Horse pathogen: what it is and how it works 

The name of the drug, which has taken root among the people, reveals the secret of its true purpose. Initially, the drug stimulated sexual activity in livestock: horses, pigs and cows. Thus, with its help the population was regulated. However, the research led to a stunning conclusion. The main substance of the drug affects certain brain centers not only in animals, but also in people. Is this a myth or reality and how to use the horse pathogen correctly, we will consider in the article.

Where to buy Horse Exciter

If you are tired of constant problems in sex or you feel discomfort during intimacy, buy and try the effect of the Horse Exciter on yourself. In fact, it is a veterinary drug that helps support sexual function in animals .

For a long period of time, the product was used for breeding cattle. Its composition contains a certain reflex necessary to speed up the fertilization process.

It is sold in the form of a testicular extract by the company A-Biofabrika. Thanks to the convenient release form, the drops easily dissolve in a drink - you can even take them secretly from your partner. The drug is tasteless, odorless and colorless. The bottle contains 25 milliliters of liquid, which is enough for 30 or more uses.

The drug increases libido

Action and effect

The equine pathogen has an effect on central and peripheral receptors, as a result of which the patient increases motor and brain activity, increases sexual desire and increases the degree of sensitivity.

In men suffering from erectile dysfunction, equine stimulant improves the quality of erection and physical endurance. The active component increases the tone of smooth muscles and dilates blood vessels, as a result of which blood flows more strongly to the pelvic organs. During sexual arousal, such blood circulation helps to achieve a strong and long-lasting erection. Thus, the product ensures the elimination of premature ejaculation and maximum satisfaction from sex.

For women, the equine pathogen acts as a stimulant: it relaxes and tones the mucous membrane of the vaginal tissue, dilates blood vessels and activates internal blood circulation. Under its influence, the patient feels a surge of strength and vigor, as well as a healthy sexual attraction to her partner. The product increases the release of vaginal secretions, increasing the overall quality and duration of sexual intercourse.

The use of Horse Exciter helps improve self-confidence, fights fear and complexes. The remedy will be effective for those who cannot completely relax and enjoy the act due to embarrassment and tightness.

The effect of the equine pathogen appears 20 minutes after taking 5-10 drops. The effect lasts for several hours.

Indications for use

The horse pathogen has the following indications for use:

  • feeling of constant fatigue and overwork - the active rhythm of life can so deplete a person’s physical condition that he will be unable to have sex;
  • the presence of a source of stress - psychological pressure from the outside inhibits the normal functioning of the reproductive system;
  • a person’s uncertainty, his dissatisfaction with his appearance - taking a pathogen occurs when you do not feel relaxed enough in bed or are trying to complete sexual intercourse faster;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body - interruptions in the production of estrogen are the direct cause of the development of frigidity and erectile dysfunction;
  • the presence of diseases in the reproductive system - its symptoms can lead to irreversible physiological changes, and also be accompanied by sharp and prolonged pain in the pelvic area.

The drug can also be used by those people who do not have intimate problems, but want to refresh their relationship with their partner, surprise him with relaxed behavior and add more passion to everyday sex.

Mechanism of action for women

The drug activates the central nervous and autonomic systems, and also increases blood flow to the genitals. As a result, the woman receives:

  • Increased sexual arousal. The pelvic muscles relax;
  • There is a release of gonadotropic hormones, which contributes not only to achieving orgasm, but also to reducing the time for this;
  • Tactile sensitivity increases;
  • During sexual intercourse, an increase in endurance is observed;
  • Half of the respondents note the onset of multi-orgasm.

What does it consist of?

The equine pathogen consists of Yohimbine (another name is Quebraquin). Its concentration is not so high, due to which the product is not included in the medicinal group. The active substance is extracted from the bark of a plant that is common in South Africa.

In its pure form, Yohimbine appears as colorless crystals. Its melting point is 236 degrees. Today, the horse pathogen is adapted to the physiological needs of people , due to which it is actively used to increase sexual arousal.

In men, the product eliminates the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, which prevents the ability to perform a full-fledged act, as well as receive pleasure while achieving orgasm. It helps women achieve the desired level of arousal.

Composition of the magic remedy

Despite the prevailing stereotype, a modern “pathogen” for humans is very different from a veterinary drug. This sexual dope is nothing more than an extract of testicular serum. According to the documentation, it is not considered a drug, but is called a biological additive. Therefore, it is absolutely safe for use at home.

And for those who are afraid to use the “horse pathogen”, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the other components in its composition:

  • Yohimbine . The natural substance is an extract from the African plant of the same name. Research has proven it to be an effective treatment for impotence. In practice, there is an increase in libido;
  • L-arginine . The effect is aimed at improving blood circulation. Thanks to this, nerve endings located in erogenous zones become more sensitive. This component of the equine pathogen is intended for women, as it also increases the concentration of estrogen. And this hormone mainly regulates female libido;
  • Ginseng . The miracle herb has a tonic effect and increases stamina. The high content of vitamins and oils in ginseng promotes sensual mood and excitement.

As can be seen from the composition, the drug is harmless and does not contain chemicals. The most important thing is that it is not addictive, so it will not affect either men’s or women’s health in any way.

How does the equine pathogen act on the body?

The equine pathogen affects the human body as follows:

  1. causes rapid heartbeat;
  2. increases blood pressure;
  3. stimulates sexual activity;
  4. sharpens sensations when touched;
  5. increases physical activity;
  6. promotes the achievement of multi-orgasm.

A special word should be said about the sympatholytic effect, which manifests itself in the following. As a result of the effect on the circulatory system, the pelvic organs are better supplied with blood, due to which a person feels a strong desire to have sex.

Regular intake of equine pathogen helps normalize the functioning of presynaptic alpha receptors. Given this feature, it can cause a number of side effects.

Thanks to the stimulant, the desire to have sex increases

Myth and reality

Marketing slogans about this product do not always reflect reality. Contrary to advertising, a woman who uses such a stimulant does not lose her head, attacking her partner in any situation.

A magical remedy does not guarantee multiple orgasms and enchanting sensations hitherto unfamiliar to the average person. All these calls are nothing more than part of a PR campaign aimed at active sales of an already in-demand drug.

Horse stimulant is a biologically active supplement that stimulates sexual desire in both men and women. Helps to relax in bed, prolong sexual intercourse, and increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

With regard to serious pathologies, including impotence, the effectiveness of dietary supplements has not been confirmed by clinical trials. Therefore, the horse pathogen should be considered solely as a way to improve the quality of intimate relationships, but not as a panacea for serious sexual disorders. Only following the instructions and a favorable attitude towards intimacy will help you achieve the highest pleasure in bed without threatening your health.

What are the contraindications for use?

The horse pathogen has a number of contraindications for use. It should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions, otherwise the risk of poisoning increases significantly.

Before taking the product, make sure there are no contraindications:

  • symptoms of arterial hypertension;
  • symptoms of ischemic heart disease;
  • the presence of serious abnormalities in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • severe diseases of the nervous system;
  • high sensitivity to Yohimbine;
  • problems with heart rate.

To avoid a negative reaction, consult your doctor or find out how to replace the pathogen.

How to take Equine pathogen correctly

To achieve maximum effect, Equine Pathogen must be taken correctly. Thanks to its convenient release form, neutral odor and lack of color, it can be dissolved in any liquid. The horse pathogen has an internal method of administration.

To get the result, dilute the product with water in the following amount:

weight up to 65 kilograms5-8 drops
weight 65-80 kilograms8-70 drops
weight over 80 kilograms10-15 drops

The most intense effect in humans is observed during the first hour. The total duration of action is up to three hours. To consolidate the results obtained, the manufacturer recommends going through a full cycle of treatment.

Correct dosage

The equine pathogen is sold in pharmacies in the form of drops in a hermetically sealed 25 ml dark glass bottle. The instructions say that when more than 20 drops of the drug are consumed with any drink, a person completely loses control over himself and turns into a violent and inadequate animal.

Buy only the product called VTS in pharmacies.

Side effects from overdose do not last long and usually go away within three hours without medical intervention.

The optimal dose of the product is 10 drops for representatives of either sex. But if a woman weighs less than 60 kg, then she should take no more than 5 to 7 drops. Once in the body, the Equine pathogen begins to act after 10 - 15 minutes, the effect lasts 2 - 3 hours, which is enough to perform high-quality intimate intercourse.

Consequences of overdose

The consequences of an overdose of the equine pathogen manifest themselves in the form of adverse reactions:

from the digestive tractnausea and vomiting, loose stools, digestive disorders
from the nervous systemclouding of consciousness, high nervous excitability, headaches and constant “hot flashes”
from the cardiovascular systemshortness of breath and difficulty breathing, a sharp increase in blood pressure, curvature of the septa of the venous vessels
from the genitourinary systempainful process of urination, development of the inflammatory process

It is correct to take the equine pathogen as part of a comprehensive treatment. He fights diseases that have not only a psychogenic, but also a physiological cause. The horse pathogen must be taken independently. Its addition to drinks without the person’s knowledge is prohibited. The consequences of an overdose can be dire.

Customer Reviews

The effect of the drug has been tested by many men. The horse pathogen, reviews of which are both negative and positive, affects people differently. Some people do not notice the effect at all, others confirm that the stimulant works and talk about the rapid onset of excitement. It is impossible to say exactly who and under what conditions the drug will help. Sometimes the result is achieved through self-hypnosis.

It should be recalled that the stimulant for men is a temporary aid and does not completely eliminate the erection problem

Many men are interested in where to buy the product and how much they will have to pay for it. The equine pathogen can be purchased at a pharmacy where products with non-traditional drugs are available. It is also sold in sex shops and specialty stores, and can be ordered online. It is better not to purchase the product from dubious sites, so as not to harm the body, because the effect of a fake can be unpredictable.

The price of the drug varies from 900 to 3500 rubles. The bottle is enough for about 50 drops. Before using the pathogen, it is better to consult with a specialist to determine the dosage schedule and the required dose.

It should be recalled that the stimulant for men is a temporary aid and does not completely eliminate the erection problem. Until the cause of dysfunction is cured, libido can be improved with the help of a stimulant.

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