Troxevasin as a facial care product

Composition of Troxevasin ointment

The drug has 2 dosage forms:

  • capsules;
  • gel.

Capsules are intended for oral administration. The gel is used as a product for external use. The main active ingredient is troxerutin (20 mg per 1 g). The additional components of the product are:

  • purified water;
  • carbomer;
  • triethanolamine;
  • benzalkonium chloride.

The medicine is available in metal tubes. Each package contains instructions for use.

Description of the drug

Troxevasin is a medicine with a delicate gel consistency and a slightly yellowish tint. It contains no fatty components, which explains the rapid penetration of the ingredients into the epidermis. After applying the drug, there are no stains left on clothes and underwear, and no greasy sheen left on the skin. Troxevasin was synthesized several decades ago, but still has no competitors. It is used for bruises, the appearance of which is caused by injuries of varying severity. The drug copes remarkably well with hematomas that arose after the administration of injection solutions. Using Troxevasin for bruises immediately after a fall helps to avoid the formation of bruises.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Troxevasin is included in the clinical and pharmacological group of venotonic drugs for external use. It is designed to effectively treat diseases that damage blood vessels. Using the gel helps to quickly relieve swelling and reduce the severity of pain. Troxevasin is able to accelerate tissue healing, so it can also be classified as a regeneration stimulator. It is also included in the group of angioprotectors due to its positive effect on capillaries.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has a mild effect on the epidermis, is non-toxic, and rarely exhibits side effects. Therefore, cosmetologists often recommend using Troxevasin for bruises under the eyes. It has a tonic effect on large blood vessels and capillaries. It is these structures that are severely damaged after an impact or fall.

The drug is characterized by the following therapeutic properties:

  • optimization of capillary permeability;
  • stabilization of cell membranes;
  • increasing the elasticity of the walls of lymphatic and blood vessels;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • providing cells with nutrients and biologically active substances;
  • eliminating oxygen starvation of tissues;
  • relief of the inflammatory process;
  • removal from tissues of toxic products formed after the destruction of capillaries.

The active ingredient of the drug, troxerutin, prevents platelet aggregation and blood clot formation. Under its influence, small and large hematomas resolve in the subcutaneous tissue.

The drug also exhibits antioxidant activity, preventing cell damage from free radicals.

Release form and composition

On pharmacy shelves, Troxevasin is presented in two dosage forms - gel and capsules. The primary packaging of the external product is an aluminum tube with a cap equipped with a protrusion. It contains 40 g of transparent gel without a specific odor. Secondary packaging is a cardboard box with attached instructions. To eliminate bruises after injections, blows or bruises, Troxevasin is used in the form of a gel. It contains only one active ingredient - troxerutin. Its optimal absorption is ensured by auxiliary components:

  • carbomer;
  • trolamine;
  • disodium edetate;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • purified water.

The drug should be stored at room temperature, protected from sunlight. Shelf life: 5 years. It decreases to a month after the seal of the aluminum tube is broken. If the gel has separated, changed color or smell, then it cannot be used for treatment.

Medicinal properties of Troxevasin

Bags in the area under the eyes can be considered not only a cosmetic defect. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates dysfunction of internal organs. To eliminate the manifestation of these pathological changes, Troxevasin is used, which also helps to get rid of bruises under the eyelids.

Bags are a kind of swelling under the lower eyelids. Among the reasons for their occurrence are:

  • allergies;
  • exposure to sunlight;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • malnutrition;
  • age-related changes.

Attention! Bags or bruises under the eyes may indicate kidney problems.

Troxevasin gel helps against swelling under the eyes due to its composition. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect. The gel also stimulates regeneration processes in tissues and normalizes blood circulation. Thanks to these qualities, it is possible to get rid of bruises under the eyelids.

Bags under the eyes and the reasons for their appearance

Keep in mind! “Bags” are thick or soft swellings that form in the lower eyelid area.

In some cases, such swelling may differ from other areas of the facial skin in color , but may be uniform and have the same shade.

This directly depends on the reasons that caused such a defect, and among them the most common are:

  • allergic skin reactions;
  • the body's protective reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • alcohol abuse, which negatively affects the circulatory system, resulting in bruises and swelling of different colors under the eyes;
  • lack of sleep, which leads to disruption of metabolic processes in tissues;
  • improper or inadequate nutrition, which leads to the accumulation of salts in the body (they are subsequently concentrated in the lower eyelids).

The most serious and dangerous cause of the formation of bags and swelling for the body is impaired kidney function .

In this case, masking the bags or trying to eliminate them with the help of cosmetic products is pointless.

For your information! It is necessary to undergo a full examination and consult with a neurologist who will prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Indications for use

The instructions do not contain information that the drug is intended to eliminate bruises or bags under the eyelids. A direct indication for the use of the gel is varicose veins (lower limbs), as well as hemorrhoids. The instructions also indicate the following indications for use of the drug:

  • swelling and pain, heaviness in the legs;
  • varicose dermatitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • periphlebitis;
  • hematomas;
  • injuries.

Thus, Troxevasin can be used to eliminate bruises of various etiologies.


It is prohibited to apply Troxevasin gel under the eyes in the following cases:

  • when the integrity of the skin is damaged;
  • if the active substance or auxiliary components of the drug are poorly tolerated.

To date, there is no experience with the use of Troxevasin in pediatrics, and therefore it is not prescribed to children under 15 years of age.

There are also other restrictions regarding therapy with a gel product. It is recommended to refrain from applying the drug to persons with chronic gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, and severe renal dysfunction. In such patients, Troxevasin for edema can be used short-term, in minimal dosages.

Pregnancy is not an absolute contraindication to treatment with this drug. To exclude the occurrence of any unpleasant phenomena, it is recommended to use Troxevasin no earlier than the second trimester of pregnancy, after the approval of a specialist.

To avoid the development of negative reactions to the drug, precautions should be taken. It is important not to allow the gel-like product to come into contact with mucous membranes, organs of vision, or open wounds.

Manufacturers of the drug claim that if all instructions are followed, there is no danger of overdose with this drug. If unintentional ingestion of the gel-like mass occurs, immediately induce vomiting and seek medical attention.

How to use Troxevasin correctly

To eliminate bruises and bags under the eyes, the gel is applied to problem areas of the skin, avoiding penetration of the gel onto mucous and wound surfaces. After applying a thin layer, Troxevasin should be gently rubbed in without using additional force.

Important! The gel should be applied twice a day to achieve maximum results. External use of the drug can be combined with the use of capsules.

Before applying Troxevasin gel against dark circles under the eyes, you should wash your hands with soap. This will prevent infection from getting into the eyes and will allow you to remove any remaining makeup.

Experts recommend conducting an allergy test before using the gel for bags or dark circles under the eyes for the first time. Troxevasin is applied to the elbow area from the inside. This area is quite sensitive. If there is no rash within a few hours after application, the product can be used for bruising or swelling under the eyelids.

How to use Troxevasin for bruises under the eyes from an impact

Troxevasin will help with a black eye if the defect was caused by a blow. The medicine is used in the form of a compress. To make it, you need to roll up a piece of gauze in several layers or use a cotton pad or bandage. Apply the gel to the base and spread evenly over the surface. Then the compress is applied to the lower eyelid area. The exposure time is 7 minutes.

In the first day after injury, such a compress is done often, every 2-3 hours. This is necessary to prevent bruising and swelling.

How to use Troxevasin for puffiness under the eyes

Edema is often the result of impaired renal function. That is why in case of such a defect it is advisable to contact a specialist. Troxevasin, which is applied under the eyes and rubbed in a circular motion, will help eliminate external signs of illness.

How to use Troxevasin for dark circles under the eyes

According to reviews, Troxevasin helps get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Squeeze a pea-sized amount of gel onto your fingertip. The medicine is carefully distributed over the skin and rubbed in with gentle movements. It is important not to stretch the skin.


Svetlana, 23 years old

“The session was so difficult that I forgot when I slept normally. I pushed the exams away, but I still looked the same! The eyes are like slits, it seems that the face is swollen. Mom says: go to a cosmetologist, you have to do something!

And then (here it is - the power of chance!) I reached into the first aid kit, and there was a package. “Troxevasin” is written on it. And I remembered that my friend once tried this same Troxevasin against bags under the eyes. We were also joking, they say, someone, sorry, treats hemorrhoids, and someone treats the face...

Let me try, I think: trying is not torture. Once I smeared it, I applied it carefully so that God forbid it didn’t get into my eyes. In the evening again. But I myself want this horror to pass quickly! In the morning it seemed to me that my face was fresher, and I took up the tube again. In short, on the third day I already looked like a person!”

Olga, 36 years old

“All my adult life I have been trying to use everything natural: why poison the body with unnecessary “chemicals”?

But I still had to change my views somewhat when swelling suddenly appeared under my eyes. Troxevasin for puffiness under the eyes is simply a miracle cure! It can even be used as a lift.

Just don’t get carried away and apply it too greasy - irritation may occur.”

Nikolay, 27 years old

“...My face was blown apart - terrible! My sister says: try Troxevasin. For puffiness under the eyes, the reviews are very good. Bought. On the box itself I read that it can be used for cosmetic purposes. I applied it under my eyes, and it helped! A friend then giggled: a friend of hers, a beautician, even makes masks for her clients from this ointment, and even pours it in, which is a French product. They believe – as long as it helps!”

More on the topic:

  • How to properly disguise bags under the eyes.
  • Which concealer to choose for bruises and circles under the eyes.
  • Technique: how to cover up dark circles under the eyes with concealer.

Natalya, 30 years old

“Guys, don’t talk nonsense: Troxevasin for bags under the eyes? Read doctors' reviews! It can only be used when there is swelling from a bruise or injury, and not on the face. There are more reliable and safe cosmetic products. And is it okay that this ointment or gel is used to treat the rectum (hemorrhoids) or something else? And here is the face!”

Yulia, 23 years old

“I assure you: Troxevasin is not the best remedy for swelling under the eyes! For dislocation with swelling - yes. Although, to be honest, I myself tried to use this ointment a couple of times in emergency cases with chronic lack of sleep.

I have to admit - it helped! The bags disappeared. But I wouldn’t recommend abusing it, because it can only make your skin worse. And we must remember that the instructions for use clearly state: the ointment must not come into contact with the mucous membranes, open wounds and, most importantly, the eyes.”

Alla, 42 years old

“Here’s the problem I have: if I drink an extra cup of water in the evening, the next morning my face looks like I have a hangover. No super-duper creams helped with this swelling. The neighbor looked at me somehow and silently brought some kind of tube. It turned out to be Troxevasin. Well, I think it was not, it won’t be worse than it is. I anointed it overnight and the next day the same swelling disappeared! Later I read various reviews about Troxevasin gel, but I am firmly convinced: it literally saves me.”

Valery Ilyich, doctor, 49 years old

“We must not forget that Troxevasin is still a drug, not a cosmetic product. And it is designed to get rid of problems with blood circulation. Therefore, before using it, you need to consult a doctor. Yes, Troxevasin is popular now for bags under the eyes. Any cosmetologist will tell you how to use it, but like all medicines, Troxevasin ointment and gel have certain contraindications.

People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers) and kidney problems should be very careful with this drug. Naturally, this also applies to those who are susceptible to allergic reactions that may be caused by any of the components of the drug. Troxevasin for bags under the eyes is strictly not recommended for use by children and adolescents, literally under 18 years of age.”

Alexander Konstantinovich, plastic surgeon, 44 years old

“In my practice there was one almost anecdotal case. A young woman made an appointment with me over the phone for a consultation; as a result of long-term use of hormones, severe swelling had formed on her face; the skin was literally hanging under her right eye. She was in complete despair. I made an appointment on Thursday for Monday.

She comes at the appointed time, and her face is like a face. Why, I say, my dear, are you making false accusations against yourself and misleading me? What kind of lift do you need here? And she laughs and tells how she scoured the entire Internet and read reviews about Troxevasin for bags under the eyes. Those who have used it call it literally a panacea. How I got my face in order three days before my appointment without surgery. All that remains is to praise the patient for her resourcefulness and take her experience into account.”

Stanislava Olegovna, cosmetologist, 58 years old

“My many years of experience show that Troxevasin is quite suitable for getting rid of bags and swelling under the eyes caused by “cosmetic” problems. The effect is observed literally from the first use. The swelling goes away, and the person’s overall appearance noticeably improves. This is an undoubted advantage of the drug, which is usually considered a remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and vascular problems.

In addition, the ointment has protective properties; it contains oxidants, which reduces the risk of various tumors, in particular melanoma.

Troxevasin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood flow, so it can be fully recommended for use for swelling under the eyes.”

Annotation on the use of Troxevasin does not directly inform about its cosmetic “abilities”. Among the indications there is a line noting that the drug can be used, among other things, to eliminate bruises, swelling, and bruises, which is what creative cosmetologists have adopted.

It’s not for nothing that they talk about how some fashionable Moscow makeup artists use a similar product when working with their celebrity clients. By the way, taking into account the reviews of cosmetologists, Troxevasin ointment is strongly recommended to be tested first, as always when prescribing a particular new procedure, in order to evaluate the effect of the product on the skin.

To do this, apply a small amount of ointment or gel to the inner area of ​​the elbow and observe its behavior for two hours. If everything is calm, you can use it to combat unwanted swelling on the face.

Contraindications and side effects

The gel is highly effective and rarely causes side effects. In some cases, the use of Troxevasin is contraindicated due to the risk of adverse reactions. Experts call the following contraindications to taking an external remedy for bags or bruises under the lower eyelid:

  • open wounds;
  • suppuration;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 18 years.

Side effects may result from exposure of the product to sensitive skin. Possible side effects include:

  • redness of the skin in the area where the medication was applied;
  • discomfort, such as burning;
  • the appearance of urticaria.

Undesirable reactions often occur with a tendency to allergies.

Additional Tips

In order to correctly use Troxevasin for bags under the eyes, reviews from specialists and consumers must be carefully studied. Experienced cosmetologists advise testing before the first application of the drug. To do this, a small amount of the substance is applied to the inside of the elbow. If no reaction is detected within two hours, then you can safely use the medication to relieve swelling.

Cosmetologists also use the drug “Troxevasin” to remove bruises and rosacea on the face. However, to see positive results, you must use the medicine for a long time and regularly. If the formation of a hematoma under the eye occurs as a result of mechanical damage, then you can make compresses from Troxevasin every two hours and hold them for several minutes. To do this, take sterile cotton strips for compresses under the eyes. You can buy these in every cosmetic department. Apply gel to the strips and place them on the damaged area. Keep the medication for several minutes, then remove the cotton wool and spread the remaining medication. If you perform such actions regularly, then within a day you will notice excellent results.

Be very careful when applying the gel. Contact of the drug with the eyes and mucous membrane of the eyelids is unacceptable. This can cause severe burning, redness and itching. In some cases, the capillaries of the eyeball burst. In a situation of such contact, immediately rinse your eye with water and contact a specialist. If necessary, the doctor will recommend symptomatic restorative therapy.

Patient reviews of Troxevasin ointment for bruises under the eyes and swelling

Yulia Aleksandrovna Skorina, 35 years old, Achinsk

After giving birth, my rhythm of life changed dramatically. The arrival of a small family member negatively affected the duration and quality of sleep. The result was swelling and bags under the eyes. The face looked tired and aged. Troxevasin helped me get rid of bags under my eyes, despite the irregular use.

Irina Leontievna Perehristyuk, 42 ​​years old, Sibai

By the age of 40, the skin began to lose its elasticity. Disgusting bags appeared under the eyes. Due to lack of sleep, bruises under the lower eyelid were noticeable. On the advice of a friend, I applied Troxevasin for several weeks. The bags did not completely disappear, but became less noticeable.

Method of applying the drug under the eyes

Troxevasin gel (reviews recommend using it for bags under the eyes) is an effective remedy. However, the result will be achieved only if the drug is used correctly. Before application, you must thoroughly clean the surface to be treated of cosmetics. Also be sure to wash your hands. After this, squeeze out a small pea of ​​the drug and apply under the eyes.

All your movements must be very careful. Do not pull or stretch the skin. Otherwise, you can only make things worse. Use your fingertips to distribute the medicine (patching movements). After this, wait until it is completely absorbed. For further manipulations with the face, the gel does not need to be washed off. Makeup is applied over the drug. There is no need to use medication during the day. However, before going to bed at night (after washing), the procedure can be repeated. After using the medicine, you should wash your hands very well with soap. Otherwise, particles of the drug may appear on your fingers, which will subsequently fall on the mucous membranes of the eyes upon contact.

If there are bags

Troxevasin is not a gel for bags under the eyes. Doctors will never prescribe it to you if you have swelling on your face. But if you carefully look at the instructions, you will see that it is recommended against bruises, bruises, and swelling. Indeed, if you believe the reviews on the forums, the gel really helps. The effect becomes noticeable within a few hours.

The good thing about the ointment is that it is absorbed quickly, does not leave greasy marks and does not interfere with the application of eye makeup . You can apply decorative cosmetics literally in a few minutes, when the skin dries.

The swelling will go away, so you will like the result of your makeup more. After all, the properties of the drug indicate that it draws excess moisture from swollen tissues.

However, it is important to understand that Troxevasin helps if the bags arose due to factors like:

  1. lack of sleep,
  2. fatigue,
  3. drinking alcohol the night before
  4. plenty of fluids before a night's rest.

If eye swelling is the result of a disease or bags systematically “decorate” your eyes, then the gel may be powerless against such chronic processes.

Is it possible to apply Troxevasin under the eyes? Some categorically claim that it is impossible, others doubt it. One thing is clear, and, by the way, is always in favor of a personal approach to your own skin. Yes, you shouldn’t believe rave reviews on forums, nor should you take the side of those who are so against any store-bought products in favor of visiting salons.

Now we will not encourage you to smear dark circles or bags as soon as you notice, we are not saying that Troxevasin is 100% suitable and safe. Better check before use.

How to quickly get rid of bruises

Contusions often lead to bruises caused by damage to blood vessels at the site of injury. In most cases, bruises go away on their own and do not require special treatment, but in cases where they are located in prominent places and spoil the appearance, you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible, which is where various ointments, creams, and gels come into play that help faster regeneration of damaged tissues. It can be considered that the best remedy for bruises is Troxevasin . When it is used immediately after a bruise, the bruise may not appear at all, or will go away much faster due to the property of the active drug to have a beneficial effect on the vessels damaged due to the blow.

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