Stimulation of points on the body helps increase potency

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder manifested by decreased potency, libido, deterioration of erection, premature ejaculation, and lack of satisfaction from intimacy. Massage to increase potency in men is an auxiliary method of treating sexual impotence. There are several methods of performing the procedure, which have their own characteristics and contraindications. Ideally, the manipulation should be carried out by a highly qualified massage therapist. Let's consider what types of massage help cure impotence?

Why act on active points?

Normal function of the genital organs is the most important component of a man’s health. Due to erectile dysfunction, prostate pain, impaired ejaculation and lack of orgasm, he loses self-confidence. Moreover, prolonged absence of normal sexual activity can cause mental disorders.

It is a mistaken opinion that with the help of medications alone it is possible to achieve normalization of potency. And although today the pharmacological industry offers men drugs against impotence, which can be taken with food, along with alcohol, their prolonged use is still harmful to the male body.

The human body has a large number of points, when exposed to which certain functions are activated. Undoubtedly, among them there are those that are responsible for normal erection, full ejaculation and vivid orgasm. By influencing them, you can not only increase potency, but also get rid of chronic problems in the intimate sphere. And this is of great importance not only for male self-esteem, but also for enjoying a full, active life.

About the benefits of prostate massage

This type of effect on the male body is perhaps one of the oldest. If used correctly, there is every chance of returning your former male strength without chemicals. It can also be practiced at home. However, for this you need to know all the intricacies of such a massage, otherwise if it is done incorrectly, it can only cause harm.

First of all, you need to know that the indications for it are complications that develop in the body as a result of chronic inflammation of the prostate. These are chronic pain in the pelvic area, erectile dysfunction, and ejaculation disorders.

Therapeutic prostate massage for potency has the following effects.

  1. The functioning of the prostate gland is restored. This occurs because the secretion of the gland is released out, which eliminates its stagnation.
  2. Blood circulation in the organ is significantly improved. And this is quite enough to restore normal potency - and all this without powders, drops and tablets.
  3. If you regularly do finger massage, the prostate gradually restores its normal tone.
  4. Through massage, it is possible to achieve a complete outflow of blood and lymph from the organ.

Read also: Using ointments and creams for potency
Remember that massage should not cause pain to a man, and therefore it must be done carefully.

Is it possible to massage the genitals?

This is an excellent home remedy for impotence, and therefore it not only can, but also should be used for problems in the sexual sphere. The massage restores potency well and is suitable for almost any age.

Here are some points to increase potency that need to be stimulated if intimate problems arise.

  1. The point located between the coccyx and the anus. Before stimulating it, you need to rub your palms to warm them up. Massage this area is done in a circular motion.
  2. Massaging the skin located above the pubic bone increases testosterone production. It is excellent for combating erectile dysfunction. The massage technique is very simple - warm up your palm, close the scrotum with one hand, and use the other to stimulate the skin in the indicated area with soft circular movements.
  3. Massage of the penis and testicles is carried out after the first two types of exposure to biologically active points.

All types of massage should be done very carefully and carefully, using only gentle and soft strokes. Without the necessary skills, this can be not only useless, but also harmful. Now there are a large number of training videos on the Internet where you can learn in detail how to do massage to improve erection and ejaculation.

What types of massage are good for potency?

Erectile dysfunction is caused by various reasons. In medical practice, two large groups of etiological factors are distinguished. Organic impotence develops as a result of serious disorders in the body - diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, arterial hypertension. Psychogenic dysfunction is a consequence of stress, nervous tension, depression, self-doubt, low self-esteem, sexual phobias, etc.

To restore the functionality of the reproductive system, the following types of massage are used:

  • Impact on the prostate gland (massaging the organ through the anus);
  • Thai massage (acupuncture or acupressure);
  • Massage of the testicles, scrotum, penis;
  • Erotic massage;
  • Visceral chiropractic (Taoist practice).

In addition to health benefits, each type of massage has its own contraindications, which must be taken into account without fail. Otherwise, not only does sexual function not improve, but the clinical picture also worsens significantly.

Massage of acupuncture points

Acupuncture affects active points that are responsible for potency and erection. Active points are located mainly on the hands and feet. Their location is as follows:

  • 1 - 1.5 centimeters below the wrist bone;
  • a point located in the center of the wrist;
  • the place between the lower back and the tailbone;
  • point on the heel tendon;
  • a point located in the lower back;
  • a point located slightly above the ankle;
  • points on the stomach, along the back and on the limbs;
  • a point located slightly below the navel;
  • point under the little finger.
  • massage of the area between the heel and ankle (impact on this area normalizes the functioning of the prostate, which is very important for a normal sex life) and others.

Read also Causes and treatment of libido disorders in men

During acupuncture, active points located along the main energy meridians are affected using special needles. Each section is responsible for certain processes. Massaging these points will increase potency and relieve prostate problems. Sometimes additional stimulation of active points may be required through massage or even a weak electric current.

The duration of each impact on such points is no more than 20 minutes. Usually after 10 days there is a lasting and noticeable improvement. However, you don’t need to stop there: after a week’s break, you need to resume exposure. This will help consolidate the results and prevent relapses.

What causes malfunction of sexual functions and what points are important

Poor blood supply to the cavernous bodies in the pelvic organs brings a special resonance, which unsettles all representatives of the stronger sex, affecting depressing indicators of the absence or unstable state of erection, low libido, not to mention the constantly accompanying stress against the background of these disorders. These principles are accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle, which results in stagnation of the genitourinary blood supply.

Even in cases where the muscle tissue of the pelvic region is constantly tense, lymph circulation is disrupted. And the nature of this discomfort is:

  1. Incorrectly selected underwear, where the external genitalia are closely pressed and are constantly in this state.
  2. Postural deformities.
  3. Sedentary work, little movement.
  4. No physical activity.
  5. Depressive states, stressful situations, prolonged nervous tension.

Doctors of Chinese medicine recommend wearing comfortable and spacious underwear for active sexual activity with a long-lasting erection and a full arsenal of readiness to have sex at any time, as well as constantly improving the flexibility of your body below the belt.

When using massaging effects on acupuncture points for a high rate of sexual power, blood flow is stimulated to the cavernous bodies of the penis and all organs closely associated with it, which has an excellent and very fruitful effect on male reproductive function. Places for activation of renal activity are also noted, which means that the genitourinary system begins to act productively, which is very favorable for enhancing sexual desire and strengthening erectile function.

The main points are located in the areas of the hands and feet of the human body. To find a hot spot for increasing potency on your hand, you need to:

  • by manipulating the thumb and index finger of the left palm, squeeze the wrist of the right upper limb;
  • for the correct direction of action, you should slide with a gentle movement towards the elbow by 10 millimeters.
  • There you will find activating points.

In fact, not everyone is able to feel these same contacts with the potency stimulant the first time. To accurately calculate the steps, look at the instructions for finding them with detailed descriptions and photographs. It is also important to calculate the force of influence correctly; you should not press hard, you need to lightly massage, gently touching the depths of the activator.

For what pathologies can acupuncture be prescribed?

There are a number of pathologies in which men suffer from erectile dysfunction. For some of them, the use of anti-impotence pills is contraindicated. However, nothing prevents you from using acupuncture on active points. Of course, this must be done carefully and in moderation.

Thus, acupuncture as a means of combating impotence is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Parkinson's syndrome;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • pathologies associated with impaired blood circulation in muscles;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of neuroendocrine origin;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the prostate;
  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diabetes.

In addition, acupuncture is also used in cases of alcohol abuse and smoking (after all, these bad habits contribute to erectile dysfunction and ejaculation).


Such patients need to be examined by other specialists to identify urethral complications, cancer, etc. It is also important to rule out any other problems that may be specific to the region.

  • Lumbar (radiculopathy/neurodynamics).
  • Hip joint.
  • Sacroiliac joint.
  • Abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, transverse abdominis).
  • Breathing pattern.

Physical therapists who specialize in pelvic floor problems can palpate the pelvic floor muscles and look for trigger points in the puborectalis, obturator, and coccygeus/iliococcygeus muscles.

The assessment should also include activation pattern, endurance, contractile velocity and questionnaires.

When should acupuncture sessions not be performed?

Unfortunately, acupuncture cannot always be practiced as a way to get rid of erectile dysfunction. Thus, some experts do not recommend these sessions for mental disorders. Acupuncture is strictly prohibited in case of infectious pathologies, because new inflammatory foci may appear.

It is strictly forbidden to do acupuncture for tumors of benign and malignant nature. Other diseases for which these procedures are not allowed:

  • acute pain syndrome;
  • hemophilia;
  • breathing disorders in the stage of decompensation;
  • fever;
  • pronounced exhaustion of the body, as well as dystrophy.

It is strictly forbidden to conduct acupuncture sessions while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

So, improvement points can restore the male body, and in particular, its sexual function. Proper use of massage and acupuncture restores activity and significantly improves the quality of life. Like any other procedures, they must be done carefully and in moderation, paying attention to the presence of contraindications.

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