How to use almond oil for eyelashes and eyebrows, reviews of use


Almond oil for eyelashes is used to strengthen hair roots, lengthen eyelashes, giving them shine and silkiness. The following ingredients contribute to this:

  • oleic and linoleic acids;
  • vitamins A, F and E;
  • magnesium, zinc, iron, sodium and phosphorus.

Walnut squeeze is rich in antioxidants and proteins, which have a beneficial effect on the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and improve the condition of eyelash and eyebrow hairs.

Simple rules on how to use almond oil for eyelashes and eyebrows.

  • These areas need to be cleared of makeup and washed.
  • Apply the product with a clean brush, which is used to apply mascara (it is best to wash it in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly). For eyebrows, in addition to such brushes, it is permissible to use cotton pads or cotton swabs.
  • To grow eyelashes, almond oil should be applied with cotton swabs along the edges of hair growth on the eyelids, thus strengthening the bulbs. If you apply the product with a mascara wand, you need to start from the middle of the eyelash: this extract is very liquid and will flow down to the root on its own.
  • For eyebrow growth, it is better to apply almond oil before bed, combing the hairs in the direction of growth. After this, you can massage your eyebrows with your fingertips - this will improve the absorption of nutrients. This procedure is especially recommended for those who regularly dye their eyebrows.
  • Almond oil for eyelids: soak a cotton swab in a slightly warmed substance and apply to the skin with gentle blotting movements. Can be left overnight. This application is recommended for women over 30 years old, when the skin in the eye area begins to thin and dry out. The product will also be useful for those who constantly use decorative cosmetics for the eyelids.

What are the benefits of almond oil?

The beneficial properties of almonds have been known to mankind for more than 8 thousand years. This plant is native to China and the Mediterranean, where it is still grown to this day. Almond is a small tree or bush with beautiful inflorescences of delicate flowers. The fruit of the almond tree is not a nut, as many are accustomed to believe, but a drupe, more reminiscent of a peach pit. Almond oil is obtained from the kernels of the drupe.

Unrefined almond oil is obtained by cold pressing: with this processing method, it retains more beneficial substances. Thanks to this, it has found wide application in cooking. Refined oil, which is extracted at high temperatures, has less nutritional value and costs less.

The fruits of the almond tree contain substances that are beneficial for health and strengthening the body.

Composition and properties

Almond oil is a universal product that is successfully used for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Its composition is simply a storehouse of useful substances:

  • monounsaturated oleic acid;
  • polyunsaturated linoleic acid;
  • vitamins E, B2, K, F;
  • carotenes;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc and phosphorus.

In the cosmetic industry, almond extract is used to create anti-aging and moisturizing products, gels, soaps, shampoos, etc. The oil makes the skin soft and elastic, gives it radiance and moisturizes. Due to the high content of vitamins, the squeeze is ideal for caring for eyelashes and eyebrows: vitamins A and F improve hair growth, vitamin B2 has a strengthening effect.

Video: beneficial properties of almond oil

How to choose and store oil correctly

High-quality almond oil has a slight yellow tint and a nutty odor; there should be no sediment at the bottom of the bottle. It is better to use unrefined almond oil to care for eyelashes and eyebrows.

It is best to buy almond oil in a small dark glass container, because due to contact with air and light, the shelf life of the product is sharply reduced.

Buy almond oil only in dark glass jars

The oil must be stored in a dark place, avoiding frequent temperature changes. If unopened, almond extract can be stored for up to 12 months.

Precautionary measures

To prevent oil from getting into your eyes and causing irritation, you must follow these rules:

  • apply the product with a clean brush from used mascara;
  • apply the product only to clean eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • do not use oil if there is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes or skin;
  • paint the eyelashes from the middle: since the oil is quite liquid, it will flow down the hairs itself;
  • do not leave the oil overnight so that it does not get into your eyes;
  • Before use, perform an allergy test.

If it gets into the eyes, almond oil can cause discomfort, irritation of the mucous membranes and swelling. If this does happen, rinse your eyes with warm water and make a lotion from chamomile infusion or tea. If symptoms of irritation persist, consult a doctor.

When using almond oil, be careful - it can cause irritation if it gets into your eyes.


The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance. Otherwise, there are no obstacles to its use: the use can be both daily and situational, in its pure form or in combination with other means.

Hair loss from eyelashes and eyebrows is a natural process, but if there is excessive hair loss or changes in the condition of the skin in these places, you should first consult a dermatologist or trichologist. This may be due to diseases that require an integrated approach to treat.

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How to apply the product to eyelashes

How to paint eyelashes with oil? The same as with mascara. There are several options. Can be applied in a zigzag or straight line. There is also a method of “light strokes”, in which you need to carefully paint over the eyelashes, starting from the inner edge of the eye. Please note that you do not need to paint your eyelashes all the way to the roots; almond oil is quite liquid and will flow down on its own. After application, wait 20 minutes, after which we simply wipe the hairs with a paper napkin.

Almond oil is a very capricious cosmetic product, the use of which requires care and regularity. There are several secrets that will significantly speed up the process of strengthening eyelashes:

  • never apply the product to painted eyelashes, always wash your face thoroughly before the procedure;
  • the result will be noticeable only after a month of daily use, so try not to forget about evening beauty treatments;
  • do not wash off almond oil with water; when the oily base and water interact, the skin pores become clogged, this can cause the appearance of stye.
  • Before use, it is recommended to warm the almond oil a little; this can be done in your hands or using a water bath.

Photos before and after applying almond oil

Indications for use

Possessing unique properties, the scope of application of almond oil is limitless. It perfectly helps in caring for hair, facial skin and body.

Possessing regenerative properties, it is perfectly used in medicine as a wound healing agent. Almond oil is indispensable for the following problems:

  • Intense hair loss
  • Damage due to extensions or bioperms
  • Sensitive to weather changes and environmental influences
  • Eyelashes were dyed
  • Poor growth
  • Naturally sparse and short eyelashes
  • Brittle eyelashes due to frequent use of mascara and makeup removers

Almond oil will lengthen and thicken even short and naturally sparse eyelashes, the main thing is to use it regularly, and in just a few weeks you can see the result.

Almond oil will lengthen and thicken even naturally short and sparse eyelashes.

How to use eyelash oils

  • Determine frequency of use.
    If you need oil to prevent hair loss or general strengthening, apply it to your eyelashes at least twice a week. If the goal is to restore hairs damaged by cosmetic procedures or other destructive factors, nourish your eyelashes every day for a month.
  • Find out if you have an allergic reaction.
    It doesn’t matter whether you use only base oils or the masks also include essential oils, be sure to try the product on the crook of your elbow before use. Apply the mixture to your skin and wait five to ten minutes. No reaction - you can use it.
  • Use it correctly.
    Before the procedure, be sure to wash your face and remove makeup from your eyelashes. Apply oil only to the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. Since you blink, some of the substance will end up on the skin and eyelashes of the lower eyelid. It is best to use a clean mascara brush for application, but a regular cotton swab will work. Use oils at room temperature. The exposure time is ten minutes, after several sessions it can be increased to thirty minutes.
  • Don't forget to remove your lenses.
    They should be put back on no earlier than an hour or two after the procedure.
  • Everything must be fresh.
    If you're making a mask with multiple oils, don't use too many. It is best to use a fresh product, since over time the composition will lose most of its beneficial properties.

Precautionary measures. Monitor your body's reaction carefully; if the oil irritates the skin, change it to another. Also, do not use too much of the product, as there is a risk that it will get on the mucous membrane. This is unpleasant and harmful, especially if it contains essential oils.

Now let's get acquainted with some recipes


  • Almond oil - 1 teaspoon
  • Essential (tea or geranium tree, rosemary and cloves) 6 drops.

Preparation: Mix this composition and shake well.

Usage: Apply the mixture using smooth movements as if applying mascara. You can apply it overnight and remove the residue with a dry towel or handkerchief in the morning. Do the procedure daily for 3-5 weeks.

Strengthening mask


  • Base - tablespoon
  • Sea buckthorn - a teaspoon.
  • Burdock - teaspoon
  • Vitamin E - 1 capsule.
  • A - 1 capsule.

Preparation: Pour the contents of the vitamin capsules into a small bowl. Warm the essential components and mix with all ingredients.

Usage: Dip a piece of cotton wool into the prepared mixture, soak well and place as a compress on your closed eyes and time for 30 minutes. Wipe off any residue with a soft towel. Use for a course of 20 days to 3 months. You can increase the period of use for better results.

Result: A cocktail of oils A and E nourishes, restores them after the extension procedure and accelerates growth.

A cocktail of oils A and E nourishes, restores them after the extension procedure and accelerates growth



  • Base - one tablespoon
  • Vitamin E - one capsule.
  • Fish oil - one capsule.
  • Olive - one tablespoon

Preparation: carefully pierce with a needle and pour out the liquid from all capsules. Using a thin wooden stick, mix with olive and almond esters until smooth.

Usage: Using your fingertips, apply to the top and bottom rows of bulb growth and leave for 20 minutes. Blot with a cotton pad.

Result: The base oil will strengthen the hairs, the olive saturates them with useful microelements, and fish oil will accelerate the growth of eyelashes.

The base oil will strengthen the hairs, the olive saturates them with beneficial microelements, and fish oil will accelerate the growth of eyelashes

Growth mask

Ingredients: burdock leaves and base

How to prepare: Mix 200g in a liter of hot water. dried burdock, leave for 15 minutes.

Important! Wait for the broth to cool and only then pour in the herbal oil. Use after 4 days of storage in a dark place.

Use every evening before bed.

Despite the fact that this is a natural product, you should still not forget about precautions in its use

Use in cooking

Almond seed fat has a pleasant nutty taste with a subtle bitterness. This substance is extracted from peeled seeds by cold pressing or liquid extraction. Interestingly, 100 g of fresh seeds yields about 50 ml of natural oil.

For culinary purposes, it is used to flavor baked goods, season cold vegetable dishes, sauces and dressings. In addition, nut fat goes well with side dishes of fish (especially trout), poultry and rice. Considering that the product loses its aroma at high temperatures, it is customary to add it to ready-made dishes.

Interestingly, in some countries almond concentrate is used instead of butter, dipped bread in it and eaten for breakfast.

Recipe No. 1 “Spicy California Dressing”


  • almond oil – 150 ml;
  • wine vinegar (red) – 75 ml;
  • almonds (kernels) – 50 g;
  • ketchup – 30 ml;
  • garlic – 20 g;
  • hot mustard (preferably Dijon) – 15 ml;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • dill seeds (ground) – 2 g;
  • cumin (ground) – 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the garlic in a wooden mortar and combine with salt.
  2. Peel the almonds, then grind the kernels in a blender (until smooth).
  3. Mix garlic with almond mixture.
  4. Pour vinegar, oil, ketchup and mustard into the resulting dressing, and then blend the mixture again in a blender.
  5. Add salt and spices to the sauce.

California dressing is served with cold meats, fish and sausages.

Recipe No. 2 “Sweet almond paste”


  • almonds (kernels) – 300 g;
  • chocolate (black) – 50 g;
  • almond oil – 50 ml;
  • honey – 40 ml;
  • cinnamon (ground) – 5 g;
  • sugar - to taste (if desired).

Cooking principle:

  1. Heat the almond grains in the oven for 10 minutes (at a temperature of 150 degrees).
  2. Grind the cooled nuts in a blender (at high speed). To ensure uniform crushing of the nuclei, the device is periodically turned off and the adhering mass is scraped off from its walls. Beat the nut butter until it becomes homogeneous and shines from the fat released on the surface.
  3. Combine the almond mass with chocolate, butter, honey and cinnamon, then re-beat the mixture in a blender. If desired, you can add sugar to the dish.

Almond butter can be used as sandwich butter, added to baked goods, or simply eaten with a spoon. The maximum shelf life of the product (in the refrigerator) is 1 month.

Application Tips

It should be remembered that almond oil, like any product, has subtleties in application. A few tips will help you avoid many problems:

  • You cannot use almond extract for problems with the dermis. For example, for acne, acne or inflammation. And also for diseases such as dermatitis and eczema;
  • It is prohibited to apply the product to eyelashes in case of diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctivitis. Unfortunately, this can exacerbate the disease;
  • before applying the oil, you should remove cosmetics not only from the eyebrows and eyelashes, but also from the entire face - otherwise cosmetics may get into your eyes;
  • If redness, itching or irritation occurs when applying almond extract, you should stop using it, immediately rinse your eyes with warm water and take an antiallergic medication.

The main thing you need when caring for your eyelashes and eyebrows is patience.

Almond oil perfectly helps restore hair structure, but only with long-term use. And the first results will be noticeable after one to two months of use. However, the effect of its use can be accelerated and enhanced. It is enough to use small tricks:

  • apply almond extract only to clean hairs;
  • before use, it is better to warm it in a water bath to room temperature;
  • for daily use, keep on eyelashes for no more than 25 minutes;
  • At the end of the procedure, do not rinse with water, but use substances that remove fatty components from the dermis.

Simple recipes

A good effect is achieved by mixing almond oil and burdock root, which also promotes hair growth. This mask will leave a lasting impression, because... your eyelashes will become thicker and fuller. But after one procedure you will not achieve as much success as if you do it two or three times a week for at least a month.

A mask made by mixing a few drops of almond oil and a glass of mineral water will give no less effect. Apply the mask to the eyelashes with a brush. The procedure can be done up to three times a day.

A very effective mixture of essential oils, which improve hair growth, and almond oil.

The majority of beauties use only almond oil to care for their eyelashes. To do this, the oil is heated in a water bath and applied to the eyelashes. Those. only warm oil will have the necessary effect.

Almond oil for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows has a unique healing effect. A characteristic property of almond oil is its softening effect. Thanks to this, your eyelashes will gain thickness and length. Nutrition, growth stimulation, hydration, and your eyelashes will become simply gorgeous.

Due to the fact that the oil made from almonds is not as fatty as all the others. Therefore, it can also be used as a makeup remover. And the skin of your eyelids will not feel heavy. And the rest of the oil will be absorbed into the skin without leaving a single greasy trace.

An important role in eyelash care is played by the fact that after masks with almond oil, hair follicles are restored, and eyelashes begin to fall out less.

If you massage with this oil, you will improve blood circulation in the eyelash growth area and restore pH balance. A very good mask that will improve the growth of eyelashes, give them nutrition and strength, is a mixture of almond, castor oils, as well as oils made from grape seeds and wheat germ. For a mixture with almond oil, you can use rose oil, which, like the components of almond oil, will slow down aging. In addition, it will help relieve skin irritation on the eyelid.

With the help of castor oil added to almond oil, eyelash growth will improve, their structure will be restored, and hair loss will be reduced. Nutrition, moisturizing, restoration of eyelash follicles - these properties will help you get lush and healthy eyelashes.

To prevent eyelash loss, you can use peach oil. They can also replace almond in case of individual intolerance.

The combination of burdock, castor and almond oils will strengthen and help restore eyelashes. No less effective is a mixture of fir and sea buckthorn oils with the addition of liquid vitamin A. You can strengthen your eyelashes with a mixture of almond, castor and olive oils, as well as fish oil. It wouldn’t hurt to add liquid vitamins E and A to this mixture.

By using mascara, you can also take care of your eyelashes at the same time. To do this, you need to add two or three drops of almond oil to the mascara itself.

You can also make eye compresses with almond oil, which will have a beneficial effect on both eyelashes and the skin of the eyelids. First you need to make a decoction of herbs. Melissa, mint, linden, green tea, and sage are suitable. Almond oil is added to the decoction of the listed herbs. After soaking cotton wool in this mixture, place them on your eyes. It is enough to keep such lotions for about twenty minutes.

You can also apply a mixture containing cognac or rum to the eyelashes. To do this, you need to add a few drops of these alcoholic drinks to the almond oil itself. The mixture should be applied with a brush, but very carefully so as not to get into your eyes. After such a mask, the eyelashes will become darker and more velvety.

Another wonderful product that cares for eyelashes is a mixture of vanilla and almond oil. To do this, add vanilla to fifty milliliters of oil. Some pods need to be chopped. Infuse for two weeks with mandatory daily shaking. After this period of time, the mask is applied to the eyelashes.

At night, eyelashes should be treated with almond oil alone, not mixed with anything. You should first remove absolutely all makeup from your eyes so that your eyelashes and skin are clean. Using a finger dipped in oil, you can perform a gentle and gentle massage of the eyelids. Or dip the brush into a bottle of oil and comb all the eyelashes. The mask on the eyelashes is removed only in the morning, i.e. eyelashes receive nutrition throughout the night. The duration of the course can be from two to three months.

By following all the rules of eyelash care, your eyes will always have a well-groomed and healthy look. And your eyelashes will thank you with their splendor and thickness. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to be afraid to experiment. After all, everything is in your hands!

Where to look for eyelash oil: review of products

Almond oil for eyelash growth can be found in almost any pharmacy, but if the pharmacist could not help, then we advise you to look at professional cosmetics stores. After looking at reviews about branded almond oil for strengthening and growing eyelashes, we compiled a short review of popular products on the domestic market.

Among the foreign products, almond oil produced is very popular. Of course, this product is much more expensive than domestic ones, but its effectiveness is evident. This oil is supplemented with active microelements and vitamins, as well as synthetic substances that accelerate the process of oil absorption into the eyelashes. Givenchy is used to restore eyelashes after artificial eyelash extensions.

The next most popular is cosmetics with the addition of Helena Rubinstein almond oil extract. This product is completely natural, and its advantage is that the oil is initially located in a convenient container.

The Chanel company produces good products with almond oil. In addition to medicinal mascara, this French company also produces drugs that help relieve tumors after eyelid blepharoplasty (we remember the regenerating properties of almonds), and caring shampoos for hair.

An infusion of burdock and almond oil works no less effectively for strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows. For a liter of water, take 200 grams of dry grass (in equal parts of leaves and roots), and five tablespoons of oil. Mix and hide in a dark place for 4 days. After using this product, it is recommended to wash your eyelashes once a day.

Imported products should be looked for on the official websites of companies, because... Yekaterinburg, for example, can hardly boast of Chanel stores with genuine products. Of course, the price of these products is appropriate, but beauty requires sacrifice, doesn’t it?

At home, you can make an oil mixture for eyelash growth. Ingredients: olive oil (drop), almond oil (2 drops), castor oil (drop). If desired, you can add burdock. This is a very effective drug for strengthening brittle eyelashes and giving them volume.

If your eyelashes are very sparse, then you need to add a special Peruvian balm to this product, which you need to look for in pharmacies. A little secret: to prevent the oil from spreading too much, it is recommended to add a couple of grams of Vaseline to the treatment mixture.

Do eyelashes grow from oil?

Important! Substances contained in almond oil stimulate the growth of eyelash hairs both through a direct effect on their structure and by enhancing microcirculation processes, which leads to the activation of restoration mechanisms in the eyelash bulbs.

This property of the solution is useful for eyelashes, which are thin and brittle on their own.

This product is also recommended for use by people who have undergone extension procedures, after which eyelash hairs may become brittle and fall out.

Hair growth after using this solution is not immediately noticeable .

For its effect to be obvious, the drug should be used daily for 2-3 months .

Almond oil for eyebrow care

Like eyelashes, eyebrows also need proper care. Beautiful and healthy eyebrows decorate the face, give beautiful expressiveness to the look and emphasize all the advantages of the face.

Almond is not suitable not only for eyelashes, but also for eyebrows. It serves as an excellent assistant in care after coloring, correction or tattooing. Its use allows you to return your eyebrows to their natural appearance, make them thicker, softer, and prevent them from growing in tufts.

Regular use ensures proper growth of eyebrow hairs, they will no longer stick out in different directions. The product is applied only to previously cleaned eyebrows, since accumulated dust in the air will reduce the beneficial effects of the oil and it will impregnate the hairs worse.

It is enough to apply a small amount of the product to the eyebrows and rub it in with light massage movements until the oil is well absorbed, then leave it for 20-25 minutes and remove the remaining residue with a dry paper napkin.

Almond is not suitable not only for eyelashes, but also for eyebrows. It serves as an excellent assistant in care after coloring, correction or tattooing.

This cosmetic product can be applied to both eyelashes and eyebrows, combining the procedure. For ease of use, you can moisten cotton pads with a small amount of oil and stick them to your eyebrows using a paper adhesive plaster. This method will allow you to walk comfortably and do household chores.

A few drops can be added to eyebrow dye. After coloring with this product, the eyebrows will be protected from the harmful effects of chemical components contained in any paint, which can lead to hair loss and deterioration in their growth.

How to care for eyelashes and eyebrows with almond oil

The care procedure includes applying masks, lubricating eyelashes and eyebrows with almond oil, as well as its use as part of nutritional mixtures of various cosmetic oils. The main key to obtaining the desired result is regular use of the chosen method.

Using the product in its pure form

This natural oil can be used in its pure form, applied in the evening to the eyebrows and eyelashes 1-2 hours before bedtime. To do this, you can use a cotton pad, brush, cotton swab, or even just your fingertips. For convenience, you can fill an old mascara tube with oil. Before doing this, you need to wash it thoroughly to prevent any remaining mascara from affecting the oil.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to create complexes, you can simplify the procedure for treating eyelashes with almond oil, making it absolutely simple and quick, but no less useful. It is enough to remove eye makeup daily using the product.

Using almond oil you can remove makeup and treat eyelashes at the same time.

Improvement in the condition of eyebrows and eyelashes will be noticeable within a week. However, the course of application should be at least 4–6 weeks.

Mixtures for restoring damaged eyelashes

It is very effective to use mixtures of cosmetic oils to restore damaged eyelashes. One of these recipes, which can give vitality to weakened eyelashes, combines three types of natural oils: castor, almond and burdock. It is necessary to mix these products in equal parts and apply the mixture to the eyelashes every evening before going to bed.

As an option, you can try a nutritious cocktail made of equal parts of almond, castor and olive oils. Duration of use: 1 month.

Burdock oil strengthens eyebrows and eyelashes and stimulates their growth

Masks for eyelash growth

For eyelash growth, it is necessary to prepare a nutritional complex. For this you will need:

  • 1 part castor oil;
  • 1 part almond oil;
  • 1 burdock oil;
  • fish oil (liquid or capsules);
  • 1 part vitamin E oil solution.

Vitamin E can be found on pharmacy shelves as part of the drug "AEvit".

Mix all ingredients in a porcelain or glass bowl and cover tightly with a lid or cling film. You need to lubricate your eyelashes with this vitamin complex every evening, and after 3-4 weeks of use, the result will not be long in coming. For convenience, you can take a used mascara tube. A brush will be convenient for applying oil to eyelashes, as well as adjusting the amount of mixture applied. The duration of the course is two months, then it is advisable to give the eyelashes a rest for some time.

Don’t forget to remove any remaining oil from your eyelashes in a timely manner. Otherwise, it can clog the pores and serve as a source of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes or barley. If you decide to remove excess product that has not been absorbed, do not rinse it off with water. Before washing, simply remove any remaining oil with a dry cloth or cotton pad.

The nourishing complex is conveniently applied to eyelashes using a mascara brush.

Treatments to stimulate eyebrow growth

Soak cotton pads with warm almond oil and press them to your eyebrows. After 10–15 minutes, thoroughly comb your eyebrows with a brush (you can use a toothbrush for this purpose) in the direction of hair growth for one to two minutes. In addition to the cosmetic effect, such a massage will improve blood circulation in the area of ​​eyebrow growth and have a stimulating effect on the growth of new hairs.

To accelerate eyebrow growth, it is also recommended to mix 3 drops of almond oil, wheat germ oil and grape seed oil. This composition activates the growth of new hairs and provides nutrition to existing hairs. It is recommended to warm the mixture a little and apply it to the eyebrows using a cotton swab. After 20 minutes, if necessary, blot off excess oils with a paper towel. Use this composition at least 2 times a week, and excellent results will not be long in coming.

Video: almond oil as part of a homemade cosmetic product

Does almond oil help eyelash growth?

The long-term use of almond oil in the practice of professional cosmetologists and adherents of alternative medicine has convinced them of the healing properties of the drug. The active elements of the extract are able to awaken non-functioning hair follicles of any type.

People suffering from hypotrichosis (abnormal loss of eyelashes, eyebrows, hair on the head and other parts of the body) resorted to treating the disease with a composition of almond, peach and castor oil in a 1:1:1 ratio. The method has proven itself to be excellent, and its effectiveness was noticeable after 14-20 days of using the mixture, as reviews indicate.

Almond oil also helps restore the natural structure and thickness of hair on the eyelids. Girls, dissatisfied with their thin eyelashes, used the product to acquire thicker and stronger hairs around the eyes.

We recommend reading:

  1. Lunar calendar for eyelash extensions
  2. Eyelash hypotrichosis
  3. Relous eyelash growth gel

Another important property is the ability to create an invisible, thin, but durable film on the edge of the eyelid and eyelashes. It not only protects skin and hair from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, low temperatures and cosmetics, but also helps to add volume to mascara-colored eyelashes.

Often girls complain about eyelash loss and weakening after extension procedures. To restore and improve the natural vegetation around the eyes, almond oil is also used in combination with castor oil, the reviews of which are simply amazing!

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