Causes pneumonia and conjunctivitis in newborns

Definition of disease

The epicanthus is a small fold that is located near the inner corner of the eye and covers the lacrimal tubercle. This phenomenon is usually inherent in representatives of the Mongoloid race and often acts as a sign of it. The phenomenon most often occurs in people with large amounts of fat deposits on the face. This fact applies to people of all races.

The anomaly does not directly affect visual acuity, but can cause inconvenience and limit a person’s field of vision. Moreover, from an aesthetic point of view, it can be called a defect, since due to the close location of the pupil, the epicanthus can create a squint effect.

The anomaly does not require mandatory treatment, but if the inconvenience caused to it is too great, correction can be carried out.


To get conjunctivitis as little as possible, you need to follow simple hygiene rules:

  • bathe and wash the child daily;
  • the room, toys, and bedding must be clean;
  • The newborn should have a personal towel, with a separate one for the face and for washing;
  • regularly wash your baby’s hands with soap, in particular after a walk; Older children should be taught proper hand washing from an early age;
  • regularly walk with the baby in the fresh air, the more the better;
  • foods consumed, especially fresh fruits, are washed thoroughly;
  • baby food should be balanced and complete;
  • If possible, ensure that the child does not rub his eyes with dirty hands, especially when playing in the sandbox;
  • regularly ventilate and humidify the children's room;
  • do not contact sick children.

Needless to say, treating children always requires greater concentration and effort on the part of parents. But conjunctivitis can be quickly defeated. Follow the doctor's recommendations, be patient, and the problem will be solved in 2-3 days.

Types and classifications

Epicanthus can have a congenital or acquired form. The causes of congenital birth can be: prematurity, environmental factors, maternal illnesses during pregnancy (especially infectious ones), prolonged toxicosis, difficult childbirth, etc. Acquired is most often diagnosed with:

  • Down syndrome;
  • Various pathologies due to changes in chromosomes;
  • Ptosis of the upper eyelid;
  • Pathological changes in the palpebral fissure;
  • Injuries and various damages affecting the eyelids.

    Drooping of the upper eyelid

The anomaly can also be divided into four types:

  • Straight. The fold starts from the eyebrow and closes the tear duct. It is possible to fuse the upper and lower ciliary edges.
  • Back. In this case, the abnormal fold originates from the lower eyelid.
  • Superciliary. Starts under the eyebrow and ends with the lower eyelid.
  • Palpebral. The fold is distributed evenly.

Epicanthus is often found in newborns up to six months old. However, it is not a pathology in representatives of the Mongoloid race.


Epicanthus is considered as a means of protection from dust, wind and various natural elements, characteristic of representatives of the Mongoloid race. In people of other races, it may be associated with a facial structure in which there is a flattened nasal septum and/or large fat deposits under the skin (lower eyelid hernias).

Lower eyelid hernia

Pathological epicanthus can be a sign of abnormal development of the fetus in the womb, as well as inaccurate healing of eyelid injuries. The causes of its occurrence are closely related to the type and form of the pathology.

In people who do not represent the Mongoloid race, the phenomenon is not always characterized as a pathology.

Is it possible to treat conjunctivitis in a child at home?

Treatment of any disease is a matter for the doctor. But conjunctivitis is a disease that in most cases goes away on its own as soon as the body develops immunity. Therefore, if it is mild, treatment at home is acceptable.


There are no medicines against viruses that would seriously help in recovery. Dr. Komarovsky points out to parents that “either treat the disease or don’t treat it – one or two weeks maximum – and everything will go away on its own.” All that can be done is to isolate the child from the group so that other children do not suffer.

In fact, medicine offers drug treatments for viral forms of conjunctivitis. If the infection is adenoviral, then Ophthalmeron eye drops are prescribed, and if it is herpetic, an eye ointment based on acyclovir is prescribed: Acyclovir, Zovirax or Virolex. The use of these medications is possible even with sour eyes in a newborn. But the decisive factor will be the moment when the baby’s body copes with the infection on its own.


For bacterial conjunctivitis, treatment with local antibiotics is justified. They are prescribed by your pediatrician or eye doctor. Usually used:

  • Eye drops (Tobrex, Floxal, Sofradex);
  • Eye ointments (Tobramycin, Erythromycin, Tetracycline).

Eye drops are instilled 4 to 6 times a day at regular intervals. Or even more often, but not less often. And ointments are placed behind the lower eyelid 2-3 times a day. But after them, children complain of discomfort in the eyes, so the following regimen is most preferable: drops during the day, ointment at night.

After reading the instructions for any of the local antibiotics, a mother may get scared, because almost everywhere it is indicated that the drug is contraindicated for children. But Dr. Komarovsky, according to ophthalmologists, assures that local antibiotics for the eyes do not harm even an infant, because they are not absorbed into the blood. And the age restriction in the instructions for the drug only applies when it is taken orally.

Attention! If one eye is healthy and the other has conjunctivitis, then both eyes still need to be treated. This is necessary to prevent disease on a healthy organ. If you do not instill medicine into it, the child will transfer the infection to it with his hands.


The fastest and most correct way to get rid of allergic conjunctivitis according to Komarovsky is to stop contact with the allergen. But this is not so simple, especially if you are allergic to plant pollen. Then inflammation of the conjunctiva will develop whenever the flowering period begins.

If it is impossible to exclude the influence of the allergen, the doctor prescribes the following to the child:

  • Antiallergic eye drops or ointments;
  • Antihistamines orally.

Allergy drops and ointments usually include hormones such as dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, or prednisolone. They act very quickly (within several hours), eliminating the body’s inflammatory response to the allergen, but addiction develops to them. There are non-hormonal products, but they give an accumulating effect, which occurs 5-6 days after the first use with regular use.

In case of severe allergies, in addition to local medications, oral medications are prescribed. Depending on the age of the child, the doctor will select the most convenient form of medication: for an infant he will prescribe drops, and for a school-age child - tablets or capsules.

Possible complications

A normal epicanthus is not a violation and does not pose a danger to the health of the body and the visual apparatus. If it appears to be a deviation, the following consequences of its progression are possible:

  • Severe drooping of the upper eyelid, its reduction in all directions;
  • Tightening of the eye and the occurrence of strong pressure on the eyeball, which contributes to abnormally abundant tear production and the inability to completely close the eyelids;
  • Development of strabismus;
  • Overstrain and overfatigue of the visual apparatus, potentially dangerous for visual acuity.

Treatment of the problem can be carried out at any stage of development. However, it is best to start it in the early stages to avoid difficulties.


Researching and diagnosing the problem is usually not difficult. Usually a visual inspection is sufficient for this. However, a review of the patient's chart and examination may be necessary. This is necessary in order to assess the risks and identify the need for treatment or its absence.

Conducting an ophthalmological examination

A patient’s pedigree can provide a lot of important information for a doctor, from which it is possible to identify relatives of other races.


Therapy is necessary only when the problem develops, if it is an anomaly. In other cases, epicanthus can be eliminated as a cosmetic defect.


There is no drug treatment for this disease. However, if complications occur, symptomatic therapy can be prescribed to eliminate pain, redness and inflammation, eye fatigue, and excessive lacrimation. However, these measures are usually not enough and surgery still takes place.

Montevisin drops relieve pain, redness and fatigue


Blepharoplasty is currently successfully performed to treat the pathology. The operation is performed under general anesthesia in stages:

  1. The areas to be operated on are marked.
  2. Triangular skin flaps are excised along the eyelash growth.
  3. Excess fat tissue is removed from exposed areas.
  4. A new fold is being formed.
  5. The muscles and edges of the skin are tightened and sutures are placed.

The new fold, as a rule, is formed as naturally as possible and does not cause inconvenience to the patient. The recovery period lasts at least a week, but after it the person practically ceases to feel any discomfort. During healing after surgery, he needs to take antibacterial drugs to prevent complications such as infection, and also periodically change the dressings. Surgery may be indicated for both natural epicanthus and abnormal ones.

If the patient's skin is thin, the defect can be eliminated by suturing. In this case, the formation of a new fold is carried out by applying invisible punctures.

Surgery is not performed on children under seven years of age. This is due not only to high risks, but also to the fact that before this age, children’s eyelids are still forming and the defect can correct itself.

Children's conjunctivitis, what does Dr. Komarovsky say about this?

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is called conjunctivitis. Komarovsky says that conjunctivitis in children is a common phenomenon.

Since there are many different reasons that contribute to the development of the disease, they must first be identified. And only then plan treatment therapy. Newborn babies require special attention.

Due to weak immunity, their health is at risk, because illness can cause serious consequences.

Characteristic symptoms

Komarovsky claims that newborns feel unwell because their immune system has not yet fully developed. Therefore, you should not be surprised when, due to a cold, conjunctivitis in an infant makes itself known.

Conjunctivitis happens:

  • bacterial;
  • purulent;
  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • contact;
  • chlamydial;
  • allergic.

If conjunctivitis is of bacterial origin, the child experiences suppuration of the eyes. The baby may feel the presence of a foreign body.

In newborns and older children, conjunctivitis manifests itself:

  • swelling and redness of the eyes;
  • pronounced itching that is difficult to tolerate;
  • regular purulent discharge;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • dry cough;
  • discharge from the nose;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • swelling of the eyes;
  • burning sensation.

It's easy to notice when your baby is irritated by light. He tries to turn away from him and close his eyes. Most likely, he is worried about the onset of the disease.

Among the first signs are itching and burning, which cause serious discomfort. Infants often experience an increase in temperature. Conjunctivitis is dangerous for others if it is viral or fungal in nature. Therefore, Dr. Komarovsky says that the doctor must first determine the cause of eye inflammation in children.

How quickly the child’s body can cope with it will depend on what stage the disease is at.

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