the hormones of happiness!

Greetings, friends!

Everyone has their own, individual answer to the question of what happiness is, because everyone has their own desires, goals and ideals. This is where the individual’s individuality lies. But, despite the difference in the perception of happiness, the desire to be happy is present in every person. Today we will talk about what components of happiness are most important for most people, as well as about the rules and principles that allow you to make your own life happy.

In Dahl's dictionary

(participation, share, share) cf. fate, fate, part and fate, share. We are so lucky to be on the bridge with a cup. To each his own happiness; You can’t get caught up in someone else’s happiness. | Chance, desired surprise, talent, luck, success, competitiveness in business, not by calculation, happiness, happiness. pl. north eastern zap. and schaski, psk. Wait a minute Whoever is happy (who is happy) in the game, is unhappiness (he is unhappy) in marriage. Eco happiness: two mushrooms on a spoon, the third sticks to the stem! Some are happy, some are in bad weather. Don't give up your shares. Luckily, I was there myself. For luck, for chance, at random. Fortunately, the man sows bread. | Prosperity, well-being, earthly bliss, the desired daily life, without grief, unrest, anxiety; peace and contentment; in general, everything desired, everything that calms and brings a person, according to his beliefs, tastes and habits. Live in happiness, in time, prosper. Happiness is in us, and not around the bush. Home happiness, advice and love. Lada, there is great happiness in the family! God will give you health and happiness. Happiness is the mother, happiness is the stepmother, happiness is the mad wolf. With happiness you will come across a treasure, without happiness you won’t find a mushroom. Happiness is that the spring bucket is (unreliable). Happiness is like a double-edged sword. Happiness is more valuable than wealth. Happiness is more valuable than intelligence, wealth, etc. Happiness is like shaking: it will attack whoever it wants. Happiness and shaking, whoever it attacks! In a fight, happiness is a great thing. Nowadays you only hear about Tatar happiness in fairy tales. The first happiness is when there is no shame in the eyes. Happiness is great, but intelligence is not enough. Happy is everywhere for a fool. He has stupid happiness: donkey, ox happiness. Happiness will come together with happiness, and even then it will not be crazy. Happiness and misfortune were mixed - there was nothing left. God gives happiness to the stupid, but God gives happiness to the smart. Today there is happiness, tomorrow there is happiness - God have mercy, but where is the mind? It’s not the happiness that you rave about in your dreams, but the happiness that you sit and ride on. Happy, happy, fortunately, referring to happiness. A happy person who succeeds in everything is successful, fortunate; - chance, desired, prosperous. - a day that brought anything you wanted. - life, calm, without troubles. Happy twin. Happy is your God! You are lucky that this happened. Even the beast is tamed against the happy, and against the unfortunate every reptile rises up, O wife. Happy for dinner, fatally hit. Happy, light hand. Play happily - rob people; to play unhappily is to offend yourself. Don't be born smart or handsome, but be born happy. Don't be born good or handsome, be born happy. In the face (on the face, with the face) happy, handsome. Happy people get stuck between their fingers. The happy (rich) have nothing to do: he lives and warms himself. The happy one jumps, the unhappy one cries. Not the happy one that is with the father, but the happy one that is with the husband. Happy, -vica, happy person, successful, lucky. God's nieces are the lucky ones whose grandmother casts a spell. To make someone happy, to make happy, to make happy, to endow with happiness, with something desired. Children make my life happy. | - who, succeed, argue, lucky, talented. He is happy in everything, in trading, in cards.

So what is happiness?

Among the many definitions, the most successful can be considered the following: happiness is maximum satisfaction with the conditions of one’s own existence. This interpretation is good because it is quite accurate, but allows for many options for implementation, since each person has his own interests and desires.

There is a common misconception that happiness lies in financial wealth, which allows a person to receive the benefits of modern civilization. Most people strive for precisely this “happiness”, spending maximum effort on building a career, saving money and acquiring material values.

But having built a successful career and achieved their goals, people who strived for material wealth are disappointed. They realize that happiness does not lie in wealth , which they spent a significant part of their lives accumulating. You can read similar stories in the memoirs of many successful people who, in old age, often regret that they devoted too much precious time to work.

Happiness has an important feature that it is advisable to understand as early as possible. Happiness is limited in time. You cannot achieve something and then be happy always. A happy person enjoys the current moment and what he is doing right now.

In Ozhegov's dictionary

HAPPINESS, -I, cf. 1. The feeling and state of complete, highest satisfaction. S. creation. Pursuit of happiness. Family village 2. Success, luck. In everything s. someone There would have been no happiness, but misfortune helped (ate). * Fortunately or luckily, enter, ate. - expresses satisfaction about something. For good luck - 1) enter, eat., the same as for good luck. Luckily for me, everything ended well; 2) to have luck. Give me your hand for luck. Your (mine, his, etc.) happiness is that... (colloquial) - you (me, him, etc.) are lucky that... Your happiness is that everything turned out well.

What is happiness from a philosophical point of view?

This science describes happiness as a state of complete satisfaction with life. It is usually emphasized that a person does not have the opportunity to be fully happy. Most of us are in a constant search for happiness, and we periodically achieve certain goals that make us happy.

The happiness from achieving a goal can be strong and bright, but it usually does not last long. Having enjoyed it, we again go into a state of search. It is important to understand that external conditions may not change. A person becomes happy after achieving something, and after a certain time returns to normal life.

From a philosophical point of view, happiness depends on a person’s internal state and is not always associated with external factors. One can build a business and buy everything he dreamed of, but lament that he has not achieved success in his personal life. The other will be loved and happy, receiving a small salary, the bulk of which goes towards rent.

In Vasmer Max's dictionary

happiness ukr. Happily Wed R.; cslav. sаchѧstn “involved”, Old Czech. ščěstie, Czech. štěstí “happiness”, št᾽аstný “happy”, slvts. št᾽аstіе, št᾽аstný, Polish. szczęście. Praslav. *sъčęstь̂je is explained from *sъ-: Old Indian. su- “good” + *čęstь “part”, i.e. “good lot” (Baudouin de Courtenay, Stud. Brücknerowi 220 et seq.; Guyer, LF 46, 188 et seq.; Frenkel, Mél. Perdersen 444; Mahek, ZfslPh 7, 378). According to Bernecker (1, 155), happiness is primary. “share, joint participation” (: съ). This etymology is undoubted for the Late Slavs. sаchstn “involved”; see also Brückner 544.

What is not happiness?

Trying to answer for themselves what happiness is, people often come to erroneous conclusions. Most often, the imaginary attributes of happiness are such things as:

  • Prosperity and material values
    Not having your own home and a good car can be a serious inconvenience, but being able to buy everything you need will not make a person happy. This is one of the biggest misconceptions, and there are thousands of examples of people who, squeezing all the juice out of themselves, strived for material well-being. And having achieved it, they very quickly realized that they did not need such happiness at all.
  • Momentary joys and pleasures
    Rest, entertainment, delicious food, alcohol and other ways of obtaining short-term pleasure are periodically needed by every person. But they don't lead to happiness.
  • Beauty
    Many people consider themselves unhappy because they were not born beautiful. They are sure that if they had a different appearance they would be much happier. But this is also a misconception. There are enough examples to prove that you can be happy without having outstanding beauty.

In the dictionary D.N. Ushakova

HAPPINESS, happiness, pl. no, cf. 1. A state of contentment, well-being, joy from the fullness of life, from satisfaction with life. “And with the happiness of the people, joy began to bloom in villages and towns.” Ryleev. “Give me freedom, and I will find happiness on my own!” Baratynsky. “He sang the embodiment of people’s happiness.” Nekrasov. “The question of personal happiness is not simple.” Mayakovsky. “I have been reigning peacefully for six years now.” “But there is no happiness for my soul.” Pushkin. “He boasts of his womanly happiness.” Chekhov. “Murashkina beamed with happiness.” Chekhov. Live in happiness. “You are obliged to make the woman you love happy.” A. Ostrovsky. | The same as the embodiment of the feeling of love. “And happiness was so possible.” Pushkin. “Habit has been given to us from above; it is a substitute for happiness.” Pushkin. “Without love, without happiness, I wander around the world.” A. Koltsov. 2. Success, luck (mostly random). “The sun doesn’t always shine, luck doesn’t last forever.” Nekrasov. “There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.” pogov. He has no happiness in the game. 3. Fate, share, fate (simple, region). “To each his own happiness.” (last) “We are so lucky to be on the bridge with a cup.” pogov. 4. im. happiness used as well as the predicate of the main sentence in meaning. very good, extremely pleasant (colloquial). "Yes! It’s lucky to have a son like that.” Griboyedov. I'm happy that everything worked out so well. Have happiness with ·inf. - see have in 6 · meaning. To (my, yours, etc.) happiness or fortunately (for me, you, etc.) or for (mine, yours, etc.) happiness - used. in meaning an introductory word when expressing satisfaction about something, to indicate luck, success. “Where should I go? Fortunately, dry oak caught my eye.” Krylov. “The suitcase with the rest of my things, fortunately for me, remained intact.” Lermontov. The blizzard, fortunately for us, has subsided. For someone's happiness - to have luck, to be lucky (with the help of someone or something). Give me your hand for luck. “Try to cast a net for luck on Petrovo.” A. Maikov. Fortunately - the same as fortunately. “Luckily, the crane happened to be close here.” Krylov. My happiness (yours, his, etc.) is that... - it turned out well for me (you, him, etc.). You are lucky that you arrived on time.

What happiness consists of: 7 components

The factors of happiness are individual for each person, and yet several components can be identified that are important for everyone without exception:

  1. Love and support of loved ones
    This is the most important condition for achieving happiness. Almost no one has ever been able to be happy while single. And it’s easier to survive negative moments with the support of loved ones.
  2. Enjoying life
    Optimism is a useful skill that allows you to enjoy life almost always. If a person knows how to find positive moments in any situation, then he will feel happy much more often.
  3. Freedom of choice
    The need to obey the rules imposed by society, the social environment, religion or family makes a person unhappy. There are other reasons that prevent you from making the right choice: obsession with little things, inability to choose, lack of understanding of your own needs. It is much easier for a person who realizes that he constantly has the opportunity to choose and regularly makes the right choice to become happy.
  4. The ability to live in the current moment
    Many people live in constant anticipation. They make plans for the future, plan grandiose projects, spend their evenings thinking about what kind of house they will buy when they get rich. They are confident that happiness awaits them in the future. And time obediently flows faster and faster - so that the long-awaited “tomorrow” comes sooner. But you can be truly happy only by knowing how to live for today.
  5. Lack of envy
    Envy is one of the worst feelings. Only a person who sincerely rejoices in the successes of others can be truly happy.
  6. Having a goal
    Surprisingly, having a goal and moving towards it makes a person no less happy than achieving it. Set a goal for yourself: good and easily achievable, and start moving towards it. The very first steps on this path will make you happier.
  7. Doing what you love. Work should bring pleasure - this is the main rule of professional success in any field of activity. To be happy professionally, a person must perceive work as a hobby that generates income.

How to become happy: 7 main steps

By taking a few simple steps, any person can become significantly happier and transform their own life for the better in the shortest possible time. Write down this list for yourself and then regularly check whether you adhere to all the points.

  1. Don't compare yourself to others
    This is a huge stupidity that almost all people do. But each person is born and lives in his own conditions. He has a unique and inimitable character, a special set of abilities, his own health, upbringing and education. You cannot compare yourself with another person who was born, raised and matured in completely different conditions. Live your life and enjoy it.
  2. Always have a goal in mind
    For any person, it is important to understand the “mission” of the task facing him. The goal must be important, desirable and achievable. By taking another step towards your dream every day, you can become much happier without much effort.
  3. Don't regret the past
    People tend to think about their own mistakes, replaying the past and coming up with successful scenarios for an unpleasant situation. In most cases, this is a waste of time and emotional energy. Accept the mistake gracefully and move on!
  4. Forget grudges
    There is no point in being angry with another person. If he is important to you, forgive him. If you don't care about him, don't waste your emotional energy.
  5. Take responsibility for your own choices
    We are constantly choosing where to move. And if something goes wrong, there is no need to look for those to blame. Your life is a compilation of your own achievements and mistakes.
  6. Enjoy the world around you
    There are a lot of beautiful things around. Look around often, enjoy flowering trees, beautiful architecture and colorful signs, enjoy good weather and birdsong. This is a great habit that helps distract you from obsessive thoughts and can replace meditation.
  7. Don't waste your time
    Every minute should be spent on something necessary, important, pleasant or useful. You can’t do meaningless things, because time is the most valuable resource. And realizing that the days are not in vain, it is much easier to become happy.
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