Burnout syndrome. Concept and reasons.

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What you can perceive calmly no longer controls youConfucius

Life without emotions is bland and boring. We can be happy and angry, amazed and indignant, sad and adore, hate and admire. At the same time, negative emotions accumulate in the body, provoking emotional experiences that can lead to chronic stress. Gradually, emotions literally leave us, and in the end only a feeling of emptiness remains... This path leads to emotional and professional burnout.

In modern society, burnout syndrome is by no means a rare phenomenon. Day after day we don’t receive emotions, but rather give them away, life becomes gray and boring, and you begin to perceive those around you “according to a template” - all people are the same, you won’t expect anything new from them, etc. You can often feel aggression or complete indifference towards others. As for professional burnout, it is such a depletion of nervous, mental and physical strength that causes an acute reluctance to work. Professional burnout is expressed in a depressed state, a feeling of fatigue and emptiness, lack of energy and enthusiasm, loss of the ability to see the positive results of one’s work, and a negative life attitude towards work.

Naturally, there are professions that are at risk. Basically, these are professions located in the system of “person-person” relationships, involving constant communication with other people. These are, first of all, teachers, doctors, educators, social workers, psychologists, etc. This also includes representatives of other professions who do not like their work or it simply does not bring positive emotions.

Emotional burnout is a professional “disease” of medical and social workers, clergy and psychologists, employees of guardianship departments and orphanages, and volunteers of various areas of charity. People go into these professions at the call of their hearts, feeling the need to help others, to give them warmth and care, having at a certain period of life an increased supply of mental strength. However, the more a person gives, the more requests there are. The world is not perfect. Having opened the door to the kingdom of pain and misfortune, a person sees how huge and diverse it is. At some point, it becomes obvious that there is still so much to be done, and there is less and less strength and warmth left every day! If at such moments you don’t give yourself a break and don’t replenish your mental strength, a person’s health and mental state will be at risk.

People who, as part of their job, constantly come into contact with human pain for a long time, know what emotional burnout is. This is when you regularly have to give a lot of mental strength to others, there is no end in sight to your problems, and there is nowhere to replenish your own “reservoir” of love and warmth.

Causes of emotional burnout

Emotional burnout occurs as a result of the internal accumulation of negative emotions without a corresponding “discharge” or “liberation” from them. It leads to the depletion of a person’s emotional, energetic and personal resources.

Burning out means losing touch with the world, alienating yourself from yourself, other people, and life in general. At the same time, all positive emotions are dulled. In its deeper stages, burnout can be called “death within life.”

Burnout syndrome is characterized by emotional and mental exhaustion, decreased satisfaction from work and physical fatigue. In this case, life does not bring you joy, and work does not bring you satisfaction. Your nervous energy is exhausted; you need to deal with this problem in time. The result is that a person becomes indifferent to everything. In place of pity for others comes a lack of understanding. The attitude also changes not only towards patients or clients, but also towards employees and family, when a stream of aggression and contempt is poured out on innocent people. And where did that friendly person everyone knew go?

Burnout syndrome in social professions occurs quite often; unfortunately, not everyone takes the necessary measures to prevent or treat it. What's even more surprising is that many people don't even know what it is, and the symptoms of burnout syndrome are attributed to ordinary fatigue.

Burnout syndrome can arise as a result of constant and long-term interaction with a large number of people, when there is a need to show various emotions, sometimes not coinciding with the internal emotional state. There are situations when a person sacrifices his needs to work needs, almost completely forgets about himself and his family. It is not right.

What to do if emotional burnout has already occurred?

If you are truly diagnosed with SEV, then all that remains is to change your job.
For example, a teacher who worked at school for 30 years and suddenly discovered that she hates children (and used to love them) - she yells and can no longer control herself, she has burned out as a teacher, she is only causing harm, she needs to change her field of activity. There is a chance to remain a teacher if she changes schools or goes to university, but only with close psychotherapeutic support.

Burnout is that very state when, in the process of doing something, you realize that you don’t want to do it ever again.

With a heartbreak and tears: “I don’t want to do this anymore.” To such an extent that it actually turns off and shakes. Then that's the end and the end.

We must admit that you can’t force a dead horse to ride, and it’s time to throw away a suitcase without handles.

Why can’t the psyche stand it?

Because it faces loads that altogether exceed its processing capacity. This can be compared to a fracture - the bone cannot withstand the force of a blow or fall. Or, if a person sits in an uncomfortable position for many years, then at some point the back begins to hurt, and after some time the consequences are the same as in the case of an acute injury. The psyche works thanks to the integrity of neural chains that ensure the stability of emotional reactions, and if these chains are destroyed under the influence of stress, then a person loses his usual internal supports.

That is, emotional burnout is the result of accumulated tension, which for a long time (several months, and sometimes a year) does not receive release in the form of a pause in work, communication with loved ones, or spiritual nourishment in the form of a hobby.

What is emptiness

In psychology, emptiness is interpreted as a state of emotional emptiness, a lack of moral strength, as well as the ability to live an energetic life. The reasons for the occurrence of this condition or sensation in an individual can be identified as follows:

- excessive demands. When a person places increased demands on himself or on other individuals, for example, a wife to her husband or vice versa, a mother to her child, a boss to her subordinates. The inability to adequately evaluate oneself or others, expecting something better, setting unrealistic, unattainable goals ends with the individual not getting what he wants. His needs are not met, his dreams are not fulfilled, his expectations are not met. The result is emotional emptiness;

- life routine. We don't have many holidays in our lives. Most of it consists of our usual activities. Work, family, study – the standard set. Ideally, work is a place where an individual does something that gives him pleasure, and for this he is also paid money, vacation is paid and a bonus is given. The family will always support and understand. But in life it happens differently;

It may be a job you love, but your boss is a tyrant and turns it into a living hell; not everything is going smoothly in the family either, and the same thing is repeated every day. Then a person forgets about his needs, about spiritual growth, self-development, about the good sides of life and plunges headlong into gray everyday life. Therefore, life begins to seem empty and aimless to him.

- environment. Everyone knows this simple rule: “tell me who your friend is, and I’ll tell you who you are.” A person’s environment significantly influences his lifestyle, views and tastes. If life begins to seem empty and meaningless, you need to check your surroundings. If a person is surrounded by people without goals and hobbies who consider their lives meaningless, then most likely he will think the same;

Bad habits also contribute to feelings of emptiness and aimlessness. They not only harm the body, but also undermine spiritual health. Bad habits include not only smoking cigarettes or drug use, but also laziness, computer games, and excessive use of social networks.

Virtual life dulls the sense of reality, steals a lot of time, makes you dream about easy money and a beautiful life. Instead, in order to achieve something in life, to develop, to be useful, a person spends time on aimless sighs and regrets.

You should always remember that the state of emptiness is subjective and can always be overcome.

How the process develops:

1. At the moment when euphoria appears in the form of “dizziness from success” in work (the project was a success, brought good profits, etc.), a person often strives to work more so that next time it will turn out even better. Sometimes to the detriment of personal life, friendship, and recreation. After all, they do not bring profit and the pleasure from them is too ordinary. The first stage of burnout is also called “falling in love” or “honeymoon”; a person is so passionate about a new job, “fired up” with a new idea, that he cannot think about anything else, talks only about this, puts his whole soul into a new project. During this period, the immune system is mobilized, the person practically does not get sick, and there is a feeling of flight “not walking, but soaring above the ground.”

2. At the second stage, which is called “working” or “lack of fuel,” a person continues to work hard, but he already begins to feel tired, increased fatigue, but for now additional rest helps eliminate it. In the absence of additional motivation and stimulation, the employee’s interest in work begins to decrease. But at the second stage, a person can quickly get himself into a working state, for example, by drinking a cup of strong coffee or tea.

  • the muting of emotions begins, the severity of feelings and freshness of experiences is smoothed out;
  • the specialist suddenly notices: everything seems to be fine so far, but... it’s boring and empty at heart;
  • misunderstandings arise with clients (students, patients), a professional among his colleagues begins to talk about some of them with disdain.
  • friends and family are offended that you suddenly began to pay less attention to them.

3. At the third stage of emotional burnout, which is called “exhaustion,” gradual emotional burnout actually occurs if preventive measures are not taken urgently. The person continues to work hard, but now the work no longer brings joy (the enthusiasm that was at the first stage gradually disappears). A person does everything more slowly; the same work takes much more time than at the first stage. Accumulated fatigue dulls emotions, and it becomes almost impossible to get yourself into a working state, for example, with the help of strong coffee or tea. The body requires rest, but even weekends (vacations) are not able to bring a person into working condition, and a feeling of chronic fatigue appears. At the third stage:

  • mood deteriorates - a person feels irritable (and this irritation exceeds the reason that caused it) and it becomes more difficult for him to restrain negative feelings when communicating with people, conflict increases;
  • positive emotions disappear, some detachment appears in relationships with family members;
  • the range of emotional sensations narrows (the so-called flattening of affect), when nothing brings joy or pleasure. As with anesthesia: brightness is lost, emotional dullness is noted;
  • hostility begins to gradually manifest itself in the presence of clients (students, patients) - at first it is barely restrained antipathy, and then outbursts of irritation. Such behavior of a professional is an unconscious manifestation of a sense of self-preservation during communication that exceeds a level that is safe for the body;
  • out of habit, such a person may still retain external respectability and some aplomb, but his eyes lose the sparkle of interest in anything, and an almost physically tangible coldness of indifference settles in his soul;
  • optimism and the desire to make long-term plans disappear;
  • ideas about the values ​​of life become dulled, the emotional attitude to the world “flattens”, a person becomes dangerously indifferent to everything, even to his own life;
  • relationships with loved ones are deteriorating, and these are not just quarrels, but deep emotional alienation, and, as a result, the space for restoring mental strength is limited. After all, when you were busy with work, you did not feel that you were moving away from your loved ones, and now you have become “distant” for them;
  • a state of anxiety and dissatisfaction arises; returning home, more and more often I want to say: “Don’t bother me, leave me alone!”;
  • it seems to a person that he is underestimated, he has put his “whole soul” into his work, but does not feel any response, it seems to him that no one notices all his achievements at work, conflicts with colleagues are possible, envy and a sense of rivalry may appear in relation to the successful colleagues. All successes of colleagues are perceived negatively by “upstarts,” and conflicts with management are possible. Thoughts appear: “Isn’t it time to change jobs?” your legs “don’t go to work.” The legs seem to become weak, the former lightness of gait, which was in the first stage, gradually disappears.
  • at the third stage, the imbalance between give and take is very acutely felt. In order to maintain both physical and psycho-emotional health, this balance should not be disturbed. How much physical and emotional strength a person puts into work, the same amount should be received back:
  • in the form of relaxation , where there are no thoughts about work, but there is a favorite hobby, or some favorite activity: yoga, meditation, massage, gym, bathhouse, meeting with friends, even a computer game, the main thing is that a person can completely relax and take your mind off thoughts about work. Do not forget that with prolonged stress, the muscles are constantly tense and the body needs relaxation to maintain health. One day a week should be completely devoted to yourself (there should be a personal space where you feel comfortable both physically and emotionally);
  • in the form of a positive assessment of your work - praise, admiration, just words of support. If you can’t wait for words of support from your colleagues, forget about pride and ask management directly “did they like the way you implemented the latest project, are they satisfied with your work in general.” Remember how a cat behaves when it wants to be petted; it will not leave a person until it receives its portion of positive emotions. Learn from the cat! Believe me, it’s better to ask for a compliment than to live for months with the feeling that you are underestimated, and no one notices your efforts, because you didn’t just work for a salary, but put your whole soul into your work, and you should know how this work is assessed from the outside other. At the same time, do not forget to praise yourself for every small step forward: “I did it! I'm done! I managed! I’m super!!!”, it’s not for nothing that they say: “If you don’t praise yourself, no one will praise you!” You can give yourself a gift, for example, in the form of shopping, a trip to a beauty salon, a trip to nature, to the sea - the main thing is that the emotional response is equal to the emotional effort spent, then the balance between “give and take” can be maintained and emotional burnout will not occur and you can return to the second or even the first stage.

4. If a person at the third stage does not take any preventive measures, the fourth stage of burnout occurs, which is called “crisis” or “devastation”, when stress accumulated over a long period of time manifests itself at the body level - bodily symptoms appear - insomnia, loss of appetite, problems with the heart or stomach, the immune system becomes so weakened that the person constantly feels various ailments. Not only health problems are possible, but also long-term, protracted depression. Often at this stage there is a breakdown in relationships with loved ones, divorce. At the same time, on an emotional level, worries about work become less. Work becomes easier, but any work is done as if mechanically, without a soul, since a person at this stage is already “emotionally burnt out.” A person simply sits at work for the allotted time, strives to leave early if possible, and take sick leave. At the fourth stage, a person does not receive any satisfaction from work, goes to work as if it were hard labor, does not agree to stay even a minute after work (although at the first stage he easily stayed for hours, and even took work home). Here the proverb comes to mind: “From love to hate there is one step” and this step has been taken... There is a desire to urgently change jobs, or better yet “retire” right away. At the fourth stage, a person is not able to show sympathy and understanding towards people, he can only emit these feelings, a feeling of cynicism appears. A person feels a sense of neglect towards clients; at this stage it seems to a specialist that the client himself is to blame for all his problems, and he certainly deserves them. In essence, a person in the helping profession at the fourth stage becomes professionally unsuitable. And then the circle is closed: if you don’t maintain relationships for a long time (with your wife, children, friends, yourself outside of work), they don’t develop. A person is deprived of any space in which he feels comfortable and safe, except for work. But now it is work that becomes the source of negativity: the more work, the deeper and more extensive the devastation.


1. Start your day right. Eat a balanced breakfast that includes complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein and healthy fats.

2. Don't overuse coffee. And don’t get carried away with other stimulating drinks either.

3. Carry a bottle of water with you. Try to drink enough liquid. Then you will feel more energetic.

4. Avoid junk food, processed foods and processed foods. Or at least reduce your consumption of such foods.

5. Carefully study the menu in cafes and restaurants. Choose meals that are rich in protein and vegetables.

6. Drink less alcohol. And if you have enough willpower, give it up completely.

7. Pack healthy snacks. Then you won’t have to buy chips and chocolates when you want to eat.

8. Watch when and how much you eat. Try not to overeat or eat late at night.

9. Eat more greens, vegetables and fruits. Nutritionists advise eating more plant foods per day.

10. Enrich your diet. Most likely, you are not getting all the substances your body needs.

Symptoms of professional burnout:

The first group is psychophysical symptoms:

  • feeling of constant fatigue not only in the evenings, but also in the mornings, immediately after sleep (a symptom of chronic fatigue);
  • feeling of emotional and physical exhaustion;
  • decreased sensitivity and reactivity due to changes in the external environment (absence of a curiosity reaction to the factor of novelty or a fear reaction to a dangerous situation);
  • general asthenia (weakness, decreased activity and energy, deterioration of blood biochemistry and hormonal parameters);
  • frequent causeless headaches; persistent gastrointestinal disorders;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain;
  • complete or partial insomnia;
  • constant lethargy, drowsiness and desire to sleep throughout the day;
  • shortness of breath or breathing problems during physical or emotional stress;
  • a noticeable decrease in external and internal sensory sensitivity: deterioration of vision, hearing, smell and touch, loss of internal, bodily sensations.

The second group - socio-psychological symptoms:

  • indifference, boredom, passivity and depression (low emotional tone, feeling depressed);
  • increased irritability to minor, minor events;
  • frequent nervous breakdowns (outbursts of unmotivated anger or refusal to communicate, withdrawal);
  • constant experience of negative emotions for which there is no reason in the external situation (feelings of guilt, resentment, shame, suspicion, constraint);
  • a feeling of unconscious anxiety and increased anxiety (the feeling that “something is not right”);
  • a feeling of hyper-responsibility and a constant feeling of fear that “it won’t work out” or “I can’t handle it”;
  • a general negative attitude toward life and professional prospects (like “no matter how hard you try, nothing will work out”).

The third group is behavioral symptoms:

  • the feeling that the work is becoming harder and harder, and that it is becoming more and more difficult to do it;
  • the employee noticeably changes his work schedule (increases or reduces working hours);
  • constantly, unnecessarily, takes work home, but does not do it at home;
  • the manager finds it difficult to make decisions;
  • feelings of uselessness, lack of faith in improvements, decreased enthusiasm for work, indifference to results;
  • failure to complete important, priority tasks and “getting stuck” on small details, spending most of the working time in a way that does not meet job requirements on little or unconscious performance of automatic and elementary actions;
  • distance from colleagues and clients (patients, students), increased inappropriate criticality;
  • alcohol abuse, a sharp increase in cigarettes smoked per day, drug use.

Burnout syndrome also occurs with chronic maladapted stress.

How to recognize stress? Signs of stress:

1. Physical:

  • general muscle tension and associated pain in the chest, abdomen, back, neck;
  • trembling or nervous tics;
  • spasms and associated intestinal and renal colic, constipation, diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, headaches, stuttering;
  • high blood pressure, increased heart rate.

2. Emotional:

  • Restlessness or increased excitability;
  • Irritability, anger, aggressiveness;
  • Inability to concentrate, confusion of thoughts;
  • Feeling of helplessness, fear.

3. Behavioral:

  • Restlessness or increased excitability;
  • Irritability, anger, aggressiveness;
  • Inability to concentrate, confusion of thoughts;
  • Feeling of helplessness, fear.

What is professional burnout? Signs and stages of burnout at work

Professional burnout syndrome is the body’s protective reaction to prolonged (chronic, constant) stress from work .

If you notice that ordinary fatigue does not leave you even after rest (weekends, vacations), full sleep, then there is reason to think: what is the reason? These may be the first signs of burnout at work. Previously, it was believed that middle-aged people who are in constant contact with people, usually women, are more susceptible to this condition. It has now been proven that anyone can suffer

, regardless of your profession, gender or age.

Signs of professional burnout

  • There is no desire to work.
  • Dissatisfaction with your job.
  • Feeling that what you are doing is meaningless.
  • Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness.
  • The desire to put things off until later.
  • Irritation, aggression, reluctance to communicate with colleagues and clients. As a consequence of emotional changes and experiences - feelings of guilt, anxiety and dissatisfaction with oneself.

Stages of professional burnout

First stage Work takes up all your time and thoughts. You give up personal needs in favor of your loved one or not so much. The result is constant stress.
Second stage Loss of interest in work. Signs of depression. The feeling that you are underestimated, the pay does not correspond to the workload.

Irritation and aggression towards colleagues and clients begins to appear. There is a constant feeling of fatigue, even after proper rest.

Third stage Physical ailments begin to manifest themselves: headaches, pressure surges, various gastrointestinal disorders. Bad habits appear or worsen: overeating, smoking, drinking alcohol. All this leads to general irritation and self-pity.
Fourth stage Efficiency drops sharply, motivation disappears, and there is not enough working time to get everything done. You try to correct this by increasing your workload, working on weekends, but the result only gets worse.

Feelings of dissatisfaction in all aspects of life increase. All thoughts are occupied only with work and the fact that everything is bad at it!

Fifth stage A state of helplessness, despair, a feeling of the meaninglessness of what is happening.

Preventing emotional burnout

Why not everyone is susceptible to burnout syndrome. The secret here is that a person constantly needs positive emotions. Even if you don’t like your job, but you are happy in your personal life or when communicating with friends, then you are not in danger of emotional burnout. If you don’t have such positive emotions, you can only try to avoid emotional burnout.

One way to avoid burnout is to change jobs. However, where is the guarantee that the new job will not have the same result, and there is not always the desire and opportunity to change it. Try to change the situation somehow. For example, you can get additional education. The longer the courses last, the better it is for you. The minimum course duration must be 6 months.

Sometimes it happens that communicating with people overloads you. When you feel emotionally overwhelmed, try to retire for at least half an hour. Think in silence, sort out your own thoughts. You can also take a walk if possible.

And don't forget about self-expression. All people in creative professions are very rarely subject to emotional burnout. Take a dance class, play chess, or draw in your free time. Your emotions must have an outlet. Share your impressions with friends or family. If your family and friends do not support you, then create your own circle of interests in which you can share your own experiences with people who will understand you. And these could be the same people who are also at risk of emotional burnout, but they must work in other companies.

Every time you are tired of everything, surround yourself with blue and white flowers and try to spend the day in silence. On such days, the body itself will recover from emotional overload, as self-regulation mechanisms will be turned on. Try to do such “fasting days” more often, otherwise you will not avoid health problems.

You can prevent burnout by asking yourself two simple questions:

  1. Why am I doing this? Why am I studying at the institute, why am I writing a book? What's the point of this? Is this of value to me?
  2. Do I like doing what I do? Do I love doing this? Do I feel like this is good? So good that I do it willingly? Does what I do bring me joy? It may not always be this way, but a feeling of joy and satisfaction should prevail. Ultimately, I may ask another, larger question: Is this what I want to live for? If I'm lying on my deathbed and I look back, do I want it to be that I lived for it?

What to do to avoid emotional burnout? You may find these preventive measures helpful:

  • Choose time to rest; at least one day a week you will spend is useless in terms of profit.
  • Make sure that this time is inviolable. Turn off your phone and anything else that might keep you busy with work.
  • Record this time and space (where and with whom you will spend useless time) in a calendar. Why do we write down the time of important business meetings in a diary, but not the time of rest?
  • Find a way to switch to another activity. Here's a list of counterintuitive activities: start cooking, walk, learn a new "useless" skill that you'll never get paid for (learn to sing, draw, play a musical instrument, play some fancy game).

And, most importantly, remember all the people with whom you communicate. Analyze which of them drains you the most, which one do you least want to meet? Then think about whether you can somehow reconsider your relationship with these people in a way that is more comfortable for you. If not, can you eliminate interaction with them from your life? If you convince yourself that for some reason you are obliged to communicate with them no matter what, then ask yourself: what forces you to prioritize in this way?

When you answer these questions honestly, a lot in your life will change for the better.

What qualities help avoid professional burnout:


  • good health and conscious, targeted care of one’s physical condition (regular exercise, healthy lifestyle).
  • high self-esteem and confidence in yourself, your abilities and capabilities.


  • experience of successfully overcoming professional stress;
  • ability to change constructively under stressful conditions;
  • high mobility;
  • openness;
  • sociability;
  • independence;
  • the desire to rely on one's own strength.


  • An important distinguishing feature is the ability to form and maintain positive, optimistic attitudes and values, both in relation to oneself and other people and life in general.

It is quite possible to significantly reduce their destructive impact on the health of working people. How to avoid encountering professional burnout syndrome:

  • Be attentive to yourself: this will help you notice the first symptoms of fatigue in a timely manner.
  • Love yourself, or at least try to like yourself.
  • Stop looking for happiness or salvation in work. It is not a refuge, but an activity that is good in itself.
  • Stop living their lives for others. Please live your life. Not instead of people, but with them.
  • Make time for yourself. You have the right not only to work life, but also to private life. Choose a business that suits you: according to your inclinations and capabilities. This will allow you to find yourself and believe in your strength.
  • Learn to soberly comprehend the events of each day. You can make an evening review of events a tradition.
  • If you really want to help someone or do their work for them, ask yourself the question: does he really need it? Or maybe he can handle it on his own?


As already mentioned, burnout syndrome can occur due to constant stress at work . But the reasons for the professional crisis lie not only in frequent contacts with a complex contingent of people. Chronic fatigue and accumulated dissatisfaction may have other roots:

  • monotony of repetitive actions;
  • intense rhythm;
  • insufficient labor incentives (material and psychological);
  • frequent undeserved criticism;
  • unclear statement of tasks;
  • feeling undervalued or unwanted.

Burnout syndrome often occurs in people with certain character traits:

  • maximalism, the desire to do everything perfectly correctly;
  • increased responsibility and tendency to sacrifice one’s own interests;
  • daydreaming, which sometimes leads to an inadequate assessment of one’s capabilities and abilities;
  • tendency towards idealism.

People who abuse alcohol, cigarettes and energy drinks easily fall into the risk zone. They try to increase performance with artificial “stimulants” when temporary troubles or stagnation in work occur. But bad habits only make the situation worse. For example, addiction to energy drinks occurs. A person begins to take them even more, but the effect is the opposite. The body becomes exhausted and begins to resist.

Burnout syndrome can occur in a housewife. The causes of the disorder are similar to those experienced by people in monotonous work. This is especially acute if a woman feels that no one appreciates her work.

People who are forced to care for seriously ill relatives sometimes experience the same thing. They understand that this is their duty. But inside, resentment towards an unfair world and a feeling of hopelessness accumulates.

Similar sensations appear in a person who cannot quit his boring job, feeling responsibility to his family and the need to provide for it.

Another group of people susceptible to burnout are writers, artists, stylists and other representatives of creative professions. The reasons for their crisis must be sought in a lack of faith in their own strength. Especially when their talent is not recognized in society or receives negative reviews from critics.

In fact, any person who does not receive approval and support, but continues to overload himself with work, can suffer from burnout syndrome.

What to do if you notice signs of burnout?

First of all, acknowledge that they exist. It is difficult to admit to yourself: “I am suffering from professional burnout.” Moreover, in difficult life situations, internal unconscious defense mechanisms are activated. Among them are rationalization, repression of traumatic events, “petrification” of feelings and body.

People often evaluate these manifestations incorrectly - as a sign of their own “strength”. Some protect themselves from their own difficult conditions and problems by becoming active: they try not to think about them and devote themselves completely to work and helping other people. Helping others can actually bring relief for a while. However, only for a while. After all, overactivity is harmful if it distracts attention from the help you need yourself.

Remember: blocking your feelings and being too active can slow down your recovery process.

Anti-stress techniques:

1. Get distracted:

  • A five-minute walk in nature can bring many benefits.
  • try to switch your thoughts to another subject.
  • Look around and take a closer look.
  • Pay attention to the smallest details.
  • Slowly, without rushing, mentally “go through” all the objects one by one in a certain sequence. Mentally say to yourself: “Brown desk, green curtains, etc.”

2. Reduce the significance of events:

  • It should be remembered that the true cause of stress is not people, not disappointments, not mistakes, but how you feel about it.
  • Use the principle of positivity in everything with attitudes such as: “I didn’t really want to,” “this is not the main thing in life, you shouldn’t treat what happened as a disaster,” etc.;
  • “there’s no need to beat yourself up”, “stop being dramatic”;
  • He who worries earlier than he should worry worries more than he should.

3. Take action:

  • any activity, especially physical labor, acts as a lightning rod in a stressful situation;
  • Stress is a very powerful source of energy. You can unwind in the simplest way: clean up your home or workplace;
  • take a walk or brisk walk;
  • go for a run;
  • hit a ball or pillow, etc.

4. Create:

Any creative work can heal from experiences:

  • draw;
  • dance;
  • sing;
  • sculpt;
  • sew;
  • design, etc.

5. Express emotions:

Pushing emotions inside, trying to hide them, is very harmful!

Learn to show emotions, “throw them out” without harm to others.

Emotional release is necessary to maintain health (physical and mental),

The ability to talk about your problems will help you establish contacts with others and understand yourself.

  • depict emotions using gestures, facial expressions, and voice;
  • crumple, tear paper;
  • throw objects at the target on the wall;
  • try to draw your feeling, then color it, make it funny or tear it up;
  • talk to someone, emphasizing your feelings (“I’m upset..”, “I’m offended by this..”).

6. Reframing (The word 'reframing' comes from the English word 'frame' (frame), so it can literally be translated as reframing. Changing the point of view, attitude towards something, without changing the situation itself):

Make it a rule to reframe at least three times:

  • Whenever something negative happens, try to find three positive consequences or wins that can be derived from this trouble.

7. Visualization of the resource state:

A group of methods aimed at developing the ability to manage one’s condition.

A person, in a state of deep relaxation, evokes any pleasant memory: place, time, sounds and smells, gets used to this state, remembers it and trains the ability to recall it at will.

This state is called a resource state, and having learned to quickly evoke it, one can turn on this state in difficult moments.

8. Kinesiological set of exercises:

One palm is placed on the back of the head, the other on the forehead. You can close your eyes and think about any negative situation that is relevant to you. Take a deep breath and exhale. Mentally imagine the situation again, but only in a positive aspect, think about and realize how this problem could be resolved. After the manifestation of a kind of “pulsation” between the occipital and frontal parts, self-correction ends with inhalation and exhalation.

Relaxation (when we accumulate energy) includes the following:

  • Sleep (7-9 hours)
  • Trance (meditation)
  • Breathing exercises
  • Energy gymnastics (strangely enough, this is relaxation – and at the level of the internal environment)
  • Prayer
  • Being in the temple
  • Solitude (solitude greatly restores strength!)
  • Color visualization
  • Leisurely walk
  • Swimming
  • Drinking water
  • Listening to classical music (and organ music is especially valuable in this sense)
  • Aromas (smells of forest, sea, field, essential oils)
  • Massage
  • Acupressure
  • We accumulate energy when we sincerely admire someone!
  • And of course, forgiveness - from it the return of energy wasted on offense comes in double volume (and if you have at least once managed to sincerely forgive someone, you know this well)
  • And gratitude.

Your condition can be alleviated by physical and emotional support from other people. Don't give up on it. Discuss your situation with others who have had similar experiences and are feeling good.

  • DO NOT hide your feelings. Show your emotions and let your friends discuss them with you.
  • DO NOT avoid talking about what happened. Take every opportunity to review your experiences alone or with others.
  • DO NOT let your feelings of embarrassment stop you when others give you a chance to speak or offer to help.
  • DO NOT expect the severe symptoms of burnout to go away on their own. If you don't take action, they will visit you for a long time.
  • Allocate enough time for sleep, rest, and reflection.
  • Express your desires directly, clearly and honestly, talk about them to family, friends and at work.
  • Try to maintain a normal routine in your life as much as possible.

Methods of helping with emotional burnout:

1. Physiological (effects on the body): sunlight, physical exercise, sunbathing (tanning), fresh air, air baths, walks, bathing, swimming in reservoirs, baths (Russian, Finnish), solarium, infrared radiation, breathing Strelnikova, breathing exercises.

2. Physiotherapeutic: physiotherapy, electrosleep, acupuncture, acupuncture of all schools, massage, homeopathy.

3. Biochemical (effects at the cellular level): healthy food, medications.

4. Psychological: auto-training, meditation, biofeedback method, self-regulation methods, music, prayer.

If you understand that combustion is already happening and has reached deep stages, remember: special work is needed to respond to the traumatic experience and revive feelings. Real courage is admitting that I need professional help.

First comes the difficult work, the goal of which is to “remove the shell of insensibility” and give permission to your feelings to come out. This does not lead to a loss of self-control, but suppressing these feelings can lead to neuroses and physical problems. At the same time, special work with destructive “poisonous” feelings (in particular, aggressive ones) is important. The result of this preparatory work is the “clearing” of the internal space, freeing up space for the arrival of something new, a revival of feelings.

The next stage of professional work is a revision of your life myths, goals and values, your ideas and attitudes towards yourself, other people and your work. Here it is important to accept and strengthen your “I”, to realize the value of your life; take responsibility for your life and health and take a professional position in your work.

And only after this, step by step, attitudes towards other people and ways of interacting with them change. There is a new development of one’s professional role and one’s other life roles and behavior patterns. A person gains confidence in his abilities. This means that he has come out of the emotional burnout syndrome and is ready to live and work successfully.

Psychologists believe: in order not to become a victim of the syndrome, you must, first of all, have the right attitude towards yourself, other people and your work.

The main thing is to remember: burnout syndrome is not a disease or a death sentence, it is just the ability of your psyche to respond to emotional overload.

Prepared by: educational psychologist Konon Svetlana Nikolaevna


Friends, if you want to start actively working right now to reduce the level of stress in your life, clear your mind and reboot your consciousness, I advise you to take the “Brain Detoxification” course, which will help you:

  1. Focus on what's important.
  2. Reduce stress and anxiety levels.
  3. Improve the quality of sleep and rest.
  4. Reduce distraction.
  5. Get rid of toxic thoughts.

The training consists of 10 lessons and practical tasks. You will receive tools and exercises, as well as video and audio materials. At the end of the course, they will give valuable recommendations for independent practice.

The author of the online training is Victor Shiryaev, an expert in the field of integral philosophy and developmental psychology.

What is burnout syndrome and how to cope with it yourself

You've probably heard the expression: “burnt out at work.” Perhaps they said the same about you. If a long-awaited vacation does not replenish your energy, and thoughts about work only cause irritation, you may be faced with burnout syndrome.

This is an extremely unpleasant condition in which a person feels moral and physical exhaustion for several months in a row. The work that used to bring pleasure infuriates and irritates me; I don’t want to communicate with people. It is very difficult for a person to concentrate on performing his duties. He may miss deadlines and not fulfill agreements. At the same time, objectively understand your mistakes, but still do nothing.

Day after day it feels like the dementors have arrived and sucked out all the joy. Of course, each of us has bad days when the blues come over us. But if this condition becomes habitual, it’s time to think seriously.

Signs of emotional burnout syndrome (EBS)

Life resembles the quest “to survive until Friday.” The man realizes with horror that a new day has come. Already in the morning he experiences lethargy, apathy and a persistent reluctance to do anything.

It seems that the whole world is going to war against you. Everything is annoying: colleagues, relatives, partners, and even a random salesperson in a store. There is a strong feeling that circumstances are always stacked against you.

Frequent colds and illnesses. In the final stages of SEV, the body begins to rebel and ask for rest. A person develops headaches, often catches a cold and notices worsening vision.

Negative attitude towards clients and colleagues. The usual request and fair comments are met with hostility. The person feels that he is not valued or respected. He absolutely does not want to delve into work issues, make changes or come up with new ideas.

The meaninglessness of life. More and more often the question arises in my head: “Why am I doing this?” What previously brought joy is no longer valued. There is a persistent desire to lock yourself in a closet, go into the forest and do nothing.

There is no strength to show emotions. You are too lazy to amuse and entertain yourself; you have absolutely no strength to be angry at the stupidity of your bosses or clients. What used to evoke a response, for example, going to a concert or a movie, now does not evoke any emotions.

If you occasionally feel 1-3 manifestations of SEV, there is nothing wrong with that. It simply means that you are a normal person. It is impossible to smile and enjoy life 24/7, like the man from the mayonnaise advertisement. But if a depressed, apathetic state has become normal, it’s time to take action. It will not resolve on its own. Already in the first stages, it is advisable to find an opportunity to take care of yourself.

Stages of emotional burnout

Love. A new job or project just blows your mind. At this stage, a person is ready to work for an idea. He ceases to be interested in friends, relationships with his partner and hobbies. All energy is directed only into the working direction. He's starting to look like the secretary from The Devil Wears Prado. Many people ignore this period due to the state of euphoria and complete immersion.

Rescuer-victim. At this stage, a person feels that without him everything will collapse. He experiences constant anxiety, plays the role of “rescuer” or “victim”. Thoughts about work do not allow you to sleep, and the desired weekend does not bring joy. Dislike for colleagues, clients, and superiors appears. Along with this feeling comes the desire to close yourself off from the whole world and relieve yourself of responsibility.

“Manager Syndrome.” A person stops taking care of his health and resembles an employee of the movie “Fight Club”. He doesn't care what to eat or drink. He doesn't remember the last time he got a good night's sleep or exercise. The whole week resembles a huge Groundhog Day, insomnia and complete indifference to work develop.

Destruction. If you don’t understand it in a good way, it means it will happen in a bad way. At this stage, a person may become seriously ill and end up in hospital. The body no longer speaks, but screams that urgent rest is needed. At best, you can get a sore throat or stomach ulcer.

At worst - oncology. Relationships with others are also not going well. A person exhibits an inadequate and aggressive reaction to minor stimuli. For example, he may throw a tantrum because of unwashed dishes or crumbs on the table.

How to help yourself

Understand what is stopping you from stopping and resting. None of us can work 10-12 hours a day; this is an unnatural and unrealistic lifestyle. Try to realize this and find time for quality rest.

Perhaps some will now say that this is impossible. Deadlines are running out, you have to pay the mortgage, and what kind of vacation can you have if there’s a pandemic right now and it’s impossible to go somewhere? Whether you take a vacation or not, time will still pass within 4 walls. In fact, the opportunity to relax can be found in almost any situation if you change your beliefs and attitudes.

Most often, an energizer person is prevented from relaxing not by external circumstances, but by negative thoughts in his head: “Time for work, time for fun,” “No one can handle this without me,” “I’ll lose money and have nothing to live on,” “ A little bit of good stuff.” Try to observe yourself. Answer this question honestly:

  • Why don't I allow myself to rest?
  • What am I going to do with all this?
  • what will happen to my body, family, life if I don’t rest now?
  • What opportunities can I find in the current conditions to temporarily change my surroundings or bring something new into my life (rent a house outside the city/have a romantic night in a hotel/do familiar things in a new way)

Each person’s ways of overcoming emotional burnout are individual. Some people will benefit from an aromatherapy or massage session, others will relieve their headaches in the gym. In some cases, the help of a psychologist is required. Look for 2-3 “your” methods that will help you specifically. This will be much more valuable than using other people’s techniques.

Talk to your boss and ask for leave. Before the conversation, it is advisable to think about what is important to your manager. Most likely to allow the workflow to continue. Imagine yourself in his place: a person comes up to you and says, “I need to go on vacation.” What would you agree to? What is the best time to approach? For example, 20 minutes after lunch or in the morning after a productive meeting. Who can you delegate tasks to while you're away?

Mentally simulate the situation that your boss agrees to your proposal. What are you telling him? In what form?

Also think about in what cases he might refuse and how you will respond. What arguments will you present in your favor? For example, that you delegate some tasks to colleagues, you will contact them once a day, and you will stay on holidays. State your request confidently, without being overly demanding.

For example:

“Ivan Ivanovich, I would really like to take a vacation from the 2nd to the 10th. I delegate my tasks to Maria, I plan to contact her once a day. I would be very grateful if you sign. Every year my family and I have a tradition of going out of town for a week/going camping/spending time together.”

As a rule, when people hear the words traditions, rules, values, they are quicker to meet. Of course, there are exceptions. Therefore, it is very important to be mentally prepared that you will be refused. In this case, clarify when you can return to discussing this issue again.

Strengthen personal boundaries. Personal boundaries are rules about how you can and cannot be treated. If a person does not know his personal boundaries, he is easy to manipulate at work. Colleagues and superiors will not mind relinquishing some of their responsibilities to him.

To avoid this state of affairs, remember situations when you felt angry and irritated. For example, you were called to work while on vacation, your boss asked you to finish a report on the weekend, or you had to answer customer calls after 11:00 p.m. Don't ignore anger at times like these.

This is an important feeling that indicates that your boundaries are being violated. Think about what actions you can take to prevent this from happening. You can keep a diary of introspection, track frequently recurring situations, your reactions and write down the actions that you will take in the future. For example, maintaining the following table helps me:

Situation What I experienced What will I do to protect the borders?
The client sent 5 voice messages at 1 am, asking for a very urgent response Indignation, the working day is long over Politely let me know what time I will respond.

Turn off your phone after 20:00

The boss decided to have a meeting on Saturday Anger that they are vying for my personal time I'll learn to say NO

I will politely inform you that on weekends I have a rule (tradition) not to resolve work issues

Gradually implement useful actions from column three.

Exercises for express recovery

It is easier to maintain a resourceful state during the day than to work at a speed of 140 and then lie there exhausted. I offer you three simple exercises that will help you replenish your strength.

Draining of emotions. Unexpressed anger, indignation, resentment and other unpleasant emotions get stuck in our body in the form of bodily clamps. The more there are, the faster fatigue accumulates. If possible, try to express negativity through actions. For example:

  • beat a pillow (not the one you sleep on)
  • break old dishes
  • scream at the ground
  • do interval training in the gym
  • beat the punching bag
  • go to karaoke

For emergency help, you can do the following exercise. Remember a situation that made you angry. Rate from 0 to 10 how annoying she is now. It is advisable to choose something that “infuriates” 7-8 points. Start thinking about this situation by breathing more air into your chest and clenching your fists harder. As soon as it becomes impossible to hold your breath, exhale it forcefully and unclench your palms. Again, rate from 0 to 10 how annoying the situation is to you right now. If nothing has changed, do the exercise 2-3 more times.

Reasons for joy and pleasure. Our brain is lazy and wants to have fun in any way possible. Without it, he will sabotage the work process in every possible way. To stay in a resourceful state, make a list of things that make you happy.

Write down everything: from the smallest to the most global. It is advisable to come up with pleasant activities for all senses: hearing, smell, sight, touch, taste. For every day, choose one or two pleasures from the list and reward yourself for the work done.

Eight rooms. Imagine your life as a house with 8 rooms - these are the areas of your life. Think about which three of them you haven’t been to for a long time? Perhaps you haven’t cleaned the “health” room for a long time, haven’t opened the door to your “hobby” or forgot about “self-education”. Write down what you can do to change the situation and find time to visit these rooms. What simple steps will help? For example, a long sleep, meeting with friends, gadget detox. Plan these simple steps.

Sometimes a person cannot resist the system in a particular organization. For example, I had experience working in a company with 14-hour shifts and one day off per week. Working conditions and the peculiarities of corporate culture simply physically did not allow recovery.

After analyzing the situation, I chose to leave. This was a radical decision, and, of course, I don’t encourage anyone to write a letter of dismissal. But, if you feel like you’re “burning out,” try to make a forecast and figure out: do you have a chance to recover in this particular job? Or is it time to look for something else?

Consequences of professional burnout: why is it important to solve the problem correctly?

  1. Burnout at work affects your personal life . Quarrels with loved ones and misunderstandings may arise. The family suffers.
  2. Efficiency decreases, management and clients may be unhappy with you. As a result, a person may lose his job, lucrative orders, and his material standard of living decreases .
  3. It is difficult for a person to find a way out of the situation. It seems the whole world is against him. In such a situation, it is difficult to make the right decisions, look for new career opportunities, and change your life for the better.
  4. Often the last stages of burnout lead to the development of health problems. For example, blood pressure begins to rise and insomnia occurs. Quality of life suffers .

There is no need to think that such a condition will “go away on its own” or that “the problem will resolve.” Below in the article we will tell you how you can overcome the state of burnout and what makes sense to do in such a situation.

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