Badger jet: what is it and what does it help with?

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Today there are many ways to increase male strength. Beaver stream for potency is no exception. But this remedy has many, both positive and negative sides. Let's consider the effect of this product on the sexual activity of men.

The beaver jet has been known since ancient times and today it remains popular among the people. It is used for many diseases, including male impotence. Today we’ll talk about this.

Beaver stream for men - healing properties

Beaver stream (Castoreum), a brownish cheesy mass with a strong tarry odor, contained in paired sacs (musk glands) near the anus of the animal. Traditional medicine recommends using an extract from the animal’s musk gland to improve immunity, and traditional medicine has been using infusions, ointments, powders, and suppositories for a huge range of diseases:

  • to restore the body after illness or hard work;
  • for people who work mentally and physically for a long time, maintaining clarity of mind;
  • for the prevention of infectious diseases;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system (especially in the stronger half of humanity);
  • to increase libido;
  • for various disorders of the skin and mucous membrane (wounds, ulcers, eczema, hemorrhoids, stomatitis, etc.);
  • for arthritis, arthrosis and joint pain.

What are the benefits of beaver jet for men?

The beaver lives only in ecologically clean reservoirs and feeds on plant foods. The musk glands accumulate useful substances (microelements, enzymes, essential oils, etc.) from medicinal herbs in high concentration. Enzymes that increase the production of hormones (testosterone), increase sexual desire and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. The antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties of castoreum help cope with delicate problems of men's health (not replacing medications prescribed by a doctor, but helping the body fight the disease).

Health-correcting effect

The substance is used not only for treatment purposes, but also as an additional component to improve well-being. It is especially used in cases of hormonal imbalance, which directly affects the reproduction process.

By strictly following the instructions for use of the drug, the result will be noticeable in just a couple of weeks. If taken correctly, you will not find any side effects. As a result, you will receive not only improved potency, but also normal ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

By restoring your sexual activity, you directly increase male libido. In addition to its main effect on the genitals, it replenishes all the missing vitamins and elements in the body, which have a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthening it.

Important! Proper functioning of the male reproductive system is the key to a healthy and fulfilling life.

The effectiveness of the substance is based on the nutrition of rodents. They eat about 150 different medicinal herbs. This accumulated beneficial composition is considered a universal remedy for all ills, which also helps to rejuvenate the body.

All organ systems in our body are interconnected, therefore, male strength and activity are lost if at least one of the systems does not function properly. It is for this reason that it is important to monitor your health.

How a beaver stream can help:

  • reduces the risk of early signs of aging;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • eliminates foci of inflammatory processes in all organ systems.

This unique composition is considered an excellent assistant for restoring male strength. The main thing is that it can be used not only for treatment purposes, but also as a preventive measure. Based on its composition and properties, it is unlikely that a similar substance will be found.

It will be very difficult to increase potency without a beaver jet, because it helps to activate all processes in the body, having a restorative effect on it. This will be noticeable not only internally, but also externally. For example, efficiency increases, there is no rapid overwork, and chronic fatigue is not felt. This is also considered another component for the normal functioning of the male body.

Important! The effectiveness of the product directly depends on the correct preparation and administration, and how to drink beaver stream for potency read below.

What diseases does beaver jet treat in men?

First of all, these are diseases of the genitourinary area:

  • prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • erectile dysfunction (impaired potency);
  • chronic pelvic pain syndrome, etc.

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are a sore subject to which no man will be indifferent. Even those who do not suffer from these ailments today understand that they may be affected tomorrow.

These diseases require long-term treatment, are exhausting, and worsen the psychological state of the patient. A young, strong man loses interest in the opposite sex, in life, and becomes lethargic and indifferent. Let's look at what these diseases are and how beaver stream helps to be treated at home.

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Beaver stream for prostatitis

Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland. This gland is located under the bladder and encircles the initial part of the urethra like a ring (hence the pain when urinating with prostatitis). The disease is caused by various bacteria and hypothermia. Congestion in the pelvis leads to chronic, non-bacterial prostatitis (sedentary lifestyle, abstinence), it is also called chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Beaver stream improves immunity, fights bacteria, improves blood flow. These beneficial properties are needed for the treatment of prostatitis.

To determine the dosage, consult your doctor; you need to know the weight and height of the patient, in what form the disease occurs, acute or chronic. In the acute period, castoreum is prescribed as an adjuvant, for chronic prostatitis, as the main drug and treatment lasts for a year or more. The stream is taken in the form:

  • alcohol or vodka tincture;
  • powder;
  • candles.

In the acute stage of inflammation, take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day in the morning and evening, use rectal suppositories before bedtime. The stream increases blood flow to the pelvis, relieves inflammation of the prostate and pain when urinating, having a slight diuretic effect, and facilitates the process of passing urine.

In the chronic stage, take 5 drops of tincture 2 times a day for a month, then take a 10-day break and repeat the course. Until the symptoms of prostatitis disappear. Take a stream of beaver in powder form, 1 gram 2 times a day, washed down with water or coffee, or hidden in a piece of bread. The scheme is the same as with alcohol tincture.

Propolis is added to beaver musk and a stream of honey is taken. The recipe for making beaver stream with honey at home is simple: mix one part of the stream and four parts of honey well, heating it for steam. The shelf life of such a stream, as well as alcoholic infusions, is long, but take into account allergic reactions to beekeeping products.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with beaver stream

This is a benign prostate tumor. Age-related enlargement of the prostate leads to compression of the urinary canal and impedes the outflow of urine. In men after 45 years, hormonal changes and prostate hyperplasia occur. The condition is worsened by slow blood circulation in the pelvis (sedentary work, abstinence, alcohol, smoking, constipation). Prostate adenoma, if left untreated, can develop into cancer. To prevent such complications, it is necessary to donate blood every year for a tumor marker of the prostate gland, the so-called PSA ( prostate-specific antigen ), and drink a course of beaver jet. Castoreum is a strong antioxidant, this property helps in the fight against cancer cells.

We will treat prostate adenoma with a concentrated infusion of beaver stream. Fresh, dried or dried beaver musk glands are infused in medical alcohol at a temperature no higher than 70 degrees for about 1 month, and then the alcohol is evaporated in a water bath to a paste. This paste can be diluted with water, take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for a month, then take a 10-day break and repeat the course. Both powder and candles with beaver musk are used in therapy. Only the powder replaces the infusion of the jet, and use candles additionally. Compresses with infusion on the lower abdomen or perineum help well (the alcohol is diluted with water so as not to damage the delicate skin).

Prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is treated with high doses of musk. We start treatment with 5 drops of beaver stream 6 times a day, 3 times in the morning and 3 times in the evening, increasing to 15 drops by the end of the day. On all subsequent days we take 1 teaspoon 6 times a day for 2 to 5 months, then a break of 1 month and repeat the regimen. The high concentration of antioxidants in beaver stream stops the growth of cancer cells. Before use, consult a doctor.

How to take for impotence

Erectile dysfunction and sexual impotence are not a death sentence. Our great-grandfathers had 10-15 children and sometimes became fathers at 60 and 70 years old. Physical activity, healthy eating and health problems were solved not in pharmacies, but with the help of traditional medicine.

If impotence is caused by hormonal disorders or loss of strength, then the jet is an irreplaceable thing in this delicate matter. Beaver stream will boost immunity, normalize hormonal levels (increase testosterone), increase endurance and sperm speed. If there is an inflammatory process in the body, then the tincture of the jet will cope with this too.

We start drinking the tincture of the jet with small doses of 10-15 drops 3 times a day, then increase to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals and the last dose before bed. The duration of treatment depends on the patient's condition. Sometimes the function is restored after a week's course, and sometimes you have to drink the stream for 3 months. For prevention, take a course of treatment for 1 month, 2 times a year.

The powder is also used instead of an alcohol or vodka solution, 1 gram 3 times a day with food or with water. Apply lotions from the infusion to the lower abdomen, keep for 1 hour, wrapped in warmth, increases blood flow to the pelvic organs. Rectal suppositories before bedtime enhance the therapeutic effect.

Beaver stream for potency

Weak potency and lack of long-term erection are a sign that the body needs help and men’s health is at risk. By taking a course of castoreum for prevention in the spring and fall, you will already increase your libido and improve your sex life. Even the sharp tar smell of the jet increases attraction to the opposite sex. To increase potency and normal ejaculation, drink 2-3 teaspoons per day for 1 month, then a 10-day break. Compresses and suppositories help. They are used additionally, just as in the treatment of impotence.

How to work with the animal gland to increase potency?

To strengthen potency, beaver stream is taken orally or in the form of external lotions. The duration of the course of treatment reaches 2 weeks, this period of time is enough to notice a positive effect. After each course of treatment there is a break of 1 month.

Beaver stream extract for potency

You can take dry gland to make a medicinal substance and grind it into crumbs in a food processor. The freshly prepared mixture must be kept cool at all times. And then it is enough to take 1 tsp orally. active substance once a day.

Men are often interested in how to properly drink beaver stream for potency. You can consume the natural drink as a strong tincture, adding a small amount of water or tea. As part of the course of treatment, it will be necessary to consume 1 tbsp orally three times a day. l. medicine. Men should stop taking the drug right before rest; it is better to take the final dose 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Contraindications and side effects

Castoreum has few contraindications, since it is a natural remedy. It is necessary to follow the recipe and use high-quality raw materials; improperly dried or moldy beaver gland is not suitable for cooking. There is another feature - the smell of musk. Harsh, persistent, it can cause intolerance, or less often an allergic reaction. You should not take beaver stream:

  • for syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases;
  • with diseased adrenal glands;
  • for allergies.

We start taking it with small doses to avoid a sharp increase in blood pressure. And remember that the aqueous solution of the jet has a limited shelf life of 1-2 months. Accuracy in the prescription, dosage and continuity of administration guarantees relief from problems. Since castoreum increases the body's strength, taking it may cause sleep disturbances. Caution should be exercised when giving the infusion of the jet to people with mental illness, so as not to provoke unpredictable activity.

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Despite the fact that castoreum is a natural remedy, there are a number of restrictions on its use:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • internal reception is not recommended for children under 16 years of age, external - up to 7 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to the composition of the stream;
  • pathologies of the adrenal glands;
  • venereal diseases.

When taking beaver musk preparations, it is important to follow the treatment regimen specified in the instructions, and when calculating the dose, take into account the patient’s age and weight

If you want to make castoreum-based products yourself, be very careful when purchasing raw materials. Remember, the composition of musk depends on the animal’s habitat and whether it was stressed during fishing. Unfortunately, iron can only be obtained by killing a rodent.

But, if the animal did not die instantly, but suffered stress before death, the healing substance loses some of its properties.

Now you know what a beaver stream is and what it is used for. But, despite the wide range of beneficial properties, you must understand that there is no panacea for deadly diseases. Castoreum can only be used as an adjuvant under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

In what form should beaver stream be taken for medicinal purposes against male diseases?

For treatment, an infusion of beaver stream in alcohol (alcohol, vodka, moonshine) and a stream in powder form are most often used. It is believed that the infusion is more effective than the dry stream. This is explained by the fact that most of the beneficial substances from the beaver gland do not dissolve in water, but only in alcohol. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood faster and, therefore, the alcohol infusion of beaver stream is completely absorbed by the body.

Getting into the stomach in the form of a dry powder, the stream gradually enters the blood, and some of the beneficial substances are naturally excreted from the body.

Candles and lotions are used as an additional means to enhance the therapeutic effect and are made on the basis of dry powder or beaver stream infusion.

They add honey, propolis, medicinal herbs to the stream, and make ointments from natural fat with beaver musk. Less often they make a water infusion.

Beaver stream in the form of tincture

The medicinal tincture is easy to prepare at home. You can see how to do this yourself in our article “Recipes for the proper preparation of tinctures, ointments, and candles from beaver stream.” It is more correct and easier to purchase the infusion from manufacturers who work with licensed hunters. Companies that value their reputation know how to choose high-quality raw materials and monitor manufacturing technology. But the main disadvantage of homemade infusion is that we take one or two beaver glands, while manufacturers use a large number of musk glands from beavers that live in different bodies of water. Beavers from different habitats use a variety of medicinal herbs for food, and the more glands they infuse, the more useful substances there are in such a tincture.

Dry beaver stream

When it is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol during treatment, use beaver stream in powder form. The powder is taken orally with food, washed down with a drink, but not more than 1 g at a time (a ball the size of a match head). It is more convenient to take the powder in capsules with water. The composition, dosage and method of use are always written on the packaging and instructions.

Rectal suppositories with beaver jet

Rectal suppositories are used as an adjuvant to enhance treatment. They are indispensable for genitourinary diseases in men. Candles are made from pharmaceutical candles or any unsalted fat of animal origin. Bear fat is especially good; in ancient times it was used to treat sexual impotence, and in combination with beaver stream it gives a double effect.

Indications for use of beaver stream

Just like bear bile, beaver stream is used to treat more than 100 different diseases. It is a universal natural substance that has a general strengthening, tonic and rejuvenating effect on the body; helps improve the functioning of the circulatory, cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems, normalize hormonal levels, stop inflammatory and tumor processes, relieve seizures, and neutralize the effects of radiation exposure. The ability of beaver stream to quickly increase immunity and have an antibacterial effect allows it to be successfully used to treat herpes, sinusitis, viral respiratory diseases, purulent pneumonia, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis and silicosis of the lungs, etc. The effect can be achieved especially quickly when using badger or bear fat and beaver jet together: coughs go away very quickly, including the cough of smokers, pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi are destroyed. Beaver stream has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of severe blood diseases, tumor formation processes, hepatitis A and B, diseases of the stomach, liver and pancreas. It is also used for angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, low and high blood pressure, as well as to restore lost functions in case of paralysis due to stroke. For various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, beaver stream is used externally for rubbing: the pain goes away almost from the first use. Internal administration of medications from beaver stream helps almost double the healing of wounds and shorten the rehabilitation period after various injuries and surgical interventions. This happens due to the fact that beaver stream extract is a natural remedy that enhances metabolism and stimulates the recovery of the body. The beneficial effect of beaver stream on the circulatory system is to strengthen the walls of venous vessels, resolve old blood clots and prevent the formation of new ones. Therefore, it is an indispensable remedy in the treatment of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. The therapeutic effect manifests itself in the form of complete disappearance of pain, reduction of swelling, relief of inflammation and achievement of long-term improvement, up to complete recovery. The powerful anti-inflammatory effect of beaver stream allows it to be successfully used to treat skin diseases of various origins: furunculosis, eczema, psoriasis, etc. When an infusion of this remedy is instilled into the eyes, stye and allergic diseases are cured, inflammation is relieved, itching disappears, and by activating blood circulation in the vessels, vision very quickly improves. The same thing happens with hearing when a healing infusion is instilled into the ears. Ear plugs dissolve, damage to the auditory nerve is cured, and even thought processes are accelerated, which is the result of improved blood supply to the blood vessels of the brain. Good results are achieved when treating gynecological diseases in women with beaver stream; impotence, premature ejaculation and inflammatory processes in the genital organs in men. Thanks to regular intake of beaver stream infusion, you can cope with prostate adenoma, prostatitis, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system such as cystitis, urethritis, etc. without surgery. Almost immediately after starting to use this remedy, pain and cramps when urinating disappear, cysts in women resolve, colpitis, candidiasis and bartholinitis go away. This therapeutic effect of the beaver stream is explained by its ability to improve blood circulation (normal blood flow is restored in the pelvic area). Just like bear bile, beaver stream goes well with almost all pharmacological drugs and methods of treatment used in official medicine.

Reviews from men about the properties and benefits of beaver stream

There are many different opinions about the benefits of beaver stream. Having systematized the reviews of men who treated problems in the genitourinary area, we came to the conclusion that the main difficulty is to buy a quality product or raw material. And the second problem is to start drinking the infusion, because the strong and persistent smell of beaver stream is frightening. But those who have been drinking for a week no longer pay attention to this. Even the most zealous skeptics have a positive effect: it is easier to get up in the morning, you are less tired during the day, a persistent erection in the morning, etc., and if you drink the full course, then you forget about age, and chronic diseases recede. Women's revelations about how to survive the honeymoon after 50 are also interesting.

The range of applications of castoreum is wide, but we use it little. We spend money on a “miracle” drug with an incomprehensible but beautiful name, we take synthetic drugs, for example, for impotence, and we don’t understand why the liver started to hurt?

This article was written to help men be healthy: you shouldn’t rely only on pharmacies, our body is smart and capable of living in harmony with nature. Let's use antibiotics and other complex chemical compounds in extreme cases; if there is an opportunity to use natural medicines, do not refuse. The genetic memory of our ancestors lives within us; it tells us what is the best treatment.

Homemade beaver stream tincture

After it is determined what beaver stream treats, it is necessary to understand how it is prescribed and in what schemes for various forms of release. Beaver stream tincture is produced by various companies; you can prepare it yourself. For the last option you will need alcohol. It is necessary to take castoreum in the ratio of 100 g of substance per 500 ml of alcohol, process the product into powder (or use a ready-made substrate), put it in a container, fill it with liquid and close it. Infuse the resulting mixture for 7-10 days, then dilute it again with alcohol or vodka until it turns dark brown. This liquid is ready for use

It is important to know how to prepare beaver stream at home. This is also required for the manufacture of suppositories.

For this purpose, herbal candles are purchased at the pharmacy; they should be melted at home and castoreum previously crushed into powder should be added. The resulting mass is placed in a mold and placed in the freezer.

What is a beaver (badger) stream?

This is the name given to the contents of the paired glands that are found in the body of any beaver. While the animal grows and develops, the glands accumulate a complex complex of organic compounds. And at moments when the beaver hibernates or suffers from illness, the reverse process occurs - the glands begin to nourish the body, trigger adaptogenic processes and stimulate the immune system. It turns out that the beaver constantly has with him a complex of strong immunomodulators and nutrients.

Experienced harvesters know that glands must be extracted in such a way that the animal does not have time to get scared and does not suffer in any way. In this case, the beaver does not have time to use the products of its own glands, and their healing power will be maximum. The main thing is to immediately remove the remnants of foreign flesh, and the organs themselves contain a natural antiseptic substance and are not subject to rotting.

Based on the fact that the badger does not and cannot have such a secret, the question of how to receive the badger stream disappears by itself. However, one can talk endlessly about the use of beaver jet. It is known that it helps in the treatment of more than 150 diseases, and is also quite effective for preventive purposes.

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