Ophthalmic product Alcon Systane gel

Discomfort, dryness and irritation of the eyes can be eliminated with the help of modern Systane ophthalmic products. Drops and gel are successfully used to provide comfort when working at a computer, in dry warm air, in dusty and smoky rooms. The drugs are especially popular among contact lens wearers. Wearing lenses does not exclude the simultaneous use of most drops or gel from the line of these products.

Before eliminating the unpleasant manifestations of dry eye syndrome using these remedies, make sure that the symptoms are not caused by more serious problems that require professional treatment.

Comparison of drugs

Systane regular and Ultra are prescribed for dry eyes and discomfort due to a deficiency of the aqueous layer. Unlike the usual product, the drug with the Ultra prefix contains sorbitol. Its function is to attract moisture and retain it on the surface of the eye longer. Therefore, it has a stronger moisturizing, cornea-protecting effect. Systane Balance contains the patented Lipitech system, which includes phospholipids and mineral oil.

It helps restore all layers of the tear film. Thanks to this, the product is effective for dryness caused by problems in the lipid layer, reactions to cold air, sun, and wind.

Another difference between the drugs is age restrictions. Regular Systane is not prohibited in childhood, but can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Improved forms are recommended from 18 years of age.

Side effects

Systane has virtually no side effects. Since the main advantage of the drug is hydration, there is a problem of excessive tearing from the eyes. Therefore, you should not use the drug in excess of the norm. The second problem may be irritation. To prevent this from happening, you need to consult an ophthalmologist about the frequency of use. There is a possibility that you will need to replace it with analogues, which in turn are much cheaper.

Systane Ultra should not be used during lactation. Studies have shown that the drug has a negative effect on breastfeeding women.

Key aspects to pay attention to:

  1. Systane Ultra is produced in various forms;
  2. The main task of the drops is hydration;
  3. The main contraindication is drug abuse;
  4. Recommended use: 1 time per day;
  5. Children can use it after reaching 2 years of age;
  6. After opening, it can be stored for 6 months;
  7. Cannot be used by nursing mothers.

What's better

The choice of drug depends on the patient’s complaints and indications.

Systane is a universal remedy for contact conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome, to reduce discomfort and irritation when wearing contact lenses.

Systane Ultra has a more advanced formula. Relieves dryness, itching, irritation. For sensitive eyes it is available in disposable droppers.

For lacrimation caused by wind, sun, and frost, Systane Balance is effective.

Systane Ultra Plus, in addition to the guar gum derivative, contains hyaluronic acid, which enhances hydration of the eye mucosa. Works faster and more efficiently. Can be used to moisturize contact lenses.

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What is the difference between the drugs?

Popular products for eliminating eye discomfort from the Systane line, namely Ultra, Balance and gel, have some differences. All products are produced in the USA and have the same purposes of use. The difference lies in the composition, dosage and consistency:

  1. Classic Systane contains basic polymer components (polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol, hydroxypropyl guar), drops are available in a 10 ml bottle.
  2. In addition to the main substances, Ultra drops include sorbitol
    and are available in 3 and 15 ml bottles. A similar improved drug Plus additionally contains hyaluronic acid, produced in 10 ml.
  3. Polymer-based Balance drops, like the entire line, are additionally equipped with oils. Available in 10 ml bottles.
  4. The composition of the gel is similar to the Ultra product from the line; the difference between the Systane gel is its thicker consistency. Produced in 10 ml bottles.

Basic substances are a kind of lubricants for the surface of the eye, which form a protective film, moisturize and protect the organ of vision from dryness. All presented forms contain the same set of preservatives.

Indications for use of the products are the same:

  • discomfort when working at a computer for a long time;
  • eye irritation, as well as its prevention when working with dry heat, ultraviolet radiation, or in a dusty room;
  • dry eyes when wearing contact lenses;
  • the need to moisturize the eyes in air conditioning conditions or when exposed to strong winds.

Instructions for use

Instructions for using Systane Ultra eye drops are as follows:

  • Before using the solution, you must visit an ophthalmologist who will write out the treatment regimen and carefully study the instructions for use.
  • Next, you need to wash your hands well with soap, which will prevent germs from entering your eyes.
  • In order not to feel discomfort during instillation, you need to hold the bottle in your hand for several minutes, so the drops will heat up.
  • Then you need to open the bottle, throw your head back or lie on your back and look straight up.
  • After this, you need to place the bottle over the eye without touching it.
  • Using gentle movements, pull the lower eyelid down slightly.
  • Roll your eyes up and start dropping 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac of each eye. Then you need to distribute the drug evenly using massage movements or blinking.
  • When using other eye drops in parallel, the interval between uses is 15 minutes.
  • At the end, close the bottle and store in a cool, dark place.

High viscosity tear substitutes (gels)

High-viscosity tear substitutes are produced primarily in the form of gels. Drops with high viscosity include an American drug produced by the pharmaceutical company Alcon-Systey Ultra. The main active ingredient of the drops is pyridoxine thiamine. The cost of the bottle is 630 rubles.

The product well moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eye, quickly reduces the severity of dry eye symptoms, and protects the mucous membrane from drying out and exposure to irritants.

If necessary, Systane gel can be used instead of drops.

Gels with carbomer are also often used:
Vidisik is a high-viscosity tear substitute in the form of a gel.
Manufactured by the American pharmaceutical company Bausch & Lomb. The cost of the product is 400 rubles. The product is able to replace the water layers of the tear film, intensively moisturize the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eyes, protecting them from drying out and exposure to irritants. The drug is also able to stimulate the natural regeneration of the corneal epithelium. According to indications, a tear substitute can be used to treat pregnant and breastfeeding women. A contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance to the drug.

  • Oftagel is a French gel produced by the pharmaceutical company Santen. Cost – 390 rubles. The mechanism of action is similar to Vidisik gel.
  • According to indications, the gels Hylogel, Hylocea, Vizmed multi ophthalmic hydrogel, Okutiarz and others can be prescribed.

    One of the common pathologies of the eyeball is an insufficient amount of tear fluid. This condition is called dry mucous membrane syndrome. To normalize secretion, special drops for dry eyes are used. Their peculiarity is their composition, which is as close as possible to the chemical composition of tears.

    Contraindications, side effects

    The main contraindications include allergies and other intolerance reactions to the components of the product. Doctors usually advise that before using any eye medications, carry out a test: apply a couple of drops to the inner bend of the elbow, and then evaluate the reaction within 12 hours. In the absence of sensitization (manifested by burning, redness), drops can be used for therapy and prevention.

    Systane Ultra is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age; it is used only in adults.

    There are no side effects other than local allergic reactions. The drug does not have systemic absorption and does not threaten overdose or general negative effects. It can be used during pregnancy, but under the supervision of a specialist. In the first trimester, if possible, it is better to avoid the use of any drugs. When breastfeeding, Systane Ultra is instilled into the eyes if there is an urgent need; it is better to replace it with artificial analogues of tears with a smaller list of components.

    Systane balance - instructions, price in pharmacies, analogues and reviews

    Tear fluid plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the visual organs. It helps moisturize the cornea, ensures its cleanliness and smoothness, and removes foreign particles and microbes from the surface of the eyeball. Tear contains lysozyme, which has bactericidal properties.

    But it often happens that a person develops dry eye syndrome when the gland does not produce enough tear fluid.

    In such cases, ophthalmologists prescribe artificial tears, including Systane Balance. The drug is used topically; it acts as an analogue of the natural tear fluid secreted by the human lacrimal gland.

    Brief characteristics and description of the drug

    “Systane Balance” is an eye drop, a solution that is placed in a dropper bottle with a capacity of three, five, ten or fifteen milliliters.

    One milliliter of solution contains propylene glycol, hydroxypropyl guar, boric acid, polyoxyl, LIPITECH system, edetet disodium, mineral oil, water for injection and other components.

    A drug in ophthalmology is prescribed to moisturize the surface of the eyeball, while the tear film remains on this surface for a long period of time.

    The drug is also prescribed by ophthalmologists in the following situations:

    • Reduced evaporation of tear fluid;
    • Relief of symptoms of dry eye syndrome;
    • Atopic dermatitis of the eyelids;
    • Blepharitis;
    • Stabilization of the fatty layer of the tear film.

    The medication should be stored in a dry, dark place with an air temperature of no more than twenty-five degrees Celsius.

    After opening the bottle, the medicine can be used for six months, then it must be disposed of. If the bottle has not been opened, the shelf life increases to two years. Children should not have access to medications.

    A few words about the action of the medicine

    The effect of the drug is due to the components that are included in its composition.

    The drug helps build the lipid membrane of cells in the organs of vision, transport molecules of medicinal substances inside the cells, retain moisture, and moisturize the cornea. The medicine has a bactericidal effect.

    The medication is often used in tear replacement therapy.

    Eye drops are made on an oil base. They moisturize the eyes and reduce the evaporation of tear fluid from their surface, normalize the lipid layer. All this helps in a short time to alleviate the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, eliminate irritation and redness of the organs of vision.

    "Systain Balance": instructions for use

    This remedy is used if necessary, when unpleasant symptoms begin to develop. In this case, the solution is instilled into each eye in the amount of two drops every four hours. If pronounced symptoms occur, the solution is dripped every two hours.

    Then it is recommended to close the eyelids and massage them to distribute the medicine evenly.

    You need to use the drug with clean hands; you should not touch the dropper to contaminated surfaces in order to reduce the risk of developing a secondary infection. After use, the bottle must be tightly closed and placed in a vertical position.

    If the bottle is damaged or its integrity is compromised, the drug cannot be used; it must be replaced with another one.

    Drops can be used when wearing contact lenses. In this case, it is not necessary to remove them.

    Doctors emphasize that self-medication is unacceptable. You should first visit an ophthalmologist to confirm dry eye syndrome. The doctor may also conduct additional tests to identify kidney, autoimmune, or endocrine diseases.

    Restrictions on the use of the medication

    Systane Balance drops cannot be used in the following situations:

    • High susceptibility to the components of the drug;
    • Children;
    • The period of bearing and breastfeeding a child.

    When using other ophthalmic agents simultaneously, it is necessary to maintain an interval of fifteen minutes between them.

    The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car or use other machinery.

    Systane balance analogues are cheaper - Eye treatment


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    Systane eye drops are one of the popular types of a well-known series of ophthalmic drugs. Its use is recommended to eliminate discomfort, dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye. They also perform a protective function, but do not have an irritating effect.


    They have a targeted effect on eliminating:

    • irritation;
    • inflammation;
    • eye fatigue;
    • burning;
    • dryness;
    • redness.

    The use of drops maintains the desired fluid level throughout the day, which makes it possible to use them for a day. It is based on an inert polymer that does not affect the membrane of the eye.

    Release form and composition

    The solution is bottled in ten milliliter bottles and contains:

    • polydronium chloride;
    • zinc;
    • boric acid;
    • sodium chloride.

    The instructions for using Systane eye drops quite extensively describe the effect of the drug, contraindications and algorithm for use.

    Despite the completeness of the data, the use of the drug must be agreed with a qualified specialist.

    The drug can be used for the following purposes:

    • eliminating symptoms of dry mucous membrane of the eye;
    • relaxation and recovery after contact lenses;
    • to remove redness;
    • maintaining humidity throughout the day;
    • eliminating fat deficiency, which negatively affects the secretion of tear fluid;
    • to restore tired eyes after a long time of reading or working at the computer.

    External factors that negatively affect the cornea and mucous membrane are:

    • exposure to dust;
    • smoke;
    • insufficiently humidified air-conditioned room;
    • use of cosmetics;
    • bright sunlight;
    • strong dry wind;
    • substances that cause allergic reactions.

    Drops should be used as follows:

    • first of all, carefully open the box and bottle;
    • then tilt your head back and pull back your eyelid;
    • bring the bottle to your eye and lightly press it;
    • instill no more than 1-2 drops, 4 times a day;
    • After instillation, blink several times, this is necessary so that the product is distributed over the surface.


    There are also analogues of Systane drops. Many patients prefer them because they are cheaper and are sold in any pharmacy. Although you can choose a replacement yourself, doctors strongly do not recommend doing this. Therefore, if necessary, always contact them for advice.

    Analogues include:

    • Cusimolol.
    • Thiotriazolin.
    • Midrimax.

    Varieties of Systane and their differences

    It is worth saying that Systane eye drops differ from the Systane Ultra and Systane Balance variations.

    • The most important difference is the price.
    • Drops Balance has a special LipiTech system.
    • Systane Ultra and Balance perform the same functions, however, the latter are contraindicated for pregnant women and children.
    • Ultra is contraindicated only for persons with allergic reactions to one of the components.
    • Systane eye drops do not have such a system, but can be used by both pregnant women and children.

    Terms of use

    • Do not touch the bottle to other surfaces, as this can cause infection;
    • It is important to monitor the shelf life of the drug (after opening 6 months) and store it in the right conditions and at the right temperature;
    • Under no circumstances should it be used if you are allergic to any component;

    If the drops do not work, then you need to stop using them and seek help from a doctor, he will be able to prescribe a more effective analogue. Do not choose a replacement yourself!


    Many users talk about the following advantages:

    • good efficiency;
    • ease of use;
    • excellent eye hydration;
    • eliminating fatigue;

    The negative aspects of the drug include:

    • high cost;
    • the possibility of allergic conjunctivitis;
    • the possibility of impaired tear secretion with prolonged use.

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    Types of drops for dry eyes

    Unlike specialized drops, eye moisturizers have virtually no therapeutic effect. They can only be used for prevention or rapid restoration of the normal state of the mucous membrane.

    Moisturizing eye drops

    Depending on the form and active components, eye drops for dry eyes are:

    • Moisturizing
      . They are the prototype of the human tear. The main purpose is to intensively moisturize the mucous membrane and increase its density. They are also divided into regular and contact lens products. Contact lens preparations are necessary to ensure smooth gliding and protection of the cornea when wearing overlays;

      Eye moisturizing drops

    • From fatigue
      . A special feature of such formulations are vitamin supplements. They allow you to not only quickly moisturize sensitive tissues, but also restore clarity to your vision. Such drugs are necessary for people who work a lot behind the monitor, because they provide prevention of dry eye syndrome and maintain visual acuity;

      Drops from fatigue

    • Antiseptic and vasoconstrictor
      . Necessary for intensive hydration and quick elimination of discomfort associated with drying of the mucous membrane. They often have a local anesthetic effect. They can be used for preventive measures and for eye restoration after surgical intervention.

      Antiseptic eye drops

    How to use Systane Ultra correctly?

    Both medications - regular and Systane Ultra with hyaluronic acid - are used in the same way. They should be dripped into the eyes once a day or as needed. The number of uses is not limited, but in case of severe dryness, you should undergo an ophthalmological examination for corneal pathologies, including infectious ones.

    Sometimes it may be necessary to change the medications taken or general examination and therapy (if tear production decreases). Features of the treatment are:

    • You can drip the product before and after wearing lenses, as well as while wearing them;
    • the course of therapy is determined by a specialist and depends on the cause of corneal dryness;
    • The bottle must be shaken before using the medicine;
    • instillation should be carried out after washing and removing cosmetics;
    • during the procedure, you should not touch the bottle to your eyelids, and you should not touch the dispenser with your hands (this will cause bacteria to enter the solution);
    • Treatment is carried out as follows: pull back the lower eyelid with a finger, drip 1-2 drops, blink several times.

    After treatment, the bottle should be tightly closed and stored at room temperature, but out of the sun. Shelf life after opening is six months.

    Systane's analogues

    Patients cite the high cost of the drops, especially the Ultra variations, as the only drawback of products with a harmoniously selected composition. If necessary, the medication can be replaced with less expensive drugs with a similar effect.

    Name of eye productBrief information about a drop solution that acts similarly to Systane brand eye drops.
    Visine composition Pure TearThe composition of the solution is as close as possible to natural tear fluid. The use of a medicine based on TS-polysaccharide has no age restrictions, and there is no list of side effects in the instructions.
    OksialThe substance that protects the mucous membrane of the eyes from drying out contains hyaluronic acid. The action of drops that do not irritate the corneal layer triggers tissue regeneration processes after damage to the cornea.
    HyphenationAn ophthalmic drug based on hydroxymethylcellulose has a keratoprotective effect. If the tear film is damaged, the drops restore the protection of the conjunctiva by forming a new layer.
    Oftagel and its analog VidisikCarbomer-based ophthalmic solution is used to successfully relieve the symptoms of keratoconjunctivitis (sicca). Despite the absence of contraindications, there is a slight drawback associated with blurred vision immediately after instillation.
    LakrisifiA solution with hypromellose has protective properties against the corneal epithelium, moisturizing and protecting it. The instructions warn about the need to comply with certain conditions when treating with the drug.

    When turning to the help of drops from the Systane line, it is necessary to take into account that tear replacement therapy is a symptomatic type of treatment for dry eye membranes and signs of eye discomfort. Effective therapy with ophthalmic solutions from a popular brand alleviates the symptoms of the underlying ophthalmological disease, but will not cure the pathology.

    Sources used:

    • Diseases of the lacrimal apparatus / Brzhesky Vladimir Vsevolodovich. - M.: N-L, 2009.
    • Ophthalmology. Atlas-reference book / D. Kanski. - M.: Medical literature, 2009.
    • Medicinal reference book for an ophthalmologist / M.L. Krasnov, N.B. Shulpina. — M.: State Publishing House of Medical Literature, 2011.
    • University of Illinois Ophthalmology

    What are tear substitutes

    Tear substitutes are medications prescribed to patients with impaired tear film stability, insufficient production of tear film components, or their too rapid evaporation from the mucosal surface.

    Tear substitutes in drops can be used for a long time and can significantly reduce the incidence of tears in the tear film and the occurrence of xerosis (drying of the mucous membrane of the cornea and conjunctiva), alleviating the patient's condition.

    Tear substitutes in drops with low viscosity

    The most commonly used tear substitutes with low viscosity are:

      Hypromelose-P is a tear substitute in drops that is cheap and quite effective for mild cases of the disease. The manufacturer of the drops is the Slovenian pharmaceutical company Unimed Pharma. Cost – 140 rubles.

    The product contains hypromelose (has a softening, moisturizing and protective effect on the conjunctiva and cornea) and dexpanthenol (stimulates epithelial regeneration).

    Due to the combined composition, the drug has not only a moisturizing, but also a protective, epithelializing (regenerative) effect on the cornea and conjunctiva. Additionally, the product stabilizes the tear film and helps normalize the production of its components.

    The drug does not affect visual acuity and does not distort the natural refraction of light, however, for fifteen minutes after using the product, it is not recommended to drive a car or work with complex mechanisms.

    The active components of the product do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream and have a local effect, so this tear substitute can be used to treat dry eye syndrome in pregnant and breastfeeding women. Hypromelose-P can also be prescribed to children.

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