Hierarchy of motives and multi-motivation of activity: combined use of questionnaires and content analytical techniques 2216

The essence of sustainable motivation

Motivation is an incentive to action, a psychophysiological process that controls the behavior of an individual, determines its organization, direction, stability and activity.
Motivation is characterized by a person’s ability to actively satisfy his needs. Definition 1

Sustainable motivation is motivation based on basic human needs and needs: physiological, cognitive, aesthetic, the need for self-actualization, love and respect.

The stability of a motive is characterized by the duration of its preservation over time. On the one hand, the stability of the motive depends on the inertia or stability of the need, and on the other hand, on the rigidity or stability of a person’s personal characteristics, which are represented by attitudes, worldview, values, inclinations, and interests.

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In other words, the basis of sustainable motivation are those personal needs, the satisfaction of which requires the individual to perform conscious actions without forced additional reinforcements.

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