Lyoton anti-wrinkle facial gel

Non-standard approach

Surely you are familiar with this foot gel called “Lioton 1000”. The advertisement for the drug was bright and melodious - I’m sure you remembered this product. It is used to treat varicose veins, as well as to relieve swelling of the legs and get rid of bruises. I also recently used the product to help my beloved legs.

But in cosmetology it often happens that the drug finds unconventional uses. This happened in this case too: it turns out that in salons they use... lyoton for the face! Of course, the information surprised me very much, so upon arriving home, I decided to check it out.

Arnica ointment

Arnica ointment

Another homeopathic remedy for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes, but in the form of an ointment. It consists of extract (tincture) of mountain arnica and petroleum jelly.

Well reduces swelling of soft tissues with hematomas and bruises. Prescribed for resorption of formed hematomas.

The instructions for use indicate that this drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and women during lactation, as well as in case of individual intolerance to its components. Children are also prohibited from using it.

The ointment is applied topically to problem areas of the skin in a small amount and rubbed in for some time. Duration of treatment is up to 14 days.

An allergic reaction may occur in the form of redness, itching, burning.

ObaGlazaRu conducted an analysis of reviews from buyers of the ointment. He says that Arnica ointment is effective, especially at the initial stage. But it does not work on all types of bruises. Sold in all pharmacies, inexpensive.

Why for the face?

First of all, I studied the composition and read the instructions for using Lyoton. It turned out that the basis of the gel is heparin, a substance of animal origin that prevents the process of blood clotting. This is why hematomas resolve, swelling subsides, etc. – the blood simply becomes thinner and circulates better, hence the effect.

In a private conversation, the doctor explained the situation in more detail: the skin has the same cells, and therefore the same properties - even on the face, even on the knee. So the drug for external use will act “according to the instructions” on the face too, which means:

  • will help cope with rosacea,
  • will relieve swelling;
  • will relieve dark circles under the eyes.

The same doctor told me how to use the product, which I will tell you about very soon. “Trust, but verify,” I thought and went back to reading, looking doubtfully at the aluminum tube of Lyoton.

Gel Badyaga-Forte

Gel Badyaga-Forte

Badyaga-Forte gel is used as a remedy against bruises under the eyes, having absorbable and anti-edematous properties. Available in 75ml tubes.

The main active ingredient, as you can guess, is badyaga. Additionally contains extracts of plantain and yarrow.

Badyaga-Forte, according to ObaGlaza, expands the lumen of blood vessels, which means it increases blood flow in them, which helps accelerate the process of regeneration of tissues where there is a bruise. It also has bactericidal and healing, anti-allergenic and antioxidant effects.

Used according to the instructions for use, it relieves stagnant processes in tissues and to get rid of age spots.

To get rid of a bruise, you need to rub the badya into the skin for 20-30 minutes. Apply very carefully in the eye and lip area. Then rinse with warm water.

According to customer reviews, this drug is characterized by positive effects: it fights well against bruises, acne, oily skin, etc. Negative aspects include skin irritation during use and after the procedure, as well as the appearance of an allergic reaction to the drug.

What the luminaries say

The next step, I called on medical and beauty forums for help to sort out this issue. There are many reviews on this topic on the Internet. The young ladies who scolded the product in its “classical” use praised its “amazing effect”: it smoothes, supposedly, and leaves no trace of spider veins, and now the face is like a baby’s butt... They even posted before and after photos! However, this is not what convinced me.

Quite by accident, I came across an interview with Andrei Leonidovich Istranov, a plastic surgeon with many years of experience, professor, doctor of medical sciences - just a luminary! In this conversation, the doctor advised... using Lyoton for patients after blepharoplasty! And other doctors echo Istranov in their publications and on specialized forums. Now for sure – doubts aside, I’ll try!

Secrets of cosmetologists

Now the time has come to tell you, my beauties, the promised secret. Not even a secret - but secrets. Or, more correctly, recipes and their subtleties. The latter, as it turned out, are not so few. Well, are you ready?

First of all, remember that the effect will depend on your skin type. Some ladies complain that Lyoton really tightens dry skin. This causes discomfort and discourages any desire to use the drug. But from owners of normal and oily skin there were no complaints at all.

Important! Before using one of the recipes below, apply a small amount of the product to the area behind your ear or to the crook of your elbow to determine if Lyoton is causing an allergic reaction.

So, how to use the gel to improve the condition of your facial skin:

  1. As a mask: squeeze out a small amount of product (the size of a pea) and apply a very thin layer onto cleansed skin with light patting movements, and then apply a rich cream. After 30 minutes, wash your face using your usual products.
  2. As a makeup base: reduce the amount of Lyoton indicated above and apply to skin. After drying, use day cream and then apply makeup as usual.
  3. For swelling and bruising: gently apply a thin layer of gel directly to the skin around the eyes or swollen areas of the face.

I tried the remedy on myself. What can I say about this? When I smeared it on my face, after just a few minutes I noticed that my skin glowed slightly, seemed to become a little more elastic (as you can see, there won’t be a trace of wrinkles left!) and clearly fresher.

Medicines are often used not only for their intended purpose and, quite successfully. I suggest you learn more about one more useful, natural remedy and take it into service: Instructions for using ointment with bodyaga

However, I didn’t dare to apply it on my eyelids – it’s still too exotic for me. But it is likely that this step is not far off.

Remember! "Lioton 1000" is a medical product, and it is highly undesirable to use it constantly. My advice is to use the product occasionally, on special occasions when it is important to look truly chic.

And if you are not yet ready to repeat my experience, then I am sure that the video where you will find traditional methods of dealing with skin imperfections will be interesting to you.

Don't get in! Will he kill?

Let's read the instructions again. For what? And to find out whether you can take the advice of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons without harming yourself. Yes, yes, dears, now about the unpleasant - about contraindications. We have already talked about two of them, but we will repeat them again:

  • intolerance to components or, simply put, allergies;
  • injured skin (wounds, inflammation, etc.);
  • various blood clotting disorders;
  • age under 18 years (according to the authors of the instructions, in this case the effect of using the drug has not been studied, so it’s better not to take risks).

It is interesting to note that Lyoton is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, my opinion here is clear: it’s not worth the risk. Still, it’s a medical product, not a baby cream...

That’s probably all I wanted to tell you today, dear ladies. I won’t mislead you and say that I don’t know whether the miracle gel will help you against rosacea and bruises. For myself, I saw the benefits - my skin became radiant and fresh (believe me, it’s capricious for me).

I hope today's information will be useful to you. But for me this is the most important thing - to please you and share useful things. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog and tell your friends about it. In the meantime, I’ll prepare a lot more interesting things for you. See you soon!

Application area

Ointments for bags are used in the following cases:

  • swelling and dark circles have formed under the eyes;
  • the eyelids are constantly swollen and/or severely dehydrated;
  • the skin around the eyes is very sensitive.

In any case, swelling is not the norm. Ideally, you need to undergo a comprehensive health examination and eliminate the cause of fluid accumulation under the eyes, and if you need to quickly get yourself in order and remove puffiness (or at least reduce it), use special products.

Find out what to do if your child's lower eyelid is swollen here.

Ointment under the eyes is an emergency remedy for swelling.

Features of the drugs

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of ointments for bags under the eyes. Release forms are plastic jars and aluminum tubes, the volume may vary. Pharmacodynamics of drugs:

  • reduction of inflammation;
  • antithrombic effect;
  • analgesic effect;
  • reducing capillary fragility;
  • increased muscle tone of the venous vessels;
  • anti-edema effect;
  • improvement of local blood flow;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in tissues, acceleration of cell proliferation;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • analgesic effect.

Pharmacy ointments for puffiness under the eyes are available in the form of gels. This form is easy to use and gives the fastest possible effect.

The base of all ointments under the eyes is gel. The active components are released from it without problems, penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, exerting a pronounced effect within 30-60 minutes. After absorption, they are processed in the liver and excreted within 24 hours in the urine.

Also read about how to remove hernias under the eyes in the material.

Are ointments for bags really effective?

Using ointments for bags under the eyes

The effectiveness of such products largely depends on its composition. Preparations for topical use have almost the same composition and mechanism of action. That is why they not only eliminate this phenomenon, but also after their use other positive effects are noted:

  • Blood supply to tissues improves;
  • Inflammation is reduced;
  • Pain is reduced;
  • The risk of blood clots is reduced;
  • The elasticity of blood vessels increases;
  • The swelling disappears;
  • Metabolic processes in the tissues of the skin are normalized;
  • Muscle and vascular tone increases.

In addition, ointments have a pronounced antibacterial effect.

The components included in the product instantly penetrate deep into the skin. The peak of their activity occurs 2–3 hours after application. They are excreted along with urine, so there are practically no side effects.


The main drugs used for swelling under the eyes are Afulim, Bezornil, Troxevasin, Gepatrombin, Lyoton (gel), Relief, Curiosin (gel), Heparin ointment, Hydrocortisone ointment. Let's consider their features and principles of operation.

One of the most effective remedies for puffiness under the eyes is ointments for hemorrhoids.

Ointments for hemorrhoids are one of the most effective ointments for bags under the eyes. The most popular drugs in this category are Relief, Troxevasin, Troxerutin, etc. They contain the following active substances:

  • glycerin – softens the skin;
  • lanolin – saturates with moisture;
  • collagen – restores structure, smoothes wrinkles;
  • heparin – accelerates the resorption of blood clots, restores normal blood supply processes;
  • horse chestnut extract – activates blood flow, relieves swelling;
  • various plant components - heal wounds, relieve inflammation;
  • vegetable oils – strengthen the walls of blood vessels, saturate the skin with vitamins;
  • Steroid hormones are strong anti-inflammatory drugs.

The texture of ointments for hemorrhoids is delicate, they are absorbed quickly and give an almost instant effect . The drug has only one drawback - it eliminates swelling, but not the cause of its occurrence (however, like all topical agents).

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment is a good direct-acting anticoagulant. Its main purpose is the treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, occlusions, hemorrhoids, hematomas, superficial mastitis, and bruises.

Heparin ointment is a universal drug for diseases of veins, bruises, blood clots, hemorrhoids, mastitis and hematomas. You can also use Heparin ointment for bags under the eyes.

The drug dilates blood vessels, thins the blood and has a direct effect on plasma, activating its resorption processes. Therefore, swelling, bruises, dark circles, and swelling disappear almost immediately after application. The consumption is economical. Make sure that the drug does not get into your eyes. It must be used systemically - the course of treatment is 10-20 days (depending on the severity of swelling).

Heparin ointment is used in courses, but not longer than 20 days.


Troxevasin is an ideal remedy not only for varicose veins, heaviness in the legs, swelling, but also bags under the eyes. The active components of the gel stop inflammation, reduce the degree of capillary permeability, and the process of water entering the tissues is suspended, and excess fluid begins to dissolve. You can also use Troxevasin ointment for bruises.

Read interesting reviews about ointment for dark circles under the eyes here.

Troxevasin gel helps with severe swelling and mild swelling.

You need to use Troxevasin for two weeks only in the evening or both in the morning and in the evening - apply a thin layer under the eyes and let it absorb, or spread a thick layer of the product, and then wash it off after half an hour.

This article will tell you how eye surgery is performed.

The definition of concomitant strabismus and methods of vision correction are outlined here.


Proctonis ointment has a moisturizing and softening effect , so it is often used for the skin around the eyes. The product contains cocoa butter, extracts of chistyaka, sage, aloe, shark liver extract, glycerin. Apply Proctonis to cleansed skin twice daily using gentle movements.

Lyoton under the eyes for puffiness


Solcoseryl, Dimexide, Lyoton, Curiosin, Blefarogel 1 - this is not a list of the assortment of the nearest pharmacy, these are the products that our respected Internet ladies use to disperse wrinkles on the face and save significantly on Botox and mesotherapy.

Of course, all this is done at your own peril and risk and completely under your own responsibility, and do not forget to read the instructions for these promising tubes and carefully study the section on contraindications; a 24-hour allergy test would also be very useful, especially for the first recipe. However, an allergy test is never superfluous. Lyoton on edema

If your face is prone to swelling and, accordingly, stretching of the skin with subsequent sagging, then it is quite possible that Lyoton will become your real savior. This fairly light gel helps not only with heaviness in the legs, but also with swelling of the face. Use it as a mask or apply a thin layer as a serum, under cream.

Bags under the eyes in the morning

This purely cosmetic defect, when looking in the mirror in the morning, can ruin your mood for the whole day. The “bags” themselves do not pose any danger to the body, but they can be an alarming signal of serious problems in the body.

Anatomically, bags under the eyes are periorbital tissue - a layer of fatty tissue in which water is retained, causing swelling.

The most common causes in 50% of cases are excessive consumption of alcohol or salty foods, which cause water retention. In 30% of cases this may be a signal of systemic kidney disease or allergic reactions. In 20% it may be a genetic predisposition.

You can counteract the “bags” yourself only if they are caused by (stagnation of water) swelling of the periorbital tissue. In this case, it is necessary to remove the causes of swelling - limit salt and alcohol consumption at night, improve room ventilation (sleep with an open window), and carry out drainage procedures. Women involved in the show business industry have their own recipe for dealing with bags under their eyes. To do this, take a tablespoon of Enterosgel, mix it with chamomile infusion and spread it around the eyes overnight. Overnight, Enterosgel removes excess moisture from fatty gluten, and chamomile removes inflammation. In the morning, having rejoiced at the absence of swelling under the eyes, you need to wash off this mask and apply a moisturizer. In addition to the aesthetic effect, this procedure is also useful because Enterosgel, as one of the strongest detoxifiers, together with moisture, absorbs toxins from the skin, increasing skin elasticity.

Blepharogel 1 - for bags under the eyes

More than affordable in price (150 rubles) - Blefarogel 1 contains hyaluronic acid and aloe vera juice and perfectly moisturizes the skin. It is often recommended to use it together with oil solutions of vitamins A and E.

Apply a thick layer 3 times a day and be sure to apply it lightly at night; after a few days the swelling should go down and wrinkles should disappear. You can also try castor oil - apply it in the morning for 2 hours after the gel (lifting effect)

You can go even further and purchase pure hyaluronic acid in ampoules (on the website or in a company that sells cosmetologists) and pour the ampoule into a bottle with blepharogel. Each time before application, shake well and apply. Shake well and apply.

Curiosin for dryness and wrinkles

Curiosin helps not only against acne and blackheads, it, like our previous hero, contains hyaluronic acid, and in a very active form, and promotes skin hydration and regeneration, so it can easily replace expensive night and/or day anti-wrinkle cream even for very, very mature skin.

You can also do a little magic with it and add the same vitamin A and/or E. Moreover, Curiosin will not only get rid of dryness and wrinkles, but also, hopefully, will not clog the pores, which often happens with anti-aging creams.

All these pharmaceutical products are recommended to be used in courses, several times a year for 10-14 days. Lyoton, according to its ardent fans, can be used regularly and purchased in large tubes.

Solcoseryl plus Dimexide - say no to Botox!

Clean your face of cosmetics with a special product and wash with neutral gel or soap. Dilute Dimexide with boiled water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:10 (1 part Dimexide and 10 parts water).

Apply the prepared solution to the skin with a cotton swab, lubricate it with a thick layer of Solcoseryl (it is better to use ointment, as the gel can strongly tighten the skin). Leave this unique mask on your face for 20-60 minutes, periodically moistening it with boiled water to prevent Solcoseryl from drying out. Then wash your face thoroughly, apply a neutral hypoallergenic cream or gel to your skin and go to bed.

Ardent fans of this pharmaceutical method of combating wrinkles claim that the next morning you will be guaranteed a Botox effect and absolutely non-traumatic mesotherapy.

Among other things, our respected internet ladies often use Solcoseryl in the form of the same ointment in courses instead of night cream and even apply it to the skin around the eyes

Non-standard and very effective recipes from the pharmacy!

1.Hydrogen peroxide

A well-known disinfectant and deodorizing agent, it is absolutely harmless and can be found in every home. We clean her ears and apply it to cuts to stop the bleeding, but it turns out it can be good for our appearance too.

Recommendations for use

Ointments for bags under the eyes have contraindications for use. Basic:

  • hypersensitivity to active components;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • eye tuberculosis;
  • open wounds, abrasions in the treatment area;
  • purulent processes;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • age under 18 years.

How to remove papillomas on eyelids, see the article.

For those under 18 years of age and in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is highly undesirable to use anti-edema ointments.

The following side effects may occur : burning, itching, urticaria, hyperemia (in this case, use of the drug should be discontinued). Squeeze the ointment onto your finger or directly onto the skin under your eyes - usually a pea-sized amount is enough. Cases of overdose are not known to medicine, but the drug should not enter the stomach.

How to treat red eyes, read the link.

Did you get the ointment in your eye? Rinse it with plenty of water.

The above remedies cannot be combined with antibiotics and acetylsalicylic acid . Do not prescribe ointments simultaneously with NSAIDs, allergy medications (antihistamines), and tetracyclines. Store the medication in a cool, dry place and close the tube tightly after each use. The shelf life of the ointment can be from two to five years.

Causes of upper eyelid twitching (blepharospasm)

Eye drops for dry eyes when working at a computer and other visual stress are described in this article.

The genetic visual impairment microphthalmia is presented in this material.

Where can you buy ointment and how to store it

This product is available in every pharmacy. The ointment can be packaged in a metal tube sealed at the bottom, or it can also be packaged in plastic jars. It depends on the manufacturer. This product should be stored in the refrigerator so that the ointment does not lose its properties.

Cooling the substance will also have a positive effect - the low temperature will additionally tone the microcirculatory bed. The vascular wall will reflexively contract in response to the cold, narrowing the lumen of the vessel and reducing swelling.

As you can see, the choice of ointments for bags under the eyes is quite wide. There is no clear answer which one to prefer. Every organism is individual, so to choose the most effective remedy, you need to test them yourself.

Remember that such ointments are not a panacea, but rather a life hack for those times when you need to quickly take on a neat appearance. To completely get rid of bags and swelling, you need to look for the cause of its occurrence. And this is what our doctors should do.

Also, do not forget that you need to avoid getting ointments into your eyes and mucous membranes of the body.


The cause of eyelid swelling may be allergens that lead to an allergic reaction. This is especially true in the spring and summer, when many plants bloom. Is it possible to quickly relieve swelling of the eyelids? Yes, and special ointments are used for this. They contain a whole range of active substances that do not penetrate the blood and quickly relieve swelling. Ointments for hemorrhoids are considered the most effective. Before use, read the list of contraindications and make sure that the product does not get into your eyes. Ointments are usually used in courses. Moisturizing eye drops are also used for treatment.

Bags under the eyes are a fairly serious problem that significantly affects your appearance. They can appear in any person, regardless of gender and age. The situation is complicated by the fact that often this defect is not associated with the characteristics of the skin and other tissues around the eyes, but with the general state of health. If the imperfections are already very pronounced, then, unfortunately, the problem can only be solved by blepharoplasty - a surgical intervention performed in the eyelid area and nearby tissues. But in cases where the situation with bags and dark circles under the eyes is not yet critical, less radical methods of treatment, for example, ointments and creams, will also help.

In what cases will ointments help cope with bags under the eyes?

Bags under the eyes usually result from:

  • wrong lifestyle,
  • overwork,
  • using low-quality cosmetics,
  • as well as for a number of other reasons.

And it must be borne in mind that no matter which remedy is chosen, it is unlikely to eliminate the factor causing the problem. Therefore, you should not expect that bags and bruises will go away solely from the use of ointment. In addition, you need to keep in mind that there may be different “contents” inside the bags:

  • excess fluid, which for some reason is retained in the tissues;
  • fat.

Ointments are effective only in the first case. If there is an excess of adipose tissue under the eyes, forming a hernia, then they will be powerless. It is believed that with the help of aggressive means (and some even use Capsicam for this, but in fact this option can be dangerous) and intense massage, the situation can be improved, but only slightly. For advanced hernias, a 100% effect can only be expected from blepharoplasty.

Some properties of pharmaceutical preparations, as well as products sold in ordinary cosmetic stores, will help improve the condition of the area around the eyes, removing darkening and swelling. To determine whether the ointment is suitable or not, you need to carefully study its composition. It must contain the components:

  • warming and improving blood circulation,
  • strengthening blood vessels,
  • stimulating metabolic processes,
  • enhancing the production of your own collagen and elastin.

As a result of the action of the active components, fluid will no longer linger under the eyes, tissue cells will begin to intensively renew, and vascular tone will ensure an even, healthy color in the previously problem area. Actually, this is the whole secret of the miracle remedies for bags, and that is why in the fight against this phenomenon they use vascular strengthening agents aimed against fluid retention.

The following components (including those of natural origin) will help deal with bags under the eyes:

  • caffeine,
  • vitamin C,
  • routine,
  • rosemary,
  • plantain,
  • sage,
  • zinc,
  • heparin,
  • dimethyl sulfoxide,
  • camphor,
  • phenylephrine, etc.

The most popular remedies for bags under the eyes:

Video: causes of bags and dark circles under the eyes

Composition and properties

Troxerutin is a multicomponent drug that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory venotonic and decongestant effect. This product is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. The effectiveness of the drug is due to its chemical composition, which includes:

  • heparin;
  • lanolin;
  • carbomer;
  • trolamine;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • glycerol;
  • collagen;
  • horse chestnut extract;
  • steroid hormones, etc.

Each component has a positive effect on the skin. Lanolin promotes hydration and prevents moisture loss from cells. The horse chestnut extract present in the drug helps improve blood flow and relieves swelling. In addition, it helps remove puffiness under the eyes.

An active component such as glycerin helps soften the skin and eliminate dryness. Basic vegetable oils do a good job of strengthening the walls of blood vessels and saturating tissues with essential minerals and vitamins.

Popular creams and ointments for bags under the eyes

The effect of many drugs for bags and bruises under the eyes is similar, but there are also certain features. Regardless of which product is used, it must be remembered that it contains chemicals intended for medical, and not at all cosmetic, purposes. Therefore, the duration of use of any ointment, if it is not a special eye cream, should not exceed 2–3 weeks. Or, as an option, you can use the drugs only as needed, when you need to remove bags under the eyes once.

The maximum drainage effect is achieved by combining ointment and massage, which is carried out with light pressing movements (no need to rub or pull anything) from the inner corner of the eye to the outer for 2-3 minutes. If you limit yourself to only cream or ointment, the result will be less pronounced. And it’s very good if you can supplement the procedures with cryomassage. Everything is done in the following order:

  1. First, a regular massage using pressure movements.
  2. Then rub with an ice cube until discomfort occurs.
  3. And after 5 minutes, when the problem area begins to heat up due to the rush of blood, ointment is applied.

If you carry out a course of 20 daily morning procedures, then for some time (2-3 months) the bags will stop appearing.

Ointment Relief

Actually, Relief is intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but it is great for use on any part of the body. Phenylephrine contained in the ointment has a vasoconstrictor effect, due to which swelling disappears over time. The product also contains nourishing components that maintain water balance, so it is also beneficial for the skin. It is believed that after just two weeks of using the drug Relief, the bags “go away” for a long time.

It is necessary to use the ointment 2 times a day: morning and evening, applying it directly to the problem area with light massage patting movements. After 30 minutes, you need to wipe off the remaining product with a napkin.

The price of the drug is from 300 rubles.

For bags under the eyes, you can use not only Relief, but also any other ointment intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Heparin ointment and other heparin-based products

Heparin helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves their conductivity and stimulates blood circulation, due to which it helps to cope with congestion under the eyes. The ointment is used once a day. Apply directly under the eyes for 1 hour, after which the residue is washed off. Can only be used as needed. Price - from 60 rubles.

In no case should one ignore the fact of the appearance of swelling under the eyes, as well as in the area of ​​the upper eyelids, since the skin gradually stretches as a result of the accumulation of excess fluid. After some time, it becomes more flabby, and the number of wrinkles increases.

There are also products made on the basis of sodium heparin. For example, Lyoton. It is also great for reducing swelling and has some benefits:

  • the texture is more pleasant compared to Heparin ointment,
  • cools,
  • better absorbed.

True, its price is quite high - from 280 rubles. The gel is used similarly to Heparin ointment.

Another popular product based on sodium heparin, produced in the form of both ointment and gel, is Hepatrombin. There is no difference in the principle of action and the scheme of use between this drug and Heparin ointment, and its price starts from 160 rubles. Known as a treatment for scars and scars, Contractubex gel is also made on the basis of heparin. Its price is 500 rubles and above.

Video: Heparin ointment for puffiness under the eyes

Gel Troxevasin

Troxevasin is another drug intended for the treatment of veins, but its active substance is no longer heparin, but troxerutin. The gel strengthens capillaries and enhances fluid outflow, relieving swelling. Those who have tried the product on themselves note that after using it, the skin becomes very elastic.

A small amount of Troxevasin should be very carefully rubbed into the area under the eyes 2 times a day. If necessary, its remnants are removed after 20–30 minutes using a napkin. Price - from 150 rubles.


Afulim is a tonic cream that performs a drainage function. Relieves swelling and has a positive effect on skin elasticity. It has an absolutely natural composition, its effectiveness is based on the action of a mixture of essential oils:

As well as extracts of wormwood, immortelle and St. John's wort. The composition also includes nourishing oils, including coconut oil.

This composition allows you to use the product for a fairly long period: one or even two months. You need to soak a cotton swab in the cream and apply it under your eyes for 30 minutes. Wash off any remaining product left after the compress. Price - from 1500 rubles.

Zinc ointment

The active substance of the ointment is zinc oxide. It promotes cell regeneration and improves tissue metabolism, thereby improving the condition of the area around the eyes. But this product differs from others in that it does not contain any components that have a drainage effect, so it is not effective against bags in all cases. Still, the main purpose of the ointment is to relieve inflammation. Although those who have used zinc ointment note that in some cases it also has an anti-edematous effect.

Instructions for use

Troxerutin ointment and gel should be used with extreme caution to eliminate cosmetic problems. The method of using this product depends on the characteristics of the existing defects. To eliminate signs of rosacea, apply the product only to problem areas of the skin. The drug must be applied 2 times a day. It is advisable to first steam the skin and cleanse it with a light scrub. The product should be used until the defects disappear.

If swelling under the eyes appears in the morning, you need to apply a thick layer of gel at night. It absorbs quickly and leaves no residue. To eliminate dark circles under the eyes, apply the product in the morning. After about 10–15 minutes, you can apply makeup. Troxerutin should be used for at least 2 weeks. The drug must be applied carefully so that it does not get into the eyes.

There are several options for using Troxerutin to eliminate wrinkles. If there are no too pronounced wrinkles yet, to increase the elasticity of the skin, apply the product to thoroughly cleansed skin with massaging movements.

The best effect is achieved by a mask containing Troxerutin. First, you should dilute Dimexide in a ratio of 1:10, and then thoroughly wipe your face with it, avoiding the areas around the eyes. After this, Troxerutin should be applied to the prepared skin in a thick layer. The composition should be kept for at least 30 minutes. Every 5–7 minutes it is necessary to moisten the skin with patting movements with damp palms. The remaining composition must be washed off with warm water.

To tighten the skin, you can use a mask, the preparation of which will require 1 tsp. Troxerutin and 1 tbsp. l. grated avocado pulp. The ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face, including the area around the eyes. After about 20–30 minutes, the remaining mask should be washed off with cool water.

Features of choosing ointment at different ages

At different ages, the skin has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing cosmetic and therapeutic products, including those designed to solve the problem of bags and dark circles under the eyes. If we are talking about young skin, then the metabolic processes in its cells have not yet slowed down, so it itself will cope well with all imperfections, you just need a little help with this. Therefore, when bags appear, it is better to opt for natural homeopathic medicines, and only if they are powerless, resort to venotonics.

After 30–40 years, the skin gradually begins to thin out. The amount of moisture in it decreases, and therefore it cannot be overdried. Some products, for example, zinc ointment, have the same side effect as drugs produced in gel form. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a thicker ointment, while observing whether the swelling increases.


Due to my lack of weight (40 kg at 25 years old), the veins under my eyes are visible, and this has never happened before. I went to the ophthalmologist - everything was fine, took tests, checked the abdominal cavity - everything was normal. As it turned out... the veins are visible due to the lack of a fat layer in me personally... I went to the pharmacy and bought Troxevasin. I was afraid to smear it because I am HORRIBLY allergic. You know, I had no reason to be afraid, it really helped... how so. =))) Veins have become less noticeable - FACT. In combination with cold washing and raw potatoes, I plan to get rid of veins.


I used Trombless gel. I was advised by a cosmetologist because I was dealing with the problem of swelling and bags under my eyes. I applied it at night with patting movements so as not to stretch the skin under my eyes. The gel is colorless and practically odorless, absorbs well. There is no immediate result, I noticed the effect after a few days of use. It took about 3 weeks to get rid of the bags. Now I use it as needed.


I have very thin skin on my eyelids and an unfortunate structure; I have had bags since childhood. I got enough sleep - smaller bags, didn't get enough sleep - bigger bags. I bought an eye cream against swelling and bags under the eyes from the Green Pharmacy, price 90 rubles. Cheap and very suspicious! What I want to say is that the product is very chemical-heavy, there are parabens, silicones, and acrylic. But it fits well under makeup, as stated by the manufacturer. Contains rutin to strengthen blood vessels, which should work against bruises, and horse chestnut extract - will relieve swelling. In fact, it provides good drainage; 15 minutes after application, the bags begin to subside. Verdict: a good product, of course, it doesn’t completely remove bags, but it does have some effect.


There are many products that can help with bags and dark circles under the eyes, and purchasing almost any of them is not a problem. Another thing is that the result will not always be one hundred percent, and this can happen for several reasons. Firstly, a lot depends on heredity. Sometimes a problem with the area around the eyes passes from generation to generation and is mainly associated with the structure of facial tissues. And secondly, bags in most cases are an indicator of health problems, so you need to fight not with them themselves, but with their cause, otherwise all cosmetic manipulations, if they give any effect, will only be short-term.

Lyoton is an effective gel in the fight against tumors

This medication treats the appearance of veins and other blood vessels. It is also used in the treatment of acne, and is also very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids. But there are a number of other diseases that this medication can cure. Lyoton is considered one of the best ointments that relieves swelling, tumors and inflammatory processes. This drug also perfectly relieves you of inflamed acne, stabilizes the skin, making it fresh and healthy, and also very effectively removes bruises and bags under the eyes, and other bruises formed on the body.

You can learn how to treat hemorrhoids correctly from the following video:

This medication improves the skin very well. It can be used on the face to improve its condition and get rid of bruises or pimples. This ointment is also effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Lyoton is considered one of the best ointments that effectively cope with swelling of various degrees. Its use is very simple, to get rid of the problem, you need to apply it to the problem area of ​​the skin and rub it thoroughly in a circular motion. The drug begins to cover the affected area of ​​the skin with a special protective film, which has a beneficial effect on the body. After half an hour, you need to rinse your skin, removing any remaining gel. After such procedures, the skin begins to recover and inflammatory processes, as well as bruises disappear from your skin. This ointment is sold in all pharmacies without a prescription from your doctor.

The ointment should be kept away from children and stored in a cool place. If stored correctly, the ointment can be used for a long time.

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