Pedagogical leadership styles.

Teachers perform leadership functions not only in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. At the same time, there are significant differences in the methods and techniques of leadership, and therefore three styles are distinguished: authoritarian, democratic and liberal. Authoritarian leadership style. Teachers of this style lead without regard for the opinions of others, they themselves determine the ways and means of achieving the goal, because they believe that they know everything themselves and that no one can solve it better than them anyway. Such a teacher keeps all information to himself, so the active members of the class live on guesses and rumors. Willingly or unwittingly, it fetters the initiative of schoolchildren, so their sense of responsibility for the common cause weakens, public assignments become a formality for them, and the social activity of students decreases. Schoolchildren are only executors of the teacher’s plans and plans. A teacher with an authoritarian leadership style expresses his decisions in the form of instructions, orders, instructions, reprimands, and thanks. He takes little account of interpersonal relationships in the group, overestimates the negative qualities of students and underestimates their positive aspects.

Of course, the above should not be understood to mean that the authoritarian style of leadership should be completely excluded from the teacher’s practice. It can be used, but it is important that it corresponds to the situation and not be spontaneous and unconscious. For example, when a group led by a teacher is lacking initiative and is accustomed to passively following orders, at first it is more advisable to use an authoritarian leadership style in order to give the group’s activities an organized character.

Democratic leadership style. The position of a teacher with this leadership style can be described as “first among equals.” By his behavior, he shows that his power is a necessity for the rational implementation of the tasks facing the school community and nothing more. He tries to lead in such a way that each student takes maximum participation in achieving the common goal. To do this, he distributes responsibility among schoolchildren, encourages and develops relationships between them, and creates an atmosphere of business cooperation and camaraderie. The decision is made collectively, taking into account the opinions of the activists. Activities rely on the help of schoolchildren, taking into account their inclinations and abilities. Skillfully uses students who have authority among their peers to strengthen cohesion and discipline.

A teacher of a democratic style sees the meaning of his activity not only in controlling and coordinating the actions of the school staff, but also in educating and instilling organizational skills in schoolchildren, therefore he sets motivated tasks for schoolchildren, encourages the individual efforts of each, and makes them public. This helps students develop initiative and creative independence.

A democratic style teacher is more accessible to students;

they feel freer with him and willingly communicate with him. Therefore, a teacher with this leadership style knows better the inner life of students, their experiences, fears, aspirations, hopes. Verbal communication between a teacher of this style and students is based on requests, advice, and confidential intonation. It has been established that only 5% of such a teacher’s methods of communication are in the nature of commands or abrupt orders. Teachers of democratic leadership style are more adequate than teachers of auto

ritarian style, assess the positive and negative character traits of students.

Liberal (permissive) leadership style. This style is characterized by the teacher’s desire to interfere as little as possible in the affairs of the asset, giving students great freedom of action. The permissive style is much less common than the authoritarian and democratic ones. With this style, the group exists independently and determines the main directions of its life activities. Gradually, there is a complete abandonment of formal relationships, the social distance between group members is sharply reduced . In such a situation, interest in the matter may decrease, and the joint goal may not be achieved. Only a high level of personal or professional development of group members can contribute to the normal functioning of the group under such management. At the same time, a permissive style can contribute to the growth of responsibility and independence of ordinary group members.

So, each style has some advantages and disadvantages. Each style may be appropriate in some circumstances and not in others. The authoritarian style is simple and efficient, but leads to passivity of subordinates and hypocrisy towards the leader. The democratic style makes it possible for everyone to participate in management, but it prevents quick decision-making when necessary. The permissive style focuses on the independence of group members, but this is only possible with their highest qualifications. It is quite clear that the most successful leaders and managers focus on all three styles, depending on the operating conditions. The same leader can change the systems of methods of influencing subordinates. The main factors for changing leadership style can be: the degree of urgency of making a decision, the confidentiality of the task, the size of the group, the personality of the leader, the mental abilities of subordinates or the level of their professionalism.

4.Individual styles of teaching activity.

The individual style of a teacher’s activity is a system of stable, individually unique ways and techniques for solving various pedagogical problems. The main features of a teacher’s individual style of activity are manifested:

— in temperament (time and speed of reaction, individual pace of work, emotional responsiveness, responsiveness);

- in the nature of the response to certain pedagogical situations;

— in the choice of teaching methods;

- in the selection of educational means;

- in the style of pedagogical communication;

— in responding to the actions and actions of children;

- in behavior;

- preference for certain types of rewards and punishments;

- in the use of psychological and pedagogical influence on children.

When talking about a teacher’s individual style of activity , they usually mean that when choosing certain means of pedagogical influence and forms of behavior, the teacher takes into account his individual inclinations and abilities. Teachers with different personalities can choose the same ones from a variety of educational and educational tasks, but implement them in different ways. In this regard, one remark should be made regarding the perception and implementation of advanced pedagogical practices. When analyzing it, the teacher must remember that such experience is almost always inseparable from the personality of its author and represents a unique combination of generally significant pedagogical findings and the individuality of the teacher. Therefore, attempts to directly copy the advanced pedagogical experience of some teachers and others are, as a rule, futile.

Memory, its types and patterns of development. Ways to improve efficiency

Memorizing educational material in the educational process.

The essence and types of memory.

Memory is the remembering, preservation and reproduction by a person of images, thoughts, emotions, movements, i.e. everything that makes up his individual experience.

Memory serves as the basis for the continuity of mental activity, connecting the past, present and future. Memory is the main mental process, relying on which a person controls his behavior and activities, carries out current and long-term planning of his development and learning.

1) according to the nature of the mental activity that predominates in the activity, memory is divided into motor, emotional, figurative and verbal-logical;

2) according to the nature of the goals of the activity - involuntary and voluntary;

3) according to the duration of consolidation and preservation of the material (in connection with its role and place in the activity) - for short-term, long-term and operational.

Motor (or motor) memory

this is memorizing, storing and reproducing various movements. Motor memory is the basis for the formation of various practical and work skills, as well as the skills of walking, writing, etc. Without memory for movements, we would have to learn to carry out the appropriate actions every time.

Emotional memory is memory for feelings. This type of memory is our ability to remember and reproduce feelings.

Figurative memory

this is a memory for ideas, pictures of nature and life, as well as for sounds, smells, tastes, etc.
The essence of figurative memory is that what was previously perceived is then reproduced in the form of ideas .
Verbal-logical memory is expressed in memorizing and reproducing our thoughts. We remember and reproduce the thoughts that arose in us during the process of thinking, thinking, we remember the content of a book we read, a conversation with friends. The peculiarity of this type of memory is that only the meaning of the given material is remembered and reproduced, and the exact preservation of original expressions is not required.

Depending on the purpose of the activity, memory is divided into involuntary

arbitrary .
In the first case, we mean
memorization and reproduction, which is carried out automatically, without volitional efforts of a person, without control by consciousness. In this case, there is no special goal to remember or remember something, i.e., no special mnemonic task is set. In the second case, such a task is present, and the process itself requires volitional effort.
There is also a division of memory into short-term

long-term .
Short-term memory is a type of memory characterized by very brief retention of perceived information.

Short-term memory plays a very important role in human life. Thanks to it, a significant amount of information is processed, unnecessary information is immediately eliminated and potentially useful remains. As a result, long-term memory is not overloaded. In general, short-term memory is of great importance for organizing thinking, and in this it is very similar to working memory.

The concept of operative memory refers to mnemonic processes that serve actual actions and operations directly carried out by a person . When we perform any complex operation, such as arithmetic, we carry it out in parts. At the same time, we keep some intermediate results “in mind” as long as we are dealing with them. As we move towards the final result, specific “worked out” material may be forgotten.

An important characteristic of the memorization process is the degree of comprehension of the memorized material. Therefore, it is customary to highlight meaningful

rote memorization

Rote memorization is memorization without awareness of the logical connection between different parts of the perceived material. An example of such memorization is memorizing statistical data, historical dates, etc. The basis of rote memorization is associations by contiguity .

One piece of material connects with another only because it follows it in time. In order for such a connection to be established, the material must be repeated many times.

In contrast, meaningful memorization

based on understanding the internal logical connections between individual parts of the material
. Two provisions, of which one is a conclusion from the other, are remembered not because they follow each other in time, but because they are logically connected. Therefore, meaningful memorization is always associated with thinking processes and relies mainly on generalized connections between parts of the material at the level of the second signaling system. It has been proven that meaningful memorization is many times more productive than mechanical memorization. Rote memorization is wasteful and requires many repetitions.

§ 2. Style of pedagogical activity General characteristics of the style of pedagogical activity

The style of pedagogical activity, reflecting its specificity, includes a management style, a self-regulation style, a communication style, and a teacher’s cognitive style. Pedagogical style

activity reveals the influence of at least three factors: a) individual psychological characteristics of the subject of this activity - the teacher (teacher), including individual typological, personal, behavioral characteristics; b) characteristics of the activity itself and c) characteristics of students (age, gender, status, level of knowledge, etc.). In pedagogical activity, characterized by the fact that it is carried out in subject-subject interaction in specific educational situations of organizing and managing the student’s educational activities, these factors also correlate with: a) the nature of the interaction; b) with the nature of the organization of activities; c) with the subject-related professional competence of the teacher; d) with the nature of communication. At the same time, under the style of communication, according to V.A. Kan-Kalik, individual typological features of socio-psychological interaction between teacher and students are understood.

Types of teaching styles

Styles of pedagogical activity are primarily divided into three general types discussed above: authoritarian, democratic and liberal-permissive, while at the same time being filled with actual “pedagogical” content. Let us give their description given by A.K. Markova [129, p. 30-34].

Authoritarian style.

The student is viewed as an object of pedagogical influence, and not an equal partner. The teacher alone decides, makes decisions, establishes strict control over the fulfillment of the requirements placed on him, uses his rights without taking into account the situation and opinions of students, and does not justify his actions to students. As a result, students lose activity or carry it out only when the teacher plays a leading role, and exhibit low self-esteem and aggressiveness. With an authoritarian style, students’ strengths are aimed at psychological self-defense, rather than at mastering knowledge and their own development. The main methods of influence of such a teacher are orders and teaching. Teachers are characterized by low satisfaction with their profession and professional instability. Teachers with this leadership style pay the main attention to methodological culture and are often leaders in the teaching staff.

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