Proper massage of the testicles: maximum benefit and pleasure

Benefits of scrotal massage

To understand the feasibility of a massage procedure, you need to familiarize yourself with the functions of the testicles of men. Sperm are produced in their convoluted tubules. The maturation process occurs immediately. It ends after 77 days, after which the reproductive cell is redirected to the appendage.

The described scheme is typical for healthy sexually mature men. In the presence of unfavorable factors, disturbances in the processes of sperm production and transportation are observed.

Pathology can be provoked by:

  • stress, mental disorders, depression;
  • physical or psychological exhaustion;
  • some chronic diseases;
  • STD;
  • poor lifestyle (addictions, low mobility, frequent consumption of junk food).

Slowing down the processes of production and transportation of sperm is fraught with infertility, ischemic damage to the scrotum and penis, and impotence. Massaging the male genital organs is both a means of preventing these pathologies and is part of their complex therapy. Patients note an increase in the volume of ejaculate ejected.


Rubbing, acupressure and massage are useful for testosterone levels, but are not suitable for monotherapy of advanced diseases and are not an alternative to conservative therapy. To improve your well-being in such cases, it is not enough to know how to massage the testicles; you need to consult a doctor. He will create a multicomponent treatment program.

During the procedure, not only the vas deferens and seminiferous tubules are affected, but also the lymph nodes and lytic venous network. As a result, the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems is normalized, signs of congestion and accompanying inflammatory processes disappear.

Egg massage is ideal for solving sexual problems. By reducing the time it takes for the cavernous bodies to fill with blood, an erection occurs much faster, reducing the need for additional stimulants like porn videos.

Elimination of inflammatory symptoms - including swelling - allows you to involve a larger number of tissues in the process of penis enlargement. This leads to an increase in the elasticity and volume of the erect penis. The refractive period is also shortened. The partner recovers much faster after ejaculation, which leads to an increase in the number of sexual acts.

Couples massage of the testicles is no longer just a procedure to improve blood circulation and a way to increase fertility, but also an erotic game. Stroking the scrotum, penis, prostate stimulation is an excellent foreplay: it allows you to diversify your sex life and helps increase trust between a man and a woman.


The massage procedure is recommended to achieve the following results:

  • Normalization of erectile function;
  • Stimulation of blood circulation;
  • Improving seminal fluid production;
  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Providing the necessary amount of testosterone in the body.

Thanks to its complex effects, testicular massage for men is important not only from the point of view of potency. With the help of technology, the treatment of inflammation in the genital area is accelerated and fertility is increased.

Also, therapeutic massage sessions are recommended by medical specialists to solve the following problems:

  • Difficulty with ejaculation;
  • Unstable erection during an act of intimacy;
  • Unsatisfactory spermogram indicators;
  • Tendency to develop urological inflammatory diseases.

Doctors advise carrying out massage sessions in the morning, when the processes of the reproductive system are at their peak of activity. However, from the point of view of sex therapists, to improve erectile function, manipulations should be performed before bedtime in order to increase the synthesis of testosterone, the production of which occurs at night.

Correct execution of the technique ensures:

  • Stable and lasting erection;
  • High level of sexual desire;
  • Increased “experience” at the moment of climax.

Rules for massage

To get the maximum benefit, you need to learn how to properly massage your eggs.

Recommendations and comments for preparing and performing the procedure at home:

  • Before practicing the technique, it is necessary to warm up the scrotum. To do this, the testicles are stroked and kneaded with light movements for 2-3 minutes. A hot bath will also give the desired effect.
  • The total duration of the massage session should not exceed 6 minutes.
  • You can only touch the genitals with warm hands. When exposed to cold, the paired male gonads reflexively rise up and contract. The therapeutic effect on them is difficult.
  • To perform it correctly, apply lubricant to your hands. This is necessary because the testicles are covered with thin skin that is easily damaged by friction.


To understand how to massage your testicles with maximum effectiveness, you need to have all the necessary information. The duration of the session, the number of procedures per week and the technique are determined based on the state of health and the severity of the indications. Therefore, it makes sense to make an appointment with a specialist, undergo a full examination, and only then practice stimulation.

How to properly massage a man's testicles

As mentioned above, the first massage should be performed by a specialist after a thorough examination. If the doctor is convinced that there are no contraindications to the procedure, he will show you the principles of self-massage.

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The first stage of rubbing is warming up. If this rule is not followed, the result may be unpredictable. Because of the cold, the testicles rise and “hide” deep into the scrotum. In this position, the massage will be painful and ineffective. To warm up the groin area, you can use a warm towel, shower or bath. The massage therapist's hands should also be warm.

If a man massages the testicles on his own, this can be done after a warm bath in a comfortable lying position. You need to take a few drops of lubricant on your hands (if not, then massage oil). This is done in order to reduce the risk of injury to the delicate skin of the scrotum. There are three main techniques that men can carry out on their own. The technique is described in the table below.

Rubbing with thumbsPatting the scrotumTesticle massage
Use the thumbs of each hand to make circular movements around each testicle. In this case, the palms are under the scrotum. From time to time, you can apply soft, light pressing movements. The index fingers of the hands should be used to pat the contour of each testicle. The massage ends with rubbing the perineum. With one hand you need to move the penis upward (it should not be on the scrotum). The index and middle fingers of the other hand make rubbing movements from top to bottom.

The rubbing procedure using any method should take no more than 10 minutes. The result of the massage is a warm heated scrotum. Men themselves evaluate the intensity of the procedures and can stop it at the stage when the testicles are warm enough. Rubbing should not cause pain or discomfort.

Pain during massage

This phenomenon is one of the rare side effects. Occurs as a result of irradiation. It is not always a reason to terminate the treatment program or a sign of an incorrect session. The decision must be made based on the character and type and pain.

Symptoms for which you should not stop the course:

  • The manifestations are moderate, occur during the session or at its end, and cover the perineum and groin area. After a short period they disappear on their own.
  • The pain makes itself felt when urinating.


To reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to refrain from visiting the toilet for the first 30 minutes after the end of the procedure.

If the pain sensations do not match those described, then you should re-familiarize yourself with how to massage the testicles and change the technology. If symptoms worsen, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the problem lies in the presence of branches to the procedure.

Indications and contraindications

The ban may be temporary or permanent. Absolute contraindications for the procedure:

  • neoplasms in the massaged area;
  • tuberculosis of the genital organs;
  • varicocele stage II, III;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • diseases of the rectum (when using direct prostate massage techniques).

Temporary contraindications include injuries to the genital organs and exacerbation of cystitis. The tap is removed as the disease subsides or after recovery.

In the absence of the listed pathologies, you can begin to learn how to massage the testicles and penis. The procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  • low fertility;
  • insufficient testosterone production;
  • low sperm motility;
  • ineffectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of prostatitis;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • decreased interest in the opposite sex in general and in the partner in particular;
  • predisposition to inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  • chronic bacterial prostatitis;
  • atonic state of the prostate gland.

The measure is also used for diagnostic purposes. During an erotic massage, a specialist is able to notice cancerous and cystic formations in the penis, prostate, and testicles.

The benefits of eggs for potency

They are filled with easily digestible elements that can increase a man's libido and fertility. The effect of eggs on potency is due to the presence of such substances as:

  1. B vitamins. Strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems, improve metabolism, and participate in the process of spermatogenesis.
  2. Vitamin E has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them, increases fertility and activates sperm production.
  3. Vitamin C supports the immune system and takes part in the production of testosterone and serotonin.
  4. Amino acids. Necessary for the normal functioning of the genitourinary system and the formation of muscle mass.
  5. Vitamin A, which prevents early cell aging and activates metabolic processes.
  6. Vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous, hematopoietic and reproductive systems.
  7. Zinc improves the activity of the prostate gland.
  8. Lecithin is involved in regulating the content of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevents the development of atherosclerosis, which suppresses male potency.

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In general, they improve the health of the body, strengthen its protective functions, promote normal lipid metabolism, and increase endurance. Also, with regular use of this product, energy is quickly restored, resistance to stress increases, metabolism is improved, which promotes weight loss, and improves sleep quality.

Execution technique

The first method is suitable for independent implementation. Here's how to massage your testicles for maximum results:

  1. take the penis in your hand, move it a little to the side;
  2. With your free hand, grab the base of the eggs;
  3. stretching the testicles slightly;
  4. lightly tap the scrotum from bottom to top;
  5. Mash each egg separately.


When kneading, you cannot rotate or twist, you need to press and stroke.

The second method is practiced together with a partner. When he is attracted, they lie on their back and relax. The woman lifts her penis up and then slowly runs her fingertips from the base of the testicles to the head of the penis. The movement is repeated, alternately changing hands, and then the tongue and mouth are involved in the process.

How to massage the testicles with prostate inflammation?

Physiotherapy is prescribed by a specialist. It is not recommended to decide to undergo the procedure on your own. It can take place in conjunction with drug treatment, improving the absorption of components. Doctors usually prohibit massage in case of bactericidal infection or acute inflammatory process.

Attention! There should be no pain. If they are present, you should consult your doctor. The procedure is either stopped or referred to a physiotherapist. It is often impossible to carry out a massage on your own if you have an inflamed prostate.

We must not forget about preliminary preparation. It is no different from the one described above. The scrotum is stroked from bottom to top and back. The testicles are massaged with stroking movements, raised to the head, and lowered down. Use your palms, not your fingers. This allows you to strengthen the seminal canals, normalize blood flow, eliminate or alleviate pain.

Stretching massage

First of all, it is addressed to patients who are dissatisfied with the duration of sexual intercourse and the level of male sex hormone. Sequencing:

  1. Gently squeeze the upper part of the penis with your left palm;
  2. use the index finger and thumb of your right hand to grasp the base of the scrotum (if everything is done correctly, the skin will stretch);
  3. With your left hand, pull the genitals up, and with your right hand begin to pull the scrotum down (act in parallel).

Duration of exposure: 5-10 seconds.

Effect on testosterone levels in the blood

The testicles are the glands through which testosterone is synthesized. It is needed for the ability to experience arousal, and is also responsible for the expression of secondary sexual characteristics.

With low mobility of a man, blood flow in the organ decreases, oxygen supply decreases, which causes stagnation. The result is a decrease in the production of sex hormones, which directly affects the ability to achieve an erection and experience sexual desire. Additional negative consequences are an unpleasant sensation in the scrotum area, which later becomes painful.

To prevent such processes, a massage effect on the testicles is recommended. With its help, blood flow is normalized, which reduces the likelihood of sexual dysfunction.

Mantek Chia massage

At the beginning, the man is recommended to warm up his genitals. To do this, you need to lift the penis and testicles, and place the thumb of your free hand on the latter. It should be positioned so that the pad can move freely along the edge of the scrotum. Swipe from top to bottom, check for seals. If you find them, massage them with light pressure. Repeat the manipulation on the other side.

The preparatory stage is completed. The technique itself consists of performing the following actions:

  • placing fingers under the testicles;
  • pressing with the thumb on the dividing notch of the scrotum;
  • fixing the right testicle in the palm of your hand (move your thumb to the right side, outline the circumference of the testicle with your finger);
  • palpation of the superficial veins of the left testicle, identification of deposits;
  • targeted massaging of detected seals.

The procedure shows effectiveness with a moderate duration of the massage session. You should not practice one technique for more than 2 minutes (per 1 testicle).

Preparing for a massage

It is necessary to take a number of measures in addition to pre-warming the hands and male genitals.

Basic requirements and recommendations:

  • You should abstain from food. The procedure is carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating.
  • When attracting a partner, you need to agree on honesty. It will be easier for a woman to understand how to massage the testicles if a man guides her and tells her the truth about his feelings.
  • Oral sex is possible as a warm-up.

It is also necessary to observe hygiene rules. Before the session begins, all involved parts of the body are thoroughly washed.

Auxiliary items for massage

During the massage process at home, you can use auxiliary items: specialized purchased ones and improvised ones. The first category includes: pump and vibrating massagers for the testicles. Devices of the latter type are usually made in the form of pads with a recess. The cavity is filled with the scrotum, after which the device is turned on and the desired mode is set. Further recommendations on how to massage the testicles should be found in the instructions for use.

A warm, damp towel has proven itself to be a good option. It is placed on the palm, and then the testicles begin to be massaged. You can also achieve increased potency with a bag of rice or buckwheat. Do it as follows:

  • the cereal is heated in a frying pan, cooled to a comfortable temperature;
  • cereals are poured into a fabric bag (should take up about half the space);
  • a warm bag from below is adjusted to the lower part of the scrotum, then delicately clasped;
  • Roll the contents of the bag of cereals with slow, smooth movements.

The value of the procedure is difficult to exaggerate. Manipulation at home is indispensable in case of decreased potency and problems with conceiving a child. When performed systematically, signs of erectile dysfunction disappear, and a couples massage of the testicles helps to become closer to your partner. However, to reap maximum benefits for the body and men’s health, you will have to learn to do everything correctly. If you apply excessive force or apply pressure for too long, a hematoma may form on the scrotum.

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