Mesotherapy under the eyes: erase 10 years from your face!

To rejuvenate facial skin, beauty salons offer various procedures. Eye mesotherapy is considered an effective method for correcting age-related changes. The procedure allows you to get rid of bags under the eyes and skin folds in a short time, and without serious intervention. The rules for its implementation and effectiveness are described in the article.

Why does the skin around the eyes age quickly?

The skin of the eyelids has its own characteristics, which make it vulnerable to negative age-related changes:

  1. Its thickness is almost 4 times less than, for example, on the cheeks. And the load on her is much greater. Any change in facial expressions, blinking, squinting lead to sagging and wrinkles.
  2. A small number of sebaceous glands and a thin layer of fat lead to problems with hydration, and dryness accelerates aging.
  3. The eyelids and adjacent skin have almost no support in the form of bones. The edges of the orbit end at a distance from the eyeball, and the space is filled with muscles and loose fatty tissue.
  4. The vessels under the eyes are close to the surface. Their lumen is pinched due to swelling, increased muscle tone, excessive fluid intake, which causes swelling and dark circles.

Proper nutrition and vitamins

The skin is nourished from the inside, so you need to reconsider your diet. Proper nutrition can work wonders. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be included in the menu as often as possible. Eat salads made from fresh vegetables and fruits.

Photo: proper nutrition and vitamins

Particularly effective in fighting wrinkles are pumpkin, apples, persimmons, broccoli, and various greens. Kefir and cottage cheese have proven themselves excellent.

Legumes can be included in the same list: peas, lentils and beans. Green tea is recommended for drinks.

Fatty and sweet foods should be limited. And completely avoid sweetened sodas, chips and any products with preservatives and dyes.

You should also try to consume less salt. Drink alcohol only in small quantities.


The skin of the eyelids and around the eyes is sensitive and requires special care. Poor ecology, frequent stress, and computer work have a negative impact and lead to a decrease in skin tone. As a result, congestion occurs in the microvessels, tissue elasticity deteriorates, the skin of the eyelids and the skin around the eyes stretches and shifts.

Eye mesotherapy is used to correct this area; it strengthens the muscle frame, stimulates cellular synthesis, and restores tone. The rejuvenation effect is achieved by introducing a special solution into the problem area, which fills uneven areas and folds.

The main effect of eye mesotherapy is to stimulate tissue regeneration and the direct effect of the mesococktail on the skin cells around the eyes. The healing and rejuvenating effects of this procedure have been proven clinically, as well as by numerous customer reviews.

Thanks to injections:

  • the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated;
  • facial contour is corrected;
  • skin color improves;
  • tissue elasticity increases;
  • swelling and bruising are treated;
  • age wrinkles are eliminated.

When the drug is injected under the skin, blood circulation increases, metabolism occurs quickly, and the production of hyaluronic acid accelerates. Thanks to this, the skin becomes moisturized, dryness and irritation are eliminated, and bruises under the eyes disappear. According to reviews, eye mesotherapy has helped many people eliminate unpleasant age-related changes.

How is mesotherapy performed for the area around the eyes?

Bags under the eyes appear due to the following reasons:

  1. overwork, prolonged work at the computer;
  2. stress, depression;
  3. diseases of the urinary and cardiovascular systems, acute respiratory infections, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  4. passion for alcohol, smoking;
  5. hormonal changes in women;
  6. poor nutrition;
  7. ultraviolet light: sunbathing without sunscreen and glasses is harmful, it contributes to the appearance of edema;
  8. When eating salty foods at night, be prepared for swelling to appear in the morning.


  1. anatomical fragility of blood vessels, which provokes the appearance of bruises under the eyes;
  2. injury;
  3. appropriate lifestyle: excessive watching TV, working at the computer for a long time, chronic fatigue, non-compliance with the daily routine, as well as smoking and addiction to alcoholic beverages;
  4. age: over time, blood vessels become more and more fragile. The decline of sexual functions in women, hormonal imbalances also greatly affect the condition of the skin, in particular, under the eyes;
  5. poor kidney health greatly affects the condition of the lower eyelids: with any dysfunction of the urinary system, they swell and turn blue;
  6. diabetes insipidus;
  7. lack of the hormone vasopressin produced by the adrenal glands;
  8. heart and vascular diseases;
  9. eye diseases;
  10. unbalanced diet;
  11. diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

Dark circles

The causes of dark circles under the eyes are almost the same as bruises.

Before mesotherapy for the area around the eyes, a consultation is always carried out, during which problems are identified. The doctor conducts an examination, prescribes tests to identify contraindications and cosmetic problems, and helps you select an individual cocktail consisting of three components.

Mesotherapy consists of the following stages:

  1. The master begins the session by removing makeup and impurities.
  2. The skin is wiped with an antiseptic.
  3. Next, the specialist applies an anesthetic cream. The longer you hold it, the deeper the injections can be made.
  4. The doctor injects cocktails into problem areas and wrinkles according to special markings. Injections are carried out manually or using a special device. The solution is injected in the direction of the wrinkle or crease.
  5. If mesotherapy is carried out non-invasively, then the composition is applied to the surface of the skin, and then it is exposed to ultrasound, microcurrents, and laser.
  6. Afterwards, the face is again treated with an antiseptic and a soothing mask is applied.

After the procedure, the doctor must tell you about possible complications and skin care rules for recovery.

From dark circles

Herbal ingredients remove dark circles under the eyes.

Average price:

  • in St. Petersburg: 3000–5000 rubles per procedure;
  • in Moscow: 4000–6000 rubles per procedure.

Usually 3–7 procedures are enough.

From bags

After the injection, beneficial elements are released that can get rid of bags under the eyes.

Average price:

  • in St. Petersburg: 2000–5000 rubles per procedure;
  • in Moscow: 2000–5000 rubles per procedure.

For bruises

Mesotherapy returns the movement of biological fluids to normal, strengthens the walls of capillaries and fills the tissues with moisture.

For wrinkles

Injections are administered, which contain vitamins, minerals, extracts of medicinal herbs, nucleic acids and amino acids. The solution fills wrinkles, tones the skin and makes it smooth. The advantage of this method for rejuvenation is that from external agents applied to the skin and not penetrating deep into the layers of the skin, meso-cocktails “get” to the dermis. This helps to accelerate and activate many metabolic processes, enhance blood circulation and cellular regeneration.

Average price:

  • in St. Petersburg: 8,000–11,000 rubles per procedure;
  • in Moscow: 10,000–12,000 rubles per procedure.

For edema

Mesococktails will not help completely remove fat pads, because the cause of edema is hernia.

Average price:

  • in St. Petersburg: 2000–6000 rubles per procedure;
  • in Moscow: 3000–7000 rubles per procedure.

Mesotherapy around the eyes in what cases do cosmetologists recommend it?

  • Indications for paraorbital mesotherapy may include “paws” around the eyes, wrinkles,
  • puffy, problematic skin under the eyes,
  • excessive skin pigmentation,
  • loss of elasticity,
  • bags and bruises (dark circles) under the eyes.
  • The mesotherapy procedure will help moisturize the skin, saturate it with useful substances, give it smoothness and expressiveness to the look.
  • Mesotherapy restores the elasticity of the skin around the eyes and eliminates congestion in blood vessels, and activates metabolism at the cellular level.

How is the mesotherapy procedure for the eye area performed?

To begin with, the cosmetologist examines the patient in order to collect a complete history, find out the individual characteristics of his skin and select the necessary drug, and if such selection is impossible, create an individual mixture of various medications in the complex. The procedure itself is comfortable and virtually painless. The introduction of nutrients is carried out exclusively in problem areas. A “meso-cocktail” of vasodilators, elastin, vitamin B and hyaluronic acid is injected in small quantities under the skin, where it begins to act. The procedure is performed entirely manually, with local anesthesia if necessary. Session duration is 15-20 minutes.

In what cases is it better to refrain from mesotherapy procedures?

If certain factors are present, it is better to refuse mesotherapy, as well as the use of a home mesoscooter. These factors:

  1. skin diseases,
  2. 3rd trimester of pregnancy,
  3. cholelithiasis,
  4. nephropathy,
  5. hemophilia,
  6. chronic vascular pathologies,
  7. sepsis,
  8. individual intolerance to the components of the “mesococtail” (allergic reactions),
  9. hypertension,
  10. AIDS,
  11. oncological and some other diseases.

The effect of the procedure is amazing!

It is distinguished by a fairly easily achieved, however, persistent effect. When eliminating problems in the area around the eyes, the effect will be noticeable after the first procedure. However, to consolidate the effect, it is necessary to undergo 3-4 procedures, preferably at weekly intervals. Peeling in combination with subsequent mesotherapy gives an excellent effect. The drugs used for the procedure have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Mesotherapy has a very positive effect on problem areas and has an excellent rejuvenating effect. After this procedure, the skin becomes more toned, wrinkles and crow's feet are smoothed out.

When undergoing a course of mesotherapy for the eye area, you will, however, have to limit yourself to some things:

  • you cannot visit the solarium, bathhouse or sauna,
  • sunbathe.
  • In general, any thermal effects should be prohibited.

It is recommended by cosmetologists to repeat this course of restoring beauty and prolonging youth once every six months.

Dear women, if you wish, strive to remain young and beautiful always, follow the rules for applying makeup, and also have complete trust in your cosmetologist, mesotherapy around the eyes will help you lose 10 years in just one month.

And yet, how great it is that today cosmetology goes hand in hand with medicine and creates more and more new drugs and methods for preserving female beauty!

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Complications and side effects

Side effects after mesotherapy around the eyes are not significant. Most often, these are classic symptoms that accompany any injection mesotherapy. After the mesoprocedure, the following side effects are observed:

  • swelling, bruising;
  • microhematomas at puncture sites;
  • redness of the skin.

Most often, these symptoms go away within a few days. In order to minimize the occurrence of side effects, you should consult a specialist when is the best time to carry out the procedure.

After mesotherapy, you should refrain from visiting the solarium, bathhouse, swimming pool, and not be exposed to high and low temperatures. You should use a moisturizer around your eyes with a high SPF of at least 30.

Attention! It should be remembered that wearing sunglasses is a reliable preventive measure against the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. The aging process is not started by age, as many people think, but by the sun. An experienced cosmetologist knows that the best anti-wrinkle cream is a sunscreen with a high protection factor. Therefore, wearing sunglasses will help maintain youthful skin around the eyes and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. For this reason, you should wear sunglasses not only after mesotherapy, but always in sunny weather.

If you pay attention to contraindications, then serious complications after skin mesotherapy in the eye area are usually not observed.

Types of procedure

To visually improve the area around the eyes, 2 types of mesotherapy are used:

  1. Injection. A syringe with a thin needle is used. The injections are painful, and if the skin is damaged, rehabilitation is required.
  2. Electroporation. The method is non-injection: drugs are applied to the surface of problem areas. Deep penetration is achieved using electrical impulses. With them, the skin relaxes, the form of active substances changes.

The type of procedure should be chosen by the doctor based on the condition of the skin. Each type of mesotherapy has its own characteristics and rules of implementation, which must be taken into account by a specialist.

Types of eye mesotherapy

Depending on the method of action on the skin, there are 2 types of mesotherapy:

  • classical;
  • non-injection.

The classic technique involves subcutaneous administration of the drug. Fractional mesotherapy of the skin around the eyes is also considered a type of treatment. During the procedure, the doctor uses a nozzle with 12 microneedles of different lengths.

The essence of the non-injection method is to apply electric current to problem areas. A cosmetologist applies meso-cocktails to the skin in the eye area. Under the influence of electric current, the active substances of the drug enter the upper layers of the skin to a depth of 1-2 mm.

For the best effect, it is recommended to take a rejuvenating course consisting of 4-6 procedures. Mesotherapy gives a long-term effect, slows down the aging process and prolongs the youth of the skin for at least 6 months.

Features of the procedure

In eye mesotherapy the following is used:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • plant extracts;
  • vitamins.

It is carried out using conventional injections or using a needle-free method. Whatever type of procedure is chosen, it will eliminate bags under the eyes, wrinkles and other cosmetic imperfections.

To perform injections, a cosmetologist uses individually composed meso-cocktails, including no more than 3 items, taking into account the characteristics of the skin and cosmetic problems. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, and the entire course consists of 3-8 sessions. The interval should be 7-10 days.

Mesotherapy of the skin around the eyes is carried out as follows:

  1. Makeup is removed. The skin must be cleansed with an antiseptic.
  2. To avoid pain when inserting the needle, an anesthetic is used.
  3. The drug is injected into the area of ​​wrinkles or skin folds using a special technique, manually or with a cosmetology device. Each method has its own pros and cons that must be taken into account before injections.
  4. The solution must be injected in the direction of the wrinkles to a certain depth, depending on the level of skin damage.
  5. With needle-free mesotherapy, drugs are injected into the area of ​​the eyelids or wrinkles, and then ultrasound, laser or other device is used.
  6. After this, secondary treatment of the skin with an antiseptic is required. Then apply a moisturizer or mask.
  7. Then the specialist must tell the patient how to properly perform care during rehabilitation in order to eliminate side effects.

Mesotherapy for circles under the eyes, carried out according to the instructions, will allow you to get a quick effect. The main thing is not to forget about proper care after the procedure.

In what cases is the procedure recommended?

Correction of skin defects around the eyes is carried out in the following cases:

The visible result of rejuvenated skin can be observed after just one procedure. To consolidate the desired effect, experts recommend three to five sessions.

  • decreased elasticity;
  • bruises and bags under the eyes;
  • swelling under the eyes;
  • wrinkles (crow's feet);
  • lower eyelid hernia.

Causes of aging and wrinkles

Why does the skin around our eyes age so quickly? We all know that our soul is most fully reflected in our eyes. It is no coincidence that we so want youth and cheerfulness to shine in them.

But today there are a lot of problems in our lives. We don't get enough rest and don't eat right. All these factors contribute to the fact that wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes appear quite quickly.

The thing is that in this area the skin is incredibly thin, the fat layer is completely absent. This is why wrinkles appear here very quickly. When applying and removing cosmetics, we, often without noticing it, unwittingly injure the skin.

Mesotherapy under the eyes allows you to fight wrinkles and other undesirable phenomena. The essence of the procedure is that small doses of special drugs are injected under the skin. Injections are made into the layers of the dermis located in the middle. The drugs are selected by the doctor strictly individually. It all depends on the specific skin type and its condition.

Problem areas are stimulated mechanically. This is also facilitated by special cocktails of amino acids, vitamins and microelements, which are made specifically for mesotherapy. First, preliminary markings are made, and after that the injections themselves.

A very thin needle is used to administer drugs. The procedure lasts a maximum of half an hour. To complete the full course, a maximum of 8 sessions are required.

It all depends on the specific problem and why it occurred. When the procedure is completed, the skin must be treated with a disinfectant. The specialist will definitely advise how to care for the areas that have been treated.

We must remember that the eyes also reflect the state of our body. Before choosing mesotherapy for bags under the eyes, it is worth checking whether any serious diseases are causing skin aging. It is imperative to pass all the necessary tests and undergo a series of traditional examinations (ECG, ultrasound).

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes?

Today, mesotherapy under the eyes is becoming increasingly popular. Reviews from satisfied women speak volumes. Using this procedure, you can effectively eliminate swelling, fine wrinkles, unwanted pigment spots and bags. For most representatives of the fair half of humanity, after completing the course, the skin glows and gains long-awaited elasticity. She seems to come to life and glow with health from the inside.

There are two methods of mesotherapy around the eyes: injection and non-injection.

The first one is classic. This procedure is quite painful.

It is worth noting significant redness of the skin around the eyes, the appearance of hematomas, bruises and swelling. These phenomena usually persist for 48 hours. It all depends on such an indicator as allergenicity. That is why after the completed sessions it takes at least a week to recover.

More recently, scientists have developed a completely new method of mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes without injections. This procedure is based on electroporation.

Special preparations are applied to the skin. After this, electrical impulses are generated on the skin, which promote the penetration of beneficial substances directly into the dermis layer. Since the sizes of substances are different, they penetrate to different depths.

What are they injecting with?

The composition of cocktails for mesotherapy is selected individually. Typically, substances are used that dilate blood vessels. Hyaluronic and glycolic acids and important B vitamins are also actively used.

Hyaluronic acid is truly unique. It helps the skin recover, making it firm and radiant. When a person is young, the body is able to produce this acid in the required quantity. But as we get older, our supply practically runs out. Mesotherapy can perfectly smooth the skin around our eyes.

If you decide to undergo this procedure, you need to remember the contraindications. Mesotherapy should not be performed on pregnant women or during breastfeeding. It is also contraindicated for infectious diseases, cancer, diabetes, and allergic diseases.

The effect after the procedure lasts up to several months, sometimes up to six months. It is best to repeat sessions every 6 months. After mesotherapy, you should not go to the solarium and bathhouse, be in the sun, or in low temperature conditions.

We must always remember about health

This is why it is important to choose a great specialist. Who will conduct sessions with extraordinary skill

You will be pleased with the result.

Classification of injection techniques

All injections administered into the area around the eyes are considered fairly safe non-surgical methods that relieve swelling, bags and wrinkles. Their advantages are: a short rehabilitation period, high efficiency and painlessness of the procedure. The following injection techniques are distinguished.

  • Mesotherapy. This rejuvenating technique is based on the introduction of complex mesotherapeutic compounds to a certain depth by injection. It helps remove swelling and reduce the number of facial wrinkles in the areas of the lower and upper eyelids. Injections of special cocktails consisting of vitamins, minerals and amino acids improve the condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, normalize the color of the dermis and significantly increase tone, which leads to the return of the skin's former elasticity.

WE RECOMMEND: Injection mesotherapy of the face: benefits and harms
The procedure is carried out in two ways: classical (injections are given using a syringe) and fractional (the product is delivered to the subcutaneous layers using a special apparatus equipped with many very thin needles).

The effectiveness of the technique is so high that the result is noticeable immediately after the procedure, and over time the positive effect only intensifies and lasts up to six months.

  • Redermalization. The latest injection technique that helps fight bags under the eyes and expression lines. Principle of action: injections into the subcutaneous layer for bags under the eyes with a preparation consisting of hyaluronic acid and sodium succinate. This drug deeply moisturizes the skin around the eyes, activates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation in thin vessels and saturates the skin with useful substances and microelements.

The number of procedures required to achieve a good result is 2 or 3. The effect after the course lasts for at least a year.

  • Plasmolifting. Another innovative technique, during which specially prepared plasma from the patient himself is injected into the area around the eyes. The plasma solution activates the rejuvenation processes of the dermis, stimulates the production of skin fibers, elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin around the eyes.

Swelling in the eye area noticeably decreases immediately after the first procedure and completely disappears after completing the full course, which is prescribed by a cosmetologist based on the condition of the patient’s skin. The effect may last for several years.

  • Contour plastic. A procedure during which a special dense gel (biodegradable) is injected into the area under the eyes. The mechanism of action is as follows: the administered drug stimulates the synthesis of new skin fibers and creates a dense collagen framework in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids, which prevents the dermis from sagging in these places. Injection preparations used in contouring most often consist of polylactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite and high concentration hyaluronic acid.

The effectiveness of the technique is quite high; the positive effect becomes noticeable after a single procedure and can last from a year to a year and a half.

  • Botox injections. The technique is based on the intramuscular injection of Botox (botulinum toxin). Botox-based drugs help quickly smooth out wrinkles and remove bags under the eyes by temporarily paralyzing (completely immobilizing) the orbicularis muscle. Minimal facial activity in the skin around the eyes contributes to complete smoothing of the skin.

The effect of Botox injections appears gradually, reaching a peak after about three weeks. The results of Botox injections can last for about a year.


Special products are used for mesotherapy. They consist of:

  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • glycolic acid.

These components renew, rejuvenate the skin, restore normal cellular metabolism. The composition of the drug is selected individually based on the condition of the skin. For example, for dark circles, it is advisable to choose minerals with vitamins, and for loss of turgor - hyaluronic acid.

Cocktails for the area around the eyes improve the skin or solve specific problems. In the first case, solutions with hyaluronic acid are used, and in the second, peptide formulas are used. A cosmetologist should choose the drug.

What drugs are used for wrinkles, bruises, swelling

A cocktail of drugs for mesotherapy around the eyes is selected individually. The doctor assesses the condition of the skin and identifies problems that need to be eliminated. Only after this does he decide which drugs will be used for mesotherapy around the eyes. The main active ingredients are:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • hyaluronate or glycolic acid;
  • mineral elements;
  • different types of amino acids;
  • collagen compounds;
  • extracts of plants, fruits and herbs;
  • meso cocktails with peptides.

The most popular drugs used in cosmetology clinics are:

Name of the drug for mesotherapy around the eyes Characteristic Photo
Dark Circle Solution by Dermaheal This drug is aimed at combating darkening in the under-eye space. After the injection, the look becomes fresher, younger, and fatigue goes away.

It strengthens blood vessels thanks to peptides and regulates melanin production. Usually about 5-7 treatments are recommended

Eyebag Solution by Dermaheal This drug removes bags under the eyes. It can be used not only after 35, but also at a young age if there is a problem of lack of sleep. Skin becomes noticeably firmer
"RRS HA eyes" from the Spanish brand It is recommended to use after 25 years to combat the first signs of aging, dark circles and bags under the eyes.

It removes the effect of “tired eyes”. The course consists of 3-5 sessions

"Mesoeye C71" from the American brand "ABG LAB" The drug affects 3 types of vascular systems in the upper and lower eyelids. It is aimed at combating age-related changes.

The skin is sufficiently hydrated and more elastic. The course includes from 3 to 6 procedures

Cosmetologists' opinions

Experts assure that the components of ordinary masks and creams cannot penetrate the skin deeply enough. To overcome this barrier, mesotherapy is used. Thanks to this method of administration, the effectiveness of the procedure increases several times.

According to cosmetologists, mesotherapy successfully copes with the following skin problems:

  1. Eliminates wrinkles. For this, as a rule, cocktails containing hyaluronic acid are used. This product perfectly moisturizes the skin.
  2. Improves complexion. To solve this problem, you need vitamins and antioxidants.
  3. Tightens the skin. To increase skin elasticity and give facial contours clarity, components such as elastin and collagen are needed.
  4. Eliminates freckles and pigmentation. Compositions containing bleaching acids help solve this problem.
  5. Removes nearby vessels. To eliminate this problem, you need to use complex cocktails that contain many vitamins and microelements.
  6. Eliminates acne. Medicines that help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, in particular zinc, cope well with this.
  7. Removes the consequences of inflammatory skin lesions - cicatricial changes, scars, post-acne. In this case, glycolic acid plays a key role.

It is important to take into account that this procedure can also provoke certain complications. Even the absence of contraindications does not guarantee complete safety. Therefore, cosmetologists warn about the risk of allergies, vasodilation or skin hyperemia

Therefore, cosmetologists warn about the risk of allergies, vasodilation or skin hyperemia.

It is also important to remember that mesotherapy involves performing injections, which often leave bruises. However, this complication goes away quite quickly

It should also be taken into account that the procedure may cause discomfort.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. Do not apply decorative cosmetics to the treated areas of the skin. This category also includes foundation, which many women use to disguise redness on their faces.
  2. For 2-3 days after the procedure, you should not visit the bathhouse, pool or sauna.
  3. You should not consume a lot of medications and alcohol-based drinks. If you break this rule, there is a risk of unpredictable consequences.
  4. It is not recommended to sunbathe or visit a solarium. In this case, pigmentation may appear.
  5. It is not recommended to exercise for some time. Physical activity accelerates the removal of beneficial substances from the skin.

Facial mesotherapy is a fairly effective procedure that helps solve most skin problems.

At the same time, it is very important to choose the right composition for its implementation.

The qualifications of the cosmetologist and the reputation of the salon are of no small importance - you also need to pay attention to these parameters.

Recommendations for rehabilitation after mesotherapy of the skin around the eyes

A correctly performed procedure using high-quality drugs is only half the success. The recovery period plays an equally important role, because improper care of the area around the eyelids can negate the effectiveness of the procedure . Microdamage to the skin makes it vulnerable, so during this period the protective forces are greatly reduced. The most careful care is needed during the first week after the procedure, during which time swelling of the lower eyelid or lumps under the skin may even persist. This reaction is considered normal within 1-2 days after mesotherapy. In order to protect yourself as much as possible from various troubles, you need to follow the rules:

  • reduce exposure to ultraviolet radiation (both natural and artificial) on the skin around the eyes. You need to use protective creams and sunglasses;
  • avoid overheating the body, so it is better to avoid hot baths, saunas, steam baths;
  • refuse aggressive cosmetics (especially alcohol lotions) until the wounds are completely healed;
  • temporarily do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and cigarettes;
  • do not engage in active sports, as due to increased metabolism, the components of cocktails may be released without fulfilling their function.

With peptides

Mesoeye is considered the best peptide cocktail. Its main active component is proteins of a special structure that have a positive effect on metabolism in the cells of the dermis, removing excess fluid and accelerating skin renewal. Injections also reduce swelling and eliminate unsightly circles under the eyes.

Exercises against wrinkles under the eyes

Eye gymnastics will also get rid of fine wrinkles and keep the skin around the eyelids elastic. This wonderful product will help reduce wrinkles under the eyes in men who do not like to use cosmetics.

By doing the following exercises, you can increase the tone of the eyes, relieve fatigue from them, and improve blood circulation in the eye muscles:

  • "Carousel" - rotation of the eyes in a circle. Hold your face with your hands.
  • Eyes closed. Place the pads of the index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes, the middle ones on the middle of the eyebrows, and the ring fingers on the inner corners. In this position, resisting the pressure of your fingers, squint your eyes, and then frown. This can be done about five times.
  • Lightly close your eyelids and blink, then relax your eye muscles.
  • Mentally stretch the eyeballs inside the skull, trying to turn them into a “sausage”.

As a result, not only will wrinkles be straightened out, but vision will also improve, facial expression will change, sparkle will appear in the eyes, and puffiness under the eyes will gradually begin to decrease. These exercises for under eye wrinkles are easy to do and can be done discreetly at any time of the day and anywhere.

The main thing is to ensure that the exercises do not turn into random grimacing, so it’s better to do them in front of a mirror first. If your eyes get tired, you shouldn't waste them.


At first after mesotherapy, there may be tissue swelling, facial redness and hematomas in the eye area. Side effects and complications usually occur when the rules of asepsis are not followed or the injection technique is incorrect. If swelling of the eyes appears after mesotherapy, you should consult a specialist.

Side effects include the appearance of:

  • infectious process;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • fibrous changes;
  • allergies.

After the procedure, gentle care is required to correct wrinkles and eliminate bags under the eyes. Sudden changes in temperature are not allowed, so you should not go to the sauna, solarium, or swimming pool during rehabilitation. For this reason, the skin must be protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, so apply sunscreen before going outside.

The use of cosmetics is allowed after the tissue has healed. You cannot use a scrub, drink alcohol, play sports or smoke. Under the influence of these factors, medicinal substances will be eliminated faster and the effect will be less. The course must be repeated after 6-12 months.

Causes of dark circles

The structure of the area around the eyes is characterized by the close location of blood vessels and soft tissues to the skin.

The color that we see in the lower eyelid area is the “lumen” of blood vessels and tissues through our skin. In most cases, the color of the skin itself has absolutely nothing to do with it!

If in youth, with a healthy, unslag-free body, there is a small layer of fat between the skin and tissues in the eye area, then over the years it becomes thinner and modified, thereby provoking visual changes in the area under the eyes.

Look how many blood vessels there are around the eyes and what kind of “glow” they give:

The skin itself also loses its density and elasticity over the years, and sometimes acquires dark pigmentation.

Pathological changes

With an unhealthy lifestyle or the manifestation of any diseases, lymphatic drainage and microcirculation of fluid in the body are disrupted. Diseases of the liver and kidneys are accompanied by an increased content of toxins in the body, which in turn provokes the appearance of dark areas with a yellow tint. A low level of oxygen transport in the circulatory system provokes the appearance of “bruises” of purple and blue shades. This is a very general diagnostic assessment, but in general, the color of the area under the eyes can signal a particular disease.

If any disease has haunted you since childhood, then circles around the eyes can be observed from the same age.

Age reasons.

With age, subcutaneous fat shifts, its amount decreases, and the skin becomes thinner. If previously the blood vessels and tissues of the periorbital region were “hidden” by thick skin and subcutaneous fat, then with age the vessels with tissues begin to “see through” and give a blue or dark color.

Rarely, the pigmentation of the epidermis under the eyes can change with age, then the causes of problematic formations in the periorbital zone can be several factors, including the skin color itself.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid

Fillers, i.e. soft gel based on hyaluronic acid - considered the most effective way to get rid of wrinkles, tear trenches and bruises in the eye area. Fillers, just like mesotherapy, are preparations based on hyaluronic acid, enriched with a complex of vitamins and amino acids. The fundamental difference between mesotherapy and fillers is the density of the drug. Fillers are a soft gel, so they not only rejuvenate the skin by stimulating the production of collagen, but also fill in wrinkles and eye sockets. And if mesotherapy can be practiced from the age of 25-28, then fillers, approximately from 40, but in this case everything depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the decision of the cosmetologist.

During the procedure, filler is injected into the eye orbit, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out, bruises, tear trenches and the effect of sunken eyes disappear. The drug is evenly distributed throughout the rehab area, and the rejuvenation result lasts up to one and a half years.

To correct wrinkles around the eyes, relatively soft gels are used, for example: Restylane Touch and Juvederm Ultra 2, as well as less dense gels for smoothing out fine wrinkles or denser ones for deep wrinkles. Which gel to use to correct the area around the eyes is determined by a cosmetologist.

Everything would be fine, but it is hyaluronic fillers that are characterized by the so-called Tyndall effect. This means that hyaluronic acid, colorless by nature, is refracted under the influence of light rays, and the skin acquires bluish or purple stripes. In fairness, it should be noted that they are visible only on very thin and sensitive skin. The effect disappears only when the gel is completely dissolved, that is, after about six months. In addition, according to some women, the injected fillers, especially at first, create the effect of swollen eyelids.

Important! Before deciding to introduce fillers, as well as any other anti-aging procedure, find a good cosmetologist who will assess the condition of the skin and suggest the optimal anti-aging procedure

What medications can be used for circles (bruises) under the eyes?

Patients get scared when they hear advice to inject the drug under the eyes. On the one hand, the technique is successfully used by many cosmetologists. On the other hand, it’s one thing to inject into the nasolabial folds, and another into the area under the eyes.

Important: it’s not enough to choose the right drug; you need to carefully consider both the choice of a doctor and the choice of correction method!

If the cosmetologist has sufficient knowledge, then it is painless and safe:

  • To treat the eyelids (unlike other areas on the face), less viscous and non-stretchy fillers are used, which eliminates over-correction in such a delicate area;
  • The preparations must be based on hyaluronic acid; no other compounds are introduced into the orbital area;
  • The filler for dark circles under the eyes is injected using a special technique - a cannula through a puncture in the cheekbone, which avoids bruises and pain.

Introduction technique:

The main task of correcting the area under the eyes is not to affect the many blood vessels in this area. Therefore, injections are administered using a flexible cannula through a puncture made in the cheekbone area.

The correct point of administration of the drug, at which there will be no side effects (hematomas, papules, swelling, etc.).

After this, the drug is distributed directly under the eyes deep into the tissues in a fan manner.

Correct and careful adherence to the technology guarantees the absence of bruises, swelling, hemorrhages and other traces of contouring after its completion. And the procedure itself lasts 15-25 minutes!

Unfortunately, not all cosmetologists in Moscow are familiar with this method , so they refuse to perform the procedure, and sometimes even criticize it, dissuading patients from “potential injuries.” Their proposals include biorevitalization of the area under the eyes and saturation of the skin with hyaluronic acid. This method is fraught with consequences that greatly discredit both cosmetology itself and specific types of correction.

Once again, please note that with the correct technique, you should not have any traces left after the procedure!

Cost of the procedure

For the reasons stated above, the cost of the procedure depends not only on the cost of the drug, but also on the skill level of the doctor.

Our cost for correcting the area under the eyes ranges from 14,000 to 39,000 rubles, the result will last for 12-16 months.

Sign up for a consultation with the chief physician, Levon Robertovich Chakhoyan, is an active trainer and expert at Merz (a German manufacturer of cosmetic preparations), who teaches cosmetologists his proprietary technique at his seminars.

Fillers are only premium class, the doctor works only with a cannula, swelling and hematomas are excluded.

Leave your phone number and we will offer you a discount from 5 to 15%!


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Mesotherapy for bags under the eyes is not performed if:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • oncology;
  • acne and inflammation;
  • viral diseases;
  • tendency to keloid scars;
  • intolerance to mesococktail components;
  • diabetes mellitus

The procedure cannot be done for chronic diseases in the acute stage. Mesotherapy is prohibited for infectious processes, bleeding disorders and the presence of autoimmune diseases.

Contraindications for which injection procedures should not be performed

Before starting the injection procedure, you should carefully read the list of contraindications for which it is not recommended to use these methods. After all, the drug itself or its component, which is so necessary to remove age-related changes under the eyes, can be harmful to health or cause an allergic reaction.

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In addition to the mandatory consultation with a cosmetologist, you should not start a course of injections if:

  • a woman is expecting a child or is breastfeeding;
  • if there are any infectious diseases accompanied by fever or general malaise;
  • there are skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis) or allergic reactions to the components of the drugs may occur;
  • fungal diseases of the skin in the injection area were identified;
  • the patient has wounds, cuts or scratches on her face;
  • the woman suffers from diseases accompanied by poor blood clotting or is taking a course of medications to thin the blood;
  • A lady is undergoing a course of hardware procedures to remove bags under her eyes.

Home procedure

A device called a mesoscooter will allow you to replace the injection salon procedure. This device includes a roller with fine needles and is therefore similar in appearance to a hedgehog. The essence of the procedure is the formation of microchannels in the tissue area treated with a mesoscooter. Because of this, there is an acceleration of metabolism, increased blood and lymph flow, and recovery is also initiated.

To perform a home procedure, products with hyaluronic acid, collagen and vitamin complexes are used. The mesoscooter should have small needles (0.2 mm) to prevent injury to the sensitive skin of the face. At the end or beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to treat the device with a disinfectant.

What can you do at home using pharmaceutical products?

Since salon mesotherapy is quite expensive, many girls are interested in whether they can do the procedure themselves. Indeed, it is quite possible to carry it out at home.

They are devices equipped with small needles that treat the skin of the face. In this case, the dermis is pierced to a shallower depth. However, healthy cocktails still get under the skin, which ensures its smoothness and elasticity.

In order for the procedure to be as successful as possible, you need to consult a cosmetologist before performing it. The specialist will select the most suitable drug depending on the existing problems.

To prevent unpleasant consequences, mesotherapy at home using pharmaceutical products must be carried out in accordance with certain rules:

  • Before starting the procedure, be sure to treat the device with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. The skin must be cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. The face should also be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Before the start of the session, a therapeutic cocktail is applied to the skin, and then the face is treated with a meso roller for 10-15 minutes. When using a mesoscooter, all movements are performed along massage lines - you need to do about 10-12 repetitions.
  • If pain occurs, the skin should be treated with an anesthetic. After the procedure is completed, the device is cleaned again with an antiseptic.

Is it possible to do mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes at home?

An alternative to professional mesotherapy is the use of a mesoscooter, which can be used independently at home.

This device is a roller with silicone spikes on the handle. As a result of such skin care, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improve, and the access of nutrients to the deep layers of the epidermis is facilitated. Before the procedure, you also need to treat your face with an antiseptic, then apply products with the same ingredients that are part of the meso-cocktails, and at the end of the procedure, apply soothing masks.


Photos before and after eye mesotherapy allow you to verify the result. According to reviews, a properly selected drug really eliminates bags under the eyes. The skin color also improves, it becomes elastic and firm.

An excellent effect is ensured if the rules of the procedure are followed. It is also important to properly care for your face, and then a positive result of mesotherapy is guaranteed.

Recommendations on how to care for your face after a course of injections

After carrying out any of the described procedures, no special care is required, but following some rules will help you quickly get rid of side effects.

  • You should not wash your face with too hot water for 3-4 days.
  • It is not recommended to visit a sauna or bathhouse for two weeks after a course of injections.
  • You should not sunbathe or go to the solarium for about 10 days; during the rehabilitation period, you should protect your face from the sun's rays with special creams and use sunglasses.
  • Under no circumstances should you scratch or rub the injection sites.
  • You should not use decorative cosmetics for at least a few days.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages of any strength before or after a course of injections.

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Contraindications for mesocorrection of the skin around the eyes

Facial mesotherapy - real examples Mesotherapy is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. But there are cases when the procedure needs to be abandoned or postponed for a certain period. Risk factors are:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the mesococktail;
  • AIDS and cancer;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • cholelithiasis;

Classic mesotherapy is an injection method of rejuvenation. Therefore, despite all its benefits, there are side effects. As a result of injections, bruises, swelling, and hematomas may occur. The skin at the injection sites may turn red. Some components of the drug are of animal origin, so allergic reactions to protein components are possible.

Mesotherapy is a popular and widespread area of ​​modern cosmetology. However, discomfort during the procedure and traces after it alarm many patients. Therefore, the ultra-modern method of non-injection mesotherapy is becoming very popular. It allows you to transport medicinal drugs into the middle layers of the skin without violating its integrity.

The technique is based on the phenomenon of electroporation. Under the influence of electric current, channels are formed between the cells, allowing molecules of active substances to penetrate into them. Molecular structures can be of different sizes and penetrate to the required depth. This makes it possible to use different mixtures of drugs and solve patient problems.

The mesoscooter can be used on all areas of the skin, including the area around the eyes

It should be noted the use of a mesoscooter during needle-free mesotherapy. The device is being used by cosmetologists more and more often, which is an effective method without the risk of side effects. The mesoscooter device, which resembles a hedgehog, acts on the skin for a short time, about a minute. In such a short period of time, many micro-perforations are produced, acting as channels for the penetration of active substances.

Reviews about mesotherapy around the eyes can be found on the pages of women's forums and special sites about cosmetology. Many people note a quick and noticeable effect of rejuvenation after undergoing the procedure. The skin becomes hydrated, more toned and elastic. Fans of cosmetic procedures also strongly advise finding a good specialist. And then positive results will not take long to arrive.

Every woman dreams of removing wrinkles from her eyes. You need to start fighting them at the very first stages of their appearance.

Unexpectedly, we discover the first signs of fading, noticing small lines around the eyes. At first they appear not particularly noticeable, at the outer corners of the eyelids, and soon they become more and more distinct, fanning out from the outer corners.

“Crow's feet,” as they are popularly called, appear in some people after the age of fifteen. You have to think about how to remove wrinkles under the eyes. If you do nothing, then by the age of thirty, longitudinal wrinkles appear on the eyelids. Over the years they become more and more aggravated.

Types of mesotherapy

There are two approaches to performing anti-aging manipulations:

  1. Using injections;
  2. Using a cosmetology device.

In the first case, mesotherapy under the eyes is performed by pinpointing the active components with a very thin needle under the skin. The second method involves the presence of a special apparatus capable of penetrating the active substances into the dermis layer.

The injection approach allows you to achieve quick results in several procedures, but has a number of disadvantages in the form of side effects:

  • temporary swelling and redness of the skin at the puncture sites;
  • the appearance of small bruises.

This method of introducing a rejuvenating composition involves pain. If the patient’s pain threshold is high, mesotherapists use painkillers that can eliminate discomfort and provide eye mesotherapy with comfort.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, slight swelling and redness disappear on the second or third day.

The non-injection method (electroporation) is designed for people who do not tolerate injections well or who want to avoid a rehabilitation period. In this case, a rejuvenating cocktail is applied to the prepared skin surface, after which the area of ​​the epidermis is treated with a special device. The essence of the treatment is to ensure penetration of the product deep into the skin.

Both methods of mesotherapy around the eyes give a lasting positive result, as evidenced by the photos before and after the course of procedures.

The only difference is the number of sessions. If for rejuvenation with injections a course of 3-7 procedures with breaks of 2 weeks is sufficient, then electroporation will require at least 10 manipulations, 1-2 per week.


The average price of 1 procedure is 3 thousand rubles, and the entire course costs 9-20 thousand. These are approximate prices, they depend on the region, clinic, and method of performing mesotherapy. To save money, you can find discount coupons on special portals; you just need to choose a specialist or clinic based on reviews. It should be borne in mind that saving in these cases can lead to unpleasant consequences. It is necessary to clarify what products the cosmetologist works with, since this affects the result of the procedure.

Properly performed mesotherapy eliminates age-related changes and helps to obtain a rejuvenating effect. You can prevent serious complications after the procedure if you go to cosmetology clinics where experienced specialists work.

Skin care after mesotherapy

This type of mesotherapy does not require a special regime after the procedure. However, doctors recommend:

  • Refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, solarium and avoid exposure to open sunlight. To do this, you need to use cream with SPF protection and good dark glasses.
  • During the course of mesotherapy, you should not overdo it with decorative cosmetics. It must be removed using delicate means and with utmost care.
  • Before and after the procedure, you should not drink alcoholic beverages, as this can lead to complications.
  • During the first days after injections, you should not wash your face with hot water. It should be at room temperature. In this case, you cannot use scrubs and peels.
  • During rehabilitation you should not engage in physical activity.

Watch this video about how to choose a drug for mesotherapy around the eyes, what consequences may occur after the procedure:

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