Creative visualization: attracting what you want with the power of thought

The method of realizing what you want with the power of thought

With the help of this practice, based on the work of thought and imagination, you can attract what you want. The exercise consists of three steps. You can allocate 3-5 minutes for each step. Naturally, before practice, do preparatory exercises to enter a resourceful state of mind, which many call trance. Let's consider practice with desires in the areas of health, money and relationships. Make up the rest yourself by analogy.

Step 1: Beliefs

Prepare a belief that reflects your desire.

For example:

  • I am healthy
  • My spine is healthy - for the health sector.
  • I receive 100,000 rubles a month - for the material sphere.
  • I let love into my life - for the love sphere.

Speak these beliefs consciously, concentratedly, confidently out loud or to yourself for 3-5 minutes. Remember there should be no other thoughts in your head. The whole focus is on beliefs.

Step 2: filling with energy

Take this step immediately after working with conviction. It also takes 3-5 minutes to complete.

For the health sphere, you imagine a column of white healing light descending on you from above. As you inhale, you imagine inhaling this white light. As you exhale, you see how you are filled with it and radiate it with your entire being. Or, as you exhale, you send it to the diseased organ, if you do the practice on a specific organ.

For the sphere of love, you imagine that the energy of love descends on you. And as you inhale, you inhale it, and as you exhale, you are filled with it and radiate it.

For money, you imagine money or a monetary item on a table. You can put real money on the table. for greater efficiency. Only more))) Or you can see the money egregor in the form of a golden cloud above you.

You imagine how this object, a bundle of money, glows and emits the energy of money that reaches out to you. Or how a beam of energy comes from the money egregor towards you. As you inhale, you inhale the energy of money. As you exhale, you fill yourself with it and radiate it. Fill yourself with energy and move on to the next step.

Step 3: visualization

In this step, you use your imagination and visualize the desired goal according to all the rules.

To develop the skills of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for imagination, it is recommended to train your left hand by writing with it daily. Paint. In general, any creativity is effective in awakening the power of the right hemisphere. In addition, it is important to do exercises to develop imagination abilities.

If visualization does not work for you for one reason or another, for example, you do not see images on the internal screen or you do not like this method in itself, try alternative methods. Remember that everyone is different. And to each his own. Listen to yourself and try

Let's get younger

Do you know how to use the power of thought to prolong your youth? It turns out that using the laws of the Universe, you can defeat old age at the cellular level, while remaining a healthy and cheerful person. Most of us have firmly learned that a person is supposed to grow old, and rejuvenation of the body can only be done with the help of operations and cosmetic procedures.

The power of thought will help erase the aging program from the subconscious and launch a new one, the purpose of which is to rejuvenate the body. You can defeat old age and manage longevity using positive thinking if you understand that our soul has no age, just like its subconscious does not. The laws of the Universe are designed in such a way that the human subconscious can carry out any program that you put into it, including the program for maintaining the appearance and condition of the entire body at the level of a young age.

To rejuvenate the body, no special technique is required. You can talk to the cells of your body, paying attention to each organ. If you practice this technique regularly, you can notice the response of the body cells. They can be adjusted as needed by saying that you do not intend to grow old, and, just like your soul, you will always be young.

Ban the following words for yourself:

  • At my age it's too late...
  • I'm not that young anymore...
  • I have to limit myself because of my age...
  • I don’t dare to dream and make plans for the future...

You can launch the rejuvenation of the body at the subconscious level and take a step towards youth by changing these words to positive thinking. Here are suitable wording for affirmations:

  • I will always remain young;
  • I, like my soul, have no age;
  • I'm only getting younger over the years;
  • I conquer old age;
  • The state of my appearance is only changing for the better.

Try to study the lifestyle features of those people who look much younger than their age. Surely you will find that they all have a positive mindset. Positive attitude towards life.

Set yourself up for a long, productive life, even if you don’t feel strong enough for it now.

Defeating old age and taking a course towards rejuvenating your body is within your power if you manage this process with the help of your subconscious.


To enhance the power of thought, you can use magical rituals. These are certain actions that help you better tune in to what you want and enter an altered state. Rituals also increase faith and put more energy into your thoughts.

Many parapsychologists resort to the power of magical actions. For example, Juna recommended the following ritual:

On a blank sheet of paper, draw a circle counterclockwise. Place your photo in it, and under the image tell about your intention. You can also draw an image of what you want.

Then draw another circle, this time clockwise. Let the first circle of power be inside the second. Between the circles it is important to write the words: “I am surrounded (surrounded) by three rings of power. I am surrounded (surrounded) by the energy of creation and fulfillment of my desires and plans.”

Place the created pentacle in your room or in another place that you often visit. Take it out every day, look at it, read the magic words and visualize your dream. You need to work with the talisman of your desire for 1 month.

Arina Evdokimova spoke about this ritual:

Visualize a glass ball in front of you. It is in your hands. You feel it, look at it. In this ball, create a mental image of your dreams. Imagine that you have achieved your goal. Look inside the ball and see your desire in it.

Then bring the magic ball to your left ear and say: “I want this to come true.” Done? Okay.) Now place the ball near your right ear and say: “This will definitely come true.”

An excellent simple ritual, its advantage is that by imagining a mental image in a ball, you seem to protect it.

Vlad Kadoni gives this recipe:

After morning exercises, energy practice, or in moments of strong emotions (joy, anger, etc.), point your index finger upward and loudly announce your dream. At the same time, imagine how the energy from your finger rushes into space. This is how the process of transformation of thoughts begins. During the ceremony, do not be shy about other people, let them think what they want. The main thing for you is that your wish comes true).

Work on appearance

Our body is the most amazing and perfect creation. Although it is material and exists on the physical level, just like consciousness, it is governed by the laws of the Universe. Just as you can rejuvenate your body using positive thinking, you can also lose weight with the power of thought and make a radical change in appearance for the better. You need to start by affirming in your mind the thought that you accept your body.

The desire to lose weight, lose extra pounds through diets and various techniques leads to the fact that the body refuses to perform some of its functions. By realizing the dream of an ideal figure, we deny our body, and it takes revenge on us with the appearance of diseases. But it is the body that reflects on the physical level the processes occurring in our soul. Through the body, the soul sends us a kind of message, and whether it is positive or negative can be judged by problems with the body.

When a person acquires positive thinking, he has the opportunity not only to rejuvenate the body, but also to cure himself of all diseases. For example, the belief that life is hard causes the back, shoulders and neck to bend, the gait becomes shuffling, osteochondrosis appears, and the legs drag on the ground. All this can be cured if you change your life beliefs for the better.

Body fat is a sign that you need protection from the outside world. To make your dream of a slim body come true, you should first think about what and where you have to protect yourself from. In addition to giving the body food, exercise, care and rest, you need to listen to your body and respond to its needs. Positive thinking is the builder of our body, and here the laws of the universe also play a role. With their help, you can make your body perfect outside and inside at the subconscious level.


1. There is a phrase “be afraid of fulfilling your desires.” And it is true. Because a materialized desire does not always bring happiness. Sometimes, instead of the expected miracle, you will encounter a bunch of problems.

Examples from the past:

“A friend wanted her family to allow her to adopt a stray dog. Although they already had two. Relatives were against it. And in the end the girl persuaded them. She prayed to God that this dog would find a good owner. And God gave it to her. I found an easy way.) But my friend later regretted it. By doing this, she closed herself off from travel and doomed herself to difficulties. I had to get up early and walk every day with all the dogs 2-3 times a day. This took a lot of time.

Another example, I once wanted a relationship. She described her partner, his qualities...

And they gave it to me. But naturally, he had not only advantages, but also disadvantages, which were difficult for me to accept at that time.

It was a difficult relationship. A difficult experience that reflected my internal patterns that I had not yet worked through at that time. Therefore, the best wish you can make is your spiritual growth. It's important to be prepared for what you attract. And match this in terms of purity of vibrations and energy.

You need to be very careful with this matter. And attract only what you really need. And ask for what you can carry...

It often happens that having received something, you need to give something back. This is how the law of balance works. Be prepared for this. Do you want money? But are you ready to give up your time for this? You want love, but are you ready to lose your freedom? And so on…

To make your wish come true, when making it, promise something to the Higher Powers... And then be sure to keep your word. Otherwise the Universe will take everything back.

For example, if you want a relationship, promise to take a stray kitten. If you want money, promise to give 10% to those in need. If you want to get pregnant, give your word to help orphans.

Based on what has been described, for the power of thought to work, you need:

  • State your request clearly.
  • Observe the law of balance.
  • Attract only true desires.
  • Develop spiritually. Work with your limitations and patterns.

What is the power of thought

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In recent decades, they have only talked about the power of thought, organizing entire conferences and inviting people to attend training on the correct use of this power. Thought also has its own degree of power, and it is not expressed in physical form. But thoughts can be trained, like muscles, to pump up its mental power.

What is the power of thought, how is it expressed? Why do some wishes quickly come true, while others do not? Success in implementing your plan depends on several components:

  1. powers of desire;
  2. the truth of desire;
  3. absence of doubts;
  4. lack of anti-desires.

Let's consider these points in detail. Is it possible that a desire is weak? Why does the implementation of a plan depend on the strength of the desire? Because the subconscious fulfills only those desires that are really necessary for a person - strongly necessary.

Further, for a wish to come true, it must be true. What does it mean? Are there untrue desires? They happen, and the subconscious can identify them. An example of an untrue desire is imitation of a friend, colleague, idol, etc. Or a desire as a tribute to fashion or “show off.”

An untrue desire is an externally imposed desire that a person can easily do without. For example, a colleague or friend bought herself a fur coat that you had never thought about before. You liked the fur coat and decided to buy the same one. This is an example of an externally imposed desire.

Doubt is a powerful energy that is perceived by the subconscious as a true desire. Doubts can be so strong that there can be no talk of any implementation of the plan. For example, a person after 30 years old begins to doubt that he will be able to organize his own business.

It seems like he’s no longer young, and he doesn’t have the same energy—enthusiasm, passion. In fact, he has all the resources to organize a new business, but doubts get in the way.

Note! Doubts are perceived by the subconscious as a person’s true desires.

While you are thinking about something, you need to carefully analyze your thoughts to discover whether there is even a shred of doubt in them. If the doubts are small, they will simply slow down the timing of the fulfillment of desires. If there is great doubt, the desire will not be realized.

What is anti-desire? This is a powerful force that opposes the formed desire. For example, you were invited to a party. You agreed and even began to prepare for it. But suddenly you hear a quiet inner voice that says: “Why do you need this, it’s better to rest at home.” This is anti-desire. The stronger one will win.

Now you know what contributes to the fulfillment of desires and what forces slow down the process and prevent the dream from coming true. All these forces are within the person himself and do not depend on external forces or circumstances.

All our desires are fulfilled by the subconscious, although it is customary to ask the Universe or God for this. But wishes are also fulfilled for non-believers and even small children who know nothing about the universe and God.

Here and now

In pursuit of their desires, people do not live in the present. They think that if they attract a high salary, for example, they will be happy. But this is an illusion. Happiness comes from within. And it depends on your inner world, on your reactions to certain situations, on the ability to see the good and be grateful for it.

Therefore, you have a task. Starting today, keep your focus on pleasure. Look for the good in every day and enjoy life.

Don't have enough money? Realize that everything that is most valuable is given for free. And take advantage of it.

Don't have a relationship? Enjoy it. Take care of yourself, your spiritual growth, realize your abilities.

In fact, in material matters, the lack of money is associated with a pattern of abundance that you have not worked through.

And problems in your personal life come from low self-esteem, a pattern of isolation and proper relationships with other people. This needs to be corrected.

Working with self-esteem

A person must be on the same wavelength with his desires, know for sure that he deserves to fulfill his dreams. For the materialization of thoughts to occur, you must fully establish your intentions and develop the will to win.

Therefore, if deep down you are not sure that you are worthy of your goals, then no dream will simply come true. The fulfillment of desires with the help of the power of thought will occur when a person is 100% ripe to accept the desire and has made enough effort for this.

We eliminate internal restrictions that prevent your desires from coming true

Internal blockages prevent the materialization of desires:

  • Negative Beliefs
  • Benefit
  • Karmic lessons

Negative Beliefs

The fulfillment of desires with the power of thought is hindered by negative programs that are deeply rooted in your subconscious mind.

They do not allow you to attract what you want, they have enormous power, influence your life, are reflected in it. They block the energy of thought and destroy it.

If you have any strong belief, it will nullify all your efforts.

For example, you want to have a monthly income of 100,000 rubles, meditate regularly, but nothing comes of it. It turns out that the reason for your failures in modeling what you want lies in the fact that in your subconscious there is a belief that money is bad or that you are not worthy of having a high salary. And any of your efforts do not give the desired result. Because conviction is stronger. It rules your life.

What to do?

You should take time to work with negative attitudes.

Here is a great technique for replacing negative programs with positive ones:

Take a piece of paper and cut out 6 squares:

  1. Museum of Beliefs
  2. Negative belief
  3. Neutral position
  4. New belief
  5. Feelings of having a new belief
  6. Clear knowledge and belief in belief

Place a figure in the “negative belief” square that you want to work with. Think about this belief. Is it useful for you? If not, then send him to the museum of beliefs (put a figurine there) and take a neutral position.

Then think about what belief you want to replace the negative one with and take the position of the new belief. Is it useful to you? How do you see your life with this attitude? Reflect on these questions and then place the figure in the sensation position. Try to experience a new belief. Do you feel what it's like to have it? Bring in as much positive energy as possible. And then take the final stand of faith and begin to cultivate the clear knowledge that your belief is the truth.

Do the practice regularly for 2-8 weeks with the right conviction.

Recording new programs

You can work with beliefs in the following way. Write down the negative attitude. And recode it into a positive one.

For example: “I don’t deserve anything good” we change to “I value myself highly. I deserve better. I am worthy of abundance in all areas of my life.”

Now, just like before visualization, we calm our emotions, relax, stop the flow of thought using mantra meditation and pronounce a new belief for 10 minutes.

We do the practice regularly, 2-3 times a day.

I’ll say right away that you shouldn’t immediately start reading new thoughts, just as you shouldn’t immediately imagine what you want. You're just wasting your time. So don't rush. Don't ignore preparatory exercises.

You could even say that they are an important basis for change.

On a note:

You can find a specialist who will help you remove negative charges from your subconscious:

  • NLP specialist
  • Dianetics Specialist


The second barrier is the availability of benefits. For example, you make a wish to restore your health. But when analyzing the lack of results, you may find that subconsciously you do not want to get well, your illness is beneficial to you. For example, with its help you receive care. And until you give up the benefits, you will not be healed. It’s the same with any other desires.

Karmic lessons

Your wish may not come true if you have not learned a lesson from the situation from which you want to leave. To understand what kind of lesson you are learning, ask yourself what you need to understand from this situation. After receiving the answer, try to change yourself and your behavior.

You can get into the habit of keeping an analytical journal every evening. Analyze situations, think about what they teach you, take notes, write new statements and carry out a short written forgiveness of yourself and the people who are involved in these karmic lessons.

Fulfillment of desires

It is quite possible, without even knowing what the power of thought is, you have noticed that the most powerful desires will sooner or later still come true. The fulfillment of desires by the power of thought occurs when a person does not have the slightest doubt whether he needs it, the whole organism at the cellular level strives for a single goal. The laws of the Universe enthusiastically accept such desires for fulfillment, because both the soul and the mind are united in this impulse.

Sometimes the opposite situation happens - nothing seems to interfere with the achievement of what you want, but something resists, some kind of “worm is gnawing” from the inside. And if there is the slightest doubt, then the fulfillment of desires by the power of thought will not come true. For example, you are trying to change your job, and you have even found a suitable option. But a quiet inner voice, which is barely felt in the form of a slight internal discomfort, says that at this job you will not be able to show your creative abilities, you will not be interested.

You may not hear it, but your subconscious will definitely hear it and create obstacles on your path in the form of bad luck and random troubles. This all happens so that you listen to your inner “I” and give up unnecessary goals. In order for the power of thought to show its enormous potential, to make a dream come true, you need to test yourself for the truth of what you want.

The fulfillment of desires by the power of thought should come from the heart, and not from the mind, inspire and delight, and not be a dream of calculation, or for reasons of profit.

A wish list

Why not write your dreams down on paper? Many psychologists also advise this in order to understand yourself and understand what you really want. And also many of those who are sure that if they describe their dreams in detail, they will come true. There are even certain rules for this.

You need to start writing from the most important dream, descending to the less important. Write down exactly why you need it and in what time frame you want it to be completed.

I didn't follow these rules, I just wrote in my diary about my dreams and made lists too. Not everything I wanted came true. Some simply did not come true because I changed my mind and decided that I no longer needed it. But in general, I can say that if you think positively, believe that everything will work out and set goals, you can achieve your desires.

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